#no one piece character more intensely loyal than zoro
brainrotcharacters · 8 months
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peak scorpio behavior ♏
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yeonwoos-innocence · 1 month
❁Chapter 139 discussion❁
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I know this has taken a while but I have been busy with things lately, but anyways time to rant about chapter 139.
This chapter Lowkey had me giddy. I'm not going to lie.
I know that the situation is horrible but getting more of Junhyuk's point of view on everything that has happened to them in middle school has been just such a fun ride for me. (You're all suffering and I enjoy it) 
It brings so much more nuance to his character and I just find him even more interesting than before. 
What I want to touch on is his loyalty. This man is loyal to an absolute fault when it comes to Yeonwoo and I love him for that. It's not often that you see friendships portrayed this way where the loyalty is so strong that you have to do a double take and just pause and think about yourself. (The only other parallel I can think of is Zoro and Luffy) 
The way he was ready to risk his entire life to make sure that his childhood best friend was okay. The way he has visibly changed significantly from this one encounter but does not regret it because he now knows that Yeonwoo is safe it's just so heartwarming. 
Yeah, the situation is warped and messed up in every way. He's not going to be able to do what he loves anymore and he is sad about it but the thing is he would do it again even with the knowledge that his leg would be broken in the process. I call that loyalty because THAT is a dedicated friend right there. 
And what makes this even worse is that Yeonwoo knows Junhyuk is not going to change his mind. Junhyuk just trying to gloss over the fact that his leg is broken and lying to Yeonwoo's face about how he doesn't like soccer. It was just a pastime so it's fine that he can't play it anymore is so devastating. 
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Anyway, I'm going to cease talking about trash like that because it's genuinely not good for my mental health. 
But what hits home is how the art style has gotten so much more muted in a way since the backstory. Like there's just this air of uneasiness now in every chapter and that ripped page at the beginning of every chapter is not helping. Adding insult to injury, the way the facial expressions and the clear eye bags under both Yeonwoo and Junhyuk's eyes show just how messed up they are now…. that is not good food for thought. 
You can tell that this experience has seriously changed their dynamic and it's for the worst. The way Junhyuk looks at Yeonwoo now is like a hawk eyeing its target. In the sense that he's keeping such a close watch on Yeonwoo that you can just feel the intensity in his gaze. 
His entire life got ripped to pieces because now he has the fact that he was part of a school violence committee on his record. But what hit me in the feels is the nightmare that he has about YEONWOO DYING??? The way his parents were crying and that picture of Yeonwoo at the funeral surrounded by white and yellow flowers.
The imagery of those flowers alone has me just ruined. 
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The fact that white flowers mean innocence… y'all already know where this is going.  
The title has never hit the same ever since the flashback chapters and the flower imagery is not helping. White flowers symbolize innocence and yellow flowers symbolize happiness
When you read the flashback and you look at that imagery and you look at the title... THAT is like the biggest sucker punch in the gut you could ever feel. Because his innocence is gone and he is not in fact happy at all.
Yellow and White flowers? Esol you're a menace. 
When Junhyuk says “Yeonwoo is broken because of me” I felt that in his soul. I felt that in my soul!!!
The revelation that Yeonwoo was getting better but JUNHYUK was the one who didn't want to move on he was the one who didn't want to get away from their past, he was the one who wanted to keep Yeonwoo with him forever. It honestly just reaffirms the fact that this relationship goes both ways.
Their codependency is 100% codependent. (Heavy on the CO aspect of codependent)
They both have such good intentions that they go about it in such a wrong way and it's just so devastating to watch. 
Now to the meat and butter. Junhyuk's jealousy of Kanga Haesol.
I could honestly write about them alone.
I have a specific end goal for all of the relationships in mind and for Junhyuk and Haesol I desperately need for them to see eye to eye. Because what connects them both is their love for Yeonwoo. They both know what it is like to care about him. They both understand him and they care for him deeply. I want them to bond over that.
Junhyuk’s inferiority complex when it comes to Haesol goes deeper than ‘my best friend has a girlfriend and all he talks about is her’. Junhyuk's inferiority complex is rooted in the simple fact that Haesol could help Yeonwoo when he couldn't.
The fact that he feels this so much that at the end of the chapter that single tear that rolls down his cheek… 
When Nari asked him earlier how he felt about breaking ties with Yeonwoo. 
This right here is how he feels about breaking ties with his best friend. He doesn't want to separate from Yeonwoo, but he feels like he has to. 
At the end of the day, everything Junhyuk does is rooted in the belief that it will make Yeonwoo happier. Even if in the moment Yeonwoo is mad at him for his actions. In the long run, he wants Yeonwoo to be happy even at his own expense.
I could honestly go on around about how intricate the platonic relationship between these two is and how obsessed with it I am but I will not because this essay has gotten long enough. I fear I will be yapping the day away about this topic.
Tell me what you guys think because this is just so fun to me.
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Heyy🐻 May I have some of the One Piece characters (any character) as a cat or dog? any animal really, I just want to see it please
only if you're comfortable☺
remember to drink water and eat daily🥰
Huzzah!! I didn't do Chopper or Jinbe because they're already a reindeer and a whale shark. I hope that's okay!
-Initially, I'd say Luffy is a monkey. Still, I'm a primate nerd, so I think more than anything Luffy is a Siamang. These are endangered arboreal lesser apes. Like howler monkies (and Luffy), Siamangs also have large sacs on their necks that allow for complex call systems. Unlike Luffy, however, Siamangs are classified as frugivores; fruit makes up 60% of their diet.
-Zoro just gives me Doberman vibes. I get the scary dog privileges, but he’s actually a softy. Many people think Zoro is a shark or a tiger, but Zoro is too loyal to not be a canine. He’s a spoiled inside dog but is intensely loyal to his human. The ideal guard dog that sleeps on your couch.
-I want to say Nami is a cat because of her moniker, but just hear me out. Nami is specifically a Kodkod, purely because of vibes. Kodkods are small wild cats from South America. They have a very sassy/grumpy expression. They just remind me of Nami.
-Usopp could be a chameleon. Mostly because he'd rather be in the background when something scary happens. By blending in or running away in the real Usopp's case, he can survive easily. However, this trait becomes trademarked by him, and he gets attention that he may not want.
-Sanji is that one really buff kangaroo. Sanji puts his hands in his pockets; kangaroos have a big pocket. They're basically the same. It just feels like it could work because they both kick things to defend themselves. It just feels right.
-This one is so clear to me. Robin is a raven or any type of corvid, really. The dark feathers and ominous stigma just fit her vibe, and just like Robin, corvids are super intelligent and resourceful. Robin and Corvids are both spooky bitches and I love them.
-I've seen tons of people characterize Franky as a rhino, and I really like that, but imagine Franky as stag beetle. Stag beetles are armored creatures, and beetles are super small, so it's kind of ironic. Honestly, Beetle-Franky would really freak me out because I don't really care for beetles, but I still feel like it could fit his vibe.
-Why is Brook and axolotl? Please explain that to me. Why is it whenever I look at Brook and then at those silly little creatures that just got put into Minecraft, I'm looking at the same thing? I cannot explain this. It is the ultimate vibe.
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likemymask · 4 years
One Piece Daemon AU
Presented with only slight spelling corrections and some elaborations, the mess of a One Piece Daemon/His Dark Materials AU that would not leave me alone and would only let me work on it at 1-3AM.
Also now I’m writing snippets for it just like my Gundam Wing and Star Trek daemon AU. Because.
Luffy: sea king with Conqueror Haki so they can’t be controlled. Separated but not because that’s as free as you can get. Fuck yea, she’s in north blue chilling the fuck out (heh) half the time and being absolutely chaotic as shit the other half. Her attitude is diametrically opposed to what Luffy is doing at the time. LOL she runs/swims into Shanks when Luffy’s still barely a pirate so he has no idea (not that the marines do either) one time. This 2000ft tall monster is squinting at him, and he thinks he’s about to get ate and then she goes “oh you’re so much smaller now!” Cause of course she spent her formative years as a baby version of his daemon. The entire crew is goddamn losing it, cause what kind of monster is this that even Red Hair’s Haki can’t control it, until Shanks yells out her name and then everyone loses it further still. I have decided Eastern dragon aesthetic but water/earth theme as opposed to Kaido’s air/fire theme. Still blue, but blue-green, tiger stripes cause camoflage and also badass and maybe she settles after Luffy meets Zoro’s daemon *whistles*
Zoro: tiger obviously normal colors or green and black cause why the fuck not, Zoro is not into stealth really. ”The only one who can call me stupid is me. “ “.....stupid” Cat vs sword fight ensues. Can be found cuddling Chopper when Zoro’s tired, super sloshed, both.
Nami: monkey? Lemur: small, fast, quick hands, caring but only when you prove you deserve it. Absolutely torments Zoro’s when she’s pissed because tigers can’t normally climb fucking main masts but a) she parkours and b) when has that ever stopped Zoro/her? Likes to hang out in the tree grove, absolutely pick pockets people while Nami plays distraction.
Robin: cat some kind of cat not big CARACAL. Looks aloof but absolutely ready to be ridiculous at any opportunity.
Franky: dog or dolphin. Something excitable loyal ready to throw down Newfoundland? Big, friendly, over-excitable, likes water and sailing...yes.
Usopp: Corvid or monkey; curious, intelligent, stubborn, inventive, tool solving/using. Lives in groups/troops and cares for others. Probably corvid, too similar to Nami otherwise. Crow most likely.
Sanji: swan. Black, and absolutely a viper and very sorry about Sanji’s attitude towards woman cause she’s more refined about it. Same intensity though. Will bite the shit out of you. Tiger vs swan fight, GO. Do also groom each other though cause human affectionate displays are stupid sometimes.
Fishmen don’t have daemons its another conflict and excuse for racism.
Law: wolf but like starved and Eurasian crazy with it. LONG leggos. Spiky black fur around the head, grey black white speckled cause T R A U M A
Ace: was a fire hawk, no actual fire but red as hell and BIG tail and wings. Her species not liked on most islands cause they don’t leave once they’re settled. They stand their ground. More angst ha ha. Never met settled Luffys daemon because I’M A MONSTER.
Sabo: never settled until he learned Ace was dead and then she settled as fire hawk because trauma and angst and also he knows who he is now. Not being settled was useful for a while when he did infiltration etc but now they’re both happy/sad about it.
Garp. Big dog. Bull mastiff dog. Not good with kids only with attacking things and defending but very loyal. Also big. “ Bullmastiffs are also difficult even for adults to control, so they aren’t a good choice if your child wants to help walk the dog. They like to please and crave attention, but they’re so big that even a well-intentioned nudge can end up hurting small children. ” HMMMMM RINGS A BELL, THIS DOES
Chopper: also no daemon or if so then monkey because HANDS. OH BOI THAT MUST HAVE BEEN A FUN THING. EAT SOME FRUIT, WAKE UP WITH A SOUL. Wait no people think he’s a pet. No daemon then.
Mihawk: literally whatever Shank’s daemon is he insists this is why they’re friends while Mihawk wine aunts in the background. He’s more refined though than Shanks and his soul (this is not a challenge). Like absolutely cold as ice until he cracks a pun, but no one believes the victim cause no way Mihawk would do that. Soooo proud, regal, loyal but willing to have a good time. Some kind of dog or cat. Big and fast and POWER. Could do big cat to be more like Zoro or a dog/canid to foil it. Maned wolf?
Vivi: it’s lazy to say her bird Caracue I can’t spell it’s one am but imma do it. KAROO HOW THE FUCK DID I MISSPELL THAT.
Crocodile: big fuck off alligator cause fuck you that’s why. HOLY FUCK I FORGOT HE HAD THE BANANA ONES IN HIS CASINO THAT’S GREAT
Logias turn to same element so Ace’s daemon is now a literal actual fire hawk, fuck the history books I’m writing this shit.
Don fuck face Flamingo: is what it is but like Kipo And the Age of Wonderbeasts it got TEETH, cause anything that survived acid water and shit is not cool. In fact, you know what, she’s albino and thinks that makes her special, honey you just don’t got shrimp vitamins, you buffoon of a bird.
All the dino Zoans are modern descendant of those animals so chickens. Or birds. Chickens would be so goddamn funny especially the 3 foot tall fluffy ones...fuck what’re they called(Brahmas). Oh wait. Emus. Ohhhhhhh fuck emus as an option.
Mammoth Zoan can have a Mammoth daemon because I want to see that on a ship.
(Makino) Bartender lady I can’t remember her name starts with m capybara cause she’s chill as shit and friend shaped. 
Dadan: is not friend shaped but is friend. Big fuck off bear or buffalo or wildebeest
Brooke: Laboon, Lampoon whatever Moby Dick. There’s some trauma, they had to leave him, but they didn’t want to and Brooke offered to stay but Laboon thought he’d be fine. Spoiler alert He Is Not. No one is fine.
Ohhhhhhh fuck bad good idea: Rogers daemon also a Sea King but the marines never goddamn figured it out, hoooooo my gods Shanks is having goddamn flashbacks. 
Momo and Kaido both have Eastern dragon daemons cause fake fruit.mythical zoan fruit but Momos is the size of a gecko and black so she’s hide-able. Kaido’s isn’t as big but is still Fuck Off huge. Red because I said so. 
Beastmen also do not have daemons because fuck the amount of significant characters in One Piece
Cora(zon): also had a wolf, because yay trauma and repeats and trauma bonding!But she was like, pretty yellow white and dog-ish up until the moment she ripped your throat out for offending her/harming her pack. Law learned much from her about appearances, being underestimated, and then for the most part did the exact opposite.
Slime man: *Aka Trebol* has a hagfish cause fuck him and Doflamingo
Boa: her snake weapon thing. Big noodley boy. The skull is for A E S T H E T I C
   Ace's daemon named Picaro: Spanish for naughty/badly behaved and that is a synonym for rogue cause MOMMA'S BOI and I keep misreading Rouge as rogue cause PIRATES, and this way it's a little better than naming the fire hawk Red though Ace does call her that sometimes .          You know what, he has the same daemon as Rouge/mom actually cause stubborn enough to not go into labor for 20 months is bonkers and that shit deserves recognition. Also because FUCK the number of characters in One Piece.              Celestial Dragons don't have special daemons but they do splice/separate cause they're fuckers that's why              AU of AU        Luffy's daemon close enough to WRECK MARINEFORD'S SHIT THAT'S RIGHT BABEY ACE LIVES, ASL REUNION AND SUCH          Sabo's daemon settles as a dog but one of the CRAZY breeds, like poodle or husky.
AU OF AU PART TWO: originally when thinking about a One Piece daemon AU Luffy was gonna have a cheetah; long, fast, use recoil to increase speed and change directions, males live in groups with their brothers and are highly affectionate. Tendency to run into walls. Has a fur pattern presentation named King Cheetah, looks like a more Armament Haki version.
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jollyinha · 6 years
Soooo... I saw an One Piece tag in Reddit, and for some reason I really like doing tags, even though no one gives a fuck about it. Since I have nothing better to do, LET’S ANSWER IT!
1 - Who is your favorite character and why? (Additionally, who is you fav Straw Hat?)
Most people would guess that it’s Sanji, since I’m crazy for this boy literally since I put my eyes on him... But my favorite character is Luffy, because without him, I wouldn’t stay interested in One Piece for much time. I kept watching the anime because I thought he was a funny and interesting protagonist, and it changed my life.
Besides, he is everything I love in a character (Especially in a protagonist): Dreamer, determinated, funny loyal and dumb. He inspired/inspires me in many, many ways, and I just love this strawhat boy.
2 - Who is your favorite villain and why?
That’s a tough one... Arlong impacted me the most (I hate, haaaaate his guts!) and Lucci akuma-no-mi is pretty cool. But I’m saying Crocodile. I mean, c’mon, the guy tricked an entire kingdom, defeated Luffy TWICE (I think it was twice, correct me if I’m saying shit), had an entire organization... And had banana crocodiles and a cool casino. And his akuma-no-mi is badass too. I kind of hope that he appears again in these recents arcs, even if it’s very unlikely!
3 - What is your favorite quote or statement? 
Oh man, there’s so many of them... Screw that, I’m making a small list.
-  "When does a man die? Does he die when he's been shot? No. Does he die when he's ravaged with disease? No. Does he die when he's been poisoned? NO! A man dies when, and only when, he is FORGOTTEN! “
-  "A man's dream will never die!"
- “The government says your existence is a crime, but no matter what kind of weapons you may hold, just being alive isn't a sin! THERE'S NO CRIME IN LIVING!!!''
-  “Don't start a fight you can't finish.”
4 - Who is your favorite female character?
Urgh, I love all my girls! I love Robin, Vivi and Nami nearly equally, but I’m saying Nami. Her backstory was the first one that actually made me cry. It’s amazing to think that he was stealing from pirates that could kill her, even though that she was just a child! That moment when she asked for help... Damn, it brings me chills. 
And I also love how even though she was already extremely important for the crew while being only the navigator, she still wanted to become stronger, and asked for Usopp to create the Clima Tact. She uses her intelligence to fight, fights for her friends when it’s necessary and still saves everyone’s butts by being the amazing navigator we know!
5 - What is your favorite fight? 
I gotta say the fight against Lucci. Not only was a very intense battle and it was the first time Luffy used a Gear, but I love its meaning. If he needs to kick the World Government’s ass to save a crewmate, he will absolutely do it. Nothing shall stand in his and his nakama’s way!
6 - What is your favorite episode? 
Well, I don’t ACTUALLY watch the anime since Alabasta. After that, I’ve only watched a few loose episodes, so I don’t know a lot about the anime. But I’m saying the episode that Brook joined the crew. The expressions and the voice acting are just on point!
7 - What is your favorite One Piece opening?
We Are!, of freaking course. It’s the only opening that I never skipped while I watched the anime. Although We Go! comes in a close second. Believe in Wonderland is good too.
8 - What is your favorite movie, special or "episode of"?
I did enjoyed Strong World and 3D2Y a lot, but Gold was amazeballs, starting with that freaking catchy song in the beginning. The animation is GORGEOUS, Tesoro is very interesting in my opinion, the outfits are amazing, and the final battles were pretty cool too. I didn’t liked Carina very much, tho
9 - What is your favorite arc in One Piece?
Alabasta, without any doubt. Baroque Works was freaking charismatic, the scenarios were interesting as hell, Vivi was an amazing character in general, the battles were intense and fun, and it’s such a funny arc! I really like the filler were Ace spends a while with the Strawhats too. Water 7 comes in a close second place.
10 - What is your favorite One Piece videogame? 
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3. It’s so much fun to play with characters like Hancock, Ace, Law and Tashigi! The story log is very nostalgic and the dream log is addicting as hell.
11 - If you were in the One Piece universe, who's crew would you join and why?
What kind of question is that? Strawhat Crew, of course! They all have this sense of one for all and all for one, and they really look like a family, and this is very heart-warming to me.
12 - What is the saddest One Piece moment?
Weeeeeeell... I’ve been stuck in Dressrosa for a while, and the saddest moment in my opinion is at Whole Cake. I took EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE SPOILER of this arc, though. Without hesitation, it’s Sanji’s backstory. I feel like crying when I only see PICTURES of his backstory... I don’t even want to think what I’m going to feel when I actually get in Whole Cake. Sanji occupies a very special place in my heart, so it hurts a lot to see that this was his past. Congratulations, Oda, you completely broke my heart once again. Also, Pudding can stick her finger in her third eye and go to hell
13 - What is the most shocking moment? 
The third scene that made me cry in One Piece: Usopp VS Luffy in Water 7. These two are such good friends! That’s why I remember that I was freaking out when they began to fight. 
14 - What is the funniest One Piece moment and who is the funniest character?
There are plenty of funny moments in this beautiful story, so I’m going to say more than one. Zoro getting lost, Luffy’s impressions, Robin’s imagination and all the “Can you poop?” moments. And of course that Luffy is the funniest character.
15 - What is the most memorable moment? 
That moment when Luffy gets Zoro’s swords, and he defends his captain for the first time. C’mon, it’s the beginning of the crew!
“Nice, Zoro!”
“It was no trouble, Captain.” 
16 - What is your favorite ability in One Piece?
Hana-Hana No Mi. It’s elegant, has many uses and it can be powerful as heck. I totally want it! Emperor’s Haki is a close second, tho... 
17 - Do you own any One Piece merchandise? (Official or not)
Many of them! All the mangas that were/are being released on Brazil, the special editions (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green and Wanted!) an giant wallpaper, plenty of posters, many figure actions, an Sanji cosplay, a flag, a strawhat, a keychain and a notepad (The last two actually came from Japan!), a necklace and a shirt.
18 - Do you prefer watching One Piece in sub or dub?
As I said up there, I’m brazilian... So I never actually had acess to the english dub, and the portuguese dub (It’s a very good dub, btw) came out before I knew One Piece. So, it’s sub.
19 - What is the #1 thing you love the most about One Piece?
I’m a sucker for this kind of thing: The whole dreams, freedom, friendship and bravery message that it passes. I keep the lessons that One Piece gave me deep in my heart. They give me hope and happiness in hard moments.
20 - What is the #1 thing you hate the most about One Piece? 
There’s two of them: The brazilian fandom and what they did to Sanji after the timeskip. Brazil’s fandom is full of toxicity, arguing, homophobia and sexism. And Sanji was so smooth and serious before the timeskip, but I feel like he became a gag after the timeskip. Where’s the suave Sanji, goddamnit?!
21 - Does One Piece take your number 1 spot in your top 10 animes? (If not, where?)
Absolutely yes. One Piece saved me from dispair countless times. Its jokes, its lessons, its characters... And if it weren’t for One Piece, I wouldn’t have known half of my friends, and honestly, I don’t know where I was going to be nowdays if I didn’t had them. In many aspects, One Piece saved my life. I’m eternally grateful to Oda. One Piece is a huge inspiration to me in both emotional aspects and in a writer’s point of view. Watching One Piece was the best choice I ever made, because that silly strawhat boy changed my life and took me out of the darkness many times. I love this masterpiece with all my soul.
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x-i-l-verify · 7 years
One Piece Daemon AU Headcanons
(The concept of daemons is borrowed from the His Dark Materials series. A daemon is a person’s soul manifested outside of their body in a tangible, physical form, which permanently settles into the form of the animal that most resembles them in character as the individual matures. Human and daemon are not separate beings, but two halves of one mental coin, which means that they each know everything the other does, thinks, and senses. Dæmons are almost always the opposite gender of the human, and have a distinct personality than their human to a certain degree, as human and daemon represent different aspects of the same whole. In this AU, only humans possess daemons. The other sentient races in the One Piece world have their own unique ways of relating with Dust and consciousness.)
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Luffy’s daemon is one of the smallest species of mongoose, but despite its diminutive size, they are playful, curious, tolerant creatures, with one of the most flexible and complex social lives of all the mongooses, going so far as to form mutually beneficial partnerships with completely different species of animals; they are also quick, fierce, fearless, and one of the few animals known to be completely immune to snake venom, allowing them to face poisonous prey such as scorpions, vipers, and cobras without fear of dying from a stray bite. Luffy is laid-back, adventurous, and straightforward. Rhesia is his more perceptive, decisive, volatile side.
The name Rhesia is derived from the rhesus macaque, a type of primate. Rhesus is also the name of an ancient fictional king of Thrace, who was resurrected after his death and became immortal.
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Zoro’s daemon is the largest member of the mustlid family, an animal notorious for its tenacity, independence, endurance, and savage ferocity, but in contrast to their fearsome reputation, these animals can be surprisingly social with their cubs and their mates, with males have been reported to regularly check in on and spend time with cubs they've fathered, and like other mustlids, wolverines are actually very playful and curious creatures, as grown adults have repeatedly been observed playing with each other, their cubs, and even intimate objects. Riaki is more levelheaded, relational, and actually kind of goofy at times. Zoro is more confrontational, introverted, and stoic.
Riaki means “cold crystal” in Japanese, and is also derived from Triakis, a genus of houndsharks in the family Triakidae. The name comes from the Greek word “tri” meaning "three", and the Latin word “acis” meaning "sharp" or "pointed", in reference to the three-pointed teeth of these sharks.
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Nami’s daemon takes the form of an intelligent, perceptive, assertive member of the corvid family, famous not only for their love of shiny objects and sly, manipulative behavior, but also for their social, cooperative nature and intense dedication to their mates – which they remain loyal to for life – and offspring. Anvindir is her confident, compassionate, interpersonal side, while Nami is the shrewd, fierce, independent side.
The name Anvindir is a derivative form of an Old Norse name meaning "against the wind."
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Usopp’s daemon settled as a Clark’s anemonefish, a fish that, while still cautious and timid like all clownfish, is one of the most adventurous and willing to get out of its comfort zone out of all the clownfish subspecies; they venture further from their anemones than most clownfish dare to, and are very competitive with other local fish, protective of their mate, eggs, and anemones, and prone to using underhanded tactics to get what they want, whether it be luring larger fish to their anemone to feed it or tricking their anemone into letting them live in it because of the mucus covering the fish (making the anemone believe it is touching itself and not a potential meal). Usopp is pessimistic, vociferous, and cautious. Emine represents his determined, insecure, courageous side.
Usopp usually carries his daemon around with him in a small, portable fishtank made of shatterproof glass that can be slung over one shoulder on a strap. They are both very self-conscious about the fact that unlike most of the other daemons in their crew, Emine is mostly useless in a fight, so she tries to compensate by being the proverbial eyes in the back of Usopp’s head. They also tend to talk to each other out loud rather than keeping their dialogue internal like most humans and daemons; because they don’t have skin to skin contact as often because of Emine’s tank, they make up for it by connecting with their voices instead.
Emine is the feminine form of the Turkish name Emin, meaning "honest, reliable, trustworthy."
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Sanji’s daemon is a hardy, resourceful, social species of swan that lives in the cold north and migrates hundreds of miles every year to warmer climates in large, gregarious flocks; they are incredibly loyal, selfless, and protective birds, remaining with their mates year-round until one of them dies and ferociously defending their offspring from any and all threats, to the death if need be. Swans are also a symbol of royalty and romance in many countries, due to their graceful appearance and the devoted and monogamous behavior between mates. Trinité is Sanji’s strategic, supportive, down-to-earth side, while Sanji is the outspoken, idealistic, impulsive side.
Trinité is the French word for trinity.
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Robin’s daemon is a reclusive, clever type of venomous spider that is often mischaracterized as being overly aggressive, vicious and cannibalistic; in reality, western widows rarely engage in cannibalistic behavior, since the males wisely choose to mate with females that are well-fed rather than starving, prefer to flee from confrontation rather than start it, are intensely protective of their babies - often standing their ground against creatures hundreds of times their size to defend them - and also have the capacity to form cooperative social bonds with other spiders, as groups of widow spiders have been observed sharing webs and feeding together in captivity. In Native American folklore, the spider is known as the one who spins the web of time, knows all aspects of the future and the past, and acts as the keeper of history. Robin is pragmatic, wary, and fatalistic, while Salvian is more insightful, understanding, and persistent.
Because he’s so tiny and fragile, Robin usually keeps her daemon in a protective case that she wears on a woven cord around her neck. Before she met the Strawhats, she rarely, if ever, let others see him, preferring to keep him hidden away for their own protection. However, as time went on and they became more comfortable around this odd but accepting group of pirates, she gradually started to let him out and socialize with the other daemons on the crew more.
The name Salvian is taken from the Greek word “salvia,” meaning “wise.” This was also the name of a 5th century writer who wrote several books on the fall of Rome.
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Franky’s daemon takes the form of a sociable, resourceful, expressive species of great ape, which live in complex, cooperative social groups, and despite being territorial and aggressive at times, are also observed to be extremely curious and creative - with nearly all chimpanzee populations having been recorded using rudimentary tools -, emotionally complex (i.e. mourning for dead family members, incipient romantic love, etc.), and even altruistic, going so far as to readily adopt abandoned or orphaned infant chimps from unrelated groups. Icari is the empathetic, supportive, practical side, and Franky is the straightforward, spontaneous, imaginative side.
The name Icari is a modified form of Icarus, meaning “Son of Daedalus.” In Greek mythology, Icarus and his father Daedalus were imprisoned in the Labyrinth by King Minos. Daedalus, a master craftsman, created wings made of wax to escape, but Icarus flew too close to the sun, causing the wax to melt and plunging him to his death.
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Brook’s daemon is a loyal, lively, talkative little songbird, known for their trusting, tolerant, convivial nature, since they mate for life, frequently raise their broods with the help of previous chicks, often gather in large, mixed species foraging flocks, are quite bold in approaching humans for food, and are highly responsive to the calls of other birds; when they hear other birds calling out in alarm, they will go investigate and if necessary, join in the mobbing of predators with other birds. Brook is optimistic, outgoing, and childishly playful, while Carmina embodies his perceptive, persevering, more mature side.
Carmina is the feminine form of the Latin Carmine, meaning "song."
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Vivi’s daemon is an alert, adaptable, medium-sized member of the antelope family that nomadically wander the hot deserts of their native land in flexible herds that consist of anywhere from 10 or fewer members to a hundred; they are practical, hardy creatures despite their delicate appearances, usually subsisting on very little water and able to detect rainfall from a great distance, and while they prefer to avoid confrontations whenever possible, they are more than capable of taking on and slaughtering predators as large as lions if it means protecting themselves or their herds. Vivi is optimistic, patient, and caring. Dakarai is her proactive, spirited, stubborn side.
Dakarai means “happy” in Egyptian.
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Law’s daemon settled as an independent, intimidating, powerful apex predator, noted for their concealing camouflage, resilience to extremely harsh climates, patience when raising their children and hunting, deep devotion to their cubs, and unmitigated, brutal ferocity when protecting them; they are also unique among other bear species for their individualistic, nomadic, tolerant, non-territorial behavior, with solitary adults having been observed meeting up, playing, and traveling together for days before eventually parting ways, sharing their space with groups of walruses or seals, or sharing their kills with scavengers like arctic foxes. Law is collected, calculating, and driven. Cheza is more connected, candid, and sentimental.
The name Cheza is a shortened form of the name Chesapeake, referencing the Battle of the Chesapeake, where the French won a decisive naval battle against Britain in 1781, leading to the fall of Yorktown and the loss of the American colonies. While there are many different possible original meanings of the word Chesapeake, one common translation is that it means “mother of waters” in Algonquin. Cheza is also short for Chezarina, which is the feminine form of Caesar in Italian.
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