fistsofjustice-blog · 5 years
She’s gotten the brunt of another new case, and her eyes hurt from staring at screens trying to find some semblance of a pattern in the data. Her supervisor had left long before she did, but she finds she can no longer pretend to concentrate.
She always berated her sister for working late and not taking care of herself, but now, she’s no better.
It’s too late to cook, and she’s terribly hungry. She remembers Ryuji talking about a ramen shop that he works at (she thinks she recalls seeing him deliver a bowl to a pompadoured receptionist). Ramen may be more of a guy thing, but so is kissing girls allegedly, so that doesn’t faze her.
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Sure enough, Ryuji is behind the counter, grinning and watching the broth under the direction of what appears to be quite a seasoned chef. She doesn’t want to interrupt, but when he meets her eyes and his grin widens, she smiles softly in return. “Hello, Ryuji. Could I have a bowl of shio ramen? Thanks so much.”
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axeandfloof-blog · 6 years
It’s rather easy to spot Ryuji exiting a nearby store, causing a spark of excitement within Haru at the sight of a friendly face. Thus far, the only famliar person she had interacted with was Akechi and Akira, one of which she hadn’t even met face to face. It would be such a relief to be able to catch up with him, and Ryuji’s energy and enthusiasm was always quite contagious. 
She’s about to call out to him, but falters when her wits catch up to her, as well as her conversation with Akechi. Were he to be believed, most all of her companions have had their memories altered. Some of which reverted to a point before they had even met Haru. 
The thought brings the same level of hurt as it did the first time. But... That didn’t mean it was impossible for Ryuji to know her, right? And even if he did, that didn’t change the fact that he was a valued ally and friend. She couldn’t just pretend not to know him to avoid hurt feelings, right? 
... Right. 
Bracing herself, she straightens her posture, slowly making her way towards the boy. All the while she hopes that he’ll notice her, that recognition will light up in his eyes. He glances in her direction, but only in passing... Maybe it hadn’t dawned of him yet. She can’t be sure until she catches his attention. 
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“Um... Excuse me.” Her hands are clasped together nervously in front of her. “Ryuji-kun?”
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yabasicbench-blog · 6 years
In the running tally of “where the fuck is this, anyways,” Eleanor has mentally added “cold as tits” as a point in favor for this being the Bad Place. On the other hand, though, it’s “probably not Florida or Arizona,” so maybe that balances things out? 
Only slightly related, but is there anything more annoying than joggers, especially people who run in the winter? The last time Eleanor saw a doctor (who unfortunately was old and definitely not anything like the sexy beasts on Gray’s Anatomy) she heard the whole spiel about “getting exercise that wasn’t dancing on tables or trying to climb the 7-11″ and “not drinking so much because her habits were going to destroy her liver.” Well, neither of those things ended up killing her, so suck it, doc!
Back to runners being annoying. Okay, Eleanor can appreciate a muscular bod, but can’t people go to like, a gym or something? Dumb showoffs. Then there’s also the issue of dumbasses not looking where they’re going. Some kid nearly collides with Eleanor, some idiot going for a jog when it’s like negative ten degrees out or whatever, and she’s not just going to let that slide.
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“Hey, dude! What the fuck? Watch where you’re going next time, or maybe find a treadmill so you’re not running outside in the cold like some weirdo!”
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captivatedhues-blog · 6 years
–「 It happens from time to time. Occasionally someone will catch you staring, or notice that you’ve taken the opportunity to draw them without consultation first. You always do your best to be discreet, of course, but with recent events you suppose your tact has failed you. 
Or maybe it was just the amount of focus you had let yourself slip into. You’d made one too many thumbnails of his distant expression, trying to capture what exactly it was he might be thinking of now. Perhaps he was waiting for someone there. You’d captured his posture just fine... his one leg leaned slightly unevenly on the stool in a way you found peculiar. But those eyes.」
「 They meet yours. And. Oh. It seems your time to capture that expression is up, lest you become a nuisance. You pocket the small sketchbook you’d dedicated for your ventures out, drinking the last inch of your coffee. Something about this all feels... so nostalgic.」
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「 You give the stranger a small smile, to say you meant no harm. It’s time you go on your way. You hope he finds what he was looking for.」
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Josuke never would have thought that he’d be inside of a medieval-style building that has a state-of-the-art arcade, but that’s exactly where he’s at right now. As much as he wants to get back to making sure everyone in Morioh is safe, he can’t keep working all the time, and he hasn’t been making any progress at all. Plus, the graphics at the arcade are amazing! 
He’s playing some fighting game, pouting at the screen as the ai kicks his ass. After an astounding loss, he groans and notices a blond kid who looks like he’s waiting to play the game. The guy looks like a Japanese delinquent with his hair bleached and cropped short. Josuke hopes the two of them will get along.
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“Hey man, it’s all yours. Or, if you want to play a round together, I’d be cool with that, too? I dunno how much you saw, but I’m not very good at this game...” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and flashes the stranger a grin. He just won’t mention that he’s not good at any games, despite having spent most of his evening back home in front of the television, controller in hand. 
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 6 years
Ann should have known by now not to get her hopes up, even when she did run into any of her friends here. Two  times out of three, all of their experiences together had been forgotten, and the third barely counted as a friendship. She should have come to expect that none of the people from their group would remember anything, and even though it was like a punch in the gut each time it happened, she would have to put a smile on and do everything she could to help them. 
She didn’t expect to almost fall apart when she saw Ryuji, leaning against a lightpost, brows furrowed in concentration as he scrolled through his phone. After everything that had- after he- 
... She didn’t care if he didn’t remember. Only that he was here, and he was okay.
Sucking in a shuddering breath, she straightened up and approached the other with as much composure as she could possibly muster. It was cool. She had this. She totally calm and composed, and RESPONSIBLE, and... And. He peeked up from his phone and locked eyes with her. 
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“Ryuuuuuuuujiiiiiiiiiiii!” She lets out a long wail and throws her arms around the delinquent. You know. Like a cool, composed responsible person would. 
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fuckoville-blog · 6 years
Here's a Vulgar! Boy! Ryuji Sakamoto from P5.
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Anymore of you kids and we’re going to run out of room, pon! You can live in the Poor Town with the other unruly blonde, pon. You’ll find you still have you���re phone with that silly meta-nav app installed, though there’s nothing else on there, pon. We’ve also given you a metal pipe, and an airsoft gun, just don’t go around wrecking town okay, pon!
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captivatedhues-blog · 6 years
– You head off to the address Ryuji sent you, doing your best to look at ease as you wait for him to arrive. You’ve taken a look over the menu, and everything smells wonderful. But... what will you be able to keep down? Your head starts to ache as you consider your options, and a ringing of a shop bell only serves as a further annoyance. You look to check to see who it is and... ah. Looks like you’ve ran out of time. 
Either way, you don’t show your disappointment. You just wave to Ryuji, and give a smile. It’s fine. Maybe you’ll be able to weigh your options while he’s deciding what to order.
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“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t make it,” you say reaching into your satchel. You slide the bus schedule over to the seat next to you. “Here. I promised, didn’t I?” 
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