#no promises but a warning that the octopath content is going to be a thing for possibly a while
taoofshigeru · 2 years
Octopath Traveler 2 Ship Power Rankings
My 8path2 ships, explained.
I have beaten the game so some of this is spoiler-informed and/or explicit spoilers.
Partitio x Ori -She speaks in headlines. He restored her faith in humanity. I am in the process of burning incense to pray for their happy future.
Temenos x Crick -One of them is straight-laced, the other is not straight. Holmes and Watson but pixelated and for a modern audience. --"But isn't Crick-?" Shhh. Yes, but I don't think that stops Temenos. And no, not like that. Temenos just knows a very eminent magic scholar and the party makes contact with some very particular tomes. I think he starts getting ideas and solves that particular issue. In a year the official records will show Crick just took an extended leave of absence from the sacred guard for personal reasons.
Castti x Malaya x Andy -The latter two are very clearly in love and they find a way to make it work. Malaya works on making sure Castti doesn't overwork herself and Andy gives her massages whenever she gets tired.
Dolcinea x Veronica -Canon lesbians representing all aspects of the futch and distinguished/disaster scales between them. Definitively not the most problematic gay relationship in the game, either.
Mindt x Tanzy -I feel no particular need to explain this one.
Alrond x Misha -Another couple where one of them is straight-laced, the other is not straight.
That purple guy x Castti's axe -They just seem to keep running into each other and I think it's kinda cute.
Other comments: -Don't ship Throné, Osvald, Agnea, Ochette, or Hikari with anyone in particular at the moment. --Throné I hc as aroace. --Osvald needs some time to grieve. --Agnea I guess could work with Gil or Gus or Giselle but the chemistry there felt more platonic to me. Unless you want to group the three of them together and they could be a polycule going by the name "Aggie's Gs" --Ochette's best chemistry is with her animal friends and/or a big slab of red meat. There's maybe something to be done with her and Cohazeh but the two barely interact. --Hikari is the character I was personally least interested in, so while I guess he has some chemistry with Zeto and/or Rai Mei and a forbidden ship with Kazan, it's not really at the forefront of my mind.
-Compared to the first OT, I feel like the characters fit together more as true companions and less as love interests. But the bit players in each character's individual story have a lot more going on and that's something I appreciate.
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tired-needs-sleep · 2 years
sleepy's silly masterpost
hi im sleepy! i post things here. be warned if you're following for actal content since i reblog a lot!
i may occasionally reblog #suggestive things, stuff of that nature, or answer an ask with something suggestive. i will tag it.
this is my main. go follow @sleep-needed-tired if you're looking for animal content since im not very consistent with that anymore
i tend to be anxious when it comes to starting direct interaction like asks and dms, but i promise i only nibble and don't bite
stuff i post:
art of my ocs
occasional fanart
occasionally art of someone else's oc
writing involving ocs
oc rambles
fandom rambles
most of my original posts are gonna be about my ocs. info on them here.
stuff i reblog:
friend art
pokemon, both main and fangame content
arcane odyssey
lego ninjago, rarely
cassette beasts, rarely
octopath traveller II
minecraft diaries, rarely
minecraft story mode, rarely
relatable text posts
posts that remind me of an oc
#sleepy rambles
#sleepy art
#sleepy plays: (game)
#sleepy art...ish - art wips
#post upon queue- queue tag
#sleepy shut up - mostly joke tag. used on long posts / posts with a bunch of tags
#oc tag - congratulations your post reminded me of an oc
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viridiave · 3 years
and really it’s just me rambling about how the chapter 4′s segue into the post-game
i’m pretty sure i got a lot of things wrong I’m not caught up with COTC I’m sorry-
Going by the order of 'OCTOPATH' because uhhh just because- we're starting with Ophilia and the Mattias encounter
Nobody knows anything going into this fight
But by the end of it they come into this gradual realization that maybe starting here they're all collectively part of something much bigger than themselves
Because surprise they find out after this fight that Mattias is semi-immortal and while they brush it off at first given his devotion to the literal dark god Galdera they have an inkling this isn't where that trail ends
And it isn't until Cyrus and the others fight Lucia in the Ruins of Eld that he starts thinking that the tome's fucking contents matches up eerily well with what Mattias has shown them- alas he can barely translate the High Hornburgian texts on his own
And even then he only has the very ominous frescos to go off of concerning any of this
He sees a gate. He sees the tomes. The dots aren't connecting together at all, but he has a suspicion that if he keeps following the party then eventually the stars will align
He keeps his concerns about this to himself for the moment though and everyone feels weird about it because a quiet Cyrus is a sussy Cyrus
Travelling right back around to Grandport though they make a stop at Stonegard and they come across Russell and Dominic again so Cyrus opts out of the mission to try and haggle them for information about the tome
Which means he's completely missing out on Primrose having a feral mom moment for Tressa once she realizes that the person who stole Tressa's precious journal was a motherfucking Obsidian
The name Graham Crossford pops up for the first time here and for a moment they think 'hey what was the name of that guy we brought to a circus again'
Nobody remembers for now since Kit has only ever introduced himself by his first name
But all they know at the moment is that 1) Tressa Colzione is now an actual fucking billionaire
And 2) this Graham Crossford guy is being targeted by a dangerous group and they think 'damn what did this guy to do piss off those motherfuckers'
They hoof it to Riverford next- without Tressa this time, she's decided she'll stop by her place first and catch up with them soon enough with Cyrus in tow and promised to meet up with them in Everhold
And Riverford is a shithole. Nobody agrees that Riverford should stay like this for another minute so they immediately track down the rebel group to help them get that bastard Werner off his high horse
They still don't know why he rides his horse indoors
Erhardt shows up and Olberic swears that he'll fucking kiss this man if either of them survive this encounter with Werner
They survive and smooch like once over a candlelit dinner like seriously what was that sequence they're sharing wine and everything alone in Olberic's room in the inn
But more importantly is that Erhardt tries elaborating more on what Werner might have actually been after and they both feel like there's missing pieces of it that they haven't quite gotten yet
All he and Olberic know is that Werner did it for a gate and they're both pissed about it
They try making it to Everhold next and while Primrose is in the middle of sizing herself up for her encounter with Simeon, Tressa and Cyrus regroup with them
And they catch them up to what happened with Olberic and Cyrus almost faints on the spot at the mention of a gate
Nobody really questions it at the moment but as soon as they step foot into the weirdly huge Ampitheater they're bombarded with Simeon's fucking play and resolve to take turns stabbing him and promising themselves that they'll let Primrose toss his body off the fucking cliffs afterward
But in the process of stabbing Simeon they get this weird familiar feeling that they got with Mattias and none of them like that
Simeon is a Leader of the Obsidians and they pay extra attention to the 'a'
As soon as they make it back to Noblecourt Primrose starts digging for answers as to why Geoffrey Azelhart became a target- partly to divorce herself from the idea that Simeon really is just a maniacal asshole who wanted to mess with her
In the time she spends with the others though she eventually settles for a great reason for moving forward and that would be finishing whatever business her father had
The moment they step foot into Noblecourt Revello Forsythe comes busting out from the Azelhart Manor to welcome Primrose back but also to inform her that they rounded up the remaining Obsidians in the shadows
Along with the information they coughed up regarding the murder of Geoffrey Azelhart and certain recent events
Including whispers of someone eerily resembling Mattias being in partnership with Simeon
Ophilia and Primrose are pissed needless to say but there it is again
A fucking gate
Cyrus keels over on the spot and tells the others about this gate that these bitches seem to be obsessed over- at least, all that he can at the moment
Because translation is slow and confusing
At the moment the most anyone knows about it is that there's a literal dark god lying dormant underneath the ruins of Hornburg
Olberic has a bit of a crisis trying to piece all of it together for obvious reasons
This is the thing they destroyed his fucking Kingdom over
This is all on their minds as they travel to Orewell and help Alfyn out with killing this giant fucking bird because his apothecary not-friend was apparently carrying every disease known to man and
And again the name Graham Crossford popped up once Ogen was cured and they're even more confused because they had no clue what people like the Obsidians might have wanted with a traveling apothecary
It's at this point that Tressa and Alfyn start spilling what they know about the dude
They have these exact thoughts in their mind until eventually they hit Northreach and go to town on Darius mostly on behalf of Therion who they've grown very attached to much to his chagrin
As soon as they pay a visit to Ravus Manor to give the lady the gems she drops the fact that these things were apparently used to seal Galdera away at the Gate of Finis and before Therion can say this has nothing to do with them the rest of the party just screams
Heathcote has the patience of a saint not to give in to the urge of just tossing Therion's ragtag bunch out of the mansion for being so uncouth
But their reaction clues in both Cordelia and Heathcote to how much they actually know about the dragonstones and the Gate of Finis
Really they were probably worried for the very distraught Olberic Eisenberg and a Sister Ophilia Clement having a seizure
So the information that they were stolen some ten-odd years ago probably freaked them out more so Cordelia just sighs like 'listen if something was supposed to happen it would have happened already'
'…oh dear.'
But other than this they don't exactly have much to go off of so wearily they make the trek to Marsalim but not before giving the dragonstones the most intense side-eyeing
Lady Eliza greets them all and leads them straight to Redeye- no shits, no giggles, just the massive fucking sleep paralysis demon
They get petrified once or twice but they defeat Redeye pretty handily
What actually gets them is what's inscribed on the side of the pillar
The name Kit pops up and they're just tugging their collars cuz 'shit man wasn't that guy looking for his dad'
'so when we meet him again-' 'he could be anywhere on this fucking map dude' '-who's gonna bite the bullet and tell him that his dad became an eldritch abomination'
At this point they split up so Tressa and Cyrus with maybe Primrose and Olberic make their way back up north to Atlasdam to try and make sense of the information
Eliza recognizes Ophilia and offers to conduct an investigation on the surviving members of Mattias's cult so that's Alfyn, Therion, and H'aanit joining the Knights on smoking out the cult
They meet Harald on their way back to Stonegard and he hands them a few documents from Werner's office that he dug up
With mentions of the name Lyblac
And they all collectively have flashbacks to that simp guard from Bolderfall that H'aanit beat up
'didn't she say something about blue eyes and golden hair or some shit' 'that. That doesn't help. You know how many blue-eyed blondies are running around right now'
Meanwhile Tressa and crew run into one of those blue-eyed blondies- Leon- again in Rippletide and she asks him what he knew about Graham Crossford
'oh he's a lovely man- he can sure swab a deck' 'bESIDES THAT, CAPTAIN.' 'I know he has a son? His name was Kit I think' 'excuse me' 'you should have heard him back then he showed me all of his son's baby pics'
This is where it clicks for them fully that 1) Graham Crossford became the abomination that was Redeye and 2) Kit is a Crossford and might have something to do with the Obsidians
2.5) if he doesn't it's extremely likely that he'll be in danger because of them soon enough
Atlasdam doesn't do anything to soothe their souls because one sifting session through the secret archives tells them that the Crossfords are descendants of the sorceror who made the dragonstones to help seal away actual Satan
The other half of the party went the long way around so up on the S'waarki trail they meet the Impersario and the simp guard Alphas again
About to get mauled by what looks like the same tiger that Z'aanta casually killed in Stonegard
So they do the same
Extremely casually
And the Impersario plus Alphas drop the bomb on the travelers that Lyblac and Kit are both headed to the Ruins of Hornburg
And everyone has a spiderman moment
They meet up in Atlasdam and pretty much have a meltdown
Especially Olberic
And when they all get to the Ruins they all had to physically hold him back from giving the enormous gate to hell a teeny tiny max boosted Winnehild's Battle Cry
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