#nobody who is reading lemon boy look at my no. 3 post!!! Spoilers!!!!
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I posted 1,290 times in 2022
That's 1,290 more posts than 2021!
59 posts created (5%)
1,231 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 307 of my posts in 2022
#harley keener - 77 posts
#parkner - 74 posts
#peter parker - 68 posts
#sswrites - 55 posts
#parley - 47 posts
#new chapter! - 37 posts
#lemon boy - 35 posts
#keenker - 29 posts
#harley keener/peter parker - 25 posts
#ask games - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#he accidentally made a name for himself so they injected him with a serum that gave him powers and then the 2n2nd battle with thanos happen
My Top Posts in 2022:
I cannot for the life of me find the original post where I talked about it but I went to the ren faire today and am having big feelings about this plot bunny that's been in my notes for over a year
Peter works a kid craft station in the area FEAST is running. May comes and goes as she manages everything in their section. Peter is always covered in glue, glitter, and sequins and wears a flower crown bc they're in the fairy forest
Harley roleplays as a woodcrafter who wanders around giving directions and stuff. He whittles all day so he smells like sawdust and has little cuts and scrapes on his calloused hands. He gives away the little wooden trinkets he whittles, but the last one of the day always ends up in the fae prince's hands, usually given to him by a wide-eyed kid who was promised an extra special fairy craft if they delivered it.
32 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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It’s the song that does it. The stupid song about the wrong MJ.
Overnight Michelle’s email is flooded with messages from fans demanding to know if she’s the MJ that the The Mary Janes wrote the song about. She’s not. She was four years behind Gwen Stacy at Midtown Tech and as far as she knows they never crossed paths. Besides, why would a senior have a secret unrequited crush on a freshman? Wouldn’t it be the other way around? It’s probably just a publicity stunt to get The Gays(TM) to listen to their dumb band. It’s fake and she doesn’t need a half hour time slot on her true conspiracy podcast to prove it.
She just wishes she wasn’t caught in the crossfire. She wishes the yearning ache of that song hadn’t made her think, made her wonder what she was missing out on. She wishes it hadn’t made her realize that marrying her high school sweetheart and settling for a life of more of the same was a mistake.
OR: The one where Michelle makes some hard choices that lead to her moving to a house in the country where she meets Gwen, her insufferable neighbor.
60 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
~Lemon Boy is haaaapppppennning~
In the privacy of their shared room that night, Harley releases Peter’s hand. It feels strange not having Harley’s warmth pressed into his palm. They get changed for bed with only the sound of the TV to ease the quiet between them. Peter pulls back the covers and is about to slip under them when Harley stops him.
Peter looks up and finds Harley standing awkwardly at the foot of the bed. He frowns. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothin’, I just—,” Harley rubs the back of his neck and looks pained as he says, “I need a favor.”
Peter drops the blanket and stands straight. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. Could you…” He huffs. “Morgan’s expectin’ a hug goodbye tomorrow and I… Well, I’d rather not embarrass myself if I can avoid it.”
Peter frowns. “Are you asking me to distract her while you make a getaway or—,”
“No,” Harley says quickly. “No, I… If you don’t mind, could we… I think a practice round would be good. Just to make sure I don’t spaz out or something.”
A slow smile curls Peter’s lips. “Are you asking me for a hug?”
Harley glowers at him and screws his mouth shut, but he doesn’t deny it. A giddy thrill races through Peter as he steps away from the bed and approaches Harley.
“You like going over or under?” Peter asks. “Or are you a crisscross guy? You seem like a—,”
“Don’t make this into a whole thing, Pete,” he says weakly.
“It’s important to understand the hug fundamentals, Harley. If you weren’t so out of practice you’d understand this. You should go over since Morgan will probably go under.” He stops in front of Harley and opens his arms. “Ready?”
Harley regards him warily and stands stiff as a soldier at attention.
“C’mon, Harls,” he coaxes. “I promise not to make fun of you if you have a conniption.”
Harley fixes him with a dour stare. “This doesn’t leave this room. I don’t want to hear about it from you ever, okay?”
“Deal.” He wiggles his fingers. “Bring it in, tough guy.”
With a baleful stare, Harley raises his arms and moves forward. He hesitates before making contact so Peter gives him a moment to prepare then completes the hug for him. He fits neatly under Harley’s arms and curls around his torso. Harley freezes, heart pounding as his breathing turns shallow. Peter doesn’t tighten his grip or loosen it—he holds utterly still and waits with bated breath for Harley to relax or pull away. With painfully robotic articulation, Harley slowly lowers his arms until they fall around Peter’s shoulders.
The TV plays on as they stand together, stiff but entwined in the center of the room. When Harley’s heart rate slows from its thundering gallop, Peter adjusts to a more natural hold. He lowers his forehead to Harley’s shoulder and curls his arms firmly around his back.
For a moment, Harley maintains his steel frame but then he releases a pent up breath and sags into Peter like a wind-up toy that finally ran out of juice. His hold firms as he shores Peter up in his arms and suddenly they’re embracing properly. Peter’s heart trips and he squeezes his eyes shut as Harley’s breath tickles his neck. He didn’t expect it to feel like this. Despite his teasing tone, he was serious about the fundamentals of hugging and normally he’s on the top of the hug—the enveloper rather than the envelopee. May, Ned, MJ, Pepper, Morgan—he likes to hold his people close and shield them from any harm that may come their way.
He’s rarely the one being shielded. He thought he would feel like a child or a wilting heroine, but that’s not the case at all.
Safe. He feels safe. Cherished.
They stand that way until Peter’s lower back aches from holding the position but he can’t pull away, not while Harley is still holding him and his heart is beating calmly under his cheek. Exhaustion pulls at him, coaxing him to suggest they take this to the bed, but that’s not what this is. Harley doesn’t want to cuddle him. He doesn’t even want to hug him. He’s only doing it so when Morgan demands her hug in the morning before they leave, it’s not a shock to his system.
That doesn’t stop him from leaching every possible crumb of comfort from Harley’s embrace until the moment Harley leans back and his arms uncurl to slip down Peter’s sides before falling away entirely. When Peter releases him, Harley takes a step back and the spell breaks.
Peter crosses his arms and keeps his chin low as he asks, “Think you’re ready?”
Harley’s gaze flits to Peter’s then away. He clears his throat. “Yeah. Yeah, I think so.”
“Cool.” Peter licks his lips then tips his head woodenly towards the bed before breaking away from Harley’s draw.
Harley mirrors him on the other side of the bed and together they settle against the headboard with the blanket over their laps while the TV flashes. Wordlessly, Peter holds out his hand and after only a moment of contemplation, Harley takes it.
See the full post
66 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
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Lemon Boy - parkner - Updates every Tuesday (CST) through 03/07/23
Harley is adrift, bitter, and resentful after losing Tony and his family as he knew it three years ago. When he inherits a rundown house in Brooklyn, he abandons the shattered remains of his dreams, his family, and himself for something he can fix.
Peter grieves as he always has; he buries himself in responsibility and pretends everything is fine. It works until he moves in with Harley, who doesn't suffer fools or liars. The problem is Peter has been fooling himself for so long he can't separate the mask from the truth.
Excerpt under the cut:
“You’re still up?”
He tears bleary eyes from the board he’s been trying and failing to measure correctly and finds Peter at the top of the stairs peering down at him.
“When’d you get in?”
Peter’s eyes sweep over him. “Just now.”
He looks as ragged as Harley feels. His hair is a tangled matted mess, his lip is freshly split, and there is a bruise poking out of his collar. Under the bare bulb hanging over the stairs it looks weirdly hand-shaped.
“You okay?” Harley asks before he thinks better of it.
Peter’s eyebrows shoot into his hairline. “Of course. Are you?”
He picks up his measuring tape. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Peter starts down the stairs. “Well, for one thing, you look like shit. For another—,”
Harley slams down the tape measure and scowls at Peter as he steps off the bottom stair. He’s actually wearing his boots for once.
“Nobody fucking asked you.”
“You literally just did.” His infuriating little smirk breaks the scabbing on his split lip.
“You’re bleeding, idiot.” Harley tosses a towel at him even though it’s not remotely sanitary. “You know you’re not fooling anyone, right?”
Peter pauses in dabbing a semi-clean part of the towel on his lip. “I’m not trying to fool anyone,” he lies like a fucking liar.
“Bullshit.” Harley plants his palms on the make-shift workbench and leans over it. “Let me guess, you get into fights at night to bleed off all that ugliness that builds up inside you during the day so you can go back to pretending to be an innocent little flower for your friends and family.”
Peter stares at him with wide eyes, towel held aloft but forgotten.
“You’re not fooling anyone,” he repeats, “so quit it with the song and dance. It’s annoying and insulting.”
“Oh.” Peter sets the towel on the workbench with wooden movements. “Uh, okay.”
They stare at each other until it’s awkward.
“Well. Bye then.” Peter turns on his heel and retreats upstairs.
Harley shakes his head. He’ll never understand that guy.
116 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“Harley James Keener, what are you doing to that boy?”
“What? I’m not doing anything!”
“If you’re playing with his heart, I will be so disappointed in you. I raised you better.”
“Playing with his— We’re in a relationship, ma!”
“For five years! And yet all you’ve ever told me about him is how annoying he is.”
“He is!”
“Then he comes here and it turns out that boy worships the ground you walk on.”
That pulls Harley up short. “What? No he doesn’t. He barely tolerates me.” He wants to call the words back as soon as he says them because that’s not how you’re supposed to think of your boyfriend, but Mama just sighs at him. Exasperated.
“Honey, open your eyes. I know you’re scared of bein’ hurt or bein’ left behind, but that boy is nothin’ like your daddy. He would do anything for you. I can tell just by the way he looks at you.”
She pats his hand then leaves him alone in the chicken coop to digest that heaping spoonful of reality stew. Clearly, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about… Right?
180 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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