blue--star · 3 years
Okey here I go again with random stuff noone really wants to know.
So I am usually a person that has like dozens weird encounters. And yea I mean I could rant about weird encounters while walking my dog for HOURS.
But this next weird encounter just happened some minutes ago and left me with a smile on my face so it wasn't even bad.
Do in my home town we have a shopping mall (but it's really small and crappy). So I was grocery shopping in the Supermarket (so to be specific a Kaufland). My mom was at the nail studio.
So I finish grocery shopping and then check I with my ma to see how long her nails will take. After that I just want to get to the parking deck as fast as possible cuz I kinda feel anxiety building up (and I am just very jumpy and panicy today).
Out of nowhere a stranger is like: "You have really cool pants." (Background info I am currently wearing olive green skinny cargo pants)
So I was visibly confused and might have had a blush cuz I am really bad at receiving compliments. So I blurted out a Thanks and walked on.
The stranger kept talking: Yeah, I mean you wear a cargo pants and not many women wear them these days so that's cool.
I then realized that the stranger also wore cargo pants. So I was like now beaming like a little ray of sunshine and thanked him again.
After that we just wished each other a great day and have gone our separate ways.
Kinda happy right now and the guy eased my anxiety.
TL;DR: Random guy complimented my cargo pants in the mall, eased my anxiety. And is currently the hero of day.
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