#writing: vanya cooper
leafyleaf657 · 1 year
My definitive list of Rusliet pet names
Just because I've been thinking about it a lot since making my post asking for suggestions. IDK thought it would be fun to share and maybe give anyone else looking to write Rusliet some ideas.
Names Russia calls Lithuania:
Sunflower (obviously)
Kitten (if you want him to be creepy and sound like a Discord mod)
Princess (Printsessa for more cultural accuracy)
Little doll/little baby doll (Kukolka, in Russian)
Baby (basic but works)
Dear/my dear
My love
Names Russia uses to mock/sound mocking:
Good boy
Good girl (if he really wants to rub something in)
Silly (could be cute, but he'd probably use it in very uncute situations ie. Lithuania refuses to cooperate and Russia calls him "silly" before doing what he wanted anyway)
Little one (again, could be cute but Russia probably uses it to remind Lithuania he's too small to fight back successfully.)
Fragile thing
Little servant/my servant
Comrade (especially post-Soviet Union, it probably upsets Lithuania a lot to be referred to like this.)
Little soldier/ Toy soldier (probably one of the more effective ones since Lithuania would pride himself on when he was a strong nation/a knight.)
Names Russia uses when he's angry/trying to hurt Lithuania's feelings:
Poland's dog/bitch/whore/etc (He probably combines a lot of different insults with "Poland" to suggest Lithuania didn't mean anything to Poland, despite Poland meaning a lot to Lithuania.)
Names Lithuania calls Russia (somewhat willingly):
Bear (claims it's because Russia is overbearing)
Uhhhhhh...(fails to come up with something)...Russia, I guess?
Names Lithuania calls Russia to placate him/distract him/to get what he wants:
Vanya (obviously)
Great Russia
My dear (a bit more personal than just dear)
Names Lithuania calls Russia behind his back:
Stalker/my stalker
*vomiting noises*
Fucking (a string of curses)
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
“ i need you to live…cause if you’re gone then, i don’t know what the point of it all is anymore. ” naom x vanya
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Vanya wanted to live. Dying in Shadow Palms was the type of thing she hated to think about. It was such a boring and strange place to die in. A place where people came just to visit, and then they left because it was so boring. It had its share of weirdness, but it wasn’t like it was a city or even a cool desert. It was the motherfucking desert. Actually, it was located in the motherfucking desert. Vanya did not like the idea of the desert, because her ancestors believed that sand represented life. Dying in the sands would be a fucking joke, in Vanya’s opinion. However, Naom kept talking to her as though she were dying and it made her so angry with him when she opened her eyes, after having them closed. “There would be no point because I am this small town. It’s me, and it’s, nothing without me,” she told him, in less pain than before as he held her in his arms, and continued to walk her through the desert.  It was basically California on a new planet, but it still felt like another place. It was so fucking hot that she felt like she’d roast sometime soon. “You sure know how to make light of a serious situation, Vanya,” he expressed to her, as she thought of roasting. “But don’t die on me…please. That’s all I ask.”
She gently pushed his chin so his head shifted to the side. “I promise I won’t. Again, I am this town. If i’m gone, everything goes to shit.” Vanya lets out a groan after that. “But I was really hurt. Like really hurt. Are my guts falling out?” Teasing. Which was typical Vanya, and not something that impressed him by the way he sighed dramatically. “Are they?” she asked, again.
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viktorrotkiv · 3 years
pride month drabbles 15/30
every day of pride month 2021 I will post a 100-word drabble about an lgbtq+ ship or character. check out #pmd on my blog!
The sun was just barely up, and a few warm beams of light came in through the open window to rest on Vanya's face. She stirred and reached an arm out to pull Sissy towards her. Sissy hummed in appreciation and stroked Vanya's cheek.
    Vanya smiled. It was the perfect morning. She could hear Harlan laughing somewhere in the house. She kissed Sissy, slow and sweet and patient. 
    Vanya rolled over and opened her eyes sleepily. The bed suddenly felt cold behind her. She sat up and stared at the empty space next to her. 
    Oh. Just another dream, then. 
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supernovaa-remnant · 4 years
“Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, come down, won’t you get up off, get up off the roof? You’re scaring us and all of us, some of us love you, Achilles.” — Achilles by Gang Of Youths
Life after encountering the Sparrow Academy is hard, and Vanya fears she’s going to spiral. Luckily for her, she has her family, both here and in spirit, to help her. As it turns out, chats on the rooftop are very therapeutic.
This is for TUA Gift Exchange!! This gift is for @profjamie20 and I hope you like it! Big thanks to @secret-santa-klaus for organizing this event! 
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faithfulcat111 · 4 years
Part 4 (the second half)
Vanya pushed up the door to her bedroom with a soft knock, noting how Five sat on her bed, scribbling into a notebook that Sissy had given him after dinner. She placed the first aid kit she was carrying down next to him and poked at his shoulder, “Hey, you said you would let me take a look, remember?” 
Five looked up at her, the dark circles under his eyes standing out even more in the dark light, “It really shouldn’t be bad. Mom cleaned it up. She is the best at what she does.” 
Vanya startled slightly. She had yet to hear about any mother figure in their lives, but whoever she was, she clearly knew what she was doing because when Five finally tugged up the bottom of his undershirt, she could see a line of careful stitches across his stomach. It was just starting to redden, so she pulled out some antiseptic while she asked, “You haven’t mentioned her before. Did you not bring her with us?”
Five grimaced as she started cleaning the stitches, “No, she…. I think she got buried when our house collapsed. We didn’t get a chance to pull her out and fix her before the world ended and we had to jump back.” 
Vanya pulled back, head tilted slightly, “Fix?”
Five lowered his shirt back down, “Yeah, Dad built her when we were young. Pretty sure to avoid any legal consequences to the way he was raising us. Easy to do that when you had a robot literally programmed to follow your every order.” We? Vanya was confused by that. While she had yet to figure out exactly how old she was, she had to have at least ten years on her brother, probably more, and their siblings definitely were closer to her age range, probably older than to Five’s. Before she had a chance to push that line of thinking though, Five flipped a page of his notebook, pointing down at the page, “I would rather find us a safer way home, which is why I want to meet with Dad, see if he knows something about time travel that he never told me, maybe to hone my powers to something safer than stranding us across several years. But, based on that video, I don’t know if we’ll have a chance before everything goes wrong.” 
“Video? What video?” Vanya asked. Diego and Five didn’t mention that.
“There was a video Hazel gave me, no you don’t know who Hazel is. I don’t think you ever met him,” Five cut in when Vanya opened her mouth to ask another question. “But he gave me a video. He didn’t get a chance to explain what it was for before he died, but Dad was there. I don’t know why, but he was. So, I figured, since he is in town anyway, may as well ask for help.”
Vanya packed up the first aid kit, thinking for a moment before asking, “Did this Hazel know who our dad was too?”
Five looked up at that, “What?”
“Could that be why he gave you the video because he knew who our dad was? Why a video then?” Vanya asked. She was vaguely following, but that part did confuse her. If she didn’t know who this Hazel was, clearly he was a new addition. But Five had said their dad had died recently from his perspective and he was the newest one to the 60s. Damn, this timeline was too confusing.
Five just looked at her for a long moment before asking, “Vanya, do you want to watch the video?”
She blinked, “What?” 
“You don’t know who Dad is. Not anymore. If Dad wasn’t the point of the video, maybe you can catch what was without the distraction the rest of us have,” Five said. “I mean, Lila and Elliott watched it too, but they were both distracted by our reaction to Dad. And…” Five trailed off for a moment, “Lila did start to notice something before we distracted her. Maybe…” 
Vanya nodded, “Okay, I’ll try watching it tomorrow morning. After breakfast, we can head back to Elliott’s and check it out.”
“Why not now?” Five had closed his notebook and was starting to move around, looking for his shoes. 
Vanya sighed and pushed him back down on her bed, “Because I’m not going to notice anything while I’m half-asleep. I need rest and so do you. Sissy says that her husband is out on a business trip until tomorrow night, so you can sleep here. I’ll take the couch.” When Five started to protest, she firmly pushed him down again, “No, it is just for one night. Get some sleep. You’ll be able to think and work better afterwards.”
Five was silent for a moment before asking, “Does she have decent coffee at least?”
Vanya smiled, “The best.”
Vanya was awakened the next morning by Sissy moving around in the kitchen and she carefully walked in as a cup was placed on the counter for her. “Thank you,” she smiled and took a long sip. 
“How is your little brother?” Sissy asked, worry in her eyes as she stirred her own coffee. 
Vanya looked back at the closed door to where her room was for a moment before turning back, “He is stressed. I really don’t know why he seems determined to spend most of his time on his own, but he is. Or maybe…” She trailed off, her eyes shifting to look out the window.
“The rest of your siblings don’t care?” Sissy voiced what Vanya was afraid to. Vanya grimaced. She had expressed that worry to Sissy many times. That whoever she was before wasn’t missed or that whoever she was with before didn’t want her and that is why she put missing ads in the papers for a month with no answer. “What about your parents?” Sissy asked.
Vanya grimaced. She wasn’t quite sure how to explain this part without explaining all the time travel bits. “They are…” she trailed off, tapping her fingers against her mug. “Five told me our mom was dead last night. Apparently, it was recent, so I don’t know if I even would have known before I lost my memory.” 
Sissy sat her own mug down, hard, “Vanya, I…” She flicked her eyes up to something behind Vanya before turning her head towards the window as the sound of gravel crunching filled the room. A car was pulling down the driveway. Vanya turned to see her brother staring out the window from the entrance of the hallway, dressed in his uniform once more only without the blazer and his shoes, his hair sticking up and his eyes wide. Behind her, she heard Sissy say, “Carl’s back.”
Vanya got up and pressed her cup of coffee into Five’s hands, before grabbing the phone to dial the tv store. Five blinked down at the cup that appeared in his hands before looking up as Carl came in, shouting at Sissy about something to do with a sale. He seemed happy, so it must have gone well, but Vanya waited for the ringing to stop and a voice to appear over the phone, “Hello?”
Vanya smiled as she recognized the girl, “Hi Lila, Five and I will be arriving soon as we eat. Did everything go okay last night?” 
“You could say that. Didn’t really see anything, but Luther was here when we got back,” Lila’s voice crackled across the line. Vanya could see Five step closer to her as Carl turned around finally noticed him. “Did you guys find anything?”
“Yeah, we found the rest. I’ll see if we can bring them with us. Let Diego know, please,” Vanya asked.
“10-4 boss,” the line clicked and Vanya turned to grab her coffee back from Five to find him staring down Carl as he drained it. 
“Carl, this is Vanya’s brother. One of them, apparently,” Sissy said with a smile. 
“Yes, we are going to meet with the rest of our siblings, if you don’t mind me having the day off?” Vanya asked, placing a hand on Five’s shoulder. He was tense, even as appeared calm. 
Harlen emerged from the hallway as well as Carl laughed, “Well of course! Told you those ads would work. In fact, we’re going to go out, the whole family this morning! Cause did you hear, I just landed the biggest sale in Waterton Shower and Shower Accessories Limited history!”
“How could she not Carl, you’ve been shouting it all morning,” Sissy rolled her eyes, turning back to where breakfast had been started on the stove. 
“Don’t worry about that, Sissy,” Carl reached over her to flick off the stove. “I said we were going out and I meant it. I was thinking the Egyptian Room breakfast buffet first, what do you say?” 
A loud scrape sounded from the pan and Vanya cut in, “That’s great, Carl. Why don’t I take over that for me and my brother and you three can get ready to go out. I’m sure you will have so much to tell me when you get back.” 
Sissy looked up at her and Vanya gave her a soft nod. Sissy let out a breath and put down her spatula, “Okay. Come on Harlen, let’s get ready.” 
As Vanya started dishing out the food Sissy had started, Carl turned to Five, who had finally approached the counter and put his, or rather Vanya’s, cup down, “So, how did you find your sister, young man?”
The reaction was instant, Five bristling as he hissed, “Don’t call me that.”
“Five,” Vanya immediately snapped. 
Five stopped, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath and finally answered, “In a cornfield. Is there any more coffee?” 
Vanya put a plate in front of him, “Work on that and I’ll get you more in a moment.” 
She noticed as Five flinched at the food, but he hauled himself onto a stool and started picking at the food. 
“Five? What kind of a nickname is that?” Carl laughed.
“It’s not a nickname. It is my name,” Five growled. “Aren’t you supposed to be going out with your family?”
Vanya set his cup down hard before smiling at Carl, “Sorry, he is a bit of an asshole in the mornings I’ve found.”
“No worries,” Carl stepped back after a pause. “Have fun with your family, Vanya.”
Vanya watched him walk away before turning back to Five. He swallowed before saying, “Don’t apologize for me.”
Vanya raised an eyebrow, “I know you want to be independent, Five. I can see that just from the last couple of days I’ve spent with you. But you seem to struggle with social interactions. And sometimes, if you piss someone off, you need to apologize. Even if you are right.” 
Five blinked down at his plate before pushing the rest to Vanya, “I’m done.” 
Vanya frowned down at his barely touched food, “Are you-”
“I’m done. I…” he cut himself off with a sigh. “I can’t eat a lot. Did you call Diego?”
Vanya picked up her fork and started working on the rest of his food, “Yes, got Lila.” She ignored his scoff as she continued, “Luther is already there. We can see if we can convince Klaus and Allison to come back with us and then watch the video and go from there.” 
Five nodded, “Okay, we’ll leave in ten minutes,” before disappearing with a blink.
Vanya looked back down at the plate of food, her appetite soured, before turning and scraping the leftovers into a container. 
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slicedblackolives · 4 years
can someone suggest me fluffy vissy fics 🥺
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malecacidd · 4 years
TUActober 2020 (Day 6: Farm)
Sorry this one was posted late!! But I am indeed doing my best mdmxmdmd I hope you like this kind of wholesome kind of angsty vissy fic!!
(Prompts by @totallyevan !!)
"So," Sissy started, driving up to a house unknown to Vanya. "This is your home for the time being." She stopped the car and turned in her seat to face Vanya, who moved her gaze to avoid Sissy's eyes. 
"Thank you." She said quietly, flinching when Sissy moved her hand to rest it on Vanya's shoulder. 
"Honey, you're very welcome here. My son… he's hard to get used to, he's not like most kids his age, but he'll warm up to you quick enough, I'm sure. And my husband won't mind one bit." Vanya nodded quickly, and Sissy sighed. "Well," She gestured towards the house. "I think it's time you get settled in."
When Sissy's arm slid off her shoulder, Vanya turned and opened the car door, wincing as the sun only worsened her headache. She hoped that those would go away soon. 
After a second of just standing there, squinting at the sun, Sissy came and stood next to her, gesturing around the area as she spoke. 
"So this is the farm." She pointed to the large building a few meters away from the house. "That's the barn." Her hand dropped down by her side. "You're welcome here, of course, but it would do you some good to help out on the farm. I'll show you around." 
She started to move forward while Vanya stared for a moment before trailing slowly behind her. 
It didn't take long to go around the entire farm, Sissy showing her tasks she could do to help out. It wasn't bad, Carl was nice enough and Harlan was a good kid. 
Maybe this could be her home, rather than just a house. Rather than just a farm. 
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kneworder · 4 years
More Looper Parallels in TUA 2 — Shots
Minor Looper spoilers below
Sissy and Luther vs Sara and Joe
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This shot of the barn
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This scene where Sara tries to leave her house with her son Cid to escape the man coming after them vs this scene where Sissy and Vanya try to leave the farm with Harlan to escape the man tying Sissy down
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Additionally, as @thelosthargreeves talked about in their post here, one of the major conflicts in Looper is the main character being hunted down by his older self — sound familiar?
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The two stories aren’t perfectly analogous, but they do ring extremely similar (I talked about how the Vanya plot parallels Looper here!), and I love to think TUA took inspiration from this movie! By the way, if you’re a TUA fan and you haven’t seen Looper, I highly recommend it!
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sparrowvanya · 4 years
hello it is time for the chapter i like to call “vissy content but at what cost”
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
“ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ” naom x vanya
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Naom just does not understand - does he? The fact that he has constantly been on her mind since she moved here should be obvious to him by now. The thing is, it just isn’t obvious to him and it drives her up the wall to know he thinks he isn’t loved or even cared for by her.  The way she looks at him with sad doe eyes, longing to kiss him or even rest her hand on the crook of his neck. How his smile sets a fire within her and makes her want to take down anyone who even thinks of hurting either of them. Naom should be telling her he’s there for her because he knows that he’s who she wanted there more than anyone or anything. Except he just doesn’t get it.  Naom doesn’t understand that she loves him. “You know, I should smack you right?” Vanya can’t help but to tease, smiling just a bit as she looked up at him, her wound bleeding through its bandage. “Because, it’s you - you know; it’s always going to be you, you fool, you absolute idiot.” She let out a shaky breath after that, because it hurt a little too much to talk. 
Naom simply placed a wet rag to her head and cleaned off her sweat. “You don’t have to lie to me. I know about Ricardo,” he said to her, softly, causing Vanya to laugh just a little bit before coughing and mumbling in pain.   “Ricardo is gone. And he never loved me. You loved me, though. I feel it. Just as I love…” she’s about to say more, but the spike of pain she felt from talking. 
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lock the door ~ ben hargreeves;the umbrella academy
word count: 990
request?: yes!
“Yay requests are open! Your writing is amazing and you are one of my favs. I was wondering if I could request a ben hargreeves imagine with some smut. That boy has my heart and I need more imagines with him. If not then maybe something a lil steamy with him. Thank you”
description: in which he forgets to lock the bedroom door, and their least favorite (or favorite, depending on who you ask) sibling walks in
pairing: ben hargreeves x female!reader
warnings: swearing, slight smut
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One of the perks of having a huge house that was usually empty was having multiple options of where to get intimate without the fear of getting caught. Your and Ben’s choice for the day: the shower.
You guys were sure it was the safest place to go. No one walked into a bathroom with the shower going, even if the door was unlocked. As long as the two of you remained quiet enough so that anyone who may come home couldn’t hear you, you were set for at least 40 minutes - an hour if the hot water cooperated.
That’s where you found yourself on that particular day: your legs wrapped around Ben’s waist, his dick deep inside of you as he lifted you up and down on him, the still boiling hot water raining down on your back.
Your head was against Ben’s shoulder, his bare skin pulled between your teeth as you tried to muffle your moans. Your slight biting was causing Ben to let out low groans into your ear.
Suddenly, you both heard the doorknob turn and the bathroom door squeak open. Ben was quick to hold you to him and you quickly buried your head in his neck in order to keep any accidental sounds from coming out.
“Ben, you’ve been in here for so long, I gotta piss,” came Klaus’ voice.
Ben rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. "There’s like a million bathrooms in this place.”
“There’s two, only one of them has an actual toilet and it’s this one.”
Ben let out a frustrated noise. “Okay, just...just give me a minute, okay? I’m almost done.”
“No man, I can’t wait! I gotta pee now!”
You tried not to giggle as you heard Klaus opening the toilet seat lid.
“No Klaus!” Ben snapped. “Just get out!”
“Because I don’t wanna listen to you taking a fucking piss!”
Suddenly, Ben’s grip faltered for just a second, causing you to slip. In a moment of fear, you let out a squeal and tightened your grip around Ben’s neck, trying to keep yourself from falling. Ben put a hand on the wall to steady the both of you, holding you tighter with his other hand.
There was a moment of silence. There was no way Klaus didn’t hear the sound you made, and there was no way he’d ever think it could possibly be Ben. He definitely knew, and knowing Klaus, he’d never let you or Ben live that down.
“Okay,” Klaus finally said. “I’ll go pee outside. You can finish your...shower. I’ll lock the door behind me so no one else walks in on your...shower.”
The door basically slammed behind him, but you could still hear Klaus’ laugh on the other side.
Ben helped pulled you off of him and gently set you down on the shower floor. Your legs were so wobbly from pleasure and from lack of use you had to sit on the floor. The two of you looked at each other for a long time, sending each other a silent message as Ben reached to turn the shower off: the mood was effectively ruined.
The two of you dried yourselves off and re-dressed. You were dreading stepping out of the bathroom and having to face Klaus.
“Maybe he left the house,” Ben said. “Maybe he went to meet up with his other junkie friends and we can get out before he comes back.”
“You’d have to come back eventually, Ben, you live here,” you reminded him.
“I could stay with you.”
“You could, but Klaus is your brother. You can’t run from him forever.”
Ben looked as though he were thinking for a moment before finally letting out a sigh of frustration and opening the bathroom door. A rush of cold air filled the warm bathroom as you followed Ben out and to his room.
On the way to his room, you heard a door open - Klaus’ door. You both shared another look before turning to look at Klaus.
“Have a nice shower you two?” he asked, a smirk on his face.
“Fuck off, Klaus,” Ben retorted. “You better not breathe a word of this to anyone.”
Klaus shrugged. “Who would I tell that would actually listen? Luther and Allison are too busy sucking face, Diego doesn’t give a shit, Five is too young to hear that stuff, and Vanya...well Vanya also doesn’t give a shit. Pogo may want to know, just so he doesn’t accidentally walk into anything he doesn’t wanna see like I did.”
“Don’t you dare tell Pogo,” Ben hissed.
You put a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. He looked down at you and you offered him a small smile. He smiled back and allowed you to step away from him, approaching Klaus.
“You’re not gonna tell anyone about what you saw, Klaus,” you told him. “Not your siblings, not your robo-mom, and certainly not Pogo. You hear me?”
Klaus raised an eyebrow at you. “And why wouldn’t I do that?”
“Because if you do I will rip your nuts off and shove them down your own throat, do I make myself clear there?”
Klaus’ eyes widened and his legs crossed. He nodded, unable to get his voice to work, before turning back into his room and slamming the door shut. Ben’s eyes were just as wide as Klaus’ had been, but the smile on his face was more impressed than Klaus’ had been.
“That was so hot,” he said, approaching you and kissing you again. “I think I’m definitely in the mood again.”
You giggled and kissed him again, your moment being ruined as Klaus called, “Go to your fucking bedroom this time!”
The two of you laughed as Ben swept you up in his arms and carried you to his room, far away from Klaus’ room and making sure to lock the door behind him this time.
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sapphichorrorwrites · 3 years
Hello! I am a fanfic writer, writing exclusively about sapphic relationships and women in general. Feel free to request anything, between two characters and x reader. You can also recommend books, movies, or TV shows you might want me to write about.
Under the cut is everyone I write for, with links to the appropriate tags, if there are any fanfics for it.
Links: What I'm currently writing | Recent fanfics
Seo Ji Wan
Yoon Sol
Yu Na Bi
Oh Bit Na
Squid Game:
Kang Sae Byeok
Ji Yeong
Fear Street:
Deena Johnson
Sam Fraser
Kate Schmidt
Cindy Berman
Ziggy Berman
Sarah Fier
Hannah Miller
The Haunting of Bly Manor:
Dani Clayton
Jamie Taylor
The Haunting of Hill House:
Eleanor Crain
Theo Crain
Bella Swan
Alice Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Esme Cullen
Queen's Gambit:
Beth Harmon
Love Quinn
My Name:
Song Jiwoo
Hotel Del Luna:
Jang Man Wol
Jung Soo Jung
The Umbrella Academy:
Vanya Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Lila Pitts
Sissy Cooper
Eudora Patch
Elodie Davis
Tabitha Foster
Moe Truax
Get Even:
Kitty Wei
Bree Deringer
Margot Rivers
Olivia Hayes
Dare Me:
Addy Hanlon
Beth Cassidy
Emma Duval
Aubrey Jensen
Brooke Maddox
Riley Marra
Zoe Vaughn
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency:
Amanda Brotzman
Farah Black
Laura Hollis
Carmilla Karnstein
Teen Wolf:
Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Kira Yukimura
Cora Hale
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let's save the world
season two, episode six
five hargreeves x reader
summary: you attend a light supper with the hargreeves family- you’re confident to say it was a shit supper
warnings: cursing, the asshole reginald
word count: 4.5k
a/n: okay, i’m so sorry that this part took so long to come out (it’s also kinda short but that’s more because the episode focuses a lot more on the other siblings), at first i stopped writing for a week or two and then i kinda focused on requests because i didn’t want those people waiting too long, but hopefully i’ll be able to crank these out over the next week and finish the second season. which comes the question: when season three comes out, do you want me to continue this? it might be a while, and it will also depend if i feel like continuing, but i want to know what you want as well. thanks :) please enjoy
i’m also sorry if there are any inconsistencies. i realized i’ve had r go back to the cafe on multiple occasions when she said she wouldn’t be back- i went ahead and changed that. i might have to read through my own story to fix my mistakes 😪
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after your drunken four person party at the hair salon, everyone went on their own ways to confront the issues they had so that they could have some semblance of peace before the six days you had were up.
you couldn’t exactly face your problem. it came in the form of a certain fifty-eight year old man that had fucked up both of your bodies, and you didn’t know where he was. sure, you could admit the problem and see that as facing it, but you wanted to at least tell five. you had no clue as to why.
for that moment, you allowed yourself to let it go. you were stumbling through the streets with the near empty bottle of champagne almost slipping from your grip. it was definitely a sight to see, one that would definitely be concerning to the passerby- only a few spared you a glance, though.
when you ended up at the cafe that you had missed, even after only being away for a day or two, you looked through the window from a few feet away. taking one last glance to the bottle, you quickly downed the remaining drink before tossing it into a nearby trash can and pushing through the door that rang a bell atop it.
stacy happened to be on shift, and when she looked over to see you, she had a smile at first- until she noticed your state. “y/n? what happened?”
waving your hand in dismissal, you push past the swinging gate. her face scrunches up as you move past her, “is that- are you drunk?”
with a shrug, you lean against the door to the back, only a push away from falling straight onto your back. “i’d like to think i hold my alcohol well,” you lick your lips, a small smile tugging your lips up, “it’s nice to see you again.”
before she had a chance to respond- to question why you were drinking, since she thought you to be a teenager, you had pushed through into the kitchen. you could walk to the stairs to the apartment with your eyes closed, and you nearly did. it was made a bit more difficult, since you were unable to balance fully on your feet, but you managed.
it only took you a few minutes to wrestle with the lock before you stumbled through the door and to the bed, falling onto the soft mattress, almost instantaneously passing out.
when you woke up, you had a killer headache, and you had to lay with your face in the pillow beneath your head- one that had a pool of drool sinking into the fabric, but you couldn’t care for that right now- for a few minutes to remember what you did yesterday that gave you the horrible ache. it came back to you slowly, and you sighed heavily as you sat up, running your fingers through your messed hair.
standing from the bed, you made your way into the bathroom, looking in the mirror hanging above the sink to fix you hair that seemed to have gone through hell, with how it had been messed up so severely.
you shook your head once you were done, fixing your shirt slightly and grabbing a pain killer before shutting the light off and moving to leave the apartment. your eyebrows furrowed when your gaze fell upon an envelope that looked like it had been slipped through the crack at the bottom of your door.
glancing around the small room cautiously, you slowly stepped towards it, snatching it up off of the wooden floor once you made it. it was plain, save for the circular golden sticker holding the flap closed.
you pursed your lips, hesitantly pulling the sticker off and pulling the card inside out. your eyes skimmed over the words written.
from the office of sir reginald hargreeves
to my pursuers:
i, reginald hargreeves, request the pleasure of your company for a light supper on the twentieth of november, nineteen sixty-three, at half past seven o’clock.
-1624 magnolia street-
dallas, texas
“shit,” you mutter to yourself quietly, the envelope drifting to the floor as you release your grip on it to scratch your scalp. glancing towards the calendar, which had previously been used to count the days you were stuck here alone, your eyebrows furrow. “that’s today.”
you make your way to the address listed on the paper, looking at the tall building once you finally make it.
southland life.
reading the card once more to be sure this was the place, you sighed softly and walked across the parking lot to get to the entrance, not sparing another look up as you walk through the door.
looking around as you make your way up polished steps, you stuff the now folded card into your back pocket. as you get to the elevators, you see that one is already opened, so you quickly walk over to get in before it leaves you behind.
when you look into the opened doors, you stop for a moment when you see five. “oh,” you stare at him for a moment. “you’re back.”
“yeah.” he motions to his side for you to actually step in, and you realize that you hadn’t actually done that yet, practically jumping inside.
you stick your hands in your pockets. “you usually don’t just up and go like that on me.” you point out his previous actions, indirectly questioning where he had gone that was so important to leave you behind.
“sorry,” he glances to the ground, and you could tell he actually was. “i-”
he was cut off by the sight of a hand stopping the doors just as they nearly closed, “wait up.”
it’s diego who steps into the small space next, and you all look at each other in surprise and confusion, before the rest of the hargreeves family files in, all glancing at each other. it ends with luther, who you have to move to the side for.
the doors finally close on all of you, and there is a silence that you know is from the anticipation of what exactly is going to happen. the numbers over the doors begin to light up, one by one, each letting a ding echo through the space.
after a few seconds, a stench fills the air that has your nose beginning to scrunch up as you try not to breathe in- everyone else notices the smell, and soon it’s realized that luther was the one who had caused it. “sorry.” he stared straight at the numbers, not looking at any of you, “i’m nervous.”
the doors take way too long to open, but when they do everyone is rushing out, covering their noses to avoid smelling it any longer.
when you enter the floor, a sign hanging from a pole supporting the roof tells you that it is a tiki bar- if it wasn’t obvious enough from the beachy decorations surrounding you.
“alright,” five is the first to get to the table, standing by a seat surrounding the circle. “when dad gets here, i’ll do the talking, okay?”
it’s more of a statement than a question- you know that and you aren’t about to argue. the only thing you know about the man is what five told you when he was actually thirteen. that he was a man who cared for nothing but himself and creating a team that he could control. you believed it. it was hard not to.
“i’ve got a few questions for him myself.” diego tells him, and you know if he actually managed to ask any of them, this whole meeting would be over in an instant. he wasn’t exactly the calm and understanding type.
you shake your head as you turn to look at them, standing at the chair next to five, “we don’t want to scare him off.” you tell them, glancing over everyone, “he might be able to help us stop this new apocalypse and get home.”
the man isn’t so ready to cooperate. “no, y/n, we need to figure out why he’s planning to kill the president.”
“okay, this is a matter of life and death, you imbecile!” five argues back, and you can tell this supper is going to be a real shit show.
“okay, maybe we should take turns talking?” vanya suggests, everyone looking to her as she grabs one of the decorations, “alright, whoever has this conch shell gets to talk.”
you run a hand down your face. this family and their terrible communication. “vanya, we don’t have time for a debate, okay?” five tells her, already seeming to begin to lose his patience.
“maybe i should lead.” allison walks forward and takes the shell from the other girl, “we all know i’m a much better public speaker than the rest of you.”
diego looks at her from where he paces, “okay, daddy’s girl.” the jab is small, but you know it’s going to set off a lot. you look to five, your expression showing all of what you think. he just shrugs.
“oh, jealous number two?” the girl questions, raising an eyebrow at him.
the man moves around the table, “hey, no more numbers.” he glances around, “no more bullshit. we’re team zero.”
your eyebrows furrow in confusion. what is this crap? team zero?
“uh, diego.” luther speaks from his seat, “you don’t have the conch.” he motions to the object in allison’s hand.
you have to look down at the table to hold in your laugh at that.
the man gives a tight lipped smile, holding his finger up for a second before taking the conch from allison and... throwing it, letting it shatter against the wall.
you’re about to finally let your laugh out, until the door comes swinging open, reginald swiftly making his way to the table as everyone stares. he sits and everyone is silent as they take their seats as well, and you fidget with your fingers.
“you have not only burglarized my lab, set my chimp loose,” his tone is serious as he fixes the cuffs of his sleeves, “conned your way into the mexican consulate, repeatedly stalked and attacked me,” you didn’t realize how much you had really done until you had gotten the list from the old man, and you see that he has brought a notebook with him when he brings out a pencil. “but you have, on numerous occasions, called me...”
klaus is pulling a chair out next to him, a drink in hand. of course he had gone to the bar already. “hey, pop.” he smiles as he sits and leans back in the chair, “how’s it hangin’?”
reginald barely looks at him when he intrudes his little speech, his eyes moving to look around at all of you. “...dad.” you glance to your side to see how five’s doing, and as you had expected, he was annoyed. you could tell by the way his jaw had begun to lock in it’s place. “my reconnaissance tells me that you are not cia, not kgb, certainly not mi-five, so.” he places the pencil on the table, “who are you?”
everyone is silent, not sure exactly what to say, but five speaks up after a moment. “we’re your children.”
“except for me.” you cut in, holding up a finger just so he knew. you did not want to be associated with this man.
his gaze falls on you two as five takes a quick glance in your direction, “we’re from the future.” he continues as if you hadn’t interrupted him, “in nineteen eighty-nine, you adopted us and trained us to fight against the end of the world.” the old man looks around, seemingly not believing what he was saying. “called us the umbrella academy.”
his gaze continues to move around, “why on earth would i adopt six-”
“seven.” he is cut off by allison, “one of us isn’t here.”
diego is staring at the table, “dead.” he informs, looking up, “one of us is dead.”
“yeah, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, enough of that now,” klaus speaks from his chair and you all look to him, slightly confused as he had turned to talk to what seemed like an empty space behind him. he turns back to the table, waving his hand in a silent sign to continue.
reginald laces his fingers together on the table, “regardless,” he looks away from who looked like a crazy person, “what would possess me to adopt seven ill-mannered malcontents?”
“we all have special abilities,” you lean forward on the table with a pursed smile on your face, “but, once again, you didn’t get me.” you wag your finger in the air, feeling the need to reassure that point.
“special?” reginald seems to ignore your second point, an eyebrow raised in interest, “in what sense?”
“in the superpower sense.” luther speaks from beside him, giving a small smile as he nods.
the old man looks to him, “call me old fashioned, but i’m a stickler for a pesky little thing called evidence.” he returns his gaze to everyone, “show me.”
allison picks up her drink, stirring it with her straw, “everyone wants to see powers all of a sudden,” she jokes, taking a sip.
“we’re not circus animals, okay?” luther informs him, “we’re not going to balance balls on our noses and... clap our hands like seals for your amusement.” he claps his hands together a few times. just as he finished speaking, though, a knife flies through the air, curving around reginald to stick in one of the wooden pillars.
it’s quiet as everyone looks at the knife, before reginald opens his notebook and begins scribbling something. everyone leans forward, “what are you writing?” diego questions quickly.
he looks up from the paper, “you are zero for two, young man.”
allison giggles into her drink, and diego begins to push away from the table to go after their dad. you try to stand and stop him, but five gets there before you in a flash of blue. “stop!” he whispers to him, his hands on his shoulders for a moment to keep him from moving any further.
you sit back down in your seat, and look to reginald, who seems impressed. “now, that is interesting.”
with a sigh, five moves away. “alright, quick run down.” he begins to move around the table, pointing to each person as he gives away their powers, “luther: super strength, klaus can commune with the dead, y/n can create and control fire, and allison can rumor anyone to do anything.”
“but she never uses it.” diego takes his seat again, and allison rolls her eyes.
looking up from her drink, she looks to him. “i heard a rumor, you punched yourself in the face.” his eyes turn white and his hand balls into his fist before colliding with his face, and you cringe as he groans in pain, holding his head in his hands.
as he curses in pain, reginald seems to ignore it as he looks to the woman sitting next to him. vanya. “and you?” he questions her.
“uh, maybe we don’t take vanya for a test run.” luther suggests, and everyone seems to agree.
she looks nonchalant about it. “it’s fine.” she says with a shrug, “i can handle it.”
she reaches for a fork, and everyone begins to try to stop her, “handle it?” allison questions with a raised brow, “last time you handled it, you definitely blew up the moon.”
when she doesn’t seem to be stopping to everyone’s protests, clinking the metal to her glass, all of you begin to push away from the table, but it’s too late when the fruit at the center of the table explodes, covering the table and everyone around it.
you look to your shirt in disgust. she couldn’t have done something a bit less messy?
she smiles in her seat, shrugging her shoulders as she looks to the table. “oops.”
allison presses her lips together as she gets another drink and switches her straw over. diego stands from his seat, leaning onto the table. “look, we know you’re involved in a plot to assassinate the president.” he speaks, and you roll your eyes at his continued insistence to save the president, as if that wouldn’t change the timeline one bit.
reginald looks to him. “you were recently hospitalized, correct?” you can’t help but to clench your jaw at the mention, “you still appear to be suffering from delusions of grandeur and acute paranoia.” his tone is matter of fact.
you look to five, who also seems to be knowing the direction this dinner was taking. south. plummeting into a near-erupting volcano that bubbled at the surface.
“am i?” diego pulls the picture of their dad in the grassy knoll out of his back pocket, reaching over the table to put it in front of him. “that’s you.” he informs, pointing to his figure in the picture, “that’s two days from now on the grassy knoll, at the exact spot the president is going to get shot.”
picking the paper up, he looks to him after inspecting it for a moment. “well...” he looks around before passing the picture back over the table, “i suppose you’ve solved it. you have single handedly unearthed my nefarious plot.”
diego looks at him, and you bite your lip. suddenly, you feel bad for him- mostly because reginald was a bastard that you could easily burn for everything he had done. “is that what you wanted to hear?” he questions, “you fancy yourself a do-gooder? the last man who will save us from our descent into corruption and conspiracy?” everyone is silent as he continues, “this is a fantastic delusion. despite the reality that you are a desperate man, tragically unaware of his own insignificance, desperately clinging to his own ineffectual reasoning. more succinctly, a man in over his head.”
he had sunk back down to his seat throughout his father’s speech, and you could see the tears gathering in his eyes. you look to five and he returns your gaze, and you can feel the frown that sets into your face. he sighs softly, looking down to the table as diego stutters his denial.
everyone is silent for another few moments, and you shake your head. “look, forget about the president.” you wave your hand as if to swat the idea out of the air, “we have a catastrophic war coming in five days. we need to figure out how to stop it.”
reginald looks at you. “war? men will always be at war with one another.”
“no, this isn’t just some war.” five tells him from beside you, his fingers laced together on the table that he leans on, “we’re talking about a doomsday. the end of the world.”
the old man looks at him for a moment. “well,” he says after a moment, raising his hands to motion to the group, “you’re the special ones, aren’t you?” he smiles, but you can see the sarcasm behind it, “why don’t you band together and do something about it?”
you all stare at him, until from the chair next to him, klaus’ hands fly up into the air and he begins to shake, choked gasps escaping him. “is he having a seizure?” allison asks in concern, everyone looking at him in confusion.
“overdosing, probably.” diego comments.
luther’s eyebrows furrow, “should we do something?”
“klaus!” five whisper-yells at the man as he leans over the table, “now is not the time! what are you doing?”
he slowly turns towards where you’re sitting, and you grimace as you see the vessels that are beginning to pop out from beneath his skin, his face turning red from his choked breathing. “i’m...” the word is barely there.
“out with it, boy!” reginald exclaims.
“ben!” after the word is spoken, he goes limp and falls to the ground, shuddering from where he lays on the wood.
reginald closes his book, placing it on top of some folders that he had also brought, “well...” standing from his seat, he tucks the things in the nook of his arm, “thank you all for coming. i’ve seen about enough.”
as he steps over the barely conscious klaus, luther watches, “no- i-” after a second, his hands slam down onto the table, making you flinch slightly from the sudden bang. he stands, ripping his button-up open, “look at what you did to me!” he seems distressed as he shouts, “look at it!”
five lets out a slight huff, falling back into his seat. “oh, shit. why?”
you bury your face in your hands, unable to comprehend how broken this family is. what is wrong with all of them? you don’t think you’ll ever know.
you look back up as reginald glances around before pointing to five. “you in the culottes.” the young-looking boy lifts his head to look at him, “a word, in private?” he doesn’t give him a chance to answer as he turns to leave, walking away from the family.
watching as five gets up, you fight for words but can’t manage to say anything as he leaves you behind. he seems to enjoy doing that these past two days.
“check, please.” allison holds her finger up for the waiter to end this shit show already. you don’t even wait for the paper to come, standing from your seat to get in the elevator ahead of them all.
the numbers ticked down as you stare up at them, letting out a soft sigh in the otherwise silent space. when the doors slide open, you’re left staring out into the hallway for a moment before you finally stepped out and left the building to be hit with the chilly night air.
deciding to stay a bit to possibly catch five on his way out you move to the side of the entrance on the sidewalk, sitting down on the cold concrete. you can see the cars waiting in the parking lot. you think one of them must be reginald’s.
a few minutes later the other siblings exit the building, and you watch silently as they begin to make their way away from the building- but diego and luther come to talk to you first.
“you’re not heading back to elliott’s place?” the knife thrower questions, raising an eyebrow at you as you look at him.
shaking your head, you pull your knees to your chest to get a bit more warmth. “i’m going to try to wait for five. i’d rather he not leave me behind for something important again.”
it’s quiet for a moment as the two nod, before luther claps his hands together. “alright, then. we’ll see you when you get back.”
you play with your fingers as they walk away and one of the car leaves- vanya had gotten in, so you assume it was her ‘farm frau’ as klaus had called her. the rest of the siblings quickly disappeared to... wherever they were going, and you were left alone (aside from the car that awaited reginald’s exit).
after waiting for you don’t know how long- maybe about twenty minutes or so- you see the flash of blue that signals five’s arrival and you quickly jump up from the concrete.
“oh, finally.” you sigh, brushing off your pants as he does the same with his uniform jacket, “it was starting to get too cold. what did the old man say? does he know how to stop this thing?”
the frown on his face tells you otherwise, and he sighs softly. “he didn’t help with anything. just told me what i already know.”
you run your fingers through your hair, staying quiet for a moment. “so, what do we do now?” the question almost makes you sound weak, and you hate it. you were just tired of having to save the world from something that you don’t even know.
“now, we make a deal.” he tells you, and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion, watching as he glances to the ground. “the handler told me she would give us a briefcase in return for a favor.”
you feel your shoulders slump slightly at the mention of the woman. “i can’t believe this.” you shake your head with a sigh, but you’re already grabbing his hand so he can flash you to wherever she may be.
when he doesn’t do it, you look at him with a raised eyebrow. he looks surprised, for some reason. “you’re not going to ask what it is?” he asks, wondering why you just blindly agreed.
“i trust you.” you shrug, and you yourself also find it incredibly stupid. the deal could be a death trap that you didn’t know about, yet you’re ready just because he thinks it will help save everyone’s ass.
after a moment of quiet, he nods. “okay.” he blows out some air, and you feel his hand tighten around yours slightly. “you should know, though. she wants us to kill the board.”
that is what really gets you. “the board? how are we even supposed to do that?”
“she knows when and where they’re meeting.” he tells you, and you purse your lips.
“alright.” you take a deep breath, “let’s make this deal before i change my mind.”
he nods, and without another second, you’ve appeared in front of the door of a room that looks to be in a very fancy hotel. you keep hold of his hand, not able to deny the nervousness that washes over you at this task. but you could do it. you were one of the best assassins, so what’s killing a few more people?
after five knocks on the doors a few times, they open to show a smiling handler. “ah!” she exclaims, and you can tell she had been waiting on the two of you. “just in time for a nightcap.”
she walks away from the door and you finally release his hand when you step in and close the doors behind you. “to be clear.” five speaks as the handler holds a cocktail out to him, “we take out the board... you get us all home. no doomsday, no apocalypse.”
as he speaks she had moved to the bed, laying on top of the covers on her side as she takes a drag from her cigarette. holding a paper up in the air. “that’s the deal.”
“we’re in.” you tell her before you can think any further, just knowing that this was a way to get home, the only way you knew of at the moment. if you didn’t take this, who knows if you would be able to stop this. the first time around you didn’t even stop the apocalypse, only escaped it.
when she waved the paper, you stepped forward and took it, unfolding the invitation. five looks over your shoulder. there’s a seal of a bird at the top, and you quickly skim over the words.
the lonely lodger inn
oshkosh wisconsin, 1982
main: @horrorklaus @megasimpleplan4ever
tua: @rasberrymay @noodlextrash @atomicpillar @malfovs @andreasworlsboring101​
five taglist: @anapocalypseinmymind @five-hargreeves-official @insatiable-ivy @coffee-e-addict @xplrreylo @fandomfreakff @colie-babi @flowertoty
let’s save the world: @aspiringwriter1 @thetrashypanda423 @lilacs-lavender @wow-lookit-all-the-fandoms @ohmyitsfaith @xplrreylo @fandomfreakff @onedollarduck @sleepygal124 @faith-quake @stripedchickens @youcandalekmyballs @pettyjayy @libidinexx @bts-chub @theoriginalkat @flowertoty @whenyouwantdeath @ot7purple @ purblerain @megasimpleplan4ever @whenyouregrungeaff @dumdumsun @malfovs @hxney-lemcn @frnks-stuff
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viktors-suit · 4 years
hello what if after vanya leaves the 60s sissy and harlan go to california and sissy writes in addition to her sales job to make some extra cash
she gets some poems published in a magazine except they’re love poems about vanya and she publishes under the name simon cooper so the poetry comes off as straight
she becomes a really well-known american poet and is still popular in literary circles. back in the present vanya sees a line of poetry somewhere from one “simon cooper” and she both smiles and cries because she knows that voice, even if it’s just in writing, and she knows sissy never forgot her
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thekinghazzastyles · 3 years
・ 。゚request rules・ 。゚
- I only write for fictional characters; so please don't ask for actual people.
- I'm not completely opposed to writing NSFW/smut I just believe I would be absolutely terrible at it.
- I do NOT write anything involving incest, bestiality, pedophilia, non-con/dub-con elements, or detailed descriptions of self harm, suicide, or eating disorders.
harry potter characters:
harry potter
ron weasley
hermione granger
fred weasley
george weasley
ginny weasley
percy weasley
bill weasley
charlie weasley
cedric diggory
oliver wood
neville longbottom
draco malfoy
theo nott
blaise zabini
pansy parkinson
luna lovegood
remus lupin
james potter
sirius black
regulus black
theseus scamander
newt scamander
the maze runner characters:
julie and the phantoms characters:
julie molina
carrie wilson
luke patterson
reggie peters
alex mercer
criminal minds characters:
spencer reid
aaron hotchner
derek morgan
emily prentiss
penelope garcia
luke alvez
high school musical: the musical: the series characters:
nini salazar-roberts
ricky bowen
ej caswell
gina porter
marvel cinematic universe characters:
steve rogers
bucky barnes
sam wilson
tony stark
stephen strange
peter parker
wanda maximoff
pietro maximoff
natasha romanoff
bruce banner
loki laufeyson
thor odinson
hela odinsdottir
carol danvers
scott lang
darcy lewis
maria hill
erik killmonger
stranger things characters:
mike wheeler
will byers
lucas sinclair
dustin henderson
steve harrington
max mayfield
billy hargrove
robin buckley
jonathan byers
nancy wheeler
the 100 characters:
clarke griffin
bellamy blake
octavia blake
john murphy
raven reyes
finn collins
monty green
jasper jordan
the umbrella academy characters:
luther hargreeves
diego hargreeves
klaus hargreeves
allison hargreeves
five hargreeves
ben hargreeves
vanya hargreeves
shameless characters:
lip gallagher
carl gallagher
ginny and georgia characters:
ginny miller
max baker
marcus baker
sophie sanchez
matt press
riverdale characters:
archie andrews
betty cooper
jughead jones
veronica lodge
toni topaz
cheryl blossom
jason blossom
reggie mantle
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Title: Forgiveness.
Wip: Shadow Palms.
Ship: Vanya Gamal-Cooper & Ricardo Valdez
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions alcohol, kissing, guilt.
Prompt: Forgiveness,
Notes: Vanya and Rico are discussing his guilt. Also I just felt like writing them.
Tagging: no one. it's 4:47am and I am writing like a fool. So if it makes no sense you did not witness this.
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Rico wasn’t exactly sure why Vanya found interest in him. He was not a shy or unconfident man by any means, but he did believe that Vanya was out of his league and the type of woman who dated men and women who were as professional and level-headed as her. Her dead husband, Dean, was a prime example of the type of guy that he thought Vanya would go for: the guy had been a family lawyer and he was the chipper and charming type.
Rico had been the chipper type, once upon a time, but after witnessing a teen go through a door and it disappear, he kind of ended up disliking the world they lived in. And though he knew something that small shouldn’t have changed his whole personality...it had.
He had seen someone with so much potential go through into another world, and probably never come back, and he’d told people he thought could help, and no one believed him. Rico was even fired for telling because no in town ever spoke of the people who went missing in it. It had left him bitter. Because he did, you know, want to help people and was very limited in the ways he could do that now as a private investigator. 
Vanya had thought he helped a good amount though, and she even believed him when he told her about the door incident. Hell, she even believed him when he told her he was psychic and had a group of friends back when he lived in Hysteria Heights, who were psychics, too.
Vanya had found the whole thing interesting. Even sharing facts from her psychology studies with him. The type of stuff he found fascinating, because she was fascinating and told stories like the best storyteller in the universe. 
Smiling at her now, Rico couldn’t help but watch as she poured him a glass of whiskey, and then proceeded to walk his way - her hips swaying in a mesmoring manner as she walked, before she took a seat on his lap. She passed him the drink after, and then smiled at him when she gave him a soft kiss on his stubbled chin. 
“You’re helping people find closure,” she told him, nodding her head, before giving him a kiss on the lips this time; the kiss itself making him feel a little lighter, and maybe even better than the whiskey will later. “You should stop being so hard on yourself about losing your job and that girl.”
He looked away from her but then she gently grabbed his chin and turned his head to face her. “I mean it, Ricardo. Be kinder to yourself. It’s honestly what you need. It will make you happier, I promise.” 
Rico rolled his eyes, because he wasn’t sure he wanted to be happier. He also wasn’t sure if he deserved to be happier. “If I wanted to be happier, I wouldn’t break-up with you every other week,” he said with a small chuckle, that managed to make her roll her eyes at him, and then laugh just a bit. 
“You’re playing games, instead of talking. You know I hate that. But really, Rico: get your shit together and understand that shit happens all the time – especially in our town. You can’t just give up because of it.” She nodded her head and then used her hands to nod his head when he didn’t nod his head along with her. She had lost so much, so she knew what she was talking about. “I know, but…I knew her. I knew the girl I saw go through the door,” he said to her in a low voice. “She was my friend’s kid.” He frowned. “And now she’ll never ever forgive me for that. So, I can’t….forgive myself, either.” He sighed, but he kept his eyes on his girlfriend. 
Vanya sighed back at him. “I see…” was all she managed to say. “And what happens if she never forgives you?” Her eyebrow arched. 
“Then I’ll never forgive myself, either…” He said this in a neutral tone that probably took her back because she let go of his face and buried herself against his neck. He then ran his hand through her curly locks, and enjoyed the closeness of her body against his, before he gently pulled her up. “I don’t think it would be fair of me to forgive myself without her forgiveness, really...”
She looked at him and said, "Well, I understand, but you should try to. The world will look brighter that way." He wasn't going to humor her by talking anymore, instead he drank some of his drink and lifted his glass to her lips. "Cheers," he said in the driest of tones.  
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