demonstars · 3 months
i always pronounced it noonkey
yeah this sounds about right
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allucka · 8 years
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this is a nice app
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toastoat · 7 years
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hey guys !! I just deleted and remade my old Patreon; since it was extremely stale and disorganized, and didn’t reflect my current trajectory at all. if you’re a new follower or have been around for a while, please consider becoming a Patron or just following my activity on Patreon to keep up with my artistic endeavors going forward. this will both help me to focus on personal projects more singularly, and hopefully help ease some financial strain from my life ! a lot of my productivity relies on being able to freely buy food and amenities every month, and having even a handful of patrons would help so much. 
the new page is here: https://www.patreon.com/nunki
this doesn’t mean i won’t be posting art on here, but the full works and files will now be exclusively found on my Patreon. for sketches and self-indulgent silly work, check out my sideblog @noonkey ! and thank u guys so much for all ur love and support over the years. 
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the-eclector · 6 years
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@roombavoomba @noonkey
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roombavoomba · 7 years
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here, have 5 different yondus @noonkey
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wirusu · 7 years
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Поплачь и всё пройдёт! "Noonkey – Исцеляющие слёзы". Первый взгляд на иг...
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thirty-oneajg · 7 years
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🎮My first #GameReview >w<🎮 Judul : Noonkey — Healing Tears Developer : POOM GAMES Download : Playstore Review : Main character yang bernama 'Noona' yang akan menangis ketika kita menyentuh layar dan akan menghasilkan air mata sebagai koin untuk upgrade; Healing power of tears, Fairy, dan Tree yang sekaligus juga dapat membuat Noona bertransformasi. Didukung dengan grafik yang cukup bagus, game ini bisa jadi salah satu referensi untuk menghilangkan bosan dan juga dapat meningkatkan mood kamu karena sesekali Noona akan memberikan kata kata motivasi (walaupun enggak banyak juga sih :v). Kelemahannya terkadang ketika menaikkan level Fairy tiba - tiba tombol tap menghilang tetapi bukan berarti Fairy itu sudah mencapai level maksimal dan menurut saya itu bug :v karena ketika quit game dan masuk lagi tombol tap yang hilang itu akan muncul kembali. Overall, sangat menghibur untuk game ringan yang dapat mengisi waktu luang. My Rating : 🔵🔵🔵⚫⚫
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enkiiper · 8 years
Noonkey is a mobile game where at the start, a blue haired girl named "noona" sits on a bench with a spaceish/underwaterish background. You tap just about anywhere on the screen and "noona" cries tears, everyonce in a while she says something comforting weather you're tapping the screen or not, you can level up your "healing power of tears" and fairys. it has calming music and is very helpful, please give it a try!
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toastoat · 7 years
Follow my new art/interests blog
@noonkey I’ll obvi still be posting here but if u want to be drowned in whatever my current interests are and also see furries
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the-eclector · 7 years
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sorry for lurking and just reblogging people’s cool Ravager OCs without explanation, here is some of the Yondu’s Clan AU crew so far for this blog !
for now i’m calling it the Trying Our Best AU, or just the TOB, since this AU is largely a setup for a redemption arc. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
alternate title: The Blue Man Group Deserved Better AU (TBMGDB, but its a bit of a mouthful). personally i’m doing this bc i love happy endings and ignoring canonical heartbreak.
this AU takes place in kind of a vague post-GotG1, pre-GotG2 timeline where the Guardians are together and Yondu’s Clan are a little more kindly regarded by both Peter and the Novacore for their assistance fighting Ronin. Yondu is still in exile, but in this AU his crew didn’t end up being comprised of scum of the earth who no other faction would have (i.e. the mutineers from GotG2). The crew (with names in the MCU) who stayed with Yondu through the exile are still there;
Kraglin (pictured), Oblo, and Tullk- as well as other loyal members (we’re assuming the group that was killed in GoTG2 during the mutiny was most likely with Yondu from the beginning)
the OC crewmembers are, left-to-right;
Cicada (runs this blog !) @noonkey , R-00 (also runs this blog !) @roombavoomba , Tand @whitefennec-blog , and Yon-Kig @ha-hahaha-ha-tower-knight
if you’re interested, feel free to submit an OC or join in ! its just a casual project i’d like to generate comics and fanart for, for my friends and people with similar space pirate obsessions. its 2018, make urself into an alien pirate to cope. 
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roombavoomba · 7 years
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“figure drawing” yeah bitch we know what this is for
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