#none of that tiktok staircase shit. you will never be her
enbybodyproblem · 1 year
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isthisthingeven0n · 5 years
wake me up : d.d
brief summary: at the age of sixteen everyone receives the sentence of their soulmate tattooed on their wrist. but after years of waiting, you’re wondering if they’ll ever turn up 
word count: 1.3k requested: not by anyone. i wrote something similar on one of my other blogs and it’s inspired by that tiktok pov about soulmates.  warnings: none that i’m aware of 
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it isn’t me. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
also this is dedicated to @dolanwithdobrik​ because home girl read both masterlists in a month which is insane. this is your medal, and thank you for reading
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“Okay, 3,2,1!” Your friends eagerly sit opposite you as you keep your eyes closed before you pull down your sleeve.
They watch in anticipation as your eyes scan over the words, seeing your brows furrow together. “Well?” One of your friends speaks up as an uncomfortable silence settles in your room.
A deep huff leaves your lips as you show them your wrist. “I mean what is that even supposed to mean?” You question in frustration, rereading what their first words to you will be.
“And who’s Jonah?” Another friend pitches in with a small laugh.
You wish you could find it funny, but this is what you’re stuck with until you find them.
‘Okay, who wants to see Jonah shirtless?’
At the age of eighteen, you thought you might’ve found them. You were attending your cousin's hen do and for part of her last night of freedom, strippers were involved.
All of the others around you cheered as a policeman, a fireman and a doctor walked in. “Okay, which of you ladies wants to see Josh take his top off?” The policeman asked and your eyes widened. “How about you little lady?” He directed the question to you. 
Looking down at your wrist you shake your head. “I’m good, thanks. But I think Alicia might enjoy some time with Josh?” You suggest as the Fireman turns to face your friend and head bridesmaid.
“I’ve always wanted to go down a fireman’s pole!” She drunkenly laughs and you watch as the fireman’s eyes widen.
“Just wait til you see the fire truck.” He jokes back and Alicia nearly chokes on her drink. “Hi love, about time I finally met my soulmate.”
It was safe to say it wasn’t your night, nor year. You watched on as all your friends started to find their soulmates, how genuinely happy they seemed to be.
You longed to have that connection with someone. That out there someone is going to be your destined other half. It sounds intimidating, but you were raised with this belief. Hell, everyone was.
When you left home for college, you were told you had a 90% chance of meeting your soulmate there. You were going to be surrounded by young people all wondering the same question. What you hadn’t anticipated were the daily conversations of joy that surrounded you whilst you remained alone.
“They found me in class!”
“I found her on the subway. So cliche but perfect.”
“We met at that party last week.”
“I don’t think I knew what love was until I found him.”
Within weeks of being at college, you kept your head down and hoodie on. You didn’t want anyone to see your soulmates sentence because they were nowhere to be found. 
Which all leads you to now. At the age of twenty, the majority of your friends have found their soulmates and you’ve given up hope.
It’s not uncommon for some to give up trying. The painful reality is time will guide you, and it’s a real son of a bitch.
Three consistent knocks on your door alert you as you glance from your phone to the door. “Y/n.” One of your roommates, Eliza, calls through the door. “Look we know you’re in there, but come on you gotta go out at some point.” Eliza tries to reason as she turns to her girlfriend with a sympathetic smile.
“How about we go to this event that’s being hosted? It’s super chill and you can go in your sweats.” Florice suggests and wears a hopeful smile as movement can be heard from your room.
Tracing over to the door you swing it open, looking at two of your roommates who are each other’s soulmates. “If I can be comfy I’ll come. What is it anyway?” You question, raising an eyebrow.
“Some YouTube guy from LA. I think his name is David Dokrik?” Eliza tries her best to remember his name, catching a small chuckle leaving your lips.
“Alright, he better be worth it.” You mutter as you grab your things and follow them out of the apartment.
Everyone rams into the lecture theatre with excitement as the buzz about this guy and his friends accompanying him only grows.
“What’s the big deal about this guy?” You turn to Eliza who simply shrugs her shoulders, but a guy in front of you turns around.
“He gives out free money and laptops and shit for literally no reason. He’s just rich.” He tells you and you shake your head in disbelief. “Seriously, I bet we’ll all leave with a laptop or a thousand dollars.” He smiles eagerly before turning back around whilst disbelief remains evident in your expression.
“I mean who is that nice?” You scoff as one of the professors walks onto the stage and silence falls.
“Good afternoon students. Today I am delighted to introduce you to David Dobrik and his friends. They’ll be conducting a talk on business skills within the media.”
You turn to Eliza and Florice with a dead look in your eyes. “You said this would be fun.” You mutter to them. “I could be sleeping right now.”
“Then go to sleep here. We’re literally two rows from the back no one will notice.” Florice inputs and you nod, curling up into your hoodie before shutting your eyes as the applause begins. “Just don’t start snoring again.” She quips as she looks over, already seeing you fast asleep.
As David continues with his talk, his eyes wander around the room in anticipation. Over the last few months, he’s done countless events at colleges, just hoping one of them might hold his soulmate. Despite his efforts to keep his sentence hidden on social media, it doesn’t mean the odd person tries to make out they belong together.
Everyone in the audience is enticed by Davids words, including two of your friends whilst you remain in a deep sleep.
“Okay, so I gotta finish this up as I’ll never stop talking otherwise.” David states as he laughs into the microphone.
“Don’t go!” One person yells from the crowd and a series of laughter follows.
“I gotta, I’m sorry guys.” He admits with a heavy heart knowing it’s been another day without finding his soulmate. “But I do have a surprise for you all.”
Excitement intensifies around the room as David rises to his feet. “Under one chair is a cheque for a thousand dollars. If you find it, it’s yours to keep.” He announces with a bright smile as everyone rummages under their chairs.
“Oh my god!” A guy yells out loud, causing you to wake up. “Is this fucking real?” He continues to yell, ignoring the glare from the professor.
As he holds the cheque up confetti flies through the room and you notice David holding a camera as everyone cheers. Without a second to doubt what’s happening, you rise to your feet like everyone else as they clap.
A series of people join David on stage and the cheers from your fellow students grow. “I love you, Jonah!” The guy in front of you yells and initially, you overlook it until David looks to Jonah with a devious smile.
“Okay, who wants to see Jonah shirtless?” David yells and everyone falls silent, mutters exchanges as Jonah stands still looking at David.
“What the fuck dude?” Jonah mutters before heading to the right-wing of the stage until a voice yells out.
“Oh my god, finally!” You blurt out, a nervous laugh escaping your lips as you make eye contact with David.
“No way,” David whispers to himself as he makes his way from the stage, watching as you weave through other students to descend down the staircase.
Everyone turns to look at you both with phones in hand as you stand in front of David. “Hi?” You question, seeing him up close with a wide grin on his face.
“Hi. It’s good to finally meet you.” He says before wrapping his arms around you tightly, not wanting to ever let you go.
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