#no offense bc the other lady is also beautiful and unlike some people i have class and won't bring down her looks just bc she isn't my
xxxavo · 4 years
Sin getting upset bc he see’s Kouen flirting with his s/o (I mean they both already don’t like each other).So sins getting all alpha dog and is trying to get him to bck off
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Requested by: anonymous
Warnings: A hint of verbal NSFW towards the end? (better known as...LIMEy) Not swear words but a few rude words? Idk
Suddenly getting back into Magi so might be a few imagines being thrown around here and there, depends on how long this lasts!! Feeling a NSFW scenario manifesting itself into my drafts after writing this, I won't lie, but no actual NSFW content today my little imuchakk's! Hope you enjoy!
Sinbad had always liked banquets, weather they be ones held in the kingdom of Sindria, or at his biggest rivals, the Kou empire. There was something exciting about the prospect of consuming alcohol in foreign lands after an important political meeting that made Sinbad feel on top of the world. It was rare for things in Sinbad’s life not to go his way, or to not end up leading towards something better then what he had lost. For this reason, King Sinbad was to an extent, a go-with-the-flow kind of man. Especially with loyal followers such as his generals and his beloved wife!
His beloved was of course very loyal, incredibly so...but, there were people who did not care for that loyalty of hers. This included a certain Kou empire red head who went by the name of Kouen.
“No need to look so sour, Sin.” Ja’far commented beside him, though he was enjoying the fact his King was abandoning his poor drinking habits to instead stay sober and focused, even if he was focusing on his wife and Kouen Ren flirting. “You told her to be pleasant and friendly towards Kouen to gain his favour. I don’t understand why you’re so jealous.” That was enough to make Sinbads eyes flicker from the generous laughter of his wife to the smug face of his right hand man.
“Me!? Jealous!?”
“Hmm.” Masrur agreed from the other side of Sinbad. The King’s neck practically snapped to the fanalis.
“Why would I, of all people, be jealous?”
“Because you’re wife is a smart, sophisticated lady who could do a lot better than a man who drinks sake and shamelessly prances around woman as if he was a young teen in his glory years.” Golden eyes met red ones in a baffled expression of offense.
“That’s a low blow, Ja’far.”
“Hmm.” Again, Masrur voiced his opinion rather humbly. Unlike the other two, Masrur had not taken his eyes away from the Queen, curious to see how her little game would play out; He loved how cunning she was.
The Queen, unlike Sinbad, was sensible. When he was busy hiding from Ja’far she was busy doing the work for him and cleaning up all his messes. Masrur liked how through thick and thin she stayed by Sinbad’s side whilst being the role model his country needed. She may as well have been a general. However, that didn’t mean she didn’t find herself sick of him sometimes.
Unfortunately old habits died hard. Sinbad was an infamous lady killer, flirting and charming any woman he deemed beautiful. No longer did he take it any further but Masrur could always see it in the Queen’s eyes whenever she got upset or jealous with his ministrations. As much as she tried to hide it, Masrur was a man who saw much, yet said very little.
The fanalis saw the way the cogs in her head turned the moment Sinbad had told her to “Gain Kouen’s favour in any way you can! I’m sure he’ll be much more linient with me if he enjoys the company of my other half” and the way she made sure her corset was on tighter and her breasts were pushed up higher only confirmed his supicions. Sinbad was about to get a very bitter taste of his own flirtatious medicine.
The Queen was, despite being middle aged, very beautiful. If she wasn’t married to King Sinbad, Masrur was certain many men would be throwing themselves at her feet. Kouen would possibly be one of those.
The next thing Masrur knew a grumpy Sinbad was pulling on his cheek, his gaze in the same direction as his. “What is it Masrur? What are they saying!? Surely you will stick by your King! Unlike this traitor—“
“Please Masrur. My wife could be in danger.” Sinbad dramatized. Masrur practically had to stop himself from commenting on how pathetic the King looked. “I need those fanalis ears of yours...”
“Did you know, you’re my favourite?”
“I swear to Solomon Sinbad if you—“
Drowning out the advisor and the King, Masrur honed his attention on the Queen and Kouen who sat sharing a bottle of red wine.
“Oh no. No more for me please.” Just as Kouen was about to tip some more of the red liquor in her glass, the Queen politely bowed her head, fluttering her lashes. “My tolerance for alcohol isn’t the greatest thing in the world.”
“Oh?.” Kouen hummed, nodding in response before filling up his own. “I expected you to perhaps be a little more like you’re husband.”
“An old drunkard?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“But is it not what you meant?”
“I—“ Kouen seemed at a loss for words for a second, perhaps embarrassed, but saved himself rather quickly without a hint of emotion on his face. “What I meant was, a lover of a banquet. Sinbad has attended many, I assumed you would have been more on par with him when it came to drinking and party games.”
The Queen watched Kouen take a sip of his wine, her lips pulling up into a soft smirk. “Something tells me Kouen if I was anything like my husband you wouldn’t want to be sat here with me.” Kouen was slow to place down his drink, his sharp eyes meeting Sinbad’s wife’s.
“Would you rather me sit elsewhere?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“But is it not what you meant?” Now, it was his turn to smirk.
“I—“ With a soft laugh, the regal woman before Kouen grew flustered, picking up her glass and swirling the remaining wine contents around to allow her to look elsewhere. “You really are as they say Kouen. Quite an interesting man. I enjoy getting to know you.” Lifting up her head, the Queen rose an eyebrow, a smile now residing on her face. “Every word I say sinks in doesn’t it?”
“Your highness. If any man does not listen to you, does he really deserve to be in your presence? If my sisters were simply cast aside, I wouldn’t be so forgiving to the suitor who was to do that.” It was a lie, the Queen had heard of Kouen and his family sending off the young princess to he married to a King who wanted nothing more then a pretty face. Was there more to the story? Most likely. But was that the gist of it? Yes. However, to indulge both Kouen and continue to gain the nervous attention of her husband shuffling in his seat, the Queen sighed out gently.
“You’re close to your family...?” It was hard to hear the rest, Sinbad practically chewing off his own hand right beside Masrurs ear.
“What are they saying!?” Simply, Masrur shrugged. “Something about family.” It was no fun telling Sinbad everything. Groaning, Sinbad flopped back into his seat, picking up his wine with a pout.
“It doesn’t taste the same knowing at the end of the night she’s not going to be dragging me back to our room...”
“Who? Her highness?” The three men all turned abruptly to face Kogyoku, who smiled sheepishly. “I’m awfully sorry...” she stuttered out. “I didn’t mean to pry, I just came to say hello and over heard you talking."
Knowing that any ill intentions towards Kougyoku’s older brother would harm his reputation with the Kou empire, Sinbad put on his best charming smile, acting as though he wasn’t emotionally conflicted on the inside. “Ah Princess. What a pleasure to be seeing you again. Are you enjoying the banquet?” With a smile, the pinkette nodded her head.
“I am very much your highness. I hope you’re also enjoying yourself.” With that, her eyes flickered upwards to the Queen of Sindrian and the most influential man in the whole of the Kou empire. “It seems her highness is enjoying herself to. I’ve never seen Kouen so invested in somebody. It’s a real testimony to your wife.” Kougyoku was of course NOT JEALOUS. Not once had she imagined herself sat on Sinbad's lap as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear! Nether the less, she continued her façade, knowing that after all it was her duty.
”They’re so deep in conversation, I wonder what they’re talking about.” Her words aren’t helping the purple male.
“As do I...”
“Kouen seems so relaxed around her highness. They really do get along don’t they?” Was she trying to give him a heart attack?
With a delightful laugh Sinbad nodded before finally rising to his feet. "They do indeed. In fact I feel a little bit left out. Perhaps I should pau the two a visit. Excuse me Princess, I do hope of seeing you again soon." Lifting her hand to his lips, Sinbad placed a soft kiss to the back of her hand before walking towards his wife and that thing trying to take her away. The King of Sindria looked at peace with all around him as he strode over, all intentions of causing havoc and disrupting the calm atmosphere completely gone for his being. At least it looked that way. If it didn't, he wouldn't have been a good King.
The two at the table saw him coming before he arrived and where as Kouen greeted him with a cut nod, seemingly displeased he was interrupting his time with his wife, who simply sent him a passive smile.
"Ah Your highness." Not Sin, not Sinbad, not my King, not my love. Just your highness. "Me and Kouen here--" Yet they were on first name basis? "Were just discussing-- Hmmph!"
As done many times before by the womanizer, Sinbad encased the back of his wife's head, bringing her face towards his own and then slamming their lips together in a rather mighty display right in front of the red princes eyes. He made sure it lasted. And his Queen? Who was she to deny Sinbads advances? As usual she practically melted into his affectionate assault, fragile hands moving to clasp at Sinbad's robes in an attempt to lull him closer...but two could play at that game. Pulling back from his beloved, Sinbad made sure to smirk, staring into her eyes for a brief moment. It was his way of saying "I'll get you back for this".
The sexual tension was undeniable and Sinbad had hoped Kouen could sense her thighs rubbing together like he could, because that was the closest Kouen would get.
"Hm? Talking about what? I didn't quite catch that my Queen."
Meanwhile, back at Sinbad's table, Ja'far sighed in aggravation as he watched the scene Sinbad caused in absolute horror. "Honestly, this man really does test my patience! Can he not just let his wife butter up Kouen! If anything it benefits us!"
"Just for one second, can he think about anything else other then his-"
"I was going to say pride but that works too."
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seasaltmemories · 4 years
haru, ann, makoto, yusuke, and ryuji?
All are under the Cut:
How I feel about this character:
I like her! While I do agree that the fact she is recruited right when things kick into gear is kinda frustrating, I think she has a lot of great little moments that are overlooked, she is charming and cute
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I am up for anything, but nothing stuck out in the game itself
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Her friendship with Morgana and the entire Beauty Thief stuff is great
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I’m actually glad that her recruitment was nonstandard, it shook up the usual ‘oh person who is not supposed to be there wander in the Metaverse and turns out there is a persona user” while it doesn’t last for long, there are questions of if she could be Black Mask, and in general it makes it feel like the world doesn’t just revolve around what Joker sees on screen, the fact she is closer to other ppl than Joker (at least at first) is interesting
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
A conversation with Akechi about the whole father murder thing would be great, I know she is a pretty private person, and if it happened it would likely be without Joker, but the fact she still tries to be polite to him while being upfront about not forgiving him is an interesting dynamic
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
Um how about she and Rinea from FE Echoes hook up?
a headcanon fact:
She definitely becomes an old rich cat lady living her best life, partner or no
How I feel about this character:
I love her! I think her presence after her arc is understated but a great part of the team, I just think she is a fun character I like to watch
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Shiho, I might also be down for a quick, low stakes hook-up with Yusuke
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Her and Joker’s confidant is really nice
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I like her confidant, like yeah the model stuff isn’t the deepest but it only gets brought up a few times and we still have the rest of it being her kinda having to deal with the guilt of not being there for a friend even though things were kinda out of her control
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I guess I wish her relationship with her body and sexuality was made a little more clear, the writing around that is an example of the game both wanting to appeal to fantasies and real life issues, from what i gathered she was fine with being sexy when she was the one who chose to do it, so it would have been nice if more of the fan-service stuff had her kinda initiating stuff
my OTP:
Her and Shiho
my cross over ship:
I could see her and Hilda von Goneril being fun
a headcanon fact:
I don’t think she continues staying a model for long, and over time kinda takes an unofficial mother figure role of looking out for newbies to make sure they aren’t being exploiting and using her influence to get creeps from getting more jobs
How I feel about this character:
A fave, I think the game does a great job of balancing out her unlikable moments with being able to understand where she is coming from, and that tension in general made me like her all the more once I started coming around to her
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Her and Sae were a great pair of sisters
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Again I also really liked her confidant, like Ann I think the Eiko stuff was very minor in the long run, and considering her strong sense of justice it made sense for hers to take place through an active investigation of sorts rather than her having a pity party for herself and spilling her past
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
My bias might be showing again but I am curious about her relationship with Akechi, I doubt they were close but it feels realistic that she would know he was basically Sae’s intern, and while I doubt they interacted much one on one outside that one scene where he calls her nothing but a goody two shoes, I wouldn’t mind exploring it more
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
Hmm her and Utena Tenjou would be a great mix of “high intellect low wisdom” and beating up gross dudes
a headcanon fact:
I think she never loses her rebellious streak and ends up in like advocacy work against government corruption
How I feel about this character:
He’s nice, I do like his interesting relationship with Madarame, and think it has some of the most nuance in the game
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Nothing really serious besides like I said that low-stakes hook-up with Ann
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
As I mentioned while not a good relationship, I still think his connection with Madarame is his most interesting
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Maybe my own sheltered weirdo art kid is showing, but he really isn’t as out-there as ppl claim, I was expecting a hammy off the walls character from what fandom showed, but if anything his is really quiet, withdrawn and again most of his eccentricities is just him having been really sheltered his whole life and having to adjust to living on his own, like in the grand scheme of things, buying lobsters just to draw them is something I could see ppl in my life doing and maybe joking about for two or three days before being completely forgotten
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I think he is the phantom thief that fades into the background the most, and I wish he had a bit more relevancy for the rest of the game, which is harder to do bc he isn’t the most social or touchy-feely outside of art, I wish I got a great sense of camaraderie at least from his reasons for sticking around besides “friends” feels very weak
my OTP:
Not really any
my cross over ship:
I could see something between him and Namine being sweet
a headcanon fact:
I don’t know the exact flavor, but I think he is misdiagnosed  neurodivergant and likely never really figures it out except maybe by the time he is middle age and has a stable life bc he and others around him write off the symptoms as the result of his weird upbringing and artsy nature
How I feel about this character:
He’s a character I don’t I could stand if he was real, but the game writing and framing does make me like him and his friendship with Joker comes off as very genuine
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I am up for anything, but nothing stuck out in the game itself
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Again him and Joker
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Lol I feel like I pissed off a lot of ppl by saying I couldn’t stand him if he was real, but really he is like the eptimone of teenage rage, like he has good reasons to be angry but he doesn’t really know how to cope with it in the right ways, like no offense but walking up to somebody and just asking “hey are you being abused” isn’t all that helpful to a victim and other little things that in a less power-fantasy narrative could go really wrong, I don’t think presenting those flaws is bad, and I don’t think he is a bad character, but as someone who has also had to carefully manage my anger, it hits me in a very “remembers bad memory and cringes way”
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Look I know teenagers can be horny and I am not against ever showing that, but i guess as a grown woman I could have done without all the “lets score some babes” talk
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
Doug from Rune Factory 4 could probably vibe with him but i think they’d both cool each other down
a headcanon fact:
Probably also when he is older, things are stable, and he finds a therapist he doesn’t feel patronized by, he does end up finding the experience meaningful
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cammi-writes · 5 years
Imagine being stuck on a strange planet with Loki;
part: part 1 | part 2
a/n | warnings: sexual themes, mentions of date rape drugs -> I’m very happy that so many people enjoyed part one and I’m very excited to continue the series!!! Also little random tidbit about my life; I’m crying bc I rewatched captain america; the first avenger 😭😭😭
fandom: Marvel
pairing: Loki x Reader
tags: @crescent-night , @drakesfiance , message me if you want to be tagged
You seethed silently as Loki followed behind a servant with you on a glorified leash.
“Here is your room sir” The female creature did not make eye contact as she spoke to Loki.
Loki thanked her and proceeded to drag you into the room as she scurried off somewhere. Once the door was closed you tore the collar from around your neck.
“Your pet?” You dared him to confirm. The evil little smirk that twisted on his lips both angered and excited you.
“Lady Y/n, I promise that I meant no offense. Calling you my pet was for your benefit” Loki’s eyes glinted with mischief. He knew he was pushing your buttons and oh how he enjoyed seeing your face scrunch up in annoyance.
“My benefit?” You scoffed.
“If you had been unclaimed, I can promise you that Khelerath would have claimed you as his own and I would have no say in the matter” Loki explained with a wave of his hand and you sighed. He was right. “Some would rage wars over such a fascinating creature like yourself. So powerful yet so... easily frightened”
“Excuse me?” The annoyance boiled in your stomach.
“You looked like a lost kitten scurrying under my cape like you did” The familiar grin appeared on the gods face.
“I did-“
“Is this really important, Y/n?” Loki cut you off without glancing from the window he stared out of.
“How are we going to get out of here, Loki?” You questioned, realizing the situation you were is was a lot worse than pretending to be Loki’s playtoy.
“We will have to either wait for the caravan or someone to save us” Loki frowned now and turned towards you. The intense look on his face made you gulp. “Y/n we are on a planet where you should not dare to defy me”
“Excuse me?” You questioned.
“This planet is filled with what you midgardians would call ‘sexists’” Loki explained. “Women are property to be used and sold like cattle. They can be killed or broken if they dare disrespect their masters. If you would like to get out of this safely, you must play this game with me”
You knew what he was telling you was probably true but you couldn’t help but feel annoyed. You were now stuck playing a kinky game of master and slave with a particularly hot and dangerous god.
“Y/n do you understand me?” The serious tone in Loki’s voice got to you.
“Yes, yeah I get it. I’m yours until we get out of here” You rolled your eyes at Loki when is eyebrows went up.
“I’ve never seen you this compliant with me Y/n. Is it perhaps because you’re excited for this little game?”
“I just don’t want to die, stupid” You scoffed. Of course he would turn this around and make it seem like you wanted him. If anything he’s the one who initiated this.
“Are you sure darling?” Loki’s eyes glinted as he took a few steps closer to you. “Are you sure you’ve never thought about me in such ways?”
“Such ways?” You muttered sarcastically.
“Sexually. Have you fantasized about me while you lay awake in your bed at night?” Loki continued walking towards you. When your eyes widened in shock he continued. “Have you thought about what it would be like to be my pet? To be my little plaything?”
“Of course not!” You sputtered out in shock. Of course this was a lie but you had never fantasized about him. It was a simple curiosity. Loki had a very dominant vibe that came from him and you couldn’t help but wonder...
“Then why has your blood rushed to your cheeks?” Loki was close enough to run a thumb over your blushing cheeks.
“Because you’re talking about-about-“
“Making you mine?” Loki finished your sentence while gripping onto your chin. Unlike the fear that rushed to your belly when Khelerath did this, another feeling filled your gut. One you did not want to admit to anyone, not even yourself.
Before you could reply, Loki let go of you and did a 360 turn.
“Do not leave the room. I am going to speak with Khelerath about our accommodations” Loki glanced behind him and saw your eyebrows furrow. “You need to eat darling and I doubt your stomach is used to Dicarro delicacies”
And then he was gone, leaving you a mess. 
You squeezed your eyes, trying to hush the thoughts that ran around your mind. This is just a game. When we get back home we can go back to hating each other. Without all of these implications. 
You decided to take in your surroundings. Your room was beautiful. It looked like it was plucked right out of a Disney castle. There was two couches in the corner of the room that looked like they had been stitched with gold. There was only one king sized bed in the room with a beautiful deep red covering on it. There was also a window that gave us a view of Dicarro and the planets off in the distance. It was beautiful. On this planet, unlike Earth, you could see the other planets in this solar system clearly. 
You flickered your eyes up to the ceiling and blushed. The entire ceiling above the bed was a mirror. 
You squeezed your legs together as thoughts of watching yourself come undone under Loki’s pale, body filled your mind. 
“Stop it, Y/n” You muttered to yourself and tried to find something to get your mind off of that topic. “You’ve got to be kidding me”
Your eyes fell on a small cage at the foot of the bed. It looked like a dog cage but there were no dogs on Dicarro. Only sex slaves. 
“Jesus Christ” You ran your fingers through your hair. “He better not think I’m going to be sleeping in that” 
You continued to roam your new living quarters and continued to find sex contraptions everywhere. Like chains in the shower, a stripper pole in what you had thought was a closet and many more things that you knew Loki would tease you about. 
You opened the door to what you once again thought was a closet and a gasp escaped your mouth. 
If this was 50 Shades Of Grey, this was Christian Grey’s game room. So many sex toys and devices. Some looked familiar like the ones you had seen on Earth and some looked completely scary. 
“That looks fun” You flinched at the sound of Loki’s voice. When did he get back? 
You turned to see his familiar mischievous smirk. He had a tray of fruit. But nothing that even remotely looked like it was from Earth.
“They don’t have anything native to Earth here but I picked a few things that I know isn’t poisonous to humans” Loki set the tray down on the coffee table and gestured for you to sit and you obeyed when your stomach began to rubble. 
Stupid Thanos interrupting your breakfast with his creepy plans to rule the universe.
“I’m going to shower. Do not leave the room without me” Loki commanded without looking your way and you rolled your eyes. 
Once the door to the bathroom was shut, you started trying all of the different fruit Loki had brought you and you couldn’t help but groan in satisfaction. How come Earth didn’t have as delicious foods?
Knock, Knock
You hesitantly went to open the door, unsure of what to do. If you ignored it, you may get in trouble. 
Your eyes met Khelerath’s. And suddenly the fear the subsided a while ago was back. 
“Your master allows you to roam free when he is not present?” Khelerath raised what would have been his eyebrow if he had one. 
“I-I” You stuttered, not knowing how to explain that. 
“Have you disobeyed your master, sweet one?” You felt like crying as Khelerath’s hand caressed your cheek. “I brought you something, if you would like to try it. I brought it as a gift for your master” 
Your eyes settled on the beautiful chocolatey goodness in Khelerath’s hand. 
“Come, sit.” You obeyed Khelerath as he lead you to the couch once again. He sat close to you and you wanted to cringe away. “It is harmless to all lifeforms so it should not hurt” 
Khelerath used the fork to cut a piece of the cake and your eyes widened at the melted chocolate that spilled out. “Open” You obeyed and Khelerath shoved the fork into your mouth. You almost moaned at the taste. This was like chocolate on steroids and you wondered why Thor never brought any on his trips to Earth. 
“Y/n -” Loki appeared from the bathroom and your couldn’t help but feel a burning in your abdomen when you saw what he was wearing. Or what he wasn’t wearing. 
There stood Loki, in nothing but a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. His chest bare with water beads dripping down from his hair. You bit your lip to distract you but noticed that Khelerath was staring at you with an expectant look. 
“Yes daddy” Your eyes grew wide along with Loki’s and Khelerath’s. How could you let that slip. You had never told anybody about your daddy kink before...
“Strange” Khelerath whispered. “But interesting.” You watched Khelerath’s hand lift to touch you but he stopped himself. 
“Why are you here?” Loki’s voice sounded accusatory and the power dripping from his tone made you want to moan. 
“I only stopped by to leave a gift but your pet answered the door” Khelerath broke out in an evil smirk. “Pets are not allowed to be left to their own accord, here on Dicarro. You must punish her for breaking the rules” 
That should have struck fear in you but it didn’t. Instead you felt your arousal and your body got hot. 
“We did not know of that rule and I do not believe I should punish her for something she was not aware of” Loki squinted his eyes at Khelerath and you had to dig your nails into your palm to stop yourself from pouncing on him. 
What the hell was happening to you? You’ve never felt this much arousal in your life for anyone, especially not Loki. 
“I am being courteous, Loki. Slaves who break rules, aware or not, usually get punished by the court in ways that are...” Khelerath’s eyes glinted. “dangerous to such a fragile species. But if that is what you want, I’ll gladly take her to my dungeon” 
Loki’s eyes met yours and he was stunned by the obvious arousal leaking off of you. Figuratively of course but he could see it in your eyes and he didn’t know why. But he took that as your consent. 
“Fine” In an instant Loki had you in front of where he sat on the bed. 
You felt nothing but pleasure as Loki’s hands began to unbutton your jeans and pull them down just below your ass. Usually you would have kicked yourself for putting on a thong this morning but for some reason it excited you. 
You noticed that Loki’s eyes were staring into Khelerath’s as he bent you over his lap. 
“Count” You felt Loki’s voice rumble and before your could comprehend what was happening you heard a slap and felt a stinging on your ass. You moaned in response only for Loki to wrap his hand into your hair and pull your head back to look him in his eyes. You expected your eyes to meet angry eyes but instead they looked pleading despite his tone. “I said count” 
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
You were shaking in Loki’s lap, the mixture of pleasure and pain too much for you to bare. 
“That is enough” Loki spoke, once again to Khelerath but you couldn’t see him through your teary eyes. 
“Enjoy my gift” Khelerath spoke and then the door slammed closed.
“I apologize, Y/n” Loki stood you up in between his legs. “That was better than whatever Khelerath-” 
You cut him off by slamming your lips against his. His body was freezing and contrasted completely with how hot you were. Loki’s hands wrapped around your thighs and you pushed him back so you were straddling him. 
Loki pulled away with hungry eyes and ragged breath. “Why?”
“I want you so bad” You whined and tried to kiss him again but he held you in place. He looked like he was thinking hard about something and then his eyes snapped to where Khelerath had left his gift. 
In an instant you were laying on your back while Loki had stood up, fixing his towel with a disturbed look on his face. 
“Loki” You whined while squirming around on the bed. You needed to feel him on top of you. Inside you. 
“Those are not your feelings” Loki shook his head, still holding that disturbed look. 
“What do you mean?” You felt like crying that is how much you needed him. 
“Khelerath’s gift” Loki glared at the plate. “It’s made with voluptatem” 
“What?” You groaned, unable to process the words coming from his mouth. All you wanted was his mouth on yours.
Loki’s eyes met yours and he looked both annoyed and disappointed. “It enhances your libido. It makes you completely compliant to whoever you see first after it enters your system” 
His eyes turned angry and you moaned at the sight making him run one of his large hands over his face. 
“Khelerath was trying to manipulate you but I interrupted” Loki growled, sending pleasure straight to your core. “Leaving this planet with you is going to be a lot harder than I anticipated” 
“Just fuck me” You basically screamed making Loki’s eyes snap to your body that was sprawled on the bed. 
“No” Loki spoke with no hesitation and for a split second, you felt embarrassed. Of course a god like him wouldn’t want you. But then it was overcome but arousal. “Voluptatem is the equivalent to your planet’s roofies. If I did that, it would be taking advantage of you” 
If you were in the right state of mind you would have thought that what he said was honorable. Some men in his position would jump at the chance. But since your body was telling you that it needed to orgasm, all you felt was disappointment
“Loki please” You begged and for a minute you thought you had convinced him by the way he cupped your face in his hand and shot you a mischievous smirk..
“If you need pleasure, darling, you’re going to have to do it yourself” You literally had tears in your eyes as Loki ran a finger over your bottom lip. “I’m sure you can find something in here to help” 
And then he straightened up and turned on his heel. 
“I am going to find us clean clothing. I’ll be back soon, so please hurry” Loki opened the door before turning back to look at you. “I will lock the door from the outside. Do not open it for anybody”
You watched him close the door and you threw yourself back onto the bed in frustration. 
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