#noah's nano july 2022 drabbles
themarcspector-a · 2 years
❛  you  make  the  prettiest  sounds .  ❜ matt & cloud
notes: this was supposed to be sexy, but it just turned into a napping drabble. also i wrote this at 4am cause i'm chaotic and sexy. tw: semi-nsfw talk. but it's like pg-13. canon typical violence mention.
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The fact of the matter is that Matth.ew Michael Mu.rdock gives Cloud a headache more often than not. The two of them have a relationship where she loves him like crazy, but they argue so much that she questions if they’re a right match. 
Even Cloud’s sister Amya thinks that they’re bad for each other, and she usually is Cloud’s sense of logic when she’s not thinking straight. Amya also is very much the type of person who can read people to the point where it’s almost creepy. And usually Cloud would listen to Amya about her judgment towards her selected partner because of that, but with Matt, it’s difficult. Cloud just cannot let him go. She can’t. 
Even when he infuriates her, she comes back to him at some point just for a hello or just because she wants - or rather needs - to see him. 
Like today.
Today, she needs to see him.
For a month she’s been out of the city, tending to her work in Paris and her work in Los Angeles. The work has to do with explaining her perception of the art in her father’s art museums. It's nothing dangerous or high stakes. To be honest, Cloud hasn’t knocked anyone out, did any investigating, or any vigilante work - period. She’s just lived what people would call a normal life, despite the fact that she’s got a missing daughter, a son who’s passed due to her own helplessness, and an adopted son whose powers sometimes make life hard on him. But despite attempting a life of normalcy with her adopted son, Ford, she’s decided that that shit can get a bit boring. She needs to protect. She needs to help. She needs to do something other than just be the art lady.
And well, Matt’s always been open about the fact that he’s fine with her using her vigilantism as a way of feeling purpose. Of course he judges her for her methods sometimes and how she will occasionally kill a man, but it’s like, he just lectures her and ignores it - and she’s pretty sure, deep down, he probably likes it.
It’s complicated. It’s confusing. But so is their entire relationship.  
“I heard your heels from blocks away,” Matt says in greeting, giving her a smirk. She rolls her eyes at him and gently pushes his face because she knows he can’t see the eyeroll and she needs some way to show him to stop being a little shit. 
“Oh, yeah? I thought you liked the sound of my heels?” she teases at him, gently pushing his chest with her index finger. "And this perfume."
He laughs softly, before he moves over to let her inside his place. “I do, but I haven’t slept at all today, and you’ve always had an over-top-way of greeting me when you’ve been away a while.” He lets her take his arm and loop it in hers, as she walks them both to the sofa and sits them both down. 
 “Over the top? Every time I go away for a month, or even a year, I just make the attempt to kiss you,” she muses out loud, resting her hand on his heart before resting her head on his chest. 
“More than kiss me. You always want…more,” he’s got his arm looped around her waist now and he brushes his thumb against the skin under her shirt. 
“I always want you. I always miss you,” she says in a low tone of voice, right into his ear before she kisses his cheek. “But okay, we don’t have to do anything. I’m fine with just relaxing. I haven’t slept either.”  She hums, but isn’t doing so with any ulterior motive.
“You always make the prettiest sounds,” he tells her, before he hears her breathing and heart rate ease. The soft beating and the rhythm make him yawn, and as he keeps listening, he falls asleep. They both sleep comfortably, and when he wakes up, Cloud smiles at him.
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
“Want coffee?” mika and cloud
The art gallery owner looked at Mika, furrowing in her brows and biting her bottom lip. Did she want coffee? Her?
What a silly question to ask her. Cloud always wanted coffee. She breathed coffee, to be honest. It was one of the few things that kept her from losing her mind in Nowhere.  She knew that the federal agent knew this. So the fact that he was asking her if she wanted coffee, made her snort, in an effort to hold back a string of laughter. “Mika…darling, dear, dearest. Can you, uhm, please just bring the coffee to me next time? Because, obviously, there is never a moment where I’ll say no to coffee with you. Never, ever, a moment.”  She tapped his nose with her index finger, playfully.  Mika gave her a soft smile after she said that. One that made her stomach knot just a bit. “I’ll bring it. No problem. You like a lot of sugar, don’t you Ms Daviau?” he asked, causally, making her nod enthusiastically.  “I loooove it. Certainly, since, most women love a little sugar from time-to-time, from what I've known,” she expressed, smirking at him just a bit. “I could also bring it to you, Mr fbi guy.” A smile now, instead of the smirk.  “Either way I get time with you, so it doesn’t really matter.” Mika gave her a scout’s honor, and she just sighed, half in love with the nerd.  “You’re out to kill me, aren’t you?” she teased, looping her arm in his before she casually guided him to the town’s nearest café.
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
❛ do you enjoy playing with people’s hearts? ❜ ro x cloud | @fayelistic notes: i didn't read over this tw: infidelity (ro - the c*nt)
Admittedly, Claudia should have known Ro was bad news the moment her father didn’t like him. Though her father had married her mother, and that alone with terrible judgment, with everyone else, he knew when a person was someone who would be loyal or if that someone would betray you. Her father had told her immediately upon meeting Ro that Ro had the loyalty of a horny dog, and that he would never change. 
Claudia at the time, really thought her father was just trying to break her and Ro up because Ro was older than her. But it turns out, as their marriage went on and Ro cheated again and again - despite the fact that she stayed loyal - that he was just as disloyal as Claudia’s father said he was. 
Angry over the realization, Claudia got a little too drunk one day, and waited for her husband to get home. And when he arrived, she pointed her finger and asked, “Do you enjoy playing with people’s hearts? Do you enjoy making me look stupid?” Her eyebrow raised as she pointed at him and furrowed in her brows. 
“Dia, darling - it’s not what you think. I’m not trying to make you look stupid, I’ve simply got a wondering eye and no sense of impulse control – and you do tell me as much often,” he told her, tilting head, arms out to manipulate her with a hug. 
She glared at him, and still kept her index finger up to angrily point at him, again. “You’re doing it now. You think I’ll crawl back to you, instead of moving on. But, news flash, Ro - I am fucking moving on. I met a woman. Her name is Cynthia,” she bit back, smirking to herself, despite her anger towards him. “So, I am not just yours anymore. I am also someone else’s.” 
He paused and looked flabbergasted, opening his mouth to speak, before closing it because nothing came out. And when it did, he just laughed in disbelief and amusement and said, “You’re lying. You have to be. A woman? You’ve been so busy with the new exhibit that you barely had time for me.”
She shrugged. “I barely had time for you, because I was frequently found with her. The two of us met at a bar crawl, and she visits me at the museum quite often.” Cloud nodded, and watched as Ro’s head looked like it was going to explode. 
“I thought I was the only person for you?” he questioned, still looking perplexed and like he was about to go into manipulation mode. 
“I thought that, too. But apparently, I lose interest when people are dishonest with me multiple times.” She was drunk so she had to stop talking, and took a seat. “Hope you’re ready to sign our divorce papers sooner rather than later.” The wink she gave him was awful because she winked with both eyes due to being drunk and tired. “Cause they’re coming, baby.” 
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
“ i need you to live…cause if you’re gone then, i don’t know what the point of it all is anymore. ” naom x vanya
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Vanya wanted to live. Dying in Shadow Palms was the type of thing she hated to think about. It was such a boring and strange place to die in. A place where people came just to visit, and then they left because it was so boring. It had its share of weirdness, but it wasn’t like it was a city or even a cool desert. It was the motherfucking desert. Actually, it was located in the motherfucking desert. Vanya did not like the idea of the desert, because her ancestors believed that sand represented life. Dying in the sands would be a fucking joke, in Vanya’s opinion. However, Naom kept talking to her as though she were dying and it made her so angry with him when she opened her eyes, after having them closed. “There would be no point because I am this small town. It’s me, and it’s, nothing without me,” she told him, in less pain than before as he held her in his arms, and continued to walk her through the desert.  It was basically California on a new planet, but it still felt like another place. It was so fucking hot that she felt like she’d roast sometime soon. “You sure know how to make light of a serious situation, Vanya,” he expressed to her, as she thought of roasting. “But don’t die on me…please. That’s all I ask.”
She gently pushed his chin so his head shifted to the side. “I promise I won’t. Again, I am this town. If i’m gone, everything goes to shit.” Vanya lets out a groan after that. “But I was really hurt. Like really hurt. Are my guts falling out?” Teasing. Which was typical Vanya, and not something that impressed him by the way he sighed dramatically. “Are they?” she asked, again.
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
“ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ” naom x vanya
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Naom just does not understand - does he? The fact that he has constantly been on her mind since she moved here should be obvious to him by now. The thing is, it just isn’t obvious to him and it drives her up the wall to know he thinks he isn’t loved or even cared for by her.  The way she looks at him with sad doe eyes, longing to kiss him or even rest her hand on the crook of his neck. How his smile sets a fire within her and makes her want to take down anyone who even thinks of hurting either of them. Naom should be telling her he’s there for her because he knows that he’s who she wanted there more than anyone or anything. Except he just doesn’t get it.  Naom doesn’t understand that she loves him. “You know, I should smack you right?” Vanya can’t help but to tease, smiling just a bit as she looked up at him, her wound bleeding through its bandage. “Because, it’s you - you know; it’s always going to be you, you fool, you absolute idiot.” She let out a shaky breath after that, because it hurt a little too much to talk. 
Naom simply placed a wet rag to her head and cleaned off her sweat. “You don’t have to lie to me. I know about Ricardo,” he said to her, softly, causing Vanya to laugh just a little bit before coughing and mumbling in pain.   “Ricardo is gone. And he never loved me. You loved me, though. I feel it. Just as I love…” she’s about to say more, but the spike of pain she felt from talking. 
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
title: running circles round my mind.
for: @bondgirl prompt: “Do I look like the kind of person who dies?”
notes: when your sister uses her powers to get in your head and you end up in a bitch fight after because you're BIG mad about it and the news she gave you about your biological mother. aka the girls are fightingLOL. aka cloud calling bele 'sis' despite this. just general tomfoolery. lots of 'ands' because idk. also idk how to write dream sequences.
triggers: cybele should be a trigger lol. but violence, mentions of death. more notes: bele "i'm in me sister's head." cloud "get out me head" sdkjhskdf
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As a child, Claudia would frequently wonder about her biological family. She knew that family wasn’t just blood, and that her family with the Daviaus were her real family and that the siblings she had in that family were her real siblings. It’s just - she’s always been so goddamn curious, and has always wanted to learn more about her roots and where she’s come from. 
And though she eventually discovered that Delphine, her nanny, had been her biological mother the whole time, she’d always wondered about the siblings she heard Delphine speak of to one of the agents at the agency. 
A woman named ‘Cybele’ - who Delphine said had absolutely no discipline. Then there was a woman named ‘Amada’ who Claudia had run into by accident while looking for texts in the forbidden library at base. Then, other than those two, there was a son, but he hadn’t shared a womb with them, so Claudia had somewhat zoned out when he was being spoken of. 
She probably should have paid more attention, because she recently discovered he’d been kidnapped by this ‘Cybele’ person. And though January had told her not to go and disobey Delphine’s orders by going in alone to find her, Claudia did, anyway. 
The issue was, Cybele could put images into people’s heads - give them memories of times long before, or fucked up little thoughts - and she’d managed to get into Claudia’s head, which Claudia did not like at all, since she was never a fan of anyone poking around in her head and people rarely ever did.
“Do I look like the kind of person who dies?” Cybele had asked when she appeared, eyebrow arching as she walked near Claudia, as Claudia looked around frantically, before Cybele pushed her into the river, and she began to paddle about as though she were 8 and couldn’t swim again. While Claudia was no longer scared of the water, she was freighted of this specific area of her mind and wanted to get the fuck out of dodge before things got heavier. 
But before she could say or do anything, she found herself sinking low low low, water enveloping her lungs before she woke up, wet, and shaking on the floor of a park playground. 
“Marta!” she shouted, seeing her daughter beside her deceased husband Alex, running around the swings, Marta giggling and the laughter loud enough to make Claudia smile despite her pesky situation. There was no sign of Cybele anywhere, so for a moment, Claudia just enjoyed the sight of her daughter. 
But then, Marta was being pulled from Alex by someone in white, and she was screaming, and then, she had disappeared, leaving Claudia to lean her head back into the foamy playground matting, hands over her eyes. Defeated.  
“You never answered my question,” Cybele expressed after reappearing, gently using the tip of her toe to move Claudia so she could look at her.
Claudia uncovered her face, her eyes watering. “You look like a whole lotta nobody to me, sis,” Claudia mumbled, having not gotten up. 
“I’m not a nobody. You’re the nobody,” Cybele argued. 
“Yeah, that’s me, Ms Nobody. There’s a reason why they call me ‘tThe Ghost’,” she sighed, finally getting up, her expression neutral as she stared Maca down. “I’m nobody.” 
“You’re about to be dead,” Cybele argued. 
Claudia being tired, just shrugged, and then looked at the spot where her daughter had been. “Might as well be dead, huh?” 
“No, you don’t get it. Delphine knows where the girl's at! Mama knows!” cybele stated, rolling her eyes, before turning the place into a place that looks a helluva lot like Sunnetta Hills. 
“You’re lying…” Claudia argued in complete disbelief. She felt defeated for a moment longer, before she remembered it was Delphine they were talking about. Then she just felt furious. “Delphine’s an asshole, but she’d never…”
“No, she would. She could. That’s why I’ve decided not to kill you, and to kill her.” Cybele placed out her hand, and Claudia stared at it like it was asking her jigsaw questions. 
She then took it, stood up, and proceeded to punch Cybele in the face - Cybele falling back from the dreamspace's false gravity. She had stayed on the ground a moment, but then Cybele, ended up tackling Cloud in response to the hit and ended up pulling her hair up so that Claudia could look at her. 
Yet Claudia, furious at her for getting into her head, and just in general furious with Delphine, rolled her over to pick up her fist. But then, Cybele began to laugh. 
And when Cybele began to laugh, Claudia laughed too. She slapped her once, not punching her this time, to prove she wasn’t going to let her go unpunished. But then she began laughing harder, and so did Cybele.
“You know…I’ve always wanted a sister. But 'slapping'? What is that?” Cybele said, moving to once again place her hand out for Cloud to take. 
“Well, I’ve had sisters, and though they were never ‘literally’ in my head, they had a way with mind games, too. But uhm….Cybele….Don’t do that shit again.” Claudia glared this time when she stood up, and instead of hitting Cybele or Cybele tackling her, she gave her a hug. A hug that Cybele melted into before she pulled away. 
“But you will let me kill mother, yes?”
Claudia rolled her eyes. “No................" 
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
Title: On your doorstep (1/?) Prompt: Hero lands on villain's doorstep. Who: Ford Ellison & Coraline Reeves. Both are my ocs. Type of Fiction: Original Fiction. Trigger Warnings: Blood Notes: I'm just like posting whatever this brain of mine lets me before I knock the fuck out. But this is a little Ford / Cora au.
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Cora wasn’t the type to get friendly with her arch nemeses. She was the type of woman who made the effort to get through life avoiding them whenever she could. When she typically spotted them outside of one of her fucked up plans, she would avoid them in the way one might avoid someone they knew in high school who bullied them. She did not like to interact with people who ruined her plans or made her feel like they were better than her.
The issue today was that she couldn’t avoid her nemesis today. Ford Ellison was at her door, passed out and bloodied, and he had a note on him that said she was next. Personally, when she read the note, she had a good laugh over it. But then, she looked away from the note and noticed Ford, and found herself letting out a panicked mumble of the word “Fuck” right before she dragged his body inside her home. 
The hero left a trail of blood on her floor when she moved him, but as she moved him, she noticed he was still breathing. He was still breathing, and oddly enough, Cora wanted him to live. She wanted him to live so that she could have a worthy opponent. Another issue though, was that Ford didn’t know her away from their bump-ins where she typically wore a mask. So, he would have no idea who she was whenever she nursed him back to health. Which was something she wasn’t sure she could use to her advantage or not. Especially since Ford’s adoptive sister was one of the most feared people in, not only Sunbite, Sunetta, and the Sands, but the entire galaxy. Marta had violently broken time at one point, and had taken some lives with her. Which was why, the idea of pissing her off, made Cora let out another groan. Because, though she could leave Ford out to die, in order to avoid the violent time traveler, she knew that Ford needed her and if she let him die, the violent time traveler would kill her either way. Meaning, Cora was fucked no matter her choice. 
Dragging him onto her sofa, she placed him there comfortably, adjusting his head to the pillow before placing a blanket on him and walking out.  Cora then looked at him for a moment - sandy hair falling in his face, suit all a mess with blood, and finally at peace - before she rolled her brown eyes and began to walk away from him. The fact that someone had hurt him, and that person wasn’t her, really pissed her off. And what pissed her off more than that was the fact that she was threatened to be next. 
“What a load of shit,” she whispered under her breath, before turning away from the passed out hero. “What a pile of shit, honestly.” Her curly hair floated up when she let out an annoyed sigh. “Why do bad things happen to awful people?” 
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