#no one can tell me 1 y/o Harry had an experience that traumatic and then didn’t have abandonment issues
sybill-the-seer · 8 months
Young ~3-y/o Harry following Petunia around the house while she does chores. Young Harry holding onto Petunia’s skirt and sucking his thumb while she does the dishes. Young Harry playing quietly in the grass near Petunia while she weeds the garden. Young Harry just wanting to be WITH someone at all times. Young Harry trotting along after Petunia all day being her little shadow until her patience wears thin and she sends him to his cupboard. Young Harry being a clingy child who desperately needs affection but never gets it.
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vexedbuckbeak-blog · 7 years
Thank you to my personal fave @luneclair for tagging me xoxo
R U L E S: tag 10 people
A - AGE: 18
B - BIGGEST FEAR: Clowns, due to a traumatic experience I had when I was 3
C - CURRENT TIME: 7:30 pm
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Fruit tea 
E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: A lot of groaning and looking for my glasses
F - FAVORITE SONG: ‘’Lost On You’’- Laura Pergolizzi (it speaks to my soul)
G - GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL: Yes, I tell myself that whenever I’m angry, there’s a ghost break dancing next to me or patting me on the back, it always cheers me up
H - HOMETOWN: Zagreb, Croatia
I - IN LOVE WITH: Writing, books and living in my own world 
J - JEALOUS OF: Yara Shahidi, whoever’s banging Ben Barnes, the pros on Dancing With The Stars, anyone who has ever met Oscar Wilde or JK Rowling or the Harry Potter cast, and obviously, every single Harry Potter character with powers because then I could get myself out of here.
K - KILLED SOMEONE: It’s just waiting to happen at this point, really...
L - LAST TIME YOU CRIED: I rewatched Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on Friday... So, Friday
M - MIDDLE NAME: I have 4. Yes, 4. So I’m not going to bore you with those, but Asiya is actually one of them 
O - ONE WISH: That I was in a different country right now
P - PERSON YOU LAST CALLED/TEXTED: My best friend of 16 years, Matthew (or, as he is known in my phone, Flying Monkey)
Q- QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED: So, where are you actually from? and Are you paying attention?
R - REASON TO SMILE: Writing, reading, really nice ‘dates’ with friends, inside jokes, dance and flowers
S - SONG LAST SANG: They Both Reached For The Gun from Chicago (shout out to my English teacher who got it stuck in my head)
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 5:30 am 
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: Boring ol’ grey 
V - VACATION DESTINATION: Usually Croatia, the dream is getting around the world 
W - WORST HABIT: Procrastination and biting my nails 
X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: 4- 2 when I broke my arm when I was 8, 1 when I first messed up my ankle when I was 5 and 1 when I messed it up again at 16 
Y - YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: Why pick a favourite when you can love them all??
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Saggitarius
I’d like to tag some faves of mine to do this next: @goblackhatwithme @elinesama @delos-mio @theweasleysredhair @fangirlhype @princesse-de-ravenclaw @whisperof-love and @jordsie and anyone else who’d like to do it since I can’t think of 10 people at the moment (pls don’t hate me, I’m tired and sick) xoxox
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