#nobody talkto me
superbellsubways · 1 year
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vyrion · 1 year
nobody talkto me im thinking again about how the sun festival is held during a solar eclipse one of few times the light of the sun doesnt reach the earth.why is magic so much more powerful to the point that gateways to other dimensions open up. how often does this happen. where did this tradition come from. what does thisMean
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deadb0dyman · 10 months
i think that the worst possible hting is to be stuck in a loop of. i am upset and i want to talk to someone aboutit .but i have nobody to talk to about it. and i am upset abouti that.so i will talk to someone oh. i have nobody to talkto about it. i will talk to someone about it. but i have nobody to talk to about it.that makes me sad. soi will talk to someone. oh.
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steal-this-album · 2 years
girl screaming crying rolling on the floor when he can't immediately understand a math problem
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gimmeeshelter · 5 years
me after finding out that jimmys mom knitted that sweater vest for him
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fartsanji · 3 years
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sunblazes · 2 years
cringestperson alive award.GOES TO ME I had nobody to talkTo in form today and started.writing abt how wrong people are about cprimeboys inmy notes
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dilf-manifester · 4 years
I am??? So sad rn?? I don't have a pink hijab??? Am gonna go cry nobody talkto me???
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thot-slayer-iii · 7 years
i konw that nobody but @danandphan relalypays attentiohnn to me on tumblr but i just watn somenoe to talkto i feel lsot
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extremeteenlesbian · 7 years
godddd pls distract me at least jesuschristc
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tamaraneanlives · 7 years
All the hypocrisy going on under this oof is pissing me off.
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trandangelilber · 4 years
India Alert || New Episode 276 || Dahej ( दहेज़ ) || इंडिया अलर्ट Dangal TV Channel
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India Alert.
Voice against crime.
I won’t let all this happen with you.
Whatever is happening with me.
I cannot let that happen with you.
No, my child.
If anyone touches you.
I cannot let that happen.
No, my princess.
I am doing all this for you.
I don’t have any otheroption to save you.
Now nobody will harass us.
We will build a new world.
Yours and mine.
Shall we start the engagement ritual? Huh?- Come.
Shall we go?- Come on.
– Come, kids.
You are so lucky.
You are marrying the girl you love.
Look at both of us.
Nobody gives us the least attention.
It’s not about luck, bro.
I had to toil really hard to win her.
Do you know? Yes.
That is true.
But he troubled me so much thatI had to agree in the end.
Oh! Is that so? I troubled you? – Yes.
Me? Shall I show you?I troubled you.
I troubled you.
Of course.
She harassed me to no end.
She drove me crazy.
Shall I say yes or no? But yes, I do know that my decision.
to say yes to Vivaan is not wrong.
How cute! Sit.
– Congrats.
Congrats to you too.
It’s great, brother.
All functions went smoothly.
Once tomorrow’s functiongoes smoothly.
we will be relaxed.
Look at this.
Tomorrow’s functionis the main function.
Our children are going tounite forever.
Tomorrow’s functionshould be the best.
You are right, sister-in-law.
Tomorrow’s function will be the best.
Why not?It’s for our children’s happiness.
Excuse me, brother.
– Yes.
Why did you call me?I told you that I will call you.
When you wanted money, you would call me so many times.
And now, you aren’t evenanswering my calls.
Tell me.
When are yougoing to return my money? Look.
It’s my son’s marriage.
Wait for some time.
Spend less moneyat your son’s marriage.
And with the money you save, repay your loan.
Did you understand? Or else yourfactory and your house will be seized.
I told you.
Let my son’s marriage take place.
I will repay your money.
So I will repay it.
I will do one thing.
I will stop the marriage.
Your son will marry onlyafter you repay my money.
Or else I will tellyour truth to everyone.
Did you understand? Hello.
Our buddy has now become a husband.
And Natasha has becomehis better half.
Oops! It’s so old-fashioned.
Why are you teasing my children? Come, Natasha.
Shikha, take daughter-in-law to the room.
– Come in.
Let’s make arrangements.
Meanwhile, daughter-in-law will go and change.
Today hit a six.
– Quiet.
Talking nonsense.
Hit a six.
Am I going to play cricket? Come on.
Eat something.
– Come on.
Madam, best of luck.
You are feeling so coy.
I will leave now.
Or else I will feel coy.
All the best.
Okay, aunt.
I will leave now.
So soon.
– Goodbye, uncle.
– Bye, Vivaan.
Yes, dad? Lala had lent 4 crores.
He is still after me.
He was saying to repay all the money.
Or else he will come homeand throw everybody out.
Throw us out? What do you mean throw us out? What do we have left to give him? We have already given him everything.
As it is, I am quite tense.
I cannot take more stress.
Do what I say.
Vivaan…is everything fine? It’s nothing.
Vivaan, what happened? Tell me.
– I said nothing.
But Vivaan, why are you behaving like that? That too tonight.
Natasha, look.
I am a little tired.
I will alleviate your tiredness.
Natasha, please.
Just go.
Leave me alone for some time.
Tell me the truth.
What happened? Tell me, Vivaan.
What happened? Vivaan, tell me the truth.
– Natasha, I said it’s nothing.
I said I am tired.
I am tired.
Will you understandwhen I will give you in writing? Look.
Please go to sleep.
And leave me alone for some time.
Go away, Vivaan.
I am tired.
Oh God! Let me see.
Let me see.
So much of anger.
That too tonight.
You look cuter when you are angry.
I fold my hands.
I hold my ears.
I was just trying to tease you.
You got upset.
I won.
Why do you do that?- Okay.
– I am your husband.
Should you beat your husbandon this night? Natasha.
Will you keep beating methe whole night? Or will you love me too? I love you too, Vivaan.
Here, son.
The pudding is delicious.
God bless you.
Okay, daughter-in-law.
You have to go toyour maternal home.
for the post-marriage ritual.
– Vivaan.
Finish the pudding andtake daughter-in-law to her house.
I will just come.
Son, we need a lot of money.
Leave that to me.
Your maternal home is here.
At what time will you comein the evening? At whatever time you say.
Come by dinnertime.
As you say, madam.
– Shall I leave? Okay.
Okay, Natasha.
– What? I don’t understand how to say it.
It’s a little embarrassing.
What happened, Vivaan? Natasha, you know that we havestarted a new business.
I need 60 lakhs for expansion.
60 lakhs.
It’s embarrassing.
But I was thinking.
if you could ask your dad.
Just this one time.
As a loan.
I will repay it.
Vivaan! Don’t worry.
Your work will be done.
Just return early in the evening.
– Fine? I love you.
– Bye.
Check who is it.
– Natasha.
How are you? Good.
How are you? I am fine.
– How are you, dear? I am fine.
Where is Vivaan? Didn’t he come? Actually, Vivaan has gonefor some business work.
He will come by evening.
We will have dinner together.
Papa, I wanted to talkto you urgently.
Tell me, dear.
I want to borrow 60 lakhs from you.
60 lakhs.
Why? Vivaan wants it for his business.
He will repay it soon.
How much more money do they want? I am tired of giving them money.
What do you mean? Yes, dear.
Brother, will you please come for a moment? Okay.
– You also come, sister-in-law.
You also come.
What happened? Is everything fine? Things could be fine.
And things will remain fine too.
If you give me 4 crorestomorrow before the marriage.
So that there is no obstaclein the marriage.
You are demanding dowry.
Not dowry.
It’s for your daughter.
Right, Suman?- Yes.
Brother, I don’t have any problemin giving you money.
But I have already given you3 crores.
For my daughter.
So give some more.
The money will cometo your daughter’s use.
Another thing, brother.
Don’t tell Vivaan anything.
She is your only daughter.
This is the least you can do for her.
Vivaan’s call.
At this hour? Not Vivaan.
It must beyour darling daughter’s call.
She must be missing her papa.
Answer it.
Yes, Vivaan.
Tell me.
Uncle, I have called to talkabout something important.
What happened? Is everything fine? Yes.
Everything is fine.
And it will be fine too.
Just transfer 2 croresin my account quickly.
– Yes.
You see, I will accept your daughter.
only when I get the moneyin my account.
Son, you said you peopledon’t believe in dowry.
But I have alreadygiven you people 7 crores.
I mean, papa.
I am not asking for dowry.
You are the bride’s father.
We are the groom’s family.
It’s our graciousness that we didn’tdemand anything from you.
That doesn’t meanyou won’t give anything.
Look, God has also given youso much.
Where will you take it? Son, you are demanding dowry.
although you are sayingyou don’t want dowry.
You can think whatever you want.
I leave it to you.
But yes, remember one thing.
I will accept your daughteronly when.
I get the money in my account.
Listen to me.
Vivaan! Vivaan! Vivaan, I have transferred the money.
So much has happened.
And nobody told me anything.
At least you could have told me.
I was helpless.
They had forbidden me.
What could I do? Hi, baby.
Did you arrange for money? How much more money do you want? You took dowry from my parents.
What are you saying?Dowry and me? Never.
It’s the duty of the girl’s parents.
Your parents are fulfilling that duty.
Great, Vivaan!Don’t you feel ashamed to say this? You won’t get any more money.
Did you understand? I understood.
Do one thing.
You also stay there.
Because without money, I don’t need you.
What do you mean?What are you saying, Vivaan? I mean, I will come to take you only.
when you keep the money ready.
Is money so important for you? Yes, baby.
Money is the most important thing.
If no money, then I don’t need you too.
If you want to come home, bring the money.
What happened, dear?What did Vivaan say? Mama, Vivaan said that if I want tocome to my in-law’s house.
I should bring money.
No problem, dear.
Whatever is there is yours.
It’s yours today.
And even after our death it’s yours.
Mama, it’s not that.
Whatever is happening is wrong.
Dear, no problem.
As long as your father is alive.
I won’t let you cry.
Don’t worry.
I will give money.
As it is, dear, all this is yours.
No, papa.
I cannot believe thatI loved Vivaan so much.
Dear, we also cannot believe it.
‘I do know that my decision to sayyes to Vivaan is not wrong.
’ Yes, papa.
Vivaan, I have transferred the money.
Wow! Amazing, papa! Stay there.
I will come immediatelyto take Natasha home.
Okay? Hello, uncle and aunt.
Oops! Now there is a relation between us.
Mom and dad.
How are you?Sit.
Why did you stand up? Fine.
If you have stood up, embrace your son-in-law.
Natasha is not to be seen.
Where is she? Do you know?Today I have cracked a big deal.
A business deal.
So I want to take Natasha outfor dinner.
She is in her room.
In her room? Why didn’t you tell me before?I will go and see.
Thank you so much.
For takingsuch good care of my wife.
Natasha, take your parents’ blessing.
Bless you, son.
May God always keep you happy! May both of you always betogether, dear! Take care.
Shall we go? Bye.
Why are you not talking to me? Are you innocent?Or are you trying to feign innocence? You took dowry from my parents.
Moreover, you are asking mewhy I am not talking to you.
Don’t you understandwhy I don’t want to talk to you? What happened? Great, mom! You are behaving likeyou don’t know anything.
Why are you making amountain out of a molehill? Is this a trivial matter, Vivaan? I detest you.
I loved and married aderogatory man like you.
You don’t know the meaning of love.
You can only chase money.
Why do you say that, baby? Don’t touch me.
I do understand love.
Love for money.
That’s why I married you.
Because now you are our locker.
We can take as much money aswe want and whenever we want.
I still have to extract moremoney from you, darling.
You got fed up so soon.
Don’t even expectthat you will get any more money.
from my family or me, Vivaan.
You are talking too much.
Why are you looking at Vivaan?Look at me.
I will show you.
I will show you.
You won’t bring money.
You are your parents’darling daughter.
You are refusing to bring money.
I will make your plightsuch that you will think.
ten times before refusing.
Will you refuse? Will you refuse? Come on.
I will teach you a lesson.
Come inside.
It’s said that marriage is asacred bond that unites two souls.
This relation isn’t betweenonly two people.
But it unites two families.
But it’s so sad thatthis sacred bond.
is defiled in the name of dowry.
In this new episode of‘Crime Alert’.
you will seehow people like Vivaan.
marry someone’s daughter only.
to satisfy their greed for money.
Will Natasha be able to stopthis series of dowry? Will she be able to confrontVivaan’s evil intentions? Let’s watch.
Vivaan, leave me.
I think you are forgettingthat I am your husband.
A husband hasother duties too, Vivaan.
First fulfill them.
Did you stop your motherfrom beating me? Had you done that, I would have believed it.
You are talking too much.
Will you argue with me? Vivaan, it’s hurting.
Queen! Get up! Get up! Who will do the household chores?Your father? Mom, there are maids.
There are maids.
I have sacked the maids.
Because I cannot afford to pay them.
You will have to do the chores.
Come on.
Get up.
What, man?Do you think I am a beggar? You are making paymentlittle by little.
Give me some more time.
I will repay all your moneyin a week’s time.
I promise you.
Will I have to ask for tea?I am sitting since a long time.
You can see, can’t you? Give me tea.
Okay, listen.
Call up your dad.
And tell him that I want5 crores in five days.
5 crores.
Didn’t you hear what I am saying? Natasha, I am talking to you.
Call up your father now.
Did you hear? I won’t.
Stop! Where are you going, queen? If you don’t bring moneyfrom your father.
this will be your plight everyday.
Did you understand? Get lost.
Hey! Where are you going, daughter-in-law? To cook food.
Oh! To cook food.
You must be tired of working.
Right? Don’t prepare food today.
I have brought food for you.
And today, I will feed you with my hands.
Right, Vivaan?- Of course.
I have also got something for you.
See this.
Time to use this.
Get ready.
Vivaan, no! Vivaan! Don’t do that! Please, Vivaan!Vivaan! Vivaan, don’t do that.
Vivaan! Please, Vivaan! I beg of you.
Vivaan, please stop it.
– Tie her tightly.
No, Vivaan.
Please don’t do that.
Quiet! You won’t bring moneyfrom your father? Tie her tightly.
Vivaan, please don’t do that.
Now I will feed you, daughter-in-law.
Look, daughter-in-law.
You like tasty, spicy food.
– No.
It’s for you.
– Vivaan, please! No! Mother, no! Mother, no! Please! No! No! Mother, no!No! No! A little.
A little.
Vivaan, she is not eating.
Vivaan, give her water.
– Vivaan, give her water.
Vivaan, please give me water.
– Yes.
Now die thirsty.
Did you understand? Unless you bring moneyfrom your father.
we will keep treating youlike that.
Enough, son.
It’s enough for today.
Vivaan! Queen! Get up! Time to do household chores.
Who will do it? Your father? Come on.
Come on.
Where did my phone go? Hello, aunt.
Shikha, how are you? Come.
Look, we were about to have lunch.
– Come and eat with us.
What has happened to you, Natasha? Why are you behavinglike that with me? You are aggravating trivial matters.
Should you get upset like that? Everything might be trivial for you, Vivaan.
But for me it’s a serious matter.
I don’t even want to see your face.
I am apologizing with folded hands.
If I have made a mistake, please forgive me.
I can never forgive you.
Natasha, please.
Natasha! Good you came.
I wanted to talk to you.
See how Vivaan is behaving with me.
All of them are torturing me.
I don’t want to stay with them.
Please take me with you.
Please save me.
There is chili in this.
I don’t want to eat this.
What has happened to you, Natasha? Why are you talking rubbish? There is no chili in this.
Shikha, explain to her.
I will check.
Okay? Try to understand.
I am speaking the truth.
– Hold on.
Hold on.
I told you.
I told you.
It’s chili.
Natasha, come to your senses.
It’s pudding.
What drama is this? I saw it myself.
You will have to changeyour attitude.
The problem lies in you.
Henceforth don’t call mefor this nonsense.
Shikha, you don’t believe me.
Do one thing.
Call up my papa and ask him.
– Call up dad.
Call him up.
– Shikha, call him up.
I will call up uncle.
Okay? Hello, uncle.
– Hello, Shikha.
Is Natasha fine? I mean, is there any problemin her in-law’s house? Yes, Shikha.
There is no problem.
Who told you? She is quite happyin her in-law’s house.
Don’t believe Natasha.
She must have fought with Vivaan.
Natasha is very happyin her in-law’s house.
Are you assured? Bye.
Shikha, listen to me.
But your daringis increasing day by day.
It’s good that I called upyour father.
I threatened him.
Otherwise today you wouldhave exposed us in front of Shikha.
Now speak up.
Will you give money or not? Tell me.
– Vivaan! I am asking you something.
Will you bring money or not? You will have to bring money.
Unless she brings money, starve her.
And beat her day and night.
Vivaan! My bro, how are you?- How are you, bro? Don’t ask, man.
Vivaan, where is your wife?She isn’t to be seen.
She is inside.
– Your life is set.
A beautiful house.
A beautiful wife.
And loads of money.
You are having all fun.
Look at us.
Unlike him we cannot do itanywhere, anytime.
What enjoyment? And what wife? I have to force her.
She doesn’t bring money.
How will she not bring it? I will definitely take money.
Either from her or her father.
I will torture her a lot.
People like Vivaancan go to any extent.
And they can cross any limit.
But more than Vivaan and his family.
Natasha’s parents wereresponsible for Natasha’s plight.
They provided educationto their daughter.
And gave her a good upbringing.
But they couldn’t changetheir thinking.
Will Natasha be able toget out of this hell? Natasha, I want tea.
Make tea.
I am talking to you.
Listen! Mom! Dad! What happened? Mom, Natasha is not waking up.
What has happened to her? Natasha.
I think she has fainted.
Fainted? Son, call the doctor quickly.
All okay, doctor? Congrats.
Your daughter-in-law is pregnant.
Call up your father-in-law.
Won’t you give him this good news? Everybody knows the truth.
No need to lie to them.
Look, Vivaan.
We know the truth.
And you also know it quite well.
I beg of you.
Accept the child.
Dad, you see, in today’s times.
nobody does anything for free.
I can accept the child.
But at a price.
Papa, this time you won’tgive him more money.
And I won’t stay here now.
I will come with you.
He is not going to change.
Let’s go, papa.
No, dear.
You cannot come with us.
Why? Why can’t I come? Because now this is your home.
Your in-law’s house.
A woman has to stay thereall her life.
If we take you from here today.
what will society say? Since 5 months we have beentorturing her a lot.
We have been beating her so much.
But we have beenunable to extract money.
She is not even asking moneyfrom her dad.
What do we do now? Do one thing, son.
Take her to the doctor.
And find out whethershe is carrying a girl or a boy.
Then we will think how toextract money from her father.
Right? You are right.
Come here.
What happened? We have to go to the doctor.
But I didn’t take any appointment.
You don’t need an appointmentfor this doctor.
We are going to find out whether.
you are carrying a girl or a boy.
But it’s wrong.
We will find outwhen the child will be born.
Don’t tell mewhat’s right and what’s wrong.
Stop arguing with me.
And come.
Vivaan! Vivaan, listen to me.
Vivaan! They have still not returned.
You have come.
What’s the news? It’s a girl.
Wow! That’s great news, son.
You have pleased me.
Son, give the newsto the child’s grandparents quickly.
We want to share this joy with them.
Daughter-in-law, you have pleased me.
Goddess of wealth iscoming to our house.
Forget whatever happened.
Now whatever happens will be good.
‘Maybe they will reformbecause of the child.
’ ‘As it is, grandchildren aredearer than daughter-in-law.
’ ‘Maybe my daughter will reform them.
’ It’s great news.
Goddess of wealth iscoming to our house.
Congrats to you.
You will have a granddaughter.
You will definitely giveone or two bungalows.
Why are you looking at me like that? We are not asking it for you.
It’s for your child.
It’s grandparents’ duty.
Right, Satish? Yes.
Permit us.
No need to do anything.
You didn’t do anythingto get me out of this hell.
Don’t do anything for my daughter.
I don’t need your money.
And my daughter also doesn’t need it.
Dear, try to understand.
Dear, listen to me.
Tell me.
Will you ask money from him? With this knife I will.
– Vivaan, no! No! No!- .
kill you and your child.
Vivaan, no.
– If I stab you, .
your child will also diealong with you.
If not yourself, at least think about your child.
Vivaan, take it away.
Vivaan, please.
Take it away.
Vivaan, no.
– Leave it, son.
So what if she doesn’t bring moneyfrom her father? Her daughter will bring moneyfor us.
‘So what if she doesn’t bring moneyfrom her father?’ ‘Her daughter will bring moneyfor us.
’ I won’t let all this happen with you.
Whatever is happening with me.
I cannot let that happen with you.
No, my child.
If anyone touches you.
I cannot let that happen.
No, my princess.
I am doing all this for you.
I don’t have any other optionto save you.
Now nobody will harass us.
We will build a new world.
Yours and mine.
Here is our Natasha.
Our Natasha has come back.
Natasha’s child was saved.
Now she stays with hermaternal grandparents.
But will anyone be able tofill her mother’s void? Will we change our mentalityand raise a voice against dowry? Or will we see every girldie like that? Our silence encourages such crimes.
Our daughters have to endure alot of torture in the name of dowry.
We request all daughters and sisters.
Please stop this atrocitythat is being committed on you.
Or else just like Natashayour silence will kill you some day.
It’s not just girls’ fault.
Their parents are to beblamed more than them.
They keep fulfilling dowry demands.
Each year so many womenbecome its victim.
And they lose their lives.
If you see anyone committingatrocity for dowry.
inform the nearestpolice station immediately.
And help the societyend this social evil.
With this, I, Girish Jain, bid you farewell.
in this episode of ‘Crime Alert’.
I will be back to alert youabout another crime.
Till then, be alert, be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against crime.
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reneturgeon · 4 years
India Alert || New Episode 276 || Dahej ( दहेज़ ) || इंडिया अलर्ट Dangal TV Channel
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India Alert.
Voice against crime.
I won’t let all this happen with you.
Whatever is happening with me.
I cannot let that happen with you.
No, my child.
If anyone touches you.
I cannot let that happen.
No, my princess.
I am doing all this for you.
I don’t have any otheroption to save you.
Now nobody will harass us.
We will build a new world.
Yours and mine.
Shall we start the engagement ritual? Huh?- Come.
Shall we go?- Come on.
– Come, kids.
You are so lucky.
You are marrying the girl you love.
Look at both of us.
Nobody gives us the least attention.
It’s not about luck, bro.
I had to toil really hard to win her.
Do you know? Yes.
That is true.
But he troubled me so much thatI had to agree in the end.
Oh! Is that so? I troubled you? – Yes.
Me? Shall I show you?I troubled you.
I troubled you.
Of course.
She harassed me to no end.
She drove me crazy.
Shall I say yes or no? But yes, I do know that my decision.
to say yes to Vivaan is not wrong.
How cute! Sit.
– Congrats.
Congrats to you too.
It’s great, brother.
All functions went smoothly.
Once tomorrow’s functiongoes smoothly.
we will be relaxed.
Look at this.
Tomorrow’s functionis the main function.
Our children are going tounite forever.
Tomorrow’s functionshould be the best.
You are right, sister-in-law.
Tomorrow’s function will be the best.
Why not?It’s for our children’s happiness.
Excuse me, brother.
– Yes.
Why did you call me?I told you that I will call you.
When you wanted money, you would call me so many times.
And now, you aren’t evenanswering my calls.
Tell me.
When are yougoing to return my money? Look.
It’s my son’s marriage.
Wait for some time.
Spend less moneyat your son’s marriage.
And with the money you save, repay your loan.
Did you understand? Or else yourfactory and your house will be seized.
I told you.
Let my son’s marriage take place.
I will repay your money.
So I will repay it.
I will do one thing.
I will stop the marriage.
Your son will marry onlyafter you repay my money.
Or else I will tellyour truth to everyone.
Did you understand? Hello.
Our buddy has now become a husband.
And Natasha has becomehis better half.
Oops! It’s so old-fashioned.
Why are you teasing my children? Come, Natasha.
Shikha, take daughter-in-law to the room.
– Come in.
Let’s make arrangements.
Meanwhile, daughter-in-law will go and change.
Today hit a six.
– Quiet.
Talking nonsense.
Hit a six.
Am I going to play cricket? Come on.
Eat something.
– Come on.
Madam, best of luck.
You are feeling so coy.
I will leave now.
Or else I will feel coy.
All the best.
Okay, aunt.
I will leave now.
So soon.
– Goodbye, uncle.
– Bye, Vivaan.
Yes, dad? Lala had lent 4 crores.
He is still after me.
He was saying to repay all the money.
Or else he will come homeand throw everybody out.
Throw us out? What do you mean throw us out? What do we have left to give him? We have already given him everything.
As it is, I am quite tense.
I cannot take more stress.
Do what I say.
Vivaan…is everything fine? It’s nothing.
Vivaan, what happened? Tell me.
– I said nothing.
But Vivaan, why are you behaving like that? That too tonight.
Natasha, look.
I am a little tired.
I will alleviate your tiredness.
Natasha, please.
Just go.
Leave me alone for some time.
Tell me the truth.
What happened? Tell me, Vivaan.
What happened? Vivaan, tell me the truth.
– Natasha, I said it’s nothing.
I said I am tired.
I am tired.
Will you understandwhen I will give you in writing? Look.
Please go to sleep.
And leave me alone for some time.
Go away, Vivaan.
I am tired.
Oh God! Let me see.
Let me see.
So much of anger.
That too tonight.
You look cuter when you are angry.
I fold my hands.
I hold my ears.
I was just trying to tease you.
You got upset.
I won.
Why do you do that?- Okay.
– I am your husband.
Should you beat your husbandon this night? Natasha.
Will you keep beating methe whole night? Or will you love me too? I love you too, Vivaan.
Here, son.
The pudding is delicious.
God bless you.
Okay, daughter-in-law.
You have to go toyour maternal home.
for the post-marriage ritual.
– Vivaan.
Finish the pudding andtake daughter-in-law to her house.
I will just come.
Son, we need a lot of money.
Leave that to me.
Your maternal home is here.
At what time will you comein the evening? At whatever time you say.
Come by dinnertime.
As you say, madam.
– Shall I leave? Okay.
Okay, Natasha.
– What? I don’t understand how to say it.
It’s a little embarrassing.
What happened, Vivaan? Natasha, you know that we havestarted a new business.
I need 60 lakhs for expansion.
60 lakhs.
It’s embarrassing.
But I was thinking.
if you could ask your dad.
Just this one time.
As a loan.
I will repay it.
Vivaan! Don’t worry.
Your work will be done.
Just return early in the evening.
– Fine? I love you.
– Bye.
Check who is it.
– Natasha.
How are you? Good.
How are you? I am fine.
– How are you, dear? I am fine.
Where is Vivaan? Didn’t he come? Actually, Vivaan has gonefor some business work.
He will come by evening.
We will have dinner together.
Papa, I wanted to talkto you urgently.
Tell me, dear.
I want to borrow 60 lakhs from you.
60 lakhs.
Why? Vivaan wants it for his business.
He will repay it soon.
How much more money do they want? I am tired of giving them money.
What do you mean? Yes, dear.
Brother, will you please come for a moment? Okay.
– You also come, sister-in-law.
You also come.
What happened? Is everything fine? Things could be fine.
And things will remain fine too.
If you give me 4 crorestomorrow before the marriage.
So that there is no obstaclein the marriage.
You are demanding dowry.
Not dowry.
It’s for your daughter.
Right, Suman?- Yes.
Brother, I don’t have any problemin giving you money.
But I have already given you3 crores.
For my daughter.
So give some more.
The money will cometo your daughter’s use.
Another thing, brother.
Don’t tell Vivaan anything.
She is your only daughter.
This is the least you can do for her.
Vivaan’s call.
At this hour? Not Vivaan.
It must beyour darling daughter’s call.
She must be missing her papa.
Answer it.
Yes, Vivaan.
Tell me.
Uncle, I have called to talkabout something important.
What happened? Is everything fine? Yes.
Everything is fine.
And it will be fine too.
Just transfer 2 croresin my account quickly.
– Yes.
You see, I will accept your daughter.
only when I get the moneyin my account.
Son, you said you peopledon’t believe in dowry.
But I have alreadygiven you people 7 crores.
I mean, papa.
I am not asking for dowry.
You are the bride’s father.
We are the groom’s family.
It’s our graciousness that we didn’tdemand anything from you.
That doesn’t meanyou won’t give anything.
Look, God has also given youso much.
Where will you take it? Son, you are demanding dowry.
although you are sayingyou don’t want dowry.
You can think whatever you want.
I leave it to you.
But yes, remember one thing.
I will accept your daughteronly when.
I get the money in my account.
Listen to me.
Vivaan! Vivaan! Vivaan, I have transferred the money.
So much has happened.
And nobody told me anything.
At least you could have told me.
I was helpless.
They had forbidden me.
What could I do? Hi, baby.
Did you arrange for money? How much more money do you want? You took dowry from my parents.
What are you saying?Dowry and me? Never.
It’s the duty of the girl’s parents.
Your parents are fulfilling that duty.
Great, Vivaan!Don’t you feel ashamed to say this? You won’t get any more money.
Did you understand? I understood.
Do one thing.
You also stay there.
Because without money, I don’t need you.
What do you mean?What are you saying, Vivaan? I mean, I will come to take you only.
when you keep the money ready.
Is money so important for you? Yes, baby.
Money is the most important thing.
If no money, then I don’t need you too.
If you want to come home, bring the money.
What happened, dear?What did Vivaan say? Mama, Vivaan said that if I want tocome to my in-law’s house.
I should bring money.
No problem, dear.
Whatever is there is yours.
It’s yours today.
And even after our death it’s yours.
Mama, it’s not that.
Whatever is happening is wrong.
Dear, no problem.
As long as your father is alive.
I won’t let you cry.
Don’t worry.
I will give money.
As it is, dear, all this is yours.
No, papa.
I cannot believe thatI loved Vivaan so much.
Dear, we also cannot believe it.
‘I do know that my decision to sayyes to Vivaan is not wrong.
’ Yes, papa.
Vivaan, I have transferred the money.
Wow! Amazing, papa! Stay there.
I will come immediatelyto take Natasha home.
Okay? Hello, uncle and aunt.
Oops! Now there is a relation between us.
Mom and dad.
How are you?Sit.
Why did you stand up? Fine.
If you have stood up, embrace your son-in-law.
Natasha is not to be seen.
Where is she? Do you know?Today I have cracked a big deal.
A business deal.
So I want to take Natasha outfor dinner.
She is in her room.
In her room? Why didn’t you tell me before?I will go and see.
Thank you so much.
For takingsuch good care of my wife.
Natasha, take your parents’ blessing.
Bless you, son.
May God always keep you happy! May both of you always betogether, dear! Take care.
Shall we go? Bye.
Why are you not talking to me? Are you innocent?Or are you trying to feign innocence? You took dowry from my parents.
Moreover, you are asking mewhy I am not talking to you.
Don’t you understandwhy I don’t want to talk to you? What happened? Great, mom! You are behaving likeyou don’t know anything.
Why are you making amountain out of a molehill? Is this a trivial matter, Vivaan? I detest you.
I loved and married aderogatory man like you.
You don’t know the meaning of love.
You can only chase money.
Why do you say that, baby? Don’t touch me.
I do understand love.
Love for money.
That’s why I married you.
Because now you are our locker.
We can take as much money aswe want and whenever we want.
I still have to extract moremoney from you, darling.
You got fed up so soon.
Don’t even expectthat you will get any more money.
from my family or me, Vivaan.
You are talking too much.
Why are you looking at Vivaan?Look at me.
I will show you.
I will show you.
You won’t bring money.
You are your parents’darling daughter.
You are refusing to bring money.
I will make your plightsuch that you will think.
ten times before refusing.
Will you refuse? Will you refuse? Come on.
I will teach you a lesson.
Come inside.
It’s said that marriage is asacred bond that unites two souls.
This relation isn’t betweenonly two people.
But it unites two families.
But it’s so sad thatthis sacred bond.
is defiled in the name of dowry.
In this new episode of‘Crime Alert’.
you will seehow people like Vivaan.
marry someone’s daughter only.
to satisfy their greed for money.
Will Natasha be able to stopthis series of dowry? Will she be able to confrontVivaan’s evil intentions? Let’s watch.
Vivaan, leave me.
I think you are forgettingthat I am your husband.
A husband hasother duties too, Vivaan.
First fulfill them.
Did you stop your motherfrom beating me? Had you done that, I would have believed it.
You are talking too much.
Will you argue with me? Vivaan, it’s hurting.
Queen! Get up! Get up! Who will do the household chores?Your father? Mom, there are maids.
There are maids.
I have sacked the maids.
Because I cannot afford to pay them.
You will have to do the chores.
Come on.
Get up.
What, man?Do you think I am a beggar? You are making paymentlittle by little.
Give me some more time.
I will repay all your moneyin a week’s time.
I promise you.
Will I have to ask for tea?I am sitting since a long time.
You can see, can’t you? Give me tea.
Okay, listen.
Call up your dad.
And tell him that I want5 crores in five days.
5 crores.
Didn’t you hear what I am saying? Natasha, I am talking to you.
Call up your father now.
Did you hear? I won’t.
Stop! Where are you going, queen? If you don’t bring moneyfrom your father.
this will be your plight everyday.
Did you understand? Get lost.
Hey! Where are you going, daughter-in-law? To cook food.
Oh! To cook food.
You must be tired of working.
Right? Don’t prepare food today.
I have brought food for you.
And today, I will feed you with my hands.
Right, Vivaan?- Of course.
I have also got something for you.
See this.
Time to use this.
Get ready.
Vivaan, no! Vivaan! Don’t do that! Please, Vivaan!Vivaan! Vivaan, don’t do that.
Vivaan! Please, Vivaan! I beg of you.
Vivaan, please stop it.
– Tie her tightly.
No, Vivaan.
Please don’t do that.
Quiet! You won’t bring moneyfrom your father? Tie her tightly.
Vivaan, please don’t do that.
Now I will feed you, daughter-in-law.
Look, daughter-in-law.
You like tasty, spicy food.
– No.
It’s for you.
– Vivaan, please! No! Mother, no! Mother, no! Please! No! No! Mother, no!No! No! A little.
A little.
Vivaan, she is not eating.
Vivaan, give her water.
– Vivaan, give her water.
Vivaan, please give me water.
– Yes.
Now die thirsty.
Did you understand? Unless you bring moneyfrom your father.
we will keep treating youlike that.
Enough, son.
It’s enough for today.
Vivaan! Queen! Get up! Time to do household chores.
Who will do it? Your father? Come on.
Come on.
Where did my phone go? Hello, aunt.
Shikha, how are you? Come.
Look, we were about to have lunch.
– Come and eat with us.
What has happened to you, Natasha? Why are you behavinglike that with me? You are aggravating trivial matters.
Should you get upset like that? Everything might be trivial for you, Vivaan.
But for me it’s a serious matter.
I don’t even want to see your face.
I am apologizing with folded hands.
If I have made a mistake, please forgive me.
I can never forgive you.
Natasha, please.
Natasha! Good you came.
I wanted to talk to you.
See how Vivaan is behaving with me.
All of them are torturing me.
I don’t want to stay with them.
Please take me with you.
Please save me.
There is chili in this.
I don’t want to eat this.
What has happened to you, Natasha? Why are you talking rubbish? There is no chili in this.
Shikha, explain to her.
I will check.
Okay? Try to understand.
I am speaking the truth.
– Hold on.
Hold on.
I told you.
I told you.
It’s chili.
Natasha, come to your senses.
It’s pudding.
What drama is this? I saw it myself.
You will have to changeyour attitude.
The problem lies in you.
Henceforth don’t call mefor this nonsense.
Shikha, you don’t believe me.
Do one thing.
Call up my papa and ask him.
– Call up dad.
Call him up.
– Shikha, call him up.
I will call up uncle.
Okay? Hello, uncle.
– Hello, Shikha.
Is Natasha fine? I mean, is there any problemin her in-law’s house? Yes, Shikha.
There is no problem.
Who told you? She is quite happyin her in-law’s house.
Don’t believe Natasha.
She must have fought with Vivaan.
Natasha is very happyin her in-law’s house.
Are you assured? Bye.
Shikha, listen to me.
But your daringis increasing day by day.
It’s good that I called upyour father.
I threatened him.
Otherwise today you wouldhave exposed us in front of Shikha.
Now speak up.
Will you give money or not? Tell me.
– Vivaan! I am asking you something.
Will you bring money or not? You will have to bring money.
Unless she brings money, starve her.
And beat her day and night.
Vivaan! My bro, how are you?- How are you, bro? Don’t ask, man.
Vivaan, where is your wife?She isn’t to be seen.
She is inside.
– Your life is set.
A beautiful house.
A beautiful wife.
And loads of money.
You are having all fun.
Look at us.
Unlike him we cannot do itanywhere, anytime.
What enjoyment? And what wife? I have to force her.
She doesn’t bring money.
How will she not bring it? I will definitely take money.
Either from her or her father.
I will torture her a lot.
People like Vivaancan go to any extent.
And they can cross any limit.
But more than Vivaan and his family.
Natasha’s parents wereresponsible for Natasha’s plight.
They provided educationto their daughter.
And gave her a good upbringing.
But they couldn’t changetheir thinking.
Will Natasha be able toget out of this hell? Natasha, I want tea.
Make tea.
I am talking to you.
Listen! Mom! Dad! What happened? Mom, Natasha is not waking up.
What has happened to her? Natasha.
I think she has fainted.
Fainted? Son, call the doctor quickly.
All okay, doctor? Congrats.
Your daughter-in-law is pregnant.
Call up your father-in-law.
Won’t you give him this good news? Everybody knows the truth.
No need to lie to them.
Look, Vivaan.
We know the truth.
And you also know it quite well.
I beg of you.
Accept the child.
Dad, you see, in today’s times.
nobody does anything for free.
I can accept the child.
But at a price.
Papa, this time you won’tgive him more money.
And I won’t stay here now.
I will come with you.
He is not going to change.
Let’s go, papa.
No, dear.
You cannot come with us.
Why? Why can’t I come? Because now this is your home.
Your in-law’s house.
A woman has to stay thereall her life.
If we take you from here today.
what will society say? Since 5 months we have beentorturing her a lot.
We have been beating her so much.
But we have beenunable to extract money.
She is not even asking moneyfrom her dad.
What do we do now? Do one thing, son.
Take her to the doctor.
And find out whethershe is carrying a girl or a boy.
Then we will think how toextract money from her father.
Right? You are right.
Come here.
What happened? We have to go to the doctor.
But I didn’t take any appointment.
You don’t need an appointmentfor this doctor.
We are going to find out whether.
you are carrying a girl or a boy.
But it’s wrong.
We will find outwhen the child will be born.
Don’t tell mewhat’s right and what’s wrong.
Stop arguing with me.
And come.
Vivaan! Vivaan, listen to me.
Vivaan! They have still not returned.
You have come.
What’s the news? It’s a girl.
Wow! That’s great news, son.
You have pleased me.
Son, give the newsto the child’s grandparents quickly.
We want to share this joy with them.
Daughter-in-law, you have pleased me.
Goddess of wealth iscoming to our house.
Forget whatever happened.
Now whatever happens will be good.
‘Maybe they will reformbecause of the child.
’ ‘As it is, grandchildren aredearer than daughter-in-law.
’ ‘Maybe my daughter will reform them.
’ It’s great news.
Goddess of wealth iscoming to our house.
Congrats to you.
You will have a granddaughter.
You will definitely giveone or two bungalows.
Why are you looking at me like that? We are not asking it for you.
It’s for your child.
It’s grandparents’ duty.
Right, Satish? Yes.
Permit us.
No need to do anything.
You didn’t do anythingto get me out of this hell.
Don’t do anything for my daughter.
I don’t need your money.
And my daughter also doesn’t need it.
Dear, try to understand.
Dear, listen to me.
Tell me.
Will you ask money from him? With this knife I will.
– Vivaan, no! No! No!- .
kill you and your child.
Vivaan, no.
– If I stab you, .
your child will also diealong with you.
If not yourself, at least think about your child.
Vivaan, take it away.
Vivaan, please.
Take it away.
Vivaan, no.
– Leave it, son.
So what if she doesn’t bring moneyfrom her father? Her daughter will bring moneyfor us.
‘So what if she doesn’t bring moneyfrom her father?’ ‘Her daughter will bring moneyfor us.
’ I won’t let all this happen with you.
Whatever is happening with me.
I cannot let that happen with you.
No, my child.
If anyone touches you.
I cannot let that happen.
No, my princess.
I am doing all this for you.
I don’t have any other optionto save you.
Now nobody will harass us.
We will build a new world.
Yours and mine.
Here is our Natasha.
Our Natasha has come back.
Natasha’s child was saved.
Now she stays with hermaternal grandparents.
But will anyone be able tofill her mother’s void? Will we change our mentalityand raise a voice against dowry? Or will we see every girldie like that? Our silence encourages such crimes.
Our daughters have to endure alot of torture in the name of dowry.
We request all daughters and sisters.
Please stop this atrocitythat is being committed on you.
Or else just like Natashayour silence will kill you some day.
It’s not just girls’ fault.
Their parents are to beblamed more than them.
They keep fulfilling dowry demands.
Each year so many womenbecome its victim.
And they lose their lives.
If you see anyone committingatrocity for dowry.
inform the nearestpolice station immediately.
And help the societyend this social evil.
With this, I, Girish Jain, bid you farewell.
in this episode of ‘Crime Alert’.
I will be back to alert youabout another crime.
Till then, be alert, be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against crime.
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India Alert.
Voice against crime.
I won’t let all this happen with you.
Whatever is happening with me.
I cannot let that happen with you.
No, my child.
If anyone touches you.
I cannot let that happen.
No, my princess.
I am doing all this for you.
I don’t have any otheroption to save you.
Now nobody will harass us.
We will build a new world.
Yours and mine.
Shall we start the engagement ritual? Huh?- Come.
Shall we go?- Come on.
– Come, kids.
You are so lucky.
You are marrying the girl you love.
Look at both of us.
Nobody gives us the least attention.
It’s not about luck, bro.
I had to toil really hard to win her.
Do you know? Yes.
That is true.
But he troubled me so much thatI had to agree in the end.
Oh! Is that so? I troubled you? – Yes.
Me? Shall I show you?I troubled you.
I troubled you.
Of course.
She harassed me to no end.
She drove me crazy.
Shall I say yes or no? But yes, I do know that my decision.
to say yes to Vivaan is not wrong.
How cute! Sit.
– Congrats.
Congrats to you too.
It’s great, brother.
All functions went smoothly.
Once tomorrow’s functiongoes smoothly.
we will be relaxed.
Look at this.
Tomorrow’s functionis the main function.
Our children are going tounite forever.
Tomorrow’s functionshould be the best.
You are right, sister-in-law.
Tomorrow’s function will be the best.
Why not?It’s for our children’s happiness.
Excuse me, brother.
– Yes.
Why did you call me?I told you that I will call you.
When you wanted money, you would call me so many times.
And now, you aren’t evenanswering my calls.
Tell me.
When are yougoing to return my money? Look.
It’s my son’s marriage.
Wait for some time.
Spend less moneyat your son’s marriage.
And with the money you save, repay your loan.
Did you understand? Or else yourfactory and your house will be seized.
I told you.
Let my son’s marriage take place.
I will repay your money.
So I will repay it.
I will do one thing.
I will stop the marriage.
Your son will marry onlyafter you repay my money.
Or else I will tellyour truth to everyone.
Did you understand? Hello.
Our buddy has now become a husband.
And Natasha has becomehis better half.
Oops! It’s so old-fashioned.
Why are you teasing my children? Come, Natasha.
Shikha, take daughter-in-law to the room.
– Come in.
Let’s make arrangements.
Meanwhile, daughter-in-law will go and change.
Today hit a six.
– Quiet.
Talking nonsense.
Hit a six.
Am I going to play cricket? Come on.
Eat something.
– Come on.
Madam, best of luck.
You are feeling so coy.
I will leave now.
Or else I will feel coy.
All the best.
Okay, aunt.
I will leave now.
So soon.
– Goodbye, uncle.
– Bye, Vivaan.
Yes, dad? Lala had lent 4 crores.
He is still after me.
He was saying to repay all the money.
Or else he will come homeand throw everybody out.
Throw us out? What do you mean throw us out? What do we have left to give him? We have already given him everything.
As it is, I am quite tense.
I cannot take more stress.
Do what I say.
Vivaan…is everything fine? It’s nothing.
Vivaan, what happened? Tell me.
– I said nothing.
But Vivaan, why are you behaving like that? That too tonight.
Natasha, look.
I am a little tired.
I will alleviate your tiredness.
Natasha, please.
Just go.
Leave me alone for some time.
Tell me the truth.
What happened? Tell me, Vivaan.
What happened? Vivaan, tell me the truth.
– Natasha, I said it’s nothing.
I said I am tired.
I am tired.
Will you understandwhen I will give you in writing? Look.
Please go to sleep.
And leave me alone for some time.
Go away, Vivaan.
I am tired.
Oh God! Let me see.
Let me see.
So much of anger.
That too tonight.
You look cuter when you are angry.
I fold my hands.
I hold my ears.
I was just trying to tease you.
You got upset.
I won.
Why do you do that?- Okay.
– I am your husband.
Should you beat your husbandon this night? Natasha.
Will you keep beating methe whole night? Or will you love me too? I love you too, Vivaan.
Here, son.
The pudding is delicious.
God bless you.
Okay, daughter-in-law.
You have to go toyour maternal home.
for the post-marriage ritual.
– Vivaan.
Finish the pudding andtake daughter-in-law to her house.
I will just come.
Son, we need a lot of money.
Leave that to me.
Your maternal home is here.
At what time will you comein the evening? At whatever time you say.
Come by dinnertime.
As you say, madam.
– Shall I leave? Okay.
Okay, Natasha.
– What? I don’t understand how to say it.
It’s a little embarrassing.
What happened, Vivaan? Natasha, you know that we havestarted a new business.
I need 60 lakhs for expansion.
60 lakhs.
It’s embarrassing.
But I was thinking.
if you could ask your dad.
Just this one time.
As a loan.
I will repay it.
Vivaan! Don’t worry.
Your work will be done.
Just return early in the evening.
– Fine? I love you.
– Bye.
Check who is it.
– Natasha.
How are you? Good.
How are you? I am fine.
– How are you, dear? I am fine.
Where is Vivaan? Didn’t he come? Actually, Vivaan has gonefor some business work.
He will come by evening.
We will have dinner together.
Papa, I wanted to talkto you urgently.
Tell me, dear.
I want to borrow 60 lakhs from you.
60 lakhs.
Why? Vivaan wants it for his business.
He will repay it soon.
How much more money do they want? I am tired of giving them money.
What do you mean? Yes, dear.
Brother, will you please come for a moment? Okay.
– You also come, sister-in-law.
You also come.
What happened? Is everything fine? Things could be fine.
And things will remain fine too.
If you give me 4 crorestomorrow before the marriage.
So that there is no obstaclein the marriage.
You are demanding dowry.
Not dowry.
It’s for your daughter.
Right, Suman?- Yes.
Brother, I don’t have any problemin giving you money.
But I have already given you3 crores.
For my daughter.
So give some more.
The money will cometo your daughter’s use.
Another thing, brother.
Don’t tell Vivaan anything.
She is your only daughter.
This is the least you can do for her.
Vivaan’s call.
At this hour? Not Vivaan.
It must beyour darling daughter’s call.
She must be missing her papa.
Answer it.
Yes, Vivaan.
Tell me.
Uncle, I have called to talkabout something important.
What happened? Is everything fine? Yes.
Everything is fine.
And it will be fine too.
Just transfer 2 croresin my account quickly.
– Yes.
You see, I will accept your daughter.
only when I get the moneyin my account.
Son, you said you peopledon’t believe in dowry.
But I have alreadygiven you people 7 crores.
I mean, papa.
I am not asking for dowry.
You are the bride’s father.
We are the groom’s family.
It’s our graciousness that we didn’tdemand anything from you.
That doesn’t meanyou won’t give anything.
Look, God has also given youso much.
Where will you take it? Son, you are demanding dowry.
although you are sayingyou don’t want dowry.
You can think whatever you want.
I leave it to you.
But yes, remember one thing.
I will accept your daughteronly when.
I get the money in my account.
Listen to me.
Vivaan! Vivaan! Vivaan, I have transferred the money.
So much has happened.
And nobody told me anything.
At least you could have told me.
I was helpless.
They had forbidden me.
What could I do? Hi, baby.
Did you arrange for money? How much more money do you want? You took dowry from my parents.
What are you saying?Dowry and me? Never.
It’s the duty of the girl’s parents.
Your parents are fulfilling that duty.
Great, Vivaan!Don’t you feel ashamed to say this? You won’t get any more money.
Did you understand? I understood.
Do one thing.
You also stay there.
Because without money, I don’t need you.
What do you mean?What are you saying, Vivaan? I mean, I will come to take you only.
when you keep the money ready.
Is money so important for you? Yes, baby.
Money is the most important thing.
If no money, then I don’t need you too.
If you want to come home, bring the money.
What happened, dear?What did Vivaan say? Mama, Vivaan said that if I want tocome to my in-law’s house.
I should bring money.
No problem, dear.
Whatever is there is yours.
It’s yours today.
And even after our death it’s yours.
Mama, it’s not that.
Whatever is happening is wrong.
Dear, no problem.
As long as your father is alive.
I won’t let you cry.
Don’t worry.
I will give money.
As it is, dear, all this is yours.
No, papa.
I cannot believe thatI loved Vivaan so much.
Dear, we also cannot believe it.
‘I do know that my decision to sayyes to Vivaan is not wrong.
’ Yes, papa.
Vivaan, I have transferred the money.
Wow! Amazing, papa! Stay there.
I will come immediatelyto take Natasha home.
Okay? Hello, uncle and aunt.
Oops! Now there is a relation between us.
Mom and dad.
How are you?Sit.
Why did you stand up? Fine.
If you have stood up, embrace your son-in-law.
Natasha is not to be seen.
Where is she? Do you know?Today I have cracked a big deal.
A business deal.
So I want to take Natasha outfor dinner.
She is in her room.
In her room? Why didn’t you tell me before?I will go and see.
Thank you so much.
For takingsuch good care of my wife.
Natasha, take your parents’ blessing.
Bless you, son.
May God always keep you happy! May both of you always betogether, dear! Take care.
Shall we go? Bye.
Why are you not talking to me? Are you innocent?Or are you trying to feign innocence? You took dowry from my parents.
Moreover, you are asking mewhy I am not talking to you.
Don’t you understandwhy I don’t want to talk to you? What happened? Great, mom! You are behaving likeyou don’t know anything.
Why are you making amountain out of a molehill? Is this a trivial matter, Vivaan? I detest you.
I loved and married aderogatory man like you.
You don’t know the meaning of love.
You can only chase money.
Why do you say that, baby? Don’t touch me.
I do understand love.
Love for money.
That’s why I married you.
Because now you are our locker.
We can take as much money aswe want and whenever we want.
I still have to extract moremoney from you, darling.
You got fed up so soon.
Don’t even expectthat you will get any more money.
from my family or me, Vivaan.
You are talking too much.
Why are you looking at Vivaan?Look at me.
I will show you.
I will show you.
You won’t bring money.
You are your parents’darling daughter.
You are refusing to bring money.
I will make your plightsuch that you will think.
ten times before refusing.
Will you refuse? Will you refuse? Come on.
I will teach you a lesson.
Come inside.
It’s said that marriage is asacred bond that unites two souls.
This relation isn’t betweenonly two people.
But it unites two families.
But it’s so sad thatthis sacred bond.
is defiled in the name of dowry.
In this new episode of‘Crime Alert’.
you will seehow people like Vivaan.
marry someone’s daughter only.
to satisfy their greed for money.
Will Natasha be able to stopthis series of dowry? Will she be able to confrontVivaan’s evil intentions? Let’s watch.
Vivaan, leave me.
I think you are forgettingthat I am your husband.
A husband hasother duties too, Vivaan.
First fulfill them.
Did you stop your motherfrom beating me? Had you done that, I would have believed it.
You are talking too much.
Will you argue with me? Vivaan, it’s hurting.
Queen! Get up! Get up! Who will do the household chores?Your father? Mom, there are maids.
There are maids.
I have sacked the maids.
Because I cannot afford to pay them.
You will have to do the chores.
Come on.
Get up.
What, man?Do you think I am a beggar? You are making paymentlittle by little.
Give me some more time.
I will repay all your moneyin a week’s time.
I promise you.
Will I have to ask for tea?I am sitting since a long time.
You can see, can’t you? Give me tea.
Okay, listen.
Call up your dad.
And tell him that I want5 crores in five days.
5 crores.
Didn’t you hear what I am saying? Natasha, I am talking to you.
Call up your father now.
Did you hear? I won’t.
Stop! Where are you going, queen? If you don’t bring moneyfrom your father.
this will be your plight everyday.
Did you understand? Get lost.
Hey! Where are you going, daughter-in-law? To cook food.
Oh! To cook food.
You must be tired of working.
Right? Don’t prepare food today.
I have brought food for you.
And today, I will feed you with my hands.
Right, Vivaan?- Of course.
I have also got something for you.
See this.
Time to use this.
Get ready.
Vivaan, no! Vivaan! Don’t do that! Please, Vivaan!Vivaan! Vivaan, don’t do that.
Vivaan! Please, Vivaan! I beg of you.
Vivaan, please stop it.
– Tie her tightly.
No, Vivaan.
Please don’t do that.
Quiet! You won’t bring moneyfrom your father? Tie her tightly.
Vivaan, please don’t do that.
Now I will feed you, daughter-in-law.
Look, daughter-in-law.
You like tasty, spicy food.
– No.
It’s for you.
– Vivaan, please! No! Mother, no! Mother, no! Please! No! No! Mother, no!No! No! A little.
A little.
Vivaan, she is not eating.
Vivaan, give her water.
– Vivaan, give her water.
Vivaan, please give me water.
– Yes.
Now die thirsty.
Did you understand? Unless you bring moneyfrom your father.
we will keep treating youlike that.
Enough, son.
It’s enough for today.
Vivaan! Queen! Get up! Time to do household chores.
Who will do it? Your father? Come on.
Come on.
Where did my phone go? Hello, aunt.
Shikha, how are you? Come.
Look, we were about to have lunch.
– Come and eat with us.
What has happened to you, Natasha? Why are you behavinglike that with me? You are aggravating trivial matters.
Should you get upset like that? Everything might be trivial for you, Vivaan.
But for me it’s a serious matter.
I don’t even want to see your face.
I am apologizing with folded hands.
If I have made a mistake, please forgive me.
I can never forgive you.
Natasha, please.
Natasha! Good you came.
I wanted to talk to you.
See how Vivaan is behaving with me.
All of them are torturing me.
I don’t want to stay with them.
Please take me with you.
Please save me.
There is chili in this.
I don’t want to eat this.
What has happened to you, Natasha? Why are you talking rubbish? There is no chili in this.
Shikha, explain to her.
I will check.
Okay? Try to understand.
I am speaking the truth.
– Hold on.
Hold on.
I told you.
I told you.
It’s chili.
Natasha, come to your senses.
It’s pudding.
What drama is this? I saw it myself.
You will have to changeyour attitude.
The problem lies in you.
Henceforth don’t call mefor this nonsense.
Shikha, you don’t believe me.
Do one thing.
Call up my papa and ask him.
– Call up dad.
Call him up.
– Shikha, call him up.
I will call up uncle.
Okay? Hello, uncle.
– Hello, Shikha.
Is Natasha fine? I mean, is there any problemin her in-law’s house? Yes, Shikha.
There is no problem.
Who told you? She is quite happyin her in-law’s house.
Don’t believe Natasha.
She must have fought with Vivaan.
Natasha is very happyin her in-law’s house.
Are you assured? Bye.
Shikha, listen to me.
But your daringis increasing day by day.
It’s good that I called upyour father.
I threatened him.
Otherwise today you wouldhave exposed us in front of Shikha.
Now speak up.
Will you give money or not? Tell me.
– Vivaan! I am asking you something.
Will you bring money or not? You will have to bring money.
Unless she brings money, starve her.
And beat her day and night.
Vivaan! My bro, how are you?- How are you, bro? Don’t ask, man.
Vivaan, where is your wife?She isn’t to be seen.
She is inside.
– Your life is set.
A beautiful house.
A beautiful wife.
And loads of money.
You are having all fun.
Look at us.
Unlike him we cannot do itanywhere, anytime.
What enjoyment? And what wife? I have to force her.
She doesn’t bring money.
How will she not bring it? I will definitely take money.
Either from her or her father.
I will torture her a lot.
People like Vivaancan go to any extent.
And they can cross any limit.
But more than Vivaan and his family.
Natasha’s parents wereresponsible for Natasha’s plight.
They provided educationto their daughter.
And gave her a good upbringing.
But they couldn’t changetheir thinking.
Will Natasha be able toget out of this hell? Natasha, I want tea.
Make tea.
I am talking to you.
Listen! Mom! Dad! What happened? Mom, Natasha is not waking up.
What has happened to her? Natasha.
I think she has fainted.
Fainted? Son, call the doctor quickly.
All okay, doctor? Congrats.
Your daughter-in-law is pregnant.
Call up your father-in-law.
Won’t you give him this good news? Everybody knows the truth.
No need to lie to them.
Look, Vivaan.
We know the truth.
And you also know it quite well.
I beg of you.
Accept the child.
Dad, you see, in today’s times.
nobody does anything for free.
I can accept the child.
But at a price.
Papa, this time you won’tgive him more money.
And I won’t stay here now.
I will come with you.
He is not going to change.
Let’s go, papa.
No, dear.
You cannot come with us.
Why? Why can’t I come? Because now this is your home.
Your in-law’s house.
A woman has to stay thereall her life.
If we take you from here today.
what will society say? Since 5 months we have beentorturing her a lot.
We have been beating her so much.
But we have beenunable to extract money.
She is not even asking moneyfrom her dad.
What do we do now? Do one thing, son.
Take her to the doctor.
And find out whethershe is carrying a girl or a boy.
Then we will think how toextract money from her father.
Right? You are right.
Come here.
What happened? We have to go to the doctor.
But I didn’t take any appointment.
You don’t need an appointmentfor this doctor.
We are going to find out whether.
you are carrying a girl or a boy.
But it’s wrong.
We will find outwhen the child will be born.
Don’t tell mewhat’s right and what’s wrong.
Stop arguing with me.
And come.
Vivaan! Vivaan, listen to me.
Vivaan! They have still not returned.
You have come.
What’s the news? It’s a girl.
Wow! That’s great news, son.
You have pleased me.
Son, give the newsto the child’s grandparents quickly.
We want to share this joy with them.
Daughter-in-law, you have pleased me.
Goddess of wealth iscoming to our house.
Forget whatever happened.
Now whatever happens will be good.
‘Maybe they will reformbecause of the child.
’ ‘As it is, grandchildren aredearer than daughter-in-law.
’ ‘Maybe my daughter will reform them.
’ It’s great news.
Goddess of wealth iscoming to our house.
Congrats to you.
You will have a granddaughter.
You will definitely giveone or two bungalows.
Why are you looking at me like that? We are not asking it for you.
It’s for your child.
It’s grandparents’ duty.
Right, Satish? Yes.
Permit us.
No need to do anything.
You didn’t do anythingto get me out of this hell.
Don’t do anything for my daughter.
I don’t need your money.
And my daughter also doesn’t need it.
Dear, try to understand.
Dear, listen to me.
Tell me.
Will you ask money from him? With this knife I will.
– Vivaan, no! No! No!- .
kill you and your child.
Vivaan, no.
– If I stab you, .
your child will also diealong with you.
If not yourself, at least think about your child.
Vivaan, take it away.
Vivaan, please.
Take it away.
Vivaan, no.
– Leave it, son.
So what if she doesn’t bring moneyfrom her father? Her daughter will bring moneyfor us.
‘So what if she doesn’t bring moneyfrom her father?’ ‘Her daughter will bring moneyfor us.
’ I won’t let all this happen with you.
Whatever is happening with me.
I cannot let that happen with you.
No, my child.
If anyone touches you.
I cannot let that happen.
No, my princess.
I am doing all this for you.
I don’t have any other optionto save you.
Now nobody will harass us.
We will build a new world.
Yours and mine.
Here is our Natasha.
Our Natasha has come back.
Natasha’s child was saved.
Now she stays with hermaternal grandparents.
But will anyone be able tofill her mother’s void? Will we change our mentalityand raise a voice against dowry? Or will we see every girldie like that? Our silence encourages such crimes.
Our daughters have to endure alot of torture in the name of dowry.
We request all daughters and sisters.
Please stop this atrocitythat is being committed on you.
Or else just like Natashayour silence will kill you some day.
It’s not just girls’ fault.
Their parents are to beblamed more than them.
They keep fulfilling dowry demands.
Each year so many womenbecome its victim.
And they lose their lives.
If you see anyone committingatrocity for dowry.
inform the nearestpolice station immediately.
And help the societyend this social evil.
With this, I, Girish Jain, bid you farewell.
in this episode of ‘Crime Alert’.
I will be back to alert youabout another crime.
Till then, be alert, be safe.
Crime Alert.
Voice against crime.
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