crossedswordsrp · 8 years
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The Ingénue
❛ My cage has many rooms, damask and dark; nothing there sings, not even my lark. Larks never will, you know, when they're captive - teach me to be more adaptive ❜
Full Name  Claudette Valois Alias Juliette Mairet Age 21 (b. 1620) Alliance The Crown/Théâtre du Marais Position Courtier/Civilian Negative Traits Insecure, Escapist, Delicate Positive Traits Courteous, Sweet-natured, Romantic
The cousin of bastard king Alexandre Valois and daughter of former King Louis Valois’ younger brother Laurent, Claudette was born into the complex and contradictory world of the French court. From a very young age, she learned how to navigate through the complex social interactions that marked existence at court and – even if she didn’t feel like it – to play the part of the perfect lady and to conceal her true feelings. Her father was dutiful but often distracted, her mother a deeply engaged socialite, and with only a much older brother, Alphonse, she lived out a rather busy but lonely childhood, with the understanding that she was to be raised for no other purpose than to be a wife and mother.
However, behind the picture-perfect curtseys and smiles, lay a keen mind and a quiet, but smoldering light of rebellion. Always discontent with her lot, seeing her limitations, she also had no ambitions to truly attempt to climb the social ladder, knowing the banalities of court. Although she could certainly – survive – she wanted more than to simply survive – she wanted the chance to live. As such, art was her salvation – she had always sung as thoughtlessly and openly as a bird, and upon the first visit of a theatre troupe to court - the Comédiens du Roi (The King’s Players)– she was struck by their performances, seeing reflected in their tragedies the truth of the false life that she has to live. It was as such that she longed to take part, seeing in this a new path for her life as a living artist, but with the still lingering stigma attached to becoming an actress, such a choice was particularly difficult for her.
It took a rumored future marriage proposal to a man she did not know or love that drove her to action. She still remains at court as Queen Annette Luisa’s lady-in-waiting, feigning joy over the idea of potential marriage, but also has been surreptitiously indulging in the world of the theatre. She primarily plays roles in the Théâtre du Marais under the stage name Juliette Mairet in order to reduce the chances of being seen by those who frequent court, taking her upbringing as a deep inspiration for the characters – often in farces – which she portrays. The little songbird – the seemly picture perfect image of noble young womanhood – finds completeness and happiness in the theatre (as well as a chance at rebellion) that she would have never found otherwise.
Alexandre Valois – She is fond of the King and  – perceptive as she is – is aware of his…unconventional attractions. They have been friends since their childhood and she has always been deeply supportive of him, wishing only for his safety, health, and happiness. She is aware of his new-found interest in the theatre which makes things quite difficult from her perspective – particularly concerning his interest in playwright Luc Brazier.
Madeleine Leclair - Madeleine – disguised often as playwright Luc Brazier – is a complicated figure in her life, as the playwright sees Claudette as a muse and a confidant. They are quite good friends, building off a friendship formed when she met Madeleine as Luc, and now continuing with the knowledge of Madeleine’s biological sex. She uneasily helps her circumvent the Cardinal’s judgments, and due to her ability to adapt to circumstance, often serves as her information collector - funneling certain tales from court and sent out to the streets of Paris in disguise in search of the freshest stories. Although a part of her is thrilled with these illicit activities and the dress-up, she’s also concerned that it is only a matter of time before the libertine puts her foot in her mouth, and the consequences that that might have for her personally.
This character is portrayed by MIA WASIKOWSKA and is TAKEN
OOC Notes: Please read the information on Visiting the Theatre and Life in Court for more information that may be useful for your character.
Note that Clovis Barbet is also a connection with Claudette.
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