#no wonder i love Puss In Boots- this guy was my favorite character in the movie
brights-place · 7 months
could you maybe do dating capper from my little pony?? you dont have to! im not even sure you do much other than trolls, ahah
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Capper Dating Headcannons
Pairings: Capper X Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: LOVELY! HAVE YOU SEEN MY MASTERLIST AND ALL THE FANDOMS IM IN?! LOVELY PLEASE GO TO MY MAP I DO MORE THE TROLLS SO DW HONEY! plus my Map is pinned on the top of my account when you see my blog ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
- Okay but what capper did at first in the movie like planning to sell twilight and her friends I was like “Uhm BITCH?!” - Anyways heres the dating headcannons for Capper that little cat bastard who I contemplate whether I like or hate him tbh I stand my ground when he tried to sell the ponies to the circus I wanted to punt that little pussy cat SORRY SORRY! - Capper is portrayed as smooth talking, streetwise, and opportunistic, able to charm and trick others with his charismatic personality and quick wit which was something you fell for - He loves you with his WHOLE heart - Capper IS a loving and caring boyfriend though sometimes he can be an ass from time to time including his crippling debt he tries not to get you pulled into it - Loves how you treat him gently and lovingly he would stare up at you when you cup his face as he purs which he didn't know would be possible around you - He likes helping you out when he can to show you that he doesn't feel ashamed to assist you because he loves you. For him it means a lot that you are asking him to do these small tasks, he feels special. he will purr if you kiss his cheek as a reward. - Capper is not used to receiving genuine compliments, as he didn't often receive them alot due to his... career - But when you compliment him it always catches him off guard a but he eventually learned to appreciate it and it even made him feel a little sentimental and melt into your hands easily
- " I don't want to be a thief forever. I just want to find a place where we can just... be." Capper says cupping your face in his paws as you chuckle softly "No matter what happens I love you everywhere we are is better with you" you two hold each other closely - Though he is an thief and tries to pay of his debt he doesn't want you to ever EVER! be involved in his work - Cappers an con-artist, was once a swanky aristocrat living the high-life with pride and dignity which is sometimes hard to deal with in some moments yet you still love him and ask him to just tone it down abit since you didn't want people to think bad about Capper anymore
- When it comes to cuddling doesn't mind being the big or little spoon! though he very much prefers being the big spoon due to loving the fact feeling you close to his fluffy chest. - He likes it when you run your fingers through his fur or use his fluffy chest as a pillow - Capper will whisper sweet nothings into your ear and tell you how much you mean to him! - He'll place kisses along your face and cover you up a bit when you finally fall asleep don't worry he's not going anywhere because he'll fall asleep next to you and would grip onto you tighter when you leave his arms - He whines and tries to charm you to stay longer with him before you go out - Since he’s like an cat I feel like dating him would also be like having an pet cat to take care off
- Head scratches are 100% didn’t even know he liked it until you did it to him with an huge smile he was absolutely befuddled before relaxing and a low purr left him
- But at the end of the day you know that your fluffy boyfriend can be a sweetheart.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
My 10 Favorite DreamWorks Movies
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When I first joined Tumblr one of the first few posts I made was a "Best of DreamWorks" where I just pasted a bunch of images from the movies I liked the most.
After seeing the new Puss In Boots movie and seeing all the love it's been getting I thought it would be nice to revisit the list, but this time actually talking about why I like these movies so much.
Just wanna say real quick, If you're coming here wondering if "Shark Tale" will be on the top 5 and how I'm gonna defend my case about it, you lower these expectations right now. This is gonna be a super boring list. My favorites are everyone's favorites.
The only thing I can bring up is why I myself like them, and hopefully, I can bring up unique enough reasons for it. I've always been a fan of this company, mostly because I really respect how many risks they take with the premises of their stories.
I always like to believe that there is no such thing as a bad idea, only a bad execution, and DreamWorks proves that by never being afraid of giving a chance to the weirdest of ideas, and when the execution pays off, it pays off greatly!
So which ideas did I feel were executed the best?
10 . The Bad Guys
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First things, first. "Good Tonight" is a freaking awesome song and everyone should give it a listen.
The idea of bad guys is "what if we tried to make the meanest-looking animals that people are familiar with into the heroes of our story?"
Animals like snakes, sharks, spiders, and so on, things that are known for being very dangerous and scary, but placed into the roles of bandits that go on heists while running away from the police.
I always call this the "Not Sly Cooper" movie, because that's exactly what I feel a Sly Cooper movie would be like. Tons of animal-acting-like-human jokes, fun cartoonish heists and car chases, and some nice morals about what it means to be a thief and what it means to be a hero.
Bad Guys is a very charming movie. The characters are all likable, many of the jokes are funny, and the way the movie looks with its blend of 2D and 3D is just amazing. The scene where they are escaping from prison with the help of a "mysterious ninja" being my favorite part.
The only problem I have is that I feel having both a shark and a piranha in the cast was kinda redundant. I would have replaced the piranha with a bat so they would have a scary flying animal instead of two scary water animals. Plus, imagining a bat singing "Good Tonight" just feels like a funnier visual to me.
9. Megamind
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The idea for Megamind is rather simple, show what happens when the villain does beat the hero.
I feel like this movie did a good job showing how the fun of working hard can sometimes feel more rewarding than the fun of actually winning, kinda sending a sweet message about the futility of cheating.
I also like how over-the-top Megamind himself is with how he treats all his evil actions as some grand spectacle. Doesn't matter if he's winning or losing, this dude always looks like he's having a lot of fun treating these hero vs villain battles as some sort of playtime with his best friend.
You're basically watching a kid's imagination of what these fights would look like from someone who grew up watching way too many cartoons. Tons of cheesy one-liners, tons of dramatic speeches, tons of last-second twists, and of course, tons of big explosive action.
And it's also fun seeing Megamind's fantasy of what a hero vs villain scenario looks like slowly dying once he meets Titan and how differently he treats this whole thing compared to MetroMan.
The one problem I had was the way the character of Roxane was treated. It felt like they were trying to make her more than just "the girlfriend" and give her more depth, but in the end, her biggest role in the climax was still needing to be saved and serving as emotional support for the main character. Also, the way she was basically catfished by Megamind always made me very uncomfortable, especially when thinking that kids might be watching this and learning from this.
It wasn't too awful, but I felt they could have done more with her.
8. Spirit
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"What if we made a movie about the adventures of a horse?"
This one is kinda hard to describe why I like it. I think the reason is that it feels... How do I put it... Honest? Real? Genuine?
Whenever Spirit goes through an emotion it always feels earned. When he's sad, you're sad, when he's angry, you're angry, and when he's celebrating after succeeding in a daring escape, you want to celebrate too.
This movie to me just did a great job at making me feel what this horse was feeling, and most of it with the use of very minimal words.
I loved Spirit, loved his chemistry with the villain, loved the sense of speed whenever he is running through the fields or avoiding the cowboys... and most of all, loved the joy you get whenever you feel free.
It's not that this gives you a great sense of freedom, its that it gives you a desire to fight for freedom! It makes you feel you can be more, and do more and have the right to reject being tied down by others who want to limit your true potential and control you.
This movie makes you want to be free.
7. The Road to El Dorado
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Do I even need to say anything besides the fact that this movie has Chel in it?
But for real, I think this movie was my introduction to the Maya, Inca, and Azteca culture, (I think my closest only other option at the time was "Mucha Lucha" of all things...), and they make this culture look fun and cool.
The architecture looked nice, the clothing looked nice, the people were so likable, and anytime they party you just want to party as well. I kept waiting for some big reveal to happen for the citizens to turn on the heroes, but they never do, and that was so refreshing, just showing people from different areas becoming friends AND staying friends.
I also love how funny Miguel and Tulio are, I was a kid when I first saw this so I was weirded out by the idea of two adults as the leads but I was sold on them very quickly. Even their horse was likable. everyone is just so likable in this movie. It makes you want to visit El Dorado and hang out with all these people.
Such a charming, funny, and friendly movie.
Also Chel. Chel was a big selling point.
6. Puss in Boots, the Last Wish
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I already talked about this one over here, but, long story short, like many other movies on this list, I love how good this movie is at sucking you into the mood.
The way the visuals, the story, the dialogue, and the characters work together really succeed into making you feel what these people are feeling and making want to see more of them.
Didn't matter if it was the heroes, the villains, the antagonists, or what, I was 100% behind everyone's motivations and I couldn't wait to see all their goals clashing with each others'.
Also, the wolf is by far one of DreamWork's best antagonists, right up there with Shen and Ramses. He looks cool, talks cool, and even his motivation was cool.
This wasn't just a movie, this was an experience.
5. Shrek 2
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I freaking dare anyone going into this movie blind to predict what the climax is going to be.
The weird idea of this one is that Shrek after marrying his wife needs to meet her parents... And that's it. It's just one long and uncomfortable reunion with people who really don't want to be on the same room together and all the things they try to pull of to make or break this relationship.
Hire assassins, request help from magic fairies, fake your appearance, steal a potion, it's all about seeing how far everyone is willing to go to do what they think it's the best for those they love.
It all turns into a glorious and creative mess and I can't help but love every second of it!
(Side note, anyone ever notices how often DreamWorks sequels focus on the idea of characters dealing with their parents?)
4. Kung Fu Panda 2
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If it wasn't for Prince of Egyp, I would say that this was the hardest and darkest DreamWorks movie.
There is so much focus on feeling lost, feeling abandoned, feeling hopeless and betrayed, and just trying to understand what you're doing wrong and what you need to do right.
This movie was like a therapy session... Done with talking cartoon animals, yes, but a therapy session no less.
The themes of trying to understand yourself, where you came from, and where you want to go are all handled greatly as you watch the relationship between the hero and the villain.
Po and Shen have such an absurdly great chemistry. I love seeing them talking, fighting, and trying to one-up each other, and I really love how much their relationship changes the more they learn about each other, and it all happens so fast and so smoothly too.
It makes me angry whenever I see a movie and the hero and the villain barely talk with each other. That's one of the best things you can do with them! Why are you skipping it??
Luckily this one didn't, and in return, we got one of the best interactions ever. I love these two by themselves and love these to together. Just a pair of wonderful characters that work really well off each other!
3. The Prince of Egypt
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Man... What do I even say about this one?
It's probably the riskiest idea DreamWorks has ever tried to do, tell the story of Exodus as an animated musical... And that was their second movie ever after freaking "Antz!" These guys have a lot of guts.
This was a movie that I didn't really get it when I saw it as a kid, but I just love trying to understand its themes and messages now that I'm older.
I love the main conflict between the brothers, again, bringing attention to how good a story can be when you focus on the connection of the hero and the villain. Showing both sides of people who grew up under an unhealthy ideology, one trying to grow out of it and the other trying to embrace it even more.
I love the imagery of Egypt, both as this grand epic kingdom built from the struggle and pain of the slaves and as this falling empire being attacked by God Himself. The visuals of the plagues being my favorites.
And I love the sense of calmness that appears whenever the chaos takes a break. Seeing Moses and his people getting out from the ocean and enjoying the dawn of a new era after all the struggle they went through just felt so rewarding. It's just such a satisfying ending for such a long journey... As long as you decide to stop there and don't look up what happens in the rest of the story.
I especially love the concept of Ramses, A person so deep into the teachings of his father that he can't even see why the things he's doing are so bad. I think my favorite part is when he's hugging his son while glaring at Moses and just asking "Why?" while he has this GIANT WALL SHOWING BABIES BEING FEED TO CROCODILES right behind him.
It's such an amazingly blind irony as the man cries for his kid's safety while the crying of all these dead kids looms over his shoulder. Just how do you have to be raised to turn into this kind of person?
It's so baffling but I just can't stop watching and wondering how far is this man willing to go. Such a sad showing of someone who doesn't see he's on the wrong side and trying to fight against the tides.
It's a beautifully sad, and yet hopeful movie.
2. Kung Fu Panda
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Yeah, I put Kung Fu Panda above Prince of Egypt... I don't know what's wrong with me either. I don't know, for some reason, I just have a lot of respect for this movie? Prince of Egypt I liked a lot but I couldn't really fully understand it and enjoy it until I was much older. Meanwhile, even when young I could already enjoy Kung Fu Panda a lot.
It felt like it had a bigger challenge by being a good, deep movie while also being fun, funny, and cheerful.
It's easy to make dark stories have strong messages and depth, but it's hard to have no-so-dark stories also have strong messages and depth, and I have such an appreciation for that. They could have just made this a lame joke-fest about being an overweight character trying to learn martial arts, but they didn't!
They put a lot of effort into the lessons, the fighting, the motivations of the characters, the visuals, and even the jokes! I thought the jokes were going to be awful but they were all very charming!
I love the designs of the cast in how they each represent a level of kung-fu, AND, I love the Kung-fu itself.
I feel like this is the Kung Fu Panda movie that tries the most to be creative with combining martial arts in a cartoon setting. Like... I like Kung Fu Panda 2 and 3 but I don't really remember much of the action there aside from the stuff in climaxes with the "water dodgeball" section and the "giant energy dragon avatar in the spiritual realm" section.
But in here? I remember the bridge fight, the prison escape, the master vs student showdown, the hot-potato game with the scroll, and even the training sessions with Po and the five.
I feel like as the movies went on they focused more on the spiritual journey of self-discovery and toned down the cartoon action, while in here it's just perfect.
It's amazing how many elements this movie is trying to balance while still pulling it off each of them so well.
I just wished that Po and Tai-Lung had more scenes of interaction because they basically feel like strangers in the end even though the whole movie is building up to their fight... A fight that... Really doesn't feel as good as all the action that came before to be honest.
But still, that's just one small little problem in what's otherwise a perfect product. Besides... KFP2 covers the whole Hero vs Villain thing that was lacking in here by more than making up for it, so it's all good. 1. How To Train Your Dragon
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Of course my favorite DeamWorks movie is the one with the dragon. I freaking love dragons! I have a comic based on people that become dragons for crying out loud!
Kidding aside, this is a movie with a message that I just respect a lot. I really appreciate the idea of teaching kids the importance of knowing how to stop, looking at what you're doing, trying to understand who you're hurting, and what you can do to change.
This isn't just something that holds value to kids, this holds value to everyone. We are always so focused on going after the things we want that we tend to forget the people we're sometimes stepping on to get there, and this movie shows that not only do we not lose anything for trying to be friends with these people, but we might even gain something even better.
I just adore the friendship of Hiccup and Toothless (God, I love these names).
One is a kid trying to make his father proud by following the family legacy, while also trying to do what he loves by studying and befriending dragons and the conflicts that come from trying to please both sides. This is such a great lesson for kids because they're always stuck into deciding on what's best for them and what's best for what their parents want from them.
And the other side is a pet slowly lowering his defenses and deciding if he wants to trust this weird stranger that tried to hurt him or give him a second chance to prove himself as a possible ally. What do you do? Put yourself at risk and give others a chance or remain safe and away from possible harm?
This movie reminds me a lot of Lake in that if you keep looking at it you can take away twenty different lessons and themes to talk about.
Again, it's the challenge of trying to be deep while avoiding being too dark and remaining all-ages-friendly.
Kids are gonna watch this, they're gonna love the dragons and the flying scenes, and they're gonna come back years later and pick up things they didn't see were there before and later realize that without noticing it, these lessons became a part of them and a part of what they do.
You can feel that there is a lot of love in this movie. I remember watching the commentary and looking at how the creators always would get excited when there was a silent scene or a world-building scene. It's clear they had a lot of fun working on this product, and this love really can be felt through the characters, their growth, and their emotions.
I freaking adore this movie, and I freaking adore DreamWorks!
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merakiui · 2 years
Hey Mera! This may be a bit random but I was wondering what your fave type of villain is? I was watching some old Disney movies and I have to say that my fave villains are probably Ursula and Hades. I think they are a perfect balance between animated and imposing villains. They have such distinct personalities and are such memorable characters, in my opinion. (My fave part of the little mermaid has always been Ursula, I always found her to be so cool).
Hello!! :D aaaa favorite type of villain! Ursula and Hades are very good choices. Recently I watched Hercules and so I completely understand Hades's appeal as a villain. He was very funny and I liked his banter with Meg, especially when she was trying to tell him that Hercules was different and he says, "he's a guy!"
Ursula was also another favorite from my childhood, so your taste is very immaculate. I have always loved "Poor, Unfortunate Souls" and I liked how clever she was when making deals (surely this love for Little Mermaid won't lead to my love for a certain trio in a Disney mobile game known as Twisted Wonderland). Her lair always unnerved me as a child because of the garden of polyps she had. Knowing that those polyps were once merfolk who made deals with her and couldn't repay debts was so eerie to me!
Another villain I absolutely love is Dr. Facilier omg!!!! Princess and the Frog is one of my favorite Disney films and I love how cunning he is. So charismatic and casual!! It was really too good. orz his death scene frightened me as a child. It was wonderfully creepy, and I loved how ruthless he could be when it came to tricking others.
I also really liked Claude Frollo in the Hunchback of Notre Dame because he's done so well. He is so unsettling and horrifying and monstrous! When I watched it many months ago, I wasn't expecting to be so genuinely disturbed. He really is a villain in every manner of the word. I was rooting for his demise as the film reached its climax and aaaa it was so satisfying to watch him fall to his death!
This isn't Disney, but I liked Jack Horner in Puss in Boots 2. He was really refreshing because he was a genuinely evil character and he embraced that nature. Of course I also greatly enjoyed Death. He was so eerie with the whistling and the way in which he stalked Puss. Every one of his scenes had me at the edge of my seat. >0<
As for my favorite type of villain, it would have to be the kinds who appear friendly at first and seem like they might be on your side before it's revealed that they are, in fact, terribly evil. I like the concept of luring a person in with disarming behaviors, only to bring your jaws down when they're right where you want them. It's always so haunting when a character you think is sweet and good turns out to be vile and cruel.
I also enjoy villains who play the most complex mind games. And I also like villains who are very cute and appear innocent but turn out to be downright horrible. The contrast of cute and creepy will always be one of my favorite things! And then there are also villains with tragic backstories. I like those kinds of villains because I get to peer into their past and wonder what may have shaped them into a villain.
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closetdbisexual · 1 year
TOP 10 (or so) FICTIONAL CATS (from books i have read)
10. kitty (bad kitty)
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they made so many of these comics . i think she was justified in everything she did that dog was annoying as fuck
9. skippy jon jones (skippy jon jones)
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technically shouldnt be on this list since he is, in fact, not a cat at all. hes a chihuaha. i promise. hes silly though i miss him
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8. martin (martin's mice)
sweet little guy. kind of stupid. he trapped some mice in a bucket because he didnt have any friends and didnt want them all to run away it happens to the best of us martin
7. sabine and puck (the underneath)
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another book that touches on humans being terrible . this one is sad and i cant actually remember what happens in it but these little guys have a place in my heart anyways . i hope they ended up safe
6. aldwyn (familiars)
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probably one of the more well-known cats on here. may or may not be magic. memorable enough for me to have found this book again, but not too interesting
5. cilla and betta (a cat story)
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probably also some more iconic cats on this list. this book is adorable
4. the tabby family (catwings)
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im sorry google didnt have an image of all of them ft. jane. well these cats they have wings and tell a story of how dangerous it is for stray cats , ending with the feral family being somewhat adopted and living as barn cats i think. good for them.
3. chester (bunnicula)
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god do i love these books. and chester. the mulder to harolds scully, if you will. i always thought he was kinda gay
2. varjak paw (varjak paw)
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depsite how often i mention this guy, hes actually my second favorite fictional cat ....i love him dearly though. probably the first main character i read about who WAS a cat, and his story was always pretty interesting. had the "paw" suffix before warrior cats had even come out.
1. gareth (time cat)
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the real winner of cats i love forever and ever. hi gareth. you are so special to me. he can talk to humans and time travel also. i just loved this book so much ive read it quite a few times now all for you gareth <3
fritti tailchaser (tailchasers song) - i never read this book. but people love this cat for probably good reason
bluestar (warrior cats) - did not include any warriors characters due to the pure excessive amount of them existing, and also wanting more unique options
pete the cat (pete the cat) - he has shoes
wonderful alexander (catwings) - hes funny and weird and orange . i liked him
puss in boots (fairy tale) - cat with a sword is just a pretty badass concept
silversides (ragweed) - not really a cat i like im just using this as an excuse to promote mouse xenofiction again. avi has a bunch of stories about mice living in the forest and city if anyones interested .
tao (the incredible journey) - i also didnt read this book. sorry. im making a list of stuff to read now and this is on it ! but this book is iconic so probably for a good reason.
okay my list ^ goodbye now.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Top 10 Non American Animated Villains
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @storytellergirl @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark if you wanna do a list like this feel free to or just discuss these awesome baddies
My favorite Non Disney animated villains
Disclaimer for all these films not made in English , it was the English dub I saw (SAve for number 1 where I have seen it both dubbed and in its original language )
Also I am going to spoil a few movies,especially number 1 but
1.It is legit the only way I can discuss said villain
2.Its a movie that is devisive due to its subject matter ,so if you arent gonna see it anything I say wont sway you and if your on the fence maybe you will find this interesting
10.The Face from Phantom Boy
A criminal mastermind who seeks to ransom New York by causing a black out using a computer virus ,known only as the Face due to the fact his face i resembles a Picasso painting ,and everytime he tries to explain his tragic backstory,he is interrupted.He's a fun over the top villain (Wonderfully played in the English dub by Vincent D'Onofrio )
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9.Mr Jones from Animal Farm
Jones is the cruel alcoholic farmer who is taken out of power when his animals rise against him.Now those familiar with the book might be calling foul,after all the leader of the Pigs is the main villain ,Jones is out of the picture pretty early....And while thats true ,and Napoleon is still the villain....I gave this spot to Jones cause.....His shadow LOOMS over this adaptation ,as the animals actions are all in rightious anger against ghis tyrany,defiance of his methods,fear of his return and even realizing Napoleon has basically beco9me a second Jones .He is also very menacing and he is animated brillaintly
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8. Lucifer from the Wonderful World of Puss n Boots
An ogre sorcerer who wants to wed the princess.....And the more she says no the less nice he becomes .So while Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre has my favorite take on the ogre from Puss n Boots ,I think this might be the best take .Here the ogre is an entitled suitor who while intitially having a nice guy facade ,becomesw meaner and nastier the more he do9esnt get what he wants
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7.General Woundwort from Watership Down
A chief rabbit who rules his warren with an iron paw .So gonna be honest here,I much prefer him in the book ,as the film cuts out his backstory and the more complicated aspects of his characters.In the film he is just a brutal monster.....But hot damn thats what makes him scary .He is a incredibly savage killer who values strength above all ,assuming that tough guy Bigwig is the chief of the heroes and dismissing the real chief Hazel cause he is smaller and has a limp .Also Harry Andrews harsh delivery adds to the intimadation factor .I also his final act is bad ass
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6.Mok from Rock and Rule
Mok is an aging rock star whose past his prime,coasting on his sucess , who has decided to raise a demon because ...I have no idea.His motivation is vague and honestly kind of dumb.....But damn does this guy have style ,I love his various costume changes and wigs .His animation gives him this sort of swagger about him and I adore Don Francks vocal delivery .He is very style over substance,which is oddly fitting for the character
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5.Count Cagliostro from Lupin III:The Castle of Cagliostro
An evil count who is in charge of a massive counterfitting opperation that has infiltrated multiple countries that made him arrest proof who seeks to use two mcguffins to find an ancient treasure and marry a princess against her will .When I first saw this film,I didnt like this guy ,I thought he was a generic bad guy......But upon rewatch thats kind of what I like about him.This is a guy who knows he is the bad guy and enjoys it .He is going by the classic bad guy textbook and I love that .Heck I dont even think he has any reason at all to marry the princess other then thats what villains do .He's also one of the few Lupin villains who feels like a threat .I do like more nuanced villains(The top three are examples of that ) but I do have a soft spot for uncomplacted very evil dudes and miss the days of classical mustache twirly villainy
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4.Colonel Muska from Castle in the Sky
A government agent who is an expert on Laputa (Titular flying castle) ,he intitally seems to be just a "suit",a face to give the faceless government ....Cept while he seems like one type of villain he actually is another ....Cause Muska is actually a descendent of Laputa and seeks to use its destructive cpabilities for conquest ,and is a power mad monster killing all the soldiers he had been working with through out the movie (Also when watching the English dub once he shifts to crazy mode that is the exact moment you go "Oh so thats why they cast Mark Hamill " ).I think the shift is very well handled .He's easilly a favorite of mine
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3. Tetsuo from Akira
So Tetsuo is a troubled kid who ends up awkening psychic powers.....Then everything goes wrong .Tetsuo is kind of tragic .Oh he's still certainly a villain ,but when you break him down....He's just a kid.A kid with a inferiority complex,jealousy of his best friend and rage issues ,which are all inhanced and made worse due to his powers .Break him down,he's just a kid lashing out
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2.Karaba from Kirikou and the Sorceress
A evil sorceress known for hating and eating all men .At first she seems like a classic fairy tale villain ,an evil sorceress who our young hero must defeat....Until we find out....She's a victim. Her hatred of men comes from being wronged by them ,and her power comes from a poisionus thorn,that while great power comes from it so does great pain . Her pain has isolated her ,made her cruel and hate filled,not entirely a monster (She actually does not eat people ) but definately living up to the villain image people see her as .I like her style and I find her sympathetic
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1.Pascal from Felidae
Are number one villain is also the darkest villain . Our hero Francis has stumbled upon a series of cat killings in his new neighborhood and gains a few alies to solve the case.One being Pascal who becomes Francis mentor .Pascal is a likable old cat with high inteligence(Able to use a computer ).....Who also turns out to be a killer with a 400 cat bodycount .Pascals real name is Claudandus ,experimented on by humans ,he killed the scientist responsible and has vowed to breed a race of "Supperior cats" and eventually take down man kind ,while killing those cats he views as "Undesireable" .However Claudandus has cancer and is dying and wishes for Francis to continue his work .Now I wont say Pascal is the best twist villain ,but I like that even after he turns out to be a monster his demeanor doesnt shift,he stays as a pleasent gentlecat until he goes fully murdery during the final fight .I also like that he is a pure monster....But ya know how he became that ,and he has become as monstrus if not more so then those he despises .I think the reason he is my number 1 is his final line where he admits he is pure evil and laments it "You look at me now and all you see, Francis...is evil...yet once I was...good."
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lil-ichigo-bunny · 4 years
『Jai’s Wii Game Playlist』
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These games are my favorite ones to play while small / I think would be good to play while small! (Some may be difficult for small kiddos)
Jai’s Top 10:
Mario Kart Wii! This is the game that started my true video game addiction. I one day want to become great at all the versions. Fun fact about myself- I won a Mario Kart Championship irl at a Comic Con one year!
Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 , these games are very fun and I highly suggest them!
PokéPark 1 and 2 , these! are! so! fUN!!!! Just trust me if you like Pokémon but like really cute- then you have to play these!!! You get to *be* a Pokémon!
Barnyard , based off the cartoon, this one has to be one of my most favorite Wii games while small, it- to me -is soooo good!
Disney’s Epic Mickey 1 and 2 , these games are amazing but might be a little difficult for tiny kiddos! This is where my obsession with Oswald the Lucky Rabbit came from! He’s so cute!!
Wii Sports , I love the tennis and bowling games so much (*´꒳`*)
Disney Infinity , very fun but you will need the accompanying figures to play it unfortunately (you don’t need all of them tho). I personally might own all the figures but not all the little “power up chips” (idk what they are actually called)
Petz Dogz 2 (and Catz 2), I have finished the dog version more times than homework- I adore this game with all my heart! You get to play as a dog who has to save the dog village (Pawville) from an evil wolf named Ivlet.
Littlest Pet Shop , mini games and collecting cute animals what else could a kiddo ask for?! I had an intense LPS phase and this game was one of my favorites for a long time! (I still have some old figures from when they first came out but they’re not in good condition- oh and the houses/playsets!!)
Madagascar Escape 2 Africa , oh how I love this game series! This one is my favorite! You get top,ah as all the main characters and go through the world whilst getting to play mini games! (Melmen’s and Gloria’s play throughs are my favorite parts!)
Honorable mentions:
Skylanders, very fun but you need figures to play
Disney Princess Enchanted Journey , kinda fun, you get to help out the Princesses and save their lands from the evil bogs! This one is aimed at women/girls only but anyone can play but your character has to be a girl unfortunately. Sorry lil Princes, Princettes and Royality!
Full List:
Animal Crossing City Folk
Babysitting Mama
Barbie (any)
Carnival Games
Cars (any)
Cooking Mama (any)
Disney Channel All Star Party
Disney Infinity (needs figures to play)
Disney Princess Enchanted Journey
Disney Tangled: The Video Game
Disney’s Chicken Little: Ace in Action
Meet the Robinsons
The Dog Island
Petz Dogz 2
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Dora the Explorer (any)
Go! Diego, Go! (any)
Happy Feet
Harvest Moon (any)
Hasbro Family Game Night 1, 2 and 3
Hello Kitty Seasons
Hotel for Dogs
How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2
Ice Age (any)
Just Dance: Disney Party 1 and 2
Kirby’s Dream Collection
Kirby’s Epic Yarn
Kirby’s Return to Dreamland
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Littlest Pet Shop
Madagascar (any)
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (any)
Mario Kart
Mario Party 8 and 9
Monster High (any)
Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots
Open Season
Penguins of Madagascar
Petz Catz 2
Petz Dogz 2
Phineas and Ferb (any)
Pikmin (any)
Pokémon Battle Revolution
PokéPark: Pikachu’s Adventure
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Puss in Boots
Puyo Puyo (any)
Rilakkuma: Minna de Goyururi Seikatsu (if you can get your hands on this and know Japanese this one is super cute!! And you might need the Wii Fit board thing I’m not sure??)
Scooby-Doo! (any)
Seseme Street (any)
Shrek (any)
Skylanders (any) (needs figures to play)
Sonic (any, but be careful with these games, I suggest these for older regressors, since they tend to be difficult (to me) and some themes are *touchy*) I personally like Sonic Colors
Spongebob Squarepants (any)
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
Super Monkey Ball (any)
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros Brawl (for older regressors!!)
Tamagotchi (any)
Toy Story Mania (kinda like the ride/game at Disney World!!)
Wii Sports
Wreck-It Ralph
ZhuZhu Pets 2 (anyone remember these little guys??)
I’ll add more when I find them!
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morethanonepage · 5 years
i’m angery
i know i’m mostly a star wars killjoy on tumblr dot com lately but allow me to SCREAM about my latest nemesis, a book called “American Dirt”:
Lydia Quixano Pérez lives in the Mexican city of Acapulco. She runs a bookstore. She has a son, Luca, the love of her life, and a wonderful husband who is a journalist. And while there are cracks beginning to show in Acapulco because of the drug cartels, her life is, by and large, fairly comfortable.
Even though she knows they’ll never sell, Lydia stocks some of her all-time favorite books in her store. And then one day a man enters the shop to browse and comes up to the register with a few books he would like to buy―two of them her favorites. Javier is erudite. He is charming. And, unbeknownst to Lydia, he is the jefe of the newest drug cartel that has gruesomely taken over the city. When Lydia’s husband’s tell-all profile of Javier is published, none of their lives will ever be the same.
Forced to flee, Lydia and eight-year-old Luca soon find themselves miles and worlds away from their comfortable middle-class existence. Instantly transformed into migrants, Lydia and Luca ride la bestia―trains that make their way north toward the United States, which is the only place Javier’s reach doesn’t extend. As they join the countless people trying to reach el norte, Lydia soon sees that everyone is running from something. But what exactly are they running to?
Written by one Jeanine Cummins, who has Puerto Rican ancestry but grew up in the MD suburbs (as I did, tbf) and in 2015 considered herself white (”I am white...in every practical way, my family is mostly white.”  [cw for sexual assault and murder at the link]), everything I read about this book has begun to drive me to madness.
Recommended by the Mary Sue book club (the source of the above summary), it has since been retracted bc a) its sucks and b) THEY DIDN’T READ IT BEFORE PUTTING IT ON THE BOOK CLUB LIST (”I try to read most, if not all, of the books I recommend for the Book Club because I truly do love reading, and I want to make sure that if I suggest someone grab something, it’s something I can say I liked. When I was looking up two books to fill out the list, one of them was American Dirt. I saw that it had received a lot of positive press from Stephen King, Rumaan Alam, Don Winslow, Sandra Cisneros, and other literary news outlets including Oprah’s Book Club. It seemed like the type of literary fiction that’s always good for a book club read. I was mistaken.“)
Myriam Gurba, at Tropics of Meta, describes being asked to review it for a feminist magazine, and then being told her review was too negative to publish. It included gems such as:
Cummins bombards with clichés from the get-go. Chapter One starts with assassins opening fire on a quinceañera, a fifteenth birthday party, a scene one can easily imagine President Donald Trump breathlessly conjuring at a Midwestern rally, and while Cummins’ executioners are certainly animated, their humanity remains shallow. By categorizing these characters as “the modern bogeymen of urban Mexico,” she flattens them. By invoking monsters with English names and European lineages, Cummins reveals the color of her intended audience: white. Mexicans don’t fear the bogeyman. We fear his very distant cousin, el cucuy.
With their family annihilated by narcotraffickers, mother and son embark on a refugees’ journey. They head north, or, as Cummins’ often writes, to “el norte,” and italicized Spanish words like carajo, mijo, and amigo litter the prose, yielding the same effect as store-bought taco seasoning.
[...] Lydia’s husband, a journalist, describes her as one of the “smartest” women he’s ever known. Nonetheless, she behaves in gallingly naïve and stupid ways. Despite being an intellectually engaged woman, and the wife of a reporter whose beat is narcotrafficking, Lydia experiences shock after shock when confronted with the realities of México, realities that would not shock a Mexican.
It shocks Lydia to learn that the mysterious and wealthy patron who frequents her bookstore flanked by “[thuggish]” bodyguards is the capo of the local drug cartel! It shocks Lydia to learn that some central Americans migrate to the United States by foot! It shocks Lydia to learn that men rape female migrants en route to the United States! It shocks Lydia to learn that Mexico City has an ice-skating rink! (This “surprise” gave me a good chuckle: I learned to ice skate in México.) That Lydia is so shocked by her own country’s day-to-day realities, realities that I’m intimate with as a Chicana living en el norte, gives the impression that Lydia might not be…a credible Mexican. In fact, she perceives her own country through the eyes of a pearl-clutching American tourist.
Parul Sehgal, at the NYT, digs into the fact that while the motives of this book may be unimpeachable (tho: are they??), the writing itself is...perhaps less so:
I found myself flinching as I read, not from the perils the characters face, but from the mauling the English language receives. Lydia’s expression “is one Luca has never seen before, and he fears it might be permanent. It’s as if seven fishermen have cast their hooks into her from different directions and they’re all pulling at once. One from the eyebrow, one from the lip, another at the nose, one from the cheek.” Yes, of course. That expression.
Sehgal also highlights my favorite line I’ve heard about in this book: “when Lydia finds she is unable to pray, ‘she believes it’s a divine kindness. Like a government furlough, God has deferred her nonessential agencies.’” The Raised in the DMV Suburbs just JUMPED OUT, didn’t it, Jeanine? But like legit, why on earth would a Mexican bookstore lady’s frame of reference ever be A GOVERNMENT FURLOUGH and NONESSENTIAL AGENCIES. followers, i just about died. 
David J. Schmidt, at The Blue Nib, calls out other inaccuracies and stereotypes:
It is worth dwelling on the character of Javier for a moment. A “drinking game” could be created based on all the Latin American stereotypes he personifies. Javier is dapper, yet dangerous. He is charming, yet mysterious. He wears a white guayabera, a shirt the author describes as “more suitable for Sunday Mass than a regular workday.” (Untrue—this is a casual garment, more suitable for a love affair in a Fabio-bedecked romance novel.)
This quintessential “Latin lover” shows up at Lydia’s bookstore and speaks to her in a tone significantly different from the other characters of American Dirt. I  must emphasise, Javier’s dialogue does not reflect the normal speech patterns of Mexico, but perfectly reflects U.S. stereotypes. The only way to properly read Javier’s lines is through the most gross of caricatures.
One should imagine the husky voice of Antonio Banderas, speaking at his most sensual and Spanishy. Any character he has played in English will do, although it is clear that Javier was ideally written for the voice of Puss in Boots. When Lydia asks if Javier reads English, the dapper narco responds:
“I try, yes […] My English isn’t fluent, but it’s close. And this story is so delicate.”
The cultural inaccuracies of American Dirt run deep, right down to the language. Throughout her book, Cummins shows confusion regarding the grammatical genders in Spanish. Most notably, she baptises the drug kingpin Javier with the nickname La Lechuza. It is difficult to imagine a macho, womanizing capo using a feminine-gendered noun as his moniker. Would a hardened mafia boss call himself “The Princess of Compton” or “The Belle of Belfast”?
Cummins got a seven figure advance for this. A SEVEN FIGURE ADVANCE. She “wished someone slightly browner than me would write it,” but she did it,  and her team is throwing around the fact that her husband’s previously undocumented status as some sort of justification without mentioning that he’s white & Irish. 
Also, there’s this news:
Imperative Entertainment, the production banner behind the Clint Eastwood hit The Mule, has acquired the rights to American Dirt, the Mexican migrant drama novel by Jeanine Cummins.
Charles Leavitt, the scribe who penned the Leonardo DiCaprio drama Blood Diamond, has been tapped to write the adaptation, which will be produced by Imperative’s Dan Friedkin and Bradley Thomas.
Charles Leavitt is a white guy who, most recently, wrote the Warcraft movie. So, that’s going to end well. 
I’ll leave you with this other gem from Gurba (from her essay about it, “Pendeja, You Ain’t Steinbeck “):
Susan Sontag wrote that “[a] sensibility (as distinct from an idea) is one of the hardest things to talk about” and with this challenge in mind, I assert that American Dirt fails to convey any Mexican sensibility. It aspires to be Día de los Muertos but it, instead, embodies Halloween. The proof rests in the novel’s painful humorlessness. Mexicans have over a hundred nicknames for death, most of them are playful because death is our favorite playmate, and Octavio Paz explained our unique relationship with la muerte when he wrote, “The Mexican…is familiar with death. [He] jokes about it, caresses it, sleeps with it, celebrates it. It is one of his favorite toys and his most steadfast love.” Cummins’ failure to approach death with appropriate curiosity, and humility, is what makes American Dirt a perfect read for your local self-righteous gringa book club.
so idk, The Mary Sue, maybe it should stay on your Book Club list after all. (Oh wait: as of this writing, it still is.) 
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thealmightyemprex · 3 years
Top 10 Villains of Fantasy Month
Yeah Fantasy month is long since over,but I still wanted to rank my favorite dasterdly villains I encountered that month
10.Tylette from the Blue Bird(1940)
Yeah I sort of HATE this movie,and I would be lying if I said I ddint find the implications of Tylette kind of troubling.That said Gale Sondergaard delivers a great performance ,really capturing the feline qualities of the character and I found it interesting the villain was a member of the heroic questing party
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9.Pendragon from Jack the Giant Killer (1962)
Ruler of a kingdom of witches ,Pendragon is your standard evil sorcerer but thats kind of why I like him.Torin Thatcher's performance is why he is on the list.
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8.Baba Yaga from Vasilisa the Beautiful (1940)
While the main villain is technically Gornych the multi headed dragon, Baba Yaga is the films heavy ,a witch who wants the titular heroin to marry a giant man eating dragon .I love Georgey Millyar's physical acting , he really gives his all for this part
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7.Rothbart from the Swan Princess (1994)
A evil wizard with the gravelly voice of Jack Palance who has killed the king and turned Odette into a swan unless she marries him .Fun,menacing and with a terrifying monster form
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6.The Stepmother from the Slipper and the Rose (1976)
Probabbly my favorite version of Cinderellas Stepmother.She's not a big focus of the story ,but Margaret Lockwood just nails this part .
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5.Lucifer from the Wonderful World of Puss N Boots (!969)
Personification of "I'm such a nice guy" ,this ogre sorcerer seeks to wed the princess .He starts off rather comedic but the more he is rejected the more his true colors show ,and the meaner ,nastier and more villainous sides to his personality show
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4.The Witch from Viy (1967)
Next time I hear people say there arent many great female horror movie villains ,I want them to watch Viy .Shes a simple villain(An undead witch tormenting a seminary student ) but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan is she scary
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3.The Evil Queen from Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961)
Might be the most villainous version of the evil queen ,locking up Snow White,trying to have the Prince assainated as a child ,trying to assasinate Snow White ,then trying to kill Snow White out of pettyness .I just love the way Patricia Medina plays her,in both the queen form and as the witch. Shoutout to Mr Sardonicus himself Guy Rolfe as her equally vile right hand man Count Oga
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2.Kaschey from Kaschey the Immortal(1944)
So despite being the title character,Kashey is barely in the film ......But he steals it when on screen.Again played by Georgey Millyar ,desopite his himmortality ,power and wealth ,hes basically just a creepy old guy seeking to wed the leading lady Maria.Also ,this might have just been a trnslational error,but my favorite thing about hm is according to the subtitles is he has a very informal way of speaking in contrast to the gravitas he projects ,reminded me of Disneys Hades or Richard Boones Smaug
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1.The Black Queen from Fantaghiro 2 (1992)
Where.Do.I .Start !????The Black Queen is an evil witch who hates anything good or nice,to the point that insults are compliments ,and seeks to DESTROY the relationship between heroine Fantaghiro and Romualdo because of how pure their love is .Brigette Nielsen is so wonderfully hamtastic in this part ,she might be one of my absolute favorite fantasy villains
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