seaofolives · 1 year
ok but some selfish and abrasive g witch finale thoughts:
all these boohoos going on about how that shit sucked bc they were really expecting a kiss on screen and it didn't happen and how the execs chickened out of a """real gay rep""" just really tells me how much better we acespecs are at finding and telling a love story. like if fucking yuri on ice didn't/couldn't do it (I know this is a time slot thing and pls, we are talking about a production that happened in a country where the fucking nagano ruling is already considered monumental! try to imagine that if u can!!!!), what the fuck makes you think a gundam show will? and like, a kiss? really is the only way you'll believe two queer people are in love? so if you see two people who are out and out and they're just holding hands, you're not gonna believe they're in love??? come the fuck on, stranger
like let's give this the benefit of the doubt: execs wanted an onscreen kiss for the impact and the hashtag but censorship is homophobic and stuff. look, they went around it, didn't they?? eri identified herself as miorine's fucking sister-in-law, they have motherfucking rings, and they're living together???? and in so doing delivered an even more holistic couple??? and you're telling me that's not queer rep, that they're not in love, and that they owe it to you to explain their love story as if they didn't fucking spend 576 minutes telling it and almost literally even died for it??? like maybe at this point, people should just fing reevaluate their shallow grasp on romance and maybe even their inherent acephobia
am I stepping on toes here? yeah I'm fucking stepping on toes here but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't making enemies left and right, right? also you can't blame me for being angry about the way media has turned romance into a narrow checklist. I'm tired of that shit
in other news, after that roller-coaster ride of an anime, I think I'm suddenly prepared for anything the other animes I'm watching/games I'm playing can throw at me. character death? give it to me; my favorite character got a great ending in g witch so I'm happy to take a loss on another front. (and like come on, I was prepared for Jin Sakai to die until I realized that he was the mc of the DLC too which is a big duh on my part but anyway—) gay skater suddenly gets a girlfriend in the next season? give it to me, I don't care anymore. we'll all know it's fake anyway, we just need the money from the hetties
lastly and selfishly, I can finally work on my guel fanmix holy shit and boy am I glad I've been going on the right direction all along 😭😭😭 (guesule fanmix, don't worry, I have a hundred sad songs waiting for you, so you just sit right there and auntie liv will get to you soon 💖)
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seaofolives · 1 year
to everyone saying that that finale sucked because they didn't kiss on screen, how's that allonormativity working out for you, huh?
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seaofolives · 5 months
actually just to tack onto llrb but it's such a dangerous precedent on fandom when people are saying 'do this thing' or being told to do whatever 'because it's canon', right? like a huge foundation of fannish communities was built exactly because canon wasn't up to par with what fans wanted and now the fans who have risen from those foundations are holding up canon like a bible. gives a lot of tower of babel vibes ngl
"they've interacted in canon, these other two have never interacted before" congratulations on that but I think it's important to look back on our roots and remember that none of that interaction shit ever mattered in the first place, not before or not ever. like if I were to frame this as "vote gladnis because noctifa has never interacted in canon before", I'm pretty sure I'm first up in line for a roundhouse kick. it's just not the kind of thing you say in public, you know? it feels disrespectful especially around the rules of fandom lmao
what is it they always say? everyone needs a rarepair to stay humble or something. and I feel like that works here, too, but also. I've heard that "they're canon" argument before and we all know how well that turned out (i.e. viidom's eternal ltd.) (it's also just kind of funny to see the argument people are using on a straight-passing ship being used on a same-gendered ship this time) (why yes ☁️🌸 are only straight-passing and not actually straight, don't worry about it)
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seaofolives · 1 year
ok but gods for the people who don't understand the function and etiquette of tags, why are you in the "tag everything, tag profusely!!!" website?
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seaofolives · 1 year
theres a special place in hell for those of us og babies who have to watch the thing that they loved the most slowly get turned into a capitalist showcase despite the anti-capitalism message it was trying to tell us. and by og babies, i mean me. i'm in hell right now.
and yes this is an ff7 post by me
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seaofolives · 2 years
man ok ngl it's starting to come to a point where I want to block all polls from my dash and no its not bc i hate vanilla extract. but goddamn where are all the readable posts and the creative content??? i want to read and appreciate NOT VOTE FOR AS LONG AS I'M SCROLLING
"oh that's not very tumblr of you hoho" let's be real tumblr hasn't been very tumblr either for the past 5 years or so
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seaofolives · 2 years
no ok but the app really sucks pls stop hanging on me i just want to scroll—
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seaofolives · 2 years
is it worth it to be the token fighty japanese guy on hollywhite if you're getting disrespected despite all the work you've done anyway? 🤔
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seaofolives · 2 years
have to admit, every time i see fan-art of kotetsu with hello kitty or her accessories bc of the tnb x sanrio collab, i get a little sadder bc...man, you rly can't top this you know
Tumblr media
then again, if adam's collab had come after the tnb one, kotetsu would just be overshadowed just the same anyway so :/ but idk i think tnb also really has to work on their merch appeal
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seaofolives · 2 years
things I've learned about being back on tumblr after a decade:
1. the unexpected joy of seeing never before seen gladnis art
2. i remember now that one of the things i enjoyed on tw is that if you saw a post once, you didn't see it again for a time. which, i know, hurts visibility, but sometimes i like it
3. the realization that i can talk about ~~~controversial topics~~~ and people can just block it!!!!! anyway pls block #noisyofolives bc it's time to get annoying (you'll likely have to block some shippy tags too in the future)
4. the app sucks
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