#nobunaga shimazaki showing up at the very last second lol
courtesanofdeath · 2 years
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"Right now, I'm an Immortal ladies' man!"
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aja154ever · 4 years
Haikyuu To the Top New Year’s Online Event! Inarizaki High School Special Team Meeting~ Karasuno Still on to the New Year’s Vibe~ 01/10/2021
The report is late, but still posting this for the record!! It’s long and detailed but the talks were really interesting so please read until the end! I promise, you won’t regret it! I also put Haikyuu pictures for easier understanding (but no seiyuu pics from the actual event besides those from the official accounts).
The event was held on 1/10 but there was an archive viewing on 1/23~24 so I watched it again <3
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The event starts with a prerecorded video of a mini skit by the voice actors. The video shows the Inarizaki members at the club room at the start of the year (not animated, still images only moving once in a while).
Atsumu: I won this year, Samu! I got more New year postcards than you!
Osamu: But you’re also including the ones sent from business establishments! They don’t count!
Atsumu: Doesn’t matter! They’re addressed to my name, anyway! You’re just a sore loser!
Suna enters the room and they notice that he seems to be happy. Osamu assumed that it’s probably because he got a lot of money from New Year, but warns him that if he spends too much, Kita-san would scold him telling him to save money properly.
Atsumu: Ah! Must be nice to be you, Suna! Because we’re twins, we have to divide and share the money we get from our grandparents! I envy you!
Osamu: *sighs* If I were an only child, I'd get to buy delicious stuff and enjoy all the food by myself!
But Suna clarifies that it’s not because of the money he got why he’s happy, but actually because he got “excellent luck” from the fortune this year.
The twins didn’t expect him to bother about such things, and they said that they don’t actually believe in that because as twins they’re often told to share the same fate.
Kita enters the room and everyone greets him a Happy New Year. Kita greets back and tells them to get ready for the meeting and the practice. Osamu suddenly asks a question before they go though.
Osamu: I heard from Aran-kun before that Kita house’s “ozouni” (Japanese soup with rice cakes traditionally eaten during New Year) is really delicious. Is that true?
Kita: Ah well, it’s made by granny after all, so there’s no way it’s not.
Osamu: Please let me eat that next time!
Atsumu: That’s unfair!!! Let me too!
Kita: *chuckles* Oh, you’re pretty enthusiastic about this, huh. Well, it’s good to properly eat such food during New Year after all. I’ll let you next time.
Twins: Thanks a lot!!
Osamu: Ahhh~ Can’t wait to eat Kita house’s ozouni!
Suna: Osamu, you really do like eating, huh.
Kita reminded them to not get carried away and take care of their bodies. They then go to proceed with their meeting.
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The seiyuu event starts with the Inarizaki members greeting a Happy New Year. They’re also happy that Inarizaki is the main focus of this event.
For convenience, they’ll be referred here as follows.
Miyano Mamoru (Atsumu’s seiyuu) - Mamo
Kabumoto Hideaki (Osamu) - Kabu
Nojima Kenji (Kita) - NojiKen
Shimazaki Nobunaga (Suna) - Zakki
They’re all wearing Inarizaki-themed kimonos for the occasion and showed it off with the camera tilting down to up, focusing on each of them, as they also turned around.
Kabu is wearing a matching arm warmer, which he mistakenly calls “warm armer” (Mamo corrects him laughing), that volleyball players apparently use during games. He also shares that he spent the New Year alone (due to the pandemic situation), meanwhile NojiKen went to the Haikyuu exhibit during the holiday and was really impressed with the experience.
There were also seiyuu events held last year but since the anime was still ongoing at that time they cannot fully talk about everything, but now they can go talk without any hesitation. This is also the first time that the four of them gathered for a Haikyuu event.
Zakki has been open about his love for his team in past events and this time he also expressed that with a full smile.
Zakki: I’m really very happy (that we’re all here)! *cute mini jumping/shaking gestures* Ah, i LOVE Inarizaki! I REALLY love this team, it’s the best! Even if I knew that we’d end up losing, I still felt like we were definitely gonna win.
Mamo: But we did lose
Zakki: Don’t say it!
The MC of the event entered afterwards and the seiyuus formally introduced themselves one by one (they almost forgot lol).
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Karasuno was then introduced. They also appeared in a mini skit first.
Hinata arrives at the gym first. However, inside the gym Mt. Fuji appeared out of nowhere. He was surprised for a second, but then thought that he’d go climb it anyway. 
Kageyama enters the scene chasing a flying hawk.
Kageyama: Oy boke! Hinata! Catch that bird! Fly!
Hinata jumped and jumped but wasn’t able to catch it.
Kageyama: Oy! How dare you let it go! What was with those little jumps anyway? You wouldn’t reach it with that!
Hinata asked what was that all about and Kageyama said that the hawk matches Mt. Fuji. And with that, Hinata realizes that the only thing lacking for a good luck charm is an eggplant (“nasu” in Jpn).
Hinata: Kageyama! “Ore ni nasu!” (Tr: “Bring the eggplant to me,” but this is a play on the “Toss to me” line which sounds similar in Jpn “Ore ni tosu!”)
Kageyama refused, complaining about it and they started to argue.
The sound of alarm suddenly rings. Hinata wakes up from the dream*, and heads out to go to practice.
*Hatsuyume - the first dream of the year deemed to be important in Jpn culture. Dreaming of Mt. Fuji, hawk, and eggplant is particularly considered to be lucky.
The Karasuno seiyuus then join the rest in the studio saying their greetings.
Murase Ayumu (Hinata) - Ayu
Ishikawa Kaito (Kageyama) - Kaito
Haikyuu Back to the Top!
The seiyuus selected their most memorable scenes from the season.
Ayu and Zakki apparently chose the same: Hinata’s “Nice receive” scene.
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Zakki particularly loves the silence that follows after the receive, and Kageyama’s “Nice receive” (he claps when it was shown on the VTR). 
He loves Inarizaki and really wanted to fight and win with them and felt very frustrated when they lost, but he can’t really help but admire this Karasuno scene. The people who were watching the game couldn’t believe what happened that everyone’s feelings synced and they all fell silent. The silence held so much meaning, he thinks that the events and all the drama that occurred for them to reach this turning point gave the scene life, despite the lack of sound, and it was really beautiful. It’s a scene made by everyone. It also happened that he was at the studio during the recording and he saw how Kaito and the director gave so much thought about how Kageyama would say the “Nice receive” line to Hinata.
Ayu adds that the Inarizaki match is indeed very important to Hinata’s growth and this scene is a testament that Hinata’s path was right, and all his efforts weren’t in vain. He also likes the monologue by Japan National Team coach Hibarida in this scene, saying that Hinata’s life as a volleyball player which would still continue from then on, was acknowledged.
Mamo and Kabu’s chosen scenes were also shown together - Twin’s Quick.
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Kabu chose the last quick of the game, while Mamo chose all.
For the first quick, Mamo especially liked the moment when it zooms to Atsumu. The reverse quick was also impressive. 
Mamo: *pointing at the VTR* Isn’t this amazing? This is reverse, you know!
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Kabu still doesn’t want to believe that their last quick got blocked.
Mamo chose all because of the build-up and growth that happened during the match. The quick attack was something the twins just tried on a whim, but their guts, playfulness, and talent were really amazing.
The last quick was particularly memorable to Kabu because Osamu can be seen as the more reserved of the two, and while the twins carry the same thing inside them their approach and expression of things differ. But in the last scene, Atsumu and Osamu gave their all and really synced 100% perfectly.
Mamo adds that the first and last quick had the same lines, but the tension was very different and he really liked the juxtaposition. As the actors they were also carried away and really let their voices go all out in the last one, and he even thinks that Kabu and him synced perfectly that their voices sounded very alike.
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On the other hand, the Karasuno members were also asked for their opinion.
Kaito: Aahhh, no matter how many times I watch it, it’s really amazing. And because it’s the quick attack that we’ve been doing ever since, I still feel irritated, like *points at his face* this area below my eye really twitches unconsciously. That’s our attack! Don’t do it!
Ayu agrees and says that he really likes that last rotation in the game, that if it weren’t for that rotation, if it weren’t Kageyama and Hinata there, Karasuno would not have been able to block that attack. As he also shared in the Jump Festa last time, it’s theirs and they’re the ones who knew it the most so it’s only perfect that they were the ones who were able to stop that.
The next scene shown was the one Kaito picked which turned out to be unexpected to everyone - Atsumu’s happy scenes compilation.
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Kaito explains that they might think that he’s just fooling around, but he actually has a serious reason for choosing this. Kageyama and Atsumu are both setters with similar personalities, they love volleyball, and are very straightforward to their dreams. And while he does like Kageyama’s demeanor, he admires Atsumu’s attitude towards volleyball so much.
Kaito: “I’m having so much fun right now!!” The way Atsumu expresses that, as a human I want to work and live a life like Atsumu who enjoys doing what he loves so much, and is able to openly express it to the world. Atsumu’s way of playing volleyball, those smiles, the voice that holds all the experiences he’s had - i REALLY like them.
Mamo was glad and grateful with the compliment and agrees, sharing that sometimes at the end of a hard day’s work he’s also like Atsumu who’d go tell himself, “Ah! Ain’t today’s me so amazing?!”
He says that Atsumu is so carefree and thinks that there’s nothing wrong with expressing how he feels at the moment, especially when he’s strong because he’s doing his best everytime. It’s the result of his efforts and he takes pride in it. That is why he can express that smile that loves volleyball very much.
The last scene was the one NojiKen selected - Kita’s “Aren’t my teammates amazing?” scene (starting from the “I don’t have any regrets” line).
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While watching the VTR,
NojiKen: Ah, I’m gonna cry..
Mamo: This scene would really make you cry… I did cry during the recording.
Kabu: Aran-kuuunnn T.T
NojiKen: It’s very admirable.. Ah, I really wanted them to win..
Mamo: Ahhhh... He’s the best captain...
NojiKen shared that he was torn between choosing this scene or the scene when Kita got his uniform. During the recording the seiyuus, just like the Inarizaki team, fought with their all, only thinking about victory despite them knowing the end result.
So when the team lost, he really felt so frustrated and if it was him, he’d really want to shout and cry. But Kita-san doesn’t have any regrets, and his choice of words here showing the maturity of his heart really struck him.
NojiKen: Kita-san wasn’t crying in the scene, so during the recording I shouldn’t cry too. But after that, I did cry a lot. I think that in the corners of Kita-san’s heart he was really frustrated but hid it, and when he was left alone, he probably shed tears, too.
Mamo: Ahh, what a really nice talk this is..
NojiKen: So frustrating..
Zakki: I really wanted us to win..
For the next corner, the seiyuus were asked (beforehand) to
describe the Karasuno team and the Inarizaki team in one word.
Their answers were compiled and due to the short time allotted for discussion, only a few answers were discussed.
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NojiKen: Karasuno = Turkish ice cream
They’re like that ice cream that unbelievably stretches a lot which he likens to Karasuno growing and improving consistently physically and mentally. Moreover, when you buy the ice cream, the vendor usually won’t hand it to you right away and you’d keep chasing for it, and just like that, Karasuno is a team that isn't easily “captured” by their opponents.
Zakki: Karasuno = Sticky sticky love volleyball (they were laughing at Zakki’s lack of vocabulary)
Zakki also defended his answer that well, Karasuno is sticky and stretches out too that no matter how far the opponents go they will stick to them persistently. And because they are sticky, no matter how much they stretch out they won’t get cut easily amidst difficult situations, remaining connected. And because they love volleyball, they don’t stretch out in pain, but happily.
Inarizaki = Go go go head-on love volleyball
Inarizaki has overflowing spirits and potential and they always go for any challenge, almost without limits. He thinks that if Kita-san wasn’t there to steady the hold they’d go flying too much and even collapse somewhere. And of course since they all share that love for volleyball, despite the differences they are able to face everything head-on.
Kaito, to Zakki: You’re saying something so good but because of the word choice it gets negated!
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Mamo: Karasuno = comrades; Inarizaki = family
Inarizaki gives off a strong family vibe not only because the twins are literally brothers, but because of the role of each member like one is a responsible parent (Kita), an older brother (Aran), an inexpressive cheeky little brother (Osamu/Suna?), etc, and he likes it. Whereas Karasuno are more like comrades in arms fighting together.
Ayu: Inarizaki = Despair
This team has a lot of potential and it’s as if they don’t have any weaknesses. They can stop the good momentum of the opponent to get back on track, and when the momentum is on their side they also have Kita-san who can prolong that despair. He says that when he first read them in the manga, he was like “it’s impossible to beat them!”
Kaito: Inarizaki = Growth period
Inarizaki is always ever-growing all the while they're having fun, and that road to “ripening” is unstoppable, making this team a formidable opponent.
The next corner featured fortune-telling by a tarot card reader named A.M., which was then revealed to be Ayumu Murase. In private life, he revealed that he enjoys tarot card reading and does it almost everyday. He drew the cards of the other seiyuus beforehand to determine their luck in “battles” this year.
Since this corner isn’t about Haikyuu, I won’t report it in detail.
Basically they were ranked based on their luck, and Ayu explained the readings for each one of them.
Since Kaito ranked the lowest, he was given a lucky item - a golden volleyball.
New Year Postcard Pick up Corner
After that, they proceeded to the New Year Postcard Pick up Corner, where cards sent from fans were displayed on a board. This was led by Ayu and Kaito and two cards were picked which contained greetings and questions from the senders.
1st card - Share a moment when you felt like you got hooked on your job again (just like Haikyuu characters did to volleyball).
Ayu and Kaito both answered that it was getting to work in Haikyuu. Kaito expounds that Haikyuu reflects real life as they don’t always win, despite being the main characters. They continue to grow as actors too, and when they get to meet one another in the next seasons they all get to enjoy the new battles they face together.
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2nd card - What do you think is Kageyama’s weakness?
Kaito thinks that Kageyama may be seen as strong but he’s not a perfect setter and is continuously supported by the people around him.
Meanwhile, Ayu thinks that as a setter Kageyama may be seen as smart who is good in studies as well, but then the fact that he’s actually just on the same level as Hinata in studying, is cute.
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M-1/K-1/S-1/H-1 GranPri
The event then proceeds to the “Grand Prix” program, where three selected scene cuts (VTRs) for each character are shown. Each seiyuu would vote which scene they think represents the character best. After the initial voting, they’d engage in a discussion stating the reason for their choice (though because of time restriction not everyone can speak) where they can persuade others to change their votes. After that they make a final vote.
Miya-1 GranPri: Osamu
Scene 1: from Ep16
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Scene 2: from Ep21
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Scene 3: from Ep22
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Initial Votes:
Mamo, Kabu, Ayu
Kaito, NojiKen
Discussion: Kabu remembers that he wondered about how Osamu would talk in this scene, as he’s frustrated but chose to say such words. He talked to Mamo about it and since Mamo/Atsumu would strongly say his lines, Kabu/Osamu also settled to assert his point with more conviction (”Let me finish what I’m saying!”).
Since Kabu discussed his experience that way, other seiyuus were easily convinced to change their answer to 2. Though NojiKen states that his favorite number is 3 that’s why he voted for 3. (So yeah, this didn’t turn into a discussion at all lol)
Final votes: 2 - everyone
Miya-1 GranPri: Atsumu
Scene 1: from Ep4 
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Scene 2: from Ep21
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Scene 3: from Ep24
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Initial Votes:
Kaito, Kabu
Mamo, Zakki, Ayu
Discussion: Kaito had a hard time choosing but ended up voting for 1. He says that scene 1 definitely gave a strong first impression of Atsumu. He got disappointed in Kageyama because he didn’t get thrilled on his by the book’s way of playing volleyball. Mamo adds that when they recorded this Atsumu really appeared as a strong, mysterious senpai character, and Kaito who watched it, honestly said that he’s scary. Kaito adds that there is more impact because he was on the receiving end of those words.
Everyone was a bit silent and looked like they got convinced of Kaito's answer, but Zakki begged to differ. He says that because of scene 1 being scary, people would wonder what kind of person Atsumu is, and once they see scene 2 they’d understand where he is coming from. They’d see that Atsumu is a very earnest person who goes straight forward to what he wants and has to do. In an instant, all of Atsumu’s appeal/charm as a person, as a player is shown.
Zakki: Won’t everyone begin to like Atsumu because of this scene?
NojiKen was about to defend his answer, apparently he has a proper reason this time for voting 3, but the time limit bell rang before he had the chance to do so.
Final Votes: 2 - Zakki, NojiKen, 1 - the rest
Kage-1 GranPri
Scene 1: from Ep7
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Scene 2: from Ep19 (Kalm Kageyama)
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Scene 3: from Ep24 (Setter Dump)
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Initial Votes:
Mamo, Kabu, NojiKen, Zakki
Discussion: NojiKen says that scene 3 exhibited Kageyama’s sharp intellect as a setter that thoroughly thinks about the strategy. Kabu adds that with this, he thinks Kageyama was able to get even with Atsumu from the goody two-shoes remark.
Ayu thinks that scene 3 was indeed impactful on the opponent side (that’s why all Inarizaki voted for it), but for a teammate the presence of a ‘Kalm Kageyama’ is impressive as it shows a different side of him when playing so he went for 2.
Kaito finds scene 1 a very important turning point for Kageyama as Hinata makes him a king. A king is someone who can’t exist without his own people, so a king only becomes one because he is chosen. Up to now Kageyama has been nothing but a lonely king, so that act from Hinata for the first time ever officially made him the King of the Court. And from that, scene 2 is born showing a King, and then scene 3 shows that this King can also act like this.
Final Votes: 2 - Kaito, 1 - the rest
It was a surprise that after everything Kaito said, he ended up the one changing his answer but he didn’t give any explanation about it.
Suna-1 GranPri
Scene 1: from Ep19
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Scene 2: from Ep19 (the old man discussing Suna’s ability)
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Scene 3: from Ep20 (Suna wanting to find Kita’s weakness)
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Initial Votes:
Mamo, Kabu, Ayu
Zakki, NojiKen
Mamo: 3 is Kita-san’s scene!
Zakki: And 2 is the old man’s scene!
Kaito defends 2 saying that core training is very hard and he looks up to Suna for being able to master that. But when he thought about 1 again, he says that 1 is indeed a good scene and considers changing his answer right then lol. Meanwhile, NojiKen actually wanted to choose 1 but Kita-san was in scene 3 so he voted for that.
Mamo: Well, that was Kita-san’s cute scene after all!
Zakki was about to explain about 1 but was cut by the time limit bell.
Final Votes: 4 - Zakki, 1 - the rest
Zakki explained that he likes 1 but the scene he liked the most was the exchange when Tsukki got back on Suna, so he chose 4. Mamo agrees and teases the staff that they should have chosen to put that scene in the selection instead.
Kita-1 GranPri
Scene 1: from Ep20 (scene cut starts from Aran and Kita going home until this “chanto yannen” scene)
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Scene 2: from Ep20 (Kita analyzing the 2nd years one by one)
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Scene 3: from Ep24 (“I’m a human invited to a monster’s ball.”)
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Initial Votes:
1 - Mamo, Kabu, Zakki, Ayu, Kaito
3 - NojiKen
Discussion: NojiKen continues fooling around by choosing 3 even if he actually likes 1. Mamo says that he actually likes the scene before 1, the moment when Kita-san got his uniform and proceeds to tease the staff again to put that scene instead. But Kabu says that he likes that going home scene, surprised that Kita-san can laugh like that and Aran was also cute for getting confused at what Kita-san was talking about. Kaito adds that scene 1 also shows us the level of friendship that Kita-san and Aran have. Kita-san laughed but Aran didn’t look surprised, meaning that he has seen it before - Aran knows Kita-san’s smile.
Final Votes: 1 - everyone
Hina-1 GranPri
Scene 1: from Ep1 
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Scene 2: from Ep13
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Scene 3: from Ep24
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Initial Votes:
1 - Mamo, Kaito
3 - Kabu, NojiKen, Zakki, Ayu
Discussion: Kaito was very hesitant in making a decision again but ended up with 1. Ayu starts the discussion saying that 1 and 2 are indeed very Hinata-like, but 3 left a big impression on him, seeing Hinata become someone who is able to give his teammates a moment to breathe in the middle of a game, showing how much he has grown. He was deeply moved when he read it in the manga and when he watched it in the anime again.
For a moment Kaito wanted to change his answer to 3, but then explains that 1 is the very starting line of To the Top. Because of that, not only Hinata but Karasuno was able to face and fight Inarizaki like this. Mamo comments on a different note. He wasn’t in the studio during the recording of 1 but when he watched it again now, he felt impressed and realized how along with Hinata Shoyo, Murase Ayumu the seiyuu has also grown a lot. That one short scene makes Ayu’s development very clear, for being able to voice act like that. Ayu was so happy and grateful he immediately changed his answer to 1. 
Final Votes: 3 - Kabu, NojiKen, 1 - the rest
New Year Postcard Pick up Corner 2
After the Granpri, they went to the New Year Postcard Pick up Corner again, led this time by Mamo and Kabu.
Mamo: Hi! We are Hyogo’s Miya twins!
Mamo reads the 1st card though there was no question, it’s from a mother writing about his 6-yr old son who loves Haikyuu, particularly Atsumu. Mamo is glad and thinks that people of different ages really do watch Haikyuu. Kabu adds that it would be nice if this can actually inspire someone in the future to play volleyball.
Mamo: Yeah, like hearing someone say that because of Haikyuu they became a setter, or a professional player.
2nd card - Do you have anything that’s like Kita-san’s concept of “Repetitive, Methodical, Thorough”?
Kabu answers that this applies to his work as a stage actor where they keep doing the same things properly everyday for months.
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New year’s Play-offs
The next games that followed were more related to New Year but less of Haikyuu so I won’t be reporting them in detail too (also because it’s probably only funny if you get to watch them playing the game). The seiyuus were divided into two: Team Atsumu with Mamo, Zakki, Ayu, and Team Tobio with Kaito, Kabu, and NojiKen.
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Game 1 - Guess the Situation of the First Dream: Sleep Talk Nuance Quiz
Mechanics: One of the members will sleep talk using a random line from the anime. There are four situations given where the line can possibly be used, and out of the four the other members will guess what kind of dream their teammate had. 
This game was played 4 times, with 2 turns for each team. Both teams won once.
Game 2 - Two-attack First Drawing
Mechanics: One member has to guess the word that his two other teammates will draw together. The challenge is that they can only draw using one pen stroke or without lifting their pen.
Each team only got one turn, and both didn’t get the correct answer.
With the two teams ending up in a tie, they were both declared winners and the prize is... Kita House’s Ozouni! A Hyogo-style ozouni was prepared for them. NojiKen led the serving of the food.
NojiKen: You have to do cooking properly, too. (“Oryouri mo, chanto yannen”)
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The event now comes to a close. The seiyuus say their
last message to the fans.
Zakki: I hope it was made clear that this is how fun the atmosphere is during recordings. I really love Inarizaki and the Haikyuu team. I will continue to hope that there will be more chances to spend time with everyone again. Please continue supporting Haikyuu from now on too!
NojiKen: Due to the pandemic situation, voice recordings were taken separately, but still this kind of teamwork was born. During these hard times, please watch/rewatch Haikyuu a lot of times and exercise your hearts and mind. Thank you!
Kabu: I have been invited to participate in a lot of Haikyuu events since last year and then for the first time these 4 Inarizaki members have gathered, and I really had a good time. I hope you all enjoyed it too. Looking forward to your support.
Mamo: I’m really glad that I can experience youth again at my age through Haikyuu. With the current situation where the norm is no longer the usual, I’m really happy that we were able to finish and present this Inarizaki match to you, thanks to the efforts of all the staff who have carefully considered how we can work best while taking the necessary health precautions. From here on too, we will continue to bring entertainment to the fans like usual, and I’m hoping that we can work again and act for the future stories too of Haikyuu.
Kaito: Did you have fun watching, everyone?
*answers himself acting as a viewer* Yes! We had fun! Thank you!
Thank you for all your comments! It’s been more than a year since we started working for Haikyuu To the Top and despite all the difficulties brought about by outside influences (particularly the pandemic), I’m really happy that we are here now and were able to say, “That was fun!” with everyone. Let’s keep the flame burning for Haikyuu!
Ayu: As what everyone has also mentioned, the current situation has made me realize more the value of each and every episode we created. Precisely because the normal everyday things have ceased to become normal, being part of a work that can touch people’s hearts when they watch it and make them appreciate volleyball more, makes me feel really proud. I’m really grateful to the staff. Hinata and everyone’s path will still continue from now on and I really hope we can continue to work with this team until the end.
After their goodbyes, NojiKen was tasked to lead the last greeting as the captain of Inarizaki, which is the main in this event.
NojiKen: Thank you everyone for watching us ‘til the end. Thank you!
All together: Thank you!!!! *cute bye bye waves*
Photos/Posts from Official Accounts
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And that’s it!! It was a fun fun fun 2.5 hrs event! I’m really glad that despite the current pandemic situation we can still have seiyuu events like this.
I just want to say that I’ve been watching Haikyuu all these years, but unexpectedly, the Inarizaki match is the moment I felt that I got hooked on Haikyuu *cries*
I just really really LOVE Kita-san soooo much, and the Miya twins T.T !!!!
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miru-p · 5 years
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Jones-Fiori family tree! Third version, and I hope the last one lol. Open in new tab for better view or check it in my deviantART with longer description! 
Now, under the cut, about the members, from left to right, and up to down:
Angela Fiori (C.V: Yoshiko Sakakibara / V.A: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn) Melissa's grandmother was a very kind woman that Melissa loved with all her heart. When she died at the beggining of 1914, Melissa was totally devastated, and when she returned back to Central and found out that Hughes also had died, only worsened her mental state. Melissa's first daughter is named after her. Alex was who decided it because he knows how much she loved her. Evelyn Jones (C.V: Ayumi Tsunematsu / V.A: Kari Wahlgren) Evelyn, just like her son, is a very warm and friendly person who always cares about others. She was like a mother figure for Melissa, and was an important support for her, especially during her first pregnancy while her mother Beatrice was distancing herself from her. Evelyn gives her, the day of her wedding, a little heart-shaped pendant, that Melissa wears it in a cord in her wrist since that day. Jonathan Jones (C.V: Kazuhiko Inoue / V.A: Illich Guardiola) Jonathan is a verious serious man yet a very warm person. For him, the most important thing in life is his family. He welcomed Melissa to his family when she married Alex, and loved her as his own daughter.
Gabriele Fiori (C.V: Yoshimasa Hosoya / V.A: Richard Epcar) Melissa's father is one of the most important people in her life. He is a very quiet person who rarely shows his emotions but he loves her daughter so much. Melissa is also quiet so she understands him. Besides, Gabrielle also supported her when she though about joining the military. When his mother Angela died, he fell into depression and Melissa tried to make him feel better. Beatrice Fiori (C.V: Sayaka Ohara / V.A: Ellyn Stern) Melissa's mother is a very stric and stoic woman just as Melissa herself. But unlike her, Beatrice is a very traditional woman; something that ruined her relationship with her daughter. First, she didn't support her at all when Melissa decided joining the military because she thought that a woman shouldn't be in a job like that, so she distanced herself from her daughter. Not only that, but also she didn't like so much the idea of Melissa marrying Alex; something that Melissa wouldn't forgive. Lionetta Breuer (C.V: Hitomi Nabatame / V.A: Erica Lindbeck ) Lionetta is Beatrice's sister. She lived in Central and needed help in her store, so she asked her sister if she could. So, in 1889, Beatrice and Gabriele moved to Central and started living there with her, too. Arabelle Jones (C.V: Miki Itō / V.A: Mela Lee) Alex' older sister met Meli when they were children and became friends. Arabelle is a very supportive person, so when Melissa started dating Alex, she welcomed Melissa to her family without even thinking. She was very happy since she always appreacited her a lot, besides she knew about Alex' crush for her since forever. She has a relationship with Lucy Carter (miss-mary-grace 's OC) whose character can totally handle since she has some similarities with Melissa. Alexander Jones (C.V: Yūichi Nakamura / V.A: David Matranga) Alex is a very kind and warm person. Basically the definition of cinnamon roll. Alex met Melissa when they were children in Central and inmediately became friends. Alex was in love with Melissa since they were kids, something that everyone noticed, except Melissa. He was key when Melissa's grandmother and her friend Hughes died, supporting her in everything he could. After the Promised Day, he confessed to her. Months after that, they got married and had their first daughter. Melissa Fiori (C.V: Yōko Hikasa / V.A: Elizabeth Maxwell) Melissa's desire of protect people made her join the military. At first, she worked like secretary principally and did a lot of paperwork for the Major Maes Hughes with whom he became friends due to his easy going personality. She was working under him for a year and was promoted to corporal because of her skills. Since then she worked in the investigation department and is promoted to sergeant major with 24 years. After the Promised Day, Melissa decided to leave the military. She knows for Hughes' death how dangerous their work is and she can't accept that one day the pain that Gracia and Elicia are going through could happen to Alex. Since then, she became an employee in Evelyn's florist shop. Fiorella Fiori (C.V: Rie Takahashi / V.A: Colleen O'Shaughnessey) When Fiorella was born, Melissa looked after her a lot because she thought that as an older sister she had to be like a second mother for her. When they grew up, they still have a very good relationship even thought they were distanced due to Melissa's tense situation with her mother. Fiorella usually tries to reunite her mother and her sister so they can talk and  forgive each other. Angela Jones (C.V: Mariya Ise / V.A: Kelly Sheridan) The first daughter of Melissa and Alex is a hurricane. She's very spontaneous yet responsible. Both Melissa and her have strong tempers so sometimes they argue and Alex has to mediate between them. Thank to her love for music she could meet Vanessa Elric's (novanoah 's OC) beautiful voice and develop a crush on her. When they are older, they started dating. Samantha Jones (C.V: Chiwa Saitō / V.A: Kate Bristol) The second daughter of Melissa and Alex is a very shy child. She has a hard time interacting with others, and is very family oriented since with her relatives she feels more safe. Her most precious possesion is a little rabbit keychain Jansen bought her for for apologizing when he broke her favorite plushie.
Jansen Jones (CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki / V.A: Josh Grelle) The only son of Melissa and Alex is totally opposite character-wise of his twin sister. Jansen is a prankster and is proud himself of how he is. Jansen dream is becoming a famous soccer player, but at the moment he has to deal with her archenemy: mathematics, with Leonard Fuery's (his boyfriend math tutor) help.
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shoujotraveler · 7 years
Shimono Hiro Bday Event 2017 at NHK Hall (Senshuuraku) Part 1
A report based on my memory and messy notes lol.
The event started with Shimono singing his latest single, Running High. Afterward, he made his greetings. He mentioned that he was shocked to know that he’ll be having his bday live at NHK Hall and thinks that it was awesome. He was truly thankful.
The first corner was “Heaven vs. Hell” batsu game. They showed on screen the things that Shimono want right now. It wasn’t a long list, about five or so, but all I remember was the Nintendo Switch.
The corner goes like this: They will show a question on screen and Shimono, of course, have to guess them right or else he will face a punishment. There’s a reward every time he answers correctly. The questions are a challenge to his memory since they’re all from previous magazine interviews.
First question: ☆ “…something you want back.” (?) ☆ The interview was from Seiyuu Grand Prix March 2007.
Shimono mentioned that it (the cover) was embarrassing. I wasn’t able to catch his answer, but it was wrong. His punishment was to act an Uta no Onii-san skit. He needs to introduce himself to a child (who’s about to enter a daycare) and their mom.
I wrote “flying kiss” on my notes, but I don’t remember exactly what happened. </3
Second question: ☆ “What kind of cat do you want to be?” ☆ The interview was from Neko Danshi Feb 2012.
Shimono can’t remember his answer back then, and even though he tried so hard, he ended up answering “tsundere cat.” His answer was wrong.
He probably didn’t answer the question back then because the screen showed “Nyanteru no?” (or was it “Dounyanteru no?” I can’t remember exactly) as the correct answer.
The punishment was to drink some sort of tea. From his initial reaction, it seemed that the tea is known to have a bad taste. The fans asked “Oishiiii〜?” after he drinked and he replied “Oichi〜” with a sour face lol.
Third question: ☆ (Can’t remember!!) ☆ The question was from the on-going anime, Kabukibu.
The correct answer was kabuki blocks and Shimono got it right. He rejoiced because he finally got one right. His reward was a birthday greeting VTR from his Kabukibu co-cast. There were five of them, but I only remember Ohsaka Ryota, Uehara Yuuichiro, and Shimazaki Nobunaga. OTL
Fourth question: ☆ “What do you dream to be in the future?” ☆ (I wasn’t able to take note where this question is from, but it’s from a magazine interview.)
The choices were: → restaurant owner → レアル・マドリード → IT company CEO
The correct answer is restaurant owner and he got it right. The reward is a Cinnamon Roll mascot, one of his recent collaborations.
Here, they announced the release events of his latest single. The dates are 6/17 and 6/25.
Fifth question: ☆ “…something you wanted to do.” (?) ☆ The interview is from Seiyuu Grand Prix Dec 2008
At first, he wanted to answer “Change my hair color?” but felt like it’s the wrong answer. When he remembered, the MC asked him to do the pose. He did a salute and said that he feels like police is the right answer, and it is.
His reward? A NINTENDO SWITCH. He got what he wanted. He was so shocked, all he ended up saying repeatedly was “Are you serious?!” The fans congratulated him. Even I was so happy for him that I shouted “omedetou” from the first balcony.
His last comment was, “I’m already 30+ and yet I’m receiving a game as a gift. Thank you very much.” He’s so precious! (;ω;)
Part 2 and 3 to follow! Thanks for reading. Feel free to research the interviews I mentioned and send me corrections if ever.
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xpeppermin · 8 years
SERVAMP Festival Fanreport (2/5) (Night)
Take note this report contains only the night session. Noon session can be found HERE. And since it will be made into a DVD (that will be released on 28th June), it will be considered spoilers if you are intending to get the DVD so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to! My report may or may not be a little Kimura Ryohei/Greed pair-centric since I unconsciously focus on them most of the time.
I should also mention that it might not be 100% accurate as it is based off from memory, so sorry if I mess up! I’ll only write what I can remember. And also because I fail at English and suck at writing a report it probably turned out being messier than I thought it would be.......sorry.
※Also, just a light heads up that the night session contains quite a bit of ┌(┌^o^)┐ホモぉ… tension and fanservice (a lot of hugging too) so if you’re uncomfortable with things like that please read with care..(or skip it wholly if you just can’t stand it)
It’ll get pretty lengthy so I’m placing everything under a cut!! ↓↓
Shirota Mahiru - Terashima Takuma (Terashii) Kuro - Kaji Yuki Alisuin Misono - Shimono Hiro Snow Lily - Horie Kazuma Sendagaya Tetsu - Ono Yuuki (Onoyuu) Hugh - Murase Ayumu Licht Jekylland Todoroki - Shimazaki Nobunaga (Zakki) Lawless (Hyde) - Kimura Ryohei Belkia - Matsuka Yoshitsugu Sakuya - Suzuki Yuuto Tsubaki - Suzuki Tatsuhisa (Tattsun)
I’m not sure how much the SERVAMP fans know about the cast but please refer to it if you aren’t already familiar with their names! (and nicknames since I will also be using the bracketed nicknames as well)
There will also be some seiyuu-related jokes, and references/mentions of other seiyuus in which I will explain too.
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Pretty flower stands, present boxes (there wasn’t one for Tanaka-sensei so I had to drop the fanproject off at the airport’s post office yesterday), and just outside the entrance to the hall! Lol the Mikuni and Jeje standees freaked me out I thought they were going to be special guests for a moment :’D The pairs are standing in the position shown in the photo (Greed pair on extreme left) during the event.
Like in the noon session, they kick started the event by playing a video with Deal With as the background music, and then introduced the pairs in order. So there were stairs on both the left and right side of the stage, and the Eves/Tsubaki entered from the left while Servamps/Subclasses from the right.
♡ Once again I didn’t really pay attention to the Sloth pair but they did some pose when they got to the center of the stage.
♡ Unlike the noon session, this time both Shimono and Horie (Lust pair) stripped half their jackets (like Lily) XD
♡ (Pride pair) Once again because Murase took some time to get down the stairs (acrophobia maybe?), Onoyuu waited in the center for Murase with open arms. He then hugged Murase’s shoulder and both of them skipped to the front!
♡ (Greed pair) As opposed to the noon session, this time BOTH Zakki and Ryohei did the Angel pose!!
♡ Melancholy trio did some gangster pose when they got to the center of the stage XD
After the introduction, the staff had to set up seats and tables etc. so the host asked the cast to move forward a little more but they moved TOO forward again like in the noon session and Ryohei (plus some others) started sexually harassing Shimono’s man boobs (鳩胸) again pffffft. Someone tried to push him off the stage from behind jokingly too (I think it was Horie) because he went like “YOU were trying to push me off the stage for real weren’t you!!?”
......Oh man from here on the Greed pair’s bond lives very strong.
So for the first corner, the casts picked their favorite scene of their own character.
♡ Murase picked his entrance scene and talked about how he first met Tetsu.
♡ Onoyuu picked the scene where Hugh got trapped by Belkia (where Hugh got defeated) and asked Misono what he should do at times like these.
♡ Shimono picked the scene where Misono and Tetsu wore disguises and were trying to infiltrate the hotel. He said it didn’t make sense why he was the only one who’s favorite scene selection didn’t get shown in the same session with his respective partner’s. And I think Murase and Onoyuu’s picks had some deeper meaning (which I forgot their explanation) so Shimono was saying it was weird since he picked the scene solely because Misono was adorable there XD
♡ Greed pair both picked the scene where Licht helped/saved Lawless -the scene where he played the piano for Lawless, called him ‘Hyde” while their duet played in the background. According to both of them it was pure coincidence and amazing that they both ended up picking the same scene as when the staff let them choose one of three scenes (on different occasions), the one they both ended up choosing wasn’t even part of the three that were shown to them! Ryohei explains that this scene left a deep impression on him -Lawless went through a lot of character development and even though he’s lived many hundreds of years and looks like that, he’s actually very broken inside. And that he feels very human (even though he’s a vampire) -more so than Licht LOL. ↑ Apparently in the event pamphlet they talked more about it in the interview. I’ll translate an excerpt of it if I feel like it (and have the time..)
♡ Tattsun picked the last episode where his past was revealed. I though Greed pair’s was pretty serious but Tattsun’s was even more serious XD Since it was a half-original-half-manga ending, Tsubaki’s past was shown and Tattsun talked about how he feels really depressed whenever he has to voice Tsubaki because of how much pain Tsubaki’s been going through all these time. I don’t remember his exact words but I think he said some spoilers (?) about how Tsubaki’s actually very lonely all these years -like looking at the other Servamps having Eves and yet he lost his own during a tragic event......or something like that. I’m pretty sure he hinted the creator of Servamp was his Eve? Idk if it’s already revealed in the manga or something because I haven’t caught up with it yet :’D
I think when Greed pair’s picked scene was shown and after they said their thoughts on why they picked that scene, someone told them to stop flirting or something...? I’m not sure if it happened here or somewhere else but I definitely heard イチャイチャ (ichaicha; flirting) being used. The same was said about lust pair though XD (they get very very ridiculous later on...)
This corner’s different from the noon session. In the second corner, the host would pick a paper (with a cast’s name written on it) from a box, and who ever’s name gets picked had to roll an 8-sided dice that has the different sins written on it. Whichever sin it lands on, they had to talk about something (that happened) that makes them relate to that particular sin. Since it was Tsubaki’s corner, Tattsun was like “HEY since it’s my corner I can change the rules right? So don’t worry if you (cast) get stuck or have trouble finding things to say -there’s Shimono there to help you♡“ LOL. ---So Shimono ends up getting bullied by his juniors again pffft.
♡ Onoyuu got picked first and he rolled “Wraith”. So he tried to find something to say and ended up talking about how he woke up one day, decided he wants to eat bread with jam but realized the jam was spoilt so he got mad or something??? As Kaji (who was sitting behind) was also caught on the camera, he kept doing the peace sign lmao. Onoyuu then baton passes to Shimono LOL. Shimono takes over and said he’s feeling “Wraith” because of Onoyuu HAHA.
♡ Zakki got picked next and he rolled with “Melancholy”. He talks about his influenza (which he mentioned in the noon session) and how it was frustrating he couldn’t work even though he still had his voice. He also said he felt really bad for inconveniencing Kaji because they had 3 schedules together that very same week he caught influenza. He then tells us to be careful because it’s flu season in Japan right now. Baton passes to Shimono LOL. Shimono cooked up some random story (it could be true, but I don’t know) with influenza/Melancholy as the theme too.
♡ Kaji got picked next and he rolled “Greed”. Just like Kuro, he’s lazy and he immediately baton passes to Shimono without even trying XD Shimono then said he’s feeling “Greed” because somehow it felt like he’s the lead star for this particular corner (or something like that) lmao.
♡ Lastly, SHIMONO HIMSELF GOT PICKED. He didn’t get a chance to roll the dice -Horie flipped it to “lust” and showed it to the audience, deciding (forcing) on the sin Shimono had to talk about. Shimono starts off saying how he thinks he’s エロい (eroi; erotic) LOL. So エロい that even male seiyuus love touching his man boobs (鳩胸) ( ´థ౪థ)
This corner is split into three different games: Telepathy (bond testing), Jumping Rope (cooperation testing) (night session only), and Who’s Behind The Door (how well do they know their respective partner)
The Servamps and their respective Eves will form a team (or Servamp/Subclass for Melancholy’s case) and try to score as many points as possible. Each correct answer gives them a point. The team with the most points in the end will be rewarded through a bonus game (which I will explain the rules later).
For the Telepathy game, each person will be handed out a sketchbook. Then, according to the question, the teams would have to answer without looking at each other’s answers and both the Servamp and their respective Eve has to get the same answer in order to score a point. Since there are 3 people in Melancholy trio, if 2 of them gets the same answer, that would be a point. If all 3 of them gets the same answer then that would be 1.5 points. (Starting from the telepathy game it starts going downhill.........)
The first question for this game was if they they could choose another sin to become, what would they choose.
♡ Greed pair were the first to show their answers. Both of them chose to remain as “Greed”! I think they high-fived too.....Idk they were hugging and high-fiving so much I don’t know anymore :’D Anyway one point for them!
♡ Lust pair both wrote “Greed”. One point for them!
♡ Sloth pair both wrote “Wraith”. I think they both mentioned how they wanted to try it once? XD One point!
♡ Pride pair, Onoyuu wrote “Gluttony” while Murase wrote “Shimono-san” LOL. Shimono then said “since when am I a sin?” lmao. No points.
♡ Melancholy trio, Yuuto wrote “Lust” while the other 2 wrote “Sloth”. Yuuto said he wanted to try “Lust” once. One point for them!
Second question was on how close (distance in cm) the pairs are OK with being with each other. ( ˙-˙ ) . Who thought of this question. Just. Who. With this cast it’s definitely going to become a disaster..........
♡ Melancholy trio went first. Tattsun and Yuuto wrote 0cm while Matsuoka wrote 15cm. Tattsun got a shock at Matsuoka’s answer XD One point for them.
♡ Pride pair next. Tetsu wrote 6.98cm (ロクキュッパ) while Murase wrote 0cm. Tetsu’s 6.98cm is a pun (?) on how much his hot spring costed per pax per night or something I think?? I’m not good at those :’D The funny thing was that they flipped their answers at the same time and Murase (in Hugh’s voice) was like “It’s okay I know what Tetsu is thinking I believe in him” both this time and in the previous question and both times they GOT WRONG. No points.
♡ Sloth pair next. Terashii wrote 50cm while Kaji wrote 0cm. ............Terashii is the ONLY ONE who took the distance thing literally. He questions “isn’t 50cm the normal distance when you are (standing in front of and) talking to someone?”. Plus Kuro’s lazy and all too so maybe it’s a little further or something. Kaji then suddenly faces Terashii and said he could be closer if he tried and started leaning closer???? I think he went past Terashii’s comfort zone hence he took a step back. Either that or he got caught off guard XD No points!
♡ Lust pair next. Shimono wrote 10cm while Horie wrote 0cm. Horie gets sad. The other casts were like “0cm and 10cm doesn’t make a difference!!?” and Shimono retorted that it did. They then made them stand 10cm apart facing each other. ..........and frEAKING HORIE, he leaned in and tried to kiss Shimono what the hell. Of course Shimono backed away in time ( ´థ౪థ) nO POINTS.
♡ Greed pair last. Both wrote 0cm and stood closely facing each other. God the tension, bless. I think they high-fived too, can’t remember.. One point!
For the Jumping Rope game, like the name suggests they would have to jump rope lol. The Eves will swing the rope while their respective Servamp will jump with them. The game is split in two rounds -first round will be Greed vs Sloth and second round will be Lust vs Pride vs Melancholy. For the last team surviving, they get a point. If they manage to last longer than 30 seconds, they get an extra point.
So before they started the actual game, they had 15 seconds (lol) to practice. Because Melancholy has 3 people, Tattsun decided that Matsuoka and Yuuto will be the ones jumping while he watches over them XD
♡ Horie kept moving closer to Shimono lol. In which Shimono backed away and I think he also asked Horie why does he keep moving closer pffft.
♡ Greed pair were extremely focused. Ryohei tugged his body and jumped very closely to Zakki it was really adorable awww.
♡ Murase jumps like a girl according to the cast LOL.
♡ They were all complaining about how 15 seconds were not enough. But time constraints so...
And then during the actual game,
♡ Greed pair and Sloth pair went up against each other first. Sloth pair didn’t last more 5 seconds -they freaking fell to the floor because according to Kaji, Terashima kept jumping forward and he sort of kneed Kaji? LOL. And Terashima nearly fell ON TOP of him -if Terashima didn’t scramble away that would’ve happened ( ˙-˙ ) Though despite all that chaos!! The Greed pair was still focusing on their side hence lasting longer than 30s and gaining them two points! They also hugged after that awww ♡
♡ Lust pair, Pride pair and Melancholy went up against each other next. The moment it started, Pride pair and Melancholy got defeated already oops. I think they failed to grasp the rhythm/tempo and the rope ended up hitting their legs??  So somehow it’s only the Lust pair left and apparently I think Horie’s chain necklace kept hitting Shimono’s face?? And Terashii and the others were like telling him to endure it because if they could pull through 30 seconds they get an extra point -in which they successfully do and got two points in total.
The last game Who’s Behind The Door is pretty much the same as in the noon session. Except that the Eves and Servamps change roles.
So for this game, there are 5 numbered doors. In the night session, the Eves will go behind the numbered doors and the Servamp will have to guess which door their respective Eves are behind. 2 questions can be asked (first come first serve) and the Eves behind the doors will all have to answer the questions thus giving hints for their respective Servamps to make a better guess, or to confuse the other Servamps. HOWEVER, the mics the Eves are using will be heavily altered into some high-pitched voice used for censorship (Idk how to describe so I found a random video -it sounded something like that but way higher -probably their own doing lmao).
The big screen behind shows the audience where the Eves were, hence the Servamps were not allowed to look back at all cost.
The Eves behind the respective doors were:
#1 - Greed (Zakki) #2 - Melancholy (Tattsun) #3 - Pride (Onoyuu) #4 - Sloth (Terashii) #5 - Lust (Shimono)
Kaji asked the first question; if they wore glasses on a daily basis.
♡ Zakki spoke really slowly but I don’t remember what he said oops. He said he doesn’t really wear glasses in the end I think.
♡ Tattsun was trying to be annoying and dragging out his words and he kept saying よくわかんない (yoku wakannai; I don’t really know) which the other Eves started imitating.....
♡ When Onoyuu was trying to speak, Tattsun and Terashii (?) tried sticking their fingers behind Onoyuu’s glasses (as if to test if they were fake) and Onoyuu was like いじめないで~ (ijimenaide~; don’t tease me~) but it sounded like a freaking baby LOLOL. Though for the Servamps guessing, as they couldn’t see what was going on it sounded very wrong ( ´థ౪థ)
♡ When it was Terashii’s turn to answer, the camera switched to him but what was shown was not Terashima himself but his glasses pffft. And then Terashii speaks off camera and said “I’m definitely not the person who looks like a complete different person without glasses~”. (A running joke in the seiyuu industry is that, whenever Terashii removes his glasses, he looks like a different person so they usually joke and say “who are you” “where is Terashima?” “Terashima is missing” whenever he takes his glasses off XD)
♡ Shimono blew a kiss into the camera (fanservice) and stirred up the audience. He (and Onoyuu) also kept laughing into the mic and his (their) voice made him (them) sound like he’s (they’re) crazy high on drugs or something LOL.
I forgot who asked the second question but they asked what their favorite food were.
♡ Zakki said a lot and he used a higher pitched voice each time so it got more and more difficult to decipher -even the cast couldn’t tell. Shimono and Onoyuu STILL kept laughing and because it was so hilarious, somewhere in the middle of it Ryohei sat and the floor and started laughing too
♡ Tattsun still kept dragging out his I don’t really know~~ I think he also
♡ Onoyuu -half laughing -was saying he has a lot of things he wants to eat
♡ Terashii copies Tattsun’s I don’t really know~~ and then said gummy? maybe I like gummy.
With those answers, the Servamps had to take their pick:
#1 - “Picked” by Ryohei #2 - Picked (?) by Matsuoka and Yuuto #3 - Picked (?) by Murase #4 - Picked by Kaji #5 - Picked by Shimono
♡ The audience were screaming when the Servamps were almost done with their picks because everyone were standing in front of their correct doors (but obviously at this point they didn’t know). The Servamps/Eves then got confused as to why we were screaming and said maybe it meant something?
♡ When door #1 opened to reveal Zakki, the greed pair immediately ran into each others’ embrace. Actually.....Ryohei was pretty clueless lol he only picked this door because that was the only one left for him (and the audience were screaming louder as he approached this door). He had wanted to pick door #4 initially but Kaji was like 良平さん…多分違うと思う (Ryohei-san, I think that’s not right (not your door)) and chased him away XD
♡ Door #2 opened to reveal Tattsun doing a cool pose. I think they all hugged here (I remember the 3 of them hugged somewhere but I’m not sure if it happened here or somewhere else)
♡ Door #3 opens and Pride pair hug!!!!!!!
♡ Door #4 opened to reveal............terashima’s glasses. The person himself disappeared LOL. Kaji then went like Terashii?? Terashii where are you!!? And when Terashima finally comes out without the glasses he’s like “who are you?” pfff. He only acknowledges Terashima after he puts on his glasses back on and they hugged XD Kaji said that he knew Terashima was behind this door almost immediately from the glasses question.
♡ Door #5 opened to reveal a Horie who was half stripping his jacket! I don’t remember if they hugged here or not but because the whole cast hugged so much I don’t remember exactly where what happened.......
♡ Every pair gets a point!
Greed pair won overall. They literally got each and every question correct in the night session’s game corner what the hell. Their bond is definitely strong :’D So they got to play a bonus game for the prizes. The staff pushed out some 9-tile board with prizes written on them. 5 tiles were prizes named according to the sins -the prizes would fall under that category too. The remaining 4 tiles were some random scrubbing brushes as prizes LOL. And each tile had different quantity too... (I think there were x1, x1, x8 and x20 wtf haha). They had to throw a ball from a distance and whatever tile it hits, they would get that prize.
Zakki went first and using his “angel power” (he posed a few times), he tried aiming for the Greed pair prize and he.................got x8 scrubbing brushes HAHAHA.( ´థ౪థ) Ryohei tried aiming for the Greed pair prize too and he..........GOT IT!!
Then we have an overly happy Zakki who unconsciously hugged Ryohei from the adrenaline but Ryohei didn’t respond to the hug (idk Ryohei is weird sometimes -can’t blame him he’s an AB I love ABs) so it ended up becoming an awkward one-sided hug pffft.
Apparently Greed pair prize is some golden discount coupon from some high class shop or something I don’t know but it looked high class as hell LOL.
Live Reading for night is the same except there’s more adlib involved. For example:
♡ Misono’s over-dramatic laughing.
♡ Tsubaki laughing too much he choked and Belkia had to give him some water.
♡ By the time of the night session, the Valentine’s Day chocolate sets were all already sold out so instead everyone thanked the audience and Sakuya said he had wanted to buy x10 of Mahiru’s XD
♡ Suzuki Yuuto adlib and caused Matsuoka to blank out and freeze on spot. The others saved him though XD
♡ KIMURA RYOHEI CAME OUT IN GLASSES!!!!!!!!!!! //////////
♡ HE!!! CAME!! OUT!! IN!!! GLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!
Started with announcements.
♡ Announced that Servamp Festival (both sessions) will be made into a DVD and releases on 28th June.
♡ Promoted the limited time stores and upcoming cafe.
♡ Promoted the upcoming character song CDs and played Licht’s song in the background.
♡ Host wore Kuro’s jacket/hoodie and promoted it.
After all of these announcements (that were also made in the noon session), the host said there was one final important announcement and told us to watch the PV. A short video footage with all the main Eves/Servamps were shown, and then it went black and showed “SERVAMP -New Project in the Making!!”.
Life has never felt this great.
It think that’s about all that I can remember... Once again I apologize for bad English and the messy report! I do hope it made sense though (>_<)
Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you haven’t read the noon session yet, HERE is the link!! The full summary (as much as I can remember) of the Live Reading is written in the noon session’s report too ^^
.....Now time to wait for the release of the DVD on 28th June!! I’ve already pre-ordered my copy at the speed of light haaaaaaah.
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aja154ever · 7 years
High School Star Musical/ Starmyu Event – 10/08/2017 Evening
Uwaaa. It’s been quite a long time since my last seiyuu event. I’ve only been attending GRANRODEO lives these past months (but that’s not bad at all!). Anyway, this fan report is quite late, because of work and stuff, but ofc I need to make this post for the record, and for my feelings. Also, thanks to fans who gave tweet reports that helped me remember more things.
 As usual, I used the seiyuu’s nicknames for convenience. Loooong report under the cut!              
Hoshitani Yuuta – Hanae Natsuki Nayuki Toru – Ono Kensho Tsukigami Kaito – Lounsbery Arthur Tengenji Kakeru – Hosoya Yoshimasa Kuga Shuu – Maeno Tomoaki Tatsumi Rui  – Okamoto Nobuhiko Sawatari Eigo  – Uchida Yuuma Inumine Seishiro  – Okitsu Kazuyuki Toraishi Izumi  – KENN Ugawa Akira – Matsuoka Yoshitsugu Ageha Riku – Shimazaki Nobunaga Hachiya So – Takanashi Kengo Kitahara Ren – Umehara Yuichiro Nanjo Koki – Takeuchi Shunsuke Otori Itsuki – Suwabe Junichi Yuzuriha Christian Lion – Toriumi Kousuke Saotome Ritsu – Okiayu Ryoutarou Futaba Taiga – Hoshi Souichiro
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Honestly, I am not very much into Starmyu so I actually do not remember everyone’s names. I also do not know all the seiyuu. But don’t get me wrong, I like the anime as the story about working hard for dreams is just so close to heart. But the main reason why I decided to go to this event is because of the precious baby I’m protecting against the world, Hosoya Yoshimasa. Hosoyan is baaaaaaaaaaackkkkk!!!! I need to welcome him back so I wanted to show my support literally so I badly, really wanted to be there.
And I’m so glad I did. The event turned out to be more fun than I thought as I loved the characters and the seiyuu more.
The cast first appeared in the following order:
Ancient, Kao Council, Team Sazanami and Yuzuriha, Team Hiragi, Team Otori
Team Otori gathered at the center to make the Stardust pose OMG!!!
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Anyway, I would just like to give special mention to Tori-san’s live speaking in Yuzuriha way. His accent is really entertaining. Also, Kensho as Nayuki OMG seeing and hearing it live is just soooo cute; I’m not even a fan of Nayuki and Kensho but I really liked it! Another one I found cute was Noburin! I’ve always loved his voice as Haikyuu’s Noya and his real voice is actually close to that anyway, so it’s really refreshing to see and hear him as Tatsumi.
Also, SuwaJun called out the boys in the audience, with his Otori-senpai voice and tone, and surprisingly there were a good number of boys in the crowd who responded well. He then also called out the girls and was ofc answered with a loud yeyyyyy. 
Game Corner
The cast was divided into two teams, A and B, with members decided through drawing lots.
The game was basically guessing who is the person standing behind you as the guesser wears Tengenji’s eye mask (lol so cute).
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SuwaJun and Tori-san took the MC roles in this part so the players were the remaining 16 cast.
Team A first sat on their respective chairs as they put their eye masks on. Team B then went behind them to attach their names on the stand behind Team A members. They were free to choose to whom they want to attach it.
The guessing team then asks one question so they can get hints on who the person is. However, a voice changer is used on the answerer so they cannot guess based on their voices.
They asked interesting out-of-this-world questions that I do not know how they managed to get hints from such. The ones that I got left in my memory were:
Guesser Uchida: If you would carry me, would it be bridal style or piggyback style? Umehara: My hips would ache if I carry you bridal style, so piggyback, but anyway lose weight first!
((Ume-san was so harsh really lol))
Guesser Okiayu: Regarding date plans, what’s a good word to ask a girl out on a date? Kensho: Ahmmm… Okiayu: In a cool way so don’t say “ahmmmm”! Kensho: On the 17th… are you free?
((Kensho was so cute damn it, acting like he’s shy))
Guesser Noburin: What’s your favorite Gundam? Hosoyan: Barbatos
((Take note that most of the seiyuu present has been a cast in the Gundam series, so you can get the hint based on the answer. Hosoyan played a character in Gundam Iron-blooded Orphans where Barbatos is the main mobile suit))
Zakki was next to guess then he asked the same thing Hoshi: Strike Freedom!
((Hoshi-san played as Kira Yamato in Gundam SEED where he piloted Strike Freedom))
Guesser Maenu: What do you think about Maeno Tomoaki? KENN: He’s not always honest, he’s bad-mouthed, but I like him.
((The whole venue screams KYAAAAAAAAA))
Team A got 50 points in total, 5/8 correct answers.
 Next is Team B.
Guesser Hosoyan: This is a serious question. Which do you prefer, a do-S or do-M girl? Noburin: I usually prefer do-S but sometimes I would also like a do-M
((What is up with this “serious” question Hosoyan???))
Guesser Umehara: What’s the weakest part of your body? Zakki didn’t answer first as he consulted with Tori-san regarding his answer. Zakki: Ahmmm… the left… Tori-san touched/poked Zakki’s left chest/nipple. Zakki shyly laughs as he steps backward. SuwaJun: Okay. It’s his left nipple, right?
((LOL I was laughing so hard Zakki please why are you like that!!))
Guesser Hoshi: What’s the kind of relationship you have with me? Hanae: Ahmmm… 15 years ago I was an entrance examinee for high school. On the other hand, (laughs uncontrollably), I can’t say anything more than that! SuwaJun: (repeats Hanae’s answer) So on the other hand 15 years ago ufufufufufu he can’t say anything more
((So basically Hanae-san was implying about the difference in their ages lol))
Guesser KENN: What do you think about me? Maenu: This ikemen! But I like him.
((The whole venue screams again KYAAAAAAAAA))
Guesser Okiayu: What song do you sing when you take a bath? Yoshitsugu-san also consulted Tori-san first before answering. Then he hums a melody as his answer. SuwaJun: It seems like a very sad song.
Team B only got 3/8 correct answers. So Team A won! Anyway, Okiayu-san’s answer after hearing Yoshitsugu-san’s sad hum was, “I want to hug this person right now.”
 Live Drama Voice Acting
The drama was basically about a contest (I’m sorry I missed the main word about what kind it is), but they were divided into teams of four.
The first part was about Hoshitani, Nayuki, Tsukigami, Shuu, and Tengenji talking about it. They were looking for other members to join Tsukigami and Nayuki and they found Tatsumi and Eigo.
The scene cuts to Eigo waking up sleeping Tatsumi.
Eigo: Ne, Tatsumi, wake up Tatsumi: Give me five more hours…
Eigo talks about the beauty of things when Tatsumi wakes up but Tatsumi says that those truly beautiful are things he can feel even when he’s asleep.
Then they started to sing ZOMG I didn’t expect that they would have a live performance WAIT OMG
Noburin and Uchida-kun sang The ELEGANCE.
Team Otori appeared after, astounded by the two.
Tengenji: Amazing. Do you do that (singing) every morning?
So Tatsumi and Eigo ended up joining Tsukigami and Nayuki in the team. They then performed Aozora SEASONS.
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So on the day of the contest…
Toraishi and Inumine were the MCs of the contest.
Ancient and Kao council were on the same team together.
Tsukigami, Nayuki, Tatsumi, and Eigo were a team.
Hoshitani and Shuu were just part of the audience.
Well Tatsumi and Eigo were supposed to join, but they got into an unexpected affair on the day of the contest so they called saying they can’t go.
“Unexpected” affair being a sudden wedding.
Tengenji: A sudden wedding? What the hell is that?
So they had to make a way to fill up the members however the names cannot be changed so Tengenji and Ugawa ended up pretending to be Eigo and Tatsumi, respectively. This was really funny OMG esp with Tengenji because you know his usual way of speaking sounds proud and impolite, but he has to restrain and speak calmly and politely like Eigo. He would tend to speak in his usual way, then Ugawa would subtly remind him, “ne, Eigo?” To which he would respond, “So-sou desu ne, Tatsumi.”
((This live drama part really assured me that Hosoyan is already really okay. He spoke many lines and his role was more complicated than the others. You see, he was acting in the acting. I’m so proud of you Hosoyanby!))    
At first, only the two teams were originally part of the contest, but right before it began, the other team made a sudden appearance as Ageha, Hachiya, Kitahara, and Nanjo performed Storytellers.
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((OMG if you didn’t know, Zakki is my ultimate husband in another world (being Nanase Haruka) so hearing him sing live for the first time is just too much for my heart. T.T He sounds pretty much the same in recorded and in live. Good voice Zakki huhuhu))
 So they then joined the contest.
Anyway, KENN as Toraishi was providing a lot of fan service, with his “koneko-chan” calls, winks, and kisses. Srsly KENN is so ikemen tho huhuhu
At first, Ageha thought that Hoshitani was part of the contest so he lost his will to join when he found out that Hoshitani is just watching.
The MCs then explained that the questions would be about Uozumi and Haruto, and that the prize of the winner is Uozumi and Haruto’s sign. With that, Ageha’s determination to join went back in a flash.
Ancient and Kao got the first question right about Haruto’s favorite sports being team sports since he’s not good in anything that doesn’t involve music.
Tsukigami team then got the second one about Uozumi’s favorite food being cold food. Nayuki cited an incident when Uozumi didn’t want his curry heated before eating.
Ageha has been giving really adorable reactions with gasps and short comments, expressing his worry and excitement in getting the prize. When the second question turned out to be about Uozumi, he coldly answered with, “I don’t know.”
The third question turned out to be the last, and so Nanjo and Kitahara started complaining that they haven’t gotten a point yet, and their extra performance earlier would be worthless if they don’t even get a point. They also added that if they happen to get the point, no one would be declared a winner as the teams would all be tied. So they suggested that the last question be worth ten thousand points. The MCs then agreed after they got the audience to chant “ten thousand points!”
Ancient and Kao ended up getting the point about Haruto. Anyway, for some reason (I forgot or I just didn’t understand) their team got disqualified. That made the Tsukigami team the winner with one point, but then the others complained that they should also be disqualified for the pretending Tengenji and Ugawa. So in the end, because the two other teams got disqualified, the remaining team won though they didn’t have any points! Ageha was so happy and with his loveable reaction, I believe everyone in the venue also got happy for him T.T
VTR parts in between
VTR clips were played in between segments. The characters appeared in their chibi forms, grouped together for free talk.
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Some things I remember:
The Hardy group (Tengenji, Hachiya, Inumine, Todo, Chigira) used to eat together during audition break times. They would also casually teach one another. They teased Tengenji that they’re glad that he has gotten more friends. Ofc, tsundere Tengenji refuses to accept that he already calls them as friends. He also said that Todo and Chigira have other business today so they can’t attend the event. So apparently, he contacted them.
Inumine: As expected of Tengenji! Tengenji: Be-betsuni! I’m just doing it as the leader of the Hardy group… I’m not doing it for your sake, okay!
Hoshitani, Tsukigami, Shuu, and Toraishi were talking about their Middle School days. Hoshitani claimed that he wasn’t popular with girls at that time, but he had many friends who are girls. They would give him snacks, make bentos for him, and come to cheer for him in club events.
Tsukigami, Shuu, Toraishi: So he was just dense…
Apparently, Hoshitani was pretty popular lol
Ageha, Nayuki, And Ugawa were put together. Nayuki said that their combination is kind of weird and they wondered what they have in common.
Ageha: Ah! I found our common feature! Nayuki, Ugawa: What is it? Ageha: We’re all small (in height). *awkward laughing from the two* Ugawa: Well, that’s true but… Ageha: That’s fine, we’ll still get to grow taller Nayuki: Is Ageha’s family tall? Ageha: Yes Nayuki: I see. My family is generally small Ugawa: Mine is relatively normal, but recently since I’ve always been with Inumine, when I came home last time I think my family has gotten smaller Ugawa: My ideal height is Kuga’s Nayuki: Since I don’t grow muscle that much, my ideal build would be Yuzuriha-senpai’s. Ageha’s would of course be, Haruto-san’s height, right? Ageha: 187 cm… Ah, I still have to grow 23 more centimeters.
 The last VTR revealed the announcements:
Blu-ray Box of the first season out on Spring 2018
OVA for October 2018
Season 3 on 2019
Last Greeting
The cast then went back on stage now dressed in the Shadow and Lights Event shirt. It’s Hoshitani’s birthday on the 10th so they brought out a cake (see picture below!). They then said their words of goodbye one by one.
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Maenu said that in the future, he would want to hold an event like this again, but hopefully with Hirakawa Daisuke-san and the other seiyuu as well.
((Aww Maenu so sweet T.T))
It was Arthur-san’s fourth performance of the day, as he was also in the musical and then in the noon event. But he said he got the energy to go on from the fans, and he feels that he can still go on for another performance.
((Srsly, otsukare-sama Arthur-san! You’re so adorable huhu. I can feel your love for Starmyu. Thank you!!!))
SuwaJun sang a few lines, earning KYAAAAAAAAAA from the crowd, as he wished to hold another event in the future.
Ume-san has ofc used his signature line, “guilty”, in every chance he got in the event, so ofc he ended the night with that. KYAAAAAAA
KENN/Toraishi: If we’re talking about stars, then it is here *points to self* *winks* *flying kiss* fangirls died* Okitsu-san repeats the same line with ever-energetic Inumine! Uchida-kun/Eigo: If we’re talking about stars, then it is here *gestures hand to Noburin/Tatsumi* Noburin/Tatsumi: Hi. I’m the star.
((KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHA I officially declare Tatsumi x Eigo as canon because these two have been teasing flirting from the start, in the VTR, in the drama parts OMG. I did not even notice them in the anime but I’m telling you their seiyuus are the captains of this ship so I’m really happy for the shippers of this fandom!))
Ok. That flow of goodbye greetings was really entertaining. Lol. Anyway, Hanae ended the greetings, with, “I don’t know of a way to give up on my dream!”
Awwww. Then they ended the night as the whole cast performed Gift.
As soon as the music started, SuwaJun came to Hanae’s side, putting his arm over Hanae’s shoulder. That was such a lovely sight! Otori-senpai and Hoshitani!!!!!!!!! T.T
Okay, so I’m a huge fan of Hosoyan’s singing voice (I have a whole blog post dedicated to that here) so I was really delighted when we got live performances earlier as I assumed that I would finally get to hear Hosoyan sing live later. So everyone actually sang in Gift, however, Hosoyan didn’t sing with the mic. Lol what. He was just smiling and waving his hands, singing in some parts, but all the time he was pointing the mic to the audience. Somehow, I came to the conclusion that due to medical conditions, maybe he cannot sing that much yet. I’m really worried, but Hosoyan still looked so happy. He was the only one who walked around the whole stage, going far to the right and left sides as he continued waving to the audience. Ok now I want to cry
In the end, team Otori with Otori-senpai gathered in the center, Hosoyan being late as he was busy waving on the left side of the stage, but then they put him in the center as they all put their arms over their shoulders. BEAUTIFUL.BEAUTIFUL. Welcome back Hosoyan!!!!!!!!
Photos/Posts from Official Accounts:
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Uwaaaaaa. I didn’t really expect to enjoy the event this much as again I’m not that attached to Starmyu unlike the other seiyuu events I’ve attended. But then I found myself laughing all throughout the event. I really had a good time. But the most important thing to me is that I got to see Hosoyan. This isn’t the first time as I saw him in the BSD event last February, but seeing him in this event carries SO much meaning after his hiatus. He’s well, he’s fine, he’s okay. I literally had tears in my eyes when he appeared in the beginning. He has repeatedly said that he’s gonna take good care of his health during the intro and final greetings assuring the fans. He may not be 100% yet but what matters most is that he’s back, doing the things he loves. I also felt that his waving around the stage was like him saying, “I missed you! Please be assured that I’m okay now!”
Anyway, though waiting until 2019 is kinda hard, we got an OVA coming soon! I’m really happy that the story of our boys continues! Uwaaaa Starmyu gets to have a third season! Isn’t that amazing?
“When I receive something precious from Starmyu, I feel that I am cherished by Starmyu.”
For similar Japan-based original posts, you may follow me or track the #my original content tag on my blog.
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xpeppermin · 8 years
SERVAMP Festival Fanreport (2/5) (Noon)
Now that I’m finally back home I can reorganize my points and write the full report! Take note this report contains only the noon session. Night session can be found HERE. And since it will be made into a DVD (that will be released on 28th June), it will be considered spoilers if you are intending to get the DVD so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to! My report may or may not be a little Kimura Ryohei/Greed pair-centric since I unconsciously focus on them most of the time.
I should also mention that it might not be 100% accurate as it is based off from memory, so sorry if I mess up! I’ll only write what I can remember. And also because I fail at English and suck at writing a report it probably turned out being messier than I thought it would be.......sorry.
It’ll get pretty lengthy so I’m placing everything under a cut!! ↓↓
Shirota Mahiru - Terashima Takuma (Terashii) Kuro - Kaji Yuki Alisuin Misono - Shimono Hiro Snow Lily - Horie Kazuma Sendagaya Tetsu - Ono Yuuki (Onoyuu) Hugh - Murase Ayumu Licht Jekylland Todoroki - Shimazaki Nobunaga (Zakki) Lawless (Hyde) - Kimura Ryohei Belkia - Matsuka Yoshitsugu Sakuya - Suzuki Yuuto Tsubaki - Suzuki Tatsuhisa (Tattsun)
I’m not sure how much the SERVAMP fans know about the cast but please refer to it if you aren’t already familiar with their names! (and nicknames since I will also be using the bracketed nicknames as well)
There will also be some seiyuu-related jokes, and references/mentions of other seiyuus in which I will explain too.
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Pretty flower stands, present boxes (there wasn’t one for Tanaka-sensei so I had to drop the fanproject off at the airport’s post office yesterday), and just outside the entrance to the hall! Lol the Mikuni and Jeje standees freaked me out I thought they were going to be special guests for a moment :’D The pairs are standing in the position shown in the photo (Greed pair on extreme left) during the event.
They kick started the event by playing a video with Deal With as the background music, and then introduced the pairs in order. So there were stairs on both the left and right side of the stage, and the Eves/Tsubaki entered from the left while Servamps/Subclasses from the right.
♡ I didn’t pay much attention when the Sloth pair appeared first lol I was staring at their outfits since Terashii and Kaji’s matched!!? Their jackets both had ribbons on the sides (Terashii’s in orange while Kaji’s in blue). I think they hugged when they settled down in the center though!
♡ Lust pair entered next and when they got down the stairs to the center, Horie started stripping half his jacket (like Lily) XD
♡ Pride pair followed, and I think Murase is afraid of heights!? He was gripping on the support and taking slow steps down and Onoyuu was already waiting for him in the center. He then piggybacked Murase to the front of the stage!!
♡ Greed pair next, and when they got to the center Zakki did Licht’s famous angel pose with Ryohei doing Lawless’s ‘tadaa!’ one.
♡ Melancholy entered last and when they got to the center, Tattsun hugged Matsuoka and Yuuto’s shoulders to the front.
♡ During the introduction, Zakki asked if we were angels or devils and he said if we weren’t angels he will make us into one XD
♡ Tattsun said there were a lot of potential people and intends to make us all into his subclass.
♡ Starting from Ryohei, some of them introduced themselves quoting Mahiru’s famous “putting it simply...” line XD (actually I dont remember if this was the noon or night session oops)
♡ Terashii was worried about having this cast gather for this event because he’s pretty sure it’s going to become chaotic...he said it was pretty chaotic even in the backstage so he apologized in advance LOL.
After the introduction, the staff had to set up seats and tables etc. so the host asked the cast to move forward a little more but they moved TOO forward and someone was saying it would be bad if they fell off the stage.
So for the first corner, the casts picked their favorite scene of their own character.
♡ Matsuoka picks Belkia in episode 1 where he was first introduced. Matsuoka explains that because it left a deep depression and that he had a lot of fun voicing Belkia there. He also said that it’s partially because he had the most lines there :’D Kaji then said he loves Belkia’s “hey you” in that scene and would often appear behind matsuoka, put his hand on his shoulder and say that to him whenever they met during recording for Servamp LOL.
♡ Suzuki Yuuto picks the scene in episode 4 where Mahiru chased after Sakuya into the forest-y place and they reconfirmed their friendship.
♡ Horie picks Lily’s fight scene with Belkia. He says the main reason why he picked it was because Belkia was interesting/Matsuoka was amazing LOL. Though the real main reason why he picked it was because you normally don’t see Lily getting angry but when he failed to detect Otogiri and failed to protect Misono, he was angry with himself. ...though however Horie and Belkia jokes start from here XD
♡ Sloth pair both pcked the same scene in episode 9 where Mahiru finally faced Kuro and ‘helped’ him.
Second corner is “If it’s a YES, press the button”. For this corner, if the cast (individually) agrees on what is shown on the screen then they should press the button (it comes in the form of a wire with the button on the tip). The others will not know who pressed it but the number of people who pressed the button will be shown on the screen.
They did a test first and if “I’m a cast in Servamp”, they should press the button. Of course everyone pressed LOL.
First question was “I think I am more fitted as the protagonist”.
Ryohei and Tattsun pressed the button of course XD (Tattsun even held the button up and showed it to us while he continuously presses it pfff)
Second question was “I want to change my current partner”. I think there were 4 people who pressed it?
♡ Greed pair DEFINITELY did not press the button and we all knew that from the start because Ryohei (and Zakki followed) were freaking swinging and playing with the wire (hinting that their hands were not on the button at all) lol.
♡ Horie admitted that he pressed it first and says that it’s because he wants to try forming a pair with Belkia XD Matsuoka stands and bowed to thank him.
♡ Matsuoka then admits he actually pressed the button too and you could see a sad Tattsun LOL. And when the host asked who does he want to form a pair with, he blanked out and started thinking --which let to everyone asking him “you pressed it when you didn’t have one in mind!?” and then he said Lily. Horie then stood up, and went over to hug him awww.
♡ Murase said he believes their bond is strong enough so he believes Onoyuu wouldn’t press up but that’s when he admitted that he actually pressed it oops. He then jokingly said (bringing back the Belkia joke) he wants to form a pair with Belkia coz he’s interesting.
♡ Shimono finally admits that he pressed it which led to a sad Horie --and Shimono said to him “didn’t you press the button too!?” He then said it’s not because he doesn’t like Lily but more like the person behind Lily (Horie) gives him problems XD
Third question was “I have something I want to say to another cast”. ....I don’t remember who pressed it but Zakki and Kaji did.
♡ Zakki admitted that he did before standing up and apologizing to Kaji. He explains that it’s because he caught influenza the week before and at that time he wasn’t allowed to work even though his voice was perfectly normal so it was very frustrating. He then said he had about 3 schedules with Kaji and because he couldn’t work, he might’ve inconvenienced Kaji because those schedules had to be cancelled.
Fourth question was “I feel like I’m very similar to my character.”. Everyone immediately pointed at Terashima.
♡ Terashii said because firstly, everyone (cast) around him is weird. He starts pointing at everyone and going, weird, weird, weird and when it got to Tattsun he’s like extremely weird!!! Just like Mahiru, he has to put up with the cast and keep them in control when they got too out of hand XD And the only people who actually helped him/cooperated with him were Suzuki Yuuto and sometimes Kaji LOL.
This corner is split into three different games: Telepathy (bond testing), Word Searching (cooperation testing) (noon session only), and Who’s Behind The Door (how well do they know their respective partner)
The Servamps and their respective Eves will form a team (or Servamp/Subclass for Melancholy’s case) and try to score as many points as possible. Each correct answer gives them a point. The team with the most points in the end will be rewarded through a bonus game (which I will explain the rules later).
For the Telepathy game, each person will be handed out a sketchbook. Then, according to the question, the teams would have to answer without looking at each other’s answers and both the Servamp and their respective Eve has to get the same answer in order to score a point. Since there are 3 people in Melancholy trio, if 2 of them gets the same answer, that would be a point. If all 3 of them gets the same answer then that would be 1.5 points.
The first question for this game was for them to write a 決めゼリフ (signature phrase).
♡ Greed pair was the first to show their answers. Zakki wrote Licht’s famous “Why? Because I’m an angel” phrase while speaking in Licht’s voice and doing the pose. Ryohei probably knew Zakki would write that hence on top of the same signature phrase of Licht’s, he also wrote Lawless’s “As expected from the Arch Angel Lichtan~!!”. One point for them.
♡ Lust pair was next. Horie wrote Lily’s “Now then, shall I strip naked?” while Shimono wrote Misono’s “Don’t strip!!” The objective of the game was for them to write the same answer so even though it is technically correct, they didn’t get a point. They did argue for a point (though failing at it lol :’D)
♡ Sloth pair next. Terashii wrote Mahiru’s “putting it simply, it’s me right?”. Kaji on the other hand LOL, he wrote “putting it simply, ----------”. He probably got too lazy to write out the full thing (just like Kuro lmao). They still got the point though, after arguing for a bit XD
♡ Pride pair next. Onoyuu wrote “Hugh always says good things” while Murase wrote “I always say good things”. One point for them!
♡ Lastly Melancholy trio. All three of them answered “Not interesting”. 1.5 points for them!
Second question was if whether they preferred cats or dogs.
♡ Melancholy trio first. Tattsun and Matsuoka both answered cat while Yuuto answered dog. One point for them!
♡ Pride pair next. Onoyuu drew a bat and Murase..........drew an unidentified animal (it looks like a cross breed between cat/dog/alien) and he insisted it was a bat LOL. The other casts gathered around to take a better look at the drawing but they still couldn’t tell what the heck it was XD No points, sadly.
♡ Sloth pair next. Both answered cats. Pretty sure Terashima loves cat even though he has an allergy to cat fur orz. One point!
♡ Lust pair next. Shimono answered dog while Horie answered cat. Horie got upset Shimono didn’t know because I think in the seiyuu industry (or among themselves), he’s a pretty well-known cat lover?? I don’t know much about Horie so I can’t say for sure but it seems like everyone knows Horie loves cats. Terashima even said “Oi oi, when you mention cats it’s definitely Horie-san y’know?” so...
♡ Greed pair last. Both of them answered hedgehog!! Even though it’s not a cat nor a dog, their answers still matched so it’s still a point for them!
Last question was “What will you give as a return gift on White’s Day?”
♡ Greed pair went first again. Ryohei said he wrote the (very obvious) cookies. Zakki then showed his answer and said he wrote cookies too even though on the sketchbook “angel’s wings” are very clearly written LOL. Ryohei then tried to cover up and said that meant cookies in angel language lmao. Zakki then agreed and said they’re cookies in the shape of an angel’s wings... Too bad no point for them XD
♡ Lust pair next. Horie answered cookies while Shimono drew a candy... and audience started laughing (because that’s very elementary school XD). Shimono then retorted and said he was told by his friends in elementary school that he should give candies to the girl he likes. And Sloth pair comments that he’s the real life Misono TvT No points!
♡ Sloth pair both answered cookies. One point for them!
♡ Pride pair next. Both Onoyuu and Murase answered candy! --Well given how Tetsu is still a kid and Hugh.....it’s no surprise XD Shimono then runs up to them and said “see! someone agrees too!” to the other casts lmao. One point!
♡ Melancholy pair last. All three answered inarizushi! (Tsubaki’s favorite food) 1.5 points!
Okay so the second game Word Searching, the Eves would have to find some placards with single hiragana written on them that are distributed to some lucky audiences (they would have to hold them up) with a binoculars while the Servamps will write them down. There are 11 hiragana words in total and they form a full word. So the objective is to find these hiragana placards and guess what the word is. Now the thing is, not everyone has great eyesight.....plus with the binoculars, their visions are greatly narrowed. Terashii for all I know, cannot survive without glasses. He doesn’t wear contacts either XD Plus with the light reflections from the stage and everything it was pretty hard to find so the cast had difficulty (although the audience in the front helped).
When you add up all the hiragana, it actually makes up the word 千葉県文化会館 (ちばけんぶんかかいかん; Chi-ba ke-n bu-n-ka ka-i-ka-n; Chiba Prefecture Cultural Hall), the venue of Servamp Festival. So obviously the fans started gesturing “here” to let them know the word they’re looking for is the name of the venue.
Melancholy trio got it right quite early I think. Greed pair got it right too. Sloth pair figured out what the answer was but they didn’t get the point because they didn’t find all the hiragana placards. Kaji mentioned that Terashima messed up bu for pu (〇→ぶ、✖→ぷ) and Kaji got confused and got some weird answer LOL. As expected of Terashii XD
I don’t remember much from this since it was pretty messy.
For the last game, Who’s Behind The Door, oh god this is my favorite.  Definitely the cream of the crop. I haven’t laughed this hard in ages -my jaws hurt and I couldn’t breathe!!
So for this game, there are 5 numbered doors. In the noon session, the Servamps will go behind the numbered doors and the Eves will have to guess which door their respective Servamps are behind. 2 questions can be asked (first come first serve) and the Servamps behind the doors will all have to answer the questions thus giving hints for their respective Eves to make a better guess, or to confuse the other Eves. HOWEVER, the mics the Servamps are using will be heavily altered into some high-pitched voice used for censorship (Idk how to describe so I found a random video -it sounded something like that but way higher -probably their own doing lmao).
The big screen behind shows the audience where the Servamps were, hence the Eves were not allowed to look back at all cost. When the Servamps first went behind to decide on the doors, the Eves gathered in the center of the stage. Terashima then said something about them behind the new and improved Servamp XD And then Shimazaki started fooling around and running towards the right side of the stage to wave at fans (since greed pair is on the extreme left most of the time...) and of course since I had a hair color that stood out....... Zakki’s really nice T____T
Anyway, the Servamps behind the respective doors were:
#1 - Melancholy (Matsuoka, Yuuto) #2 - Lust (Horie) #3 - Greed (Ryohei) #4 - Sloth (Kaji) #5 - Pride (Murase)
Shimono asked the first question; if the Servamps preferred cats or dogs. I don’t remember what most of them answered since I was busy laughing -they were shocked by their own altered voices too lol!
♡ I do remember Ryohei saying hedgehog, in which Kaji tried to confuse the Eves by imitating Ryohei and saying he prefers hedgehogs too.
♡ Murase kept laughing at his own voice because it was so god damn high the Eves were like who the hell is this pfff. I mean, the chances of it being Murase is pretty high but then again it’s not like the others can’t use a higher voice to confuse the others right? It’s actually pretty hard to guess too, actually. But it was freaking hilarious when they were laughing into the mics oh my god.
The second question was asked by Onoyuu, who asked if they were old women (ババァですか?) LOL. Probably in relation to Hugh after he got defeated.. (plus Murase sounds like a girl so.)
♡ When Matsuoka and Yuuto tried to answer, Horie cut in and replied to Onoyuu’s question with “Hey...that’s rude.” (Horie is the oldest among the cast). Matsuoka then answered back to Horie with “Hey, that’s rude” too, leaving a flustered Horie XD
♡ Kimura!! Ryohei!!!!!!!!! In a very high and familiar voice, he said ババァじゃな~い!(Baba jyanai~!; I’m not an old woman~!) --He’s impersonating Yonaga Tsubasa, who’s a fellow seiyuu from his same song unit, Trignal. You can hear the original version by him here @1:49 albeit he’s saying onna no ko (girl) instead of baba (old woman).
♡ Kaji then followed Ryohei and said カッパでもな~い!! (Kappa de mo nai~!; I’m not a kappa too~!) which is one of Yonaga’s nicknames XD
♡ Half-laughing Murase followed Ryohei and said ババァじゃな~い!(Baba jyanai~!; I’m not an old woman~!) too.
With those answers, the Eves had to take their pick:
#1 - Picked by Terashii #2 - Picked by Shimono #3 - Immediately picked by Zakki #4 - Picked by Onoyuu #5 - “Picked” by Tattsun
♡ When door #1 opened to reveal Melancholy Subclasses, Yuuto immediately said Mahiru....!! in Sakuya’s voice. He explains he picked #1 because normally Matsuoka/Yuuto would use polite speech (since they’re the juniors) but instead it was Kaji that used so he got confused... I think.
♡ The door #2 opened to reveal a half-stripping (jacket) Horie, I think. Shimono said he guessed it was Horie from when he said it was rude when Onoyuu asked if they were old women LOL. Sensitivity to age, perhaps? XD One point for Lust pair!
♡ Door #3 opened to reveal Ryohei and they immediately hugged aww!! Zakki said he knew it was Ryohei from when he was the first one to say he preferred hedgehogs over cats and dogs. The “I’m not an old woman~!” impersonation further proved him right. One point for Greed pair!
♡ Door #4 was revealed with door #5 at the same time...I DON’T REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED at door #4. I think Onoyuu was clueless hence he picked a random door :’D
♡ Tattsun got hugged by Murase when door #5 opened. Tattsun then said he actually picked door #5 because Terashii took door #1 which he wanted before he even had the chance to go over LOL....
Because Melancholy trio won overall since they had the highest points so they got to play a bonus game for the prizes. The staff pushed out some 9-tile board with prizes written on them. 5 tiles were prizes named according to the sins -the prizes would fall under that category too. The remaining 4 tiles were some random scrubbing brushes as prizes LOL. And each tile had different quantity too... (I think there were x1, x1, x8 and x20 wtf haha). They had to throw a ball from a distance and whatever tile it hits, they would get that prize.
All aiming for the Melancholy prize, Matsuoka went first and got x1 brush LOL. Yuuto went next and got the pride pair prize! The prize was a hot spring trip to the one where Tetsu’s is based off on! ......and Tattsun got a brush too HAHA :’D
Theme for the live reading is “Valentine’s Day”. Story starts with Misono asking Lily if he knew what 14th February was. Of course Lily said it was Misono’s birthday but he’s like NOOOOOOO I’m talking about Valentine’s Day! He then said he found out it’s not just to lovers, but it’s also possible to give friends chocolate (tomo-choco) too. So he wants to give Mahiru and Tetsu home-made chocolates (while stuttering XD) but he doesn’t know how to make -so they ended up going to Mahiru’s place.
Scene changes to Mahiru’s place. Tetsu and Hugh drops by (I forgot why they did though oops). Misono comes barging in later saying the door was left unlocked so he just let himself in with Lily tailing behind. He was shocked to see Pride pair there and Mahiru asks him what brought him over. Misono whispers to Lily and asks him for help because he didn’t want Tetsu to know he’s giving chocolates to him but doesn’t know how hence he’s here to ask Mahiru to teach him. Lily said it was best to let the cat out of the bag so he ended up explaining the situation to Sloth & Pride pair. Though because he started with “Do you know what day 14th February is?”, Kuro responded with “Kisama-chan....don’t tell me you came all the way here just to announce your birthday...” LOL. Hugh said he’s heard of Valentine’s Day. And continues to say that it’s a day where you give friends chocolates by THROWING at them HAHA (he’s confused/mixed up with setsubun -a festive day where people would eat the number of roasted soybeans in accordance to their age. It was said that it used to be accompanied by a special ritual where people throw beans a disease-bringing evil spirits to drive them away). And OF COURSE Tetsu believe’s him :’D Anyway they go out to buy ingredients soon after.
Scene changes to the streets where Lawless was complaining about how Licht was dragging him to so many different stores just to get his hands on this limited edition chocolate that’s only for sale on limited time during Valentine’s and said he wanted a break and to make the next store his last. They enter and Licht finally finds what he was looking for -albeit the last piece left. He puts his hands on it the same time Tsubaki did. They started fighting verbally and comparing who has gone to more stores in search of le holy chocolates while snatching the last one available from each other. Lawless also starts fighting with Belkia verbally about glasses lmao. And then Sakuya tells them to shut up because the store clerk is glaring at them. He then ultimately gives up because he realizes those people were impossible and decides to leave. Just then wild Mahiru and Kuro walks into the store and bumps into Sakuya. Sakuya gets really excited from being able to see Mahiru again. Tsubaki ‘greets them’ and forgets about le holy chocolates for a moment. Licht sees Kuro, went “Neko-san.....!!!!”, forgets about the existence of le holy chocolates for a moment too and it fell to the floor and broke. Tsubaki gets upset. Verbal fighting ensues. Confused Mahiru asks Sakuya what was happening and Kuro thinks it’s better if they leave soon. Sakuya explains (and said it was nothing serious so it’s fine to leave them alone. Even though they technically broke something they haven’t paid for pfft.) Just then Lust pair comes in and Misono makes a big fuss upon seeing Tsubaki. Pride pair enters too and Hugh immediately comments on how Licht and Tsubaki were confirming their friendship for each other upon seeing the broken box of chocolates on the floor (he still believes in throwing chocolates at friends lmao). Tsubaki (or was it Lawless?) says it was getting lively with almost the full cast gathered and asks what the occasion was and Mahiru (?) explains that the were making chocolates hence they were out to get ingredients. Tsubaki then demanded Mahiru to make a similar chocolate as the one that (he and) Licht broke. Licht asks if Neko-san is going to give him anything lol XD Belkia sees the bags of ingredients Mahiru and co. had and comments on how there’s definitely more than enough for everyone in the store and asks if Mahiru intends to make more and give the extras to himself (as if he’s getting from girls in his class). He then calls him painful to look at pfft. Sakuya cuts in and *tries* to cover up for Mahiru by saying his homemade chocolates are probably the best in the world so there shouldn’t be left overs.......-but continues saying how he doesn’t recall Mahiru receiving anything from the girls in the class during Valentine’s Day either LOL. Someone then suggests everyone should make chocolates together. Licht immediately asks if Neko-san can eat chocolates as he’s heard that chocolates are poisonous for them....and Mahiru said Kuro isn’t exactly an animal so chocolate are perfectly fine. Sakuya gets excited and said he wants to make Mahiru some chocolates and started recalling how to get to Mahiru’s place from where they currently were at. Tsubaki suggests a genius idea for everyone to make chocolates and sell them!!! --HENCE started promoting the Valentine’s Day chocolate sets that were sold at the venue LOL.
Mahiru panics because he’s worried his house is not big enough to accommodate so many people (and vampires) but I guess regardless everyone’s still gonna go anyway XD Live reading ends with everyone heading to Mahiru’s place.
*Also, Suzuki Yuuto tripped over his words and messed up a little towards the end and it was adorable awww. *My memory of the Live Reading got a little hazy towards the end so the order etc. might be wrong....sorry.
Started with announcements.
♡ Announced that Servamp Festival (both sessions) will be made into a DVD and releases on 28th June.
♡ Promoted the limited time stores and upcoming cafe.
♡ Promoted the upcoming character song CDs and played Tsubaki’s song in the background.
♡ Host wore Kuro’s jacket/hoodie and promoted it.
I think the noon session went over by 30 mins or so because it lasted about 2 hours long when I checked the time.. Night session was only an hour and a half iirc. Some of the casts didn’t manage to say their ending speeches too --I only remember Ryohei, Matsuoka and Yuuto but I think there were a few more.
I don’t remember what they said either but Shimono thanked us and apologized for making us sit through so much chaos and hope we were able to follow what happened. Ah, Ryohei and some others were also sexually harassing his man boobs (鳩胸w)  somewhere in the noon session lol XD (Male seiyuus love doing this to him for some reason lmao)
...Now it makes me wonder if they’re going to cut some parts of the noon session from the DVD to make it an hour and a half long....they might cut out the Word Searching corner but I’m not sure.... :’D
It think that’s about all that I can remember... Once again I apologize for bad English and the messy report! I do hope it made sense though (>_<)
Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you’re still interested in the night session, HERE is the link!! Be warned that the night session is A LOT more ridiculous though --so much more fooling around and crazy fanservices.
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