#nonny oc tedtalk
nani-nonny · 9 months
Now i imagine ALL of your ocs gather in one room like the peepaws
Wiler would pick a fight with everyone, and be especially intimidated by Olympia. Ripper would try to stop Wiler from picking said fights.
Officer Xeni, being the officer he is, would try to do his duty and try to keep the peace.
Roddy and Olympia would question why everyone looks so clean and neat and full.
Griffith is too old for this. He doesn’t care what happens. Don’t touch him or get near him.
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nani-nonny · 9 months
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Welcome to Nonny’s TedTalk about their background characters and their significance to the plot aka my excuse to suddenly lore drop OCs (I guess I’m calling them OCs now)
Anyways, a bit of a long post hehe
Roddy Runes: First Appearance on Distorted Mirror Ch.1: Switch
In front of Leo is a rodent yokai with a huge, bushy tail covered in singed fur. The yokai is wearing what can only be described as scraps of cloth dirtied in, well, dirt and what Leo hopes to be is dry ketchup. Over the yokai’s snout is a purple gas mask of sorts with a small D on the lower jaw—it looks way too close to Donnie’s logo…
The yokai’s eyes widen and his hold on Leo’s upper arm weakens. He drops the teen and looks over his shoulder at a human wearing the same gas mask. He glances between Leo and the human who pressed her finger to her ear.
The yokai finally stops to stare at Leo who stares back at him with the same look of confusion, “This—I don’t—where is the leader?!”
A rodent mutant (species unknown) that Leo meets upon first entering the future timeline. He’s a bit of a worrywart and skittish soldier in the Resistance. He loves children, and if it weren’t for the Krang apocalypse, he would have been a daycare attendant or a teacher/tutor. Leo wasn’t aware of this, but in the future, there was a huge accident with the Krang that mutated hundreds of humans. Roddy was one of them, which explains why Leo mistook him as a yokai in DisMir. Originally, Roddy’s name was Rudolf Thanes, but he changed it to Roddy Runes to better match his new appearance.
Fun fact: He would’ve adopted Leo in a heartbeat if the future timeline counterparts hadn’t claimed Leo as one of their own.
Occupation before the Krang: full-time university student majoring in education, part-time camp counselor
Occupation after the Krang: Scouter. Before his mutation, he was already talented in noticing the near-unnoticeable tracks laid out by any living being, including the Krang, or spotting enemies from afar, etc. But after his mutation, those senses were multiplied, especially as a mutation into the prey category. He’s extraordinarily talented in this area of expertise, to which he jokingly give thanks to his perception of always keeping track of kids he was chaperoning in his past
Significance: He played the part as the guiltripper and backup plan for Leo in DisMir. He unintentionally brings forth Leo’s guilt by mentioning the importance of family and teamwork when trying to reassure Leo’s nerves. Leo would have the option to run back to his side if absolute fear would take hold, and he would have gladly protected Leo with all of his ability and life. His significance didn’t seem all too grand, but he pushed Leo to take anxiety and fear in hand and step forward to responsibility.
Olympia: First Appearance on DisMir Ch.3: Breach
Leo raises a brow and is about to question the weird turn the conversation has made before the person serving the soup speaks up.
Her voice is gruff, limited to a rough but welcoming tone. She’s a mixed yokai, one Leo has never met before or even seen, with features of a bull and snake. She's missing a horn and snake scales travel up the length of her arm to the side of her face. She scoops a hefty portion of soup and drops it into Donatello’s bowl.
Her spoon flicks broth at Raphael’s face when she points her ladle at the turtles, “Watch it, it’s not easy to make balanced meals with what little shit we have. Don’t forget I can spit some venom in your rations.”
A bull/snake hybrid yokai based off of the Ophiotaurus from Greek Mythology that Leo meets with his brothers’ future counterparts. At the time taken during the fic, Olympia’s name wasn’t introduced but she’s the lunch lady that fed all of the Resistance present at the temp-base her bland soup. She isn’t normally the one who makes food, but she was the only one present with experience in feeding large numbers at a time, especially because she occasionally helps her wife in the kitchens back at home base. She is one of the surviving yokai from initial Krang invasion that is able to move and around and speak of the tale. Shes a socially perceptive yokai who likes to dish out people’s stories or secrets without the other noticing.
Fun fact: She was hinting that she was fully aware of how suspicious Leo’s appearance in the future timeline was, hence a part of Raph’s nervousness in talking to her. (Aside from pointing out that Leo looks “suspiciously” like Future Leonardo.)
Occupation before Krang: Battle Nexus fighter
Occupation after Krang: Frontline fighter, focused on giving and taking heavy hits as a tank, honestly not much of a change for her but became increasingly more of a life or death situation
Significance: She played the part of providing a sense of comfort and familiarity for Leo in a world completely strange to him, filled with people who aren’t strangers to the mind boggling situation of the world amidst an apocalypse. She’s kindhearted and warm, strong and easygoing, she truly cares for people. Her part wasn’t long, but it showed readers that despite the war, there are still kindness in people’s hearts and a sense of the mundane in the future. She also played the part of suspicions that are rising within the resistance soldiers present in the throwaway base, no one would voice their concerns, but she played it off as teasing. Very sneaky hehe
Wiler: First Appearance in Dead Man’s Deal Ch.4: Visit & Last Appearance in Return of a Champion
Leo turns to see two yokai who haven’t left the room yet. The shorter yokai, a penguin…of sorts, is seated with a large dumbbell in hand. The taller yokai, a falcon, lay on a bench with a barbell above his head. The falcon halts to a stop while the penguin sneers at Leo’s eye contact.
“Don’t expect us to leave just because Big Mama favors you,” the penguin snapped.
A penguin yokai based off of Maori mythology of tawaki. Just like the myth, Wiler often ventures to the surface under the pretense of being human. Hence his rough and boisterous demeanor, which he picked up from nights in New York observing the harsh demeanors of drunken Yorkers. Wiler was named by a Battle Nexus fighter after being abandoned in the cages and continued to live within the Battle Nexus until Big Mama finally deemed him enough to become a fighter. He only knows of the Battle Nexus, so he went above and beyond when satisfying his curiosity of the outside world and journeyed to the surface. He spent years observing the humans from afar, fear keeping him from actually interacting with them. The closest he got to an interaction was accidentally bumping into a child and apologizing profusely before he hid behind a trash can. He often surfaces to find that child again, to see how they’re doing.
Fun fact: He’s 4’9” (145 cm) in human form and often gets mistaken for a human child on his adventures on the surface.
Significance: He plays the part of providing a sense of normalcy to F!Leo’s life by becoming a close, adult friend outside of family. In the beginning, his short fuse was familiar to F!Leo as a reminder of Raph back in the days, although F!Leo never noticed this. He showed F!Leo how easy it is to talk to people and what it’s like to be normal, despite F!Leo’s reality of being a former war vet and from the future. His boisterous temperament broke through F!Leo’s thoughts and helped the fallen leader from drowning in thoughts of self loathing and regret. He would never admit it, but he thoroughly enjoys being F!Leo’s friend.
Ripper: First appearance in DMD Ch.4:Visit and DMD: RoC
Leo ignores them and just stares, wondering why the penguin is so hostile. The falcon falters under Leo’s stare, but the penguin gets more annoyed by the second. It got to the point the penguin dropped his dumbbell and stormed over to Leo. Leo had to crane his neck down to meet the penguin’s eyes who got angrier by the action.
-continuation of Wiler’s first appearance
A falcon yokai based off of Slavic mythology known as the raróg (or raróh). Unlike his best friend, Wiler, who was practically born and raised in the Battle Nexus, Ripper was sent to the Battle Nexus as punishment for a crime he did not commit. His family are renowned in the black market for a variety of merchandise, especially artifacts. They often sold to Big Mama and she is their best customer, but Ripper grew to fear her the day the family tried to sell her “authentic” artifacts from the human world and she retaliated by framing his father for drug-related crimes and personally sent his father to the Hidden City prison. This led to his elder brother taking over, but was swiftly framed for the sudden disappearance of artifacts within the Hidden City councilroom. His anxious and fearful demeanor made it difficult to speak his truth and was charged for the crime and sent to the Battle Nexus as punishment where he met Wiler. They swiftly became friends, where Wiler helps Ripper steadily overcome his skittishness and anxiety, and he helps Wiler get out of trouble by stepping in before it becomes trouble.
Fun fact: Wiler and Ripper met during training, much like how they both met F!Leo for the first time. Wiler was working on the barbells when he failed a push and Ripper easily lifted the barbells off of Wiler’s neck, saving the penguin’s life.
Significance: He plays the same kind of part as Wiler, becoming a friend to F!Leo and helping F!Leo gain a sense of normalcy beyond the time travel and guilt and strange familial relationship of fathering brothers in the past. Ripper is a softy who would allow anyone to walk over him like a carpet if it weren’t for Wiler, so his skittish demeanor warms F!Leo’s cold exterior. Through himself and Wiler, F!Leo relearns how to be friends and adapt to being an adult in an old world. They teach F!Leo it’s okay to be alive and continue with life, it’s okay to make friends and to continue to grow as an adult, to move on from the past and accept the present.
Griffith: First Appearance in DMD Ch.2: Regret & last appearance in DMD:RoC
Leo looks forward to see a smithy of sorts. It’s not much, especially in comparison to the only smithy he knows of, which he saw in his youth. But he recognizes the type of oven and the smithing instruments. There is a lone, burly yokai slamming a hammer onto red hot steel on a pedestal shaping it with expert precision.
“Griffith,” Big Mama says, catching the attention of the big yokai who immediately stops and rises to his feet. The yokai is taller than expected with muscles stacked upon his torso. He’s a swan wearing a dirtied apron and scars along his splotchy arms where feathers no longer grow.
“Yes Big Mama?”
A swan yokai based off of no myth really, I was watching Swan Lake when thinking about what to make Griffith lol. And I thought it would be funny to see the ever graceful swan reduced (or improved) as a big buff blacksmith in the Battle Nexus. He’s a gruff fellow, observant and meticulous in his work. He has been working as Big Mama’s blacksmith for almost the entirety of his life. He’s a man of little words, his body etched with numerous burn scars and battle scars (he argues that in order to create a weapon, you have to understand the fundamentals behind the weapon). He’s fluent in weaponry, often training with different weapons before using that knowledge attained to creature finely tuned weaponry that earned him a notorious title as the Battle Nexus’s renowned blacksmith. He holds no regard to many fighters, just watches them come and go as time goes on. He’s one of the oldest yokai living in the Hidden City, due to retire although never showing signs of accepting retirement, especially how youthful he seems.
Fun fact: He offered to make Lou Jitsu a weapon during the actor’s time in the Battle Nexus, but Lou Jitsu never accepted. Despite his keen eye, during F!Leo’s time in the Battle Nexus he never saw the similarities between Lou Jitsu’s style and F!Leo’s style—almost as if they were complete strangers.
Significance: His keen eye observed that F!Leo’s style was downright barbaric, almost sloppy had it not been so calculated. For every “mistake” in movement, there was a follow up that filled the gap. He almost opted to give F!Leo a barbed mace if Big Mama didn’t tell him that F!Leo’s weapon is a sword. He, without saying anything except carved F!Leo’s title into the handle, revealed F!Leo’s barbaric tendencies when fighting. He informs F!Leo through the title that F!Leo had long abandoned teachings and opted for desperation and cruelty in fighting. This, in turn, makes F!Leo realize how much he had changed because of the war and his actions. Griffith makes F!Leo momentarily break from thoughts about the past and realize the present—and that tells F!Leo that he’s not acting as the man he once was. Griffith’s part was extremely short, but he played a huge part in F!Leo’s life that F!Leo hadn’t realized. Although F!Leo never acted upon noticing this change, it opened his eyes significantly. But in RoC, Griffith played another part in helping F!Leo accept a new norm, a norm that is beyond fighting to push the pain down to fighting to heal. Another small part, but huge in F!Leo’s life.
Officer Xeni: First appearance in Leonardo Come Down Ch.5: Atone and Alone
The yokai policeman stares at Leon suspiciously, eyeing the young mutant. Leon smiles nervously behind a confident facade, his eyes switching between the policeman and the screen on the desk he leans on. The policeman almost draws his lip up in disgust at the elbow that leans on his desk and Leon quickly retreats.
“Let me check,” the yokai policeman taps away on the hologram, suspiciously eyeing the turtle gang as he does. A few more taps into the system and he says, “Alright… we don’t have a Leonardo Hamato nor a Hamato Leonardo. But we do have a Loathsome Leonard, and… hm. No last name.”
An unnamed badger yokai based off of the mujina in Japanese mythology. He was originally unnamed and species unspecified in the fic as I didn’t want to name him at the time of writing LCD hehe. He’s a pretty laidback guy, a little normal in comparison to the previous characters. He’s simply an officer, born and raised in the Hidden City, normal family of two kids and a wife at home that happened to meet the Hamatos as the strangest part of his mundane life.
Fun fact: He’s the definition of “she’s so boring if she were a spice, she’d be flour” (Louise from Bob’s Burgers) /lhj he’s literally just an average guy doing his job, happy and comfortable with his life
Significance: He plays the part of the informant for the readers and Little Leo. He fills in the readers for what happened in between the time that the Hamatos were asleep and F!Leo escaped to prison. He portrays the readers’ feelings about the F!Leo situation, showing pity to Leo for wanting so desperately to see F!Leo despite the ex-leader running away so often. He’s like a reader insert lol, not too entirely significant toward the plot other than being a bridge between the reluctant and self-isolating F!Leo and the desperate to understand Little Leo.
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nani-nonny · 9 months
Xeni is like the person i would make memes about like " he's behind me... Isn't he " while LCD having a sword in hand and seconds away from writing Xeni's fate xD
U s there any more informations about him?
Hmm… nothing really much to share about him. He’s a casual guy, works full shifts at the prison, goes out with friends or the family on weekends, occasionally catches up with sports just to get a conversation going, shops with his wife for groceries or the kids’ presents.
The only thing really interesting about him is working at the prison. He sees some funky guys, but he usually works the desk so he doesn’t really go head-on with these criminals.
Oh, that and he’s a mujina so he can shapeshift. But he doesn’t really use that. Not like he can ever really use it since he works the desk, not that he hates it, he prefers it because less danger.
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nani-nonny · 9 months
Ngl, thought Roddy would be like some teacher in resistance since in the scratched movie intro it showed kids training on target practice.
You would think that, and many others thought so too, but he surprised them by showing how appalled he was at the notion that he would be teaching children how to fight. He’s strongly against it, and despite 10 years into the war, he still believes that this fight belongs to the adults, not the children.
Which is why he sent Leo away into the base, rather than let Leo fight alongside them—despite seeing Leo with a sword.
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nani-nonny · 9 months
Roddy was a mutant? And what was the huge accident that mutated humans?
Yes! Roddy was mutated in the huge accident that occurred about 2 or 3 years after the Krang invaded. This was when Donnie realized that the widespread sickness at the time was a slow mutation in humans.
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nani-nonny · 9 months
Wiler and Ripper are like the dynamic " Tall softy & Short gremlin " their friendship is just so wholesome 🥺
They’re so sweet :)
They give heavy “he asked for no pickles” vibes hehe
Ripper’s just an anxious big bird and Wiler is… something alright /j
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nani-nonny · 9 months
Xein is like the person who would say " what could go wrong? " while reading a magazine and eating snacks not knowing LCD is standing behind him!!
That would happen if lcd followed the plot from one of my very old answered asks " what would happen if kids got arrested and put again in hidden city prison? "
Hahah like the sound from Chowder (I think chowder? I can’t remember but it resurfaced on tiktok)
“And nothing can go wrong! OH NO IT ALL WENT WRONG”
But thankfully, nothing bad happened he was just the in-between when F!Leo imprisoned himself and Lil Leo asking why
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nani-nonny · 9 months
Your ocs are so entertaining and i think i loved Roody and Olympia! Olympia is like the type who would get along with DMD and talk about the " Tea " WHILE drinking tea lol
Roddy’s a sweetheart hehe
And Olympia’s perception would definitely pick up on the small things about my peepaws given the chance haha!
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