#no reveal yourself i wanna love you 🔪
greg-montgomery · 1 year
I will prolly never reveal who i am (lies) but like i want you to know youre an amazing writer and youre the first person ive sent this much to- and i love you sm for being you and you should be proud of yourself and i love your blog with my whole heart (no you have no idea how much) bc while my mental health may be crashing as hard as my grades (im okay dw) you (and your blog) are just amazing and a sort of rock and im sorry if this got heavy but yea- also im proud of you just existing and waking up today and I want you to know that if you ever feel lonely or unloveable that this little internet weirdo on your phone is proud of you and loves you very much (/p) even if all you do is wake up in the morning so yeah if you ever feel a lil down im here <3
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this made me cry and i’m not lying 🥹
no matter what i reply to this, it won’t be enough to show how much this means to me. the kindness you’re showing me rn? your sweet words? i love you so much! you are an angel the universe sent to me today because i needed it!!
it means THE WORLD to me that something i post here could bring comfort to someone bc i know the feeling of needing this type of comfort :( and this blog brings so much comfort to me. so the fact that someone else can also feel this way bc if it is so 🥹🥹
i genuinely don’t know how to express myself rn 😭 just know that i’m sooooo grateful for you and this message <3 it made me cry (in a good way) after a very difficult day. i’ve been going through it and the reason i haven’t posted much this week (and reply to your asks - i’ve seen them i love them keep going you’re never bothering me) is bc i’ve been working all day. so this was a gift sent from heaven :(
thank you and take care of yourself, i love you so much!! we’ll be okay <333
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ethanlvndry · 1 year
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Title:Fuck you too.(part 2)
Warnings: kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, toxic relationship, slapping, depression, angst, yandere!ethan, childbirth, you don't feel the sun for a while.
Pairing:Ethan Landry xfem!black!reader
Summary: After your blackout in the Ghostface shrine, you find yourself chained to a pillar in a basement. Are those footsteps, and to whom do they belong?
😨🔪ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴠɪ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ🔪😨
You've got to be fucking kidding me. Why do I always have to be the one to get split from the group?
Last thing I remember is Ethan's face changing while my visit started to dim.
Oh shit.
I forgot that I was literally carrying the babies of a vengeful serial killer. I have to get out of here. Who knows when he might come back. My statement is answered with footsteps coming down the stairs, dust falling off of them.
Unclean, dusty, old.
I try to remember what the house is like, so when I escape from this hell hole, I know where to direct the police. As the door opens, I pretend to be asleep, laying on my side with the less injured shoulder and avoiding my stomach.
I hear a sigh. The footsteps are coming closer. I hear a sharp whip-like echo resounding through the basement.
My hand finds comfort on my cheek that suffered the impact. My eyes start to water, and my lips start to quiver as I look up and I'm faced with...Ethan.
"Don't try and trick me, I'm already not in a good mood."
I'm at a loss for words and can't even get a whimper out as he unlocks the chain and drags me up the stairs. My legs dragging over a few screws and nails.
"You fucker! You're hurting me!"
"You should watch your mouth, considering how you don't know where you are or how to defend yourself."
I realize he's right and opt to keep my mouth shut as he leads me higher up the stairs till we're in front of a door. He pushes it open to reveal..a normal looking bedroom? It's kind of crazy, considering how he's a literal killer, but whatever.
He goes to sit on his bed, flicking his head up towards me, patting the seat beside him.
I laugh in disbelief at how he really expect me to act like nothing happened. Act like he didn't literally kidnap me. Act like didn't hurt my frie- no family.
"Go to hell you motherfucker.
He scoffs at my vulgar language.
"I didn't do anything wrong [name]... it was that bitch, Sam-"
"Richie fucking deserved it! So did your little slut sister, and your pathetic excuse of a father!"
He gets up, faster than I can blink. As he gets in front of me, he encloses his hand around my throat and squeezes.
I claw at his hand, trying to get free, but his strength is no match for my weakened, injured limbs.
"My patience is running thin [name]. Don't run it out. I don't want to hurt you or the baby."
He finally let's go, and I crash to the ground, trying to catch my breath.
"It's two, you asshole."
I gasp for air again.
"It's twins."
His face morphs into one of shock at first, then to a sly smirk.
"Guess you'll be eating for two, then."
"Yeah, when I get out of here."
He laughs in disbelief at my statement. He was literally clutching his stomach.
"You really think starving yourself is gonna get you out of here. I thought you were smart [name]. If you weren't smart, I wouldn't have fallen in love with you."
"Damn. Really wish I was stupid now."
He rolls his eyes.
"Whatever, just get on the bed. I need to keep an eye on you because clearly you haven't earned my trust yet."
I stay where I am, tense, but steady. He raises his eyebrows at my act of resistance before he latches his arm out and onto my arm.
"Wait!- I need to take a shower"
"Awww, does momma bear wanna take a shower with me?" He taunts
I hold myself back from flicking him off
"I need to wash and brush my hair. So I don't know if you're up for staying in the shower for 2 hours."
"You don't know how far I'll go for you."
"You're crazy."
"I know love, I know."
He leads me to the bathroom, the comb and hair stuff already set up in the closet. He even got me a bonnet... that looks similar to the one in my dorm.
Fucking creep.
I get shivers just thinking about how easy it must've been for him to get in my dorm. How easy it would've been for him to kill me. I think about the thought more, but then I feel harsher shivers. Those aren't shivers. I think I'm gonna vomit.
I hurry up and hurl myself over the toilet. Barely missing the floor. As I'm throwing up, I start to feel soothing hands on my back while I dry heave all of my stomach content.
I hear slight cooing through the sound of me vomiting. I know that voice. It's the same one that brought me here. Ethan.
Why is he being nice to me all of a sudden. I swear less than a month ago, he was trying to kill me and my family. Does he really want these babies?
My thoughts are interrupted by Ethan setting a toothbrush and a tube toothpaste out.
"After you're done with your shower, brush your teeth. I know you don't wanna sleep like this."
I accept his help and brush my teeth after I take my shower. I walk back into the bedroom to find Ethan on his bed, a book in his hand.
He looks up at me, mouth growing into a smirk. He pats the place by him in bed. I give him an 'are you serious?' Look, and he gives me a 'you know I am' look.
I smile at him walking, towards him just to make a sharp turn on an empty part of the floor and lay down. Faced away from that killer.
I hear him shifting in bed, then a sigh.
"You're gonna end up forgiving me. You know that, right?"
"Fuck you."
He laughs before turning off the lamp. Finally, letting the room morph into a room of darkness.
"Goodnight to all 3 of my babies."
I start to cry once I hear his snoring. Am I ever gonna get out of here. Unscathed? With the babies alive? Gosh, why did I have to go with him to his dorm that night. I was so stupid, stupid, stupid.
I feel my eyelids getting heavy. Sleep starting to overtake me, I let it, though. It's the one thing I can get right now that I need.
It's the third day since I've been with Ethan.
He won't even let me look out a window. Not because he doesn't want to get caught. But because he doesn't want me to escape.
"Ethan, please! I just want to feel the sun again! This might even be hurting the babies."
"No means no, [name]. Quit asking me you're getting on my fucking nerves."
I begin to tear up, my anger getting a hold of me.
"Why do you hate and love me?! You do stuff like kidnap me because you 'love' me, but you keep me from being happy because you hate me."
He whips around so fast, I flinch. But slowly open up my eyes when I feel him embrace me. I try to push him off me, screaming and clawing at his arms, but find myself exhausted.
I let myself fall into his embrace, fall apart. Feel him warm me up from the inside.
God, I'm disgusting.
He tried to kill Anika.
He tried to kill me!
But here I am in his fucking arms. Crying?
Making myself as vulnerable as can be?
Making my babies as vulnerable as can be?
Day 32 of being with Ethan. My bump has gotten bigger. I get tired faster than before, and I have to pee every second. Ethan finally let me go outside. It felt amazing to feel the sun on my freshly bathed skin again. I felt so clean. So happy and energized.
I'm not as easily disturbed by Ethans presence as I was before. He treats me well. He doesn't get as mad at me as Mindy did when I accidentally ran into Anika. Even though I literally broke a vase him and Richie made it when he was in elementary school.
I don't feel as betrayed with him as when I was with the rest of the Woodsboro group. I feel good. Really good, he treats me well, checks up on me. I even get to choose what we can eat on Fridays- Sundays.
Sometimes we go to the doctor outside. The first time we went out, I noticed how the houses were similar to the ones in Spain. I tried to keep quiet about my observation, but when we got home, I let it slip while we were watching Deadpool.
He told me that we were, in fact. In Spain. I wouldn't talk to him for 3 days until I realized I couldn't just live with him and not speak to him forever. That was the worst argument we've had since I've been here with him.
The doctors give me thorough checkups, and Jack is really involved with the babies. I find it cute. I guess I won't be struggling with them by myself anymore.
Day 258
My belly has gotten huge. To the point where I use it as a tray for my food, when Ethan and I have movie night.
Ethan proposed to me 4 weeks ago. I accepted, and I'm so happy that I did. I can finally start my new chapter in life with my husband. I do really well in Spanish. Ethan has been paying for my classes.
The doctor says I'm due in 22 days. But I'm so nervous, I'm not sure if I want it to come. I have to do a C-section. I have to, I don't think I would even be able to do a natural birth with two babies.
Ethan went out today to get some stuff for movie night and his birthday. We wanted to do it only together because we know that all we need is each other.
I've been getting a lot of contractions lately. I have a fear of it being the baby coming, but I brush it off in fear of me jinxing it. But that last contraction was something else. I was on the floor crying for Ethan for 10 minutes. Then, I struggled to get up for 10 minutes.
I feel another contraction, then all of a sudden a free feeling between my legs. I look down to see the floor, and my skirt wet...
I go to the house phone to dial Ethan's number only to find it disabled. Of course, he still doesn't trust me
I try to open the front door open to find it locked shut. Shit I can't do it naturally. I might die!
I cup my hands around my mouth to call for help when another contraction send me to the floor. I clutch my stomach hard.
I then feel something trying to get out of me, I cry from the Neverending pain happening to me. I push as hard as I can trying to make the pain stop. But whatever it is. It doesn't stop. I go through periods of pushing until I'm on my 10th push and something comes out. I look down to see the smallest living thing I've ever seen. A baby. I clutch her to my chest, beginning to cry as I hear her small coos in my ear.
I then feel another sharp pain between my legs, and remember I'm not done.
I place my baby girl down as I brace myself for another round of pain.
I repeat what I did the first time, but unlike the first time, she came out on the 8th push.
I cradle both of my babies to my chest, crying at the sight of them. My two little girls. I begin to stand up only to feel a sharp pain between my legs. I almost fall right down, but switch one of my girls to my left arm. Grabbing on the couch for stability. I waddle over to one of the drawers to get out a fresh pair of clinical scissors out of a bag. I stabilize my hand before cutting off the umbilical cord of one of my girls. I stabilize my hand once again before doing the same to my other girl.
It takes me 20 minutes to get up the stairs. I opened the nursery Ethan prepared for them and went to the drawer with the smallest size of diapers we could find. I grab 2 of them and head to the sink we installed for baths. I place the net that helps them float on and lay them both down. I rinse them down with Lukewarm water and watch them shudder at the new feeling.
I finally lay them on their diapers that are placed on a towel, and fasten their diapers on them.
I feel myself getting tired, so I begin to get them ready for bed. Feeding them, burping them, and laying them down for bed.
I keep myself awake enough to get ready to take a shower. I would take a bath, but I would be bathing in my own filth. I inspected myself to see that there was no ripping. I deem myself safe for a bath and get to washing.
When I'm done, I end up taking my hair out from my 3 month old braids that Ethan helped me do. I didn't have time for my hair when I hit my 7-month mark.
I put it in twist, then wrap it with my satin scarf and finish it up with laying my bonnet on top. I waddle out back to the nursery and watch my girls sleeping peacefully. I smile, but then it shifts to one of anger. What is Ethan doing? He missed the birth of his daughters. The store is quite a good distance away from us, but he usually makes it back faster than this.
I shake my head, then choose to sleep in here tonight, pulling out the trundle bed. And moaning at the feeling of sinking into the cushiony matress. I feel myself dozing off, and i let it take me. Today drained me, but it was fun.
I wake up to the feeling of something embracing me. Water? Hitting my face. I open my eyes to see Ethan standing over me.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there - I saw an old friend and we stopped for a bit to talk. I hurried back here as soon as I could afterward."
I quickly put my hand over his mouth when I heard my babies move around.
"Shh, you'll wake them up." I whisper
He just looks at me with a teary doe look in his eye, causing me to roll my eyes, and pat the other side of the bed where he quickly moves over to, and spoons me massaging everywhere I'm sore. He whispers apologies into my ears. But stops when I shush him, asking to just be left to sleep.
He listens and massages my torso until I doze back off to sleep.
We had a talk in the morning. Well - more like him apologizing and being my slave, as he should. But I forgave him, and we chose to name our girls Samia and Sa'niyah. The names of my friends back in Woodsboro who helped me through everything.
We took turns on who would wake up in the middle of the night to feed them, but it was mostly Ethan since I did the pumping. We took them to the doctors who not only gave them a checkup, but me too, and found that we were as healthy as can be. And deemed okay to return home.
As I'm feeding the twins, I'm left to think about life back in NYC. We're they trying to find me. Or did they honestly not care about me. Whatever one it was, I didn't care because I'm just fine where I'm at right now. With my family, my husband Ethan Landry, and our daughters. Samia Landry and Sa'niyah Landry.
I'm just fine
Just happy
And Just glad where I'm at.
And nobody will take it from me.
Well, that's done.(or is it)
I actually might end up continuing it. But right now, I don't think so.
But let me know what you guys think!
Taglist:@lauratstrange @sx57
@baby-alien11 @ilovechickenwings @astrelvs334 @alice121804
I put a line through those who it wouldn't let me @.
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