canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Ryuji is properly impressed by the jacket, doing a little clap and a whistle as Josuke turns. Man this guy has cool ass taste. He can’t help but look down at his own clothes, his graphic tee oversized and getting worn out, his hoodie is comfy, but he kinda wishes he had cool accessories and stuff. Not that he’d know the first thing about shopping for it, or styling anything. 
“Maybe we can go shoppin together sometime…Wait You got a new job?! Where are you workin? I’m looking for a job, I think I’ve got an in with the Ramen place though, they’re lookin for someone to do deliveries!” The words spill out excitedly, as he leans forward in the seat. 
“Oh uh, yeah I ran into some friends from before this place and things were kinda weird…it wasn’t all bad but I was stuck in a stuffy suit and got covered in glitter.” He looks a little sheepish, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, “Staying home would have been way better,” he agrees.
“I didn’t know that! If you need any help with your phone anytime let me know, I’m no programmer or anything, but I know my way around a phone,” he winks, “Aw man, there are some sweet games you can download too! After out match all get you all hooked up kay?” He grins wide and gives Josuke a quick thumbs up. 
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“Well, let’s get this match on, before they decide to drop us into any other horrible themed gigs.”
Josuke nods enthusiastically at the suggestion of shopping. “Shopping sounds great! Uh, you’ll have to keep me from spending all my money, though...” He flashes a sheepish grin. 
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“I’m an office assistant at the police station. It’s mostly answering phone calls and getting coffee, but I get to see how the station works! I think it’s kinda different from the police department in Morioh, though...” He shrugs. “Oh, if you get that ramen gig, I’ll order from you guys! I’ll try to be the last customer on your route so we can hang out afterwards! Wait, but you probably gotta go back to the shop to punch out...”
At the suggestion of downloading new phone games, he nods enthusiastically. “Oh, cool! I didn’t know you could do all that on these phones. You gotta show me, dude.” He returns the thumbs up. “But yeah, let’s do this thing.”
He puts coins in the machine and gets ready. Josuke still isn’t very good at this game, but he manages to hold his own against Ryuji a little better than last time. The combos come more naturally, and he thinks he’s figured out how to block. When he loses, it’s by a very narrow margin. “Aw, man. Next time, I swear I’m gonna beat you!”
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Yuri can’t help the small grimace that forms when Josuke enters the shop. He’d mostly gotten over the whole incident, but fixing that hole in the ice had been a major pain in the ass and had halted his practices for a decent amount of time. 
Still, the guy had been apologetic, and it’s not like he’d meant to bust anything up. Including Yuri himself. He grimace deepens. 
He takes the order, frowning all the while, but he’s gonna do his job, besides it’s kinda funny that this guy seems to be the coffee fetching newbie somewhere, that thought lifts his spirits a little. 
“What? Cola? Does this look like a trashy fast food joint?” He says, but he’s smiling ever so slightly, “I guess I can make you a hot chocolate if you don’t want coffee…”
Moving over to the bar to start fixing the drinks, he sighs. 
“So uh, who are you getting all these drinks for?” 
He might as well make small talk, it’s been dead in the shop today.
He pouts a little at Yuri’s comment, but he perks back up when Yuri suggests hot chocolate. “Oh, sure! If you don’t mind, that would be great!”
At least Yuri is chatting with him a bit. He really really doesn’t want to make any more enemies than he has to in this place.
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“I started a new job at the police station,” he says cheerfully. “It’s, uh, just an office assistant job, which means lots of running around fetching coffee and stuff, but I still hope I’ll learn a little bit about what it’s like to be on the force.” 
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
As soon as he had gotten a phone, he hunted down Ryuji to give him his new number. These modern cell phones are amazing! He forgets he has one sometimes, though, until someone texts him.
Oh, nice! It’s Ryuji! Ryuji is one of the coolest people he’s met since coming here.
From: Josuke
To: Ryuji
☮: Hey man!
☮: I mostly sat in the movie room the entire time. The movies were bad, but a bad movie is better than hanging around listening to bad music.
☮: Hell yeah! See you there in a few.
He pockets his phone, grabs a coat (he found a really stylish purple overcoat that he just had to splurge on), and heads on out to the arcade. He’s embarrassingly eager, so he gets there first and hangs out by the 2d fighters. Ryuji isn’t hard to spot, so when he arrives at the arcade, Josuke waves him over with a wide, exuberant grin. 
Ryuji texts back a short Nice! I’m on my way! and practically sprints out the door. It feels like forever since he’s hung out with Josuke, and he’s pumped as hell to do something that feels normal for a while. Besides, Josuke is freakin’ cool as hell! 
He makes it to the arcade swiftly, jogging the whole way there, and Josuke has already beaten him there. He waves back, impressed with Josuke’s style as always, grinning back just as wide. 
“Hey man! Is that a new coat? Where do you find this shit? It’s cool as hell!” 
He plops into the seat beside Josuke and catches his breath. 
“Man, I wish I woulda caught you at the party! We coulda hung out and made fun of the shitty movies,” he tweaks his nose, and leans back in the chair a bit. 
“Thanks!” Josuke grins back. “I needed a new coat, and I’ve got a job now. I saw this one and thought it looked really cool.” He does a little twirl to show off his look. 
Before they get started, he lets Ryuji chill a moment. “Sounds like you had a bad time at the party then, huh? It was pretty annoying. I mean, it’s not like I really had plans for Christmas since my mom and my friends are all back home, but staying home would’ve been better, I think.” He shrugs. 
“I would’ve texted you, but I keep forgetting I have a cell phone. It’s amazing that even regular dudes like us can have one of these!” He pulls out the aforementioned object. “Back in the day, only rich businessmen had cell phones, y’know.”
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“Anyways, if they send us to anymore lame parties, I’ll be sure to hit you up.”
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Sitting around his apartment, Ryuji is bored out of his mind. But he still doesn’t really want to get in contact with any of the phantoms…is there anyone else? Oh wait! Hell yeah there is! He’d been meaning to call Josuke up anyways! 
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From: Ryuji To: Josuke 💀: Yo man! 💀: You survive the x-mas party? Or did you luck out and miss it all together? 💀: If you’re still alive you wanna meet up at the arcade?  💀: You still owe me that rematch! 
As soon as he had gotten a phone, he hunted down Ryuji to give him his new number. These modern cell phones are amazing! He forgets he has one sometimes, though, until someone texts him.
Oh, nice! It’s Ryuji! Ryuji is one of the coolest people he’s met since coming here.
From: Josuke
To: Ryuji
☮: Hey man!
☮: I mostly sat in the movie room the entire time. The movies were bad, but a bad movie is better than hanging around listening to bad music.
☮: Hell yeah! See you there in a few.
He pockets his phone, grabs a coat (he found a really stylish purple overcoat that he just had to splurge on), and heads on out to the arcade. He’s embarrassingly eager, so he gets there first and hangs out by the 2d fighters. Ryuji isn’t hard to spot, so when he arrives at the arcade, Josuke waves him over with a wide, exuberant grin. 
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Josuke needed money, and since he’s gonna be stuck here for a while, he decided he might as well learn some skills for his future. He got a job as an administrative assistant at the police station, which is pretty cool, but so far, his duties aren’t very... exciting.
So, he lumbers along down the snow-covered sidewalks, looking for a coffee shop. Nobody told him which coffee shop or gave him any directions. 
Finally, he comes across a little cafe that looks promising. At the very least, it probably serves coffee, which is a good start. He fumbles with his handwritten list of orders, frowning to himself, and then yelps when he notices the barista behind the counter.
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“O-oh, hi, Yuri!” He rubs the back of his neck and begins reading off the orders. “Could I get... uhhh, a cappuccino, a soy non-fat vanilla latte, and a black coffee?” Oh, while he’s here, he might as well order something for himself. “Oh, and do you have any cola?”
He flashes a nervous grin. He hopes that Yuri isn’t still super mad after what happened at the ice rink. Still, with all his awkwardness today, he’s not exactly making a good second impression.
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
He’d started and finished strong that round, but he had to admit that this guy was getting better as they played. Enough practice and training, and he might be a formidable opponent. Grinning, he leans back in his chair and raises his hands in the air, first in an ‘I’m innocent’ gesture but they quickly pull into a stretch. 
“I swear, never played it in my life! I’ve just spent a lot of time at arcades, ya know? Not like I’m good at doin’ much else so why bother sweatin’ over shit like studyin’ when I could be smashin’ people in games!” While he might be a little sheepish to admit it, this guy seems like someone who would get it. 
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“I’m Ryuji,” He smirks before cracking his knuckles, “and I’d like to see you try!” 
Hands back on the controls, his eyes are ablaze with competitive spirit. He hasn’t felt this invigorated in a while and it’s refreshing to do something fun like this. He’s spent so much time recently stressing about the Phantom Thieves so this is proving to be a much needed break. 
The guy’s swagger and self-deprecating jabs at his own intelligence remind Josuke of Okuyasu, and he shoves away a sharp pang of loneliness. He misses his best bro.
But at least Ryuji seems cool. For the first time since coming here, Josuke feels like maybe things are gonna be okay. He’s still not sure what this place is, why he’s here, if he’s... alive. And a lot of nights, he wakes up drenched in sweat, plagued by dreams of what might happen to everyone he cares about... 
It’s good to forget. Like it or not, he’s powerless, and he can’t do anything to protect his town. He’s gotta relax to stay sharp, and while they’re mostly concentrating on the controllers, he finds Ryuji’s presence strangely comforting.
Predictably, Ryuji beats his ass a couple more rounds, but Josuke is grinning the entire time. He comes close to winning once or twice, and that alone is pretty fun. Ryuji is an easy person to be around.
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“All right, I guess I’m gonna have to come here and practice on my own, but eventually, you’re going down, man!” he says, stretching after a particularly brutal defeat. “Anyways, I’m starving, so I’m gonna hunt down something to eat.” He pauses, almost shyly. “Do you wanna join me?”
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
He had only gone into the castle because he was a. bored, b. curious, and c. worried Kamoshida might have shown up here too. What with Madarame being here it didn’t seem to matter if he’d already kicked their ass, those shitty adults had found some way to get here.
He’s relived and ecstatic to find that the interior is not filled with shadows and disgusting portraits but instead a decked out arcade. Eyes gleaming he can’t seem to pick which one to try first.
Despite how effing cool it is there aren’t a whole lot of other people here, which is a bit of a downer seeing as a lot of them are versus fighting games and the like. He plays a few rounds of one before getting bored and wandering around again.
It’s probably the hair and the overall punk exterior that draws him to the dude playing by himself, and Ryuji smirks. This guy might look cool as hell but his gaming skills sure could use some work.
When he offers to give up the game or play together Ryuji can’t help but grin back.
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“I haven’t played this one before, but gimme a sec to figure out the controls and then I’ll kick your ass!”
He plops down in the seat beside him and proceeds to smash at the buttons. It isn’t too hard, though the combos are kind of tricky.
“Alright, let’s go!” He challenges, holding out a hand.
True to his word, after a little bit, the stranger is totally kicking Josuke’s ass. He frowns as the boy’s character lands a 30-hit combo, leaving Josuke with only a little bit of health left. Josuke tries to go for a special move to break the other’s defenses, but his plan backfires as he leaves himself wide open. Just like that, the game is over.
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“Dude, you sure you haven’t played this game before?” He pouts dramatically before breaking into a broad grin. “Still, that was a good match. Thanks, man! Oh, I’m Josuke, by the way.” He leans casually against the machine, still smiling. “Do you wanna go again? I think I’m finally getting the hang of this game, so I’m gonna be the one kicking your ass this time!”
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Josuke never would have thought that he’d be inside of a medieval-style building that has a state-of-the-art arcade, but that’s exactly where he’s at right now. As much as he wants to get back to making sure everyone in Morioh is safe, he can’t keep working all the time, and he hasn’t been making any progress at all. Plus, the graphics at the arcade are amazing! 
He’s playing some fighting game, pouting at the screen as the ai kicks his ass. After an astounding loss, he groans and notices a blond kid who looks like he’s waiting to play the game. The guy looks like a Japanese delinquent with his hair bleached and cropped short. Josuke hopes the two of them will get along.
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“Hey man, it’s all yours. Or, if you want to play a round together, I’d be cool with that, too? I dunno how much you saw, but I’m not very good at this game...” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and flashes the stranger a grin. He just won’t mention that he’s not good at any games, despite having spent most of his evening back home in front of the television, controller in hand. 
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Yuri is a little intrigued, and maybe impressed, that this guy is somebody people have tried to kill before. “I guess I can get cleaning your room,” he shrugs, grimacing, “If you gotta protect people that’s fine, just maybe fucking watch your temper here next time, if it was someone weaker than me you might have actually fucking killed them,” He smirks, even something like this wasn’t enough to overcome him. He had too many things left to do after all. 
He nods as they make it to the restaurant, trying not to think about the last time he was here, smiling with friends of his own. Not that he’d ever say that to their faces. 
They’re seated at a booth in the back. His whole body aching, Yuri practically falls into the seat, wincing with the effort. Situating himself he doesn’t even bother looking at the menu. It’s a little awkward, he thinks, really not used to making small talk with strangers. 
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“So uh, besides punching out bad-guys and innocent bystanders alike, do you have any…hobbies?”
He’s really fucking bad at this, and he sort of just wants to bury his whole face in a pot of pasta. 
Josuke nods but doesn’t reply to the boy’s admonition. He’s got his mom’s temper. Meanwhile, his nephew, Jotaro-san, has a powerful Stand and excellent self-control. He admires Jotaro-san, but the two of them are very different, and Josuke can’t help but envy the older man’s precision.
The restaurant is a cute little place, and the food smells amazing. Josuke scans the menu, furrowing his brow as he looks at the list of choices. His companion, however, seems to already know what he wants. 
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“Well, I like hanging out with friends, playing video games, listening to music -- normal stuff, you know? Oh, and I’m really into fashion. I saved up all my money for these shoes, see?” He sticks his leg out from under the table and lifts up his pant leg to show off his ¥250,000 Bally loafers and his Mr. Junko socks. He’s not at his most fashionable right now, considering that he’s bare-chested in frigid weather like this. Then again, maybe he can say he’s making a statement by foregoing an undershirt? He hopes the guy still has his shirt. Maybe there’s a way he can remove the blood stains...
“What about you? You’re into ice skating, right?” As soon as the words leave his mouth, he realizes he probably shouldn’t have mentioned what must be a touchy subject considering that Josuke just wrecked the rink, but he soldiers on. “I’ve never been ice skating. The ice looks really slippery...”
Thankfully, the waitress interrupts his totally unkewl rambling. However, he’s reminded that he didn’t actually choose anything to eat. “Uhhhh, I’ll have the margherita pizza!” he says. He doesn’t know if it’s actually what he wants, but he can’t hold things up, so it’ll have to do.
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Rohan’s typical obnoxious demeanor returns, and Josuke smirks. He didn’t think that Rohan was the type to give up easily. The bastard is stubborn as hell, after all.
“Hey, maybe I’ll read it eventually!” He probably won’t, and they both know it. He hums to himself, pondering the future Rohan told him about. 
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“You said you were gonna meet Koichi and Jotaro-san to talk about Kira, right? Were me and Okuyasu joining you guys? Maybe Okuyasu’s home. Me and him are the type of guys to be running late, you know. We can go back to our original plan of finding a phone.”
“Actually… You have a point, there.” He sniffs once, placing his hands on his hips. “For once, your apparent inability to keep to a schedule might come in handy. Indeed, you were all running late. And while I’m sure Koichi-kun and Kujo-san were on their way, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if neither of you left the house.” At last, he was falling more naturally into his usual composure. At the very least, having a plan instead of running through hopeless scenarios were able to keep his feet on the ground. 
Straightening his shoulders, he turned and began to saunter towards the fellow still seemingly locked in a conversation on that… Little brick that he supposed was a phone. 
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“You, there. Would you mind letting us borrow that? We need to make an emergency call.” 
“Wh-wha?” The man looks up blinking dumbly at Rohan. “Uh, I’m kind of in the middle of something, pal. No mom, not you, s’ just some guy. Yes, I remembered to stop by the market.” He returned to placating whoever was on the other end, and completely ignoring Rohan. Which greatly irritated him. 
“Did you not hear me say “Emergency”? Would you rather gab incessantly if you saw a child bleeding on the road? I suppose your little errands are more important than those in need.” 
The man snapped back, clearly irritated. “Look asshole, this is actually kind of important, so why don’t you fuck off? NO MOM, I wasn’t talking to-” 
His words were cut off, as Rohan had lost what little patience he had and promptly summoned Heaven’s Door to keep him quiet for a while. He at least had the decency to throw an arm out so he didn’t fall on his head. Not he didn’t deserve it. 
As his head lolled uselessly, pages drooping to the side, Rohan plucked the phone out of his grasp, ignoring the shrill squawking on the other end. Though he was unfamiliar with the device, it didn’t take a genius to figure out the big red phone icon meant “end call”. 
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“Here.” He drawled, tossing the phone towards Josuke. “I don’t know that baboon’s number.” 
Josuke watches, open-mouthed, as Rohan argues with the young man. The argument ends when Rohan uses his Stand and obtains the strange-looking phone. He pouts at the dig at Okuyasu -- was that really necessary? -- and scrambles to catch the device. 
It’s nothing like the pocket-sized things with little buttons for numbers that he’s seen. The screen is completely flat, and he has no idea what’s going on. He might have pressed something weird when he caught the phone. There’s a bunch of icons on the screen, and a green phone-shaped button at the bottom. He taps the button, and it responds to his touch, but before he can figure out how to dial Okuyasu’s number, the phone starts vibrating, and Josuke squawks in shock. “Mom” appears across the screen, probably wondering why her son hung up on her. He taps “ignore” and goes back to what he was doing. 
He manages to bring up the number pad, and he starts typing in Okuyasu’s number. “Mom” calls again before he can finish, but once again, he ignores her. The poor bastard is gonna have a lot to answer to after this.
Finally, he manages to hit “dial,” and he holds the thing up to his ear. A robotic voice responds: “Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and try again.”
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He looks back at Rohan, eyes wide. “It’s saying it won’t connect... I’m sure I got the right number, though. I call Okuyasu all the time, so there’s no way I’d get it wrong.” 
He hands the phone back to Rohan, expression solemn. 
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Yuri manages to stand, though he’s a bit wobbly on his feet. It reminds him of the first time he skated, small skates skidding on to the ice. He tries not to focus on the feeling, look straight ahead, though he does do a small set of stretches just to make sure he hasn’t cracked or fractured anything important. It all seems fine though. 
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“That’s a shitty power,” he says without really thinking, “I mean sure it’s okay if you can fix shit but just being able to tear shit up and feeling like you can do it without consequence…” he doesn’t know why he cares, but it reminds him of some other selfish people that do things without regard to the way it affects others. Before he can interrogate any further about this ridiculous power, his stomach interrupts with a soft gurgle. 
“Whatever, you still owe me lunch, asshole, let’s go.” 
He starts off at a surprisingly quick pace but can’t keep it up for long. 
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He visibly deflates at the boy’s words. “I don’t usually use it unless there’s someone trying to kill me or my friends,” he says quietly. “Sometimes I do lose my temper, but I try not to get real mad most of the time... It does make cleaning my room easier, though.”
He hadn’t thought of it like that. Most of the time when he’s using his Stand, he’s either not thinking (or just thinking about breaking somebody’s face), or the only thing he wants is to heal whoever is hurt. Well, he’s also okay with hurting people who hurt other people. Usually, he doesn’t lose his temper enough to try to break anyone unless it’s the hair thing, which he knows he’s gotta keep under control. Maybe part of it was that he just took it for granted that he could fix everything right up afterwards. 
The boy starts walking, and before long, he noticeably slows. Josuke matches his pace without comment. The boy looks like he’s struggling, but Josuke doesn’t want to injure his pride anymore than he already has. After a bit, they stop.
“Is this it?”
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Most average folk would be absolutely thrilled with being gifted their own mansion and riches without having to lift a finger. They would be content to simply waste their days away in their affluence, wasting space like the bloated pigs they were.
But Dio knew better. He knew the prison for what it was. It was merely a charity, akin to the Joestar’s, a token of self satisfaction so as they could sleep better about their good samaritan selves as Dio paced his pretty little bird cage. The fact that his apparent captor appeared to be nothing more than a sentient children’s toy only bruised Dio’s pride further.
But who was he to sneer at others for their malaise? After all, he was the one holed up in a ratty bar in the wrong side of town, choking down the burning swill of whiskey. It was an unfortunate habit he had picked up in his last few years of education. The stress of hiding behind a smile and playing nice with that buffoon Jonathan could only be tamed by the numbing effects of the drink. And Dio loathed himself for every drop he drank. It brought him back to the shithole that was his hovel on Ogre Street, the stink of his father’s breath as he berated him with slurred nonsense.
Truly, the apple never falls far from the tree, he mused with a bitter smile as he drained the remainder of his glass. If he could have just wiped away Jonathan and his oaf of a father, all of his troubles and reason to drink would wash away. He would be free of this foolish entanglement, he would ascend to something greater. He was so close.
With a wordless yell, he chucked the empty glass across the bar, causing patrons to scatter in alarm as the glass shattered. Another signature of the Brando legacy. He barely registered the bartenders angered protests, nor his pained shrieks as he twisted his arm and kicked him into the shelving behind him, causing the remainder of his wares to topple over him. Good. Dio was probably better for it, not having further access to that filth.
Tucking his coat around him, he ungraciously stumbled out into the freezing cold of the night. How detestable. He looked like a fool, a drunken wretch. Useless, useless, useless… It was all their doing, that detestable “High Council.” They would pay…
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The englishman was so caught up in his dark brooding and under the numbing hold of drink that he didn’t notice the other individual cross paths with him.
It’s a cold night, but Josuke feels too restless to remain indoors. He had always been surrounded by friends and family, but now, the only person he knows is someone with whom he’ll never truly get along, as much as he wishes otherwise. 
The winding cobblestone back alleys feel wholly unfamiliar, especially in contrast to the lush lawns and sedate houses that lined the Morioh streets. He almost enjoys the sense of danger (though with a serial killer on the loose, Morioh could not be called safe). He wants to find trouble, to find something that will break the monotone of waiting for a new clue, waiting for an escape.
Despite his delinquent appearance, he has never been a bad kid. Well, not any worse than most guys. He doesn’t steal, only occasionally cheats, always goes to school. He doesn’t smoke and doesn’t drink. So, the alcohol-doused night air feels heady and strange. Maybe he should go back.
But just as such a thought crossed his mind, a stumbling wreck of a man stumbles along the streets, barely able to stand, and Josuke can’t help but feel drawn to his presence. The sense of danger intensifies; he feels he should leave, but there’s nevertheless some unknown force pulling him towards the drunkard.
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“Hey, man. Are you all right? Do you need some water or something?”
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
And for the first time since meeting him, Rohan does feel a small pang of guilt towards the delinquent. The possibility of passing on is a hard pill for anyone to swallow, and not one he’s fully prepared to consider. He can more than understand Josuke’s refusal to even entertain the idea. So for now, Rohan will also leave the matter be, tucked away in a dark corner for only when every avenue open to them has been exhausted. 
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“I’m sorry, but since when do you have any interest in my series?” He huffs and crosses his arms in what he hopes comes off as his usual dismissive attitude. “I’ll have you know, I’m actually ahead of my planned deadline, and have three month’s work ready to be prepared.” He fails to mention the near constant revisions he would probably have to do once inspiration rises. Which was almost always. 
“And if we are able to contact anyone outside the city, it shouldn’t even matter to begin with.” 
Rohan’s typical obnoxious demeanor returns, and Josuke smirks. He didn’t think that Rohan was the type to give up easily. The bastard is stubborn as hell, after all.
“Hey, maybe I’ll read it eventually!” He probably won’t, and they both know it. He hums to himself, pondering the future Rohan told him about. 
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“You said you were gonna meet Koichi and Jotaro-san to talk about Kira, right? Were me and Okuyasu joining you guys? Maybe Okuyasu’s home. Me and him are the type of guys to be running late, you know. We can go back to our original plan of finding a phone.”
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Yurio does his best to remain still during the process, only letting out a soft hiss when the ointment is applied. Damn that shit stings. It might just be the meds working, but he’s honestly feeling a bit better about the whole situation. This guy felt bad enough to actually properly dress the wounds after all. Yurio raises a hand to pat the bandages and make sure everything is secure before breaking out in a tired smirk. 
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“I haven’t eaten today so I’m fucking starving, theres an amazing pasta place not too far if you’re serious about that lunch offer.” 
He better be serious about the lunch offer. He’s going to be off the ice for a while to recover and oh god the ice! Yurio holds in a deep, sad sigh. Maybe he can talk to the skate rental later so see if there’s anything that can be done. There’s always dance exercises in the meantime, though he’s not sure his ribs will be happy with that anytime this week. Actually, now that he’s feeling a bit better, he has a couple of other pressing questions, namely: 
“How the fuck did you bust up the ice rink by the way, or my fucking face, I didn’t see you move. Are you like one of those troll people? The grey ones?” 
He’s managed to sit a bit more upright, and is working on standing up, though it’s taking an embarrassing amount of effort. 
This is one tough dude, Josuke thinks. He grins when the boy agrees to go to lunch (even if he really doesn’t want to spend any more money, it’ll be good to maybe make a friend, considering the only person he knows is Rohan, who is Rohan). 
“Great! Yeah, we can do that!”
He debates offering a hand to the guy, but he doesn’t want to offend his pride. God knows he’s offended Rohan a couple times trying to patch him up. For now, he waits and wonders how much of his story he can tell. The boy clearly isn’t a Stand User, but he’s observant and noticed what was going on, even with his head being kind of a mess.
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Josuke rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not one of the troll people, whoever they are. It’s kinda hard to explain, but I can break pretty much anything. I can usually put stuff back together, too, but apparently, I can’t fix things now.”
His face falls at the admission. It feels worse hearing it out loud.
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
The pain starts to numb under the ice as Yuri waits, hoping he hasn’t been forgotten and left for dead. Well, not dead, he has no intention of dying. He’s about to give up and try to get himself up and home and wallow in self-pity or some shit when the guy returns. He’s still mad as hell, but he’s relieved that this loser seems to be feeling an immense amount of remorse. As he should be. Yuri still doesn’t understand how this all happened, but this guy is obviously to blame. 
Pushing himself up he grimaces, “I’ve seen my fair share of fucking injuries,” the ice can be fickle after all and he doesn’t want this guy to think he’s some sort of wimp. 
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“I can do it myself,” he says, though he actually doubts that he can. He’s still pretty dizzy and he’s not really even sure what on his face needs patching besides…all of it. He tries to reach out for the guaze, and nearly falls over. He really doesn’t want to ask this guy for (more) help but, now that he thinks about it this was his fault, and therefor he should be obligated to do the tedious work. 
“Never fucking mind, you do it, it’s your fault anyways” 
He’s a stubborn one, that’s for sure. But the boy relents, and Josuke leans in for a closer look. His poor, poor designer shirt is pretty trashed with bloodstains, and he tries not to think about how long he had to save to buy it. 
Still, he can’t be too upset, considering that it really is his fault. He hates not being able to just fix everything, and he tries not to think about how helpless he feels. Being able to bust shit up is fine and all, but ultimately, he really wants to put things right. Maybe he’s been relying too much on his Stand for that.
He takes a bit of the water he bought and starts cleaning the dried blood off the boy’s face, trying to be as gentle as he can. The boy says that he’s seen his fair share of injuries, and based on how he’s handling this, Josuke can believe it. While the boy’s features are delicate, he emanates toughness. 
At the last minute, he had decided to grab some ointment, so he applies that next. Josuke is sure this can’t be comfortable, but hopefully, it’ll help everything heal more quickly without causing any nasty infections. He’s silent as he works, lips slightly parted as his fingers brush as lightly as possible against scraped skin. He finishes by covering the wounds with gauze. Hopefully, that’ll be sufficient.
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“That should do it. Oh, and I grabbed a sandwich and a chocolate bar from the convenience store. I don’t know what kind of stuff you like, but since you kinda lost a lot of blood, you should probably eat something. Or, if you’re feeling okay to get up and go somewhere, I can get you some lunch.”
He looks expectantly at the boy, not really sure where to go from here. This is turning out to be a pretty pricey mistake, but at the same time, it’s not like he can just leave the stranger bleeding out on the ground. 
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Almost immediately, the boy’s demeanor changes as he lays eyes upon Avdol’s Stand. If that didn’t confirm his suspicions, the muscled, armor-clad spirit that materializes protectively in front of him. And once again, Stand Users have been drawn together. However, that same curiosity still tugs at the back of the fortune teller’s mind. This boy obtaining a stand was merely a small piece of the puzzle. Avdol didn’t know exactly what he was searching for, but he wishes to learn as much about the other as possible, 
Keeping a calm expression, even in the face of potential danger, Avdol raises his hand in a placating gesture. “I understand your suspicions, but I’m in the same predicament as you.” 
He can’t completely dismiss the possibility that this boy isn’t a threat, but his actions are completely defensive. Were he one of Dio’s followers, he highly doubted he would reveal himself as a threat so soon. Either he was a very skilled actor, or there were even more Stand users outside this little war of theirs. 
His gaze turns downwards, hand still placed firmly atop the first card, but he refrains from flipping it over quite yet. “My Magician’s Red only assists with my readings. You won’t be harmed if you open your eyes. His attacks are more… Straightforward.” 
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Of course, I understand if you do not wish to continue.”
He tentatively opens his eyes, though he remains guarded. He can’t miss a chance for more information, even if it means taking a risk, but he’s not just going to trust this dude, no matter how soothing his presence may be. Josuke just has to do whatever he can to get Rohan and himself back to Morioh so they can protect their friends and everything can be fun and great again. 
“Well, if you’re really not a threat, then you gotta tell me what you know. I don’t know how me and Rohan got here, but the only explanation I can think of is that it has something to do with a Stand User. It’s kinda suspicious that here you are, some strange Stand User we’ve never met.”
It’s a bit strange that the man would be so immediately open about his identity as a Stand User, though Josuke supposes it’s possible that if they’re trapped, the man is feeling pretty confident. He wants this man to be the Stand User they’re looking for so he can just beat him up and he and Rohan can get back to Morioh. 
Deep down, he knows that it’s improbable that this even is the work of a Stand User. This place is huge, and he’s been here for a few weeks already, as far as he can tell. There’s also the whole deal with his Stand powers being affected in addition to everything else. But if this isn’t the work of a Stand, Josuke can’t think how he and Rohan will be able to escape, so he keeps telling himself that he just has to find the User (or some other piece of information) and then it’ll be fine. There has to be a way out, and he’s gonna find it. 
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He sighs and takes a seat.  “I guess I’m still curious about what you have to say. Does your Stand make it so you can actually tell the future and stuff?”
That would actually be pretty kewl.
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canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Almost immediately after laying eyes on the young man, a sudden pang of familiarity washes over him. Perhaps it is his manner of clothes, both modern and very distinct as a Japanese student (even as… Bedazzled as his uniform was), but there was something tugging even deeper at his awareness, a distinct presence that was impossible to ignore. And Avdol had long since learned not to ignore these premonitions. 
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“Not to worry. I can perform a simple reading, free of charge. Adjusting to such a foreign environment is always difficult, and if I am able to provide you with peace of mind, that’s more than a satisfactory payment.” 
This was only half true. Of course, Avdol would be more lenient with his “riftling” clients, considering their difficult situations, but more than anything, he was determined to investigate this boy before him. His first guess would be that he’s a fellow Stand user, but something tells Avdol that there is a connection that runs much deeper than that. 
He swiftly shuffles his deck with expert precision, amber eyes never leaving the boy. Behind him, Magician’s Red crackles to life, flames snaking down his arm and resting atop his hand. It guides him as he lays out a simple three card spread, one of the strange cards “gifted” to him by that bear to the right. But Avdol remains focused on the boy’s reaction, should he be able to see his Stand. 
The dude is chill, so he offers to perform a reading for free. Josuke responds with a wide, toothy grin.
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“Thanks a lot! I appreciate it.”
Now to see how this stuff works. His focus is broken, though, when he sees what can only be a Stand appear beside the man. Josuke instinctively brings out Crazy Diamond, ready to strike if need be. Could this be one of the Stand Users who trapped Rohan and himself in this place?
Shit! What if letting the stranger do a tarot reading activates his Stand somehow, like how reading Rohan’s manga lets him turn people into books? He closes his eyes and hides behind Crazy Diamond, feeling a bit like a little kid hiding behind his mother on the first day of school.
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“You better tell me what your deal is, man. I don’t really like hurting people, especially when I can’t fix them back up, but if you've got anything to do with why we’re stuck here, you’re gonna be sorry.”
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