mamabaddies-blog · 3 days
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nicawlette · 2 years
The sun hangs low in the sky by the time she makes it across the ward to the pharmacy. It had been mid afternoon when she'd left, but it took a lot more energy to move around than Nicolette originally thought it would. The few convenience stores she visited before this had been busts, and now that her slowly recovering wounds have been agitated enough to start burning, she wonders if this was even worth it. Exhaustion bleeds into the very marrow of her bones— Nicolette knows she hasn't been resting the way she ought to, even if she's barely left her apartment.
It's only been a few days since she'd abandoned her bed at the hospital, and even visiting Break had taken a lot out of her, both physically and emotionally. The lack of sleep hasn't helped the healing process, nor her complexion. She'd seen the bags darkening under her eyes the last time she looked.
Pathetic. She's pathetic.
Her mood is low by the time she enters the store, heading straight for the first aid and paying little mind to anyone else. She tugs at the cuffs of her sleeves and adjusts her collar, peeking down at the strips of neatly wrapped cloth hidden underneath. When she finds the correct aisle, she grabs one, then two boxes of rolled gauze and reaches a bandaged hand towards the antiseptic while skimming the rest of the shelf.
Another set of fingers brushes against her own, transferring warmth even through the fabric, and she stiffens on instinct. Frowning, her head whips towards the unfamiliar contact, only to find that it's not unfamiliar at all. A strange fuzziness flutters in her stomach as she finds her voice.
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❝ Wang— Yiyi..? ❞ The tension melts away in an instant, and just like with Break, her expression falls, open and unguarded. She makes no move to pull her hand away, either.
@nobully — if you squint really small and look at this upside-down, it's just a romcom meet-cute and not sad at all ( post-event )
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fairyknight · 5 months
● "What? Never seen someone drink blood before?" That probably wasn't the reason he was interested in her beverage consumption. The blood was in a frappuccino cup and blended like and iced drink, for one. She had found a single shop in the city that was willing to sell blood in any capacity, at least in a way that was ethically sourced.
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"For the record it was taken voluntarily and the donor was financially compensated. I have a taste for it, but it's simply a matter of my species of fairy. It's all very normal." Baobhan Sith could say that, but it had also been a source of great pain for her once upon a time.
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sxnburst · 5 months
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Wang Yi's voice pulls Sun right out of his thoughts. His tail curls upward and his head turns to look over his shoulder. Sure enough, as expected, is the familiar man. Though, he's changed. Not much physically, aside from the hair length, but something else.
"Like what you did to your hair, Wang Yi."
@nobully "There's much to catch up on."
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schleckermaul · 5 months
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𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧? have you been well. — by @nobully
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' yes. splendid. '
   ignore the recent bout of hypothermia. thanks kindly.
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archaictold · 1 month
𝐙𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐍 it to a candle that is snuffed out, how sudden a shift the world around him takes. At once, gone are the watercolor trees and whimsically-sized garden vegetables. The sky itself seems to wail, the soil beneath his feet begins to sink as if to swallow him, and as reality itself bends— darkness gives way to sand.
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The air instantly becomes cold and dry, the sunlight overhead not returning even as his surroundings finally stabilize. Standing small in the shadow of a dune, his recognition is hindered by confusion: are these Sumeru's deserts or is he still in Spirale, somehow deep in the belly of the Land of Burnt Umber? He searches the horizon for the telltale orange glow of King Deshret's Mausoleum, and once finding that the sky is as black as ink he decides it doesn't matter. Wherever this is, it is not anywhere he wants to be. So he clambers through the sand, away from the dune, in search of escape. How long he wanders, he isn't sure. Time feels inconsistent here, this personal nightmare of his. He measures it instead by the ache in his legs as he fights against the resistance of the dust underneath them, and it's at some indistinct point where the chill in the air has already sunk bone-deep that the clouds start to emit faint, vermillion light. The buildings that appear with it are like a mirage at first. Nonphysical distortions of shelter in the distance, only that they don't betray him with their realness and solidify themselves into being the closer he gets. They are dilapidated things with strangely urban architecture, weathered and beat and visibly abandoned for possibly over a decade, but to Zhilan they are a temporary distraction from the unease that tends to grip him while in the desert. He ducks into one, backing up as the wind whips and howls around it. Yet he neglects to realize that it is already occupied, discovering this by abruptly colliding into them back-first. He swings around in an instant, the sharp tip of his polearm pointed at them having been manifested into his hands from thin air. Their identity is a belated arrival to his senses, but once they truly lock eye contact the name leaves him sharply, startled. ❝ —— Wang yi? ❞
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@nobully — hey bestie i'm sorry abt almost stabbing u. is this ur hellscape too.
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kleinstar · 2 years
@nobully sent: wang yi vc: did you hang out with Sun too much, you know Santa's not real right
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" Duuuude. I figured that one out when I was like 10 or something. But you can hate stuff even if it's not real! Plus if you did then I wouldn't want to trample on your dreams ok? Dreams are important! "
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isolaradiale · 5 months
hello! i'd like to reapp Wang Yi from I Have to Be a Great Villain with an updated canon point and abilities (they are marked ✨ [new] under app sections on /app). ooc contact will be sent separately and thank you!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Wang Yi!
You will be housed in CONDO 401.
You will retain everything you were given in your previous stay.
– mod pleiades.
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rosaictus · 4 months
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itzsniper4l · 1 year
TW .. Heads up that Prettylittlebunnys (someone who was tagged in the same mutual post as you) is a pedophile. She wrote a fic about Tenko being raped and groomed.
so um i don’t know anything about this to be honest and i’m not gonna get involved with that whatever problems you got with @prettylittlebunnys just talk it out and stop spreading hate it’s not nice and im pretty sure she doesn’t like it either 😐.
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punisheye · 5 months
have you ever stocked up on backup sunglasses
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"No. These're the only pair I've had."
In immaculate condition, all things considered.
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darkenforcer · 5 months
have u ever considered curling your hair
SEND A "HAVE YOU EVER (...)" || accepting !
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"wh-- no."
is putting it up in half-assed hairdos not enough for you people?
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nicawlette · 1 month
❝ Wang Yi? ❞ She recognized the sight of his back, but hesitated under a wave of nostalgia. ❝ Is that you? ❞ Gone were the white robes and long hair she'd endeavored to get used to, replaced by a familiar red jacket and short pink strands curling along his nape.
With another strange development unfolding across the city, Nicolette's focus had shifted, entirely captivated by a waking daydream shared amongst every Spirale citizen. Ironically, it had only been thanks to Mary Sue's curiously active imagination that Nicolette found herself coming back to reality. As handsome and suave as fantasy men might be, there was only one on her mind, whose eyes she feared wishful thinking would not be strong enough to open.
So imagine her surprise upon arriving back at his apartment to find the bed his sleeping form had occupied for weeks, empty. The shock of it was unsettling enough, but a lack of contact from his end left her wildly concerned. The entire atmosphere of the city seemed to shift in a moment, growing dark and ominous where it had once been bright and carefree. Despite his belongings remaining to prove otherwise, Nicolette could not shake the fear that he was gone— that it was her turn to lose him first, this time.
Please, anything but that— not yet, please.
She had walked the streets with a rising panic, seeing familiar faces from the corner of her eyes that dissipated like smoke the moment she turned to look closer.
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Seeing Wang Yi now, Nicolette considered the possibility she may be hallucinating, despite him being the first figure not to disappear before her eyes could fully adjust; however, it did not stop her from moving closer, hand reaching out to seek comfort as it pinched the fabric at his upper arm. ❝ Where have you been? I've looked everywhere for you. I thought... I thought you— ❞ Disappeared, again. Though she could not say the words, they hung in the air between them, anyway.
@nobully — worst boyfriend award goes to the bitch who didn't call me when he woke up from his coma?
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ryuujin · 2 years
continued from here | @nobully
It had been a peaceful rest at first. He had spent the last few remaining hours of last evening laughing and staring at the stars with dear Ismael that he had completely forgotten he purchased tickets to The City of Glass several days ago. Suffice to say, falling asleep in the small ferry is to be expected.
But with a sharp jolt of the boat, Ryuujin lurches forward and almost collides against the seat in front of him. It's not the sudden loss of balance that elicits a reaction out of him though, but rather the sharp ache that stretches across one side of his neck.
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"Ow ow ow ow!" He cries perhaps a little too dramatically as he leans back into his seat, cradling his neck in one hand. "Ahh, curse this human form! If I could just—" He only stops himself upon remembering he is not by his lonesome. One look to his side and he is reminded of the shoulder he had used as a pillow. He was half-awake when he braved the idea of leaning against this young man and fortunately, the mortal has proven to be a kind individual!
"My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience my rest has caused you!" He says, his hand gently kneading his neck as if that would help rub the pain away. "Consider my comfort as a debt to be paid."
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sxnburst · 2 years
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Is he home? Is he not home? I can't see, the curtains are blocking my view.
He picked up Wang Yi's scent whenever he was around the residency's place. Originally, he had been making his way to the Star Trail so he could enjoy some meals and naturally the Monkey man got curious about the housing in the area. That's how he ends up here at Condo 411. Hands are splayed opened on the window and his face is pressed against the cold glass. Eugh cold he thinks to himself.
Tail swishes from left to right almost aggressively, but there's nothing aggressive with how he's feeling. Maybe a slight irritation and annoyance with how cold it is. A twinge of sadness and despair for something deep down he's not quite sure with. Almost like a distant memory. ABOVE all that though, he feels worry, concern, and guilt for the friend he's trying to check up on.
"Wang Yi?" He calls out, but voice is muffled by the glass. "Are you home?"
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schleckermaul · 1 year
   TO DENY ZHILAN JUST ABOUT ANYTHING has turned into a task considerably difficult. it's why he's here in the first place, isn't it? in a crowd too large for a blind man to keep track of, trying to make the best of it as he's spent a good amount of time simply stealing as many fresh pastries and sweets as he can.
   the air stuffy, the alcohol getting to a lot of people's heads, the noise and tangible closeness to everybody else ... it's only when zhilan brings up another idea that he finally refuses. his hand lingering over emily's head as she's resting in his pant pocket, his smile is subdued, a tad stressed.
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   ' zhilan— i can't dance. ' he also doesn't want to, but the part where he's unable to seems more convincing. still, he doesn't resist the touch around his wrist, pulling him from the smaller table they were standing at. ' absolutely no talent for it— especially not in a crowd. i'd only stomp on your feet. we wouldn't want to ruin your shoes! '
@archaictold > @nicawlette > @nobully
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