#no sangyao yet but we all know it would go there eventually
thebiscuiteternal · 9 months
Okay, sending the picture doesn't work, sorry about that, so:
Anything for the Au where Meng Yao gets snatched up by a wen solider, works his way up and is one day 'rewarded' by wen Ruohan who has Nie huaisang sent to his room?
Ah, yeah, nonnies can't send images. Submitted images require a name attached too, but with that I can at least edit you to be anon in the actual post. Totally understandable if you'd rather not, however, no push.
(note: I originally had an opening conversation between Meng Yao and Wen Ruohan for this, but my WRH "voice" felt... slightly off. Not up to my standard. I didn't want to extend your wait while I fought with it, so I might try revising it another time.)
By the time he opened the door to his room, he had gone through over two dozen possibilities for what this 'mystery present' could possibly be-
-and what he found was not any of them.
He put a hand over his mouth to keep any sound of surprised dismay from escaping, lest someone be listening in where he couldn't see them, then stepped into his room, closed the door, and immediately pressed a silencing talisman to the seam before approaching his bed.
Where there was a boy tied to one of the posts.
Almost immediately, his mind began instinctively taking an inventory of information. Which was good. As long as it was occupied doing that, it wasn't panicking.
First off, the clothing that bore all of the hallmarks of the Nie sect- captive, an important one, clearly, yet sent here instead of the Fire Palace.
The overall ragged state of his hair- clearly pulled more than once in a struggle- and the painful looking bruise that spread down from his left temple over his cheekbone- a favorite knockout tactic for attempted escapees.
Gingerly, he lifted the boy's chin, and estimated that they weren't that distant in age, maybe two or three years at the most.
As he continued his examination, his unexpected... guest made a faint little disoriented moan, eyes fluttering open just enough for him to see they were a vivid pale green before they closed again and the boy once again went slack in his bindings.
Meng Yao took a very slow, deep breath and let it out.
Then did so again.
The number of Nie family members who were in or close enough to the central bloodline to inherit that eye color could be counted without running out of fingers, which, put together with the other things he'd made note of, meant he'd been handed none other than the brother and heir to the sect leader currently leading the war against his own.
He had heard quite a bit about the Brothers Nie since he'd first come under the direct command of the Undying Sun. Wen Ruohan's opinions and feelings about them wandered the entire gamut from 'upstarts to be crushed under heel like bugs' to 'wayward children who merely needed to be taken well in hand," depending entirely on his mood at the moment he happened to be -frequently- thinking about them.
One of his very few requests of his sect leader was that he be allowed to keep his job and his home entirely separated, so given that... that Nie Huaisang had been sent here, it seemed that Wen Ruohan's opinion was currently in the 'wayward child' category.
Which didn't exactly make things easier for him, since, again, it could change at any time. For all he knew, this was anything from a genuine gift to some kind of test.
He sighed and rubbed his head.
He would simply -as if anything about the situation he'd been handed was simple- focus on 'for now,' to prevent giving himself a headache.
For now, this was intended as a gift.
One to be taken care of, akin to a surprise puppy.
He could do that.
Maneuvering into a position that would make it easier to catch Nie Huaisang once he was no longer bound, he pulled a knife from his sleeve and went to work on the ropes. When the last came free, Nie Huaisang slumped forward into his arms.
He was a lot lighter than expected.
Filing that away in his mind in case he needed it for later, Meng Yao managed to get him laid out on the bed with very little difficulty.
He was not, however, a fool, so before he resumed examining for other injuries, he tied both of Nie Huaisang's hands back to the bed post.
By the time he was done, he'd found a handful of other bruises -though none as serious as the blow to the head- and some minor scrapes, as well as a qi-slowing sedative that would need to be burned out of Nie Huaisang's system.
And then it would just be a matter of figuring out what to do once he woke up.
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achilleasfury · 4 months
Sangyao Week Day 3: ghosts
The temple barely stood anymore. Its pillars were broken and breaking, fabrics long ripped up and eaten. The statue had been vandalised again and again, face ruined beyond repair. The only thing remaining was a coffin, covered in chains, bound deeply to the ground, yet shaking and groaning as if the metal were to break down like rotten wood any second now.
No one really came to that temple anymore. It was a scorned place, devoid of life and hope - nothing where anyone would want to spend their time.
Yet twice, maybe thrice a year, the temple would receive a visitor. A cloaked figure, their face hidden behind a simple mask. They would sit down next to the coffin, uncaring of its furious shaking, and shed their coat, revealing quite mismatching robes. A dark grey, imposingly cut outer robe draped over much lighter ones, the belt not sitting quite right, somehow just a tad too big. Always the same old bloodstained robes. The stain was on the right, hovering awkwardly just above the spot where the heart was on the left.
The resentful energy would swirl around them in circles, going tighter and tighter and tighter. They would watch it float, sometimes sluggishly lifting a hand to dissipate it with a waving motion. It would always grow back almost immediately, pushing against the hand until it was lowered again.
Sometimes it would curl up on their shoulder, a mimicry of an old friend and ruined chances.
Sometimes it would curl around their neck, a mimicry of a never-would-be lovers embrace.
Sometimes it would close around their wrists, a mimicry of a scolding brother, forever lost to damned.
Huaisang didn’t know why he kept coming back to the temple. It was filled with memories he did not want to retain, the coffin filled with a corpse he never wanted to see again, never wanted to think of again. It was a comforting lie at least.
Not very effective, with how he was wrapped up in the robe of his biggest enemy, his dearest companion. He liked to pretend Meng Yao wasn’t Jin Guangyao. That his beloved friend had been replaced by an imposter, a fake taking his place to sow discord and hatred. (Huaisang was no liar, but he’d always been exceptionally talented at deceiving himself.)
He leaned back, head now resting on the coffin lid. His gazes turned upwards, studying the half standing ceiling. Maybe, if he just continued to count the stones, he could ignore the resentment taking a human shape next to him.
What are you doing here, A-Sang? Are you hiding again? From what? Your mistakes? Your brother? Me?
Oh, don't be childish, stop ignoring me. Your
hands won't keep my voice from reaching you, you know that. It's foolish to try, so why continue?
Sit down, little bird, we're not going anywhere. We have time.
Sit down, little bird, no need to rush. We have time.
Now, now, don't pull that face, you came here first. No one forced you to, dearest. It was all you and your own will.
You can't say you didn't miss me, can you? I certainly missed you. It's so boring when you're not here. All there is to do is watch the coffin shake and rattle. Sometimes I can almost hear his voice, but he stopped talking to me a long time ago.
A-Sang, if you keep making those grimaces, your face is going to get stuck in one someday. That wouldn't be good for your health.
I'm sure Da-ge wouldn't like it either - well, if he would still talk to either of us.
But you ruined your chance with that, didn't you? Well, don't be so down about it. He would not do much other than rage and rage either way.
We know him. Always filled with that unchainable fury, it truly wasn't good for his health.
Nowadays he doesn't know more than his anger. He isn't anything more than that anger anymore. It'll burn out eventually, don't worry.
I'm interested to see what will become of him, once all his emotions have worn down.
Oh, put those silly tears away. I have no hands to dry them anymore, A-Sang and you know no one else would. It's just us, like always. No Da-ge to yell at you, no Er-ge to fail at peace making.
Close your eyes, my dear nightingale, you look the sweetest at rest. The blade’s fury won't get to you, I promise. I'll gladly take the cuts meant to break your precious skin.
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ibijau · 4 years
i would give my left arm for a continuation of your sangyao “why do i remember kissing you” scene. PLEASE let meng yao be happy or i’ll cry ;-;
a continuation of this
“That’s the most stupid idea you’ve ever had,” Jiang Cheng said, which is a little harsh, but Nie Huaisang nods and puts the bottle back on the ray. 
Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes hard from where he’s leaning on the shopping cart.
“No, grab the fucking vodka, you idiot. I’m not going sober through a party where Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are there. But you plan, about Meng Yao? That’s stupid even by your standards.”
Nie Huaisang shudders at the idea of Wei Wuxian flirting with everyone to grab Lan Wangji’s attention, as if he doesn’t have it already, and of Lan Wangji’s cold anger making the temperature drop. When he’s done hooking up with Meng Yao, Nie Huaisang is so taking care of these two, if only so they’ll stop ruining every party.
He grabs two bottles of vodka, and some whiskey too before motioning for them to move to the sodas.
“My plan is excellent, you’re just jealous ChengCheng.”
“It’s terrible,” Jiang Cheng insists, dropping some coke in the cart. “Can’t you just say you like him, like a normal person, ask him out on a date… you know, something normal?”
Trying to decide between two flavours of likely repulsing energy drinks, Nie Huaisang shrugs.
“What would you know about normal.”
“Rude. I’ve probably tried to understand that bullshit more than any of you,” Jiang Cheng snaps, pushing him aside to pick one of the energy drink packs. “And I can tell you this: being straightforward is the best way to go. Or else, you’ll just end up like Wei Wuxian and his walking ice-cube. Talk to Meng Yao, tell him you like his butt or… whatever it is you like about him anyway.”
“The dimples,” Nie Huaisang mutters. “And the fact that he’s my only friend with a brain.”
“Again, fucking rude.”
Nie Huaisang shrugs. He’s aware that actually, most of his friends are probably near geniuses. Wei Wuxian has three degrees and is working on a fourth while also doing volunteer work. Lan Wangji is a music prodigy who’s been doing concerts since he was six along with his brother. Even Jiang Cheng, always accused by his parents of underperforming when they were alive, managed to finish his degree with honours while taking over their business after their untimely death. If anything, Nie Huaisang himself, who’s been lingering in art school and is in no hurry to graduate, is the idiot of the group so he probably shouldn’t make judgements.
But there’s just something about Meng Yao’s sharp mind that sets him aside from everyone else. It’s a practical sort of cleverness which the others lack. Meng Yao always knows how to get the best price on things, he knows which bars are safe and which aren’t at a glance, how to defuse a fight (or start one without getting involved), what to wear on any occasion. It’s like Meng Yao could be thrown into absolutely any situation and always land on his feet, looking like he belongs there and knows exactly what to do.
He’s also normal smart on top of that, which is nice. Nie Huaisang has never found anyone else as excited as him to chat about the pre-raphaelites, not until meeting his brother’s roommate.
“I can’t just tell him I like him,” Nie Huaisang sighs, pushing the cart toward the queue for the cashier. “What if he doesn’t like me back?”
“He does,” Jiang Cheng retorts. “And even if he doesn’t, at least then you’d know and be able to move on. What’s your stupid plan of making out with him for a stupid bet even going to accomplish, uh?”
“It gives me an exit,” Nie Huaisang explains, as if it’s obvious. It certainly is to him. “I get to kiss him, and then if he seems to be having regrets after, I can just say that hey, guess what? It’s fine, it was all fake for money, we can stay friends! It’s a foolproof plan.”
Jiang Cheng considers that for a moment, and grimaces.
“I still think it’s stupid. Just tell him that you like him. If he likes you back, good. If he doesn’t, we have vodka. If he doesn’t like you back and he’s an asshole about it, then he was never worth your attention and I’m sure Lan Wangji will gladly break his nose for making you cry.”
“Not taking romantic advice from the aro guy,” Nie Huaisang replies with a pout. “Just… are you going to place the bet for me or not?”
Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes, and grumbles, and makes a whole damn show of expressing how much he hates the idea, in case it wasn’t clear enough yet, but… of course he agrees to help. That’s just how he is. For all of his advice about just saying things, Jiang Cheng can’t do anything without pretending that he’s forced to act against his better judgement.
A number of hours later, Nie Huaisang is standing in his brother’s bathroom, numbly trying to brush his teeth and wondering if Jiang Cheng didn’t have a point yesterday about how stupid his plan is.
Well, no. The plan was great. Nie Huaisang got to make out with the guy of his dreams, first where everyone could see them so he’d get some sweet extra cash, and then after in Meng Yao’s bedroom until they kind of fell asleep. That part of the plan went great.
No, the problem is that Nie Huaisang panicked this morning when Meng Yao asked why they kissed last night. It’s just. It’s just that Meng Yao seemed so shocked by the idea, as if it’s something he’d never have considered while sober, and Nie Huaisang was still a little out of it because he too drank too much and slept too little, so he tried to play it cool, and…
Heavens but the expression on Meng Yao’s face when he said it was just for a bet, the tone of his voice when he asked if he should expect his share of money, that was…
Nie Huaisang sighs, and presses his forehead against the bathroom’s mirror. The glass feels almost too cold against his skin, but that’s nice, that’s grounding. 
Jiang Cheng was right, he should have just told Meng Yao that he likes him instead of trying to be clever. He’s ruined everything now. Whatever Meng Yao felt before, he surely hates him now because if there’s one thing he hates, it’s feeling used by other people. With how many times Meng Yao complained about that aspect of his old friendship with the Wens, back before he moved in with Nie Mingjue, Nie Huaisang should have known not to pull this sort of bullshit, but…
Well. He’s the idiot in their group of friends, isn’t he?
In the bedroom next door, Nie Huaisang hears movement. Meng Yao seems to be getting up from his bed. Nie Huaisang tenses, fearing that the other man will come talk to him and tell him to get out of the flat… but he doesn’t. Instead, he hears footsteps going toward the kitchen, ignoring him entirely. Maybe it’s worse than being kicked out.
It takes Nie Huaisang a while to calm down, but eventually he makes it to the kitchen too. He’s hoping to grab some water before being ordered to leave. He was supposed to help Meng Yao clean the flat before Nie Mingjue’s return, that was the deal, but he’s not sure Meng Yao will want his company after this. He’s not sure what Meng Yao will want in general.
When Nie Huaisang steps into the kitchen, he finds that what Meng Yao wants, apparently, is breakfast. He’s put water to boil, bread in the toaster, and he’s looking in the fridge for something to put on it.
“Strawberry or apricot?” He asks without turning to look at Nie Huaisang.
“Jam, for the toasts. Strawberry or apricot? It’s all we have.”
“Whichever one has no mold on it,” Nie Huaisang mumbles, because he’s been at his brother’s flat for breakfast before, thanks.
Meng Yao checks both containers, and grimaces.
“Strawberry it is. Sit down, it’ll be ready in a moment.”
Nie Huaisang obeys on sheer instinct, carefully watching Meng Yao as he rummages through a cupboard for their box of tea.
“I thought you’d be wanting me gone,” Nie Huaisang says, because he’s really an idiot and can’t keep his mouth shut.
Meng Yao drops the box of tea on the table, and turns away to check on the toasts.
“Not until this flat is clean. I’m not dealing with this mess alone.”
That does sound fair. Nie Huaisang promised to help after all, and he probably deserves to do it as punishment or something. 
They have breakfast in silence, and then get to cleaning, still in silence. After a while, Nie Huaisang starts wishing they had music at least. Not two seconds later, Meng Yao turns on the radio. It’s that classical music station Nie Mingjue likes, because he’s such an old man that he still has a radio and really does listen to that kind of music. They’ve both teased him about it, and as they hear some Bach ring into the quiet flat, Meng Yao and Nie Huaisang can’t help trading a brief smile.
It gives Nie Huaisang some hope. He ruined something last night and this morning, but he didn’t ruin everything.
It takes some hours for the flat to return to its normal state (parties with Wei Wuxian are always a mess) but they manage anyway. When they’re done, Nie Huaisang feels a little calmer. Sure he fucked up, but Meng Yao seems less upset about it now, so they’re probably fine. They can pretend this never happened, and go on with being friends as long as they never talk about this again.
That’d be a good plan.
Instead, Nie Huaisang looks around the now clean flat, and like the complete idiot he is, lets his mouth say words without having his brain check them first.
“So, any chance we might make out again someday?” he asks.
The way Meng Yao tenses instantly and scowls at him is just awful. So much for not ruining everything.
“What, do you need more material for that bet?” Meng Yao snaps. “Is there money on the line if we last more than one night? I’ll want fifty percent of profits then.”
Nie Huaisang winces.
“I’m not asking for that, I swear! It’s…”
He takes a deep breath, wondering how to explain the situation, and then… 
He can’t believe he’s about to take the advice Jiang Cheng gave him yesterday. But at this point, he really has nothing left to lose, right?
“A-Yao, I like you a lot,” he sighs. “I really do. I have for a while. The bet was just a good excuse, I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while. I think you’re really handsome and clever and I want to go on dates and stuff, I just wasn’t sure you’d want that too so I thought I’d… test the waters, you know?”
The intensity of Meng Yao’s stare is such that Nie Huaisang has to look down. Or maybe it’s just that he’s too embarrassed by his own words to bear to look at Meng Yao’s reaction. Nie Huaisang is never one to be direct if there’s a chance to make things convoluted, and to open up like this and just say things, with his words, that’s just…
“You’re an idiot,” Meng Yao says, his tone so flat it’s impossible to judge how he feels.
“Yeah, I know. Listen, it’s… it’s fine, don’t worry, I’ll show myself out and I won’t bother you again and…”
“I think it’s best if you leave, yes,” Meng Yao agrees. “But be back at six.”
Nie Huaisang’s head snaps up to look at his friend. He didn’t remember that they had plans for that night.
“You’re taking me on a date,” Meng Yao announces. “Somewhere nice, to apologise for being so stupid.”
Nie Huaisang blinks a few times, while Meng Yao smirks.
“Buy me flowers too. Maybe chocolate as well.”
“You’ve watched too many rom-coms,” Nie Huaisang retorts, feeling a smile creep on his face. “You really want to go on a date with me?”
“I never say anything I don’t mean,” Meng Yao says, which is an awful lie as they both know, but Nie Huaisang is willing to pretend, just this once. “Now fuck off, I need to take a nap and shower and get ready for my date.”
Nie Huaisang grins, and almost runs out of the door. It’s almost two, he’s only got a few hours to plan the best date Meng Yao has ever had.
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