majid119153 · 4 years
ID: s119153
Date: November 22, 2020
TED Talks 4 title: The bacterial solution to plastic pollution
Plastic-eating bacteria is not a cure-all
Many wonder about the reason for the large number of the plastic in the areas in which they live, while others assert that plastic has many damages to their environment. The reason is due to the large number of plastic production around the world, as researchers have estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.
Morgan said that the researchers estimated that it could take between 500 and 5000 years for plastic to fully degrade, and this matter leads to harmful chemical pollutants seeping into our oceans, our soil, our food, our water, and into us. So why is plastic produced with knowledge of its harmfulness? This is what Morgan proposed and answered by saying: Plastic is cheap, durable, adaptable and ubiquitous.
After doing a lot of research, Morgan discovered that there is something else that is cheap, durable and adaptable and everywhere, bacteria are microscopic creatures that cannot be seen with the naked eye and live everywhere, in various varied and harsh environments, and can cope with various temperatures. These bacteria may be the solution for the Plastic problems.
In Houston, Texas, USA, Morgan was able to prove that bacteria are able to break down the plastic, by sorting the lipase enzyme that helps the bacteria break down the plastic into small parts of sugar, and then digest it, so this indicates that the plastic is transforming from a long-term contaminant, Big and strong to a delicious meal for bacteria.
Many wonder about the existence of complications or side problems in Morgan’s solution, but she confirmed that these bacteria are normal and have not been genetically treated, but the process of analyzing plastic by bacteria is slow, especially since the plastic is strong and durable, so what is the solution to speed up the process of analyzing the plastic?
Morgan Vague exposes plastics to a series of ultraviolet (sunlight) treatments, when the heat is high at noon, that make the large, strong and durable plastic bonds a little thinner and a little lighter so that bacteria can chew them. Morgan finished with the phrase "plastic-eating bacteria aren't a cure-all," which means that it doesn't end the plastic pollution problem, but it can help alleviate the problem.
URL: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRwcm94eS5nb29nbGUuY29tL1RFRHhTSE9SVFM/episode/cHJ4XzI5OF82MjAzMzA1My1lNmVkLTRhNzMtYTczNy01YTVhOWI3NWQwNjM?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjgg9mI_JLtAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ
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mohammed123872 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Tobacco farms in Indonesia is one of the main sources income for many people since the average income of tobacco farmers are less than 1 million in a month. References: https://images.app.goo.gl/vfPBDKmmgo4DtY6d7 http://www.tobaccoinduceddiseases.org/Tobacco-farming-in-Indonesia-facts-and-myths,84677,0,2.html
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madisonmeispro · 5 years
Please help me with my survey
Hi! I’m writing a paper for my comp class on why some people choose to stay undecided because one, I needed a topic based on my major, and two, because I have no major. The questions are all in present tense, but if you feel you are able to answer these please do! Message me with your answers.
(I just need a general way of addressing participants)
Does the thought of college stress you out/cause anxiety?
Do/did you feel that you are pressured to decide on a major?
Does college overwhelm you?
Do you feel that if you were able to hold onto grants and scholarships you would benefit from a gap year?
Did declaring a major feel mandatory?
Thank you!
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jharcourt1 · 5 years
Fed up of bias polls for #ge2019 ? Here’s what the bookies think vs yesterday: || MASSIVE CHANGES || @Conservatives majority and #NoMajority now almost neck and neck, and blunder today could flip this election on its head Full info: https://t.co/9T5u7GMi2A
Fed up of bias polls for #ge2019 ? Here’s what the bookies think vs yesterday: || MASSIVE CHANGES ||@Conservatives majority and #NoMajority now almost neck and neck, and blunder today could flip this election on its head Full info:https://t.co/9T5u7GMi2A
— James Harcourt (@jharcourt1) December 11, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/jharcourt1 December 11, 2019 at 08:31AM
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needhiredus · 5 years
Nomajor speeding tickets (15+mph over speed limit), Cell or texting while driving, Reckless driving, Driving CMV while suspended or DUI's or DWI's within last…
via NeedHired
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redhiredjobs · 5 years
New Job Opening in United States :
Nomajor speeding tickets (15+mph over speed limit), Cell or texting while driving, Reckless driving, Driving CMV while suspended or DUI's or DWI's within last…
- November 20, 2019 at 11:11PM
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myfindjobsthings · 5 years
Class A Drivers - Hourly Mail DENVER, CO - AREA | NeedHired
Nomajor speeding tickets (15+mph over speed limit), Cell or texting while driving, Reckless driving, Driving CMV while suspended or DUI's or DWI's within last…
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knockemoutpromotiom · 9 years
@Regrann from @itsheavyr - s/o to the fam @successful_miamimovement @knockemout_promotion for always showing luv 🙌🏾! Had Hallelujah dropped in the club, @savage_laz_ we killin'em #1stquarter 💯 !#clubluckmondays #LonerVision #miamimovement #VATOMIAxLMTT #ITSHEAVYR #indieartist #independentartist #miamimusic #artist #hiphop #unsignedartist #openmic #everyweek #whosleepin #nomajor #BBF #blessed #youngking #Regrann
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majid119153 · 4 years
Audio clip about the Slavery and Human Right Organizations.
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sillybetch-blog · 13 years
Are We All Going Crazy?
Lately, a phrase I've been hearing more of is, "_____ is going crazy, no seriously, like legitimately insane." Not only have I been hearing about it, but I've been experiencing it, and even feeling a little crazy myself. Is it the time of year, perhaps? Everyone is stressing over finals, family coming into town, and the holidays can be a time for romance for people. Maybe, with the economy still down, people are worried about holiday gifts and the energy bills with the way the weather's been. As for me and my friends, I blame it on our age. We all fall in the 20-24 category, and I think we are all being slapped in the face with the "what the fuck am I doing with my life?" thoughts. Ideally, you go to college and graduate in four years. REALISTICALLY we spend time figuring our shit out (i.e. what you want to study, what job you want, what salary you desire, etc.) for a while before making the leap into a major life decision. The four year college plan isn't realistic anymore for most students, myself included. Sense the establishment of college, thousands of fields of majors have developed, many of them being very specific. This would seem to make chosing your future easier, right? WRONG. I have ADHD, and everything appeals to me. I can get completely immersed, ditching my social life to further learn about something I'm interested, and I just happen to have a broad range of interests. This "quirk" that I have has held me back in the process of chosing my life path. Every semester my plan changes because I usually have one or two classes that I find completely fascinating, and of course, they're never related. Last semester I wanted to major in criminology, over the summer english teaching, and now water conservation. I might as well be throwing darts at a chart of majors and chosing my future that way. This feeling of inadequacy initially bothered me, but I've become ok with it. Sure, I've never been able to answer the question, "What's your major?", but I'm in school, making good grades, and I've held the same job for two years. I feel confident that when I do make a decision on my direction in life, I'll be fully prepared. So, attention crazies like me: Let's take a deep breath, WHHHHHEEEWWWW, and just remember that when it's time to make a choice, and start moving, do what you want, not what is expected of you.
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majid119153 · 4 years
ID: s119153
Date: December 06, 2020
Words: 343
TED Talks 5 title: Why we get mad — and why it's healthy?
Positive anger
Ryan Martin asserts that anger has health benefits, and that is through his study, which studies the thinking patterns of people when they are angry, what do they do when they are angry, and to whom do they speak when they are angry?
Anger is a natural and expected thing in our life, as Martin asserts that "it accompanies us sometimes at the best times of our life". Anger may spoil relationships between family members, and it may spoil your relationship with your friends as well.
“Anger is a great and healthy force in your life,” Martin said, stressing that no matter how big or small the problems are, they make us dissatisfied and hinder our problems. Martin says he relied on a book on anger by a researcher called Dr. Jerry Devin Bacher, who wrote about it in 1996 in a chapter of a book on how to deal with the problem of anger.
Anger does not occur in a vacuum, rather it occurs through embarrassing or bad situations that we are exposed to. Anger occurs at the same time that we feel fear or sadness, or as a guest of other emotions. Martin asserts that the causes of anger differ from one person to another. Provocative incidents are the pre-anger phase.
Martin touched on to talk about the types of anger, where catastrophic anger is the most important one, as it leads you to think continuously, which makes you exaggerate the size of situations and make you angry with them severely, which is called chronic anger. Martin talked about another two types of anger: the misunderstanding issue, and people placing their priorities above others' priorities.
Martin ends his speech and says that you can stop yourself and turn your anger into something positive by expressing your anger such as, "You can protest, write letters to the editors, donate or volunteer for community causes, create art or create literature, create poetry and music." Remember that anger has a short duration and will pass.
URL: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRwcm94eS5nb29nbGUuY29tL1RFRHhTSE9SVFM/episode/cHJ4XzI5OF9kOGQxYWY0ZC0zOTE5LTRjNWQtYmEwNC1jNDk5MzM3NWQxZmI?sa=X&ved=0CA0QkfYCahcKEwiAmbLEuLPtAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ
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majid119153 · 4 years
Audio clip about The dangers of smoking.
Majid sultan - s119153
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majid119153 · 4 years
ID: s119153
Date: October 27, 2020
The Neutral Position
Many of us are under severe stress, but how to get out of it is the real secret. Russell Wilson, a baseball player, talks about the situations he was exposed to and how they made him think under pressure. What Russell Wilson will talk about happens to anyone, but in a different place and time, so it is important to benefit from the experiences of others, to overcome the problems we face.
Failures and mistakes breed success. Thinking under pressure generates positive thoughts. This is what happens with the most prominent inventors and celebrities we know, Thomas Edison, for example: After failure and frustration, he thought and tried many times until he succeeded in inventing the lamp, this is what happened with Russell Wilson, but with a different experience.
“ I passed from the height of success to the bottom of disappointment”, A sentence that Russell Wilson said when his father pass away on June 9, 2010, Russell could not continue, family and marital problems, all the negative things came in one moment, which made Russell think in many ways, to get out of these problems and continue playing baseball.
“Negativity was going to get me nowhere”, This is what Russell came up with after thinking,while he was sitting at home, he kept asking several questions such as: "Will I let what happened define my career?", "Will I let it define my life?" "Hell no ", "I will start over", Russell discovered that this thinking is a skill It can be taught and learned, and Russell mentioned that he met a man named Trevor Moawad, who is a mentally conditioning trainer, as he helped Russell to train his mind, by reflecting on how you want to live your life, writing about the most beautiful moments you have lived, and many more, as Russell mentioned.
Several people have asked Russell the same question about neutral thinking, "Does this mean I have no emotion?" Russell replies, "No, we have emotions, and we live in real situations. We have problems to overcome. But what you have to do is stay focused on the moment." Russell clarifies at the end of his answer that we should not be overly influenced by the situations that surround us, but rather we must be strong and not overthink of the situation, but rather we must overcome it, because it will end at the end.
Russell concludes that he still suffers from many problems and pressures. He still has worries and worries, and that he is still vulnerable to loss. Russell asserts that negativity is always achieved, while positivity is dangerous. Therefore, Russell remained in the neutral position, which is between negative and positive, and explains that this is the approach that I follow after the problems he has encountered so far.
URL: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLmZlZWRidXJuZXIuY29tL1RFRF9BaGFfQnVzaW5lc3M/episode/ZW4udmlkZW8udGFsay50ZWQuY29tOjY0MjA2Ojgw
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majid119153 · 4 years
Date: October 18, 2020
Words: 350
Slavery and Human Rights Organizations
Why were human rights Organizations unable to reach all people?
In the fifteenth century, the phenomenon of slave trade spread in both Europe and United States, where huge delegations of African slaves were sent to Europe and America to work in agriculture, and in 1444 AD the Portuguese were practicing slavery and annually sent to Portugal between 700 – 800 slaves from slave gathering centers, on the west coast of Africa.
Economic business of slaves:
Since the emergence of the so-called (slave trade), the acts that slaves are forced to perform have varied, the most important of which is forcing slaves to farm on farms owned by the kings and those with power, and they were not paid for their work, and they were also prevented from selling or consuming what they planted, otherwise they will They are beaten or killed.
Slaves are also displayed in the markets for sale, as those who owned and traded slaves were considered rich merchants.
The social aspect of slavery:
The most prominent thing that can be talked about in this aspect is that slaves were prevented from marrying, in order not to delay them from work and some kind of domination over them, and in other places they are forced into marriage as a kind of humiliation, and also they are buried with their masters when they die, and this clarifies that they have no Any opinion on the scariest thing, slaves have no right and they are the same as a commodity to be consumed and can doing anything it with it.
Among the most prominent reports issued by organizations and institutions on slavery:
In 2013, the National Australian Rights Foundation issued a report titled "Global Slavery Index 2013", in which it revealed that there are nearly 30 million slaves in the world, the vast majority of them from the continents of Asia and Africa.
At the end of 2015 and early 2016, the American National Review website published a report by writer Josh Gelrinter, in which he indicated that there were 45.8 million slaves around the world.
What is interesting here is that these reports make clear that until now, humanitarian organizations have not been able to reach these people.
https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/civil-war-era/sectional- tension-1850s/a/the-slave-economy
https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/history/us-history-i/slavery-and-the- south/slavery-the-economy-and-society
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majid119153 · 4 years
ID: s119153
Date: November 29, 2020
Words: 350
The Development of Sport in the Oman and the World
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth held, on Sunday, a seminar on the development of sport in all its forms in the capital, Muscat.
The symposium lasted for three consecutive days, and reviews the most important sports in the Sultanate of Oman and the world. Every day a specific sport is designated, and it is talked about in terms of its development in the Sultanate, especially and around the world.
On Sunday, the symposium dealt with the development of football around the world, how it moved to the Sultanate of Oman, and the most famous players in the world and the Sultanate.
Omani football has developed a lot with the beginning of the current century, which witnessed the first team's presence in the AFC Asian Cup finals for the first time in 2004 in China, which were repeated three times also in 2007, 2015 and 2019.
The Omani team reached the summit of glory twice, the first was in 2009 and won the Gulf Cup, and the second when it added to its coffers the second title at the level of the same competition in 2017, which are the most prominent achievements. Omani football at the first team level.
At the global level, Ali Al Habsi achieved international fame through his brilliance in Norway, England and Saudi Arabia, and among the most famous players in the world, he is famous in this field, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Mohamed Salah.
The symposium continued on Monday, as it reviewed the development of volleyball in the Sultanate and the countries of the world, as volleyball reached the Sultanate in the twentieth century through the European and Indian communities when merchant ships docked in Muscat.
The symposium hosted one of the most famous Omani volleyball players (Noah Al-Jaloubi), who represented the Sultanate in regional and international forums, where he participated in each of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, China and Portugal.
The symposium concluded on its third day with a review of the most important other sports in the Sultanate and countries of the world, such as cricket, tennis, handball, swimming, baseball, golf and many other popular sports.
1- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09523367.2020.1734565
2- http://www.sportindustryseries.com/sports-industry-insider/sport-sultanate-oman-evolving-portfolio/
3- https://www.sportlogia.com/no11engl/eng7.pdf
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majid119153 · 4 years
Audio clip about the Best Cars of 2020
Majid Alkamisi 
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