#mumu: can you make a shadow?
wolfofcelestia · 6 months
My strategy for beating Open Orbit 38
From a Zayne main's perspective
@zaynes-left-chesticle asked for my strat so I'm putting it in its own post in hopes that it will help others stuck on this stage too
1. Setup
First and foremost, I have to say that I fight every battle on an emulator (MuMu) and with a gamepad because it feels a lot more natural to me to game with an actual controller
The repeated taps to attack also just cramp up my thumb, so I map the attack button to repeated clicks. So all I need to do to attack is hold the button down
As for the regular charged attack that procs when you hold the attack button down, I did map it to a different button on the gamepad, but I've found it less effective than the repeated attacks, so I never use it
2. Companions, Cards, and Cores
❄️ Companions
Ok this is where I start being a simp
Because instead of being smart and going with Xavier, I decided to brute force my way through it with the husband because I just felt more comfortable with him
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I tried all three outfits with both Zayne and Xavier, and also all weapons on MC, but what ended up working was MC on guns and, of course, the king, Dawnbreaker
But just looking at these cards, I should have had an easier time with Xavier since I was able to boost the protofield buffs higher than my Zayne team. Xavier's team even had a solar pair. Meanwhile, I was rocking that 3* level 30 card with Zayne LMAO
In all honestly, Xavier will probably be the better choice for most people. But if you're stuck in the Zayne swamp like I am, bring out Dawnbreaker and go slaughter your enemies (more on that below)
❄️ Cards
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Okay let's start with the elephant in the room: The 3* level 30 card lol
I do have other, stronger green cards than that one, but I really only threw that card in because it was a solar card, which meant that I could satisfy the protofield requirement by having a third green card while also opening up a lunar slot for a stronger stat stick (the red Cozy Afternoon card)
Another important factor in choosing cards is their talents. Despite me only hitting the minimum protofield colours, having cards with attack talents is important if you're underlevelled like I am
5/6 cards in my Zayne team are attack-centric, while Sweet Conspiracy is an HP card
You can check what a card's talent is by clicking the (!) button
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I did try with another green card in my team, Dawn's Shadows (lvl 40). But that is a DEF card, so replacing it with an off-coloured ATK card, Cozy Afternoon (lvl 60) helped more than the protofield boost. It being at a higher level helped too
Some cards also have Advanced skills, so you could watch out for those too
❄️ Cores
I've severely neglected my core hunts so I don't have a lot to choose from or exp to level them with, but I recommend equipping any you have with a focus on Attack and Attack Bonus
Even if you don't have cores with an attack boost, equipping anything that will boost your damage is useful
You're mainly fighting against the timer here, so you need as much offensive power as you can get
Here are the ones I had equipped:
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3. Strategy
Alright, so now that you your setup and team, let's talk about the strategy
The most important thing is to wipe out the frenzy wanderer ON SIGHT
Nothing else matters, so as soon as that thing pops up, hunt that fucker down
When the fight begins, your partner will target the wanderer on the left first. I decided to target it as well just to make it die faster, but soon, the frenzy wanderer will come in, so don't waste any of your skills on the regular wanderers
The things you are fighting against are the shitty aiming system and the frenzy timer (that starts before you can even target it), so if your aim decides to hit the wanderer on the other side of the field instead of the frenzy wanderer right in front of you, my suggestion is to just restart the fight unless you know you can kill it before the energy dissipates
There are three frenzy wanderers that show up shortly after the regular ones do, so save skills and unload on them. Focus your camera on them, and ideally back them into a corner so that it's the only enemy on your screen. Get right up in their faces so that your aim stays on it and your partner is more likely to target it as well
I was able to gather the frenzy energy from the first two, but when I beat the stage, I'm pretty sure I wasn't able to finish off the third. The first two are definitely the easiest so if you can manage those two, I think you'll be okay
Just be sure that your aim is on the frenzy wanderer because the resonance skill tends to want to aim at the wanderer with the protocore shields
When you've killed the frenzy wanderer and collected its energy, just go with the regular fighting strat:
Save your diamond skills for breaking through the protocore shields, then unleash everything you have when it's weakened
I tend to use the partner support skill (the one that fills his profile pic with yellow) as soon as it's available since it charges up fast enough, but I make sure that skill and every other skill I have (support, ardent oath if it's close to filling, and MC's active skill) is available before I break through the shields
I think that's everything I have to say about this stage. If you have any questions or want more clarification on anything, feel free to ask
Hope you manage through the awful, awful aiming system here!
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atsadi-shenanigans · 5 months
Feeding Alligators 51 - I Lived Bitch
You wake up.
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On AO3.
People’re hollering. It’s all gibberish. You feel well-rested for the first time in a long, long while. Are half-tempted to turn over so you can go back to sleep, except two things: there’s something in your arms that smells like vasoline and farts, and the chatter around you is real loud. Right until it hushes.
A woman says something. She’s got nice perfume. Don’t stink of chemical or sickly sweet. Her voice rings like a bell, though her words don’t make no sense.
It’s a stuffed animal that you got in your arms. That’s what smells. You cuddle into it and sigh…
Why is it sticky? What the hell—
Open your eyes. Spot a pair of boots with real nice embroidery along the seams. Track it up to a purple mumu and—
“Gale!” you say.
The man smiles down at you, all but sagging. And then Shadowheart fills your vision, leaning over you, her jesus hands over your chest.
Shadowheart. And Karlach and Wyll watching. You got Karlach’s bear. And apparently the little procedure made the dirt potion stop working, the fucker.
“You got any…?” you say and mime tilting a bottle.
“Yes,” Gale says.
You start to sit up as he reaches into his bag, and then you pause. Stare at him as he produces the blue bottle.
He holds his innocent expression for a good five seconds before cracking. “Aang-lish. Ta-ok.” And he mimes writing.
You blink a couple of times, trying to make sense. Cause it sounds like the man is saying he’s trying to learn English (from your chats). But that is monstrously complicated and y’all are super busy and…and you’re you. Ain’t no reason for somebody to take on that kinda task on your account.
You point to him. Tap your temple, and then your mouth. “You talk? English?”
“Ye-ah,” he says again.
Oh god, he’s learning English with your accent.
You are simultaneously amused, horrified, and then indignant at the horrified part. Ain’t nobody complains when a non-English speaker picks up a Western accent. Fuck all them classicist fuckwads.
You down the potion so you can say, “Why?”
“Ah! Well, a multitude of reasons,” he says and lifts that pointer finger and that man is the dictionary definition of a lecturer. “I reckoned it might do to have a backup plan should we run out of ingredients again. And as I’ve always said, a good education—”
“She seems fine,” Shadowheart cuts in. Gives you a tiny smile and then stands. “Take it easy the rest of the night. I’m not sure how this process goes, exactly. But I’d say if you start to feel strange, at all, let one of us know.”
“Yes’m,” you say.
She gives you a nod and leaves you be.
“How d’you feel, soldier?” Karlach says.
Physically, great. A little dizzy, maybe. And tired, now that you think about it. You want to find a blanket, burrito yourself next to the fire, and sit there until everybody goes to sleep.
So that’s what you tell her. She nods along, then jerks her thumb over her shoulder. “Sounds like you and Wyll’ll be spending some time together, then.”
That…don’t make no sense. Why would Wyll…?
The spectator. Him lying in a pool of his own blood.
“Oh fuck, Wyll, how’re you doing?”
Karlach moves so you can see him leaning against a bedroll. He gives you a wave. “Nice to see you among the living again.”
And then something moves in the shadows and your skin shudders like a pissed off cat as the fucking mummy emerges.
He regards you with his shriveled, raisin eyes. Then, “Thou soul is tied to this place. Thy destiny shall play along as it must.”
And then he turns and just, you know, leaves. Like that was a totally normal interaction and he wasn’t the creepiest thing to ever exist spouting some of the most cryptic shit to ever exist.
“I don’t like him,” you say.
“Yeah,” Karlach drawls, watching him shuffle over to the perimeter of camp. “I’ve seen people get turned inside out—literally, and it’s the hells so they don’t die, you know? But there’s something really off about that one.” Then she looks behind you, to the sound of Gale lowering himself, and something flashes across her face before she slaps another smile over it. “Guess I’ll leave you to it. You did good, soldier. Knew you were a tough one.”
She goes back over to Wyll and settles down about three feet from him—the closest she can safely get. Leaving you and Gale, alone.
Gale clears his throat. Waits for you to look back to him. Folds his legs beneath him and both his knees crack. “I can certainly understand your level of apprehension around him. But we should probably discuss what he said. Or didn’t, I suppose.”
Well fuck.
“What, the shit about fate?” you say, because if you make a joke about and throw in profanity, it can’t be all that serious, right?
But Gale don’t smile back. Nor does he join in on the joking. He looks serious in a way that makes your conjured joviality wither in on itself.
He holds up something. The evil bottle. Motions for you to take it. The soul jar. Right. But like, it’s a physical object? For some reason, you didn’t think it would be. Like, they would do all their woo woo shit and it’d disintegrate into the ether or some shit and you’d wake up all better.
The metal is smooth in your hands. You expect warmth or an electric tingle. Maybe a creepy heartbeat or something. Souls are, apparently, real, and they’ve (said they’ve) trapped yours inside that thing like a genie in a lamp. There should be some mystical shit, right?
Only it’s just a metal bottle. Smooth and cool, and about as heavy as it looks.
“Are you sure it worked?” you say. Cause it feels just like holding an empty bottle.
“It did, eventually.” He catches your look. “There were some…complications. It caused no damage, both Withers and Shadowheart assured me!. All of your soul is within that flask, and we’ll continue to monitor it, but you appear to be perfectly stabilized.”
Huh. “Complications” can mean so many things.
“But?” you say.
Gale makes a “easy there, Bessy” hand gesture. “But you, ah, died in the process. Again. You are perfectly alright now! Withers was able to keep both parts of you here long enough for the spell to work. But you, well. I’m no necromancer or soulworker, but your soul went elsewhere for a time before we could draw it fully into this realm.”
That…is horrifying. Where the fuck does a soul just wander off to? Like it fucked off to some interdimensional 711, stole a car, and drove three hundred miles out to fucking space-Idaho?
“Do you remember anything?” Gale says. And there’s that gleam in his eye, the one he gets when you brought up your speculations of the religious aspects of them animal stones in that ancient city in Turkey. Dude hungers for knowledge the way Astar—the way a vampire hungers for blood.
But the last thing you remember is settling down with Karlach’s bear.
“No,” you say. Though the thought niggles something in the back of your mind.
“I see. Well, it does please me to say that you seem to be present and accounted for. No need for those potions—I gathered from your facial expressions that they didn’t taste terribly fantastic. However. That flask must stay on your person at all times. Or near enough to it.”
“Oh god, is this a proximity thing?”
What’s a reverse electric fence? If you forget the damn thing in you tent and go to the river to bathe, is it gonna tase you?
A twitch of a frown at the word “proximity.” His lips silently move over the shape of it. Then, “Not in the sense I suspect you think of. If I were to snatch it and use a waypoint to travel to the other side of Faerun, it would do you no harm. But I would be holding your soul in my hands, and that…”
And…that sounds bad. Catastrophic, even.
“You said soulworker and necromancer before,” you say, a different kind of dread oozing up your spine to claw at the muscles at the base of your skull. “Someone could, like, use this against me, huh?”
He nods. “Indeed. At the very least, one could hold it for ransom. At the worst, there are ways of chaining a soul to a person or an object. Or even, well. Even bartering one to the hells.”
If somebody gets their sticky fucking fingers on that flask they can literally sell you to a demon? Oh what the actual fuck.
“Kinda hate this place,” you say.
Gale winces. Sympathetically.
“So keep the damn thing safe,” you say.
“Yes. I cannot stress that enough.”
Part of you thinks it really would have been easier to just die.
Except…there’s something in you. A little glow against that darkness. Though the exhaustion and the dread pull you down like your guts are made of concrete, that tiny ember glows on.
Fuck. Fuck.
“I…thank you, Gale,” you say. “Thank you for all a this. I’ll do my best not to let y’all down.”
He claps your arm (you try not to flinch at the touch). “You’re doing far better on that account than I suspect you give yourself credit for. Now, I’m going to whip up something light but filling, and I suggest you eat your fill and get some rest, hmm?”
You nod. Food does sound really good.
The others mingle or tend their gear. You lie there and half listen to Wyll and Karlach talking. Things haven’t gotten better so much as simply…changed form. Same problem, new and exciting ways for it all to go wrong.
The exhaustion drags at you. Gale is right. Food and rest will be good. This shit will land and settle as it will, and you’ll have to pick a path through it.
Which is when something pale moves in the dark. A set of glowing eyes leer out of the shadows.
“Well hello, darling,” Astarion says.
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parancrmcl · 2 months
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stevie adjusted their headlamp, the beam slicing through the thick, stagnant air of the abandoned asylum. the building loomed above them, its crumbling façade whispering secrets of a bygone era. they tightened her grip on their flashlight, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. urban exploring had always been their escape, a way to channel her curiosity and thirst for adventure—a way to get them out of their computer. but this place...this place was different. they glanced at their watch, the hands glowing faintly in the dim light. wondering how soon the others were supposed to arrive. they had all eagerly accepted the mysterious invitation to explore the infamous asylum. The email had been brief, promising untold secrets and an experience like no other. and a prize if they lasted until morning—or whatever that was supposed to mean. stevie took a deep breath, her heart pounding with the thrill of the unknown. they had arrived early, wanting to get a feel for the place before the rest of the group showed up. the air inside was cooler, carrying the faint, eerie scent of decay. they could almost hear the echoes of the past in the silence that enveloped her. "here goes nothing," they muttered to themself, stepping through the broken entrance. the hallway stretched before them, long and foreboding. peeling paint hung from the walls like old scars, and every shadow seemed to hold a story. stevie's footsteps echoed down the empty corridor as they moved cautiously, their eyes darting around. they'd heard the rumors about this place—an asylum where patients had been more like prisoners, subjected to horrifying experiments. it was the perfect setting for the urban legend to take root, but standing here now, stevie couldn't help but wonder how much truth there was to the stories. they paused at a rusted gurney in the corner of what must have once been a treatment room. the sight of it sent a shiver down their spine. as their mind started to wonder, trying to imagine the things that had happened here, the pain and fear that must have permeated these walls, more footsteps echoed from the entrance, making them startle and go back to the entrance, their heart making flips inside their chest and totally ruining their cool persona. "took you long enough," they said, approaching the group. there were four of them, and aside from their complicated interpersonal history, they still showed up for one another. "this place is every bit of creepy we thought it would be."
closed starter for @ruindgod plot — a group of urban explorers ventures into an abandoned mental asylum rumored to be haunted (house on haunted hill meets 1408, but make it all in the 90s). we can have a mumu and play all characters, if you'd like.
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yeuphoric · 4 months
╰   * OPEN TO ALL ( f only for romantic connections ). a fun lil fantasy adventure thing with the vibes of l.otr or b.g3. basil can genuinely be a passerby in need of some rest and gets drawn into / is somehow unknowingly already caught up in your muse's adventure, or he can have ulterior motives and is deceiving them. i'm happy to plot this out or make it a mumu with our other muses so feel free to jump in my ims. DO NOT LIKE THIS STARTER .
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amongst the twisting trunks of ancient trees, barely perceptible to the untrained eye, a campfire flickers weakly against the darkness. sore feet carry the fae to the target, emerging out of the shadows with dirt - covered hands raised in front of torso and his masculine features carved with caution. “ don't be alarmed. i mean you no danger. ” offers a smile, small and weak, halting his tracks to linger before the flames. “ i saw your camp and hoped you'd be amenable to some charity tonight ? i don't ask anything of you except some warmth from your fire and a place to rest until first light. ” basil slowly lowers his palms, pale blues attempting to decipher the other's expression as he pats at his weathered satchel. “ i have very few supplies left but what i do have i am willing to share if you'd have me. ”
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brickcentral · 11 months
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🤩 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: @mumubrix Hello everyone! It's time to direct the spotlight toward our community members, and today we will get to know better @mumubrix!
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"Hi my name is Angel and I’ve been learning photography since January of 2021. Mumubrix is my social media name. Mumu is a Filipino (Tagalog) word for GHOST which is one of my favorite subjects.
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I would say that my style is leaning more towards incorporating emotions to my photos. Different kinds of emotions. I also like to add mist, rain, water as much as I can. My favorite subject are animals and spooky minifigs though I am confident to say that I am versatile with my photography. It all depends on my mood.I have a journal where I write my ideas, because I can't draw, and have been building more recently. Building bricks have been such a stress reliever and is a great mental challenge for me. It is great to just build, break it apart and rebuild something else. I get a lot of new ideas from daily experiences, interesting conversations with strangers and just sheer imagination.I also enjoy harsh lights and shadows. I love the shadows, it's art in itself. Being able to learn photography and manipulating light is magic!
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This is my basic gear. I cannot live without a tripod, I have the very basic tripod you can find from Amazon and the pocket size for low angle photos. I mainly use this lamp for main light and use a flash and a pocket mist for added "effects". I use a Canon EOS M50 mirrorless camera with a TT artisan macro lens. Everything here stays in my backpack except the tripod and the table lamp. If I want to make something float, I use the instant, the wire and the clamp to hold it, I also use the clamp to hold a piece of cardboard for bouncing the lights. I use the soldering hands if I need more floating pieces or if it’s a but windy outside. I have 2 more led lights that aren’t in this photo but I mainly use it if I take photos indoors.
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My #1 challenge is my lack of knowledge about photography, light,compositions. All I have is my story and that's all I needed because I found this great community where people help and teach each other. I was using my phone to take photos before and I really thought they were great but thankfully, the constructive criticisms are there to steer me back to the correct path. Not knowing what looks good to begin with was the first challenge I had to break.
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The #2 is my gear. I was learning through tips and tricks from Brickcentral and videos from Four Bricks Tall but there are just some things that a phone camera can't do like achieving that good Depth of field, catching those beautiful misty light and shadows without it looking flat. Or just being able to focus on one subject without having to blur everything in the background using an editing software. That's when I knew I had to upgrade and I'm so happy I did.
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And #3 is my fear of getting ignored by the algorithm. I have always been someone to question rules and limitations and that makes me tend to experiment quite a lot. I enjoy creating photos that are not mainstream like Happy Happy photos or character photos. I enjoy creating mysterious ones or emotional ones where real people can relate. I enjoy self-expression. And yet social platforms made me wonder some time ago if I'm doing the right thing, or that maybe I should follow what everyone else is doing so people can like my photos more. In other words, I became a "photo people pleaser". I got burnt out after a month and stopped taking photos. Then I realized that my photography makes me happy, and it should make me happy. Not the other way around.
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My goal is to help anyone who is wiling to learn about photography. I have been blessed to be taught so much by this community and would like to return it to the world. I believe that art is innate and it is in everything and that you just have to tap in the right kind of art, the right people to give you good direction and the patience to learn.
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For the community: Many thanks for all the patience and the tips, tricks and advice that the mods and everyone else share. Remember that you don't need a lot of things to start, just the willingness to learn and the realization that you can do it too. You just have to keep on practicing, go out and take photos, just go and do it and ask for feedback. You need feedback."
Thank you for accepting our invitation and let the community knows you better!
If you want some insights on the exclusive picture and for a better view of the others, head to our blog at https://brickentral.net/.
- @theaphol, Community Outreach Manager
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
🕊️26 she/her. Looking for some more writing partners. I am only writing on Discord since that is where I am most active and will be around pretty much 24/7 when im not at work. I am open for all kind of plots, from sweet and fluffy, to dark and crazy. I write mostly m/f and I love to double or make a mumu with several ships. But I am also of course open for m/m and f/f. We can write oc's or canon. A few of my fandoms are shadow and bone, the last of us, game of thrones, marvel, dc, scream, halloween. So if you are interested in writing with me,and will lay just as much energy in our ship/s like I will, then give this post a heart and I will reach out to you, or message me directly.
like or dm if interested!
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rainsong · 1 year
finally got some more time on my hands so i’m now back to looking for future besties 1x1/mumu writing partners because i’m brimming with muse and have a lot of ideas and fcs i wanna play, so if you wanna be annoyed with lots and lots of headcanons, playlists, muse posts and MANIPS (been really into making them lately) by someone who completely delves into ships, hit that like and i’ll come to you ♡ i write both on discord and tumblr, am more than willing to double up (so i play anyone you want me to and you play who i want), have no triggers and am very smut-friendly! additional note: i do want to be friends with the people i write with, and i’m online everyday because of work so i’m pretty much always around if you want to talk!     plots: i’m mostly into slice of life plots especially a small town mumu where everyone’s connected to each other, but i also love anything reality tv, crime or celebrity! can also possibly do period plots! specific fandoms (can play canon characters): disney’s descendants, all american, the hunger games, outer banks, shadow and bone/six of crows, daisy jones & the six, acotar
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otherworldlyrps · 2 years
𝖍𝖎𝖎 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 !! ♡ nothing like ringing in the new year with an updated permanent writing call !! my name is dana (25f) and i am eternally seeking solid 21+ partners for slice of life content on discord !! i am a multi-muse writer seeking all connections (mxf, mxm, fxf) all the time. ***note: i am very selective regarding mxm plots. i pen morally grey muses who originate from a variety of backgrounds and belong to a variety of age ranges. writing-wise, i am always seeking to capture life in all its beauty and wretchedness as closely as possible and, because of this, mature themes will present themselves throughout the course of my writing. ***please, please, p l e a s e read my guidelines for more information on this, as some of the content i touch on may be distressing/disturbing depending on one’s tolerance. i am seeking writers who are interested in creating constellations of sorts with our muses, ones that can then form an intricate, exciting universe for all our bbys. that being said, if you also enjoy playing out not just romantic connections but platonic/familial/work-related/etc. ones, i’m the writer for you !! pls see content below for more information: 
guidelines  |   my muses  |   ‘banned’ muse list
***D I S C L A I M E R S : i do NOT “double” so pls don’t ask !! in my experience, “doubling” almost always leads to unnecessary stress, pressure, and one story going neglected. additionally, i no longer collaborate with writers that only pen female and/or sub muses. PLEASE do not use me for my male muses, it’s extremely evident when someone is doing this and i don’t take to it kindly. all of this is non-negotiable territory for me. roleplaying should be a fun exercise in creativity, literacy, and leisure, that’s the whole point !! therefore, i am exclusively seeking writers who lovingly pen a strong, diverse array of muses and wish to bring engaging stories to life, collaboratively. mumus all the way ♡
i am always on the hunt for the following (this isn’t a comprehensive list):
age gaps. age gaps in all their glory, especially if it’s a younger man x older woman dynamic. exploring the excitement but also the struggles of individuals attempting to make something work whilst being in two completely different stages of life. 
forbidden relationships. for whatever reason, they shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t possibly be able to make it work, but that sure as hell doesn’t stop them from trying.
toxic lovers. the on-again-off-again lovers, the lovers who know that it would be the best for both of them to just let go but cannot find themselves doing so, the jealous, obsessive, the deranged, the bonnie and clydes, the generally unhinged intertwining themselves together. just, please. 
friends-to-lovers. this one speaks for itself !!
exes. see description above :) 
throuples, throuples, throuples baby !! i am mostly seeking an mxfxf, but i could also be swayed into mxfxm, fxfxf, and maybe an mxmxm (under very selective circumstances.)
growing pains. the agony that is the human existence, especially during the young adult years where everyone is just trying to orient themselves to what life is about. 
crime. cartels, mafias, gangs, the luxury but also the grime and danger that comes with operating underground, in the shadows of polite society.
apartment mumus. i can’t get enough of these !! any opportunities to integrate a diverse set of muses into one setting and play out their lives/how they intertwine, i am there for. 
if any of this captures your interest, please don’t hesitate to drop a lil ♡ below or feel free to reach out directly !!
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wynterlanding · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
Hi I hope you don’t mind me asking, but would you be able to explain your thoughts on FC exclusivity a little further? Do you not want to write Landon against any muse who is writing with another Penn Badgley FC?
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Hi anon ghostie. This is an interesting inquiry and something a lot of the current rpc probably doesn't do. However, it is something I personally do for my full enjoyment of writing. So here goes under the cut!
Okay this is gonna sound odd to some I know but I come from an era of forum rp and the like. I also truly love the creation and connection of characters in universes so if I do a lot of building, plotting and world development with someone I absolutely see their vision for their muse as that muse. For example: Emma Stone is the face of my good friend’s fellow journalist Eloise Gray. She is my muse’s original ship and canon best friend. She is exclusive to me, meaning I only write against her version of Emma as she translates visually to her muse Eloise. Exclusives are characters important to me in Lan’s universes. They are the sole version of said face I associate with that particular muse so I will not write against other versions of them. There might be special circumstances popping up for me to otherwise but it is not often.
With P.enn he IS my visual of Landon in my developed universe so Lan is never going to write against another muse using that face. The only time is when he interacts with his twin brother in my lesser known au but again that’s my own alternate universe to Landon’s life and that muse exists here in the shadows of this blog.
If a mutual writes against his fc it’s weird to me if we have a lot of plot, development and world building. It is. Now if it’s a new blog who follows and I already see it I am not really comfortable following because they already have interaction with my fc. With my space private now it's definitely something I wll practice firmly. I have dealt with fc collecting in the past and even before with Lan so it shapes my opinion on it. I prefer exclusivity. That is how I rp. People don’t have to rp that way but wanting my fc opposite if we already have dove deep into plotting or have threads gives me odd vibes. I tend to not prioritize those threads any longer so they will get answered when I can pull the muse back cause this lowers muse for me. This also goes extra with not communicating ooc.
Honestly I will not interact/follow other muses using the same fc since it would not make sense. As I come to interact with a lot of mumus I truly do not want to write against a muse already writing with my fc. They already have said interaction and it doesn’t vibe with me. Offer another then. Even then I tend to not follow new people already having stuff with my fc for personal preference. I don't always see it right away but when I do it's a no for my dash comfort. That is just how I run my blog. People will not agree. People may agree. This is just my own rp experiences and preferences I wish to reflect on my blog to have a comfy space. So thanks for asking anon! I hope this made sense? I ramble so lol
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atsadi-shenanigans · 10 months
Feeding Alligators 7: Potion of Tongues
Gale makes a potion that doesn't explode!
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On AO3 and rated M for language, violence, and innuendos. Rating will change to E for smut much, MUCH later.
All of this lights a fire under Mumu’s ass. He doesn’t even get his tent set up—in what you think is the dining room of the ruins, after picking y’all’s way over more dead bodies they’d murdered because that is shockingly casual here—before he’s at the fireplace, fucking around with a cauldron he somehow pulled out of his backpack.
You find a nice, quiet corner to sit down in and make yourself unobtrusive.
It’s super ineffective.
Goth Girl keeps glancing your way. She sets up her tent—you’re in a dining room but privacy is privacy, you assume—right up against the wall. Facing you. Fancy Pants fumbles with his own, red tent much close to hers than you. He also angles his tent flap to face you, which is fucking rich coming from a guy who slit the throat of a dead hobbit and then threw the body at you.
Honestly, though? Same. You’d do that too, were there three of you and only one of them and you crashed outside some abandoned refinery in Tulsa.
Though you’re probably the least dangerous person here by a long shot. You have a single stick to your name, and one, single set of clothes that aren’t soaked in blood.
At least you have an answer now? If Jerky Man is to be believed (and why the fuck wouldn’t he be?).
Inter-dimensional travel. Not interstellar. Must tie into that whole “seafoam universe” theory thing you watched a documentary on that one time. Squidward and his butthole ship must have popped into your universe to…teleport your naked ass? Steal you. Before zapping away to grab more people.
Which means hell is real. Or a version of it, anyway.
“Jesus fuck,” you say and let your head fall into your hands. Your mother and her fanatics had better not be right. You’ll fistfight god if that fucker is real.
You’re a stranger in a strange land. The absolute irony. You try hard not to think of poor Matoaka and her fucked up fate. You try even harder not to wonder if there’s some fantasy version of smallpox waiting around to take you out.
Then Mumu’s cauldron explodes.
He goes through three of them. Everyone has shifted their tents away from the real threat, and now you’re all grouped against the far wall. It puts Fancy Pants right next to you. You do not fumble with a tent. You have a new, not soaked sleeping bag made of, as far as you can tell, leather and cotton and hide with fur still on it.
Mumu’s explosions are all mild, that leave him staggering back, coughing and waving a hand. The second one cracks the cauldron, though, and he’s forced to dig another one out of his pack (how many goddamn things does he have in there?!).
Fancy Pants mutters. His nose wrinkles. He spots you looking and gives an eyeroll. Clearly not impressed by what you’re ninety-nine percent sure is the group’s wizard (Goth Girl isn’t fucking around with any cauldrons).
It’s then that Jerky Man steps out of the shadows. You almost suck your own tongue into your trachea in a gasp. Mumu and his, you assume, very pale ass doesn’t have your very sensible reaction to a talking, talking piece of long pig jerky, and says something all warm and friendly.
“If it’s information though seekest, I can provide,” Jerky Man says. “At a price.”
And there it is. He’s gonna eat someone’s soul. Or possess their meat. Turn one of you (oh fuck, it’s gonna be you, you can feel it) into a skinsuit.
You eyeball the door. If you can sneak out now, they might not notice? Fancy Pants notices your shifting over the edge of the book he pilfered from the library. Maybe you can pantomime having to pee?
But Mumu goes and hands Jerky Man a handful of…that’s gold. (Is gold seriously their currency? What kind of whacked out fucking economy do these people have that regular old peasants are running around with gold coins??)
Mumu receives a scroll for his pile-of-treasure-could-be-a-down-payment-on-a-car. He nods his thanks, gives you a grin, and starts back to his still-smoking cauldron.
Jerky Man stays where he is. Oh lord, he’s just going to hang out with y’all now, isn’t he?
This cauldron does not explode. After a good half hour—there’s no clocks so you’re just guessing—he exclaims something and ladles whatever he’s cooking into a bottle. He doesn’t cap it; just turns and beckons you over.
You look to Fancy Pants. He gives a “try not to die” kind of eyebrow shrug.
“Fuck.” Because what are you going to actually do? Sprint off into the night?
You try not to drag your feet like a second grader called on to solve the big math problem. Mumu chatters at you once you reach him, catches himself, and presents you the bottle with a flourish.
You stare.
It steams gently. The liquid is a deep blue color that makes you think of a raspberry icee. You hate fake raspberry. Nothing in nature should be that color.
Mumu clears his throat.
Fuck. Fine.
The glass is warm beneath your fingers, but not hot. You waft your hand over it to catch the scent: some kind of herb and what smells a lot like dirt.
“What is this?” you say.
Mumu motions for you to drink it. Goth Girl is watching all this a little too intently, and Fancy Pants leans over to murmur to her. They’re totally taking bets on whether this shit turns you inside out.
You shouldn’t. You really, truly, deeply shouldn’t. Man blew up cauldrons before buying what you think might have been this recipe from a corpse, like making a back alley weed purchase. Both sides of your ancestry come together to agree on that, which is so rare, you almost “accidentally” drop the thing. But Mumu looks so goddamn hopeful. And for all you know, he and the others would hold you down and pour it down your throat anyway.
Might as well go out with a shred of dignity?
You take a breath. Scrunch up your eyes. Slam it back like it’s cheap whiskey from the corner gas station you took a shot of on a dare that one time.
It hits just as nasty. The burn is immediate. A cloud of it punches up the back of your throat to singe your sinuses. You make an awful, sputtering noise and try not to snort blue shit out your nose.
“Oh god, oh god!” you say. “That was a mistake! Oh, fuck me!”
In the silence that follows, you make a couple of dying cow sounds and scrub at your tongue with your fingernails. Your eyes water and a dribble of snot leaks out one nostril. A handkerchief appears in your swimming vision and you cough a thanks and take it.
Finally, you look up. Finally, you see Mumu’s quizzical expression, Goth Girl holding in a smile, and Fancy Pants wearing the biggest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen.
“What a delightful turn of phrase,” he says.
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
“ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ” naom x vanya
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Naom just does not understand - does he? The fact that he has constantly been on her mind since she moved here should be obvious to him by now. The thing is, it just isn’t obvious to him and it drives her up the wall to know he thinks he isn’t loved or even cared for by her.  The way she looks at him with sad doe eyes, longing to kiss him or even rest her hand on the crook of his neck. How his smile sets a fire within her and makes her want to take down anyone who even thinks of hurting either of them. Naom should be telling her he’s there for her because he knows that he’s who she wanted there more than anyone or anything. Except he just doesn’t get it.  Naom doesn’t understand that she loves him. “You know, I should smack you right?” Vanya can’t help but to tease, smiling just a bit as she looked up at him, her wound bleeding through its bandage. “Because, it’s you - you know; it’s always going to be you, you fool, you absolute idiot.” She let out a shaky breath after that, because it hurt a little too much to talk. 
Naom simply placed a wet rag to her head and cleaned off her sweat. “You don’t have to lie to me. I know about Ricardo,” he said to her, softly, causing Vanya to laugh just a little bit before coughing and mumbling in pain.   “Ricardo is gone. And he never loved me. You loved me, though. I feel it. Just as I love…” she’s about to say more, but the spike of pain she felt from talking. 
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i want to make new friends. so if you like to headcanon, are interested in any of these plots, or like, just have plot ideas of your own, hit me up. i prefer to chat via discord but i write on both tumblr and discord. 
message me if interested. do not reblog. 
1. twin peaks inspired mumu or 1x1 plot - there’s been three murders of young women and the fbi is brought in to investigate. the town is odd and full of surprises. friendships and romance occurs. so does all sorts of soapy drama and paranormal events.   
2. shadow and bone inspired plots but it’s modern mumu or 1x1 - magic exists in this universe but it’s looked down upon if you have it. kind of would love people discovering their powers and having like a found family type dynamic together. but ohhhh an kan/ej type of plot where they’re bound due an owed debt could be interesting, too. 
3. power couple of any kind because i’m a sucker for power couples
4. sherlock holmes based plot. where they solve crimes together. only with a paranormal twist: the sherlock archetype sees ghosts and can raise the dead. 
5. sherlock holmes type plot except we write when they meet in college and when they’re older together. they could have gotten married but i’m down for like platonic soulmates between the sherlock/watson type
6. reincarnated lovers mixed with soulmate aus as plots, like any kind. bonus if we mix the soulmate au plots together for more drama.
7. anything dealing with soulmates aus djkfhdsf (think, color turns up the first time they’re touched by their soulmate, seeing their soulmates in their dreams, etc)
8. umb/rella academy inspired mumu: where two different families with different sets of adoptive siblings are taught by an instructor. she is a bit of a hardass and ends up pitting the two different families against each other. they don’t talk until they’re older and she dies. chaos ensues due to the end of the world.
9. grimm reaper & assassin fall in love
10. Some fluffy or baby plots PLSSSSSSSSSSS
11. Rich people who are arranged to be married by their rich parents. They don’t get along but they learn to. Eventually they become the most powerful couple in their area. 
12.a plot based on the g/ood place, where they die and when they wake up they believe they’re in heaven, but they’re actually in hell and don’t know it. the two characters are actually set up as ‘soulmates’, but are really placed together to annoy the shit out of each other. (i kinda want them to be snarky, bc i love snark) 
13. a killing e/ve plot where an assassin and a cia agent play cat and mouse. they’re both kind of mutually obsessed with each other so there’s lots of chaos and sexual tension. we could headcanon a lot. have them write letters to each other in first person, and like, when they meet, write their meet-up in third person. i just like the idea of this plot A LOT
14. life and death raise a baby together. life is pessimist and kind of gloomy, while death is peppy and optimistic. they’re like head over heels in love with each other and meet often. have their own place in the underworld. a child that’s meant to be the savior of the world is placed in their hands, so they’re placed in the human world. craziness happens but it brings them together
15. a married couple where one’s an assassin and the other finds out by accident. it’s all very dramatic because their spouse sees them in a different light is scared of them. but they end up going back to them to ask questions to try and understand them. 
16. Ares & Aphrodite plot because I love.....and have ideas. 
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uchu-the-angel · 4 years
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Hi everyone I just finished my new OC and after Little Nightmares 2 I decided that Mono should have a family before meeting Six and being trapped in the single tower so meet his younger sister Nil. [warning this character is a cross over to Little Nightmares 1-2, 9, and Bloody Bunny: The First Blood. And that some information on my drawing is not finished because there’s no room. If you don’t like it that’s okay just no hate comments please]
Name: Nil (Undead)
Age: (Unknown time) four, (Little Nightmares 2) five, (3 years after Little Nightmares) eight.
Biological Family: Old sister Duet (Deceased), Older Brother Mono (Alive), Oldest Brother Infinity (Fate Unknown).
Step Family: Dad 9 (Alive), Mom 7 (Alive), Old Sister 4 (Alive), Old Brother (Alive) [just a info 3 and 4 are twins], Grandpas 1 and 2 (Deceased), Uncles 5 and 6 (Deceased), older brother 8 (Deceased).[1-9 are mostly stitchpunk]
Friends: Six (Alive), Seven/The Runaway Kid (Possessed) [go look @LazyArtist13 on Instagram or @artisticlazy15-ln you would know what I mean], Bloody Bunny (Possessed) [another info in Bloody Bunny: The First Blood all dolls are possessed], Mumu (possessed and Alive),
Important: Dark Rabbit (Possessed, Alive, and may not just be her friend).
Other: Master Sloth (Possessed, Alive, and Nil’s teacher).
Personality: when she was four years old she had always been afraid of the unknown but a happy child until the incident, at five years old she is more worried about losing her family again has survivors guilt/survivors disorder after the incident and became muted [also in a different a incident], at the of eight years old she acts more like Mono and 9 in a way how ever she more of saving and protecting everyone also still muted however in her dreams she can talk but only in her dreams.
Abilities: Just like Mono [it’s a family thing] she can teleport through with/without the TVs (thought she glitches every time she use the TVs and takes her energy away the more she use the TVs the more Glitches and less energy she get so she chose without), can build things, make weapons appear and disappear out of thin air, can see and feel aura, see soul of different poison, see and talk to the dead, most importantly she is born with out a heart (not the spirit though it the fleshy part) which means she can’t feel pain or die [Don’t worry she has a soul well actually two souls].
Infinity: Nil and Infinity have a pretty close relationship as they would sleep and play together a bond that would never be broken until infinity was taken away which lead to her having survivors disorder.
Mono: Nil and Mono had your standard sibling relationship but Mono is a overprotective brother just like Infinity but when Mono went missing Nil fears the worst.
Duet: Nil and Duet relationship is interesting as Duet would act like the motherly tip for Nil all the time Duel died falling off a broken bridge.
9: Nil’s step dad and legal Guardian is a brave and respectful leader even though Nil didn’t want to give 9 more responsibilities 9 always let Nil know that he still cares and loves her no matter what.
7: 7 and Nils relationship is mostly how a daughter and mother should act however 7 is mostly overprotective of Nil especially when Nil walks off alone.
3 & 4: you may guess how two twin stitchpunk with flashy light eyes to communicate and are muted with a human girl child with survivors disorder you may think their relationship is bad. Actually no in-fact after some time Nil she got used to having lights in her eyes before they used project to communicate with her now she can understand them with out pictures.
1: for 1 Nil is a waste believe that human children’s are a waste of time and energy even when she’s watching him but after time he found out about Nil’s past and that her family had fallen apart one by one 1 felt bad for her knowing it was not her fault.
2: 2 for the most part is like a teacher for Nil but unlike some people that hates learning new things Nil is the opposite she loves to learn new things and knows how to build things, Nil’s first on she built is her lantern which 2 is impress.
5 & 6: 5 is the one who taught Nil how to take care of an injured will 6 taught her about alchemist.[I don’t know how their relationship goes].
8: yes this tough guy has a soft spot for Nil no matter how heard 8 tries he ends up caring for her even at night 8 protected her from nightmares like a knight in shining armor.
Six: Six and Nil is more like a ‘friend and enemy’ after hearing that Six left Mono at the Single Tower but couldn’t do anything about at least Six gives Nil food that’s a plus.
Seven: well when they first met its more of Seven should not sneak into Nil and Nil only scratched Seven’s neck but they do make things okay even if Seven is protecting Six.
Bloody Bunny: Bloody Bunny just like 7 is overprotective of Nil according to Bloody Bunny Nil reminded of her little sister Mumu even after founding Mumu she still overprotective.
Mumu: this has to be the double the fun, the trouble, and the cutest they almost had everything in common despite their past being different they always have their backs.
Master Sloth: a teacher that taught Nil how to fight and taught her how to control her abilities Nil loves to hear Master Sloth’s stories and welling to listen.
Dark Rabbit: as you may guess Nil did find Dark Rabbit and things didn’t go as well as Dark Rabbit tried to attack Nil but she dodgers them all the time but after the encounter Dark Rabbit started to have feelings for Nil [not live a boyfriend girlfriend will you come out to date thing] as if he know Nil and wanted to protect her from danger even if their first encounter was not good at least Dark Rabbit is making up to her and even heard about Nil’s past and she has Survivor disorder even about her oldest brother Infinity had disappeared he thought of it over and over again almost Infinity and himself are identical he thought maybe his is Nil’s oldest brother ever if Dark Rabbit has to stay in the shadows.
Backstory: Nil was a cheerful and kind girl when she was four years old, she never know about her parents, she has a close relationship to her old siblings Mono and Duet but not as close as her oldest brother infinity, she thought that her life will never change. Until one day a fire started since Mono and Duet are in different buildings except for infinity she had no idea what is going on [basically it’s a reference to the Little Nightmares Comic] the doors were locked and the windows are boarded up she thought they would die in a painful death but the sprinklers were on the fire had stopped but the nightmare did not as children’s one by one were taken away infinity took Nil’s hand and ran away from the place they were been and had injured himself in the process and found a window that was not boarded, Mono and Duet were out side waiting for them however infinity was grabbed and with one last glance to his younger sister before throwing Nil out the window. Nil cried and scream but she couldn’t do anything as her remanded family ran as far away as they could. A year has pasted and Nil became a different girl they had found a new place to call home but after the incident Nil blamed herself for the death of Infinity even though it was not confirmed given her survivors disorder when ever one of her family leaves she believes that they would die after stepping outside and she would not stop them and would have a lot of nightmares even night one day Mono hadn’t returned so her and Duet started to look for him but a creature clawed at Nil’s neck so deep that it even broke her voice box making her muted. As time went on they came to the place called the nothingness which in-fact no one is around but that doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous because when they are almost at the other side of a broken bridge they almost feel about Duet died falling will save Nil just as before she lost another of her family and it was all her fault even though she didn’t do anything. Nil kept moving forward but a machine with a needle stab her and took half of her soul away and was half dead when 9 and 7 gave parts of their souls [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 have the same soul but with different personality] given her the ability to see ghosts and her right eye change to Emerald after. When they got to Duet there was no hope for her but Nil wanted to have her sister with her took Duet’s scarf as if she was on her shoulder during her journey with her new family she found Mono’s mask and put it on she was not longer scared and moved on. Three years past and Nil is now eight years old and she’s willing to bring her new and old family back together.
I know there should be more to her story but I might think of putting her in a comic or animation if I am willing to do so
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beigewatcrs · 4 years
❝ task 001 ❞ ⋮ mun questionnaire 
name  /  alias : emily gender  /  pronouns : cisfemale ; she/her where  ya  from  ? : indiana — i hate it sm the  current  time : 10:30 pm starting this. 11:20pm finishing bc i got distracted lmao
height : 5 foot. 3 inches job  or  major : music therapy major ; teaching percussion at two high school marching band programs ; in a drumline for professional basketball team   pet  (  s  ) : two dogs — kendra and annie favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself : v many things, but probably my passion for music and change  any  special  talents  ? : idk if it’s special but i can play the two different four mallet techniques for percussion 
why  you  joined  hqclouds : i really wanted to play a canon chara and thought hqclouds had a v nice spin w/ the glitch and un - glitch idea and was super intrigued. 
meaning  behind  url : i usually do ‘skies’ or ‘waters’ at the end and add some word in front lmao. also in case i wanted to pick up another i could still use this url for a mumu blog 
last  thing  you  googled : kong wobbler for my dog in training lmao
birthday  /  zodiac : july 2nd ; cancer in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : omg YES  hogwarts  house : slytherin. woop woop
three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why : princess bean from disenchantment ; she’s determined and fights for what she wants/believes. nia nal from supergirl ; she can be levelheaded but when it comes down to it she also leads with her emotions. jenny from gossip girl ; i tried v hard to fit in with the populars when i was younger and then i basically said fck it and went off doing my own shit ( and making parents upsetti too oop )
i  started  roleplaying : i think i abt two years ago and then took a long break bc senior year needed a lot of attention for internships, job apps, and auditions. types  of  rps  i  enjoy : honestly it depends on what i’m feeling in the moment and what isn’t too generic/what many rps are doing favorite  fcs  to  use : love lulu and elliot fletcher rn, but i many i’d like to play but not enough time lmao fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : probably more animated ones bc i never have — like disenchantment and futurama lmao fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about : adventure time, steven universe, atla — honestly plan to watch all of these though, starting atla soon  
favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : penelope park and zoe rivas
canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love : o m g SO MANY. especially if they’re wlw  
i  prefer  .  .  .
angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff : i love fluff and angst sm, it’s hard to choose bc the plots can be so good  long  or  short  replies : i usually try to match what’s given to me?? maybe shorter in the beginning to get the ball rolling    pre  plotting  or  chemistry : pre - plotting for most things ; but i think chemistry is v important  sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : i haven’t done either in so long but probably headcanon memes lmao single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs : i just started my first mumu blog and LOVE it, just getting use to the tagging system lmao   gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : gif icons 
grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : he had forgotten about magic — he had forgotten that he was short and skinny and thirteen, whereas black was a tall, full - grown, man — all harry knew was that he wanted to hurt black as badly as he could and that he didn’t care how much he got hurt in return ; from harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. i have read these books so many times and thought fitting during quarantine ( although i do not condone what j.k. rowling said )
what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? : i’m just a tenant paying rent inside this body and i got two windows, well, i call them my eyes ; mind is a prison by alec benjamin
top  current  celebrity  crushes : omg this is so difficult but melissa benoist or naomi scott last  movie  you  watched : incredibles 2  did  you  like  it  ? : i love it sm favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : futurama, bobs burgers, super girl, the originals, legacies, and some others favorite  tv  show  that  hasn’t  ended : bobs burgers and super girl favorite  series  of  books  /  novels  /  comics : harry potter, the shadow children series, and ellen hopkins is a v good author sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : chicago blackhawks and boston bruins. go hockey. favorite  youtube  channels : rose and rosie ; amy ordman hobbies : pretty much anything with music lmao
put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? : smile — avril lavigne ; bang! — ajr ; good things fall apart ( stripped ) — illenium & john bellion ; untouched — the veronicas ; lay all your love on me — mamma mia version ( but i love abba too so ) ; more than ok ( acoustic ) — r3hab, clara mae, & frank walker 
dream  vacation  ? : anywhere w/ a beach or traveling through europe dream  job  ? : music therapist ; maybe starting my own practice or company  dream  car  ? : it changes almost weekly  if  i  could  live  anywhere  ,  it’d  be : boston or portland ( oregon ) or possibly germany favorite  musical : oliver ! coffee  order : so many different ones but ALWAYS ICED. i hate hot coffee 
what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : music therapy/percussion
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kbrock9146 · 4 years
Ok. Buckle up folks. Here comes some crazy content for you to enjoy during Quarantine. Shout out to @gothicmagpie for letting me know that they were interested. ❤❤❤ Here we go, it's going to be a bumpy ride, and a long story (and yes, I will answer any and all questions afterwards, no worries about offending me or anything).
First things first, here is a picture of my maternal grandparents (featuring the grandmother in question):
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I do not know the date of the above picture, but my GF was born in 1895, and my GM, 1898. They were in their late 40s, early 50s in the above picture. That, I do know. My mother was born in 1941, when my GM was 42, and my GF was 45, and this picture was taken sometime after she had been born.
With me so far? Okay, good. So those wonderful people above, they are both on their second marriage by the time of that pic. My GF's first wife died in childbirth, and my GM's first husband had been killed in the coal yard he worked at when a dump truck full of coal backed up and unloaded the coal on top of him. My GF and GM were both single parents in the early 1900s - they were both struggling, and going through a multitude of situations - INCLUDING GOING TO THE MOTHER FUCKING POPE (YES, POPE!) SO THAT THEY COULD GET PERMISSION TO GET MARRIED (the reason for that is another story for ANOTHER time).
Anyhow, they get married, blend their children into one household, have three or four more, for a total of seven, my mom being the youngest. My GF dies in 1962 from damage he took at the Battle of the Argonne during World Word One (he dry-drowned in his sleep). This leaves my GM windowed, and she remains this way until her death.
**as an aside, my GF died right before my mom was to get married to my dad (she was 21, and dad 22, at the time); when my dad came over to stay with my mom's family for the funeral, my deceased GF came to my dad with a message, so this is something that just apparently happens in my family - of course, I knew none of this when I saw my GM decades later**
From my first meeting with my GM, and until her death, she looked pretty much exactly as she does in the pic above. The only thing that really changed was that after she broke her hip for the 2nd time, she was pretty much confined to a wheelchair until she died. But kindly, smiling, gentle, and always wearing basically a mumu, that was my GM until she passed away November 2nd, 1990.
That year, on November 14th, I turned 10. My birthday that year was a bit strained. My dad wasn't exactly phased by what had happened, and while my mom wasn't exactly in pieces over it - my GM had been very sick in her last years and in a nursing home - she was sad, and was trying her best to run a family while dealing with the loss. The situation was made even worse when the wife of her oldest brother (he was 30 when she was born), called and berated and shamed my mom for not coughing up more money for the funeral and burial. My mom was EXTREMELY upset. Out of her other six siblings, she was the only one with a child under 25 at that time (remember, I was 10), and money wasn't exactly free flowing. My mom was a stay-at-home mom, my dad was a Baltimore City Police Officer, and I was going to private school. We weren't rich. And my mom's sister-in-law knew this, she just didn't care. She kept calling and harassing my mom to the point of tears. My mom was miserable; she was being driven to the point of shame and madness and didn't know what to do.
That brings us to the day of the visit. I don't remember why, but I was home alone. It was late in the day, and the sun was setting. I know this because the bedrooms of my house are on the west side, and they warm up nicely as the sun goes down. Out of the three bedrooms, I found myself in the middle one that day. The back room was mine, the middle my mom's, and the front/master bedroom was my dad's. I was not allowed into his room, but the middle room had a door that was shared with the master bedroom. That door was open and there was a noise coming from the bedroom, like someone walking around. I sat at the desk, looking towards the noise and the door, and just waited.
I can't say that I was scared exactly, but I was certainly curious. I cleared my throat, closed up the desk, and swiveled in the chair so that I was looking straight at that shared door. The movement continued, but there was no shadow being cast. I grew kind of bored just waiting, so I remember looking away out of the main bedroom door and then looking back.....
When I looked back, there stood my GM in the shared doorway. She was standing there, unaided, no wheelchair, but still rocking a mumu like a champ, and as solid as any living person. I remember her looking bemused and smiling at me before she said, "Hello."; I was more confused than anything at this point, so I mumbled some sort of greeting, and stood up to walk over towards her. I don't know why that was my first thought, but it was. Anyway, as I was walking over, I could hear that someome else was moving around in the room behind her as well, although I couldn't see who it was at that point.
Before I could get any closer, my GM said that she was here because she wanted to see my mom, and asked if I could go get her. I told her that my mom was out, and her smile faltered for a brief moment before she refocused onto me and asked if I could promise to relay a message. I told her of course I could, and waited for what she had to say. She glanced behind her and into the room for a moment, towards where the noise was coming from, and then looked back at me. She began to tell me that she was happy, and that it was VERY important for me to tell my mom that she was happy. Other things were said, like not to worry about what John's wife was saying in regards to the funeral and burial, she missed us, and a few other things that I honestly can't remember. At the end, noise was still being made in the room behind her, and she could see that I was not really paying attention to her (can you imagine the hubris of not paying attention to a dead relative that has come back with a message from beyond because you're concerned about the noises coming from another room?!?!?! My life has been wild.), so she called the person over who had apparently been making all the noise, and introduced him to me.
So now I have two very solid, very elderly-looking deceased people in my house. And this man, keep in mind I've had three grandfather's, this man is someone I have NEVER seen in my life, but my GM is just TICKLED with this guy. She introduces me to him, and he has the HUGEST smile I have ever seen a person have, and he nods his head in my direction, then looks back at my GM, and reaches out to hold her hand.
From this point on I do not remember any words that were said because I was laser focused on trying to figure out WHO this guy was. When I say in the above paragraph that my GM "introduced" me to him, she did, but the name was literally foreign, and having never heard this man's name before, I couldn't clearly make it out. The only thing I knew at the time was that this guy was NOT either of my grandfather's, I had NEVER seen him before, and this is going to sound crazy (oh, yeah, okay Kim, *THIS* is going to sound crazy.... *THIS* part coming up is going to sound "crazy"..... ok, Kim), but he just *looked* Italian. I didn't recognize his name or his face, but looking at him, I just remember thinking that this dude was Italian. And that made me really, really confused because my mom's side of the family and my dad's side of the family both came over together from Germany - they settled on the same street, for goodness sakes, so I had NO IDEA where this Italian guy came from. But I could tell that they made each other really happy in whatever afterlife they were in.
Then my mind started wandering even more because I was thinking to myself that if my GM and this random dude are having a blast in the afterlife, where are my grandfathers? Who are they with? What does this mean? Are there soul mates? When is my mom comimg home? What's going to happen when I die? WHO IS THIS GUY? Why are they in my dad's room? Why is anyone thinking this is okay to lay on a 10 year old? But for real, WHO IS THIS GUY? Does he speak? Why hasn't he spoken? What is going on?
About this time is when either my GM could tell that I was about done, or she herself had done all she could in this plane of existence, because I remember her saying, "Now, you'll tell her won't you?" And I let out a humourless laugh because we all knew that at that point in my mom's life, she didn't believe in ghosts or anything paranormal. So, I kinda laughed, and glanced away and said, "I'll remember, but she's not going to believe me." As I glanced back, they were gone, and the house was silent.
Many weeks went by and I said nothing. My dad, who was very "sensitive" to that sort of thing, and had had supernatural experiences, I avoided telling him because he would have thought I was lying and hit me. He didn't like being bothered with stuff. And my mom, well, she didn't believe in the supernatural, so even though she would have listened to me and let me get the whole story out, she wouldn't have believed a word of it. So for weeks and weeks I kept this story to myself and said nothing. Not saying anything was driving me crazy, especially because I wanted to know who the guy was that had been with my GM.
It was just my mom and myself one night at dinner. And that night my mom broke down over being harrassed about the funeral/burial by her sister in law. After we had finished eating, I took a deep breath and asked my mom if we could talk. She said sure, so I gingerly brought up her mom. I could tell that it wasn't a conversation she really wanted to have, so I just jumped right to the heart of the matter......
"Mom? GM was married twice, right?"
"Yes. I told you about that."
"I know. I was just making sure."
My mom looked at me strangely, "Why would you want to 'make sure', about something like that? What even brought this up?"
Not really knowing what to do at this point, I just jumped in with both feet and started telling her the story of my GM's visit. As predicted, my mom looked thoroughly unimpressed with what I was saying.... that is, until I mentioned the Italian guy.
My mom was an olive skinned woman, but when I mentioned the Italian guy, she turned white as a sheet. She asked me to repeat myself, and then, without a word, my mom got up and left the kitchen. I heard her climb into the attic, and there she stayed for quite some time. She had been gone so long, I was starting to doubt that she was coming back, and I got scared that I had said something that upset her so badly, that she had locked herself in the attic. Just as the situation crescendoed, and I was going over how I was going to explain everything to my dad when he got home and wanted to know why my mom was barricaded in the attic, my mom returned to the kitchen, out of breath, with a very huge, very old book, that she triumphantly thumped down on the table, hard.
With a flourish, she flipped open the book reveal two tin-types. One was a young woman, fashionably dressed, and posing as per the norms at the time. My mother asked, "Do you know who that is?"
I squinted a little harder at the picture. It was my GM. Young. I had never seen her young before. Was that a fox she had around her neck? She was dressed to the NINES. As I sat admiring the tin-type of my GM, I happened to glance over at the other side of the book, at the second tin-type.
This one was a bit different.
This one was a fashionably dressed young man.
THE man.
The man that had appeared all those weeks ago with my GM.
I looked up at mom. She was looking at me expectantly. "Is that him?", she asked. I nodded. It was. Much younger, but the eyes, the nose.... very much the same.
"Who is this?" I asked. My mom started to explain to me as she bade me to continue looking through the book. Before my GF, before my GM's first husband, there was this gentleman, my GM's Italian lover.
The book was full of letters, mementos, fabric, flowers, pictures, just about anything that they had sent back and forth to each other. My GM not only spoke German and English, but Italian too! Their handwritten letters were intermingled with the keepsakes within this book.
No one else in the family knew about my GM's Italian lover. The only reason my mom knew is because as my GM's caretaker towards the end, she had found this and asked her mom about it. Apparently my GM and this Italian gentleman had been together for a very long time. Something happened that forced him to return to Italy - I'm not sure of it was Visa related, or if someone had taken ill - but he had asked my GM to come to Italy with him, and she had declined.
Throughout the book, there were more letters from him after he had gone back to Italy, wherein he was trying to figure out different ways for my GM and him to be together, but eventually the letters stopped (probably because my GM refused to go to Italy). Shortly thereafter, my GM married her first husband, a fellow German by the name of Walter. And the rest is, as they say, history.
So, what did I learn from all this? I learned that once you die, you don't necessarily end up with who you were with while you were alive; you can make house calls to your grandchildren and leave messages for your own, grown children. And being on a different plane of existence will not stop a person from throwing shade when it's justified because the living are acting a fool.
Ah, the mysteries of the supernatural.
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What is Detrimental Scientist’s daily makeup routine?
As a girl who grew up with books and highlighters on my hand, I never really had all the time in the world to wear make up and prioritize my looks over studies. Make up, liptint, blush on, and foundation, those are unfamiliar stuffs when you get yourself involved with healthcare students/professionals. Yes, we do know the basics, but it’s not so much of an issue if we wear it or not. I was the powder-only type of girl before, until my life’s greatest plot twist happened - my long term boyfriend cheated on me with someone who knows how to maintain herself. Reality slapped me and made me realize that, I, too, must exert effort in making my self presentable in front of people, so that’s when I learned how to apply light make up, etc.
But that didn’t really push me to join the bandwagon and dig deeper into the art of MAKE UP. I live by my belief that the best kind of make up routine is making it look simple, but fresh and classy. Girls have to remember that it’s not about applying full make up and such, we just have to own it and slay, but remember not to overdo it and turn us into a bitch or whore face. So, enough with the long intro, here’s how I do my everyday look.
1. BB Cream/Foundation
I always prefer using BB Cream over foundation because it gives a lighter look and feeling on the face. For BB Cream, I stick loyal to Missha, not only it serves as a cream, but also moisturizes and protects the skin from the sun. It costs around 1,500 php but it’s totally worth it. For foundation, I use Loreal and of course Maybelline (my boyfriend actually bought it for me lol).
Reminder: Be keen in choosing your foundation color, make sure it matches your skin tone. You don’t wanna look like a mumu or geisha ayt? Wag ambisyosa, don’t choose a lighter color lol.
✔️Apply small amount on the face and neck. You can use a foundation brush or foam, but I don’t have time for that so I just use bare fingers lol. After spreading, apply light powder (you don’t wanna over apply it, choose a powder that blends with your skin color).
2. Eyebrows
This is the best part for me because I have nice brows. I always get compliments like “how do you do your brows? Galing mo naman. They’re perfect!” Well, to be deeply honest, it’s not skills, it’s really my brow shape that makes it really good with make up on. I use Etude House brow pencil, simply because duh why not? I think it’s the best brow pencil one could ever look for. It doesn’t cost that much, but definitely not chipipay as well, so yeah, quality over quantity.
✔️You can search for tutorials over the net on how to perfectly do your eyebrows. I’ll make a tutorial pretty soon, if I get a chance to. But for now, the only thing that I can advice is when choosing a pencil color, pick the one that’s one shade darker than your hair color so it will complement. Second, don’t draw lines or fill the middle parts of both brows (nearest to the nose) so it would look natural. Lastly, use an eyebrow mascara (I use Nichido) to make the brows last for the whole day.
3. Eyes
I have three parts for this, first is eye shadow followed by eyeliner then mascara.
a.) Eye shadow
I’m not into bold colors, I only use one color when it comes to eye shadows - BROWN. I’m gonna bet on my life this color really gives the classy and pang mayaman look. One hack, you can use an old brown liquid lipstick (I use my old Kylie nude lippie). It lasts longer and the color is different from a normal eye shadow.
b.) Eyeliner
It was difficult to learn how to perfectly apply my liner, but if you want a trick, don’t use the tip to draw, tilt the pen horizontally and make the sides of the pen touch your lids. Cat eyes aren’t necessary, because for me it does look a little off the classy look. Just draw one straight line and make it as thin as possible.
c.) Mascara
I don’t always apply mascara because it’s really hard to take it off before bed lol. But if I do, I make it as natural as possible by not applying too much. For this, I also use Etude House and Loreal.
4. Cheeks
Here comes everyone’s favorite, but I think one of the most critical. Some girls overdo this part. They really think drunk blush really slays, but little did they know, that depends on the skin type. If you’re fair skinned, you can definitely slay a drunk blush look, but if you’re morena, then don’t overdo it, apply moderate amounts. And for both cases, too much blush on makes you look like the girls around q ave ready to get paid (you know what I mean). Wag pa-pokpok pls lang.
✔️What I use for my cheeks is really affordable and budget ready. It’s EB’s lip and cheek stain. I also use other lip tints such as Tony Moly and Etude of course but EB’s really the best for me because it spreads easily and doesn’t create dots and lines. I also have a powder version (Clinique) that I use when I attend special occasions. Apply a little amount on your middle finger then spread it with the other one, then dap on your cheeks, don’t forget the nose part so it would come out naturally. You can also choose not to apply blush, if you wanted to look a little more fresh and fair.
5. Lips
I have lots of lippies but currently my favorite is Maybelline’s Superstay. This is because of the fact that I don’t have to reapply every now and then just to maintain it. It lasts, no joke. And quick trivia about me, I don’t have dark red lippies. I stick to the nude or brown color because I really wanted to maintain the classy look. For liptints, Tony Moly is a favorite of course, followed by Etude and many others.
A little reminder to all of you tho, quit buying fake lippies and lip tints. It’s better to invest than to get your lips cracked, and worst thing you could have are lesions that can lead to cancer.
Brown/nude matte- I use this color whenever I meet up with my boyfriend’s parents, family members, employees, etc. Also, when I go to job interviews or anything formal.
Pinkish nude matte- I don’t know how to describe the color but definitely not light pink. This one’s a little nude but pinkish and I use this whenever I go on a date with my boyfriend. This gives a fresh and pretty aura.
Red-violet liptint- I use this to slay my party-goer look. This one makes me look a little badass chick and bold.
Light red liptint- this is my to go liptint because it looks natural. I use this whenever I go grocery or when I meet with close friends.
That ends my make up routine. If you would notice, it would qualify as a simple and light make up. There were no contours and extras, and I think that’s the reason why till now, my skin isn’t prone to acne and other skin problems. I make sure I test products first before I use, and I stick to limited make up brands that are safe and quality tested.
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