ske11ige · 4 years
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Cute alley cat  (^・ω・^ )
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streetpunkv · 4 years
@nomadpunkv​ // s.c 
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“So how do you feel about the city?” V asks absently, not looking at her brother as she keeps her attention focused on the sketchpad in her lap. Though the question was a bit out of the blue, it’s something that had been lingering on her mind for a few hours now, ever since she had felt what could only been his emotions earlier, an overwhelming sense of loneliness. She had been out on a job and he had been back at the apartment by himself she assumed — Bastian had mentioned earlier that day that he would be spending the night as his clinic that night because he had a laundry list of things to work on — so it only made sense that the emotion had come from Vance. “Like, really feel about it? Are you...happy here?” Maybe she could’ve been more subtle about it, but she was worried about him and that made it hard to beat around the bush. 
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eurodynes-a · 4 years
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                                                        “  shit,    vance,    the  hell  happened?  ”      it  could  just  be  due  to  the  line  of  work  that  the  other  man  was  in;    or  what  kerry  understood  of  it  anyway.    that,    or  the  johnny  slowly  eating  away  at  his  brain.      “  ...  y’look  like  shit.  ”      it’s  said  before  he  can  help  himself,    and  he  grumbles,    wiping  the  sleep  out  of  his  eye  and  sitting  upright  on  the  couch.        “  fuck,    i  mean  --  here,    have  a  drink,  ”    ||    @nomadpunkv​  x 
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demurs · 4 years
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the heat of day had ebbed to a comforting warmth. with natural light draining away, sunshine lost its bright edge and the colours of many paints, fabrics softened. it was making away for the swift takeover of artificial neons that came with every night. even if nature begged for its shadowy recess, humanity fought bitterly and thus the neon playground known as night city came to be.
guess it had to live up to its namesake. 
eros knew that the nightlife of night city saw many individuals stalking its streets for fun, for pleasure. indeed, it was his busiest time as someone who spun high tales of carnality for a pretty bunch of eddies. lingering near the lengths of lizzie’s bar, more for the premise of protection than anything dancing close to loyalty, eros alongside a small handful of other joytoys were chattering away. chattering about anything and everything, really—ranging from work to daily life, even procuring a bite of advice for their personal problems. eros was so glad he’d made some friends here, even if he was a little weird in wider context.
eros’ lips parted, words forming atop the tip of his tongue, but ... he was quick to pick up on an approaching presence, a foreign presence. first, a side-eye, and secondly an acknowledgement made with a turning body. eros was wearing a thin, pink silken robe with a string pinching his midriff, and a pair of heels which elevated his otherwise meagre height a few hikes. the robe itself was a few steps away from translucent, faintly outlining the lingerie beneath but not quite showcasing them. no, needed to tease a little.
another joytoy too caught onto the approach. a thin, albeit playful, smile curled her lips and she straightened her neck. “can we help you, sir?”
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mchanics · 4 years
                    ❛❛    need  help?    got  my  toolkit  in  the  back  of  the  jeep,    sure  we  can  kickstart  this  baby.      ❜❜    an  offer  extended  with  no  strings  and  open  hands,    her  head  tilted  to  the  side  as  she  stares  at  the  steaming  engine  inside  the  car’s  hood,    and  then  at  the  other  nomad.    clans  are  clans,    sure,    but  there’s  always  got  to  be  some  friendliness  between  nomads  in  night  city.
@nomadpunkv,    starter call.
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cybertatted · 4 years
@nomadpunkv continued from here 
@cybertatted​ said:‘ i never argue. i just explain why i’m right. ’
He cocks a brow, arms crossed over his chest as they stand on the rooftop of the building above Bastian’s clinic, his head canted to the side when he utters those words, having to choke back a SCOFF. Bastian reminded him a LOT of Mama Welles when he first arrived in Night City. Precocious and definitely certain of herself. It was part of what made him admire them both. Though the way he talks he’d learned was far more keen to getting him into trouble than it was keeping him out of it.
“Dunno––you SURE that’s how you wanna phrase that? Cuz as I recall, you’ve been wrong a FEW TIMES haven’t you?”
There’s a few instances that come to mind but he rather enjoyed poking fun at the other man. Bastian was a PASSIONATE person by nature, which usually meant it’d spark some sort of debate the likes of which he’d have to stifle his laughter the whole way through as he comes to terms with the fact that THIS conversation was actually happening.
“ ‘member that time we all went to Lizzie’s bar to celebrate V’s big gig and how successful it was and I bet you that she’d end up bringing one of the Mox’s home for the night? And WHAT was it that you told me?”
He pauses for dramatic effect before speaking quietly with a coy little grin on his face.
“Oh right! You said ‘ Oye, V is a good woman, a respectful woman. She wouldn’t just grab a Mox for the night to celebrate a good gig ’…yeah that’s it. And lo and behold what did she do at the end of the night? Bring home a Mox.”
He laughs a little, poking fun at him as he cants his head to the side with a small grin on his face still present.
“So tell me again what you were saying about ‘explaining why you’re right’?” 
“Hey, hey, you should know better than anyone that your sister is an exception to everything.” Sebastián is quick to defend himself, holding up a hand to stop Vance. Though that night was a bit of a blur, he did vividly remember V proving him wrong. Their little group, him and Vance and Jackie and V, had been sitting at the bar when V had suddenly dipped, muttering that she had to go to the bathroom. As minutes passed by, they debated if she had gotten sick or lost or found a pretty little thing on her way to the bathroom and got distracted. Sebastián had argued the former, but Vance had insisted the latter. 
Unbeknownst to him, when they finally got up to find the lost merc, V was found in the hallway with a Mox and within the hour, they were piled up in a taxi together, going back to V’s apartment while the others were forced to grab another ride. 
“Anyways, that was one time. And, luckily for you and V and all of my other clients, I am right all the other times besides that once.” He chuckles, taking a long drag from his cigarette as his eyes drift over to Vance, trying hard to be too obvious in the way he admired the city lights shining on Vance making him look like some kind of neon angel. He was just barely able to resist the urge to reach out for him and pull him against him. 
“Speakin’ of, when’s the next time I can expect one of you on my table? I got those last couple, uh...donations from you two. I feel like I owe you both one. I got some new cyberware in I could show you later, if you’re interested.” If he was being honest with himself, the twins were more or less his favorite little ‘pet project’ in a way. When he had first opened his clinic, V was more than willing to let him work on her and her brother, when he finally arrived the city, proved to be no different. 
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cyberbrbie · 4 years
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concern  on  features  sliding  into  bar  seat  as  large  bun  on  her  head  bounces.  a  simple  raise  of  her  hand  before  a  drink  is  quickly  placed  in  it.  she  is  one  of  few  fixers  that  care,  the  put  herself  into  the  world  to  make  bold  changes  and  even  more  so  put  herself  and  everyone  stuck  here  into  better  positions.  she  actually  cared  deeply  for  the  people  she  hired  and  Vance  was  included  in  that.  something  looked  and  felt  off  the  moment  he  stopped  into  Dreamhouse.  She  tries  not  to  pry  or  be  too  much  when  people  look  like  he  does  so  instead  a  bubbly  giggle  falls  past  her  lips.  Uncomfortable,  much  more  outward  with  her  emotions  than  most  in  Night  City,  it's  obvious  and  painted  on  her  face.  She  hates  seeming  like  she  is  crossing  lines  but  Vance  is  so  hard  to  read.  ❝    Sorry---  Sorry  you.  look  like  shit  I  am  just,  trying  not  to  be  like    ❞  She  spins  in  her  chair  and  looks  at  him  before  opening  her  arms  wildly  spilling  some  of  the  hot  pink  drink  in  her  hand.  ❝    TELL  ME  ALL  YOUR  PROBLEMS  AND  LET  ME  FIX  YOU.  Ya  know,  weird,  that  stuff  but  like---  if  ya  wanna  talk  or  need  a  job  to  get  ya  mind  off  whatever  the  fuck,  I  got  ya.    ❞
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                               @nomadpunkv​   ♥'d
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dolligan · 4 years
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        ❛  the  best  threat  with  a  petty  enemy?  threaten  to  sleep  with  their  parent,  especially  if  you  emphasize  it  by  saying  you’ll  be  their  new  stepdad.  makes  ‘em  super  angry  hella  quick.  follow  through  if  you  need  to.  ❜     /      ♡   :   @nomadpunkv​.
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medteq-a · 4 years
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❛  hey  vance  —  a  word  of  caution;  some  cyberpsycho  is  out  there  running  viruses  that  are  killing  people  indiscriminately.  watch  out,  and  if  you  bring  me  his  biomon  well,  i  would  owe  you  a  favor.  i  can  pay  eddies,  but,  the  favor’s  worth  more.  ❜     /       ♡    :   @nomadpunkv​
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wissenfurtha · 4 years
❛  what?   it’s  from  conag,  ❜  it occurs to lizzy, only in passing, that vance probably has never eaten a five star meal from fresh foods.  a full meal before them, something elizabeth usually is one to take for granted, and it seems like the twin can’t stop staring at it. she pokes him gently, brows furrowing a bit.  ❛  vance...  vance  are  you  alright?  it’s  not  going  to  start  speaking.  ❜
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[  ♡  ]  :  /  /   @nomadpunkv​.
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maelstromers · 4 years
spider daddy
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streetpunkv · 4 years
@nomadpunkv​ // short starter call 
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“You know that cat we’ve been seeing around the apartment? The one I told you I was gonna feed? Well....” She pushes open the door to her apartment, revealing two identical cats inside, one laying in a laundry basket, the other sitting up on the counter. “There was actually two of them it turns out, so, if you want, I’ll keep one, you can take the other. You and Bastian can raise it like a baby.” 
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cyberpawn-arc · 4 years
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phantomarchive · 4 years
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Send me  🍒  + a URL and I’ll write positivity for them! | @nomadpunkv​
🍒 @streetpunkv​ :eyes:
the nice twin indeed xD
I absolutely adore Kayla, okay, I love them across all blogs (even the ones I don’t follow, whoops) and seeing them on my dash. Also, their enthusiasm is so contagious! I love how much care they’ve put into their muses, and how utterly passionate they are about V and her relationships with others. Also? I love when someone’s muse is canon with another, so their V being close to their ripperdoc OC? Love to see it. (pleaseletNovaandVhangwithyouguys!) Also? That FC for V? *chef’s kiss* Beautiful. I love the dynamic between Vance and Vera, I love seeing the two of you really fleshing out their relationship and how they grew up and apart and together, how important they are to each other.
Ultimately, I love Kayla - and Joey - and I am so excited to see more of you guys :]
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griimreaping · 4 years
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@nomadpunkv​   ━━━━━   s.c
❛  If  you're  looking  to  cut  a  deal  with  me,  start  talking,  I  don't  have  time  for  this  vague  bullshit.  ❛    A  nail  taps  the  side  of  the  empty  whiskey  glass.  Jean's  patience  had  run  out  about  ten  minutes  previous  when  entering  the  neon  cesspool  that  was  this  bar.  Around  them,  the  club  seethed  in  time  with  the  throb  of  the  near-deafening  music.  Women,  men,  robots,  holograms,  all  writhed  on  elevated  platforms  that  floated  like  bubbles  in  the  multicolored  haze.  
Dully  glowing  golden  eyes  watch  the  man  across  from  her  with  agitated  interest;  there  were  half  a  dozen  other  contracts  that  she  could  be  looking  at  right  now.  Instead,  this  one  had  caught  a  fair  bit  of  interest.  Any  chance  to  fuck  over  Arasaka  is  an  excellent  job  in  the  assassin's  handbook,  and  this  one  seemed  almost  too  good  to  be  true.  
Picking  at  a  notch  in  the  polycarb  table,  the  razor  sharpened  carbon  fiber  claws  that  had  since  replaced  the  woman's  fingernails  drum  lazily  on  the  surface.  Beating  around  the  bush  with  semantics  is  quickly  wearing  on  the  reserve  patience  that  she  only  kept  because  this  job  sounded  like  either  a  total  shit  show  or  a  walk  in  the  park,  which  it  would  end  up  being  depending  on  if  her  company  would  talk  frankly  or  not.  
❛  How'd  you  find  me  anyway?  Some  fixer  give  you  my  card?  Diode  down  at  the  Afterlife  start  sliding  people  my  name  with  their  drinks  again?  ❛  A  sly  grin  slides  across  her  midnight  glossed  lips  that  catch  every  flash  of  light  from  the  strobes.  It  had  been  months  since  the  assassin  skulked  around  the  Afterlife  that  perhaps  Diode,  her  old  fixer,  assumed  she'd  up  and  croaked.  Real  classy.  Not  even  a  courtesy  call  to  see  if  she  is  still  breathing.  Sighing  through  her  nose  Jean  reclines  in  the  leather  booth  and  lazily  looks  around.
❛  Listen,  if  this  job  is  a  fake  or  you  want  an  autograph  or  something,  could  you  just  cut  the  shit  and  ask  already  so  I  can  go  find  a  joytoy  and  make  good  use  of  the  fact  that  I  got  dragged  all  the  way  out  here  for  this  garbage.  ❛  
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cybertatted · 4 years
@nomadpunkv // s.c 
“Johnny fuckin’ Silverhand is in your head... If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were crazy.” But he had been there in Viktor’s clinic with V after he had been pulled from the landfill; he had heard everything, seen it all firsthand. This was the first moment they had alone since then — V hadn’t let Vance out of her sight until now and this was only because she thinks she may have a lead that she wanted to investigate on her own and had Sebastián if he would keep an eye on Vance while she was gone. He had, of course, accepted. 
“But really, how are you feelin’, all things considered? I’ve been doin’ some research, tryin’ to figure things out for you...” He gestures to the screen nearby. “But I haven’t found much.” Unfortunately, as disappointed as he was, he wasn’t surprised. This wasn’t exactly normal. 
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