#the way I threw my hands up in second hand distress
enbybodyproblem · 1 year
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Exhausted, Papyrus fell on his knees in the dust. It was covering everything in the room, from the floor to the ceiling. The main door was gone, like most of the windows. Thankfully, no monster tried to enter the balcony, too high. Papyrus crawled to pick up the door, still in one piece by some miracle, and put it in its place. The hinges were gone with a part of the wall, but he forced it to hold by nailing it with some planks that held the windows closed and was now on the floor.
He picked up his phone, hidden deep in his armor. His hands were still shaking with the adrenaline. Sans left about twenty messages, asking if he was fine, then warning him Frisk was gone, then asking him again if he was alright, more and more distressed as the hours went by.
Papyrus simply sent: "Alive. Frisk here." before walking to the kitchen to make sure the child was fine. Several bullets ricocheted against the closet door, but it faced the brunt efficiently. He cleared the chairs out of the way and opened the door, maybe too brutally.
Frisk screamed out of terror and threw themselves in the back of the cabinet. They curled up on themselves, hands on the head, sobbing uncontrollably. They were shaking as well.
Papyrus flinched. He saw himself at five years old, in the same position, as Sans was screaming and fighting for their lives in the living room. This was not a world to grow up. No child should ever be born in this hellish place. Bitter, he felt his soul squeezed painfully. It was his fault. He should have brought the child back to the Ruins. Frisk shouldn't have assisted to any of this.
The skeleton kneeled at their level. He never had been really talented to comfort people.
"Frisk? It's over, they're gone. You can come out."
He leaned a hand towards the human. Frisk kicked it away and tried to get as far as they could from him in the closet. Papyrus tried to stay neutral, but his face betrayed for a few seconds how much it hurt him. He didn't want Frisk to be scared of him. Not after everything they went through to protect them.
The skeleton looked around for a second and noticed a hole in the closet door. Small, but enough for a child to witness everything that happened outside. Frisk saw him slaughter attackers and end monsters on the floor without mercy. Papyrus felt guilty. He gave the child some space and sat in front of the closet, unsure what to do.
No Weakness, Chapter 3.
Hello, hello!
I commissioned this masterpiece to @seirindono, a French (yeah, team French!) illustrator who works on a multi AU universe called The Missing Scarf, which is a banger. Really cool comic with lots of great characters that you really want to read. Go read it!
I wasn't sure on which fic I wanted a drawing at first, but since we already got one for Horrortale: Rotten Apple (thanks again Zeragii, love you), why not No Weakness?
It's a post-pacific Underfell fic where instead of breaking the Barrier, Sans refused Frisk to fight Asgore and brought them back in safety to Toriel. Now Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Toriel and Sans are hiding the child away, trying not to get killed.
The story however is about Undyne and Papyrus' friendship. After Papyrus surprises Undyne kissing Asgore, he is promoted to general of the Royal Guard. Except Papyrus knows something is really wrong here, since that role was obviously supposed to Undyne's. But the more he tries to understand, the more people try to dissuade him from learning more. All the hints lead to Asgore, but how to reach the monarch without getting himself killed, and by extension, those he cares the most about? Between his duty and his friendship, Papyrus will have to make a choice.
I asked for one of my favorite parts ever, which is the moment Frisk realizes how things really work in Underfell, after witnessing Papyrus committing carnage right after he got promoted to General. It's tradition :D
Anyway, if you want to read the story, it's right here. I'm on summer break right now, but new chapters are coming soon!
Thanks again to Seirindono for their amazing work, I love it so much <3 Really great artist, don't hesitate to commission them! They're really nice and pays great attention to details. It was really cool collaborating with you <3
Go send them some love!
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 months
Illusion & Truth: The Rite (V)
Masterlist for The Rite is HERE My Regular Masterlist is HERE Summary: (5) Loki does some soul searching, he lets you into a secret, and shit goes down at the pre-Rite feast. (w/c 5.4k) Warnings: Minors DNI. Language. Plot, shocker. Asgardians behaving badly. Sick child (not serious). Petty bitch behaviour. Lagertha being an MVP. A/N: This is the longest chapter of the mini-series. Please bear with me. You'll see why.🥰 lies.
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Loki hadn’t left his chambers for the rest of the afternoon. That woman from the Circle-Club: Freja, Mellandra…something like that, had come by seeking to ‘soothe’ what ailed him.
Self-serving, of course.
But thoughts swirled in his head that not even Freja/Mellandra’s silken heat sheathing his sword could quieten. And with that realisation, Loki had another one about you which settled in his stomach like a stone.
I don’t want anyone else. No one but her.
Somehow, you needed to fall in love with him in two moons – three if he counted the night of The Rite itself. Or at least, the stirrings of love which went beyond simple lust or pure reverence. If you knew that...it would push you away. Why wouldn't it? Asgardian royals had stacked the decks for millennia; beginning courtships of likely matches for marriage from a young age – and the Rite was a foregone conclusion: part of the wheel. It was too important, and there were no second chances.
But you fucked it up. If he didn’t fulfil the Rite, then he’d be forever out of the succession. And if he did succeed, and you fell in love with him, he’d have to break your heart as swiftly as he’d cheated his way to it. Loki couldn’t love – not like the others. He’d accepted that a long time ago - he'd been told many times.
He brought a hand cleanly against a goblet on the desk and sent it crashing to the wall. Thick cracks spread from the impact. He buried his face in his palms, stifling a scream. Perhaps his brother was right; perhaps Fandral was the better choice after all. There was no hope for your feelings to blossom given the boorish, wanton way he’d conducted himself. The Circle-Club, Norns. What must she think.
The door creaked open. “More wine, my Prince?” the chambermaid said. She was wearing the low-cut robes tonight, holding the flask beneath the curve of her breasts. She looked up at him through lined lashes, a dark eyebrow rising. She didn’t seem concerned at his distress – not one bit. Just wanted to ride him or suck him off or let him bend her over the balcony: not that he could blame her. “No,” he said abruptly. Once she’d left, he was sure the serving groom wouldn’t be far behind – offering his services. They had a system, he was certain of it. If one was declined, they knew Loki was in the mood for the other. His eyes wandered out the open archway. Daytime bustling of the courtyard below sounded loud to his ears. Suddenly the jug appeared in front of him, tapping onto the table while the tart, sweet scent of wine filled his nostrils. Her hands wound around his neck; breasts pressed between his shoulder blades; her breath hot in his ear.
“Are you sure, my Prince?” she whispered, sucking his earlobe between her teeth. “I’ve missed your highness’s touch, it’s been over a week.” Loki closed his eyes, trying to smother the revulsion at himself. The drinking, the endless sex, the aloofness: that nothing mattered. Perhaps he wanted it to matter – did anyone ever think of that? Even endless pleasure, Loki was finding, grew tiresome when flitting from one instant gratification to the next.
“No…thank you,” he said softly; holding up the flask. She said nothing else, just blinked a few times as he nudged the smooth metal into her hands. She threw concerned glances over her shoulder every few steps as she left, closing the door behind her. Loki slumped into the chair; trying to remember how people who didn’t drink wine and fuck all afternoon passed the time.
And so, until sunrise, he decided to do what he’d avoided for far too long: think.
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Loki pulled at his sleeves.
The inferior material so favoured by the common-folk was starting to itch. He lingered on the outskirts of the palace gardens, scanning for you. And soon, there you were – led by Håkon. He was a little shit, but Loki liked him – and he showed promise as an apprentice; a rarity, considering his beginnings. Loki smiled. The face he wore didn’t hold that type of smile so agreeably as his own, but it would do. Håkon nudged you to his level, and Loki saw your eyes widen before meeting his own across the path.
You walked briskly towards him, eyes darting to passers-by. “Loki?!” you hissed. Loki’s smile grew. “The very same, little owl. Does my disguise not please you?” You made a face, and Loki snorted lightly, the rough knuckles that met his lips stifling it. To anyone that looked on him, he was a roughened, reddened stable-hand ilk: the type would garner no second looks except that of the guards searching for escaped jailbirds.
“It’s necessary, I assure you. Even this early in the morning, the markets are busy. I’d rather not attract any unwanted attention.” “I didn’t think it was possible for any attention you received to be unwanted...” Loki’s eyes narrowed. The subsequent smile lit your eyes in the same when it did when you looked on his own face: like the strike of a match. It made his stomach flip. You were wearing a beautiful green day-gown – the same shade as the calla lily growing by the pond.
“I had intended for us to walk around the gardens but…plans have changed. I hope you don’t mind,” he said. “Håkon’s coming too. Although…I fear you may be rather overdressed.” Your face fell. “Håkon’s coming?” “He’s not so bad,” Loki said as the boy wove ahead through the crowd, stealing small pieces of cake from the morning stalls. “Perhaps you may grow to like him.” You cleared your throat, and Loki felt his skin prickle with the words unsaid. He could feel them on the air before your tongue formed them. The obvious question most were too afraid to ask. “Is he your son?” There was no judgement in the question, only curiosity. It was, Loki surmised, a reasonable assumption with the boy’s dark hair and playful tricks – indeed, he often wished the answer was yes. But he replied, “No, merely my apprentice. No illusions, not this time. Upon my honour, such as it is.”
Loki’s fingers flexed by his side, and a rough, woollen cloak unfurled covertly in his grasp. He held it in a bundle towards you. “As beautiful as that gown is,” he said in his gruff, stolen voice, “Best not to attract attention where we’re going.”
“Don’t you want to change my face, too?” you said, and the sparkling mischief in your eyes made blood thud in his ears. “No,” he said, perhaps a little too quickly. He cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t deny myself, and the people of Asgard, even the shortest glimpse of your skin under this morning light.” You stared at him for a moment before gasping into laughter. Loki frowned. “I’m not laughing at you, Loki…I just…” Your breaths were becoming short, and people were staring. You leant against his shoulder, burying your face against the rough scratch of his grubby tunic. “It’s only…well, they have to see me with you. I can only guess what they’re thinking. I still have a reputation to uphold, you know.” A laugh built in Loki’s chest, shaking in time with your own. You pulled away from his shoulder, smoothing a wiry chunk of crusted, mousy-brown hair behind his ear. “Alright,” he said bashfully. “I didn’t think of that. How about…I change your appearance too – but alter it so that we can see each other for our true selves?” You grinned. “Deal.” Loki could tell the exact moment that the enchantment licked over his skin by the edge of your bottom lip between your teeth. Norns, how he wanted to rip that dress to shreds with his teeth and have you inside the topiary maze.
Beneath the magical mask of rough, woollen clothing – he was wearing casual livery; a green tunic buttoned up to the neck, and tight-fitting buckskin breeches tucked into riding boots. Freshly washed hair tumbled over his shoulders. He could see you, and you could see him – and to anyone else, you were just two, ragged, happy peasants and their thief of an offspring.
Loki’s breath hitched as you reached out a hand. “So…where are we going?” He led you through the market, down side-passages that spread like veins from the centre of Asgard’s township and soon the buildings grew less polished…less gold.
Amber brickwork shifted to craggy, dirt-smoked stone and Loki couldn’t help noticing your face grow more cautious with every step. Eventually, he stopped outside a large wooden door cut into a tall building. Håkon knocked. After a minute, the gap creaked open. “Lagertha?!” you gasped, neck snapping to Loki. Her eyes narrowed. “What says the fox to the crow?” she asked warily, keen gaze shifting between you. Loki rolled his eyes. He could never remember the inane answers to such riddles, no matter how many times she told him. “43, 33, 36,” he said. Lagertha frowned. “What?” He repeated his measurements, and her eyes widened. “Loki?!” she hissed, sticking her head out and casting a furtive look to either side of the empty alley.
She shot out a dainty fist and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him inside. Loki grasped your hand, yanking you after him. The door slammed. Loki crouched to receive her hug; he was always surprised how strong she was. “I didn’t think you’d come, what with the late notice…I didn’t think—” She stopped herself, pulling back and shooting a piercing glare in your direction. “Who’s this?”
“Ah,” Loki said. Before he could say anything else, Lagertha wafted theatrically in front of her nose.
“Borr’s bones, Loki. Lower the glamour, will you? I understand the need for secrecy, but is there any need for the smell?” Loki’s lips rolled together, biting his tongue. Behind him, Håkon laughed. With a flex of his fingers the enchantment burned away to reveal his true form, and yours too. Lagertha’s face softened. “My dear…” she said sweetly, as though she hadn’t been moments away from poking you in the eye. “So nice to see the two of you spending time together. He must trust you, if he brought you here.” You opened your mouth to ask inevitable questions but Loki placed a hand on Lagertha’s back. “Show me. From your note, it seems we have no time to waste.”
Lagertha led him to the open courtyard in the middle of the building. From the outside, it resembled the same crumbling wreck as all the buildings in this district – but inside, it was a palace: all curved edges and bright, warm colours. Cushions littered the floor, a pond in the centre and a fountain spurting shapes with changed on the hour. The lilt of childish laughter twinkled in the air – but then, he saw her. A girl no older than two lay cradled in the arms of a nurse in the corner. Her skin was flushed and splotchy: the areas not afflicted had the pallor of rotted milk. Loki had seen her several times before – and several times he’d wished she would alter her screeches of happiness at a change in the breeze or the spray of the fountain to a decibel lower. But now, the absence of that joyful screech was torturous. He came skidding to a stop, falling to his knees on the cushions. “You should have summoned me sooner,” he said, pressing the back of his hand to the girl’s forehead. She was hot with the scorch of impending death. Lagertha sank to her knees beside him. “You know the rules– only in the direst of circumstances.” “May I?” he asked the nurse, and she shifted. He held the child, her head lolled in his arms, eyelids fluttering. He could see your profile out of the corner of his eye – and for a moment, he regretted ever considering bringing you to this place.
Nothing says romance like the demise of an infant, he scolded himself. He hadn’t thought it would be this bad. But you touched his back, a comforting trail of your fingers down his spine.
Loki pressed a hand to the small chest, closing his eyes. A swell of magic pulsed through his skin; green licking out from his palm. The baby’s eyes shot open in shock, a strangled cry of surprise tearing around the cloisters. Loki held the squirming child steady, palm flush to her skin. Hold on, he willed. Hold on.
Slowly, too slowly, the angry splotches receded. Plumpness began to puff back into her cheeks, and the child’s eyes opened – glossy and bright with sleepy wonder. “Thank the gods,” the nurse breathed, and Lagertha clapped her hands together. “Not the gods,” Lagertha said dryly, “just this one. He’s the only one worth having.” Relief swelled in Loki’s chest as he passed the child to the nurse. “Careful, Lagertha – I’ll have you for treason.” “Not if I have you first,” she replied wryly. They exchanged a knowing smile.
Loki’s nerves didn’t settle until they’d draped into the chairs by the water’s edge. Someone brought tea, and he tried to pour it before realising his fingers were trembling. You took the pot, pouring a cup for Loki, Lagertha, and yourself. “Thank you,” he murmured, and the smile that danced on your lips was like none he’d ever seen before. He looked away quickly, and then heard you ask… “What is this place?”
Lagertha snorted. “An orphanage, of sorts. I help when I can, in between the weaving – and Loki manages to come once a month or so to keep things in check – keep things nice for the children, make sure the pantry is stocked with the meats he smuggles from the palace, bless him.” Loki felt heat creep up his cheeks as she reached across the table, nobbled fingers wrapping around his wrist.
It's now or never, he thought. But in his heart, he knew you had to know. That you could be trusted. He could feel it. “If my father knew it existed…especially under my patronage - he would shut it down, turn them out.” Tea slopped over the side of your cup. “What?!” “He grows suspicious – and there are spies everywhere. Fandral, for instance.” Loki bit back the spit of his name. “If it's discovered before I am confirmed in the line of succession, then I won’t have as much say in what's done if it’s exposed.” “Why would Odin want this taken away?”
Loki’s heart sank as your eyes landed on each small, plump child in turn, older ones around Håkon’s age peering around pillars. There was a dozen spread across the courtyard, and more upstairs in bed. Many, many more. Two girls splashed in the centre of the garden pool, un-phased by their illustrious visitor. He saw the exact moment your keen mind landed on the right question. “Who are they?” you asked quietly. “Bastard sons and daughters of the gods, and of the court. The unwanted; the shame of Asgardian wealth and lust, and selfishness,” Loki heard himself say. Lagertha squeezed his hand. He met her eyes, unspoken words passing between them. She was asking permission, and he granted it. She cleared her throat. “The high and mighty in the palace like to smear this one because he lays it about, no offence intended m’Lord—” “—None taken,” Loki said with a small smile. “—But Loki here, he enjoys his pleasure with people he can take care of, should it be needed. I mean yes, he has the contraceptive magic and all that…but he doesn’t take advantage, not like the others. They pretend goose-fat wouldn’t melt: playing pure and then heading to the taverns and brothels, leaving their seed behind in the bellies of women who have no choice but to give ‘em to us when the lords’ pretend they don’t exist.” Loki couldn’t look at you. He stared at a ripple in the pool, following its progress until it faded to stillness. Suddenly, your hand was at his cheek; your lips pressing to his in a silent, soft understanding. He met your eyes.
“I know what it is to be unwanted,” he admitted – and with horror, he realised his vision was beginning to blur. “I couldn’t let that happen to them.” “He says next year, I’ll have a friend at the palace,” Håkon interrupted cheerfully from across the courtyard, looking up from a plate of sliced cheese. He shot Loki a glare. “Not a girl through,” he added – and beside him, a girl with long blonde hair suspiciously like Thor’s punched him in the arm. “Ow.” Loki smiled. “I can’t add my apprentices too quickly, you understand. One a year usually suffices to evade suspicion – and then afterwards, they travel to Vanaheim to continue their education. But Håkon is staying a little longer…” His eyebrows rose in the boy’s direction, “If he behaves himself.”
Loki met your eyes. There was that look again, the one that made him feel like a nervous virgin and a king at the same time. He straightened as your fingers clasped around his thigh beneath the table. It wasn’t a gesture of lust, he was sure – but his groin ached just the same. “We should go,” he said, and your face fell. Around them, childish wails of discontent grew loud and soon small hands were pawing at his legs - little bodies jostling for a place on his lap and wrapping their chubby arms about his neck. Your laughter was music above the fray. “We should stay,” you said sternly over the excitement – and Loki grinned through a veil of small limbs and wide smiles. “They’ve clearly missed you.” “You don’t mind?” His heart fizzed as you rested a fist beneath your chin. “Not a bit,” you said, as a boy with auburn ringlets crawled onto your knees, smudging the green silk with butter-greased fingers. And what’s more, Loki realised as you greeted the boy with a hug, she means it.
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When you returned to your chambers, the sun was beginning to set.
The most beautiful dress you’d ever seen in your entire life was hanging against the window: shimmering in amber hues slatting across the floor. A deep, rich green: silk that rippled with sparks of gold. A note was pinned to the lapel. ‘Make him erupt in his britches again,’ it said. You snorted. It was signed with a looping, cursive L – and a kiss. You weren’t sure how Lagertha had managed to ensure its delivery between hobbling after three dozen squealing children for nine hours alongside you – but you appreciated it none the less. The fact Loki had told her about events in the orgy-room yesterday made an unexpected warmth blossom in your belly. It was becoming harder not to get attached.
You’d tried not to think too much about tonight: the feast. It made it all a bit…real. A celebration of Loki’s attempt at The Rite – and a celebration of his chosen partner: aka, a chance for the court to get a good look at you.
You sighed, looking in the mirror. I can do this, you thought. For Loki. You frowned. The idea that you’d be doing it for him was new – and the thought seemed to expand inside your skull like dandelion seeds blossoming on a stalk. For Loki. And then, another thought. You’d meant to raise it this morning, but the day’s events had been…distracting. What the fuck was the second part? The one that had him more nervous than he had any right to be? He couldn’t doubt his skills in oral pleasure, surely. He’d only have to look between your legs and you’d explode. It had to be something else: something important. You tried to push it aside as your giggling maid helped you into the dress and fixed your hair. It wasn’t as elaborate as the royals, but it would do. And besides, you weren’t one of them. And you never will be.
When the final clasp was added to your hair, there was a knock at the door. Just one. The maid answered, and from the pitch in her voice you could tell she was flustered. Loki had said he’d meet you outside the feasting hall – Is he here? Your stomach fluttered as you scurried to the entranceway, and immediately grimaced. “Fandral?” He looked up from where one forearm was pressed against the archway, looming over your maid like a lech. If Loki did that, it would be unbearably hot – but Fandral had a way of making even the most potentially erotic poses illicit the same response as hot sick. “The very same,” he drawled, straightening a ruffled cuff. “Loki sent me to fetch you, since we’re all to be such great friends.” “He did?”
“Mmm,” Fandral said. It wasn’t an answer, but you were running late. Maybe he’ll throw me down a well, you thought as you gingerly took his arm and began walking in silence down the corridor. If he tries, I’ll drag him by the balls down with me.
Fandral’s tunic was made of the softest velvet you’d ever felt: a bright, cerulean blue. His fingers clasped over your hand wrapped around his forearm as you walked. “How curious,” he hummed, and your expression hardened, staring ahead for what was coming. “Such soft hands, despite your status. I’ve heard buckling ones own shoes is a terror for callouses.” “You must give me some tips - I’d hate to scratch Loki’s intimate areas with my nasty, commoner callouses.” Fandral yanked you to a stop. There was a flash in his eyes. “Do not call yourself a commoner. It’s an insult to the Prince – as though he would lie with a peasant. You are the lowest rung in the court, and he’s too good for you…but you’re not so low as to be unable to debase yourself further.” “From what I hear, others aren’t so picky as you are,” you muttered, pulling your arm from his grasp, remembering the sweet faces of the children nobody wanted. The shame of the Asgardian court. One of Fandral’s slicked eyebrows rose. “And what does that mean?” Shit. He’s a fucking spy - you’re going to blow the secret, and you’ve only known for a day. You improvised, cracking your neck to the side and painting on a mask of apathy. “You’re arrogant, anyone ever tell you that?” Fandral sneered, the illusion of his upper hand returning. “Consider your proclivity towards our Prince, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
You rolled your eyes, thankful that the chatter of nobles filing into the feasting hall was growing louder. Looked like there was only one more turn—
“He’s trying to make you fall in love with him.” You stopped, blinking furiously; the crowd visible at the end of the corridor blurring. “Excuse me?”
But before Fandral could respond, a shadow fell over you both. The sight was like smelling salts. Norns, he’d never looked so handsome. Loki’s dark hair was half drawn up to expose the sharp lines of his face; a golden band resting on his head with thin spires like spun, violent sunlight pointed to the ceiling.
His outfit matched your own perfectly: a thick brocade tunic with delicate buckles running up his midsection; green and gold woven with breath-taking perfection. The tunic fell to his mid-thighs, leather trousers tucked into thin boots the same forest green as your dress. His hand slid around your waist, placing a chaste kiss on your cheek. Out of the corner of your eye, Fandral grimaced.
“You look…beautiful,” Loki breathed against your ear, his scent richly spiced, and for a moment it stifled the guilt clawing in your chest. He drew back, shooting Fandral a withering glare. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” As Fandral gave you a last, salty look – Loki’s eyes fell on you again. “Just one more thing,” he said softly, flexing his fingers. A weight grew on your head in time with Loki’s smile; the same crown of sun rays growing towards the ceiling, matching his own. “Tonight is for you,” he said, offering his arm.
“For us,” you replied, hoping it was true.
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The first few hours of the feast passed in a blur.
You’d never forget the feeling as you walked arm-in-arm with Prince Loki down the centre of the hall feeling like a queen: nobles cheering, Fandral looking like he had a wedgie, Frigga smiling widely, and Thor…although not quite as much. Odin’s face was like a pruned apple, but what else was new.
Don’t get attached, you reminded yourself again. But it was becoming harder.
You sat beside Loki at the top table, chatting easily as the two of you tucked into honey-glazed boar, potatoes baked in cream, vegetables soaked in the most delicious spices you’d ever tasted.
Every so often, a noble would shuffle in front of you both with a small bow, offering their good luck wishes to the god beside you. “Not required, but appreciated,” Loki said every time. And every time, you stifled a laugh. More than once, you caught Frigga gazing at you out of the corner of your eye. But when your eyes met, hers darted away. That small smile hadn’t left her lips all night.
Loki stood. “It’s far too dull for this time in the evening, time for some dancing…don’t you think?” Thor perked up two seats down from you, his eyes alight and a sticky ring of honey smeared around his mouth, dripping down his chin. “Dancing! Yes, brother.”
Loki smoothed the front of his tunic, waiting for a adequate number of revellers to admire his outfit, before making his way to the band assembling in the corner. You recognised the lute player from yesterday’s orgy – the blindfolded one. Loki’s seat was immediately taken by Fandral, and you rolled your eyes. “What do you want?” you snapped. “The second part of The Rite – I assume he still hasn’t told you.”
Fandral released a whispering chuckle that made your stomach tighten. He hovered by your ear with a smile stretched on his rattish face, golden glitter from his hair falling to the tablecloth. To anyone watching, it might look like he was telling a joke, but there was no humour in his voice.
“He has to make you cum with that pretty mouth of his, yes. But your feelings towards him as he does it will be measured: not lust, or respect as your better…but the deeper sort. It will be impossible to hide it. If you do love him, then afterwards, he’ll discard you like the commoner you imagine yourself to be. And if you don't, which is more likely...let's be honest, you’ll have cost him his place in the succession.” Fandral withdrew, a dazzlingly artificial smile plastered on his face. You opened your mouth and closed it again, heartbeat hard in your throat. “It breaks my heart to see him play you,” he sighed, playing with Loki’s fork. “Just as he will break yours…but alas, it’s how it must be. I expect he’s lavished you with his attention these past days, let you see…allegedly…another side of him?”
“You’re just jealous,” you blurted. It was childish, and frantic.
His eyes narrowed. “It’s no secret I have feelings for the Prince which go beyond mere frippery – I make no waves against it. Loki is magnificent in many ways, but he’s always been a fool. And you will make a fool of him too, when it’s clear you don’t love him; when he is shamed, his status diminished - left forever in his brother’s shadow.”
Your vision swam. “But…why would he…why would he choose me, then? It’s too important, I…” Those plump, hopeful kid’s faces flashed in front of your eyes again. The way he sang to them, and made baby animals burst in living shadows from his fingertips to prance across the courtyard amidst their shrieks of delight. They were in danger. Loki had to secure his place in the succession. This wasn’t about you, not really.
“Fandral,” you said, searching his face, not knowing what you wanted him to say. “Just enjoy yourself tonight.” Fandal smiled, giving a small wave to someone across the room. “I’m sure Loki will come to his senses before the ceremony.” Time seemed to stop as Loki drew you on to the dancefloor, and soon the centre of the hall was a shifting sea of graceful bodies and swirling silk. You’d never wanted anything more than to attend one of these things – you weren’t going to let Fandral ruin it.
Loki’s body was like steel, but he moved like fluid - a liquid grace which twirled and manoeuvred you easily across the floor. His cheek pressed to yours, lips grazing your skin at achingly slow intervals. You wondered if he knew he was doing it. And yet— ‘It breaks my heart to see him play you; just as he will break yours.’ Your hand faltered from Loki’s hold, fumbling the step.
He drew you closer, eyes clouded with concern. The lutes seem very loud all of a sudden. “Loki…” you started. You needed to know – and he needed to choose. There was much at stake, and you didn’t know if you could give him what he needed to come out The Rite with his place in the succession intact.
“May I?” Fandral’s voice shattered the moment.
He was the picture of gentile chivalry, a hand extended with a reverent bow. Loki looked at you, and you suddenly realised the only thing you wanted was more time before the illusion that this could all be real shattered forever.
As your hand left Loki’s, reaching for Fandral’s – you saw the creep of a cruel smirk, and a white glisten on Fandral’s fingers too late. Your breath caught as he lunged. And then, all hel broke loose.
Loki’s body was a wall of muscle ramming between the two of you, smacking Fandral’s arm to the side.
You stumbled backwards, falling into Frigga dancing with some lord from Vanaheim. Grapes went skittering across the floor from the knock-on-carnage; goblets cracking against marble and shrieks as priceless suede shoes were splashed.
Loki was gripping Fandral’s wrist as the blonde looked up wide-eyed, words shaping his lips that came out in a mess of denials and apologies. Between the nonsensical muttering, you heard two words from Fandral’s lips: ‘Thor…whorehouse.’ Loki’s eyes narrowed, and then he punched Fandral in the face. The sharp crack of his nose breaking split the air. “Loki,” Odin boomed, shuffling in front of the long table at the head of the hall. “The Rite feast is no occasion for your brutish theatrics.” Loki’s fingers tightened around Fandral’s wrist and a pathetic squeal snaked from his throat. “He tried to sabotage my partner,” Loki growled through gritted teeth. He sent Fandral sprawling to the floor. “See? He bears the seed of a god on his hand – you know the rules better than any, father. It would render her ineligible to take part. Bartered with a lady of the night in Asgard’s township from one of her patrons, no doubt.”
Your stomach dropped as gasps rose around the hall; whispers of a hundred conversations turning to a roar. “Silence,” Odin shouted. The guests obeyed. “Is this true?” he directed at a cowering Fandral. “Surely no god would involve themselves with such a person, such an act.” Your eyes swung to Loki. You’d never seen him angry. And dark irons…it was hot.
His fists clenched and unclenched by his sides; a muscle in his jaw feathering with every strong beat of the pulse in his neck. A wave of pride, and desire, and…something else, swelled in your stomach. The gold-spired crown on his head glittered beneath candlelight, dark curls spilling over brocaded shoulders like ink. “I assure you, father – it is true.”
And Odin knows it…bastard, you thought as Loki turned, brows heavy as he stared his father down. “Order him from my sight, or I cannot be responsible for what comes next.” And for once, Odin complied.
You couldn’t hear Fandral’s protestations of innocence, or the clatter of guards. All you could hear were Loki’s heavy breaths as he pulled you after him down a side corridor and into the open air of the balcony. All you could feel was the press of his body to yours as your back hit the wall; the pressure of his ravenous kiss; the need of his sighs and broken apologies into your open mouth.
His palms cupped your cheeks, lips slotting so perfectly against yours and the weight of his chest flush to your body like he thought you might vanish.
You pressed a palm to his chest, pushing him back. Deja-vu of the first night you entered Loki’s world flashed in front of your eyes: a kiss on a balcony, a promise made with hidden intentions– but it was nothing like this.
There was something different swimming in his sapphire eyes: more than lust, or duty…or tricks. It would’ve been a foregone conclusion that Loki would be successful in achieving The Rite with Fandral. He could bring that golden turd pleasure like he’d never known; show the Norns he could win the love of the people who worshipped him…but that option was dead now. Not that you’d wanted it for him in the first place.
Could that look in Loki’s eyes be faked? The one that smouldered with embers of cities he’d burn for you; of how inexplicably far he’d go to keep you as his partner in this farce even though the odds were stacked against him. He’d known they were all along. “Loki…” you whispered, and he wet his lips, biting the bottom one softly as his gaze fell. I could love him, you realised. Eyes wide open; knowing that this might be all it ever was, and even if he would never feel the same – I could love him. With the little time that was left, you only hoped it would be enough.
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Tags in comments ❤️as always I lovvvvve hearing your thoughts! Thank you so much if you're here!
Chapter Six: Consequences
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hobicakess · 3 months
Wonderful World — JJK Series
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SUMMARY: The world had gone to shit just like many had theorized. The living was not only fighting the dead, but they were also fighting against themselves and each other. Jeon Jungkook has been in the field by himself for months, living off of scraps, his own rules of survival, and barely enough water. Along the way, he finds a ditzy girl spoiled girl ironically Princess and her crusty white dog. He understood they'd be a handful, but he was Jeon Jungkook, and he could handle anything.
RATING: 18+ (im not the momma you are in control of what you consume.)
CONTENT WARNING: apocalypse!au, gore, blood, ditzy!reader, angst, slow burn, eventual established relationship, jungkook is sighing every three seconds, eventual smut, crusty white dog (yes that's a warning), minor character death, named reader, corrupt dystopian society, meanie jungkook, Possessive Jk, princess is just a girl, more to be added
AUTHORS NOTE: i am back in my zombie apocolyse era!!!! this is heavily inspired by zombie land because i love it sososo much. the post for this story will be in shorts pushing 1k- 3k? words and my ask box is always open to request and thoughts for this series. If you are new to my blog welcome hottie! be sure to check out my other works, you"ll love it over here xxx
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ᯓ ᡣ 𐭩 how'd you know my name ! — A frown taking over his handsome features as his eyes rake her clothing. . . . wedged heels that threw him off more than the unethical outfit.
ᯓ ᡣ 𐭩 thrifting w/ princess !! — her cheeks puff at the audacity. "duhhhh it's a limited addition juicy couture handbag"
ᯓ ᡣ 𐭩 damsel in distress — "you want to help? just stand there and look pretty." blinking up at him she pouts her glossy lips. "am i doing it right?" they were so gonna die.
ᯓ ᡣ 𐭩 pending
ᯓ ᡣ 𐭩 pending
ᯓᡣ 𐭩 pending
ᯓ ᡣ 𐭩 pending
ᯓᡣ 𐭩 pending
ᯓ ᡣ 𐭩 pending
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- © hobicakess ! do not steal, modify, copy, plagiarize, nor repost any of the works on this blog without given permission!
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nervoussagittarius · 5 months
to win or not to win
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chris sturniolo x reader
summary: chris and his girlfriend do a twitch stream together and compete at who’s the better fortnite player, request
warnings: fluffy, language
it wasn’t unusual for you and chris to get into friendly competitions. most of them ended in a temper tantrum from one of you, but they were innocent nonetheless.
todays topic of discussion was ‘whos the better fortnite player’. although chris had been playing for a significant amount of time longer than you, you were sure you could hold your own. especially, because chris was the one to teach you how to play.
you both we’re confident in your skills, so the only logical way to decide was to take it to twitch and let the viewers watch the showdown.
“okay guys so here’s what’s happening today. y/n and i are having the fortnite championship and you guys are here to witness” chris said as he took the seat next to you. a very serious look was etched on his face
you looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a look that said ‘really?’
“while we wait for mr. dramatic to calm down i’ll tell you why we’re really here. chris thinks he’s better at fortnite then me.” you said. there was a slight pause before both of you broke into laughter and fell into eachother.
you continued as chris placed his head on your shoulder and watched the chat, “i don’t think chris is better a fortnite then me. so we’re gonna play a few rounds and see who has the best outcomes.”
“yeah so basically we’re gonna be playing 3 rounds, and when we finish we’re going to see who had the overall higher placings.” chris explained.
“that’s quite literally what i just said. thank you for repeating me, love”
“that’s quite literally what i just fucking said” chris mimicked as he poked your side to agitate you.
“stop it” you said giggling, trying to slap his hand away from you.
chris had the split screen set up on his pc. it was a tight fit but you guys were going to make it work. this argument needed to be settled.
the first two games went smoothly. trash talk was being thrown and so were elbows. you both didn’t mind playing dirty. lines had been crossed to many times to count, but it was all in fun.
“it all comes down to this, ma. so far we each have a first and second place finish” chris said cracking his knuckles. no matter how hard he tried, he wasn’t intimidating anyone.
the game went smoothly for a while. you were both able to get through with out any scratches. it was down to the last ten when chris noticed you leg start bouncing in anticipation and nervousness.
as much as chris hated to admit it, he didn’t want to see you lose. he loved seeing how excited you got whenever you win a competition between the two of you, and this was a game chris was willing to throw.
chris looked at you, then at the game before him, then back at you. he could see the distress on your face and he hated it.
“dude i don’t even fucking know where these guys are coming from!” you exclaimed as you started firing random shots to try to hit someone.
you guys were now in the final four. chris made his way over to your character and quickly took out one on the guys shooting at you. you were able to get the other one out not long after that.
“oh fuck chris. please don’t shoot. please don’t shoot. please” you repeat over and over as you tried to get the perfect aim on chris’s player. without warning chris pretended to fumble his controller, dropping it to the ground.
“oh shit!”
this gave you the perfect opportunity to kill chris’s character and win the game and the overall competition between the two of you.
“yes!” you yelled as you threw your arms up and jumped out of your chair.
“oh my fuck. no chance. i just fucking won.”
you did a celebratory lap around chris’s room. chris winked at the camera and held his finger up to his lips telling the chat to not spoil the fact that she is let you win. when you made it back to him you held his face in your hands.
he looked up at you as you said, “you we’re good. simply just not good enough.” you leaned down to place a short peck on his lips and held out your hand for him to shake. he instead grabbed your hand pulling you down to sit on his lap.
“you know chris, me winning really just proves how good you are at fortnite because you taught me everything i know”
chris groaned in joking frustration as he nuzzled his head into the crook of you neck. he placed soft kisses around the area as you watched the chat congratulate your win.
chris finally picked his head up, “thank you guys so much for watching me get my ass kicked by my girlfriend i-”
“kinky.” you interrupted.
“okay that’s it” chris stood up, picking you up by your waist at the same time. he walked over to his bed and gently threw you down. swiftly, he ran back over to his desk chair, taking a seat.
“as i was saying, thanks for watching and we’ll see you again soon”
“bye!” you said blowing a kiss to the camera.
an: this one’s cute. i didn’t want it to seem identical to matt’s so i hope y’all enjoy it🤍
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: The Housepet.
Continuation of The Houseguest.
Written for a very lovely anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Kaveh x Reader x Yandere!Alhaitham (Genshin).
Word Count: 2.0k.
TW: Implied/Referenced Non-Con, Prolonged Imprisonment, Mind Break, Physical Abuse, Dehumization, Obsessive Behavior, and Delusional Thoughts.
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You’d been shaking for the past two hours.
Violently enough for the tremor to be visible in your shoulders, in the jerkiness of your rare movements, but not so aggressively as to disrupt the path of the tears Kaveh would occasionally catch running down your cheeks. It’d started halfway through your tryst, while his head was still buried between the thighs he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about for weeks, and the warm bath he’d run hadn’t comforted you the way he’d hoped it would. He thought that getting you out of Alhaitham’s clothes, Alhaitham’s colors might help, but even dressed in one of his shirts, your hair pulled out of your face by one of his jewel-studded clips, you shook like a leaf caught in the morning gale. When he tried taking your collar away, hoping that it’s absence would let you (however momentarily) forget Alhaitham, you broke your silence to beg him not to, and his bleeding heart won over his better judgement. You got to keep your collar, even if the sight of it around your throat sent a bolt of discomfort straight to the pit of his stomach.
Currently, he had you on his bed, curled up in a nest of his sheets and wrapped in his arms as he tried to tempt your permanently downcast gaze back onto him. It hurt him to see you in such obvious distress, as little as you seemed to care what he thought. He could only imagine what you were like when Alhaitham had his way with you, that brute. At least Kaveh had made an effort to be gentle with you. He was sure that, behind closed doors, Alhaitham wouldn’t so much as—
Speak of the archons and they will appear. As he rubbed shallow circles into your bruised hip, Kaveh heard the door to Alhaitham’s flat creak open, a series of familiar footsteps following shortly after. There was no pretense of a search – Kaveh could’ve counted the seconds it took Alhaitham to arrive at his door, to let himself into Kaveh’s room with the same irritatingly neutral, ‘I already know this will be a waste of my time’ expression he always seemed to wear. He didn’t even attempt to knock, but Kaveh supposed that was just karma. He supposed he wouldn’t be in this mess at all if he just tread a little more carefully around Alhaitham, around you.
Despite his brazenness, Alhaitham chose to linger in the doorway, his gaze flickering from Kaveh to you to the love bites littered down the length of your neck. Kaveh was the one to break the silence, eventually. “You’re supposed to be working.”
“And you’re supposed to be paying rent.” Then, resting his shoulder against the doorframe, “I left early. I wanted to see how you two were faring.”
Kaveh scoffed. “Don’t pretend you’re clairvoyant.” Alhaitham paid him a look, and he threw his head to the side, pulling you closer. “I’m only trying to some love to someone you’ve been neglecting for months. The poor thing’s so traumatized by your company, a little affection’s rendered them nearly catatonic.”
Alhaitham let out a dry laugh, his expression remaining completely unchanged. “That is not what they look like when they’re catatonic.”
Kaveh moved to spit out something accusatory and defensive, but Alhaitham only held up a hand. When Kaveh begrudgingly went quiet, Alhaitham took a step closer, positioning himself at the foot of Kaveh’s bed. He clicked his tongue and, with only the slightest amount of hesitation, you broke away from Kaveh and crawled to your keeper, head bowed and hands pawed. You came to kneel in front of him, your gaze never rising higher than Kaveh’s sheets. “I’m sorry, I tried to…” You trailed off, clenched your eyes shut. A flower, so meek and so delicate, it couldn’t help but close its petals for fear of being burnt by the sun. “I’m sorry.”
Alhaitham took on a look of pleased exasperation. “That won’t be necessary. You remember what I told you before I left, right?”
You nodded. “That it wouldn’t be my fault.”
“Close, but not quite.” He smiled, resting his hand on top of your head. You melted into his palm, although the sigh that slipped past your lips betrayed more relief than solace. “I said he wouldn’t be able to control himself. That’s the thing about Kaveh – no matter what I put in front of him, he’d be able to justify taking it for himself.”
Again, Kaveh tried to protest, to reiterate that he hadn’t ‘taken’ anything, but Alhaitham already going on, his hand drifting to your cheek, then your chin, tilting your head back to better take in the hickey bruised into the corner of your jaw, the evidence of Kaveh’s teeth still embedded in your shoulder. “You should’ve seen what I had to deal with a few months ago. Fighting, scratching, and such a mouth – I’m glad we found a better use for it.” A pause, a glance toward Kaveh. “I’m sure even you can admit that this is an improvement. A little training goes a far way, when you’ve got the right handler.”
He felt something sharp and heavy fall into the pit of his stomach. “It sounds like you’re talking about an animal.”
Kaveh didn’t want to be strict with you. He didn’t want to be like Alhaitham; endlessly cruel, endlessly demanding, a void where all emotions more sentimental than lukewarm indifference were eradicated with the utmost efficiency. He wanted to be soft with you, a reprieve you could run to when Alhaitham proved unyielding. He wanted to love you, if only because of how much it hurt him to see Alhaitham failing to do the same.
“It’s not completely different. Give a subject the right incentive, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to tame a student or a sumpter beast. This subject just happens to do well with direct instruction. I found that out early on, after a softer approach proved ineffective.” He snapped his fingers, and as if guided by a string, you straightened your back, your formerly divided attention now focused solely on Alhaitham. “I could teach you a few of their commands, if you think you could be strict enough not to undo all of my hard work.”
But, seeing you kneel in front of Alhaitham, staring up at him like he’d hung the stars in the sky – he couldn’t help but feel his heart ache at the memory of the state you’d been in only a few minutes ago, of the trembling doll who needed to be posed by hand. At least, under the weight of Alhaitham’s commands, you were more of a house pet than a toy, more of a flower than a block of crumbling stone.
The thought alone should’ve made him feel sick.
He straightened, swung his legs over the side of his mattress. He looked at you as he spoke, only letting Alhaitham take up a fraction of his peripheral. “What do you mean by ‘commands’?”
Kaveh wasn’t looking at him, but he didn’t have to be.
He could hear Alhaitham’s grin in his voice. “Come here.”
He took long seconds to push himself onto his feet, to find his way to Alhaitham’s side. With a soft hum, Alhaitham stepped back and brought a hand to Kaveh’s waist, another to his shoulder, drawing him forward until he was standing in front of you. He could see something spark in your eyes – not quite distress, but confusion. There’d been a change in the routine that you and Alhaitham had perfected, and you clearly weren’t sure how to react. To his credit, he wasn’t either.
“You already saw how to get their attention,” Alhaitham started, his hand coming to rest on your shoulder. “Names haven’t had much affect since our time with the cellar, but most verbal commands are fairly straightforward. Kneel, sit, and stand all do exactly what you’d assume, and while they usually ask for approval to speak, they’re good at responding to direct questions. Aren’t you, love?”
Kaveh watched you perk up, looking towards Alhaitham for approval. He offered a curt nod, and with a few seconds of deliberation, you managed a small “…I am.”
“See? There’s still a brain in there after all.” Alhaitham flashed that awful smile toward Kaveh. Kaveh didn’t return the gesture. “We’re making progress, but due to prior incidents—” Alhaitham’s tone didn’t change, but you flinched. “—our outdoor privileges are still restricted. Kitchen access is limited, too, until someone proves that they know how to handle knives responsibly.”
You bowed your head, a scolded dog who knew better than to pretend it hadn’t learned its lesson. Kaveh interjected before Alhaitham could forget the point of his lecture. “That’s not what I care about.”
He could practically taste the smugness radiating off of Alhaitham. “And what do you care about, Kaveh?”
“I can’t believe you’d hold this over my—”
“Answer the question,” Alhaitham cut in. “If you want to use something that belongs to me, you’re going to have to tell me what you plan to do with it.”
It felt like something was attempting to crawl up his throat, one spiny leg at a time. It felt like his chest was about to split open. “I want to be…”
His eyes met yours. For a moment, he thought he saw something other than the dull acknowledgment of an unpleasant reality, other than the fear of punishment and the anticipation of reward. Something more visceral, more conscious than what could be ingrained into you by someone else’s hands.
“I’d like to be loving with them.” He saw it for a moment and then, that visceral something fell apart and disappeared. “I’d like for them to love me. Or, to act like they do, at least.”
Alhaitham let out a breath of a laugh. It sounded like nails against porcelain. You seemed to think so too. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Your voice sounded so painstakingly delicate. If he had a little less self-control, he might’ve taken you in his arms and whisked you away, taken you somewhere Alhaitham couldn’t follow. If he was a little less selfish, he would’ve. “It wasn’t.”
If Alhaitham heard you speak out of turn, he was willing to overlook the infraction. “Use the collar. Just make sure not to pull too hard – you won’t like what that means.”
It was Kaveh’s turn to shake, now. He tried to keep his hands steady, to touch you as carefully as he had when you were alone together, but his limbs felt disconnected from his body, his mind buzzing numbly with a static haze. The material was softer than he thought it would – not quite the silk he’d taken it for, but rather, a fine velvet, soft to the touch and bound by a small, metallic ring that rested over your throat. Two fingers slipped under the thin fabric, and as if you’d only just noticed what was happening, you looked toward Alhaitham, your lips parting and—
There was a blur of movement in the corner of his eye, a resounding crack that seemed to ring in Kaveh’s ears for seconds. It took him a moment to piece together what had happened, to associate your reddened cheek with Alhaitham’s raised hand, and another to realize Alhaitham was talking, to hear something other than the sound of his own heart racing in his chest. “Do not question the orders you’re given,” he said, his tone flat, unaffected. “If you act out again, there will be consequences. Do you understand?”
There was no hesitation, no trepidation. Just a deep breath, a new slackness to your posture, and a smile terrible enough to match Alhaitham’s own. “I do. Thank you for correcting me.”
Kaveh couldn’t take it. He didn’t think, didn’t wait, didn’t give himself time to think better of being so rough with you – just took your collar in his fist and dragged you upward, forcing his mouth against yours. It was messy, clumsy, near violent. His teeth cut into your lips, your blood spreading over his tongue, but you didn’t pull away. Rather, you leaned into him, resting hands on his chest and doing your best not to jolt when he hauled you closer. He’d be gentle with you later on. He’d treat you like the delicate, precious thing you were later on.
For now, he just wanted to pretend he was telling himself the truth, when he said that.
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romeosharpae · 11 months
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theodore nott x reader
content warning : extremely toxic relationship, cursing, public sex, mature language, explicit adult content, rough sex?, degrading, theodore nott x female reader, oral (f receiving), toxic! theodore nott.
parts : 1,2,
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You're sure that if you were to ask anyone with common sense what they thought about you and Theodore Nott's relationship, they'd say it should be against Wizarding law.
"I don't want to talk!" You reprimanded, folding your arms over your chest with a huff. Theodore Nott simply rolled his dead-like blue eyes at your enraged lie.
Looking up at him, you could've sworn a twisted smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "C'mon baby, you're hurting my feelings." He mocked your soft voice.
"You don't have feelings." You mumbled, frustration growing in your voice. Theodore lowly chuckled, leaning his face down to kiss you but you turn away. "Get off of me, Nott, I need to go to Transfiguration."
Theo wrapped a veiny hand around your forearm when you tried to push past him, pulling you back to the stone wall. This time Theodore placed both his hands aside your head, trapping you between him and the wall. From the look on his pale face, you could tell that he knew you were still upset.
But how could you not be?
"Go back to wherever you were last--" Theodore scoffed loudly, drowning out the seething words leaving your lips.
"Are you kidding me?" He snapped. Even though you hated when he used that tone towards you, you weren't to back down. No, you were not about to apologize to Theodore and end up on your knees seconds later just to stop his yelling this time around.
"Funny. Those are the same exact words I repeated last night as I waited around thirty minutes for you." You shot back.  "You know, Theodore.. I really do hate y--"
"Watch your mouth." He warned.
"What's her name, huh?" You continued. Theodore's jaw clenched from anger. He can handle every insult you threw his way, but Theodore really hated when you accused him of being with someone else. "Is it Greengrass? She didn't learn from the last time I dragged her by her root--?!"
You recalled the last time one of Theodore's hook-ups confronted you, and the amount of Slytherin's it took to get you off of her. As previously said before, you were a sweet girl, but the side of you that Theodore brought out, wasn't as friendly or sweet..
"Shut up, you're not even that type of girl." Oddly enough, Theodore was right, you were not the type of a girl to threaten to physically hurt someone, especially over him. The more you thought about it, the more stupider that you sounded by saying that.
You were so stupid.
Had you not been stupid you wouldn't be in this predicament with the emotionless Slytherin brunette. You would've ran for this hills the moment he made it clear your relationship was just a friend-with-benefits dynamic, knowing you wanted more. Theodore knew you were stupid, so vulnerable, and he took advantage of that.
And that made your eyes began to well with tears, eyesight becoming blurred. Before you could even get the chance to control yourself, you began sobbing loudly. How could it even be possibly to hate someone yet love them as much as you do Theodore Nott?
Lucky for your image, everyone else was in class, or you would've looked like a complete maniac to the bystanders.
"Fuck..." Theodore deeply exhaled. The sobbing only became louder as he wrapped his arms around your figure, the heat from his body which was usually comforting seeming insufferable. "What's wrong..? What did I do?"
You pushed yourself away from him, completely catching your lover off guard. During the years that you've known each other, never have you pushed him away. Even if he was the reasoning behind your distress, you still allowed him to comfort you.
"My best friend hates me!" You cried out, sadness easily detected in your tone. "She won't even talk to me!"
"Why would she hate you?"
Hate was complete exaggeration and you definitely knew that. Hermione Granger actually doesn't hate you. But you don't doubt for a moment she was extremely upset and disappointed with you; You, and everybody else could see the anger on her face when Theodore walked with you, hand-in-hand, inside the Great hall the morning following your rekindling at the Black lake.
"Umm, because I keep putting myself in the same unhealthy situation with you--" You said the obvious and your voice cracks.
Unhealthy situation (toxic).
Despite you being upset in the moment, you knew to avoid having Theodore's patience with you snapping, you shouldn't call it that.
He hated when you or outsiders would name your relationship that.. He claimed that although it had its flaws-way more than the common couple, it wasn't toxic.
But it was!
"Merlin." Theodore hissed, irritated. "Why does it matter what she thinks, Y/N?" Theo's continued rambles make you frown. "Granger and Weasley can not even admit they like each other--Why would she even care?"
"Because she's my friend!"
You could tell he wished she wasn't..
"Friends care about each other, Theodore. Unlike you and yours, me and Hermione are not just friends because it makes us look good." You started hypocritically, and a small frown spreads on the brunette's lips. "So of course she's not going to want me to be with someone who treats me like.. crap!"
You were telling the actual truth. The little patience that he had for you during your outburst has fully vanished as he grabbed the back of your neck, harshly forcing you to look into his dark blue eyes. "Don't say that, Y/N."And you could see the anger rising in his face although he had no right to be mad,
Hermione would tell you that the worse part about you and Theodore's situation was that you knew he disregarded your emotions yet you still went back. It ashamed you how Theodore had you wrapped around his finger. And you fully knew that a toxic relationship was bad enough, but it was even worse if both parties knew the reality of it.
And perhaps that's what led you sob even louder in the moment. Or why you wrapped your arms around Theodore, letting your emotions off into his chest. The brunette's hands slides up from your neck into the back of your head, rubbing you in comfort.
"Aren't the two of you suppose to be in class right now?" Flinch, who guarded the corridors questioned nastily.
If looks could kill, Flinch would be unresponsive on the ground from the way that Theodore turns to glare at him. You pulled away from him, despite the protest your body was giving you, and wiped your tears. There's Concern is written over the squibs face as he watched pull yourself together.
Your attempt to walk away and to Transfiguration fails against when Theodore repeated his earlier action by pulling you back to him. "Stop crying." Theodore's large hands cups your face, bringing you to meet him in a gentle yet powerful kiss.
Merlin, you really hated Theodore, just everything about him. But unfortunately for your sanity, you found yourself loving those same things undefinably.
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Did Theodore Nott love you?
You found it sad that you knew the complicated answer to that overly question.  Yet here you were standing, knuckles practically forced between your lips, one leg pressed into the wooden bookshelf as Theodore ate you out like a starved man.
His tongue was roughly swirling against on your clitoris, annually sucking up the juices he earned from you. Your heart was beating rapidly, chest heaving up and down. And you didn't know weather this adrenaline rush was from the pleasure you were feeling or because you were in the schools library.. Or because on the other side of the bookcase was Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.
A person who Theodore had just wrongly accused you of flirting with and wanting to fuck, and the other who probably wishes upon a well that you'd leave him alone. Clearly, the brunettes motives behind wanting to take you right here were clear. And had he not preformed a silencing charm on the two of you, your sure they would've heard your whining and his sucking, slurping, and curses. But a silencing charm wouldn't have stopped someone, anyone, from walking by and seeing the two of you in this obscene state, and that makes you throb, lowly moaning.
"Theo--" You sob.
Theodore growled against your wet flesh, bringing your body closer to him by the hand that he had on your waist. "You want more?"
Despite it being so sick, you nod.
And you knew the sickness behind this situation was what caused that large smile to smile across his full pink lips. He pushed your leg further back into the bookshelf, allowing himself more access before burying his face in-between your thighs once again.
You were absolutely terrified of what would happen had somebody saw you like this, vaginal area on display as the same boy you'd just been fighting with in the courtyard made a embarrassing mess out of you, the rumors that would be spread about you would tarnish your reputation for sure.
You squeeze your eyes shut, butting down further on your knuckles as you roll yourself against his pleasuring tongue.
You could feel your release approaching, probably only one tongue swipe away from getting it out of you. But Theodore ripped his mouth away from you, like you did not deserve your release, and it's gone with the wind. He was such a tease, and you really hated that. Theodore slapped your hand away when you tried to pull his head back between your thighs. Theodore stands to his feet, towering over your height like a tree as usual, and you watched as his fingers frantically went to unbuckle his belt. The desperation clear, the burning fire, behind his eyes as he started at you lets you know that Theodore Nott was seriously about to fuck you until were completely incoherent.
Harshly, Theodore manhandled you around until your back was facing him. Now, your chest was pushed up against the cold bookshelf and due to a few missing books, you could currently see both Hermione and Harry sitting down at a table, studying. Had one of them looked up and stared in your direction, your sure they'd see your face. This makes you hiss out, wanting to look away but Theodore roughly grabbed your jaw, keeping you in place before you could even get the chance.
"Hold it," He breathed out, and without a second thought you scrunched up the plaid school skirt you wore in your hands. Your breath hiked, "'He's no good for you, Y/L/N'" Theodore gritted in your ear, mocking your best friend. Before you could defend her honor, you felt him buried deep inside of you.
"Why don't you fuck my other best friend instead?" Your body knocked into the bookshelf at every hard thrust he gave you. From the way Theodore had you stretched around him your jaw drops, a strangled moan escaping from it loudly. "But you'd like that wouldn't you? He's what you want?"
You would admit that Harry Potter was an attractive boy. He was nice to you, always offered to help you with things, or walk you back to your house after class. And to say that you never thought he liked you would be a lie. But why would you want anything to do with Harry when you had Theodore?
Your eyes squeezed shut. At your lack of response to his question, Theodore pounds into you painfully harder, no doubt realizing that you are actually thinking about the question. "But I'm what you need, Y/N. He can't ever do the things that I do to you, remember that." You whine like a neglected infant at that, for more perhaps?
You stand up on you are tipped toes, attempting to brush an little bit of the pleasuring pain you were feeling but Theodore wasn't going for it. He wrapped his hand around your throat, forcing your back to his chest, whispering harshly in your ear, "Stop running, Take it."
Your pull your lower lip between teeth, attempting to stop yourself from screaming as you finally came undone. Tears began to fall from your glistening eyes, landing on the white button up blouse that were wearing.
Theodore ruts himself into you even harder, holding you in place by your throat to get himself off and nearly cutting off your airway. Although you didn't entirely mind.
As previously said, you enjoyed everything Theodore Nott had to offer you, even the not exactly mentally sane stuff. Theodore finally pulled himself out of you, and you were that he was about to finish. That was until he spun your around to face him, placed his hands underneath your kneecap, and hauled you up. Without even having to be asked,  you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You also took Theodore's lips into yours without having to be asked. Your trembling hands catered his face, tongue sliding over his in an extremely sloppy manner.
But the kiss was disconnected, your teeth baring with a hiss when he slips back in you. Theodore was pace was different this position, a lot more slower and deep, almost meaningful. "You think he'll still like you if he saw us?" He challenged, panting heavily.
"You wouldn't even care, would you?" He chuckled, giving you a smile that displays all his pretty pearly white teeth. "Because I'm all you need, right?"
You nodded your head, agreeing.
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"Merlin Nott, you're such asshole!"
You had not even realized that you were crying.. not until you felt Pansy Parkinson hands brush against your cheeks. Her other hand was on your back, attempting to soothe you but it was failing to work.
Theodore looked at you with dead eyes. Yet even then you could see the amusement behind them, almost taunting you. And that made you that much angrier. You picked up an object from the table, launching at the brunette. "I...I hate you! S-So much!"
Theodore dodged it, the same way he does every time you tried throwing something at him while arguing. "Crazy little bi--"
Truthfully, you were in disbelief at the word that just escaped Theo's mouth. How dare he have the nerve to say you were behaving crazy? How dare he? Not when Theodore just basically called you clingy and told you to fuck off in front of his friends.
The embarrassment hurt just as bad as any other time he denied your relationship in and out closed doors. How could he just call things off whenever he felt like it? And you realize that you gave him that confidence by crawling back each time he did.
You're the reason that Theodore felt so comfortable treating you like something off the bottom of his shoe whenever he felt like it. And who was to say that that would change if there was a label on your situation?
"Why do you keep doing this to me?!" You spoke to him and his jaw clenched. "Merlin What did I do to deserve this?" You cried more to yourself this time.
Ever since you welcomed Theodore back in your life at the Black Lake, you have found your self crying so much more. Why did you have to love someone so nonchalant? So evil Why couldn't you love someone like Harry.. or even Draco Malfoy would be better.
Anything was better than someone that was selfish like Theodore Nott. You have dug yourself into this to insane misalliance because you have allowed him to be so selfish with your love that he didn't even deserve.
“Y--You don’t even deserve me...” You admitted said to him, sniffling. “So hey Nott, fuck you.” You wanted to launch something else at Theodore, shout, cry some more but that was the reaction that he wants from you. “Fuck you, Theodore Nott!” His jaw clenched at those words, expression twisting.
He wanted to see you insane at his hands, break yourself until you had other choice but to come to him comfort.
You snatched yourself out of Pasny’s grip, Theodore wore an expression that you couldn’t quite read because it’s so unfamiliar. Regret? Confusion? You couldn’t tell.
And for that you could not contain yourself from throwing a pillow at him. “You will never find someone better than me!”
You both knew that.
Then you breathlessly laughed, “And that’s disappointing because you’ll never ever have me again, Theodore Nott.”
Part four >>>
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wisdom teeth
simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
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word count: 1,472
synopsis: Simon comes home from a mission only to find you in bed, sick and in pain. Your wisdom teeth are coming out and he does his best to care for you
notes: as always, i suck at writing a good synopsis; inspired by this request- not proofread, hope you enjoy :) ; and yes, when two of my wisdom teeth decided to come out in the world last spring I could barely open my mouth without being in pain- I hope no one else has to go through what I did
warnings: a little too self-indulgent? fluff
Simon knew something was wrong when he spent nearly an hour nursing his cup of Earl Grey, and you hadn't joined him yet. While it wasn't unusual for you to sleep in sometimes, it was still the morning after he'd returned from a mission and you would usually be fussing all over him. Ghost knew he was being irrational, but with each passing second his mind couldn't help but spiral into darker and darker thoughts. What if he had done something to upset you? You didn't greet him last night either - merely cuddled against his chest when he joined you in bed - was it something he said on the phone? Or rather didn't say? Didn't he call you too often? Or perhaps you might have met someone else..?
"'m sorry, S'mon. I might spend'he day'n…"
A small curse left his lips as he shook himself out of his thoughts. The tea had long gone cold by the time he eventually got up from the table and threw the remnants down the kitchen sink. His stomach was basically growling, protesting at the prolonged hunger it had been objected to, yet Ghost did not head for the fridge or the cupboards: he may have drunk his tea by himself, but, when he was home, he would never have breakfast without you by his side.
So instead, he headed for the bedroom, quietly opening the door and half-entering the room. He had to squint as the blackout curtains were still obstructing any ray of sunlight that might have entered inside otherwise, his expression morphing into a frown upon hearing the faintest of groans coming from the bed.
Traversing the room in two steps, he laid on the carpet, by your side of the bed, gently placing a hand on your forehead. His heart dropped at the foreboding feeling of you having a fever, too focused on the situation at hand to notice the soft way you began to rub your head against the cold skin of his hand.
Ghost, on the other hand, did not realise the cause of your distress. Seeing you in pain was causing him pain too and his tired mind, still set on the military mindset he had instilled during the last mission, was looking for a culprit.
"feels so good, love", you mumbled with your cheek still squished against the pillow, your eyes involuntarily making contact with his.
You've been together with Simon for more than two years and sharing an apartment for a year now, but the sight of his handsome face, unconcealed by any mask or balaclava, still left you out of breath and at a loss for words. That morning was no different, his worried expression filling your heart with even more love and joy towards him, so much that you swore you could feel it burst at the seams. You relished in the soothing sensation of his palm being pressed against your flushed skin, but at the same time, you couldn't help but smile at him in an attempt to reassure him you were fine.
In fact, you weren't. And you forgot that, at least for the last few days, any movements that involved opening your mouth, no matter how minor, were instantly accompanied by sharp waves of pain, coursing through your entire being. So, for the hundredth time that week, your smile was quickly replaced by a pathetic whimper and a hand helplessly pressed against your cheek, as if it would make the pain go away.
"Who did this to you? Just say the word and I-"
His concern was so raw and real that it made your heart melt like it was a chocolate bar left in the sun. You had missed his overprotective attitude and the scary dog privileges it brought with it and in that moment, the realisation that all of it was back hit you hard. So hard that in fact, you started laughing- your loud chuckles quickly turning into sobs of pain as your jaw was protesting against the sudden movements.
Your eyes were closed in an attempt to dull the pain that engulfed your entire face, but you could feel Simon's distress rolling off him in waves. So you blindly reached for the phone and opened the notepad application, typing in what you were unable to say out loud at once:
"Wisdom teeth are coming out."
Stopping dead in his tracks, Simon took a moment to assess the situation. A rush of relief surged through his veins as it was all clear then- the prolonged sleeping periods, the fever, why you couldn't open your mouth without being forced to close it immediately after. A selfish part of him was relieved that it was something he could physically deal with, and his protective instincts really started to kick in.
Pulling the curtains was not a solution as the brightness of the daylight would only make you feel more overwhelmed, but the room still needed some light- and the bedside lamp was not a solution as the bulb would have also been too bright. You would also need something to calm you, but not pills because they would interfere with the painkillers he also made a mental note to get and-
"I can practically hear the wheels turning in your head, love! :)"
He had to squint to process the text when you shoved the phone into his face, his lips curling up at the sight of the smiley face you typed at the end. Urging your face to morph into something that remotely resembled a smile, you extended a hand towards his face and caressed his cheek with your thumb, in what was meant to be a silent confirmation that he was on the right track and nothing that he would or wouldn't do would upset you in any way.
"I'll be back in 30 minutes at most!", he solemnly declared as he pressed his lips against your forehead, a small tendril of hope bubbling in his chest upon the feeling of the fever starting to fade away. "Why don't you try to get some rest until I come back and then we'll see what we can do!"
You could only nod in confirmation as he pulled another blanket from a drawer and draped it over the one you already used, making a show out of tugging you in.
When you woke up again, the pain wasn't entirely gone, but the air in the room had somehow shifted. It took you a moment to bounce back into reality, your eyes slightly widening at the faint light that illuminated the previously dark room.
Fairy lights were hanging over your head.
And the soft notes of a piano song could be heard from outside the room.
"How are you feeling, love?", Simon's deep Manchester accent resounded somewhere in your proximity, and you almost jumped out of bed when you realised he was once again sitting on the floor, half leaning against the bed. His mask was, once again, out of sight, and his blonde strands of hair were tousled, likely from the many times he kept running his hands through his hair. Your eyes involuntarily stopped on the faint scar that split the left corner of his lip in half and, for a brief moment, all the pain and distress you found yourself in were gone, your heart filling with an overwhelming amount of love and adoration towards the man standing in front of you.
"So I brought you some painkillers, but before we try them I suggest a cup of this calming tea mix I found at the store-"
The sentence was left hanging in the air as you shook your head in disbelief and cupped his face in your hands, planting a soft kiss on his lips. If Ghost was caught unawares by your sudden display of affection, he did not let it show, but instead, he laced his hands against your neck and deepened the kiss, closing his eyes at the close contact you found yourselves in. Loudly expressing his feelings was not one of his strengths, and deep down he could not believe he had managed to find someone like you, who could understand him so well.
"Welcome home, Simon!"
"I think I'm feeling better already…", you quietly mumbled once you broke the kiss, your lips gently brushing against his cheek. Closing your eyes as well, you grazed your nose against his face, finding comfort in his scent. He may have been home for a day, perhaps he took a shower too, but the distinctive smell of gunpowder, mixed with sweat and cologne, was still there. And you did not mind it at all.
That time your jaw did not hurt as bad as your mouth curved into a smile.
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lqveharrington · 2 months
Favorite Surprise | A.W.
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summary: You and Lana surprise Aaron when you come home from a doctor’s appointment.
pairing: dad!Aaron Warner x mom!reader
includes: fluff, pregnancy hormones, kissing
a/n: i love my blonde husband 🤍
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When you were pregnant with Lana, you never felt the need to throw up in the mornings. You always felt light headed and tired, but you never felt the need to empty your stomach. You always thought throwing up was something that a mother had to go through when pregnant, but your case proved otherwise. When you and Aaron were worried about the situation, you went to the girls about it. They assured you that all was well with you and your child and that sometimes women don’t feel the need to throw up in the mornings. You and Aaron thought it was because you hated throwing up in general, so your mind automatically would never do it unless absolutely necessary.
However, you were thoroughly surprised when you threw up this morning the second you woke up. Aaron was shocked to say the least. He immediately came to your side and held back your hair while rubbing your back as you emptied the contents of your stomach in the toilet.
“Love, what did you eat last night?” He pushed your hair out of your face. His eyebrows were pushed together and his eyes were darting across your face. “Do you remember?”
You shake slowly, feeling a headache approaching. You grab on of his hands and squeeze it, feeling for the pulse. “I ate the same things you and Lana did.”
Aaron sighed and kisses your temple delicately, “Maybe it’s just a stomach bug, love.” He thumbed your hand softly as you flush the toilet. “You’re okay, it’s okay…” He helped you stand, grasping at your hands when you stumbled. “Do you want medicine?”
“Yes, please.” You lean against the sink, needing to rinse your mouth of the horrid taste.
As he left the bathroom — albeit checking you once more before leaving — you let your thoughts consume your mind.
It felt so horrible to throw up in the morning, and you were so glad your daughter didn’t have that effect on you when you still carried her. And your headache that throbbed your frontal lobe just made you more nauseous, but there wasn’t anything you could if it truly was a stomach bug. You would just have to let it pass.
Over the next few days, your nausea wasn’t relenting. You threw up more and more each day. Your mind was reeling at the constant battle of getting up every morning just to throw up. Fortunately, Aaron had been gracious enough to take care of business whilst you stayed home from work, trying to get better from whatever was causing your morning sickness.
You would out that the sickness would only last for the mornings and you would be fine the rest of the day. That meant, you were still able to make sure Lana got to school and back. But the mornings would completely tarnish your mood for the day.
For instance, today you were helping Lana with her breakfast when you ran to the bathroom to throw up. Of course — like the sweet angel she was — she brought you a cup of water to help soothe your throat. She didn’t understand what was happening, but she knew if she saw you in a distressed state that she had to help.
“Mommy, what’s wrong?” She sat on the tiled floor beside you, rubbing your hand in confusion and slight distress. “You’re throwing up a lot now.”
You give her a weak smile and run your fingers through your hair, flushing the toilet. “I’m not sure, baby. I think I have to go to your Aunt’s workplace to check it out.”
“Are you sick?” Lana touched your cheek, something she gained from you and Warner when checking her temperature.
The look in your eyes softened at her action, “Maybe.” You squeeze her hand in reassurance. “But right now, you need to get to school, little miss.”
Like always, you drove Lana to school and pressed a delicate kiss to her cheek before waving her off, smiling as her blonde curls bounced with each step. You sighed softly and drove home. You called the girls on the way home and scheduled an appointment after you picked Lana up from school. They told you that your sickness was definitely not something to worry about.
When she hung up, you called Aaron and informed him of your appointment, allowing him to know that you were going to finally understand what was happening.
“Aaron?” You ask softly as the ringing stops, making you look down at your phone.
You heard shuffling coming from his side before he responded. “Yes, love?” He shifted around some more before speaking again. “Is something wrong?”
You put the car in park and sit idly in the leather seat, massaging your stomach carefully. “I made an appointment with one of the girls. I’m heading to their place after I pick Lana up from school today.” You rub your forehead again, “I’m tired of not knowing what’s happening to me.”
It gets quiet between you two before you pick up Aaron’s voice again, noticing the hesitation underlying the question. “You don’t think you’re pregnant, right? I mean, the girls said morning sickness is usually paired with pregnancy.”
The moment he mentions pregnancy, you think about your symptoms. Sure, you had similar symptoms when you were pregnant with Lana, but you didn’t think throwing up would ever be part of it because of your daughter. You spin your engagement and wedding rings, thinking about the possibility. You wouldn’t be mad at the idea. In fact, you would be elated yet heavily surprised.
“I… I don’t want to rule it out, I should say.” You murmur and move to get out of the car. You rub your stomach subconsciously at the thought. “I’ll let you know what happens.”
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You and Lana patiently sat on the examination table, waiting for one of the girl’s to enter. She was telling you all about her day in preschool as you ran your fingers through Lana’s blond hair. She was in the middle of telling you what happened during recess when Sara walked in. Well, her godmother.
“Aunt Sara!” Lana giggled and hugged her aunt’s legs in excitement. She tugged on Sara’s white coat, bringing her closer to you. “Will you help mommy feel better?”
Sara looked down at her goddaughter and rubbed her cheek, “Of course. I’ll do anything to help your mommy.”
You mouthed sorry to her at Lana’s unexpected behavior before smiling. “Sorry for the rushed appointment. I just need to know what’s going on with me right now.”
“No need to apologize.” She helped Lana up onto the table and squeezed your arm in comfort. “Sonya said that if our powers don’t work, it might be something different. We have to run a few tests to be sure.”
Although you trusted Sara with all your heart, you were nervous. What if they were dealing with something new and couldn’t heal you? What if the tests say something horrid? What if—
“Have you tried testing to see if you’re pregnant yet?” Sara tapped her pen on the clipboard, reading your symptoms. “Morning sickness is common with pregnancy.”
You shake your head as you look over at Lana who was reading a book far advanced for someone her age. “Aaron thought the same thing… I thought that it couldn’t be because I didn’t throw up when I was with Lana.”
Sara felt your forehead slightly for any odd temperatures, “It’s always a possibility.” She glanced at your daughter before looking back at you with a newfound interest. “Why don’t you take a test here? We’ll run it for you before we try any other testing incase you may be pregnant.”
You flush red, “Uhm…” You watch as she moves to grab a cup and hands it to you. Looking around, you point down to the cup. “Do I just…?”
“Yup.” She gave you a humorous smile. “This could’ve been avoided if you took a test at home, love.”
Lana whipped her head up at the nickname as you moved to head to the bathroom. “Aunt Sara! You can’t call mommy love! Only daddy is allowed to call her that.” She glared at her godmother, making you stifle a laugh as Sara looked at her with wide eyes.
Sara raised her hands slowly and played into Lana’s thoughts, “Sorry, I won’t do it again!”
Your smile softens as you think about your life with Lana and Aaron. You thought it was impossible to love one person so much. But then Lana came into your life and you found it impossible to share your infinite love with the both of them. Truly, your heart was so full when it came to those two. From the second you met Aaron and the second you met your child, you were too far gone to see how madly in love you were with them and how you hold do anything to protect them.
When you returned with the cup, it seemed as if Lana made up with Sara as she spoke about her school day animatedly. You handed Sara the cup carefully and sat next to Lana, letting her climb into your lap.
Sara capped the cup before grabbing her clipboard and smiling at the both of you. “I’ll be back shortly.” She gave you one reassuring smile before leaving.
You ran your fingers through Lana’s blonde hair for a minute before she spoke up, curious to why you handed her godmother a cup of something.
“What is she gonna do with the cup, mommy?” Lana looked up at you with her bright green eyes, playing with your rings.
“She’s going to test if mommy has a baby growing in her tummy.” You respond softly and kiss her cheek. You watch as her mind processes the information.
“Really?” Her eyes shined brightly before confusion took over. “Wait, how would a baby get into your tummy?”
“Well we don’t know if—“
Sara rushed in the room with a smile on her face, handing you a paper. You took the paper gently and read its contents, eyes widening as Lana gave you another curious stare.
“You’re pregnant!”
You nod softly, hand going to your stomach in joy. “Oh my god…” You look up at Sara before looking back at your daughter. “Oh my god, I’m pregnant.”
Lana squirmed in your lap, not liking that she didn’t understand what was happening. “So… There’s a baby in your tummy?”
You nod again and kiss her cheek over and over again. “That’s exactly what being pregnant means, sweet angel.”
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The second you parked the car and unlocked the manor’s doors, Lana came running into the halls, her voice echoing through the gigantic space. “Daddy, we’re home!” She giggled as she held a crème envelope in her arms, looking back to see you walking behind her. “Daddy?”
Aaron responds from his office down the hall, eyes darting across the many papers surrounding his desk. “I’m in here, angel!” His eyes snap up as he hears Lana burst through his office doors, practically bouncing off the walls with how much energy she had. “Did you have too much sugar?” He teased as she smiled up at him, leaning back in his chair. “Why are you so hyper?”
“Because mommy—“
You cover her mouth and shush her. You stifle another laugh at her muffled protests, rounding around the desk to press a loving kiss to Aaron’s lips. He smiled into the kiss and chased after your lips when you parted.
Snapping out of his daze, he raised a brow in your direction. “What was that for?”
“The kiss or this?” You gesture to your daughter licking your hand in silent protest for being shushed.
He shrugged as he took your other hand and guided you to sit on the desk in front of him. “Both.”
You blow him an air kiss and sit on the desk, releasing Lana from your hand and wiping it on your sweater. “I’ll let Lana tell you since she was about to spoil the surprise we had for you.”
The young girl immediately climbed into her father’s lap, holding a pretty envelope in front of his face. “This is from Aunt Sara!” Lana looked back at you and giggled, making you shush her again.
Aaron gives you a curious glance before opening the envelope. When he pulled a paper out, he was slightly confused before flipping it over. It was a sonogram. At first he thought it was an old one of Lana when she was still in you before he glanced at the date in the corner and the small dot in the middle of the picture.
Lana looks back at you again as she saw her father’s reaction change. You nod and Lana grins widely, “Surprise!”
You meet Aaron’s eyes as he looks up at you, tears in his own eyes as you say softly, “Surprise!”
Aaron smiles back at you and holds Lana steady in his arms. He moves to stand in between your legs and bends to meet you in a mind searing kiss, making you squeal in surprise. He separates and rests his forehead on yours, “You’re pregnant.”
“I’m pregnant.” You cup his cheek as he kisses you again and again. You hum and continue, “And I definitely think it’s a boy because of how many times I’ve thrown up.”
He chuckles and continues peppering your mouth in kisses, “Oh god, you’re pregnant.” He shuts his eyes softly before opening them again, giving you more kisses. “I couldn’t love you more
Lana pouts as she doesn’t receive attention from either parents. She taps her father’s cheek, snapping him out of his small spell. “Daddy.”
“Yes, baby?” He parts from your lips and adjusts his daughter in his arms, putting her in between the both of you.
She smiles again when she realizes she has both yours and Aaron’s attention. “Did you like the surprise we had for you?”
“My favorite surprise ever.” He kissed her cheeks as she laughs. “I’m so happy. I’m so happy for mommy. And I’m so happy for you, Lana. You’ll be a big sister.”
“I am happy. I am very happy.” She nods as she processes his words before touching your belly softly. “And I think the baby will be happy too.”
more works of aaron warner found here !!
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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publicenemy212 · 7 months
Filthy (Lute x fem!sub!reader)
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Warnings: smut, dubcon, descriptions of violence, fingering, gagging, choking, knifeplay, degradation, sadomasochism dynamics
crossposted from AO3 under public_enemy_212. requests open for any hellaverse wlw pairings or f!reader
word count: 1280
NSFW under the cut
“You disgust me.”
The angel’s voice hissed, mere inches away from my ear. I groaned in response, my lips sticky and wet with my own blood. Her gloved hand grasped my hair with enough force to make me feel like my scalp was ripping off. Perhaps, at that point, that was the only thing keeping my eyes open. Without warning, she threw my face towards the pebbled alleyway ground.
My skull cracked on impact. The world faded to nothing, but only for a moment. Curse my new body and its resilience.
Sharp pain exploded in my chest as the exorcist sent a flying kick directly at my chest. I whimpered in agony and helplessness.
“Aww, does that hurt?” she purred mockingly. “The little sinner’s regretting her choices now?”
With effort, I painstakingly lifted my head off the filth-stained dirt to face the angel. All I could see was a blur of white and gray against the dark red background of Pentagram City. Extermination Day was almost over. I just had to survive until then.
I opened my mouth to speak and immediately fell into a coughing fit. Fresh blood splattered out, painting the concrete crimson. Hacking and spluttering for another minute, I forced out my words.
“Y-yes, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please—”
I heaved again. Fuck. The angel clicked her tongue impatiently as she stood with arms crossed, watching me vomit up more internal bleeding.
So much pain. So much pain. Hurts. Everything hurts.
I fell over onto my side again, groaning and panting for air.
“Are you done?”
“Ma’am, with all due respect, you’re wasting your time with me…” I rasp weakly. 
If pleading for my life wouldn’t work, I might as well try sucking up to her ego.
I prayed to God, Satan, whoever would listen; if only the exterminator would just move on to find other victims and leave me alone.
To my dismay, she only began to laugh.
Despair washed over my broken body. Was there no end to this torture?
“Wasting my time? No, no. I’ve already killed my fair share of your filthy kind. Now, it’s my turn to have a bit more fun by making you suffer slowly before I eventually kill you too.”
A sob bubbled out of my bloodied throat. I crumbled to the ground once more.
“Lute. Remember this name. It’s the last thing you’ll hear before you die.”
Something flipped inside me as all the pain and terror suddenly turned into indignancy and rage. Gritting my teeth, I summoned all my willpower to drag myself up. Glaring, I snarled, “You call yourself an angel? After making thousands of souls suffer and die a second death, as if dying once wasn’t enough?”
“It’s what you sinners deserve.” Lute brandished her sword, as if challenging me to take another step forward.
I was walking into a certain death, that I was sure of. But she was going to kill me regardless; why not try to fight back?
Claws out, I lunged forward unsteadily. In response, the angel flew forward at an inhuman speed and chokeslammed me directly into a wall. I scrabbled helplessly at her grip.
Lute roared with sadistic laughter.
Leaning closer, she whispered, “Can’t speak? Devil got your tongue?”
Fighting my survival instincts, I let go of her fingers around my neck…
…and sent my fist flying towards her face.
The blow landed squarely, shattering the glass of the exorcist mask.
“FUCK!” Lute screamed in shock. The surprise loosened her grip, allowing me to breathe only slightly more easily for a second. She ripped off the broken helmet with one hand and tossed it aside, using the same hand to punch me in the jaw.
I grinned at her distress. So it was possible to get under these exorcist angels’ skin. I decided, for my own cynical entertainment, to take it a step further.
“There is no way you don’t get off to this,” I croaked.
Lute growled in frustration. “Shut your fucking mouth.”
Her eyes flicked to the entryway of the dingy alley. No one was watching. The only sounds were the occasional distant screaming and the sound of my pained moaning and wheezing.
Her golden eyes slid back to the demon under her control, narrowing as she gritted her teeth.
She leaned in and kissed me with a fervor reminiscent of a starved animal. Her hand slackened again, her body pressing against mine. My blood smeared on her soldier’s uniform, mixing with the various splatters of her other, unluckier victims from earlier in the day. When we finally broke, gasping for air, Lute let go of my neck and stepped back. She drew her saber once more and pressed it against my bruised throat.
I whimpered and pressed my legs together, desperate to relieve the growing need between my thighs.
Lute was absolutely taken aback and scowled in disgust at my reaction.
“ Filthy. ”
Yet, against her own venom-laced words, her other hand slid down my body. 
“ Worthless .”
Two fingers pressed against my cunt.
My eyes screwed shut. I didn’t even know what I was feeling anymore. Pain from my injuries mixed with lust and pleasure at the angel’s ghosting touch. Oh, agony. Pure, sweet agony.
“...Are you serious? Does beat within an inch of your life turn you on that much?”
With that, she shoved her fingers into my mouth. I gagged at the sudden intrusion while she continued to finger-fuck my mouth with no breaks, generously coating her hand with my saliva and blood. Once she was satisfied, she drew her hand out and slapped me so hard my eyeballs shook in my skull. I moaned loudly and Lute immediately smacked her palm back over my mouth.
“Shut the fuck up before somebody finds us.” She hissed dangerously.
Once she was sure no other angels were coming, she sighed and returned her attention to me. Lute ripped off a chunk of my tattered clothes and shoved it in my mouth as a makeshift gag. 
Her hand then returned to my pants, sliding beneath the fabric and between my slick folds. She wasted no time in dipping right into my hole, using three fingers immediately without giving me any time to adjust. I yelped in pain, but the gag muffled any words I had. Lute grinned and leaned directly next to my ear.
“What’s the problem? It hurts? This is your punishment for going against Heaven, so you better fucking take it.”
Drool and tears collected at my chin, mixing together before dripping to the ground. My body threatened to lose consciousness with each brutal thrust. My head fell forward and landed on Lute’s armored shoulder as I continued to babble incoherently, the exorcist pushing me for orgasm after orgasm with no mercy. Only after I finally passed out from the sheer exhaustion of hours of getting fucked up and being straight up fucked did she pull out and toss my limp body aside.
Much to my disappointment, I woke up again to Lute kicking me repeatedly.
“Hey. Get up.”
Her boot pushed my head face-up to check if I was conscious. I stared at her, bleary-eyed. “You’re still alive? Huh. That works for me. I want you to watch me kill you.”
A flash of light. Warm liquid started gushing out of my chest. I looked down slowly to see the divine metal sunken halfway through my chest. Lute then yanked her blade out effortlessly and walked away without a word, leaving me to bleed out in a pool of my blood and cum.
The siren signaling the end of this year’s Extermination Day was the last thing I heard before eternal darkness swallowed me whole.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 8 months
Hi! Very happy to see you posted again.
Would love to see another Matt, Jay, and Kelly fic w/ morning sickness— maybe a follow up to the last one— where the reader’s morning sickness has gotten worse and one day after waking up in the middle of the night very ill she gets really shaky and lightheaded and the boys try to figure out if they should call 911, call Will, or drive to the ER.
Please no rush— you’re under no obligation to puts fics out fast. Health comes first. I hope life gets better for you soon <3
Here’s the part two you asked for FOREVER ago. I’m sorry for the wait my love!!! I hope you enjoy!!
Morning sickness- Jay, Matt, Kelly
Warnings: vomiting, SUPER fluffy
You all hoped the morning sickness would go away. The boys hated seeing you so scared all the time. You were scared to eat, drink, sleep, and sometimes move. Even after you hit your 14 week mark, it just seemed to get worse. The boys refused to leave you, unless they absolutely had to. Matt and Kelly had decided to take different shifts at 51 to ensure that someone was always with you incase Jay got called in on a case. The intelligence unit was very forgiving and caring, trying their best to not pull Jay away from you unless Matt and Kelly were both home. Things seemed to flow better when two people were home with you. Someone always had you attached to their side while the other could do things to help you and keep up with things around the house.
One day, Kelly ended up needing to head to the store for you while Jay and Matt were at work. You both agreed that you could manage by yourself for the length of time he would be gone, though you weren’t completely confident. You had been feeling pretty sick and had yet to keep anything down, which led Kelly to go get a few things that you could sometimes keep down since you seem to be out of all of those things. You didn’t want to be any more of a burden than you already felt like you were, which made you agree to him leaving for a few minutes.
Everything went fine for the first 10 minutes, until the nausea got bad. You immediately texted Matt, letting him know you weren’t feeling good, as he was the one keeping track of all of your medical issues. In his worry, he decided to head home early, though he did not tell you that. He knew you were having some strong emotions with them changing their lives to take care of you, but he just couldn’t bare to be away from you any longer. This is the worst day you’ve had in a couple days.
Meanwhile, Jay had barely had the chance to set his keys and wallet down on the kitchen counter when he heard running footsteps. Assuming that he was alone since Kelly’s car was gone and you were never alone, Jay crept up the stairs with his gun in hand. He was quick to holster it when he heard vomiting coming from the master bathroom. He knew it could only be you. The sight of you shaking while trying to hold yourself up broke his heart.
“Oh god.” He whispered, heart pounding at the sight of your weak form. “Sweetheart. Sweetheart. It’s okay. I got you. I got you.” He said, running to you. He grabbed the hair you were trying to force out of the way, noticing how it was falling out of the hurried bun you threw it in. “I have your hair. It’s okay.” Jay shushed, rubbing your back and caging you between his legs.
Seconds later, Matt ran in. He could hear the commotion coming from the entryway. “Oh sweet girl.” You blindly reached for him as you heard his voice. “Aw, that’s alright. It’s alright. Just let it out.” Matt cooed, hating to see you so distressed as you heaved violently in Jay’s grip.
Jay leaned forward a bit when you started shaking violently, barely holding yourself upright. “It’s okay. It’s alright. I gotcha.” Jay soothed, strong arms coming around your chest after he let Matt take your hair.
You coughed, heaving in air during a little break. “Mmm, I don’t-“ you broke off into a sob that turned into a gag.
“Oh baby. I know. I know.” Matt shushed, petting your hair back. “It’s alright. It’ll be over in a minute.”
Simultaneously, Jay was whispering in your ear. “It’s alright. We’re here. We’re here. I know sweet angel. I know.” Jay soothed, kissing your shoulder.
“Mm-make it s-st-stop.” You grunted out, clutching your stomach.
“Shhh. I know baby. I know it’s uncomfortable and it hurts. I’m so sorry sweetheart.” Matt shushed, seeing that Jay was doing everything not to break at your cries. He was a strong man, but you turned him into jello in your hands.
“Oh God.” Kelly said, sliding through the door. “I was gone for 30 minutes. I’m so sorry baby.” Kelly explained before coming to sit on the lip of the tub on your left. “It’s okay.” He soothed, taking the hand you reached out to him. You seemed to finally start to empty, mostly dry heaving. “Yep. All out baby.”
“You all done?” Matt asked, reaching for some toilet paper to wipe your face clean.
Instead of answering, you tried to push yourself to your feet to rinse your mouth out. “Whoa whoa. Don’t get up. Your pale and shaky. Just sit right here and let me rub your back, yeah?” Jay said, catching you by the waist and sitting down with you. You turned sideways in his lap, allowing him access to your back. “There we go. Oh I know it. I know your stomach hurts. It’s okay baby.” Jay soothed as you whimpered, kissing your temple.
You looked at Matt through hazing, tear filled eyes. “Aren’t y-you s-su-supposed to be at w-work?” You managed to get out, trying to wrap your brain around what was going on.
“Shhh don’t try to talk. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine babe. Let’s worry about you and talk more later.” Matt shushed gently, worried about how pale you were and how sluggish your eyes and brain were. They needed to get some sugar in you. “Think your completely done? Maybe we can try some Gatorade.” Matt said.
Just the mention of putting something in your stomach had you heaving again. You pushed off of Jay and leaned over the toilet again, heaving hard.
“Oh. Okay okay. It’s okay baby.” Jay soothed.
“That a girl.” Kelly praised, clutching your hand again.
“Hurts.” You wheezed out, clutching your stomach with your free hand.
“Yeah. I know baby. I know it hurts. It’s okay.” Matt soothed, looking to Kelly. “Think we should take her to Med or call for help? She isn’t looking good.” Matt said, knowing you likely weren’t actually hearing him as you went through another round of violent heaving.
Both boys looked at you as you sucked in air, finally calming your stomach some. You stared off into space, seeming to lose track of reality.
“Baby. Are you okay?” Kelly asked, cupping a hand under your bicep.
Jay felt you sagging and immediately pulled you into his chest. You were hot from all the puking, but you were barely sweating. “Call Will. Tell him to bring an IV bag over here. She’s dehydrated.” Jay instructed, standing with you in his arms. You whined at the sudden movement, but clung to Jay’s neck.
“No. I’ll drive your truck with lights. Matt, call Will and have him get a room ready at med.” Kelly said, using a tone that left not room for arguments.
The ride was fast and Will barely had the room set up to check the baby and get you hydrated before Jay was running in the door with you. Nat saw you being carried through the door and ran into the room, helping put the baby monitor on you while Will put an Iv in.
Hours later, the baby seemed to be settling and you were starting to come around. You weren’t happy that you had an Iv in your hand, but you were pleased to see Jay and Matt sleeping peacefully while Kelly stood with his back to you.
When he heard you shuffle around in the bed, he quickly wiped his face and turned to you.
“Oh baby. Hey sweetheart.” Kelly cooed, barely above a whisper. He immediately came to your side, taking your hand.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, wiping left over tear tracks off of Kelly’s face after he kissed you briefly.
“I’m sorry I left you.” Kelly whispered, bottom lip quivering as he spoke.
“No no no.” You whispered. “Come here.” You demanded gently, tugging him into the hospital bed with you. “It’s not your fault. You were trying to take care of me the best you could. I should have spoke up.” You said, cuddling into his side, careful of the wires and tubing.
“Damn right you should have.” Jay mumbled, staying seated as Matt laid resting on his shoulder. “Don’t ever do that again.” Jay whispered, pout on his lips.
“Yes dear.” You replied, hiding in Kelly’s chest as Jay gave you his “dad” eyes. The “you just wait” eyes, but not in a good way. You knew he was playing, but you also knew you scared the crap out of your lovers. You just hope this kid chills out.
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Hiiii can I request a obanai x abused gn reader pls???
And like the reader drops a plate and is having a panic attack and he comforts us😭😭😭
Yaaaay! A solo Obanai! I missed this man so much! Aww, this is so cute! I’ll totally do this
Iguro Obanai- Matching Problems
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All Obanai heard, after returning home for a mere ten minutes, was a ceramic shatter echoing through the halls, alerting him as he quickly accelerates his walking speed to rush through the closed-in meek hallways of his massive mansion. The only other person in the cool-toned Estate was you, if you were the reason of the noise isn’t important to him. Your health and safety is
As he suspected from where he thought the source came from, he followed the shatter into the lonely cold kitchen. Where he saw nothing over the counter, you may have still been out? That could possibly suggest a demon has somehow entered his living quarters? With his guard high up, he silently sneaks around the corner of the marble counter. Obanai’s previous readiness and somewhat hostility faded with what he saw
You, his partner, rocking back and forth with light sobs and hiccups. Now, he could hear your distress and he understood all of it so well. Sympathetic and concerned, he approaches your lightly sobbing and hiccuping frame to find what’s wrong with you
You were kneeled down right behind the shattered remains of what he assumed to be one of his many snowy ceramic plates or bowls, clutching your head and breathing heavily as if you were trying to curl up and hide from the oxygen floating around. His heart broke apart at how sensitive and traumatised you are
Obanai is the same as you, two abuse survivors. He can handle his PSTD and trauma triggers a lot better than you can. You have more open panic attacks then he does and it hurts him so much. You don’t deserve to be in so much pain, and he wants to scare away every ounce of that pain with all his strength
Slowly approaching you on light footsteps, Obanai crouched down to meet your eyelevel. You were trapped in a scary panic attack, trembling and feeling a tight swell in your chest. You were terrified as memories of your abusive parents came flooding in at the sound of the plate you were going to use for your dinner, shattered on the floor. Ceramic breaking is a trauma trigger for you
Since your parents always threw ceramic items at you in fits of drunken rage, and the shatter crash always came through whilst you got injured by the item, it became a trauma trigger. Your spine chilled intensely whilst a thin layer of sweat built up over your luscious skin. Obanai didn’t really know how to comfort people, he can barely keep himself calm when up against trauma trigger-triggered panic attacks. After a few seconds of thought
Obanai wrapped his arms around you, just feeling your skin jump. You were sensitive to touch in this state, Obanai knew this well but he also knew he needed to make contact to pull you away. He needed to protect you from the trigger and do his best to make you feel safe so he can get rid of the blaring hazard on the floor to further protect you. “My love…” Obanai softly cooed, not suspecting you to actually lift your head up nor respond to him
But your body instinctively suction-cupped into his own warm frame for comfort and that feeling of safety. You couldn’t really hear him as your anxiety and fear grew stronger, drowning out background noise but you could always sense Obanai’s presence, and your loving boyfriend became associated with true safety. Smiling underneath that signature bandage-mask, Obanai used his gentle embrace against you to lift you to your feet
No. He wasn’t going to force you to walk, he holds you firm enough to keep in his arms but soft enough to not seem like a threat to your easily mendable mind. Obanai noticed the way you finally let him see your face, since it was blocked by the length of your hair and even parts of your hands. He just loved seeing your beautiful face, your gorgeous eyes. Though, right now, was not the best time but he could care less
He loved it all and he was joyous you were starting to get better already, enough to look at him willingly with zero words. It seemed he was helping a lot, dismissing the fact he hadn’t even cuddled nor kissed you properly yet
He reached the bedroom he shared with you in no time, placing you down politely on the futon you share as you felt your heart beating a bit slower than before. Sat down besides you, he held your hand as you gently turned your head to face him
“Close your eyes, my love” Obanai spoke softly and you obeyed his every word with zero hesitation, wanting more than anything for the awful pain and those awful flashes of your horrifying trauma to go away. “Breathe… deeply, gently and slowly. Through your nose”
Obanai chirped and tapped his finger on the button of your nose as a playful thing you two did together, shuffling a bit closer to your laid side and ever-so-slightly squeezing the hand he held so protectively to reassure you he isn’t going anywhere, not now or after he helps
Obanai will stay put to help subside those symptoms and put you to sleep so you can forget all about the misery you’re being forced to withstand in this very moment. He loved you so much that he was willing to stay up all day and all night to ensure you were happy again, that you would sleep peacefully again. As his one and only love, he is happy to do anything for you
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Imagine flirting with Shuri when she comes to get Riri
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You were on your way to back to your shared dorm room to grab your textbook for your english class. In the next twenty minutes you picked up the pace a bit remembering Riri agreed to lend you her notes for the same math class. The two of you shared but only if you could catch her in time. She couldn't afford to let to be late for that class again considering how much of a hard-ass the professor was. He was the lock the door five minutes after his class starts type, and the only way in after that was to endure the embarrassment of being. Forced to try and solve some equation that he had yet to cover. Although Riri could probably solve it in her sleep being one of more advanced students in his class. She preferred to avoid the attention.
Your headphones were blaring music into your ears as you reached the door to your dorm. When you twisted the doorknob it stalled indicating it was locked. That caught you by surprise considering neither of ever bothered to lock the door. You were single and as far as you knew so was Riri, and if that had changed. You definitely would've known that girl told you everything. You pulled your ear buds from your ear. Just as you raised your hand ready to bang on the door. You heard your roommate's voice from the other side.
"Get out of my dorm" she demanded. "Get out"
Your blood ran cold trying to figure out who could possibly have her in distress. You knew some of the kids had a bad habit of trying to stiff her on money. After she did the work for them, and she had no problem confronting them about her money. But none of them ever tried to retaliate. Maybe that had finally changed wasting no time you took a firm hold on the doorknob, and slammed your shoulder into the door. As hard as you could manage the door gave away sending you tumbling inside.
You caught yourself before hitting the floor and stood up straight ready to threaten whoever was in the room. Until you came face to face with none other than the Princess of Wakanda.
"Ha I have a witness you can't make me go with you now. Now get out like I said" Riri demanded still standing in the corner by the windows.
There was another woman standing beside the Princess she was tall and fit dressed in a black suit jacket and red spandex. You recognized her as well considering how big of a fan you were of the Princess, and knew wherever she went. This woman seemed to follow both of them had turned at your entrance.
'Y/N tell them to leave" Riri said snapping you out of your trance.
Your eyes flickered back and forth between her and them trying to assess the situation. But in the end it didn't matter you weren't about to kick the Princess of Wakanda out no matter what. "Come on Riri is that anyway to talk to a Princess" You told her instead. Earning a groan from your roommate who threw her hands in the air. Shuri was a bit taken back but gave you a small smile. Okoye just raised an eyebrow at your statement.
Your eyes landed on the portable speaker Riri was holding onto with a death grip. "Please tell me you're not trying to use that as a weapon?" You asked moving in front of Shuri.
"Y/N now is not the time for your smitten behind to be all smooth" Riri said through gritted teeth. "Get over here" she pointed a finger at you.
You turned around with a smile aimed at the women. "I'm sorry for her she can be pretty hostile sometimes."
"Yeah we can see that is there anyway you can convince her not to be?" Shuri asked.
"For you of course" You replied with a wink turning back around to Riri. She had the speaker raised over her head this time. "Riri just put it down and hear them out."
"Girl I already heard them out they want to kidnap me and take me back to Wakanda against my will" she revealed.
You gave her a blank stare for a solid five seconds before glancing at Shuri and Okoye over your shoulder. The room was silent as they all waited to see what you were going to say or do next. Shuri was hoping you would still side with them. It might make this whole process a lot easier. Finally you spoke up again
"If the Princess of Wakanda wants to take you back to her country. You go without question Riri like seriously why is this even a discussion."
"Damn it y/n this isn't one of your romance books or movies."
"Really because this seems like the start of a beautiful love story to me" You shot back throwing Shuri a quick wink.
"Oh for Bast's sake" Okoye muttered under her breath.
Shuri grinned at you making your heart flutter. "Hey if I take your friend back to Wakanda with us will you come?"
Riri reached out to grab you by the arm and yank you beside her before you could say anything. "Don't even think about it?"
"I'll go wherever you want me to go" You said anyway.
"Y/N shut your hopeless ass up" Riri exclaimed angrily.
"Hopelessly in love" You quickly added.
Riri let out a growl of frustration going to throw the speaker, but you took a hold of her arms. "Would you just wait? Can someone tell me what is really going on here besides the beginning of a love story?"
Shuri let out a chuckle.
It was Okoye who answered. "Your friend here got herself put on the wanted list of a merman with her vibranium detector. Now she is in danger and we're trying to protect her."
Your eyes widened in realization as you turned to her with a 'I told you so look. "I told you not to build that thing Riri but you didn't listen."
"Okay fine you were right but don't forget the part where you were hoping. It would win us a trip to Wakanda so you could meet the Princess."
"Well I mean it did kind of workout I guess but if you're in danger don't you think its best you go with them. I mean a merman doesn't sound dangerous, but if it brought the Princess and the General out here to MIT. This has to be serious" You told her with a empathetic look.
Riri let out a sigh relaxing her grip on the speaker. "Will you cover for me?"
You nodded "of course I will."
"Does that mean you don't want to come back to Wakanda with us?" Shuri asked with a smirk.
"Is that an invitation Princess?" You replied.
"I mean your friend could use the moral support" she said with a shrug.
"Yeah right moral support but you know I'm going for the bonus of winning you over right."
"Hmmm we'll see" she mused flinching when Okoye smacked her arm.
Riri gave you a look as well.
"Are the two of done?" Okoye asked with a eye roll.
"For now" You promised with another wink.

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yeahspider · 1 year
hideaway 🕸️
Ve’s note - soft soft bestfriend to lovers hyunjin fluff . sfw but mentions of parental issues and neglect . just a lil drabble tbh very cute and comforting . not proofread ofc enjoy !! <3
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“hyunjin is there any reason why you’re blowing up my phone at 4 in the morning .” your voice said into the phone heavy with sleep . you barely registered it was him calling you but no one else would call at this hour , and you’d only pick up for him anyway .
“always with the unnecessary questions darling just come open your window.” he says on the other end of the line no trace of sleep in his voice . you let out a silent groan . of course he’s outside your window . where else would he be .
“hyune you have to be quiet my parents are home and have to be up early.” you warned him to which he just scoffed .
“when am i ever loud ? hurry up this possum is staring at me menacingly .” and before you could question his weirdness , which you would not receive and explanation to anyways , he hung up . the dial tone snapping you into action .
cursing hyunjin in your head as you went to your window and opened it as quietly as you could . inch by inch until one inch was too much and the window pane let out a whine that had you cringing and him laughing .
“what happened to being quiet” he said as he slid his ways through your window with a practiced grace from years of experience . you didn’t even bother with a response as you shut your window behind him . turning around you see hyunjin already making himself comfortable in your bed . kicking his shoes off and snuggling under your covers .
“what are you doing here hyune . it’s early in the morning . the sun hasn’t even risen .” you say as you stare down at his form , fighting a smile off your face as your try to keep in your stern facade . but he saw right through it as always .
“what i’m not allowed to visit my best friend whenever i want to anymore ?” he said with mock offense as he threw himself up into a sitting position . he was always a rather dramatic person . no dull occasion with him . but just as he saw through him you could also see him . the way he looked tired and worn out . the fired tears under on his cheeks and the paleness of his lips . taking in his distressed state you wordlessly went to the kitchen and made him a glass of water as quietly as you could . making your way back to the room you saw his shoulders relax at your return . his posture loosening . you handed the water and he didn’t hesitate to gulp it down .
after a few seconds of silence he finished the drink and handed the glass back to you to put on your cabinet . you could put it away later .
“she left again” is all you said to him . and with a simple nod of his head the tears he had been holding since he stepped foot into your room fell . silent sobs racked his body as you slid into bed beside him . you weren’t the best at comforting people but this was hyunjin . he needed you . so you grabbed his frame and wrapped him in your arms as he clung to you . tears wetting your shirt as you soothes him the best you could .
a few minutes had passed and his breathing had slowed down along with his tears . you decided to readjusted as you hii fed him to sit between your legs , his back to your chest as you pushed his shoulder back . once he made contact with your he sunk into your embrace . you would never admit it to him but you loved having him in your arms .
“she just left y/n . packed up everything and disappeared . not even a note no goodbye no nothing .” your fingers stroked his hair as he collected his thoughts . you didn’t speak knowing he just needed to heard right now .
“how could she just leave . i’m her son y/n” hyunjin’s relationship with his mother was a strained one . that much you knew . after being friends since the sandbox this wasn’t the first time he had come to you seeking shelter from his mother . the neglect he was subjected to wasn’t unknown to you either . at lunch you shared your food , when he spent the night your parents always made him dinner and woke him up to breakfast . your protected each other , watched each other grow up . now young adults you still clung to one another .
“why am so unlovable y/n ? why does no one care ?” he said with a hiccuped breath . you placed a kiss to his forehead before speaking .
“you’re loved hyunjin . i care and i always will . that woman will never make you unlovable . you’re so sweet and genuine and hardworking hyune . you offer this world so much and i hate seeing the one who brought you into it cause you so much pain .” you say just above a whisper . but with a firmness that even had you shocked .
hyunjin turned to face you . your eyes connecting with his as he held your gaze . he looked like he was hesitating his next words as you saw his lips quirk up then move back into place . he looked down to where your hand was , and as you followed his gaze he wrapped your hand in his .
“you are my everything you know that right ? you’ve saved me more times than i can count . you ….you won’t leave me too .. will you ?” he said with a frown on his face . you wanted nothing more than to wipe it away . you could feel his apprehension as he played with the rings on your finger . one of which was a copper one he made for you on your 18th birthday . hyunjin never had much but he made sure to make sure you always had something that was his . the hand that wasn’t occupied in his made it’s way under his chin as you brought him up to match your level .
“i’d never leave you behind . you’re with me forever hyune .” you said as you cupped his face , thumb grazing his cheek as yo held his gaze . his eyes traced all over your face until they settled on your lips . without warning he placed his lips on yours ever so gently . it took you a minute to register he was kissing you until but after a second you returned the kiss . his lips soft as always molded with yours as all his fear melted away into your lips . and you swallowed them up willingly . hyunjin your best friend your home your shelter your hideaway .
when you separated a rosy flush took its place on his cheeks as he blushed . like he wasn’t the one that just initiated the first kiss the two have ever shared . you let out a soft laugh at his bashfulness as he hid himself in your neck .
“can i spend the night ?” he whispered in your ear as he before emerging from his hiding spot that was your hair .
“well seeming as you’ve already made yourself at home on my bed it only seems appropriate .” you say and just laughs as he lifts the blanket , inviting you to join him . as longs as you had each other everything would be okay . nothing could hurt you in your hideaway .
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tonicandjins · 2 years
eyes tell
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characters: haechan/female reader genre: fluff, confession word count: 3.9k summary: donghyuck has been trying to confess his feelings to you. third time's the charm, he thinks.
Note: nothing but donghyuck brainrot for valentine's ^_^
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DONGHYUCK KNOWS HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THE HOLIDAYS—the fairy lights surrounding every place in Gangnam, the Christmas songs playing in every corner of SM Entertainment (courtesy of every EXO Christmas album ever), the sound of kids singing Christmas carols—and he thinks it’s the best time to confess.
It’s a foolproof plan: all he had to do is take you somewhere under a mistletoe, look up and pretend he didn’t know there was one, show it to you, and VIOLA! A kiss under a mistletoe!
However, three hours into the small party the crew members threw for both NCT Dream members and the crew themselves, Donghyuck realizes it’s better said than done. He couldn’t, for the life of him, keep you in his space alone for more than two minutes. People are always pulling you from him—either to ask you to get something for someone or hand you a small Christmas present—and you are always too nice (too kind, oh, be still Lee Donghyuck’s beating heart) to say no.
Sulking, Donghyuck decides to settle on the couch, sitting between Jeno and Jaemin who are arguing about a stupid game they were playing earlier in the night. Donghyuck knows he’s pouting, and he’s pouting really hard hoping you would glance his way and kiss the pout out of his lips. Perhaps if he whines along that cute pout of his, you would hear and come running towards him and call him cute. But none of those happen because, of course, Mark Lee and Park Jisung are hogging you for themselves.
Donghyuck even wore a hoodie with your favorite color so he could catch your eyes tonight, yet here he is: stuck between Jeno and Jaemin who wouldn’t stop debating over everything and nothing at once.
It’s Renjun, bless his heart, who notices Donghyuck sulking while he watches you laugh with Jisung and Mark. Chuckling at Donghyuck’s distress, Renjun pulls him by the hand towards the small table where the sweets are.
“Let me guess,” Renjun starts as he offers a chocolate-covered strawberry to Donghyuck. Donghyuck pries his mouth open to take a bite, eyes still on you. “You’re sulking because she’s not giving you attention.”
“I wore something cute for her,” Donghyuck says while chewing. “But she won’t give me a second of her damn day.”
“It’s because you’re not trying enough,” Renjun answers. “What does she like most about you?”
“Does she even like me?” Donghyuck contemplates.
Renjun laughs, “Of course, she does!”
“Don’t,” Donghyuck whines. “Don’t keep my hopes up. It’ll break my heart.”
“I wouldn’t dare,” Renjun assures. “Come on. Think about it. What does she like most about you?”
Donghyuck thinks as far as his memories allow him. You’ve told him a million times how much you like him—love him, even—and Donghyuck could only hope to become as vocal as you are when it comes to how you feel towards people.
One time, you told him about how easily he could make people gravitate towards him and how much you like his innate talent in grabbing people’s attention (which apparently doesn’t include you because here you are now, giving him 0 attention). Another time, you admitted loving how much he adores and cares for his family—specifically for his younger siblings—and you wish you had someone like him in your family (Donghyuck doesn’t want you to think of him like family, like a brother, damn it. He wants to kiss you on the lips).
Just as Renjun was about to say something, Chenle grabs everyone’s attention by testing the mic from the karaoke the crew had prepared for everyone.
“You know I love you, right?” Donghyuck remembers you asking in a drunken haze that one night you and him drank your guts out two days after his 22nd birthday. Donghyuck remembers nodding, but not truly realizing you had meant it. “I think I love you more and more whenever you sing. Sing for me please.”
Donghyuck remembers singing softly to your ears that night, and he realizes that’s what you probably like most about him.
Hence, he takes the mic from Chenle and enters the code to the first song that comes to his mind. As soon as he starts singing, he notices your attention back to his eyes. Donghyuck smiles in triumph, winking at you as he sings his heart out.
“Express your love four times a day, laugh eight times, kiss me six times,” Donghyuck sings his heart out. “It’s the only password to my heart, No one else can know it, only you can have me, you are my secret, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl!”
When it’s done, Donghyuck finally, finally sees you approaching him. Chenle takes the mic back from him and Donghyuck doesn’t even mind.
“Hello, Ms. Everyone’s Friend, you’ve finally noticed me,” Donghyuck jokes.
“Hey, as soon as you came here I hugged you,” you protest. “Not my fault all your friends like me. Hey, do you have a second?” you ask like Donghyuck wouldn’t give up anything for you.
He nods (a little too quick, a little too obvious), and lets you pull him by the sleeve of his hoodie, taking him to a small storage room, far from the noise and small crowd. Donghyuck isn’t aware of your proximity until you whisper a small hi.
“Hi,” Donghyuck says back, smiling as he look down on you, eyes locked in yours. “What are we doing here?” he whispers.
“I wanted to give you my gifts,” you whisper back. “I didn’t get the others a gift and I really don’t want them to feel upset that I only got something for you.”
“Y/N, my dear, what makes you think I’m not going to brag whatever you have for me on a daily basis?” he asks, chuckling as he watches you take a small box from your pocket of your hoodie.
“I figured you probably already have everything and this is something you can most likely afford to buy ten times, but…” you trail off. Even under the small light bulb, Donghyuck could see the blush on your cheeks.
He takes the small box from your hand, and it’s a box from a luxury brand, Donghyuck suddenly realizes he didn’t get anything for you for Christmas. He opens the present, and it’s that famous Thomas Trench bear bag charm from Burberry.
“He reminded me of you,” you mutter shyly. “You can put it on your hand carry bag whenever you travel. I mean, you’re going on tour with NCT 127, and like I said, it’s nothing big, like I said, you could probably buy this ten times, like I sai—”
“Y/N.” Donghyuck is going to kiss you now. He wraps an arm around your waist, caressing your back as he pulls you close.
“Donghyuck,” you whisper. You look up. Donghyuck does, too, and who would have known? A mistletoe right above the both of you.
Just when Donghyuck is about to lean in, of course—of fucking course, Park Jisung.
“Y/N noona, Renjun is about to sing your favorite song, aren’t—am I interrupting?”
You jump back from Donghyuck’s arm, looking at Jisung, then at Donghyuck, then back to Jisung, who’s still holding the door open.
“No, no,” you stutter a few seconds later. “I’m coming.”
You don’t look back at Donghyuck and follow Jisung.
Park Jisung is so going to get beaten up.
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His second attempt came out of nowhere, unlike the first time he decided he’d confess and finally ask you out.
Donghyuck is in the hospital, and he feels like it’s the shittiest day of his life because it most likely is. They were in the middle of a schedule promoting Candy, and just when the music show was over, Donghyuck’s body failed him. His chest started hammering like crazy, and he had always thought this was normal because it happens to him all the time, until it started to hurt and his body started shaking unceasingly. The medics were quick to get to him as soon as Mark shouted for help. Donghyuck doesn’t really recall much of what happened; all he knows is that his body just collapsed and Jeno and Jaemin helped carry him so he could be transferred to a stretcher and that Renjun was on his phone already calling his Mom, probably because he knows Donghyuck would want them to call his Mom.
When Donghyuck wakes, hazy from the oxygen and the dosages of medicine they’d put through his dextrose, feeling adhesive patches stuck on his chest, he sees you sitting beside him. You’re on your phone, and you quickly bid goodbye to whoever you were speaking with as soon as you see him open his eyes.
“Donghyuck, baby, how are you feeling?” you ask, holding his hand. Donghyuck’s throat is dry so all he could muster up is a nod. “Your Mom and sister went out for a minute to get something to eat. I’ll call the doctor real quick.”
Before you could stand, Donghyuck reaches out to weakly grab your wrist, keeping you still on your seat.
“What is it, my love?” you ask. The influx of nicknames is making his heart hammer against his chest, and it’s proven when the cardiac event recorder starts beeping like crazy behind him. “Donghyuck, calm down. They’re trying to stabilize your heartbeat. I’ll call the doctor.”
“I love you,” Donghyuck barely whispers.
“Oh, baby,” you softly coo. “I love you, too. Now please let me get someone to check on you.”
Donghyuck can’t remember much after that. He could hear his Mom nagging in his ear, something about pacing and how he should really calm down. His sister was just whining in the background, saying that the expensive shit he buys for them aren’t worth it if it means they find him in the hospital multiple times a year. He reckons it’s the dosages of medicine that makes him hazy, but everything else are all blurred and toned down. While he lies on bed, high on oxygen, all he could see clearly is you—the worried look on your face and just the way your eyes are glued to him—and all he could think of is maybe love isn’t all about a big, grand confession one makes an effort to prepare for.
Perhaps love can be as quiet as the way he said I love you, hand weakly holding your wrist, voice barely audible. Perhaps love can be as simple as being there on days as quiet as this.
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The third time Donghyuck musters up the courage to tell you about his feelings is about two months later, when NCT Dream just won the grand prize for a prestigious awards show.
He finds you in the crowd as they perform, and you’ve always been the kind to easily blend in the crowd, wearing your usual crew fit, a lanyard with your ID labeled as NCT Dream’s staff allowing you all access to wherever he is, but Donghyuck’s made it a habit to make sure you know that you stand out whichever crowd you try to blend in. Tonight, Donghyuck winks exactly at your direction when he sings the words to their hit songs, and he does it multiple times, making sure you’re as affected as he is whenever your presence is within a mile radius.
They’re on their way back to the dormitories. Tonight, Donghyuck is staying at NCT Dream’s dorm and will most likely share a bed with Jisung. He had a schedule the next day for 127’s fansign, but he doesn’t have much energy left and would rather share a bed than go back to the other dorm.
You sit on the back of the van with him, and by default your hand intertwines with his as soon as the lights and cameras are out. Donghyuck is so, so, so tired and happy, but he keeps himself cool and calm because he doesn’t need a part two of the hospital scene during the promotions for Candy. But Lord Jesus, what can he do when your first instinct as soon as you and him are out of people’s sight is to hold his hand? You know how much he loves holding hands. You might as well kiss him now if you’re planning his doom.
The other members are quiet. Donghyuck could hear Renjun snoring already.
Gently, you massage the back of Donghyuck’s hand, and seconds later, he could feel your lips softly kissing his fingers, humming the tune to one of the songs playing at the venue before the team left. Donghyuck smiles, content with the way his heart flutters at your actions.
“Y/N,” Dream’s manager asks while he takes a turn, his hands tightly holding the steering wheel. “Shall I drop you off at your building?”
“Yes, please,” you answer. “You know where it is, right?”
The manager hums and makes eye contact with Donghyuck through the rearview mirror. “Donghyuck.”
“If you want to stay over at Y/N’s, you can. I’ll have someone pick you up at six in the morning tomorrow.”
“Really?” Donghyuck gasps, a little too loudly because Renjun groans as soon as he does. “Sorry. Will you really let me stay over?”
“Unless Y/N says no, then it should be fine. You deserve it,” the manager answers. Donghyuck turns to you, eyes pleading, as if you’d say no.
“As if I’d say no,” you parrot whatever he had in mind.
Donghyuck happily (but quietly) cheers.
“No funny business, Haechan,” the manager reminds as soon as the car stops in front of the building you live in. “Be ready at six in the morning.”
“I love you, hyung,” Donghyuck pouts, sending the manager a flying kiss, before opening the door and jumping, offering his hand to help you. “Thank you. I won’t stay up and I will wake up early.”
The other members mumble a quiet, tired bye-bye, and it seems like only Donghyuck has enough energy left to even tell each member he loves them. Their manager allows you and him to enter the building first before Donghyuck hears them drive away.
 It doesn’t hit Donghyuck that it’s his first time staying over for a night until he hears you lock the door and he gets a full view of your place. His confidence runs low when you start removing your coat and shoes, realizing that holy shit, this is real. He’s really staying the night at the love of his life’s safe place. Will you let him sleep on the same bed? Probably not, what is he even thinking? Of course, he’s sleeping on the floor, and you’re taking the bed. Why does he thi—
“Donghyuck, stop thinking and get rid of your shoes,” you interrupt his thoughts as your enter the small living room area, switching some lights on one by one. “Go take a shower.”
Donghyuck nods, following you while he carries his backpack of necessities. You lead him to the bathroom and tell him you’ll prepare the bed.
When Donghyuck is left alone, he decides that this would be the best time to confess to you, the only time he really can because you’re all alone and there’s no Park Jisung to interrupt your bubble. He starts the shower and composes his thoughts, thinking about the most beautiful words he could string so he could put the message across.
When he’s done, his mind is all fogged up just like the mirror in your bathroom. He hears you knock, asking if he’s done yet because you would also need to shower. He puts his clothes on, a shirt and some sweatpants, drying his hair with the spare towel you prepared for him, and opens the door to find you smiling softly as you wait for him. He steps out and allows you in, finding his feet padding on your warm floor.
“Please make yourself comfortable,” you say before locking the bathroom door. Donghyuck hums.
The door of your bedroom is already open when he reaches it. Donghyuck is suddenly so conscious of his presence inside your safe place, inside the privacy of your home. He’s never been here, and didn’t think this day would come so soon. He doesn’t know where to sit, if he’s even allowed to sit on your bed, and is not sure whether this is okay suddenly.
Your room is almost the same size as the one he shares with Johnny in the dorm. He finds your computer setup in the corner of the room, a small shelf of your favorite books displayed right beside it. He sees a vinyl turntable on top of the small shelf, and he makes a mental note to buy you a record the next time he visit a record store.
Donghyuck honestly doesn’t know what to do, so he settles himself on the swivel chair and takes his phone as he waits for you.
The sound of the shower running stops and the sound of what seems like a hairdryer echoes from the bathroom; it doesn’t take that long until you’re entering your bed room, hair still a little damp from the shower.
“What are you doing? I told you to make yourself comfortable,” you mutter as you enter, brushing your hair, yawning a little. Donghyuck looks up from the TikTok video he’s watching.
“I—I didn’t know if we’re staying on the same bed or, or, like…”
You giggle, walking towards him. “Oh, Donghyuck, you’re crazy if you think I’m letting you sleep on the floor.”
“So, like, we’re—we’re like sharing? The bed? Together, I mean.”
A look of surprise, more like confusion, flashes on your face. “Oh, is it not okay? If not, then we—I can, the living room, well, there’s a couch, and perhaps—?”
A second of silence.
Donghyuck starts laughing, and you do, too.
“We’re awful at this,” he comments, you agree and offer your hand. “How do you want this, my lady?”
“The bed has enough room for you and me,” you answer. “Come on, Donghyuck-ah. Let’s sleep.”
Donghyuck pulls you close, and you hold onto him like magnets connecting. Kissing the top of your head, he hums in content as you hug him tighter, your face nuzzled comfortably on his chest. You kiss his cloth-covered chest and make a comment about him buffing up especially on his chest area.
“Taeyong-hyung forces me to go to the gym. I’m glad you noticed,” Donghyuck jokes as you pull him towards the bed after switching the main light off, leaving the small light from your side table on. Donghyuck takes the right side and, as if you’ve been doing this for a long time, allows you to comfortably rest your head on his chest.
“Congratulations again,” you mumble sleepily. “You were so handsome on stage. I was about to fall on my knees.”
“Thank you, I made an effort to keep your attention on me. The entire venue was screaming for Jaemin. I need at least one person to keep their eyes on me,” he jokes.
“The world is your stage, Donghyuck,” you reply, voice softer. “You have everyone’s attention.”
“Some days, I only want yours.” This is it. This is when Donghyuck confesses and tells you about his undying love and how much he wants a future with you.
“You have mine every day,” you mutter, voice barely audible.
Hold on, God, are you really falling asleep before he could confess?
“I lo—Y/N, I’m having a moment. Please let me have this moment. Can you stay awake?”
“No,” you mumble. “Night.” Barely there.
“Wow,” Donghyuck sighs in disbelief. “You’re really sleeping when I’m about to give you my entire heart.”
Donghyuck hears you hum. Fuck it.
“I really,” he starts. “Really, really, really, really, really, really.”
He inhales, waiting. No response.
“I really, really, really love you.” There. No reaction.
“I have loved you for a long time,” he continues anyway. “I think the first time I realized it was when you were bringing food for us, and prior to that all members were talking about how much they’re craving for pizza. But when you arrived with the food delivery, you—” He chuckles at the memory. “You were holding a separate box for me. With fried chicken. For me. Because you know I don’t give a shit about pizza.”
He turns a little to kiss your hair.
“And it wasn’t even a eureka! moment,” he continues. “It wasn’t even a punch in the gut. It wasn’t loud, like my heart hammering against my chest, screaming for your name. It was—it was quiet. Like a tap on my wrist, telling me it’s always been there. You’ve always been in my heart. And you didn’t come in screaming, pulsating, crying. You walked in my heart, slowly and surely, like—like, the sun rising. It doesn’t abruptly rise from the horizon and blind everyone before they get the chance to wake up to start their day. The sun rises slowly, seeping through your curtains, gently waking you, kissing your skin like it’s the most precious thing ever. You’re like that for me. You’re the sun rising quietly into the horizon for me.”
“And I just—” Donghyuck sighs. “I wish I could say it better. I love you. I have loved you for a long time. I don’t think I’ll ever stop, so please let me say this. Let me tell you I love you.”
Donghyuck is left with silence for a few moments. And he wonders if he said it right. Honestly, he doesn’t even remember the words he said. He probably just spluttered nonsense. Main point is he loves you, and damn does he wish you were awake to hear all of it. He feels you breathe slowly, then—
“I love you, too,” you whisper, sniffling. He thinks you may be crying. “Have for a long time, too. I can’t remember when. I can’t even remember a time since we’ve met that I don’t look at you like you hung the stars for me.”
“Baby,” Donghyuck pouts when he realizes you’re already crying. He moves so that he’s lying on his side as he grabs your face with both hands, thumbs wiping away the tears. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
You giggle.
“Can I kiss you?” Donghyuck asks and you nod too quickly. He wipes the stains of tears from your cheeks and leans closer, closer, closer—
And there. Finally. The most-awaited first kiss.
He presses his lips only softly, a feather-like touch, waits for your reaction, but you keep your eyes closed, and then he’s leaning again, pressing his lips firmly this time.
He kisses you gently—carefully, like a curator carrying a piece of art that’s been around for ages, and you kiss him back like you mean it.
The kiss is over not long after, and Donghyuck brings you back close to his chest, hugging you and telling you to sleep.
You hum. Donghyuck closes his eyes.
The room is covered in silence. Donghyuck feels like he’s dreaming, and slowly, he lets himself fall asleep. The last thing he hears before drifting of is: “for the record, I’ve always known, Donghyuck. I’ve always known, because the things you can’t say, your eyes tell.”
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kisakis-boyfriend · 1 year
Kinktober Day 12: Facesitting
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Pairings: Hinata x male reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, sub!Hinata, eating out, facesitting, Hina is called ‘good girl’
Prompt List by: starsandskies 🧡
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Nervous? No way! Not her... definitely not nervous at all...just ignore the deep blush gracing her cheeks, the way she actively avoids your gaze, and the way her thighs squeeze tightly together from just a few words. “Can I eat you out?” That was enough to turn Hinata into a flustered, squirming mess
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You placed your hand onto her thigh and she squeaked, tucking her chin into her chest so that you couldn't see her expression. “C'mon, Hina. I wanna make you feel really good~ ” You said, leaning closer towards her face, using your other hand to tilt her chin up, meeting her pretty coral eyes. You leaned closer to kiss her sweetly, whispering more promises of pleasure and reassuring her that you'd stop if she wasn't feeling it
“O-ok...we can try it...” Hina's voice wavered, though she was a bit excited as well. She could already feel a wet spot forming in her panties as you pulled her along to your bedroom, instructing her to sit down and get comfortable while you laid down and put your head in her lap, resting against her soft thighs
A deep sigh left your lips as Hinata gently brushed her fingers through your hair, letting the soft moment calm her nerves. You smiled up at her, taking a hold of her wrist to pull her hand towards your mouth, placing a loving kiss onto her palm. “You ready, Hina?” She nodded, still a tad bit nervous
Sitting up, you turned yourself around and leaned over her, causing her to fall backwards onto the comforter. “Ok. Let's get started then.” You began stroking over her panties, feeling the wet center of them and chuckling at how transparent her body's desires were. “Wet already? Baby, that's so cute.”
Leaning down, the flat of your tongue licked over her panties, making them cling to her wet pussy as you sucked on her through the fabric. Hina whined as you teased her, her clit being sucked harshly, though the feeling was dampened by the soft barrier between it and your mouth. After you felt like she had been teased enough, you slipped her panties off, getting her to stand up so that you could remove her skirt too
After Hina had been stripped of her clothing, you positioned yourself back on the bed, lying down. Hina stood there nervously, fidgeting with her fingers and looking at the floor, long, coral hair obscuring her face. “Something wrong, honey?” You inquired
“It's just...this is so embarrassing...” She moaned in distress, that pretty blush spreading to her shoulders. Hinata was just too cute sometimes, always getting flustered at the smallest gestures or suggestions. Whenever she was in the moment she would try to hide her face or muffle her ‘embarrassing’ noises. All of these things just turned you on even more, compelling you to pin her hands down and fuck her harder
Right now though, you still had to convince her to ride your face. “It's alright, baby. Just c'mere, sit up here near my head.” You held out a hand for her, gently guiding Hina onto the mattress, reminding her to just stay on her knees for a second. “Now, lemme slide under you. Just like this~ ” Sliding yourself upwards, you wrapped your hands around her thighs, pulling her weight down until her cunt was flush with your face
Hinata gasped when her body made contact with your mouth, the familiar feeling of your lips kissing hers made her heart race, albeit a different set of lips than usual... Your tongue went back to work, lapping at her delicate pussy as she breathed heavily above you. One of Hina's hands rested on the bed behind her, propping her up as she threw her head back, the other one covered her mouth before moving down to squeeze her breast as she moaned
Your tongue explored the inside of her hole, licking whatever you could reach and moaning into her pussy as her juices spilled down into your mouth and all over your chin. Hina was soaking wet just from a few minutes of being eaten out, a fact that you were incredibly grateful for since she always tasted so sweet
As you continued to devour her like a man starved for ages, Hinata began to move, grinding down on your tongue and groping her breasts more as she finally let go of her worries. Enjoying the moment more with every passing second. She reached a hand down and started rubbing circles on her clit, panting as she neared her climax
Her soft thighs were squeezed harder as you growled against her pussy, causing her to twitch as the vibrations hit her. The muscles in your stomach clenched as the realization that your cock was straining against your pants hit you. With Hinata pressed so close to you, flooding your nose with her scent and cutting off your supply of oxygen, how could you not get this hard? Especially when she started humping your face, crying out your name as her sopping cunt brushed against your nose and tongue rapidly
You stuck your tongue all the way out, letting her pussy drag against its surface until she came into your mouth, chanting “Yesyesyesyesyesyes ” as she fucked herself on your tongue. Gushing all of that sweet nectar directly down your throat, which you swallowed happily. Hinata twitched and humped at your face slowly for a few more minutes, riding out her orgasm
Her sweet voice still reaches your ears even as her thighs are pressed against both sides of your head, occasionally squeezing from the aftershocks of her orgasm. You tapped her thigh with your finger, to which she lifted herself off of you, apologizing as you sucked in a deep breath
“Oh fuck...you tasted so damn good, Hina.” You panted, face still glistening from her wetness sticking to your skin. “Did it feel good for you too?”
Hina nodded, gently brushing away some strands of hair that clung to your forehead, “Mhm. You were right, it did feel amazing.” She admitted, laughing sheepishly as she quickly tied her hair into a ponytail. You pulled her down on top of your chest when she finished, her hands bracing against you, and held her waist tightly
“Hey, darling?” Your hand slid down to her ass, groping her squishy cheeks while your hips snapped up sharply, pressing your erection against her still wet cunt. “Think you can take care of me next?” You groaned, humping her desperately while she bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, hiding her face in your chest
Hinata silently nodded, beginning to grind down on your dick. The hand not groping her ass rested on the small of her back, lightly scratching her skin and trailing along her spine, eliciting a soft whine from her. “Mm good girl. So thoughtful, aren't you? ”
In one swift movement, you rolled over so that Hina was laying on her back and you were hovering over her small frame. She gazed up at you, flushing pink all over again as you eyed her hungrily. You quickly removed your pants and boxers, freeing your aching cock from its constraints. Lazily stroking it as you let out breathy moans, licking your lips while you stared into her eyes. Hinata spread her thighs a little, rolling them as if she was trying to chase some sort of friction. Really, she was just eager to have you inside of her, watching you touch yourself as you lubed up your dick
When you finished prepping yourself, you scooted closer to Hina, slapping her hole with your dick a few times before sliding in slowly. Between the lube you applied to it and the slick still covering the inside of her pussy, your cock slipped into her entrance easily. You began to shallowly fuck into her, stretching her cunt open gently even though you were desperate for relief. You always tried to be easy with her, opting to take things slowly so that she wouldn't become overwhelmed or stressed. Sex was no different, preferring to let her set the pace or offering to take it slowly and always assuring her that she could stop at any time. For this, Hinata thanked you frequently. Appreciative of your consideration and endless patience
That's why when you finally plunged inside of her, she reached behind you to grab your ass and pull you closer, causing your cock to fill her completely. You've been gentle with her this whole time, but now she was itching to feel something a little rougher. You both moaned in harmony as her pussy clenched around your dick tightly, sucking you in further while your jaw hung open from pleasure. Beginning to thrust into her wet cunt greedily, the noises that her pussy made only turned you on more. “Fuuuck, listen to how wet you are, darling~ ” You purred. Hina quickly hid her face behind her hands, too flustered from your dirty talk already. “Aw, Hina. Sweetie– ” You grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away from her face, snapping your hips into her harshly as you reassured her, “Nooo don't hide from me. Let me see that gorgeous face, huh? Show me all of those pretty expressions while I fuck you. ”
Tears pricked at the corners of Hinata's eyes, nodding shyly at your words. Opting to wrap her hands around the back of your neck instead, tangling in your hair as you cock continued to fuck her open, dragging against her walls with every thrust. You groaned as you slowed down the pace, rolling your hips into her gushing pussy and smiling down at her as you breathed heavily
You sped back up, beginning to really pound into her as you felt your orgasm approaching. “Gonna cum, baby. Will you take it for me? ” You asked, lovingly gazing into her eyes and holding her waist
“Y-yes...yes y/n...mmm ” Hinata whined, wrapping her legs around your waist, pulling you closer and causing you to hit a deeper spot inside of her. She threw her head back as you did, moaning your name loudly
Fucking into her faster, your thrusts turned sloppy as you shot your load inside of her cunt, moaning praises as you filled her up, “Shit–!! You feel good, Hina! Aaahh—!! ” Her back arched as your cum flooded her insides, clawing at your back and probably leaving bright red scratches all over it. You stayed inside of her, your cock twitching as you finished unloading all of your cum. After taking a deep breath, you started rubbing at her clit with your thumb, leaning down to suck on her breast and grope the soft flesh with your other hand
Hinata cried out once more, thrusting her hips up and grinding her cunt onto your cock, “Yesyesyes don't stop– Oh god don't stop!! ” Spasming beneath you as she came again, coating your dick in her juices. She panted heavily, giggling as pleasure flooded her mind and her pussy gushed around your length
After you both calmed down, staying there for a few minutes before you pulled out, a bit of your cum dripping out and rolling down her skin, you rubbed her sides soothingly. Leaning down to press a kiss to her soft lips, then pressing one onto her sensitive pussy lips, making Hina's body jerk as she whined at the lewd gesture
You chuckled at her, reaching out to hold onto both of her hands and intertwining your fingers as you lazily licked at her cunt again. Cleaning the cum off of her thighs and around her folds, occasionally dipping your tongue back into her entrance as she moaned softly
Both of you would get properly cleaned up in a minute, but for now, you just wanted to listen to Hinata's content breathing and adorable noises
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Tagging: @steadybreadbluebird @6kabuki
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