blackfilmmakers · 5 months
"Kids are loud and inconsiderate and sticky and snotty" yeah so are the drunk adults I gotta deal with at work, and the (nonservice) dogs they want to always include in everything
Literally find a way to cope around people
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tomatoluvr69 · 2 years
Yeah that train loving chihuahua is cute but if I was trying to commute to work on the subway and you let your off leash nonservice dog approach me let’s just say I’d be givin him the ol actually wait never mind one I’m not even that cruel bc it’s your fault not his. nor can I think of a funny analogous death treatment for him but yeah basically I’d be very passive and say nothing but my day would be sadly ruined due to allergies lol
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patern29 · 1 year
Guidel, Doelan et le Port du Belon: 3 escales pour découvrir les rias du Finistère Sud
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Les rias du Finsitère Sud, de la Laïta à l’Odet, offrent des paysages magnifiques à qui sait les découvrir. Voici trois escales, hors du temps, pour aller à la rencontre de ces côtes bretonnes. Le choix d’une croisière en Bretagne peut s’avérer compliqué, tant les possibilités d’escales et de mouillages sont nombreux. Entre les îles fleuries de la côte nord, les abers du bout du monde et les eaux protégées de la Baie de Quiberon, les opportunités de croisière sont nombreuses. Un des plans d’eau souvent méconnu est celui des rias du Finistère Sud, entre Lorient et Loctudy. Cette côte est pourtant magnifique. Naviguer le long de ces hautes collines, c’est se laisser embarquer vers un voyage ou la mer épouse les terres, ou l’océan vient enlacer les campagnes via des rias qui peuvent remonter les terres sur plusieurs milles. Qui n’a jamais navigué entre les pins et les champs de blé, au son des clochers et des oiseaux, ne sait pas ce que ces côtes peuvent offrir. Mais ai delà de ces paysages romanesques, ou les plus grands peintres, comme Paul Gaugin, ont posés leurs pinceaux, les petits ports de cette côte sont une invitation à rester sur place quelques jours, loin des grandes marinas bruyantes, pour découvrir la région, en randonnée ou en kayak. Voici 3 escales indispensables si vous naviguez entre Lorient et Loctudy.
Guidel, sa ria et ses plages
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Guidel est une station balnéaire plus connue pour ses plages et ces spots de glisse que pour son port de plaisance. Il est vrai que ce port n’est pas bien grand et sera réservé aux voiliers de petites tailles, et de préférence aux faibles tirants d’eau. De plus, la barre, à l’entrée de la ria, peut parfois sembler traître. Pourtant le chenal est bien balisé, entre les bancs de sable. Arrivé dans ce port, toujours à flots, sur ponton ou sur bouée, vous serez surpris de découvrir un autre environnement, loin des immenses plages. Faisant face au Pouldu, et au Finistère, Guidel est la porte d’entrée d’une ria remontant une rivière, la Laïta, jusqu’à Quimperlé. Il faudra être prudent, si vous souhaitez remonter la rivière. De nombreux bancs de sable se déplacent suivant les années. Et dans tous les cas, cela ne se fera qu’en dériveur. Cependant, cette escale est pleine de promesses pour qui aime la randonnée, la forêt et le kayak, loin de bruit de la civilisation. La ville de Quimperlé, au bout de la ria, mérite le détour et vous permettra de remplir la cambuse avec des produits du terroir. Informations Port de Guidel
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Port de Guidel CAPACITE :Total places :425Dont visiteurs :15Sur ponton :210Sur bouées :215Longueur maximum :13Tirant d’eau maximum :2Accès personnes à mobilité réduite :nonSERVICES TECHNIQUES :Grue :nonÉlevateur :nonCale de débarquement :ouiAire de carénage :nonPompe à eaux noires :nonRécupération huiles usées :nonAUTRES SERVICES :Wifi :OuiCarburant :OuiEau douce :OuiÉlectricité :OuiLaverie :nonSanitaires / douches :ouiA PROXIMITE :Entretien bateaux :nonShipchandler :noncommercesouiRestaurantsouiLocation auto / vélo :Oui
Doëlan, la carte postale
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Lorsque vous continuez votre navigation, plus vers l’ouest, vous arriverez au port de Doëlan. Ce petit port de pêche, est une véritable carte postale des ports bretons. Le port est une petite crique s’enfonçant sur quelques centaines de mètres. Les mouillages sont situés dans l’avant-port, près d’une zone technique. En remontant le port, avec votre annexe, vous découvrirez les quais avec ces petites maisons de pierre et son phare. Vous pourrez vous balader entre les maisons fleuries d’hortensias et de roses trémières, à la belle saison. Quelques restaurants, et une coopérative maritime sont située le long des quais. Pour ceux qui aiment la randonnée, de très belles balades côtières sont à faire, à partir du port de Doëlan. Vers l’est, vous pourrez aller jusqu’au Pouldu, et ses plages de sable fin. Vers l’ouest, vous longerez les falaises pour découvrir les petites criques de Porz Lamat, Porz Teg, Porz Bali, avant d’arriver à la ria de Merrien ( autre escale très agréable et au calme). Informations Port de Doëlan
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Port de Doelan CAPACITE :Total places :320Dont visiteurs :20Sur ponton :0Sur bouées :320Longueur maximum :14Tirant d’eau maximum :3Accès personnes à mobilité réduite :nonAccèsbarre suivant météoSERVICES TECHNIQUES :Grue :ouiÉlevateur :nonCale de débarquement :ouiAire de carénage :nonPompe à eaux noires :nonRécupération huiles usées :nonAUTRES SERVICES :Wifi :nonCarburant :nonEau douce :OuiÉlectricité :nonLaverie :nonSanitaires / douches :ouiA PROXIMITE :Entretien bateaux :nonShipchandler :ouicommercesnonRestaurantsouiLocation auto / vélo :non
Port du Belon, pour s’enfoncer dans la campagne
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Enfin, notre troisième escale nous emmène aux portes des côtes de la Cornouaille. Après avoir passé la rivière de Brigneau, et son petit port abrité, nous arrivons à l’embouchure des deux plus grandes rias, il s’agit de l’Aven, menant jusqu’à Pont Aven, et du Belon, s’enfonçant tout près du bourg de Moelan. Arrivé à cet endroit, vous aurez le choix entre les deux rivières. A l’entrée, vous serez accueilli pour une grande falaise séparant les deux rias, bordées, chacune, par deux belles plages : Kerfany pour le Belon et la plage de Port Manech pour l’Aven. Si vous choisissez l’Aven, vous pourrez remonter jusqu’au port de Rosbras, puis Pont Aven. Si vous choisissez le Belon, vous pourrez remonter jusqu’au port du Belon, voire allez mouiller tout au fond de la rivière, en profitant de la marée haute ( vous échouerez à marée basse). Le port de Belon est une escale très agréable, entre les pins et les champs, à l’abri du vent. Informations Port du Belon :
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CAPACITE :Total places :200Dont visiteurs :?Sur ponton :0Sur bouées :200Longueur maximum :15Tirant d’eau maximum :2Accès personnes à mobilité réduite :nonSERVICES TECHNIQUES :Grue :nonÉlevateur :nonCale de débarquement :ouiAire de carénage :nonPompe à eaux noires :nonRécupération huiles usées :nonAUTRES SERVICES :Wifi :nonCarburant :nonEau douce :OuiÉlectricité :nonLaverie :nonSanitaires / douches :ouiA PROXIMITE :Entretien bateaux :nonShipchandler :noncommercesnonRestaurantsouiLocation auto / vélo :non Découvrez toutes les rias et abers de Bretagne Read the full article
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mwisterrunner5 · 3 years
i took thea to starbucks.. drank my frappe, sat down and wasnt hungry just thought about getting a small snack bc I exercised AND MY EATING PERIOD WAS ENDING IN A MINUTE AAA
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I wasnt hungry so I did end up passing on the snack. I ate a 600 calorie pizza this morning and ate a lil through out the day and got an almond milk tall chai frappe no whip drank right b4 eating period was over :)
while it definitely wasnt the best thing to have before the end of a fast atleast i got something yknow
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kow · 7 years
HAHAHAHA he aahhhhhhhh hahahahhahwhwiei owowosksksisjkeieejw wkwiwowoowowowowoowow that slwlwlwlwklkb when the mic. kept dropping and he kept smiling Y'all see that smile!!!! did u see him!!!!!!!!! he made at least 2 stupid jokes!!!!!!!!!!! and he's my favorite person in the entire world and i saw him with my own 2 eyes!!!!
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richmond-rex · 4 years
“Women’s patronage was very influential in the arts, and also served as an influence on the language. While male patronage frequently produced works in Latin, female patronage primarily produced works in the vernacular. The resulting demand for vernacular manuscripts and books led to the growth in the use of the vernacular in literature over Latin. Of the nonservice books owned, the devotional and didactic books were usually in English, while the romances were frequently in French. Although historians generally accept that most women did not know Latin (Bishop Fisher mentions that Margaret Beaufort regretted not being taught Latin as part of her education), Alice West refers in her will to “alle the bokes that I haue of latyn, englisch, and frensch,” so generalizations may be misleading about the education of aristocratic women.”
— Sharon Michalove, “Women as Book Collectors and Disseminators of Culture in Late Medieval Europe” In: Reputation and Representation in Fifteenth-Century Europe (2004)
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soulvomit · 5 years
80s/90s professional culture and recent self-help/"personal development" culture actually encouraged distancing from people whose lives were "too complicated." Too messy. "Don't associate with that person. They will ruin your life." About anyone who did not have the perfectly curated "I have it together, and am NOT NEEDY" image. Being seen as "together" was probably a proxy for social capital as well as "adulthood."
This probably started with people trying to enter the professional world in the mid-70s and still dealing with half of their social world living the poor young person crash pad lifestyle (because I argue that the cracks in the wall of the middle class may have already been appearing in the 1970s; people appearing to reject the "American Dream" may need to be analyzed as canaries and Cassandras) and the other half being on drugs.
For some people, like my parents, that's what it definitely was about. They had a baby/toddler and eventually they came to see their hippie and old school stoner friends as part of the instability they were experiencing. Some of these people eventually settled into full time jobs, but as of the mid-70s, plenty hadn't.
My parents couldn't live in hippie crash pads anymore. Not with a kid. They were running into too many issues with their equally unstable friends, and their financial situation trapped them in these spaces for years.
They drifted around to whomever would give them guidance - Amway (which had mainstream square culture values), a couple of attempts at religion.
They were typical.
At first this was just about trying to figure out how to live in an adult world still largely run on Silent Generation mainstream values.
For white, culturally middle class to affluent men, this was relatively straightforward: use the college degree or whatever existing skills and social capital you had, to get a traditional job. Male work culture of the 20th century very much assumed a wife was at home handling things. "Leave your personal problems at home" totally assumed someone else was carrying that bucket. It meant in the 70s and 80s as it had in the 50s, that a man's wife was handling all of the personal relationships and interactions that didn't have to do with his workday. His wife would be the stage manager of his non-work life from behind the scenes. That's what it REALLY meant to "leave your personal life at home."
But women were now working full time, middle class corporate jobs, too. And that same mentality was still the rule.
Codependency talk and a new re-embrace of corporate work culture, found their way into the same conversations, much the same way that government conspiracy theories, aliens, and New Age became bedfellows: because they shared the same shelves of the bookstore.
At around this same time you also started to see the growth of codependency ideas and later, a popular book called "Women Who Love Too Much." (A solid book, but needs an intersectional update.) WWLTM became a network of support groups in the 80s (...that helped my mom leave my dad.) But so many of the stories in WWLTM are of 30something women (often, ex-hippie) who had been exploited as the Giving Tree in 60s/70s culture, a specific gendered toxic dynamic.
But you know how we have all seen good memes go bad? Like, cultural appropriation being a solid analysis and real thing, but in the last 5 years, it's devolved into a set of arguments that in no way resemble the original thing? For that matter, remember when MRA culture was specifically about the legal rights of divorced men?
That same thing is what happened to the growing 70s/80s culture of post-hippie "getting it together."
That very same thing.
In 1976, "getting it together" was relatively benign.
But by the 80s, it began to separate the people who'd played at the counterculture lifestyle from the people who had been trapped in it. Not everyone could "get it together." Because deindustrialization was already starting to be underway as the party was ending, and in many cases, because the American Dream simply had not been on offer to begin with.
If your only means of doing so was via a factory job or via even the shrinking number of nondegreed female-dominated non-care/nonservice jobs (how many career secretaries do you know now?) then you had way fewer options than did someone who could enter the computer field or become a professional. And fewer options than did someone who could fall back on fields that got to be the last dominos to fall (pro sales people could shift from industrial to tech or real estate), instead of the first.
What's happened is that the ONLY visible middle class narratives of the mid 70s and beyond, until the 21st, were yuppies. Everyone else was deplatformed.
The "getting it together" meme came to be a proxy for your very fitness as a human being. It now included a backlash against the sharing and mutual aid culture of counterculture spaces, because many white, middle class Boomers didn't really know how to navigate the social world outside of the Hayea Code curated world of their suburban childhood. They were the first generation to try to figure out how that worked, and many failed. They were navigating drastic changes in social norms. It became a commonly repeated meme that your problem was the people in your life. (Because it often was. But this went the way many culture memes do.) Fuck em, focus on your job and only the people who support your getting it together. But the milepost kept getting shifted. "Getting it together" in the early to mid 70s might mean just getting a job and a stable place to live. That's how it started for my parents. As of the mid 1970s, it started to become apparent to a lot of people that holding a corporate job and raising a school age child were both often totally incompatible with having your burnout friends stay up until 2am playing folk music (this was a real thing my family did before my dad got a middle class job) on a weekday, let alone traipse a variety of lost souls through your living room on any given day of the week.
But the mileposts for "getting it together" kept changing up (just as "getting it together" of the 70s turned into "early yuppie" of the 80s) and probably because corporate standards were always about curation and appearances, "getting it together" came to mean that you did NOT have a hippie crashing on your couch, you did NOT have complicated personal life in *any way*, you did NOT socialize in a space where everyone openly slept with the same people or had complicated breakups, you did NOT ever have complicated caregiving arrangements... basically, either you were heterosexually married or you were a very, very cool-as-a-cucumber, self-contained single who never, ever felt heartbreak.
This is the sociopathic core of yuppie culture.
My analysis will hit the 90s at some point, but we wouldn't have had the 90s without the 70s and 80s.
I'm sure lots of the Divorce Boom of the 80s followed on 70s people marrying for all the wrong reasons, because they were trying to "get it together." And sometimes "getting it together" meant different things to the two people.
My dad became an early techie and stayed relatively close to left wing and liberal culture. After he and my mom split up, he married the hippie of his dreams. And he made good incomes off and on, but also struggled off and on and retired in a trailer; he *would* have been much more successful if indeed he had played the yuppie social games, because he willingly took on dependencies that yuppies shunned. There was a strong meme in yuppie culture, fueled by codependency discourse and a warping of Women Who Love Too Much but also "positivity," of not ever helping people, of not being close to people who could potentially financially rely on you or take time away from your work. "They've all made their own bed."
If my dad had followed that lead - he might have become stable, he might even have become rich. But he married a precariat class ex-hippie who had multiple poor dependents, and formed some "found family" around their mutual friendships. And as the person in the group with the most money, he was often relied upon for help.
That's exactly what late-stage Getting It Together non-neediness discourse was supposed to prevent.
For my mom, "getting it together" meant doubling down on respectability politics and traditionalism, putting herself in rich circles, and marrying a professional man with square values. She scrupulously avoided anyone who could "take her down with them." Which is good advice in many cases but in yuppie parlance, effectively meant distancing from any person who was not in your aspirational social class, and distancing from any person in any situation you have left behind (she dumped her single friends once remarried, as instructed by this culture meme.)
The difference between the outcomes for my mom and dad:
My dad lives in a trailer with his wife and their cats, but he has a huge extended family of family and found-family. Lots of people care about him. He's not going to have the problem of being alone in old age.
My mom really does risk being alone in old age because her whole social world was oriented around social capital pissing contests and that only works as long as you actually have the money to purchase a substitute support net.
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May 25, 2022
Dog-friendly Restaurant Patios
Mr. Walker: Mr. Speaker, summer is just around the corner, and with summer comes patio season. This year grabbing a drink and food in Alberta is going to be just a little bit nicer for some of our four-legged friends. No longer shall my dog Kai and other furry friends need to be left home when families go out to enjoy the summer weather and great food Alberta has to offer.
Starting today, Albertan restaurants no longer need to go through a lengthy approval process to allow dogs onto patios. Albertans elected a government committed to cutting red tape, and we took that promise seriously. By establishing a ministry of red tape reduction, we have been able to lead Canada in reducing unnecessary government bureaucracy. This change will make it easier for Albertans to support our restaurant industry while they are out with their dogs this patio season, and we’re doing this all without compromising food safety. Nonservice dogs are allowed on patios only and must be on a leash or in carriers at all times. Cutting this piece of red tape will allow our public health inspectors to focus their efforts where they are needed most and remove some of their burden.
It’s policies like these that, when put together, demonstrate just how much this government is working and doing to make the lives of Albertans easier. I know that my dog Kai, an Australian cattle dog, will be very happy to join me and my family when we go to get a bite this summer out on one of the fabulous Sherwood Park patios. Mr. Speaker, Albertans should know that they have a clear choice: Conservatives on this side, who are working to make their lives simpler for Alberta families, or the socialists on the other side, who want to make life more complicated.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
Fewer Pets Qualify To Fly With Passengers On U.S. Planes, According To New Ruling
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/fewer-pets-qualify-to-fly-with-passengers-on-u-s-planes-according-to-new-ruling/
Fewer Pets Qualify To Fly With Passengers On U.S. Planes, According To New Ruling
Grace Brown-Griffin smiles for the camera with Merlin, a crossbreed who works as a Support Dog for … [] Grace who is autistic and has ADHD. Photo by Lewis Whyld/PA Images via Getty Images)
There is no doubt that furry friends can be highly therapeutic, but not all are eligible as service dogs—a distinction that will become painfully clear when the flying public begins to travel routinely again post-pandemic. In a change of policy, the Department of Transportation (DOT) announced that only designated service dogs will be allowed to accompany passengers on flights starting next month. The federal ruling reclassifying emotional support animals (ESA’s) as pets (now, not allowed on flights) won’t be a surprise. The DOT reports receiving 15,000 opinions during the period open for public comment.
But during a pandemic in which health mandates are openly flouted and Americans, unable to connect with family and friends, have found deep comfort in pets, the implications of the ruling are huge.
The problem is that if you aren’t steeped in the finer points of distinguishing a psychiatric service dog from an ESA, the distinction may either be lost on you—or infuriate you. And if you are a disabled person who counts on a service animal for safety and independence, the nuances of the new law will also need review. There is some language about breeds and respectful questioning of passengers to protect disabled travelers from being interrogated or turned away.
The ADA defines a service animal as a dog that is “individually trained” to “perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.” Tasks must be a clear service. “A seizure dog is a dog that has been trained (or has learned) to respond to a seizure in someone who has epilepsy,” according to the Epilepsy Foundation.
A service dog may also provide emotional support. Paws For a Cause, for example, trains dogs to be constant companions to autistic children.
A doctor’s note, no matter how official it seems, will not qualify an ESA as a service dog. ESA’s are essential to the people who use them and it will be a while before the full effect of this ruling affects their travel plans.
What some flight attendants called a “Noah’s Ark” in the air, where all types of creatures big and small— birds, pigs, miniature horses and rabbits—boarded with their owners, are over.
Defining Need Gets Blurred
Claims of pets being trained medical companions got out of hand several years ago, undermining the trust of the airline industry and putting people with a true medical need to have a pet as an aide in a precarious position. In 2018, airlines reported that requests for emotional support pets on airlines rose more than 75%, and not coincidentally, reports of bad pet behavior on planes also rose. According to a corporate statement that year, “Delta’s updated policy follows an 84% increase in reported incidents involving service and support animals (2016-2017), including urination/defecation, biting and even a widely reported attack by a 50-pound dog.” United Airlines reported carrying 76,000 emotional support animals in 2017, a steep increase from years past.
The New Normal for Flyers
Just two years later, we are living in a completely new normal, one in which a limit on any type of emotional support may seem like yet another highly unwelcome change. “I feel for dog owners who do not want to put their dogs into the cargo hold of an airplane, it’s not safe for the dogs and feels cruel given the freezing temperatures and total darkness,” said Brian Kelly, CEO and founder of the travel advice site, The Points Guy. But Kelly said, “too many people abused the existing rules for traveling with animals, leading even to passengers and crew members getting hurt. This made things harder for those who were traveling with a legitimate service animal for legitimate reasons.”
John Morris, blogger, disability advocate and founder of Wheelchairtravel.org said that “despite the fact that there was abuse, with some nondisabled people falsely representing their pets as emotional support animals, new restrictions on the carriage of those animals are likely to cause problems for those who have a legitimate need for the companionship of an emotional support animal. 
Accepting That Rules Change
The history of pets on flights may surprise you. In the past, it’s true that dogs, cats and, yes, miniature horses were given top priority as service animals. Now, the current rule reserves these spots for dogs only.
Morris is hopeful that the new documentation requirements for traditional service dogs will not be too significant a barrier to disabled people who must travel with a service animal. The Department of Transportation, he says, seems to have struck a reasonable balance after consultation with the disability community and industry stakeholders. 
Kelly is also hopeful that the new rules from the DOT will still allow those with true physical or mental health needs to travel with their service animals and hope the industry will change. “There’s no doubt that the vast majority of pet owners would pay a premium to keep their pets safe while traveling, and I’d love to see airlines come up with innovative methods and guidelines safely allow people to travel with their furry friends,” says Kelly.  
To reduce the stress of traveling as much as possible, educate yourself on the specifics of the airline you are flying. There are still some foggy areas. Delta, Southwest and others are still reviewing their policies, but by law, they are not required to accommodate nonservice animals. According to New Mobility magazine, people with disabilities plan on traveling, even through the pandemic, although probably staying closer to home and using a wide array of customizable vehicles.
Finding Comfort in Clarity
The updated service animal rules will require airlines to treat psychiatric service animals the same as other service animals. In exchange, the owner must provide documentation created by the Transportation Department. The forms are meant to ensure that owners are bringing pets that are healthy and well trained. If you are traveling over the holidays, check the current rules including a video with closed captioning.
Passengers with emotional support pets I spoke with were understanding. One snowbird in route to Florida will be sitting with their dog on their lap on a long drive down the East coast. Others said frankly it’s not an issue for them. Their family and beloved pet are staying put for the holidays, out of a fear of Covid-19, lack of funds or both. 
Saving Your Mental Energy
Of course, if you are dead set on finding a shortcut or workaround, you will likely find yourself typing in ‘service dog certification’ in your browser’s search area. Don’t, say experts. Your best bet is to know the current rules and follow them using the DOT guidelines. Your first red flag should be that most of these sites make no reference to the updated rules. The logos are also strikingly similar to the official ADA service dog certification, which can be confusing. Avoid the rabbit hole. By falling into what may be a fraudulent scheme, you are making it more difficult for people with qualified service animals to travel without disruption and repeated questioning.
From Diversity & Inclusion in Perfectirishgifts
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singswithmicoff · 4 years
I don't really blog on here but I am tonight. It's been a weird week or so at work and I'm ready for a longer break. Last Thursday I took Bernie into work for a bit so my coworkers could see it. It's technically not allowed but my new boss is very chill and no one really knew. But someone tattled to HR and I was reminded we can't have nonservice dogs in the office. So I took him home, no big deal.
Except because there's this weird tension and kinda cliques in the building. In January I switched departments from working at our main building in front desk support to support staff at our other office in town for our children's services. I started training at the end of December and my official transfer date was January 1. My old boss (who told me to apply) was super controlling and wanted control over my transition.
Because I really needed a job when I got hired (the Am*zon fulfillment center I worked closed) I was extra accommodating when she hired me. And it was taken advantage of because she had two fucked millennials that were terrified of being unemployed (myself and my best friend's brother-in-law). We were accommodating and reliable so it didn't really matter that Jennifer has chronic illness or that Amanda quit or that we couldn't keep it completely staffed. She had Arthur and me for four years to fill in the gaps. Then Arthur quiet last September. Then in December they offered me the transfer. And Rebeca was moving to Montana. And Debbie had transferred to Med Services. And Robin approved Stephanie's transfer to the Coffeyville office.
All between September and mid-December. Robin's brilliant idea was that I could put my office in her area because they didn't really need someone full time (and she'd still get to be in control of me). That didn't happen thankfully. But part of the deal was that I would help out at the main office until she got staffed. It dragged out until my boss put an end to it because we were going on two months into my transfer (I'm fuzzy on dates because this year has been a shitshow but I know I was still dealing with it when I went to Dallas Valentine's Day weekend) and at some point it had to end. I just kept wondering what she would've done if I had left the company. She wouldn't've been able to make me come back 20 hours for two months.
Anyway. It eventually ended and COVID happened so I got to hide in my little cubby and not care that she was mad, at me or because she lost control of me (a whole other tangent about how she has a weird fixation on my uncle so that didn't help that she lost three connection of his niece working for her). During all of this too she was getting divorced from her husband who hadn't lived in the same state as her the whole four+ years I'd worked for her. Then she got remarried after like 6 months and it's apparently another shitty situation.
Back to Thursday and the cliques. I'm in the children's services department so I've clicked in with them and our small club of Democrats (we're friends with the Republicans in CBS too though). There's also Sarah who's in Robin's department and was moved to front desk in the last year or so. She's emotionally immature for her age and is on the spectrum (I don't know anything for certain but it's obvious). She's a few years younger than me but since we live in a small town, especially as we've become adults, we've existed in each other's orbits. I'm super introverted but people are still drawn to me somewhat and between my customer service nature and general awkwardness, I end up with...I wouldn't say friends but something more than acquaintances. Sarah falls in there.
Also on Robin's team (she's being downsized and losing charge of the main support staff) is Becky. I've made awkward small talk with her a little since I moved into the building but she's pretty miserable from what I'm to understand so I never got too invested. Becky covers for Sarah when she goes to lunch or needs to get away from the desk. So when Bernie came to visit, Becky covered. Sarah said something about him being at the office and Becky said something about the fact we aren't supposed to have pets in the office. Then a short time later I received the email from HR. So Becky tattled to Robin who tattled to HR (because she's a monster who doesn't like dogs and is mad at me still 11 months later).
There was an incident Monday in lobby and Michele intervened because she was there and she's part of our crisis team. On Tuesday, Robin sent them an email and Sarah sent me part of it where she was basically being scolded (in my opinion) for how the situation was handled and told not to talk about it. Robin and the rest of her department (maybe not Hillary) bully Sarah. She vented to me and I mentioned how since I stopped working for Robin I realized how much better things were. It's made pretty clear I don't like Robin.
Tuesday afternoon my boss sends me a text, asking if I can meet with her in her office at 3:30. I begin panicking because I'm obviously being fired or getting in trouble somehow because usually she'd just pop down to see me. When I get there I ask if she wants me to shut the door, she said no we had two more people coming to join us. I internally panic as we discuss some upcoming stuff (which helped a bit because she wouldn't be telling me if I wasn't going to be there for it).
In walk Robin and Sarah, it took everything I had not to roll my eyes. Thank god for masks. Robin was made aware there were some emails. And how would we like it if Tammy and Robin were emailing about us. And she has always tried to promote us. She wasn't/couldn't tell us not to speak to each other (she very much wanted to tell us we couldn't speak to each other). I apologized for using work email/time to talk about someone because we're all a team (seriously may have strained my eyes in my attempt to keep from rolling them.)
It's a nonissue. We weren't in trouble but sure, we shouldn't be using work email like that (if she really wants to know how I feel she can go through Arthur's old emails that she got when he left.) Sarah's upset because Robin's her boss. Michele speaks to her and hopefully really got her less freaked out. Michele also speaks to IT and finds out no one has access to our emails but us (because our first thought was Robin was tracking her department's emails.) Instead someone (Becky) got into Sarah's emails and read them then tattled to Robin. Robin made it an issue. I apologized to Tammy on Wednesday because I don't want her bothered with bullshit drama from my old boss.
My best friend and her husband are on quarantine until after Thanksgiving. As long as she doesn't test positive I won't have to quarantine from our walk on Monday. My brother's on his second quarantine. My mom's office shut down until after Thanksgiving because they had a positive case. I want a quarantine. Or a cold so I have to be 72 hours symptom free before I return to work.
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digitaltariq · 4 years
Hundreds Of SFUSD School Bus Driver Laid Off Due To ‘Non-Service’ During Pandemic – CBS San Francisco
Hundreds Of SFUSD School Bus Driver Laid Off Due To ‘Non-Service’ During Pandemic – CBS San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) – All of the bus drivers who transport children to and from schools in the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) are being laid off, effective August 31, according to Sharon Chappill.
Chappill has been a school bus driver for 38 years and is president of SMART, Local 1741, the union that represents bus drivers, dispatchers and other staff.
“This is my layoff…
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patern29 · 2 years
Guidel, Doelan et le Port du Belon: 3 escales pour découvrir les rias du Finistère Sud
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Les rias du Finsitère Sud, de la Laïta à l’Odet, offrent des paysages magnifiques à qui sait les découvrir. Voici trois escales, hors du temps, pour aller à la rencontre de ces côtes bretonnes. Le choix d’une croisière en Bretagne peut s’avérer compliqué, tant les possibilités d’escales et de mouillages sont nombreux. Entre les îles fleuries de la côte nord, les abers du bout du monde et les eaux protégées de la Baie de Quiberon, les opportunités de croisière sont nombreuses. Un des plans d’eau souvent méconnu est celui des rias du Finistère Sud, entre Lorient et Loctudy. Cette côte est pourtant magnifique. Naviguer le long de ces hautes collines, c’est se laisser embarquer vers un voyage ou la mer épouse les terres, ou l’océan vient enlacer les campagnes via des rias qui peuvent remonter les terres sur plusieurs milles. Qui n’a jamais navigué entre les pins et les champs de blé, au son des clochers et des oiseaux, ne sait pas ce que ces côtes peuvent offrir. Mais ai delà de ces paysages romanesques, ou les plus grands peintres, comme Paul Gaugin, ont posés leurs pinceaux, les petits ports de cette côte sont une invitation à rester sur place quelques jours, loin des grandes marinas bruyantes, pour découvrir la région, en randonnée ou en kayak. Voici 3 escales indispensables si vous naviguez entre Lorient et Loctudy.
Guidel, sa ria et ses plages
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Guidel est une station balnéaire plus connue pour ses plages et ces spots de glisse que pour son port de plaisance. Il est vrai que ce port n’est pas bien grand et sera réservé aux voiliers de petites tailles, et de préférence aux faibles tirants d’eau. De plus, la barre, à l’entrée de la ria, peut parfois sembler traître. Pourtant le chenal est bien balisé, entre les bancs de sable. Arrivé dans ce port, toujours à flots, sur ponton ou sur bouée, vous serez surpris de découvrir un autre environnement, loin des immenses plages. Faisant face au Pouldu, et au Finistère, Guidel est la porte d’entrée d’une ria remontant une rivière, la Laïta, jusqu’à Quimperlé. Il faudra être prudent, si vous souhaitez remonter la rivière. De nombreux bancs de sable se déplacent suivant les années. Et dans tous les cas, cela ne se fera qu’en dériveur. Cependant, cette escale est pleine de promesses pour qui aime la randonnée, la forêt et le kayak, loin de bruit de la civilisation. La ville de Quimperlé, au bout de la ria, mérite le détour et vous permettra de remplir la cambuse avec des produits du terroir. Informations Port de Guidel
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Port de Guidel CAPACITE :Total places :425Dont visiteurs :15Sur ponton :210Sur bouées :215Longueur maximum :13Tirant d’eau maximum :2Accès personnes à mobilité réduite :nonSERVICES TECHNIQUES :Grue :nonÉlevateur :nonCale de débarquement :ouiAire de carénage :nonPompe à eaux noires :nonRécupération huiles usées :nonAUTRES SERVICES :Wifi :OuiCarburant :OuiEau douce :OuiÉlectricité :OuiLaverie :nonSanitaires / douches :ouiA PROXIMITE :Entretien bateaux :nonShipchandler :noncommercesouiRestaurantsouiLocation auto / vélo :Oui
Doëlan, la carte postale
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Lorsque vous continuez votre navigation, plus vers l’ouest, vous arriverez au port de Doëlan. Ce petit port de pêche, est une véritable carte postale des ports bretons. Le port est une petite crique s’enfonçant sur quelques centaines de mètres. Les mouillages sont situés dans l’avant-port, près d’une zone technique. En remontant le port, avec votre annexe, vous découvrirez les quais avec ces petites maisons de pierre et son phare. Vous pourrez vous balader entre les maisons fleuries d’hortensias et de roses trémières, à la belle saison. Quelques restaurants, et une coopérative maritime sont située le long des quais. Pour ceux qui aiment la randonnée, de très belles balades côtières sont à faire, à partir du port de Doëlan. Vers l’est, vous pourrez aller jusqu’au Pouldu, et ses plages de sable fin. Vers l’ouest, vous longerez les falaises pour découvrir les petites criques de Porz Lamat, Porz Teg, Porz Bali, avant d’arriver à la ria de Merrien ( autre escale très agréable et au calme). Informations Port de Doëlan
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Port de Doelan CAPACITE :Total places :320Dont visiteurs :20Sur ponton :0Sur bouées :320Longueur maximum :14Tirant d’eau maximum :3Accès personnes à mobilité réduite :nonAccèsbarre suivant météoSERVICES TECHNIQUES :Grue :ouiÉlevateur :nonCale de débarquement :ouiAire de carénage :nonPompe à eaux noires :nonRécupération huiles usées :nonAUTRES SERVICES :Wifi :nonCarburant :nonEau douce :OuiÉlectricité :nonLaverie :nonSanitaires / douches :ouiA PROXIMITE :Entretien bateaux :nonShipchandler :ouicommercesnonRestaurantsouiLocation auto / vélo :non
Port du Belon, pour s’enfoncer dans la campagne
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Enfin, notre troisième escale nous emmène aux portes des côtes de la Cornouaille. Après avoir passé la rivière de Brigneau, et son petit port abrité, nous arrivons à l’embouchure des deux plus grandes rias, il s’agit de l’Aven, menant jusqu’à Pont Aven, et du Belon, s’enfonçant tout près du bourg de Moelan. Arrivé à cet endroit, vous aurez le choix entre les deux rivières. A l’entrée, vous serez accueilli pour une grande falaise séparant les deux rias, bordées, chacune, par deux belles plages : Kerfany pour le Belon et la plage de Port Manech pour l’Aven. Si vous choisissez l’Aven, vous pourrez remonter jusqu’au port de Rosbras, puis Pont Aven. Si vous choisissez le Belon, vous pourrez remonter jusqu’au port du Belon, voire allez mouiller tout au fond de la rivière, en profitant de la marée haute ( vous échouerez à marée basse). Le port de Belon est une escale très agréable, entre les pins et les champs, à l’abri du vent. Informations Port du Belon :
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CAPACITE :Total places :200Dont visiteurs :?Sur ponton :0Sur bouées :200Longueur maximum :15Tirant d’eau maximum :2Accès personnes à mobilité réduite :nonSERVICES TECHNIQUES :Grue :nonÉlevateur :nonCale de débarquement :ouiAire de carénage :nonPompe à eaux noires :nonRécupération huiles usées :nonAUTRES SERVICES :Wifi :nonCarburant :nonEau douce :OuiÉlectricité :nonLaverie :nonSanitaires / douches :ouiA PROXIMITE :Entretien bateaux :nonShipchandler :noncommercesnonRestaurantsouiLocation auto / vélo :non Découvrez toutes les rias et abers de Bretagne Read the full article
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darcybutkus · 5 years
Lawmakers consider pet-related legislation | News
Lawmakers consider pet-related legislation | News
Most pet owners wish they could take their furry friends everywhere, but that doesn’t mean they should. In restaurants and stores, especially, this poses a risk to customers and pets alike, lawmakers say, which is why House Bill 243 has been filed to keep all nonservice animals outside of those public spaces. The bill is one of several that may affect pets next…
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wetrumpfeed · 5 years
Notice to Veterans! Mission Act of 2019 has gone into effect. Here is what you need to know!
Good morning pedes! It is your favorite (and only) Unipedal Veteran Moderator here to get our wonderful veterans up to date with everything they can expect from President Trump's VA MISSION Act of 2018.
  The process for receiving community care will be improved, including the following steps:
  VA confirms Veteran's eligibility for community care under the new criteria
A VA staff member assists the Veteran with scheduling the appointment or the Veteran schedules the appointment with their preferred community provider within the VA network
Veteran receives care from a community provider in the VA network
Community provider sends a claim to a Third Party Administrator of VA for payment
  Now, what are those "New Criteria":
  There are 6 criteria that can qualify a Veteran to receive community care; Veterans only need to meet one of these to qualify
  Veteran needs a service not available at a VA medical facility
For example, if you are a female Veteran and need maternity care, you would be eligible for community care because VA does not provide maternity care in any of its medical facilities.
Veteran lives in a U.S. state or territory without a full-service VA medical facility
States - Alaska, Hawaii, New Hampshire. Territories - Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands
Veteran qualifies under the "Grandfather" provision related to distance eligibility for VCP
For this element, there are a few different ways that a Veteran could be eligible for community care. Initially, there are two requirements that must be met in every case:
Veteran was eligible under the 40-mile criterion under the Veterans Choice Program on the day before the VA MISSION Act was enacted into law (June 6, 2018), and Veteran continues to reside in a location that would qualify them under that criterion.
For example, if you are a Veteran who has lived in Kansas since 2012, your home is 41 miles driving distance to the nearest VA medical facility with a full-time primary care physician, and you received VA care between June 6, 2017, and June 6, 2018, you would be eligible for community care until June 6, 2020.
VA cannot provide care within certain designated access standards
Average drive time is > 30 minutes for primary, mental health, and non-institutional extended care services (adult day health care)
60 minute average drive time for all specialty care (ortho, podiatry, prosthetics)
For appointment wait times - >20 days for primary care, mental health, and non-institutional extended care services, unless the Veteran agrees to a later date in consultation with their VA health care provider
28 days for specialty care from the date of the request, unless the veteran agrees to a later date in consultation with their VA health care provider
It is in the Veteran's best medical interest
For example, if you are a Veteran with a certain type of ovarian cancer that your VA oncologist is not experienced in treating, and you live close to a community medical facility where there is a specialist for that type of cancer, you could be eligible for community care if the clinician and patient agree that this treatment should be provided by the community medical facility.
A VA Service Line does not meet certain quality standards
For example, if VA has identified that the cardiology service line at a local VA medical facility is not providing care that meets VA’s standards for quality, the Veteran may be able to elect to receive your cardiology care in the community. However, there may be limits on when, where, and what is available under this criterion.
See the following PDF for more information
Click here to find a VA Community Provider in network Remember to call your PCP and get approved for Community care first!
Prescription Medication
If prescription medication is needed, the prescription should usually be sent to and filled by the nearest VA pharmacy. Veterans can receive short-term prescription medication for a 14-day or fewer supply that can be filled at a non-VA pharmacy. A prescription for more than a 14-day supply must be filled by VA.
Billing and Payments
After receiving care from a community provider, Veterans may have to pay a copayment for nonservice-connected care, just as the Veteran would if care was received at a VA medical facility. For urgent care, copayments depend on the Veteran's assigned priority group and the number of times the Veteran visits an urgent care provider in a calendar year.
  Community providers cannot bill or collect a VA copayment directly from Veterans, including for urgent care. All VA copayments are billed as part of VA’s billing process.
VA may also bill insurance companies for care that is nonservice-connected.
  If you get billed inappropriately and start receiving negative credit reporting or calls, you can call the Community Care Call Center for Assistance at 877-881-7618 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time)
Urgent Care
VA offers an urgent care benefit that provides eligible Veterans with greater choice and access to timely, high-quality care. Urgent care providers treat injuries and illnesses that require immediate attention, but are not life-threatening. The benefit supplements care Veterans may also have access to at a VA medical facility.
  When using the urgent care benefit, Veterans must go to an urgent care provider in VA’s network. Upon arriving, Veterans must state they are using their VA urgent care benefit. The urgent care provider will verify the Veteran’s eligibility before providing care.
Veterans eligible for this benefit get 3 visits per year paid for completely by the VA. After that, there may be a copay
To find an Urgent Care location in the VA's contracted network, use the VA Facility Locator
  If a Veteran arrives at an urgent care network location and has any difficulty receiving care, they can call 866-620-2071 for assistance
  These are some of the most important things for you all to know. I also want to encourage you all to contact the White House VA Hotline at 1-855-948-2311 if you have any issues whatsoever, if you have a suggestion, or a compliment for care above and beyond the call. I've called it twice and both times I spoke with a veteran that was very knowledgeable.
  For anyone that was familiar with John McCain's stench of a bill that was supposed to help Veterans, The Veteran's Choice Program, you should note that this program fixes a lot of the problems with that. The Choice Program is completely shut down at this point. If you have an appointment under that program, you should contact your doctor ASAP.
submitted by /u/CovfefeBucks [link] [comments]
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robgrayofficial · 5 years
Good morning pedes! It is your favorite (and only) Unipedal Veteran Moderate here to get our wonderful veterans up to do with everything they can expect from President Trump's VA MISSION Act of 2018. The process for receiving community care will be improved, including the following steps: VA confirms Veteran's eligibility for community care under the new criteriaA VA staff member assists the Veteran with scheduling the appointment or the Veteran schedules the appointment with their preferred community provider within the VA networkVeteran receives care from a community provider in the VA networkCommunity provider sends a claim to a Third Party Administrator of VA for payment Now, what are those "New Criteria": There are 6 criteria that can qualify a Veteran to receive community care; Veterans only need to meet one of these to qualify Veteran needs a service not available at a VA medical facilityFor example, if you are a female Veteran and need maternity care, you would be eligible for community care because VA does not provide maternity care in any of its medical facilities.Veteran lives in a U.S. state or territory without a full-service VA medical facilityStates - Alaska, Hawaii, New Hampshire. Territories - Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin IslandsVeteran qualifies under the "Grandfather" provision related to distance eligibility for VCPFor this element, there are a few different ways that a Veteran could be eligible for community care. Initially, there are two requirements that must be met in every case:Veteran was eligible under the 40-mile criterion under the Veterans Choice Program on the day before the VA MISSION Act was enacted into law (June 6, 2018), and Veteran continues to reside in a location that would qualify them under that criterion.For example, if you are a Veteran who has lived in Kansas since 2012, your home is 41 miles driving distance to the nearest VA medical facility with a full-time primary care physician, and you received VA care between June 6, 2017, and June 6, 2018, you would be eligible for community care until June 6, 2020.VA cannot provide care within certain designated access standardsAverage drive time is > 30 minutes for primary, mental health, and non-institutional extended care services (adult day health care)60 minute average drive time for all specialty care (ortho, podiatry, prosthetics)For appointment wait times - >20 days for primary care, mental health, and non-institutional extended care services, unless the Veteran agrees to a later date in consultation with their VA health care provider28 days for specialty care from the date of the request, unless the veteran agrees to a later date in consultation with their VA health care providerIt is in the Veteran's best medical interestFor example, if you are a Veteran with a certain type of ovarian cancer that your VA oncologist is not experienced in treating, and you live close to a community medical facility where there is a specialist for that type of cancer, you could be eligible for community care if the clinician and patient agree that this treatment should be provided by the community medical facility.A VA Service Line does not meet certain quality standardsFor example, if VA has identified that the cardiology service line at a local VA medical facility is not providing care that meets VA’s standards for quality, the Veteran may be able to elect to receive your cardiology care in the community. However, there may be limits on when, where, and what is available under this criterion.See the following PDF for more informationClick here to find a VA Community Provider in network Remember to call your PCP and get approved for Community care first!Prescription MedicationIf prescription medication is needed, the prescription should usually be sent to and filled by the nearest VA pharmacy. Veterans can receive short-term prescription medication for a 14-day or fewer supply that can be filled at a non-VA pharmacy. A prescription for more than a 14-day supply must be filled by VA.Billing and PaymentsAfter receiving care from a community provider, Veterans may have to pay a copayment for nonservice-connected care, just as the Veteran would if care was received at a VA medical facility. For urgent care, copayments depend on the Veteran's assigned priority group and the number of times the Veteran visits an urgent care provider in a calendar year. Community providers cannot bill or collect a VA copayment directly from Veterans, including for urgent care. All VA copayments are billed as part of VA’s billing process.VA may also bill insurance companies for care that is nonservice-connected.If you get billed inappropriately and start receiving negative credit reporting or calls, you can call the Community Care Call Center for Assistance at 877-881-7618 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time)Urgent CareVA offers an urgent care benefit that provides eligible Veterans with greater choice and access to timely, high-quality care. Urgent care providers treat injuries and illnesses that require immediate attention, but are not life-threatening. The benefit supplements care Veterans may also have access to at a VA medical facility. When using the urgent care benefit, Veterans must go to an urgent care provider in VA’s network. Upon arriving, Veterans must state they are using their VA urgent care benefit. The urgent care provider will verify the Veteran’s eligibility before providing care.Veterans eligible for this benefit get 3 visits per year paid for completely by the VA. After that, there may be a copayTo find an Urgent Care location in the VA's contracted network, use the VA Facility Locator If a Veteran arrives at an urgent care network location and has any difficulty receiving care, they can call 866-620-2071 for assistance These are some of the most important things for you all to know. I also want to encourage you all to contact the White House VA Hotline at 1-855-948-2311 if you have any issues whatsoever, if you have a suggestion, or a compliment for care above and beyond the call. I've called it twice and both times I spoke with a veteran that was very knowledgeable. For anyone that was familiar with John McCain's stench of a bill that was supposed to help Veterans, The Veteran's Choice Program, you should note that this program fixes a lot of the problems with that. The Choice Program is completely shut down at this point. If you have an appointment under that program, you should contact your doctor ASAP. #robgray
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