#nobody will know he's an ascian  ...
driftward · 2 months
Let's talk about Zoraal Ja.
So early on in Dawntrail, shortly after Krile's first Echo off of Zoraal Ja, I was like, we are going to find out there is something fucked up happening to this guy. Maybe there's actually an Ascian in there purposefully fucking things up, or whoever the big bad of the expansion turns out to be rewired his head somehow, or, you know, some flavour of brain fuckery.
But as we go through the story and ultimately see him at his defeat, no, nothing so extreme as all that. He seems to be just Like That, and I thought it odd. By all accounts, it seemed he must have been raised okay. Gulool Ja Ja seems to have been an alright father figure, good enough to have raised two other kids into decent adults. They have their own sets of issues, but nobody's perfect, and they both do a good job course correcting for their shortcomings.
What the hell happened with Zoraal Ja? Why did he turn out the way he did?
Gulool Ja Ja is a blessed sibling, which we are not just told are exceedingly rare - we are shown so, explicitly, and we learn what the cost of a blessed sibling is to the Mamool Ja. A cost that their people bore in order to try to better their lot and win a war against the Xbr'aal. Gulool Ja Ja did not so much win their war as much as he simply ended it, bringing peace to both peoples.
That peace is simply, however, not that old. When we visit Iq Br'aax, we slowly learn the story of how that peace came to be, but throughout it, I could not help but notice that we were only getting one side of the story. The celebrated meal of Xibruq Pibil was meant to be a symbol of bringing peoples who were historically enemies together, but where were the Mamool Ja to share it with? And why did none of the Mamool Ja present seem to know how to create the recipe?
There is a peace, but here we see that it is a flawed peace. In the side quests, you learn that trade happens between the Mamool Ja and the Xbr'aal, but only in secret. The younger generation knows peace, but the older generation is still cagey about the not all that distant history with their neighbors in the forest.
And so the Mamool Ja still continue their practice of enduring the terrible loss of so many stillbirths in an attempt to create more blessed siblings. Their culture, especially the remnant that chooses to remain in the forest, is still trying to make its place in the larger world and improve their lot. They are still living in a land that makes for harsh conditions for living.
And in this we see a few things. One, Gulool Ja Ja is not perfect. He did a good job, but not a great one. The work of peace is going to need to be an ongoing project. And two, I believe it sets the foundation for why Zoraal Ja is the way he is.
He was not raised in Mamook, but he is still Mamool Ja. And like Gulool Ja Ja, he is a miracle. The trueblood son of a blessed sibling, who were long believed to be sterile. We don't know anything about his mother, and I suspect she had little influence on his life. But judging from the way the fight against him goes, and the visions we see of the people in his life, he may not have had a mother, singular, but I think he definitely had nursemaids.
And they certainly remembered what life was like in Mamook. And that history is not so old. And so early on, he is told he is special. He is told he is destined for great things. And probably, at least a little bit, there are whispers of how he might surpass his father one day.
The seed of a terrible imposter syndrome is planted.
And none of what happens requires Gulool Ja Ja to be a bad parent. In fact, I think what we get is the result of him trying to be a good parent. It seems likely he probably met his kids where they were at, encouraged their interests, and let them be who they wanted to be. Wuk Lamat probably sparred with him, and certainly got his sociable, outgoing tendencies. Koana, quiet Koana, I like to imagine he expressed an interest in sciences, and knowledge, and Gulool Ja Ja probably made sure he had the best tutors, and when the time came, made sure he had a good send off to Old Sharlayan.
And quiet, taciturn Zoraal Ja who rarely speaks. I can imagine Gulool Ja Ja let his son keep his peace. He probably assumed his son wanted his space, and left him to it. And Zoraal Ja, the miracle, watched his father. His father's living accomplishment was peace in Tural. Zoraal Ja will bring peace to the entire star. Gulool Ja Ja loves a good fight, enough that he challenges people to come to the palace and face him. Zoraal Ja will be a better fighter than his father. Gulool Ja Ja was a leader. Zoraal Ja is the leader of the Landsguard, and will succeed his father as Dawnservant.
It's interesting, I think, to compare and contrast Zoraal Ja with Bakool Ja Ja, who are more alike than they are different. Both are miracle children, both are impossible children. The Mamool Ja thought that a child born of Hoobigo and Boonewa was impossible - until the birth of the first blessed sibling. And they also believed a blessed sibling, in turn, was sterile - until the birth of Zoraal Ja, the miracle.
And both of them, I think, are carrying the weight of their people with them. Bakool Ja Ja explicitly, but I don't think Zoraal Ja got to escape it just because he was raised in Tuliyollal instead of Mamook. Even if the aforementioned nursemaids did not explicitly put the idea in his head that he might be the future of the Mamool Ja, he is not an idiot. They definitely told him he was a miracle, destined for great things.
And absent guidance from his father, who probably just wanted him to be his own person, he decided for himself what those great things would be.
Zoraal Ja is intent on completing them alone - to his ultimate detriment, in the trial in Mamook.
And while they are so very similar, the difference between Bakool Ja Ja and Zoraal Ja is that Bakool Ja Ja not only never wanted this, but he was eventually offered a path out. A way to be free of the yoke of the responsibilities his culture put upon him before he was ever even born. But Zoraal Ja never got that chance, because his burdens were not being forced upon him. He took them upon himself.
And he carried them until his death.
In the end, Gulool Ja Ja was probably a decent father, but not the right kind of father for Zoraal Ja. Zoraal Ja's ambition was born of a terrible inferiority complex that he nursed until it festered and swallowed him whole. He could have found his own freedom, but he could not see it past the shadow of his own father, who he was obsessed with eclipsing.
And so we're left with this. Zoraal Ja died in a completely avoidable tragedy of his own making.
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estinininininen · 8 months
FFXIV fans this is your daily reminder that if Estinien has even a tiny fraction of Nidhogg's memories he knows a hell of a lot more than he's letting on.
Nidhogg remembers at least three Umbral Calamities, and probably four or five. Safe to assume he defended Coerthas from Allag, and that he heard Vrtra looking for Azdaja and the primal-ification of Bahamut through dragon song. The DRG 80 quest states Nidhogg considered himself guardian of the star after Midgardsormr. At his prime, Nidhogg may have even known or been trying to learn his father's abilities - the changing form, the crystals, possibly even the ability to speak with Hydaelyn. Theory time: Hydaelyn may have even rejected him for being a dragon supremacist.
Estinien's shortcomings (if you don't have another silly explanation for them) have to do with mortal knowledge and interactions, like niceties, coin, and bluffing immigration officers. He asks for the Scions to explains things because they have discovered stuff nobody knew before this, or they were using vocabulary he doesn't know.
In Shadowbringers the idea of Ascians doesn't phase him, but the different shards and time travel nonsense throw him for a bit of a loop, coincidentally things Nidhogg wouldn't know. He is very tense at the idea of the WOL seeing his memories, and leaves immediately, but after telling you he shares Nidhogg's memories in 5.5 he chills out and hangs around more. Like he saw the writing on the wall about joining the Scions and covered his own ass in case of an Echo vision.
In Endwalker the reason I think he said "At least I will not pretend to understand this talk of ancient primals or the Final Days" and the like is because he has to constantly sort out if what Nidhogg knew was correct. He is remarkably chill staring up at Hydaelyn like "ya bitch let's go let's fight God." What Hydaelyn said to Estinien about hate becoming love is ambiguous enough it could also apply to Nidhogg.
And you are still the only person he has directly told he shares some memories with Nidhogg. He is deliberately not sharing this with people. He doesn't want to be Nidhogg. Most of the information is pointless outside of Coerthas in the 7th astral era. He makes an exception when he is the only one who knows something important - there's a Great Wyrm behind the curtain, how to motivate depressed dragons, the Eyes of Nidhogg are active again better find them, Omega? wait the thing that chased Midgardsormr? if not me better make sure someone handles it, oh shit Zenos is standing back up that's not Zenos anymore-
Then he just wants to have a drink and some dried squid and chill out. Not get interrogated about past kingdoms, or have his brain and eyes poked at when he dies ( . . . if he's even mortal anymore.)
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thefandomexpert · 2 months
adding on to that issue I had with the living memory/ascian plot parallels they forced.
I would have loved a discussion on the difference between the We Can Keep People Alive Through Their Memories (by actively working to maintain our memories of them and to keep their teachings and experiences we had with them in our hearts) philosophy vs We Can Keep People Alive Through Their Memories (we steal the memories away from everyone else and shut them away in a simulation where nobody else can see them or make use of them to grow as a society and we don’t even have space to put them all out at once but they’re all there!! we still have them!!)
like that’s an absolutely FASCINATING and twisted take on a philosophy that clearly holds an amount of importance to the people of tuli (and therefore wuk lamat) and they just. ignore it so they can turn to the wol and go hey remember the ascians?
and maybe someone coming in fresh, or with a surface level memory or interest in shb/ew, would go ohhhhoho ok i see, this is a parallel to that other fan favorite thing! very neat.
but I’m invested in ascians, and neck deep in the cumulative 10+ years of ramping lore regarding their demise and still am 4 years after being introduced to it, so I go, uhhh yeah i remember the ascians. mind telling me which one of them fucked up this shard? which lightning calamity was this. don’t walk away from me. is this our fucking lightning calamity or not. where is the ascian who was in charge of killing this shard? we had a successful lightning calamity. why isn’t this shard dead. if it was a failed calamity why didn’t emet selch mention it when he explained the 13th’s issue and the potential failure of the 1st. did he not know there was another Fucked shard? are calamities more gradual than we thought? did the dome separate them from the rest of the shard that thoroughly. hey. are you listening to me. why the fuck isn’t this explicitly attached to the lightning calamity we KNOW HAPPENED. why is this event weirdly separate from the lore that’s been in place for 10 years when you insist on DIRECTLY REFERENCING THAT LORE. CONSTANTLY.
and they’re like oooh we’re not actually. talking about ascians anymore it was just to compare vibes we weren’t actually going to get back into- and then i kill them. with my teeth. because if the vibes were going to be the same they could have just. had another minor ascian be involved.
and this issue is compounded by the fact that there’s this other, new, tailor-made plotline contrasting tulioyal’s philosophies vs what’s happening in living memory, that’s RIGHT THERE and just fully not addressed. at all. like I would have rather alexandria not have had such a strong thematic contrast with tuli so it was just a boring rehash of The Ancients Issue because then i could accept from a writing standpoint that they just wanted to make sure newbies experienced the ew emotional beats and it would have been jarring at best but understandable. but instead it’s like. we could have had something new and these places could have been Thematically Connected really thoroughly, in the kind of philosophical and heartfelt plot ffxiv is specifically known for doing Really Well, and you didn’t do that even though i can see it sitting right here so now what you did choose to do is an Actively Bad Writing Choice. why.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 months
Doctor Warrior of Light?
(not about the new expac! but spoilers up to post-EW)
While looking through screenshots, I found myself puzzled by something. Canonically, we know the WoL has hopped through time at least twice:
Five-year hop after Cartenau
Hop into the past to Elpis (apparently multiple times since you have the Pandaemonium raid series start there, plus canon gathering quests)
There's also their jaunt to the First, where time seemed to be moving at a very different pace than the Source for a while (ie, there being 100 years between the events of post-Heavensward and Shadowbringers in First time).
In the very beginning of ARR, while they are dreaming during their carriage/ship voyage, the WoL has a vision of themselves (?) wielding a weapon of Light when they are menaced by an Ascian in the Rift.
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During the final battle of ARR, the WoL wields a weapon of Light when they are menaced by Lahabrea the Ascian, followed by two trips to the Mothercrystal - during one, of which, a bunch of their allies appear. The same allies who seem to have no memory of this when they meet the WoL again at the end of the game. Given that we know Azem's talent is to summon help from their allies and bring people together - and she does this on the First and in the 13th too - sure, the Azem soul could do this. But could she get everyone floating through space with her, and nobody comments on it ever again? The other possibility is that the Warrior of Light is precognitive and just had a bit of foresight while dozing off.
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Regardless of that, there's another scene in ARR which suggests time travel beyond what we know.
There's also a curious scene in ARR when Cid recalls a day when a luminous figure popped up outside his airship - in the air - handed him goggles, and then popped out again. And he knows it was the Warrior of Light. This has absolutely never been explained anywhere else in the game.
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I find myself wondering if the WoL has time hopped a few more times than we know - after all, the help they could have summoned in ARR may have been themselves. Or, alternatively, if Azem 1.0 actually went forward at key points.
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voidsentprinces · 8 months
Random SAOA quotes but FFXIV
WoL: How could I NOT KILLED THEM!? They think "lmao" is how french people laugh! Charibet: Hahahaha thats of le mao~ - Emet-Selch: So it wasn't Hermes? WoL: Of COURSE IT WASN'T HERMES! How could HE be behind this entire plot!? A frickin LANDMINE deals with pressure better than him and based on both Final Days, has killed fewer people! - Fandaniel: My word! What a luxurious audience that has come to greet me! Alisaie: FUCK YOU! Fandaniel: WHOA! Getting a LOT of hostility here...and I don't appreciate it! - Thancred: I need to be strong...for Minfilia! Passerby: Did you hear they're keeping the Oracle of Light in Eulmore? Bystander: Yeah, I know. Who just locks up Minfilia like that. Thancred: ... Blue Jester: WELCOME TO EUL-- Thancred: I WOULD LIKE TO BUY ONE CHILD PLEASE! Red Jester: What the FU-!? - Asahi: I...can't...die...like this...I must...be...great in...Lord...Zenon's eyes. WoL: Chin up, buddy. You were an adequate meat shield and NOBODY can ever take that away from you. - Fandaniel: WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! YOU ARE RELICS! MISBEGOTTEN SHADES OF THE PAST! BUT! I HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! YOU DONT HAVE TO WONDER WHERE YOUR GOD IS! WoL: ... Zodiark: BECAUSE HE'S RIGHT HERE!...and he's fresh out of mercy. - Alisaie: So...the Final Days are here and our friend has gone off to see if they can get to the true root of it all from the shade of Elidibus...what should we do in the meantime? Alphinaud: I GOT IT! We can like...GROUP! UP! Estinien: AND HIT IT UNTIL IT DIES! Y'shtola: Its a miracle those two survived the Coerthan and Dravanian Wilderness for as long as they did. - Godbert: Winners do not use drugs, Hildibrand. Unless its Salamander Oil, in which case...use LOTS OF DRUGS! - Urianger: Illuminate it for us then, Ascian. As one whom was there. Emet-Selch: If I had to put the Final Days into description...wellll let me put it this way. Imagine the most horrific, awful thing imaginiable...and then multiply that by cancer. - Dark Mage: WHO THE FUCK IS THIS ADVENTURER!? Where did you even come from!? NEVER HAS A GOLEM BEEN SO SORELY TESTED! WoL: I am known by many names...Demon Slayer, Desert Lion, the Moogle Axe...but you may call me...Silent Protagonist. Dark Mage: B-b-but...you j-just TALKED! WoL: It's a Hellsguard name. Dark Mage: But...you're an Au Ra. WoL: Pfft..*uncorks a Fantasia* ...THIS time.
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sunderedazem · 19 hours
Hey! It's been a while :D I've been off the Internet for a bit but just know both of your updates have been giving me essential bits of life energy, even though I haven't had time to type something out in appreciation until now. First things first I absolutely love what you wrote for the 'stay?' prompt, it's exactly what I hoped and imagined what could have happened if things hadn't gone so wrong back then. Seriously, it's like you took a look into my brain, I was really imagining scenarios of helios coming back and taking care of an exhausted emet selch 😩 such good food thanks so much for that.
Okay so back to the actual ao3 updates, I couldn't believe that you guys did the tempering cure so early XD ahhhhhh it was so good! The way it was just a slight shift of perception, how emet selch goes off just barely holding it together, the line "I always believed I would see them again" broke me so bad like how dare you 😭 but honestly finally processing his grief now is great cause it'll be so much better when Hyth comes back 😈 iirc that that's happening. One of my favourite bits was emet selch having company while the cure was being administered, idk there's always something about having support while you're healing. Corrain's writing is superb as always, in the tempering fic as well as the Sharlayan one, he comforted emet selch so well and it was very interesting to see his point of view when he snapped at thancred, poor guy needs a long break and so much therapy. I haven't read the most recent lelesu writings yet but ahhhhhh she has such big sister energy? Such a solid anchor, it's so great every time she gives support.
I think that's all my thoughts for now, so that this doesn't get too long. Thanks so much for the new content, and I hope the both of you are doing well!! Many well wishes <3
Okay! Now it's time to sob over this ask so excuse me while i
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And YEAH we couldn't wait to untemper that bastard man and break him even worse. Like imagine waking up and the thing you've been working towards for the last thirteen thousand years is not only principally opposed to what you believe is right, but also now you have to accept that everyone you'd ever loved is dead and gone and will not come back.
(And then they do. Because we are stealing Hyth. And then also stealing Elidibus from Pandaemonium like sorry Athena that man is ours now. And then Hyth is spotting Lahabrea's soul mixed in with Nidhogg and they are Stealing (and helping him put himself back together, and confiscating his wife's evil space rock) him too. And we are stealing the Sundered Ascians as we find them and curing and collecting them, because they all deserve a chance to recover from the literal apocalypse knowing that the star is actually safe. Anyway. I have emotions about the first Final Days and how nobody who lived then deserved what the world and Hydaelyn ended up giving them, no matter if it was necessary or not.)
To be fair it most likely only feels fast because most of what happens in Shadowbringers and the post 5.0 patches happens as it does in canon and tby rewriting all the Same Stuff seems kinda jejune so we skipped it XD. There are a few more pieces from SHB in process though, we just have to finish them.
And YEAH GOD. Corrain can be very cruel on occasion, and him snapping at Thancred for having EXTREMELY JUSTIFIABLE RESERVATIONS (even if he was a jackass about it) wasn't his finest moment. He doesn't even honestly feel so upset about Minfilia, he liked her alright as a person, and she WAS kind to him, but in the moment he's purely reacting in anger, and it dredges up some really nasty parts of him. This is a trait Helios had as well, if uh. You read the Final Days breakup fic XD.
And YEAH I ALSO NEED MORE LELESU ALWAYS. She is so SASSY sometimes. Hey @azems-familiar give us your girl. Grabby hands.
Honestly I know I'm late actually answering but this made my week last week 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙
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meracydia-miqo · 19 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 - Day 4: Reticent
late shadowbringers; y’shtola confronts ahki
Ahki lifted her head at the sound of Y’shtola’s voice, as the other miqo’te descended the steps leading up to the tower behind her. She paused as she reached the bottom, giving Y’shtola the chance to catch up.
“Ere we depart, are you certain that you’re feeling alright? Pray, let us know the moment you notice any changes.”
“…Aye. I’m alright. I will,” she said, but Y’shtola frowned, studying her for a moment.
The air suddenly felt heavy, and Ahki felt the urge to shrink under her inquisitive gaze, always searching, yearning for knowledge of any sort. It had never been that they didn’t get along—she’d known her the longest of all the Scions, and was still beyond grateful to her for introducing herself to them, but at times, she couldn’t help but feel the rift between them.
Of her own making, no doubt.
She felt exposed, out in the open like this, and her tail twitched, hair standing on end as she felt a shiver run down her spine. She shouldn’t be scared of Y’shtola, she was still her friend, and compared to somebody like Emet-Selch and all of his antics, there was nothing that Y’shtola would do to hurt her. And yet still she feared.
“The Exarch visited you last night.” It wasn’t a question, and Ahki could only look away and nod silently. There was no purpose in denying it; it was the truth, and there shouldn’t be anything wrong with that fact, but it didn’t dull the edge.
Y’shtola heaved a sigh, crossing her arms, and Ahki could feel her gaze on her back. It wasn’t as bad when others were around. Less likely to try and dig as deep, a distraction, or others who would call Y’shtola out on it if she went too far and made Ahki uncomfortable. Still the memory of earlier days would weigh on her, when they were close, and Ahki would willingly go to her for company or companionship in the days after Minfilia’s sacrifice.
They felt so long ago now.
Now, time spent alone was spent in baseless fear, and discomfort.
“He’s made a habit of this. As have you, I’ve gathered.”
“He was concerned about me,” Ahki whispered, a weak defence. Is it so wrong to be his friend? She asked herself, but did not voice. But nothing seemed to satisfy the scholar, so devoted to her studies.
Y’shtola took another step forward, but didn’t look back at her, facing forward towards the open space of the Exedra. Spacious as it was, nobody paid much care to them, still going about their own business, while the guards at the Dossal Gate were paid to not question their frequent coming and going.
“I needn’t tell you to be cautious around him, Ahki. We cannot place our full trust in one who will not share their origin and identity.” A glint in her colourless eyes as Y’shtola turned to look back at her, a certain stress on the last few words.
They cut through her like a knife. I know, she wanted to say. I know. But she couldn’t. Not when she was here, expecting anyone to trust her, while not affording them the same. She’d almost fit in amongst the Ascians for the number of lies and half-truths she’d fed them. Over something that should be so minor, so inconsequential.
Ahki looked up at her, eyes meeting hers. She wondered what Y’shtola could see beyond the Light-infused mass that was her aether. “I will judge him through his actions.”
“Actions can easily be misconstrued.”
Ahki didn’t say anything. Some part of her cried to jump to the Exarch’s defence, but even she couldn’t reason why she felt so inclined to trust him. Why she was at all comfortable around someone she knew nothing about. Their similarities, perhaps, and the assurance that he wouldn’t try and ask more of her than she was willing to tell.
Or she was just all too quick to give under the boundless care and attention he gave, always looking out for her, attending to her every need, listening to her every word without question nor judgement. She could be walking right into a trap, and yet she couldn’t tell her feet to stop moving.
Mayhap it was simply the adventurer in her.
“I…nay, we are concerned about you too, Ahki,” Y’shtola continued when Ahki failed to respond. “Do not forget you can trust in us if you have anything to say.”
She didn’t. It wasn’t important. Not right now. Her story right now was that of the Warrior of Darkness, defeating the Lightwardens and taking in their light so that she may return the night skies to Norvrandt. What she had left behind on the other reflection was of no consequence.
Maybe one day, she would tell someone. Let them in on the thoughts and feelings that ever ran closest to her heart. But it wouldn’t be today.
“…I know.”
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brineffxiv · 2 years
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Estinien is not an easy man to find, but finally we run into him at the airship landing.
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Uh oh
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To be fair, Alisaie, you and Alphinaud do wear the exact same hairstyle.
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LOL G'raha.
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Thankfully, Alphinaud arrives to save Estinien and explain to him what's going on.
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Alphinaud and Estinein's relationship is so wholesome. They make each other better people, and they make me smile.
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Estinien is on the way to Azys Lla, to speak with Tiamat about this new incarnation of Bahamut. As the original summoner of the primal, she may be able to provide information that can help us deal with this new incarnation. We think this is a good idea, and join him.
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Lol, you two should have met him back in Heavensward. He's practically warm and personable now by comparison.
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Azys Lla has to be my least favorite map. The brown and sickly green lighting puts me in mind of vomit, or industrial contaminants. I suppose both of those are appropriate comparisons for the late Allagan Empire.
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Oh. I. Didn't realize Nidhogg was still with you. Still a part of you. That's got to be difficult. But it's good that you feel you need to be there for Tiamat in Nidhogg's place. Nidhogg's rage and grief were fully justified for what was done to him and his family, it was his choices and actions in the aftermath that went beyond the pale.
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It seems that Fandaniel must have utilized Tiamat and Bahamut's children to summon the primal.
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Omg omg are we finally going to free Tiamat?! I've wanted to break her out of there since Heavensward. Yes yes yes!!!
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Oh damn. She's tempered. If not quite as severely as some others. It didn't occur to me that a great wyrm could be tempered. But hell, if the Ascians could be, why not Tiamat.
Thankfully, we have a treatment for this now.
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Oh yeah, gotta remember that nobody else knows that Hydaelyn is a freaking primal, and not just the name of the will of our star. Hey, can we test that tempering cure on me? Not saying I am for sure... but... better safe than sorry?
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While G'raha and Alisaie prepare to cure Tiamat of her tempering, Estinien, Alphinaud, and I (plus a spirit vessel imbued with his blood that G'raha had on him for reasons) search the flagship for a node or terminal from which to control her restraints.
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But before we go and free Tiamat, Estinien has a few questions regarding how we've been handling the Ascians.
And honestly, I don't think there is anything worth salvaging in Fandaniel. He is a man who professes to desire naught but to die and to take the rest of us with him in "a paroxysm of pain and suffering."
Hmm, how do I say this?
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Meeting and dealing with Emet-Selch effected me. He was brilliantly written, and I came to understand and empathize with his plight. I cannot say that, if I had been in his position, I would have done any different. From his point of view, he was entirely justified. He did terrible things, that he knew were terrible, in order to save his people. He was selfless, and sacrificed everything he had in order to save them. In the name of the greater good.
And so, I find I can't so easily dismiss Fandaniel as purely "evil." He must have a motive, a reason for why he does what he does, and I want to know it. He's not crazy, or illogical, and in the brief glimpses we have into his interactions with Zenos, I have become convinced that Fandaniel is manipulating him. And for him to be doing that, there's something he's trying to get or do beyond just what he openly claims to want, and he thinks he can use Zenos to get it. Zenos is too secure in his own power, and too distracted by me to see it. Fandaniel's a bitter, angry, shell of a man. And I want to know why.
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With the aid of G'raha and myself, Alisaie manages to cure Tiamat of her tempering.
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And then, finally, after three expansions, Tiamat is freed of her prison.
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And just in time, because Bahamut has been sighted over Paglth'an, at the head of a host of dragons. That's where Arenvald and Fordola have gone. I smell a dungeon.
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And then, like the badass he is, Estinien leaps to Tiamat's back and the two of them fly away to battle.
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We reunite with the rest of the Scions in Ul'dah, where we are joined by Nanamo. The Immortal Flames have been dispatched (along with many of the other Alliance nations' troops) to Paglth'an to defend the Amalj'aa. But it will be a fierce fight, and we are invited to join the fray as soon as possible.
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Incidentally, it appears that Lunar Bahamut may be incapable of tempering people? Which would mark it as different from any primal we have faced before, and also mean it cannot be the entity behind the tempering going on at the towers.
To Paglth'an!
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tobyfoxmademeascaly · 2 months
Dawntrail Part 20
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(circus music begins)
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that's a bunch of very vague information. WHAT bargaining chip does zoraal ja have. The resources of the Source?
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you dont need to make excuses buddy. go be a nerd
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he's a trial boss at some point so i dont think that's going to work well
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hell world
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downright dystopian
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... i smell (the aftermath of) ascian fuckery
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hm. thats not good
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yeah they were rather blue
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yeah it sure does
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gerolt is a universal constant
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can the worlds be unfused? Typically, changes in zone geometry aren't allowed outside of small things like unblocking a road. And the signs of Alexandria are much more embedded in yyasulani than that.
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gotta say, it was one HELL of a choice by the writers for Krile to have the Most Protagonist Backstory of all time. The child of cyberpunk rebels from another dimension, sent off to escape persecution like moses in the bulrushes
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genolt what the FUCK did you send me to get
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mamool ja not beating the self-fertilization accusations.
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adoption. it runs in the family
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this robot is very... mamool ja shaped
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i knew it was only a matter of time before we got people uploaded into robots
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yeah of course you would suggest that.
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girl you made this competition up in your head
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ohhh the baby is warming up to her
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You know the saying. Aging ain't half as scary as the things people do to avoid it.
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"they are limited in where they can exist" ... hey. We haven't seen Cahciua outside of that mascot robot. Not even in her anarchist faction's home base.
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gayfear dot jpeg
this is all some sort of nightmare dimension for poor erenville. His village is gone, His mother has been unpersoned, and nobody seems to care. Even the other survivors are just... content in the lives that were thrust upon them.
and I am once again out of image slots. Next time: Erenville (LAST NAME WITHHELD)'s Existential Nightmare Continues.
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sunderedoldfriends · 5 months
@adventures-written continued from here.
How much longer was he supposed to do this? How much longer was Elidibus supposed to keep the balance between Light and Darkness, to give the other Ascians time to fulfill their plans for the Rejoining. It had been years. Thousands of years of suffering and solitude, and with Elidibus struggling to see the purpose in what he was doing, nobody could blame him for sometimes failing to see reason to continue. Right?
“It is not like I don’t care and you know it”, Elidibus said with a sigh, adjusting the mask sitting on his face, the ever constant reminder of the duty his former seat on the Convocation held. Slowly he stepped forward, looking over Emet-Selch’s shoulder to see what he was currently working on.
"Everything just seems so.. hopeless."
After Lahabrea’s passing only two of the unsundered remained and Emet-Selch was the obvious leader of their remaining group, he was the one who still seemed to believe to be able to bring back everyone they had loved and lost. Elidibus was willing to follow, but he definitely did not miss the obsession Emet-Selch was developing regarding the Warrior of Light. The Warrior who was an ever-present thorn in his side.
“Tell me, Emet-Selch, do you really believe we can make our star whole again?”
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woltourney · 1 year
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Rigel Orionis / Ragdoll (@thegreatyin) v. Syla (@mistdrinkersblade)
Rigel Orionis / Ragdoll:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. 'Rigel Orionis', but it's really just a name he came up with on the spot- outside of the game universe, he's just referred to as Ragdoll. For the purposes of poll naming, feel free to use either/or. He/they pronouns. He does have an in-universe lore-accurate name, but Rigel is just what he goes by.
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Fluffy humanoid beast? Catperson? He thinks?? Everyone calls him a "milk quote" something and at this point he's too far in to just turn around and ask. (Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te)
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Canonically switches them up depending on expansion. Started as a Black Mage, went Red Mage in Heavensward, swapped between Machinist and Dancer in Stormblood, and currently (because I'm not at Endwalker yer) mains both Reaper and Dark Knight in Shadowbringers. I'd imagine his "true" main is probably just Red Mage, with maybe a hint of DRK in there for spice.
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal, Goblin! I'd love to hang with people sometime. There's so many scales left to grind for that damn Rathalos mount.
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. (No major spoilers aside from vague Stormblood references!) Rigel is! A jerk! He's always been a little jerk at heart, and regardless of setting, he always falls back to being a little jerk… on the outside. He's smug, cocky, insults you for fun- the physical embodiment of every terrible gay twink at every gay bar ever. And then sometimes he's alone and starts randomly sobbing. And sometimes he's cuddly and desperate for affection. And sometimes he's intensely devoted to the people he's decided are his family, even to the point of death. And sometimes he's just deeply lonely. There's a lot of suitcases upon suitcases to unpack, here. Once upon a time, in the midst of some guy's ambiguous tragic backstory, he suddenly woke up in the wastelands of Carteneau with no idea where he was or how he got there. After coming to the terms with the fact of being a catboy, they decided to take up odd jobs and favors around the first place they ended up traveling to- some weird obscure city called "Ul'dah". Eventually they ran into some equally-obscure guy called Thancred, and the rest is the plot of the universally acclaimed MMO with an unlimited free trial going up to level 60 including the award winning expansion Heavensward. They are. Mixed. On the whole "being a hero" thing. He really just wanted to go home, but suddenly he's saddled with two teenagers, a job, and a weird blond stalker with a rampant masochism streak. Also the crippling identity and existential crisis, but shhhh, those haven't hit him yet. A universal trait of Rigel is that he likes to sing. I didn't list Bard as one of his canonical jobs, but I can see him unironically picking it up as a genuine stress reducer. He has a thing for music, and art, and history, and reading, and all combinations of the four. That aside, he probably delights in the little mundane things the most, like building a rock collection or taking a relaxing nature walk.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Win? I'm winning? Who??"
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. He's an unrelated OC (named Rigel Alphoris-Orionis, go figure) that I decided to import into FFXIV as a semi-joke when I wasn't sure if I was going to stick with the game. By the end of ARR, I ended up going all-in on the concept of him being the unfortunate protagonist of life, and now in my personal canon he is quite literally just that OC isekaied against his will into Eorzea. Terrible personality and all. And his soul is puppeteering a corpse Ascian-style, but nobody (including him) actually knows that yet.
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Syla (He/Him)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Rava Viera
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Gunbreaker
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal - Balmung
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. A member of Lente's Tears who was kicked out for a premature / failed assassination attempt on Legatus Noah van Gabranth. Fled to Eorzea to seek help in freeing his homeland of Dalmasca, only to get picked up by the Scions like a stray cat. He enjoys being a hero, although it does get a bit tiring after so often to him. But Syla enjoys being a beacon of hope and relief for others.. His free time is spent either working and tinkering on his gunblade and cartridges or training with allies.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Why shouldn't I win? You don't face the things I've seen and walk away a from mere contest of affections empty handed."
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driftward · 1 year
Title: FFXIV Write 2023 - 4. Off the Hook Characters: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Alphinaud Leveilleur Rating: Teen Summary: What do you do when you've accomplished your mission? Notes: None
The Scions of the Seventh Dawn were buzzing in the Rising Stones, sharing their stories with those who had stayed rather closer to home during the Final Days. Tales of adventure were shared, from their travels around Sharlayan and Thavnair, to their stint in Garlemald, to the alien environs of the moon and the harrowing journey to Ultima Thule.
Normally he would be part of these conversations, providing his insights and sharing his experiences, but this time he felt himself oddly quiet, his thoughts slowly turning over in his mind, not of the last several sennights, but of those sennights yet to come.
Thancred noticed, and came over and clapped a hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently out of his reverie. "And what has our most studious scholar so quiet, that he's passing by this opportunity to impress us all with his insights?"
Alphinaud gave him a slight smile, and Thancred grinned broadly back, before leaning in and lowering his voice. "You quite alright? We've more than earned a brief respite, and for once, it seems we'll have it. We're finally off the hook, to so speak. The future of the star secured."
"Aye," said Alphinaud agreeably, reaching up a hand to clasp Thancred's, nodding at him. Thancred took a step back as Alphinaud took a step forward, tapping a hand to his chest as he cleared his throat.
The room quieted, as everyone present turned to look to him.
"My friends... no, my family. Brothers and sisters and kin, who have stood besides me and each other over these many summers as we have rose to the occasion of defending the star, time and time again. I believe many will agree when I say that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn have, at last, fulfilled our mission and met our goals. The threat of the Primals has been tamed. Peace largely exists between nations. The Ascians shall harry us no more, and have finally found their resting place in history."
He looked around the room, at each of them in turn. "There is much and more that can be done. Our star shall ever need many hands to tend it. But I gathered us all here not merely to celebrate our past, but to discuss our future. I have been thinking... perhaps it is time, that the name of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn... be put to rest."
A murmuring began around the room, and he quickly waved his hands down to try to settle the conversation before it could begin in earnest. "At least in any official capacity. Give each of us a chance to do our work in quiet and peace once more. Shed responsibilities we no longer need bear, as envoys to nations and as advisors to leaders. Instead each of us can work in a smaller, lesser capacity, as little more than humble adventurers, tending to the wounds of the star. Not as an organization, but simply... as us."
The room fell quiet once more as he stood there, and waited, looking, watching their faces.
Y'shtola was the first to speak up. "That seems rather agreeable to me. I concur with your assessment."
Thancred quickly followed up with a nod. "I think you have the right of it, Alphinaud."
"We've long been experts at clandestine work," said Riol, looking thoughtful. "I can maintain our intelligence networks, make sure everyone's staying in touch but keep it on a strict need to know basis, down low. A little misdirection and some discretion, and nobody will think much of what we've become until we're needed again."
"Indeed," said Urianger. "We shall continue our work in less overt but no less direct fashion. Under cloak of such subterfuge, perhaps we may find our paths clearer, able to apply more subtle touch to those causes we find dear. And in this moment of respite, we may take our breath and find our hearts ever more true to our intents from when we first began this path we travel upon."
Coultenat smiled and waved a finger in the air. "And our work won't change much. Official Scion business or no, the star never seems to look after itself properly, does it? Hoary and I shall ever maintain the vigil and answer the call."
Other voices came up in agreement, and Alphinaud felt tears come to his eyes, wiping them with the back of his sleeve.
"Oh, what's that all about?" said Alisaie, putting her hands on her hips and leaning close to him.
"I was not at all sure that my idea would go over well," said Alphinaud. "We have been together for so long. Why change what has worked so well for us? Why change at all?"
"And we're not splitting apart for real now, are we? I swear, you overthink everything. You're right, you know, and it's a good idea. We'll keep doing the work, and maybe we'll have less stuffy bureaucrats to put up with doing it. I'm with you, every step of the way."
"Thank you," said Alphinaud. "That means much and more to me. Truly."
The conversations shifted to how they would go about the work of their 'disbandment' and what each of them hoped their new duties and tasks would be, and this time Alphinaud joined in with them, giving his own thoughts, and at last, being fully present with his comrades.
Off to the side a bit, Tataru's shoulders just slumped while Krile just shrugged at her.
"I thought they would make it at least a -day- of everyone being back before they tried to get back to work," she lamented, and Krile tittered.
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hallowed-nebulae · 1 year
I am very curious about the worldbuilding you have around the Foretellers within Tempest-verse and silver drips from aching hands! What was the inspiration behind that? Any fun facts you can tell us about them?
i have calc hw and a forum for intro to film due so i may not be able to answer this the most thoroughly but i will do my best
okay so my initial thought for the foretellers were: "how can i make them people but Off". i don't remember the actual initial thought but like that's the vibes. they have only one body fluid that acts as blood, tears, etc etc. i figured, if we have creatures with only a heart (heartless, pureblood), a body and soul (greater nobodies/lesser nobodies) and a body and heart (corpses. a body without a soul is a corpse) i figured we should have something for a soul and a heart. thus we have the Foretellers technically being formless
uhhh lemme pull up my specbio real quick
they don't have organs! most organs at least. they've got a brain and such, but anything else isn't needed so their "bodies" don't have them. that said, if they can fit something in their mouth then they can eat it (since a Foreteller's body will just kinda absorb it until it's dust or such).
they're made of Only light and thus darkness sickens them and Nothingness outright kills them. the only way they can survive the nobody-ifying process is if they have a host they're latched onto (like luxu with braig's body).
in tempests verse (less sure of silver drips, been a hot sec), the master of masters made Foretellers in order to try and artificially create Reginae (a type of god who are born from dead beings that are reborn into their divinity). unfortunatelly you cannot make a reginae, it's up to Fate and Miracles (the two inherent forces within that reality), so MoM failed and that's why the Foretellers are kinda fucked up. too divine to be normal but not divine enough to be divine. their hearts feel all Off, and their keyblades feel that way too if you were to hold one. exceptions are if you're bequeathed a Foreteller's keyblade bc then it sorta fits into your heart's personal little resonance so that you're not discomforted by it.
(brain is an exception since, within tempests verse and silver drips, he's luxu's twin and thus their hearts' resonances are similar enough that No Name does not adjust. unfortunately this means brain does somewhat experience the Effects of holding a piece of a not-god in his heart, without that bit of filter to protect it. alas)
foretellers are INCREDIBLY possessive of what's theirs. they also tend to adopt. the unions were formed by the Foretellers just, adopting large droves of children who were yet-to-be-claimed. Foretellers also have a little heirarchy, so they'll fight Foretellers of an equal or lower standing in case of dispute over territory, but if a Foreteller of higher standing takes something then they won't do anything about it. i don't have this heirarchy worked out but it's within the larger divine heirarchy that exists, which will get elaborated on at some point
Foretellers are fun bc they're one of the first bits of alucinari i made, but now they tie in to a lot of my fun little interconnected multiverse of aus for various fandoms. so much lore on Miracles and gods and such is gonna be revealed in my crystal verse eventually (lore and rambles and stuff on my characters for that is located at @crystal-verse ; k'pheli himself is Miracles, aka the Shattered God, so there's lore there by necessity)
anyways this went off on a tangent but i hope it was at least entertaining to you! i don't know exactly how i got here but i am enjoying my worldbuilding. v fun.
(for those who know ffxiv: a Foreteller is more similar to a Lightwarden than an Ascian, but also more similar to a Reginae than a Lightwarden. Unlike Vauthry, a Foreteller could claim to be divine and be somewhat correct, rather than entirely uncorrect.)
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and obviously you've also got the whole semi-related thing of the wol also being very, very quiet. and this is something that can have a TON of reasons behind it depending on your character (and can be not even true for you! maybe the game just doesn't represent the talking that your wol is doing!) and it gets better in later expansions, i think bc they became aware of this, but the wol almost never speaks unless spoken to. and even then it's like, one line at a time. you're not even halfway through arr when thancred cracks a joke about how you respond to everything with enigmatic nodding.
and beyond just cutscene quirks, narratively it's like you just don't tell people what you're doing until you're asked. following yugiri. fighting zodiark. how many times does the wol run into some world-ending disaster in a sidequest series and it just never comes up. oh yeah, arr blm questline had you avert a meteor crashing into earth but like, nobody else needs to be concerned abt that. the forum in endwalker postgame when you ask for fuel for the voidgate, fourchenault is like "i hope you aren't getting distracted from matters in the aetherial sea." were the scions later like "hey wtf was he talking about" and the wol casually goes "oh yeah, an ancient resurrected herself and tried to become a god by harnessing the power of the sea and destroying the cycle of rebirth in the process" WHAT "it's fine tho lahabrea and his son and also elidibus helped me stop her" THE ASCIANS? THE ONES YOU KILLED? "oh yeah not the present versions of them, versions made of memories from the past where i had to go help them out once already" YOU'VE BEEN DOING WHAT IN THE PAST. WHY DIDN'T WE KNOW ABOUT THIS. "idk you didn't ask?"
idk i got distracted what were we talking about. oh yeah. like again, it could be bc they don't want to be a bother or don't want other people getting involved in their business or just bc it's like, that was just tuesday to them, they straight up did not register that other people might like to know about it, but for whatever reason the wol seems to just not. talk. that much.
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ladyramora · 8 months
Author Interview
Tagged by @eemamminy-art
Putting a read more because this baby is looong....
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 72! It would be more if I posted all of my Tumblr snippets separately lol
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
467,534 words.
A decent bit, I think. Though I started writing again in 2015, so maybe it's not much? It's not everything I've written on Tumblr, either.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I used to write for FF11 & Inu Yasha, plus Inu Yasha & Yuyu Hakusho crossover fic. I never deleted my fanfic dot net account, but it is all super old now. Nobody go looking for it! I may one day rewrite some of those old fic, but confronting my teenage writing skills is a bit much for me right now lmao.
My Ao3 is all FFXIV at this point, but that is subject to change! I have a c0mmission from Divinity: Original Sin 2 I'm currently working on! (Ifan. He's such an interesting, handsome guy. I'm having fun writing him~ ❤️)
I am interested in writing for other fandoms! For instance, Nu Carnival that is currently one of my favorite games, and possibly BG3? But I only know of it, haven't played it, I'll have to do research to write for it.
I just need to work through my current queue first!
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
I'm gonna go by actual chaptered fic, not just my collections of Tumblr snippets.
• Drowning in Blue:
Kudo count: 460 ❤️
Haurchefant/Warrior of Light (reader insert).
Summary: The Warrior of Light is granted a wish from Hydaelyn after being gravely wounded in the fight with the Ascians.
I have a lot of love for this one, however I would like to go back & edit it to make it more friendly to nonbinary & they/them readers. I do enjoy the writing style I have in this one. I do remember writing chapter after chapter of this one, day after day. A lot of passion there.
• In plain sight:
Kudo count: 385 ❤️
Yet another Haurchefant/Warrior of Light (reader insert).
Summary: The Warrior of Light has fled from Ul'dah to take refuge in Camp Dragonhead after being accused of treason. Though dark times have forced them there, it is in Camp Dragonhead that potentially disastrous shenanigans ensue. Much Fluff with attempts at humor. Haurchefant x WoL. Tataru and Alphinaud friendships.
This one! The fic where I created Ger! Another one I would like to edit to make more friendly to non-binary & they/them readers. I'd also like to update Ger's characterization, because she's an entirely different character now! But I really enjoyed writing this fic. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed exploring Haurchefant's character & building up the relationship between him and WoL. I had a sequel planned & everything. I'd still like to write that sequel eventually. I have a draft on my computer for it lol.
•Switching Roles:
Kudo count: 266 ❤️
Summary: Estinien lies in wait for Aymeric. This is also porn. Can be stand alone, but more like a sequel to Sweet like birch syrup.
Estinien and Aymeric were my first foray into writing smut, not just fading to black or ending at the buildup & making people ask in my comments "that's it? where's the rest of it?"
Oh, how far we have come since then! I used to say I was strictly a fluff/romance writer with occasional angst. Now look at me. 95% pure, explicit smut!
Kudo count: 244 ❤️
Hermes/Warrior of Light (reader insert?) from Hermes POV.
I won't post the summary because it's kinda sorta Endwalker Spoilers! Sorry!
I will say that this fic is my current baby. I love Hermes sooo much. I relate to him a lot. It makes me very sad that so many people in fandom seem to hate him. My poor, misguided little meow meow.
Yet another character I ship with Ram, in theory, but as of yet not in written practice. Just vibes, just brainwyrms doing loops in the old noggin.
•The Cats Meow:
Kudo count: 243 ❤️
Haurchefant/Miqo'te WoL (reader insert)
Summary: Haurchefant notices the cat-like qualities in the Miqo'te!WoL. Attempts at humor and fluff.
Ok, this one is just silly fluff. Much romance. Very cute. Meow. This was around the time I was still playing my miqo'te, before I left her standing by Haurchefant's desk before level 57.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Eyes Ever Heavensward
Kudo count: 33 ❤️
Haurchefant/Warrior of Light (reader insert)
The one where Haurchefant is a member of the Heavensward, and WoL is storming The Vault. Angst. Feels. Unhappy Ending.
Ok, I probably have a few angsty ones but this one made me cry while I was writing it. I think it's just angstier because of what WoL is forced, with no other choice, to do in the fic.
:( ͡° ᴥ ͡°)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have so many that end on positive/happy endings. I can't really say what is the happiest. Maybe fix-it fics?
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not so much on fic. I have gotten some mean/malicious anons on Tumblr, but not since my fanfiction dot net days have I gotten "flames" or somebody sending me a link to my fic being posted on "gaff" (god awful fanfiction). That was really mean lmao.
I just end up deleting hateful comments, anons, etc. Who wants to waste time on that?
Attacking or harassing real people over fiction is utterly ridiculous and I will never condone that.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Hello, so much smut!
I can write super explicit stuff that is really raunchy, or more flowery/romantic types. Fun, silly, sweet. Darker themes. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to writing smut.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
I have. Probably RP? The other crossovers I've done are nowhere near as crazy as things can get in RP.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of??
It's harder to pinpoint with writing, I think. People can have similar ideas, plots, or just enjoy similar tropes.
Unless someone is copying your work word for word, lifting scenes, or using it for A/I... (A/I images & text are theft. We want A/I to help people, not to replace human creativity with regurgitated trash that has no human soul.)
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
I think I had someone ask at one point but it was some time ago. I don't even remember what fic it was.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Does RP count?
Brainstorming, bouncing ideas off one another. Or even just doing prompts & requests... I think that counts as creating together, if not actually "co-writing".
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
I have so many!!!
For FFXIV in particular, it's probably still tied between Haurchefant/WoL and Zenos/WoL at the top. Ships with Ysayle or Foulques!! Ships with NPCs that are job class or side characters.
I am really fond of Emet/WoL, too. Tbh, any Scion ship or Ascian ship.
I love them all...
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Don't call me out like this 😔
I want to finish so many...
Ones that I feel I have to edit to add to them, maybe? I just don't have the free time to do so right now.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Hmm. Research and dedication to accurate characterization??
Dialogue, I think, because I enjoy it very much, but that could also be marked in weaknesses because I struggle with certain characters. (Smart characters. Characters like Urianger who have a particular way of speaking, etc, etc.)
Setting the scene. Word counts go crazy with that.
Descriptive writing and character introspection. I can dive deep into that.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely perfectionism. I'm never satisfied. I want every fic I write to be a home cooked meal. Michelin star.
Also run on sentences and my love affair with commas, em dashes, and semicolons.
Keeping the tenses consistent.
World building.
Overworking. (Set word count? What's that? What if 3k fic became a 6k fic became a 9k fic. Oops.)
Having time/energy to write. That's a big one. 🥲
I'm a caretaker for my disabled sister, the designated chef of my household, and just constantly busy every day. I try to squeeze in writing where I can, but some days I'm just so tired and drained that I have basically nothing to spare for my creative pursuits. It's a definite struggle to work through that.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like to read it! It's especially fun if it's a fantasy language like vulcan or elvish.
Unfortunately, I only speak English, and even writing in my first language can be difficult. I don't know any other languages well enough to even attempt writing in them.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Inu Yasha, DBZ, FF11. All when I was a teenager.
Then I didn't write again for years and years. Started up again with FFXIV.
20. favourite fic you've written?
I have so many I love, I can't pick one favorite... I'll just list a few of my favorites right now!
XIVSapphicWeek Snippets
Ram x Ysayle & RamLynn
(Lynn belongs to my RP partner, @/lynnslight )
I had an AyaGer one planned but I didn't end up writing more before the week ended. I'm still gonna use the prompts & add to it, eventually ❤️
(Yes, again. I'm posting it twice)
Hermes x WoL
Summary is !Endwalker Spoilers!
This is my current baby, I have the next chapter stewing. The start of the smut always has to be good, you know? The flavor has to be just right~
•A (Primal is a) Wish Your Heart Makes
Angst. Gerchefant? Primal Haurchefant. I have a WIP of the next chapter & it is angst and smut.
(You know what's funny? I've written/posted more Ger smut than Ram smut lmao! Sorry Ram. I love putting Ger in situations 😌❤️)
Favorite series?
Amnesia Zenos, Villain Haurchefant, any Ascian fic (particularly fond of Attracting Ascians, I need to write more for that one.)
Amnesia Zenos
•Dancing In The Dark
Zenos x reader Insert WoL
Summary: If Zenos had lost his memory, and WoL was the one to find him.
• Dancing In The Dark - With Two
Zenos x reader Insert WoL
Summary: One with Amnesia, the other without? Two Zenos? You can barely handle one.
•Villains and Heroes
Summary: “Shh, it’s alright,” the villain said. “You’re doing beautifully and I’m so proud of you. But that’s enough now. It was cruel of them to make you fight me - you could never have won. It’s not your fault.” Villain!Haurchefant
•Attracting Ascians
Ascians x reader insert WoL
Summary: The Warrior of Light attracts Ascians like moths to light. Or the one where WoL Kisses Ascians instead of Killing them. (ARR. Early? Maybe. IDK, who cares about Canon, this is Fanfiction.)
Special mention to my WiP fics I haven't posted yet except for some snippets like that Ram x Zenos smut, the dark themed/dubcon Fandaniel fics that I'm excited about.
Also the Nu Carnival & Obey Me! fic I started that I want to eventually sit down and properly write...
(I know. Fic that isn't FFXIV? Gasp.)
And of course, the comms!!
I really try to write every comm I get like I'm cooking a homemade meal for someone.
I made it for you. Take a fucking bite bro, I love you man. (Gender neutral uses of 'bro' & 'man', ofc. It's like saying 'dude' to me lol)
Anyway, thanks for tagging me ❤️
If any of my followers would like to do this, I'm tagging you! 💕
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motheatenscarf · 2 years
I beat the base-game story for FF14! Yaaay! \o/
I have... SO many thoughts, I just kinda powered through the last bit after the Scions got got, most of my thoughts are relatively positive, but also I have some very mean, very stupid opinions about some of the writing choices happening here.
I'll probably make a few posts in greater detail later, but for now my strongest opinions can be summed up as follows;
Holy fuck, I hate Minfilia, the literal child was a better leader than her. She's weak and indecisive and written as a terrible leader without the narrative addressing that fact at all. So it's not just irresponsible misogynistic writing, it's just lazy and laughably incompetent writing.
I wound up liking the villain quartet more than I thought I would, namely the big dude you have to kill first. His devotion to his men and belief in the empire due to his ability to rise to his station really stood out. That was probably the most nuanced this game has been so far, I was impressed, I genuinely felt bad I had to kill him. He was written from a perspective of empathy with the full breadth of emotion, like a real human being.
I had not come to expect that from this game!
Namely because all of our villains until this point were cartoons who wanted to blow up the moon and all of our heroes were made of unflappable cardboard. That's not to say they don't have their charms, I love a good "Mua ha ha!" as much as the next person, but y'know, largely forgettable. The worst example of this comes from Cid and Thancred. Like. Hey, Cid, these are your childhood friends we're slaughtering. You really gonna no thoughts, head empty your way through this?
Okay... cool...
god forbid someone have an interesting reaction.
The WORST example of that, however, is Thancred. I really thought we'd get something out of Thancred being possessed by Lahabrea. Like, even if he didn't make a choice or a deal to get possessed and had no agency in that, he would at least have a reaction to knowing he'd gotten his people killed or tortured. That's going to at the very least cause reflection in a character and an interesting change in his perspective if not outright trauma he's going to have to work through, and that's a good emotional hook to have someone your character needs to look out for. Real vulnerability, maybe, if we're lucky.
Like. I've played Kingdom Hearts. I'm getting big Organization XIII vibes from the Ascians, and I'm looking at Thancred like, oh, okay, you're just... older Riku. Sure. I can work with that, that's a good source of angst, at least someone's feeling SOMETHING in the narrative at that point.
But fucking lol, no, he's just like "Thanks for saving me, I've been a real inconvenience, I should take some time off to recover so nobody has to help me again."
ANd like...
Buddy, that is the reaction you have when you're hangry and you get kinda snippy before somebody hands you a candybar and tells you to calm down. You're REALLY not gonna talk about this?! I have a whole subsequent sidequest to help Minfilia find her MOMMY so she can grow the moral fortitude to refuse bribes, but Thancred spends months being possessed by THE bad guy and gets the Scions nearly wiped out and he's FINE and we're MOVING ON!
I know I JUST compared it to Kingdom Hearts, but it's not even that! Kingdom Hearts, for being TERRIBLE, at least understood that the way to get people invested in a narrative was to give them characters who CARE about things and react accordingly! Oh my god, Kingdom Hearts was more competent than this! OH MY GOD, it's so bad, I'm so ANGRY! It was starting to show promise, how did it turn around and do itself this dirty, who was responsible for this?!
That said, the things I like are, like, everything else about this game so far. My god was I frustrated the entire time I was sitting through some of this shit storywise, but the gameplay was very fun. The game is otherwise the single most functional, deep, and FUN mmo I've ever played gamewise. I'm ASSURED the story gets better, and like, frankly, it wouldn't take much effort for that to be true, but if they can also make the story GOOD, I will be pleasantly surprised because right now we're in "so incompetent I burst out laughing" territory.
And then after all that they called it the 7th Astral Era like, job's done, go home team, ignore the multiple other looming threats! We're admitting Lahabrea isn't dead even in-text among the Scions and there's still countless Primals being summoned and I'm pretty sure somebody needs to talk about these giant talking crystals, but NOPE, 7th Astral Era here we go!
I give it ten months.
Anyway, I'm gonna go read up on how to kill the Moogle King so I can progress this narrative, but I'm in like, humorously SHOCKED disbelief at how bad this was. Like, the FUNNY kind of angry, not legit angry, the "Oh, here's a new rant I could go on about for ten minutes EASY" kind of angry, it was so bad.
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