#no wrinkles or bubbles in the gold foil either
I have waited ... a whole gd year for him ... 😭
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 005
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: Well. It's time for the dance. Sigh. TW: Teenagers can be evil. Also head's up, light will be shined on an unhealthy relationship Evie is navigating. I won't get explicit with it, but we as readers are going to see red flags that our girl cannot see. Or is ignoring. Taglist open :)
Chapter 5: Skirt Safari
   Evie didn’t tell anyone she was going to a dance with Billy Hargrove for New Years. Just said some party in the city. Didn’t tell her mother. Not even Heather. 
   Floated through the holidays with her guitar on the porch swing.  Bundled up as snow fell. Little, perfect flurries. Open notebook next to her as she crossed her legs and exhaled into cold. Strumming idle tunes away from her mother’s indoor phone chatter.
   A car skidded up to Billy’s house. Day before the party. Tommy’s freckled face popped out of the driver’s side with Carol getting up too.
   “Hey, Fenny!” Tommy couldn’t resist prodding. “You stay on the nice list this year?”
   “Don’t spend all your coal in one place.” She set one leg down. Head cocking. Billy came out of his house shrugging a jacket on. He stopped to gawk at the snow. Let it fall into his curls. Rough and ethereal.
   “Let’s go.” He didn’t glance at Evie there as Tommy approached her porch steps. “Gimme the keys, I’m driving still.”
   “Little birdy told me you were gonna be around on New Years.” Tommy leaned against a brick post. A broad smile.
   “Oh, you guys are going too? That really makes me want to go.” Evie replied flatly. Billy smacked Tommy’s chest with a hiss at him.
   “I got shit to do. C'mon.” He warned, not wanting the annoying boy to ruin his chances here.
   “Don’t worry, Evie, I already have plans that night. I probably won’t be around that joint. I don’t qualify.” Carol’s bracelets clinked together when she swept her styled hair aside, undaunted by Billy's steel glaring. Tommy chuckled with her and Billy gave a growl low in his throat.
   “You take requests on that thing?” Tommy continued. “Got a song for me?”
   “Sure. How about this?” Evie straightened up. Strummed and tapped one foot to a beat.
  “Don't stand, don't stand so… Don't stand so close to me...” Evie flashed a smile and kept playing. “How’s that?” Tommy hitched to laugh until Carol hit his chest, tugging because she was over this conversation.
   Billy paused to smile at Evie there. Looking so pretty in the snow, it was criminal. Evie touched the strings to stop the flow of vibration.
   “She isn’t bad.” Tommy stumbled as Carol pulled him away.
   “Come on, you don’t even know what that song is about.” She peered back to glower at Evie. Lethal.
   “You see? I can’t sit on my own porch without being bothered.” Brown eyes lifted to Billy as she sat back to idly move the swing with one foot.
   “Never actually heard you sing.” Billy had observed instead, twisting the ring around his middle finger. No compliment or insult followed him back down the steps. Evie plucked a few cords, watching him go. 
   Billy wrestled Tommy for the driver’s seat. Won. Skidded off to raise hell somewhere else. 
   It was a clock ticking down each lazy hour as her secret hung in the air. Heather parents stole their daughter away to the Holloway's lavish cabin for a family New Years Party which took the heat off the lie.
   Evie spent the whole day preparing in her bedroom. Tossed dress after dress upon her bed like she cared what Billy Hargrove thought. Decided on something short and maroon. Sleeves just above her elbows and a slight poof to the little skirt. Gave her waist a little pull and didn’t make her cleavage look half bad. Matched her nails and lip color too.
   Makeup spread all over her dresser. Glittery gold shadow with a smoky haze. The dress was a metallic foil maroon, seemed fun enough for New Years. Big hoops and a necklace completed her look. Evie hurried to grasp a jacket before Billy could come to her door.
   “I’m going to a New Years thing mom, I’ll be safe.” She called on the way out.
   “Have fun, baby!”
   “I will.” Evie sprayed amber perfume and was lotioning her hands rushing out of the house. Almost bumped into Billy on the doorstep ready to knock. His eyes narrowed.
   “You didn’t tell anyone.”
   “Bet you didn’t either. Do your parents know?” She slipped her jacket on. Billy blew smoke in response. He seemed annoyed today which did nothing for her nerves. “So, I put on a dress...don’t get me murdered.”
   The joke seemed to go over him.
   “Well, let’s go.” He turned and went toward his car, stunning in the cold and twice and rude. “Let’s just get this shit going.” A cigarette hit the pavement.
   Evie didn’t move.
   “Are you alright?” She asked slower.
   “I just want to get there.” Billy snapped. “C’mon.”
   “Listen, I really don’t have to go anywhere if you’re going to be an ass the entire time.” She crossed her arms and Billy flared up. “I spent hours getting ready for this stupid thing. This stupid thing that you pestered me to go to!”
   His shoulder dropped.
   “Hours, huh.” Billy came around and opened the door for her. “We can’t waste that.”
   The charm reeled back.
   Evie stood unmoved.
   “Look, I just got into it with my old man. Wasn’t you.” Billy explained. “You lost the bet, Angel.”
   “I did.” She sighed and crossed to get in. He shut the door and joined her. Turned the music down when it blared. “What’s this bar called?”
   “The Dogfight.”
   “Charming.” Evie stuffed a tiny wallet into the bodice of her dress. Billy eyed her chest. “Watch the road, Hargrove.”
   “You spent hours getting ready for me.” He mused, rubbing his chin. “I like when a girl admits it.”
   “And how long did it take you to get this hair just right?” She reached and tugged at a curl as he’d done with her so many times. He’d doused himself in that sex cologne he liked so much. A red shirt opened and tucked into the tightest jeans he could have picked out. Leather jacket again today. “We both wore maroon.”
   “Looks more wine on you.” He fussed at that.
   “Just saying.” Evie broke to smile. “I meant it, don’t get me murdered.”
   “We get in, we snag some drinks, we get out. The streets are going to be chaos; it should be fun.” Billy turned onto the main roads. Sped beyond all the other cars.
   “I’m not letting you drive drunk.”
   “A motel is always an option for me, sweet cheeks.” Billy clicked his tongue.
   “With two beds, ponyboy.” She only grinned, undaunted. “I lost a bet, not all my morals.”
   Billy laughed, picking up speed.
   “We can loosen those up tonight.”
** ** **
   “What do you drink, Angel, an appletini?” Billy dragged Evie into a dark lit bar. Pink and yellow lights shooting all directions. Metallic streamers hanging and swaying with the dancers already smashed on the floor. Evie looked down at his hand as he peered around and brought her all the way to a corner table near the window.
   Even settled a menu on the other side like they might be hiding behind it.
   "Something with a little pink umbrella?" He continued, eyes on the window. Drunks sang along the streets in their party clothes. 
   “Try whiskey. I’m going to need one for this.” She caught Billy’s head whipping around. “Who are you looking for?”
   “No one, I-fuck!” The gorgeous boy lost all composure and skidded out of his chair when a bare ass pressed the window. Evie gasped and covered her eyes, pouty lips slack. Kind of enjoyed Billy losing his cool. “Asshole!” Music overlapped the chaos. Tommy fucking H howled with laughter on the other end, pulling his pants up.
   "Fuck." Billy sank back into his chair. "Shithead."
   Tommy swaggered in still laughing, had a woman on his arm that wasn’t Carol.
   She was clearly older, wrinkled and fatigued. Maybe forty. Wearing a tight purple lace number that was not keeping her warm or fitting correctly. Jean jacket. Fishnets. Smudged makeup. Big beehive hairstyle. She smelled like sweet pineapple and chain smoked her teeth brown and broken.
   Billy and Evie exchanged looks because she was also clearly a lady of the night.
   “Tommy...who is your new friend?” Billy asked slower. All teeth.
   “Her name’s Bubbles.” Tommy was shorter than her in those heels. Head on her shoulder with the cheesiest grin. “She’s a real winner.”
   “Charmed, handsome.” The woman rasped and reached for Billy’s hand then Evie’s. “Like the shadow, sweetie, it suits you.”
   “Thank you,” she blushed. “I like your beetle hairpin.”
   “We’re going to hit the dance floor,” Tommy scanned Evie, “good to see you here, Fenny.”
   “Right.” She glanced at Billy as they left. “What was that about?”
   “He’s drunk. Probably sad about some dumb shit with Carol, they’ll be screwing again before school starts.” Billy said that quicker than intended. A light bulb went off in his head. “Drinks. Wait here.”
   “Thanks.” Evie recognized teens from her school and rivals.
   “Fenny!” A couple football players spotted her inside. Poked until the window tilted open. “What’s a pretty girl doing in this dump?”
   “Our girl who brought Tannen down a couple pegs.” 
   Questionable Hawkins High Fame.
   “Just enjoying New Years.” Evie giggled there fiddling with her nails.
   “If someone messes with you, let the guys know, we’re down the block. That bar on the corner.” They started off. 
   “Will do, boys.” She jilted when Billy smacked a drink down, sitting. “Thank God.”
   “He ain't here. Thank me." Billy leaned over to see her. Crossed his arms as she drank. "You don’t party this hard?”
   “We snuck into a bar, did you even get carded?”
   “Told you, no one cares.” He gulped his own glass down. “Stop worrying.”
   Evie just drank more in response.
   "You established I only go to lame high school parties." Evie paused to see him. "Kind of waiting for a rain of pig's blood here. I guess I actually want a good night."
   "I wouldn't say it's asking a lot." Blue eyes went to the table, paint chipping away from wood. There was an uneasy beat before he softened. “Another? It’s open for the party. Free shit even after twelve.”
   “Please.” She followed him this time. Felt the burn in her throat as they leaned there together. "So, why-?"
   “Hey, Fenny.” Brock Tannen’s sculpted face craned over her shoulder. Billy tensed, jaw twitching. “Boy, am I shocked to see you here. With Keg King Billy Hargrove. Apply enough heat and even the ice queen melts. Must be a Cali boy thing.”
   “You’d be about Antarctica.” Evie replied. He only smiled. Eyes shifted to Billy.
   “Hope you stick around to midnight, have fun you two.” Brock pulled a girl off with him, staring at him like he was a pot of gold at the end of a spring rainbow. Little blonde with some acne scars she tried to cover with make-up. An eyeshadow look in blue to match her dress that must have taken hours to perfect. Two missing teeth in her mouth. Skin and bone thing. Young looking.
   “Asshole.” They said at the same time. Tension broke. Billy chuckled and she peered in the direction Brock had gone into.
   “Did you see that girl with him?”
   “No, who?” Billy scratched the back of his neck. Kept looking around.
   “Ah, nothing.” Evie brought the glass to her lips again and sipped. Screens all over this bar and the city played the party in New York. Commotion in the streets marked with loud party goers. “So, what’s there to do before midnight hits?”
   “Whatever the fucking fuck hell we want.” Billy tapped his glass to hers and downed it. Relished the burn.
   “You like to swear.”
   “No, I like to drink.” He corrected, offering her a menu. “Eat something.”
   “We gotta pay for food.”
   “I’m buying, I invited you.” Came a shrug. “Pick some shit out.”
   “You want food, honey pie?” A man flocked over.
   “Damn right, I do.” Evie peered at Billy. Amused. “I’ll take the fucking chicken tenders with a side of bitching fries.”
   “Ketchup?” They were writing, amused because she was cute even still.
   “Fuck yes. Um, please.” She gestured to Billy with his jaw slack open. “And who knows what this asshole wants.”
   “Ah...I’ll just have another drink. Fucking beer.” He batted his lashes.
   “Wonderful.” The man slid off snickering. 
   “What was that, Fenny?”
   “I swear, but not like you. It sounded like fun to try it out.” She covered her lips to giggle. “Why didn’t you get food? We’re drinking and it’s going to be a long night.”
   “Long night, you say? So, you want to stick around for the whole party.”
   “I put on a dress and makeup. People are going to see me and the effort I made.” She set her jaw on her chin. “Avoided the question.”
   “I only had enough cash for one meal. Rest is if we need the motel.”
   “Billy, you should have said something! I have a few bucks on me somewhere.” Evie frowned when he got his beer.
   “Doesn’t matter, you’re probably a lightweight. Get food in your stomach before you down more free whiskey.” He brushed it off quickly, blue eyes on the windows. Evie’s food came and she slid it between them.
   “It’s hot, have some. Don’t make me feed you, I won't be my mother..” She pressed and pouted until Billy snagged a piece of chicken. They shared the basket, licking warm fingers clean. Billy took the thumb he licked and fixed her lipstick, earning a snort of protest.
   “Ick.” She cocked her head away, amused. “Thanks, mom.”
   “You know, it took me ages to place that tiny accent you got. But, it’s so Louisiana. Mona rubbed off on you.” Billy pointed when Evie had gotten a new drink.
   "It's not."
   “Let’s get air, I think some idiot is setting off fireworks in the street.” They got up to get away from the crowds. Evie noticed the odd couples. Scanned before Billy was pulling at her wrist through the mess of dancing bodies. Cool air chilled her pink cheeks as they got down the block to pause. Billy sighed and set one foot on the brick behind him to light up.
   “Don’t have an accent," Evie picked up again, "that’s all mom.”
   “Born and bred in Louisiana, it’s sticking to you too.” Billy offered the smoke.
   “Not good for the singing voice.” She declined so he puffed again. Groups were already tossing balloons and confetti about. Bar hopping from club to club. Evie pulled her coat closer. “I don’t have an accent. You have one, west coast.”
   Billy watched her look up at the few stars that decided to come out over the city. 
   “I haven’t been to California. Been to Vegas a couple times. All the women in my family descend upon that city every few years and I always had to tag along. Not much for me to do but look at the lights.”
   “My dad says Vegas is full of swindlers and whores.”
   “He strikes me to think that about most places.” She chuckled and Billy agreed, stepping on the butt of his cigarette. “This your first time out here?”
   “Yeah.” He sucked in some air, tongue sweeping his lip.
   “Hargrove's never been to New Orleans. I bet you’d like the food, it’s unreal.”
   “You haven’t had the food in Cali.” Billy quipped, scooting in next to her to see the sky that had her so enamored. “Never really have to deal with the fucking cold.”
   “I always wondered how you stayed warm in those clothes.” Evie’s giggle cut the second he pressed into her.
   “I just tuck in next to a warm girl, Fenny, it isn’t rocket science.” A breath touched the air and Evie felt herself spark. Saw those same stars glittering brighter within Billy’s eyes. A distant shore calling them both home. 
   Evie felt those flower petals whirling around her stomach like butterfly wings. Burrowing deep to bloom with new life inside her. Vibrant colors she hid from the world spinning to unfurl. Billy looked into her soul and saw the colors dance neon. Wind picked up their curls with gentle caresses. A pull of vines and thorns bubbled up too. Twisted every way to protect Evie in the only way they knew how. 
   She could feel Billy’s chest heaving with air. Hard and flush into her skin, stealing warmth. Admiring the echo of lights behind her brown eyes. If she opened her mouth, a rose might blossom on her tongue. Billy wondered about tasting it for himself. He dared to inch in and she spun out.
   “It’s a nice night. Beautiful.”
   “Let’s get a beer to go take a hike from this place. We’ll make it back before the ball drops.” Billy figured he could just keep her from the main party and she wouldn’t notice the odd couplings within. They delved in and out of bars. Watched the mayhem in the streets. Even caught a totally illegal race or two. Sparklers on every corner underscored by laughter and jeers.
   “What’s next for you, after school?”
   “Save money to hightail it out of here. See the beach again and get a shitty job.” Billy gulped, licking his lips after. “You going to college?”
   “Probably just the local community college, more focused on my songs. My mom and I keep trying to put it out there. Something’s holding me back.” Evie saw him peer at her to continue as they clicked along the cool sidewalks. Decorations scattered all over the buildings and streets. “What if these big time producers don’t like them? My songs. I mean, what if they tell me I’m no good?” She paced ahead to ramble. “I just don’t think I can take that kind of rejection.”
   “So, you find some asshole who wants to put you on the radio.” Billy chuckled. “You had entire albums on your walls. You want it bad, chica.”
   “What about you?” Evie gestured with the bottle. “What secret hobbies and talents does Billy Hargrove hide away?”
   “I care about my car and that’s about as deep as I go, Angel.” He winked, tossing his empty into the trash so she finished her own and followed. Swallowed the froth down. Evie hurried to nudge into him.
   “C’mon. You’re a good enough student. I see the grades you get in our classes.”
   “All to keep my old man off my shit. Not like that works.” Billy stopped at a crosswalk, settled his hand on the bar so Evie slipped under it to lean there and make him look at her. He couldn't help the smirk at this playful side.
   “Who will I tell?”
   “Heather, most likely.” Came the quick reply.
   “I don’t tell her everything,” Evie trailed off with her eyes wandering, a sly smile pressed, “I sing, sew, play the guitar, and collect little trinkets. Buttons. Rocks and crystals. Old coins and keys. Little vintage ceramic and porcelain figures. And I needle felt.”
   “What’s that?”
   “You stab wool with a special needle until it makes a pretty shape. You probably caught a few things in my room. On the bookcase.”
   “You’re a hoarder.”
   “I’m very organized.” Evie giggled as they crossed the street. In their own little bubble, ignoring all the festivities around them. 
   “What can’t you do?”
   “I can bake alright, but it's messy. Not a great cook. I’m hopeless, my mother gave up trying with me. I also can’t get my leg behind my head. But, I’m close.” Her joke brought a full laugh out of him. Angelic sort of sound. “I’m serious.”
   “You’ll have to demonstrate, I don’t believe it.” Billy stood in front of her, walking still and chuckling as he went.
   “Fat chance.” Her heels picked up to get beside him. They passed a window full of TVs and stopped to see all the parties playing within each screen. “You ever think the world is too big? We don't have enough time to experience all of it, I mean.”
   Billy only puffed.
   “So, what can you do?” Evie pressed again.
   “I can cook alright. I don’t know, I just do good in school because the shit’s never been hard on me. Used to surf,” he glanced at her, “back in Cali.”
   “I’m not a strong swimmer.” Evie said, looking up at him and the lights playing on his stunning face. Followed the curve of his jaw down his neck. “You know, Heather lifeguards at the pool every summer. She’d help you get a gig if you need a job when school is out. Probably prefer you over the other jerks that apply.”
   “Not as bad as the other jerks, I like that.” Billy mused, eyes flicking all around. Caught in stars again. “Hey, there’s the LA bash. Miss that shit. Music scene raged pretty hard.” The way he smiled melted Evie all the way to the pavement. Billy standing there lax and missing home. Displaying his own lush colors. Dreaming and feral.
   “You’re always writing in class when you’re not drawing dicks in textbooks.” Evie observed, earning an amused look in response. “Do you like that stuff? Stories?”
   “My mom used to say I told better stories than she did. I’d tell her them to help her sleep.” Billy admitted, blinking a couple times before the illusion shattered and he went stony again. Paced around Evie to continue.
   “You could write books, get more into English. Make some money being an author. Sell stories to the big screen.”
   “Burn out and go broke, sure.” Billy lit up another cigarette, gave this entertained puff. His wall went up higher and Evie stayed too soft. “End up teaching some snots like that jerk, Bowers.”
   “He’s not a jerk.”
   “Not to the girls in class.” Billy flicked his ashes. “Probably likes you and Carol fighting for his attention.”
   “We don’t…” Evie went red as an apple. “I don’t. Carol’s just jealous of the attention he gives me.”
   “Still weird. She hates that you’re a teacher’s pet. Don’t know why you’d want to be.” Smoke edged from his lips.
   “It’s nice when someone is respectful once in a while to a girl like me. When they listen, you know?” Evie held herself as they walked along a bit slower. “He respects me and what I have to say.”
   “Shouldn’t trust someone just because they’re being nice to you, Evie.” Billy had this distant expression when he said that. Full of ocean waves rolling into a peaceful shore.
   "Nice is still better than..." She never finished and Billy didn't ask her to.
   They peered at all the buildings illuminated before them. The skyscrapers pointing straight to heaven. Music boomed from several clubs, mingling all the celebrations together. 
   “Want to head back? Get another hard drink.”
   “I’d like that.” She admitted, shuffling some. 
   “Move it, Fenny, free alcohol doesn’t happen every day for us.” Billy snatched her by the hand, picked up the pace until they were both laughing and out of breath. Reeling around drunk groups of friends to squeeze back up to the bar. 
   The hard notes of Joy Division’s “Love Will Tear us Apart” began after the second round. Evie was swaying already as they stood at the corner of the bar counter. 
   “Do you dance, Angel?” Billy cocked his head.
   “Sometimes. If I’m supposed to be onstage one day, I have to.” She giggled, bubbling and pink like champagne. “You?”
   “Fuck, no. Just bounce around and smash into people at concerts.”
   “That counts!” Her voice picked up over the ruckus. People dressed in glitter and metallic moved together above a floor that lit up. Gave the place an opulent vibe.
   “You look like you want to get out there!” Billy leaned toward her. The third round came.
   “We don’t have to!” Evie was pressed all the way into him. Both shouting at each other out of necessity. A pulse pounded their flesh apart. Jackets were left on a chair next to Tommy and his date.
   Billy sank his drink in one go so Evie followed.
   “I asked you here, I’ll ask you to dance if I want!”
   “Fine!” Billy echoed, sweeping Evie by the waist out with him. Bodies swayed all directions. Smashed them even closer together. Curls bounced. 
   Evie got swept up in the lights dancing on her skin. Blue and red glows now. She let her head tip back and moved with Billy there. He watched her intently, felt the whole world slow. Smiled brighter than he should have. Hot and sparking. 
   Electric and dreamy. Fizzling neon in their hungry veins. Bodies heating and sweaty. Nothing mattered in these lights though, something freeing there.
   Didn’t even care that it was fucking Cyndi Lauper blasting.
  “Girls just wanna have fun!” Evie sang along. She came alive under these glimmers in the crowds. Like she was the only one there. Every song change, they banged to each beat and never seemed to tire of it. 
   And then the mood tipped. Tempered with that damn Foreigner song about love. Billy and Evie stilled with it. Looked out at the couples coming together for a slow dance. 
   “Uh,” Evie swallowed harder and tucked some unruly curls behind her ear, “did you want to…?”
   “We’re doing this fucking party right. You asked for two things. A good night and no murder, I can manage that much.” Billy stole her forward. He tried to blame the alcohol. 
   Dipped a palm around the small of her back to bring her into his chest. Inches shorter, her eyes popped open. Lips parted with no words in sight. The alcohol in their bellies caught fire. He grabbed her hand and she laced their fingers without a thought about it. It was bold, how he touched her and Evie wasn't used to that.
   “There ya go. Just sway some.”
   Evie pressed her lips and broke that eye contact because it was turning her back to mush. Stared at the saint chain around Billy's neck. There was a pleasant glisten upon his taut chest from sweat. She got drunk off his stupid cologne. Let him inhale her perfume in turn. Boiling amber gleaming to stunt all his senses. Hint of sweet vanilla lotion.
   Unabashed, Billy pressed into her body. Not thinking she took up too much space or she wasn’t desirable. No, Evie Fenny was perfectly covetable. With her batting lashes and lights highlighting a glow upon her high cheeks. They swayed together between couples so Evie brought her arm over his shoulder. Gathered the bravery to see his eyes again, already looking at her face.
   “Billy,” Evie curled her fingers into his shirt, “why am I here?"
   “Because I asked you.” Billy spun her around under all the stars and streamers. 
   “Why’d you ask me?” She searched him. Saw his eyes flicker beyond her a couple times.
   “Because I wanted to, Evie.”
   “Why’d you want to?” Her tone etched into him, gentle as she could with another change of songs. Something older from the 70s by Kate Irving. Her little voice filling the space around them. 
   Billy just kept spinning Evie there at the center of the floor and they looked at each other without even getting dizzy. Let the world tilt while they stayed static. Silence crept and it was stunning.
  I'm afraid 'cause it feels too good
  And I want it too bad
   “Because you called me pretty.” Billy winked that time. Devilish. “At that party on Loch Nora.”
   “When we yelled at each other?” Evie felt the tension break and spill out. “I said your eyes were pretty.”
   “Same thing.”
  I never dreamed someone like you
  Could want someone like me
   Her head came to his collar when she laughed that time. The heart under his skin picked up. 
   “Evie.” Billy pressed then so she came up. The syllables died on his tongue. “We’re here and I like it. So, it doesn’t fucking matter.”
   “No, I guess not.” She let herself smile into his skin when her head dropped again. A slight giggle. “I like it too.”
   “Good.” Billy hit that word hard. They spun and spun to the flow of sound and lights. Drank it all in. Until it was seconds to midnight. Couples were stilling to count. 
   Billy looked at Brock raising his drink across the way.
   Twenty seconds.
   He peered down at Evie when her eyes lifted to see him. 
   Just one kiss, he could have stolen it.
   And he couldn’t do it. 
   Their hands dropped away. Evie smiled at the scene. Everyone celebrating the birth of this new year. It felt magical. Too good to let flutter away.
   Billy just looked at her and Evie breathed.
   It happened too fast.
   Soft hands on his jaw while she came to her toes and gave him one peck upon his lips. So inordinate in sweetness that Billy felt his eyes water.
   Instantly she slipped back down. Still beaming brighter than any star this night.
   A thank you for every single smile he’d painted upon her face in these short hours. For his boldness and his touch without fear.
   A kiss where there were no thorns for the first time in all her life.
   Billy had never been given such a kiss. It was gift wrapped. Something so signature for him from this girl. This girl he decided he liked to be around. He gasped the moment she let him go. Caught Brock laughing all the way across the room.
   “No.” He said. Crushed somehow.
   “No?” Evie’s head cocked in confusion.
   “Happy New Year!” Echoes and fireworks blasted. Everyone jumping up and down while Billy and Evie remained still as marble. Locked into each other.
   "Ah, I mean..." With midnight gone, Billy pulled her in. Decided to make this one count.
   Palms cupped Evie’s face. Brought her back with the slightest gasp he drank down. Kissed her full on the mouth like he'd been thinking about it all night. Billows of shiny confetti fell over them. Stuck to hair and clothing. Caught on flushed cheeks. Even tickled the kiss and made them laugh into it. Evie held his wrists, tried to remain steady until she had to part and angle to go back in.
   “Why?” She hitched the hot word against him.
   “Because I want to.” Billy uttered, mouth open just a little to coax her back in.
   This candied confetti kiss she’d remember forever. And the beautiful boy who opened his heart just enough to share it with her. Evie shined at him when she drew out enough to see his eyes. Billy’s thumbs drew shapes into her cheeks. 
   A finger had to playfully swipe a bit of caught confetti from her bottom lip so he could taste her again. Utterly divine.
   Evie’s arms slipped around his neck. Pulled.
   “Let’s get out of here,” Billy spoke between kisses. “Yeah? Let’s just go somewhere.”
   Her lashes fluttered at him. Same sensation drew up her stomach before she was nodding.
   “Okay.” Nerves crept. Billy smacked their lips together one last time. Like he wanted her and only her for the rest of this night. “I have to, um...restroom.”
   “I’ll grab our coats.” Billy’s hands brought hers down. Held them. He seemed in a hurry. “Meet me at the door. We’ll go.”
   Evie floated off into the wave of bodies so Billy sped to Tommy’s table. Bubbles must have excused herself too.
   “Man, you tongued, Fenny. It was actually kinda hot.” Tommy raised his hand for a high five that was ignored. “I won the pot, you know.”
   “You paid that girl.” Billy snatched their coats up.
   “Yeah, no one has to know that. Don’t get me disqualified.” Tommy leaned over. A hand clapped Billy on the back.
   “I’m so impressed. She kissed you, man. Whatever you did, I want that power.” Brock laughed loudly. “She was all over you, and that bit after midnight. Poor girl. Thinking anyone would ever-”
   “Man, just shut up.” Billy shoved to pass him. "Let's just forget this shit ever happened."
   “Oh, no, B. I don't think we will. You probably just want your reward. You earned it.” The horrible boy made it a point to count each bill carefully until he pressed it at Billy’s chest. “Good work. Maybe you can get a blowy out of her before you drop her off at home. My date’s good for one too before I call her a taxi.”
   Billy shoved the money into his pocket. Felt like trash. Eyes anywhere else.
   “Whatever, man.”
** ** **
   At the same time, Evie stumbled to the sink and washed her hands. Cloud nine. Sang to herself out of habit.
  “Oh, but anyone...who knows what love is…” She looked at that reflection. This breathless, kiss smothered girl who was grinning. Happy. Dabbed under her eyes to fix the makeup with a cold paper towel. “...would understand.”
   “Pretty pipes you got there, sweetie pie.” The scratching voice called before a stall opened. Tommy’s date. “Nice night, huh?”
   “The best.” Evie was still dancing in a dream, showered in confetti.
   “Wasn’t as bad as I thought. Free meal. Pretty guy who treats you right for a night. Not a bad gig. Not at all.” The lady came to the mirror. Washed her hands and started to apply some extra make up. “Stupid name though. Skirt Safari.”
   “What?” Evie’s head cocked. Hip leaning into the sink.
   “Oh, baby. You should open those big eyes.” The woman puckered up and put a lipstick into her tiny clutch. “Tommy told me everything. Tradition. These boys bring a date. The ugliest girl gets them the win and they get some money. Stupid high school thing. And I won. Tommy said I’d get a bonus for that.”
   “They…” Evie felt her entire heart sink. The vines and their thorns wrapped tighter around her heart until it bled. Like it never wanted to be touched again. “Wait, Billy…he...we-” No breath came into her lungs, it was all punched out. Ruthless and swift.
   “The world is unkind to us, sweets.” Bubbles sighed at her reflection. “We have to find that kindness where we can. While we can. Just enjoy it because you never know what the next day will bring. Husbands who like to hit. Women who walk out on their babies.”
   “It’s not fair.” Evie tremored there. Unable to move so Bubbles gave her cheek a pat.
   “I know. But, we don’t let them see they’ve beaten us down. Do we?” Bubbles smiled at her without fear in her heart. And it was tragic because no one cared about her strength, all they saw was how she looked. “My ma always said to be brave and kind. Not everyone’s parents give that advice. But, they should. Be a better world.”
   “My mom says that also.” Evie’s fists closed. Passionate tears sprang to be blinked away. “I really hope the world is kind to you tomorrow too.”
   The woman paused. Gave this fluttered smile when her eyes watered. Evie was marching away from her. Shoving through the crowds where Billy stood with Brock and Tommy. 
   Billy saw her expression and she caught fire.
   “Skirt Safari, huh,” Evie shoved him into the bar, ripped her coat from his arms. Billy just gave this opened mouth look of horror. She laughed cruelly and Brock joined her, tugging some of his friends to see. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
   “It wasn’t like that.” Billy pushed up.
   “No, Evie, he’s right. Your boy didn’t take you because you’re ugly.” Brock was still chortling, holding his stomach. “Three hundred bucks to get him to take the Hawkins Ice Queen. And you were so easy, girl. We all took notes.”
   “Shut up!” Billy had snapped.
   “You didn’t disappoint, he was supposed to kiss you before midnight. But, you earned him the win all on your own!” They clapped and laughed at her there. Evie shook and growled. Shoulders raised. Cackling hyenas.
   “Three hundred, wow.” Calming, brown eyes snapped to Billy. “You should have held out. Tannen hates me so much, I bet you could have gotten five. Maybe seven.”
   “She’s right, man!” 
   “Evie, it-”
   “You’re all disgusting!” She swept her hand out. Came to Billy’s face. Her tone thickened, but she didn’t cry. Not one drop for any of them. Vibrating so hard with fury that her hand came up. Billy saw it. Waited. Didn’t flinch the way he did at home. Figured he deserved this one.
   Silence drowned the boys behind her.
   “I want to hit you,” she let her lip wobble, “you know why I’m not. You know.”
   “Evie.” Billy had nothing. Nothing to give her. Nothing to make her stop shaking.
   “You’re all horrible. Disgusting, pieces of shit. Bet Tannen gave you an earful about me. Fuck you both.” Evie leaned out, looked around. “You know, I don’t care why I’m here. What’s awful is every stunning woman you animals brought here will always deserve more than the world can ever give them. You’re the fucking beasts.”
   She tore away to go outside. Marched through all the jubilation. Steaming.
   “Evie!” Billy was running after her. Yanking at her wrist after she got her coat on.
   “Don’t touch me!” A shriek had him skidding backwards. 
   “Let me fucking explain this.”
   “Nothing to explain. Brock paid you to thaw the ice queen. Jokes on you! I’m not even a virgin! I’m not a prize, I’m not anything to you.” She shoved him again because he kept grabbing at her. Trying to slow her down.
   “Let me drive you home.” Billy insisted. “Let me get you home safe. I won’t even talk. Hate me forever. Evie, wait, damn it!”
   “Leave me alone!” Her scream sparked some attention. She got colder. Sneered at his eyes. “You’re not worth it, Billy.”
   Something about that struck an arrow to his heart.
   "You talked all this shit about fire's starting and getting out and I..." She hitched to get lower. "I trusted you. I believed it, you made me believe it...you're disgusting." A scream perched in her throat, but never left.
   "Just let me-"
   "No! I don't have to listen to any of this, so just leave me alone!" Evie kept pushing back at him.
   “Hey, hey, back off the lady!” Those football players from Hawkins were descending. Grasping Billy by the arms. “Hargrove bothering you?”
   “Yes!” Evie shot out, eyes on Billy’s face. “He’s bothering me!”
   “Let go of me!” Billy struggled so Evie began to run. As far and as fast as she could until she couldn’t hear him anymore. Fireworks banged over their heads. Exploding to rain down. 
   Her chest seized so she went to the first payphone she saw. Dialed a number she shouldn’t have.
   “Mmm, yes? Who is this?”
   “I know you said not to call, I need you. Can you pick me up?” Evie shut her eyes so tight. One tear fell. “Please.”
   A sigh.
   “Evie? What happened? Where are you?”
   Evie finished the call. Went into an alley so Billy wouldn’t find her. Waited there in the cold. Tried to hide from the pretty explosions in the sky. 
   They rang too loud upon her ears. Started to sound like thunder. Evie shut her eyes. Began to rock. Felt out of her skin and trapped in it at the same time. No control. Nothing. Just an ache while the vines crushed her heart. Hands covered her ears.
   A lighter palm touched her shoulder.
   “Fredrick.” She reeled up. Tossed herself into his arms. Sobbed so hard and betrayed herself. 
   “Hey, hey. I got you.”
   “Can we go? Can we go home?” She wept, ruining his shirt with makeup and glitter. “Can you take me to your place? I didn’t...I didn’t tell my mom where I was. I don’t want her to know. I don’t want anyone to know.”
   Bowers was already buckling her into the car. Evie curled up under his coat when he offered it. The air conditioning calmed her some until she was biting her fist to stop the flow. Blood welled under teeth.
   “What happened?”
   Evie sniffled.
   “They...They all laughed at me.” 
** ** ** 
  Curls ruffled out on a towel that smelled of pine an hour later. Feet padded out of the bathroom. Evie in a soft grey robe. Cloth dragged upon the floor until she saw Fredrick in bed. Seated up with little reading glasses to mark some papers down. Handsome.
   “You really won’t tell me what all happened?” He mused.
   “Just some stupid boys.” Evie played with the tie at her waist. “You told me to go out with a stupid boy my age. Remember? At the end of summer. After everything I let you do to me. Did...Did you get bored of me? Was that it?”
   "No, Evie. You don't understand."
   "You told me we had to stop, why did we start?"
   “I remember.” He sighed, settling his work aside. “It was for the best. I thought. You're all I think about, did you know that? I want to be with you, but there are rules in place. They don't believe what we have can overcome.”
   Wearing nothing but some boxers and a clean, white tee. His feet touched the floor before he rubbed his head.
   “You still look so good in my robe.” He sounded bashful when he said that. Eyes drinking her in and averting. "You're all sin, Evangeline."
   She shuffled. Shy. Uneasy. Ignoring it.
   “Used to say that a lot.” Evie pressed her lips up.
   “And I mean it every time.”
   “I meant what I said...before summer ended. You remember that too?”
   “You know I do, Evie.” Fredrick rubbed his eyes. Swept his hair between those soft fingers. Evie crossed to him.
   “We were together the year. You weren’t my first, but you were the first man I ever loved. We spent all of that summer together and you told me we had to stop. Out of the blue. You talked of us running away from this place and getting married and it hurt me.”
   “I’m your teacher. If people found out about us... They'd never understand.”
   “You waited a year to stop us. Why kiss me if you knew we'd end? I didn’t tell anyone. Not even my best friend.” Evie reached out. Touched his shoulder. “You miss me and I miss you.”
   “I’m weak for you, Evie. You know that.” Fredrick let her climb into his lap. “You’re so different and special. Not like other girls. You heard me. You listen to me.”
   “I want to be with you. And I said I loved you, but you…”
   "What if I said I loved you? Huh? Those boys don't matter, a girl like you needs someone mature to match." He pecked her cheek. "I do love you."
   Evie's resolve melted. He shut out the red lights. Burned her thorn covered vines. Words held power because we gave the syllables a charge.
   And all Evie Fenny could put out into the world was lightning.
   "You do?"
   He smiled. Her prince. Braving so much to be with her. Wasn't that magical?
   "How many boys have seen you like this?" Fredrick asked in a peculiar way. Charged.
   Evie bit her lip. Couldn't look anymore. Didn't answer the question.
   “I was scared of us.” He soothed now. “I should never have let you go. I’m always going to want the best for you, Evangeline. I hope you believe that. I’ll take care of you now, but you have to let me.”
   Evie leaned in. Kissed him lightly. Wondered how Billy would have touched her in that motel room if they made it. How he'd feel in return.
   "Will you let me?" Fredrick pressed. Wanting all the control she clawed to keep for herself in this skin and marrow. Devouring her without shame or remorse because he was older and knew best.
   But, nice was better.
   Evie had nothing. Head full of static. Body pulsing against her will. She wanted to scream. She wanted to eat more flower petals. A man loved her and she felt ugly and blaring. Out of control. No longer held to this world. Is that how it should feel?
   His chest heaved like the sun might have just come out.
   "Can we go to bed now?” She pecked his cheek. Felt his hands going under the robe to open it.
   Wordlessly, Fredrick Bowers reached and turned the lamp off. The blaring in Evie's head never ended that night.
   Darkness loomed to snuff out every star.
Next up, we learn how the rest of Billy's night went. It's been an odd week. Thanks for reading :) Feel free to chat. TAGGED::: @80sbxtch​ @nottherightseason​  @orxhidshavana​​  @alagalaska​​ @alongcamedolly​​
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