#nooroo and duusuu
chocostrwberry · 4 months
Are you gonna also redesign the kwamis (the main 7 at least) for your au?
Only in like a minor way!! I’ll probably keep them looking the same, but I gave Tikki wings and other small details that is basically just her canon design!
I probably won’t mess with it much tho, I like their canon designs and rock with it enough to leave them alone ASHDHDB
EDIT: I couldn’t help myself.
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chaos-has-theories · 10 months
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Nathalie (left) and Gabriel (right) from Walking that Mile by Nomolosk
Because I heard "kwami human body swap" and could not stop laughing.
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darkietrashcan · 2 years
ML - Jubilation spoilers!
Y'all can we please talk about Gabriel giving literal industrially processed animal food to the kwamis??
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The poor kwamis. It could be worse though. But have Nooroo & Duusuu been eating this shit this whole time??????
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animebookworm16 · 2 years
So here’s a funny (read: stupid, trust me I came up with it) idea for a Miraculous Ladybug AU.
Mostly it just changes the way the Butterfly and Peafowl Miraculous work. They can still have their symbolism of Transformation and whateverthefuck that’s not the important part.
In this AU, Nooroo is like a djinn, he grants wishes but here’s the catch, the wishes have to be phrased in such a way that they are changing something about the person wishing, think less “I wish for world peace!” and more “I wish I could bring the world to peace”. Along with the whole ‘there has to be a strong emotion tied to it’ stuff.
And that’s why Hawky has to be so convincing, he litterally cannot take control of them until they make a wish. And the really fun part? Since MLB is set in a fictional universe, the writers could have it so that butterflies are known for granting wishes or something like that, like shooting stars or dandelions (which would also fix the issue of why it’s mostly kids who get targeted kids are more likely to make a wish than an adult) with the added caution of djinn (be careful what you wish for). So of course people would tell their wishes to passing butterflies never knowing that good ole’ Gabe might be listening in.
‘How does this become an AU’ I hear you cry? Because it could change the whole premise of the show. It isn’t just angry teens that were angry at the wrong moment, it’s an embarrased Ivan muttering in the hallway, “I wish I was strong enough to shut Kim up.” (an eight foot tall rock monster filled with rage would certainly do the trick), a slighted Alya staring blankly up at the sky and saying, “I wish I was fast enough to catch Chloe as Ladybug.” (teleporting through phones and litterally being able to pause someone certainly sounds promising), a heartbroken Alix staring at her family heirloom, “I wish I could go back in time and fix this.” (well that’s a little tricky but I’m sure your friends won’t mind helping!)
All that to say, the wish shapes the power. The stronger the wish, the stronger the abilities. Nooroo and the Butterfly are ‘meant’ (heavy quotation marks) to be used to lift people up when everything looks awful.
‘Didn’t you mention something about the Peafowl Miraculous?’ Why yes I did, I’m glad you remembered!
As for Duusuu. Duusuu’s powers aren’t wish based at all, in fact, a person doesn’t even have to realize that his powers have been at work, until it’s happening. In this AU Duusuu’s feathers (from the fan not his tail) attach to a person and act as a kind of ‘emotional spounge’ (again explaining why kids and teens are more likely to be targeted than adults) any excess emotions (like you finally beat a really hard level of a video game, or you just found out that your longterm partner has been cheating on you for most of it) get stored up, and when enough energy has been stored... you get to see a personification of the strongest emotion reflected as yourself. Let’s take Marinette as an example on say the day she got expelled because of Lila. Depending on how you personally (as the person potentially writing in this AU) take it, she was most likely either feeling furious or heartbroken. She would then be confronted with either a version of herself that just wanted to destroy everything in her path and go full scortched earth (furious) or a version that curled up on the stairs she supposedly pushed Lila down and cried her heart out. 
In other words Duusuu and the Peafowl are ‘meant’ (those same heavy quotation marks) to be used to either force a person to confront the worst parts of themselves (you have anger issues, you probably have clinical deppression, you are a smug self-righteous jerk who needs to step off their soapbox) or show them the best parts of themselves (you brighten other peoples days whenever you compliment them, you put everything you had into this project and deserve to feel proud of it, you love your family and friends and show it in your own way). So in other words, Duusuu is like a free dose of therapy. And when I say excess emotion, I don’t mean you had one good or bad day and that tipped it over, I mean you’ve had a consistent good or bad month before it tips over at that last straw.
Ironically, Nooroo and Duusuu aren’t meant to be active in the same place at the same time. Add in the misuse of the miraculous and boom, you’ve got the miraculous sentimonsters from the show.
‘What is so messed up in your brain that this is what you spend your free time thinking about?’
First of all we’re both on tumblr so rude. Second of all I couldn’t get the thought of, “What if the reason Plagg was so annoyed at Adrien calling him a jinni was because Nooroo was litterally the origin of that story and he didn’t want to be called a copycat.” and it just kind of spiraled from there.
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lesbianphildunphy · 1 year
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drew this at 2 am in like 5 mins sorry abt that. Wanted to share xx Also i have a question everyone where did the duusu eats almonds thing come from? Also is it duusuu or duusu, i’ve been saying duusuu like nooroo but idk..,, back to the almonds thing,, did they say it in the show or is this like a Jared Eats Bathbombs thing?
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Random Vtuber AU nonsense: after the Hawkmoth thing spirals into lore levels, Nooroo starts making occasional cameos on Adrien's "Starting Soon" screens as a lil easter egg. If the sentikids stuff also gets some lore equivalent this doubles for them and Duusuu.
Lila 100% has a running joke about constantly changing what animal shes themed after. Like shes obviously got the "sneaky fox" thing going but her followers are known as/represented by "her little butterflies", she says she has access to the others old costumes because shes part chameleon (and totally not cause the others' pcs were getting blaoted but didnt want to delete them). Heck, she even says that she saved Jagged's cat cause cats gotta look out for eachother
Speaking of, Lila has a black cat with purple eyes and earpiercings as one of her critters and she insists its Jagged's cat and she only has custody because Fang doesnt like them.
Alix and Kim's constant challenging eachother/competitions have reached memetic levels by now and multiple of their dares had "loser dies irl" as a clause
Okay I see the 'Jagged Cat' thing and I raise you bringing back Bandito from the atla au.
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simplyapinkflower · 3 months
The Box of Miracles
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Hidden lower Inner Ring
Pheonix - Gimmi, Kwami of Reality
Unicorn - Maguus, Kwami of Magic
Leviathan - Khaaos, Kwami of Chaos
Bull - Cosiima, Kwami of Order
Raven - Giia, Kwami of Creation
Coyote - Rofii, Kwami of Destruction
Upper Inner Ring
Ladybug - Tikki, Kwami of Fortune
Black Cat - Plagg, Kwami of Misfortune
Panda - Zoee, Kwami of Life
Crow - Morrs, Kwami of Death
Zebra - Orro, Kwami of Balance
Middle Ring
Butterfly - Nooroo, Kwami of Transformation
Peacock - Duusuu, Kwami of Desire
Swan - Kallos, Kwami of Captivation
Bee - Pollen, Kwami of Devotion
Fox - Trixx, Kwami of Deceit
Hawk - Thiia, Kwami of Truth
Turtle - Wayzz, Kwami of Protection
Dove - Puree, Kwami of Restoration
Spider - Dimii, Kwami of Fate
Vulture - Katta, Kwami of Intention
Lower Ring
Ox - Stompp, Kwami of Determination
Goat - Ziggy, Kwami of Prosperity
Dog - Barrk, Kwami of Love
Wolf - lupiin, Kwami of Loyalty
Monkey - Xuppu, Kwami of Derison
Crane - Aevuum, Kwami of Longevity
Mantis - Enn, Kwami of Patience
Pig - Daizzi, Kwami of Jubilation
Snake - Sass, Kwami of Time
Rabbit - Fluff, Kwami of Illusion
Mouse - Mullo, Kwami of Vigilance
Tiger - Roarr, Kwami of Courage
Rooster - Orikko, Kwami of Pretension
Horse - Kaalki, Kwami of Freedom
Dragon - Longg, Kwami of Ambition
Chameleon - Camii, Kwami of Camouflage
Cow - Moon, Kwami of Renewal
Deer - Rris, Kwami of Elegance
Lemur - Ionn, Kwami of Playfullness
Kangaroo - Ikka, Kwami of Adaptability
Shark - Hepph, Kwami of Confidence
Bear - Riior, Kwami of Strength
Owl - Thee, Kwami of Wisdom
Stag - Rii, Kwami of Independence
Koala - Raxx, Kwami of Tranquillity
Dingo - Till, Kwami of Perceivance
Lion - Basill, Kwami of Justice
Leopard - Mettis, Kwami of Stealth
Panther - Anaxx, Kwami of Mystery
Ant - Leii, Kwami of Diligence
Moth - Lixxi, Kwami of Evolution
Sheep - Lambb, Kwami of Sleep
Frog - Toxx, Kwami of Intoxication
Jackal - Parra, Kwami of Betrayal
Scorpion - Monn, Kwami of Solitude
Kwami Powers.
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
Speaking of your question about Plagg and Tikki, I feel like the kwamis aren't really... necessary? I mean, they work as sidekicks at times, but most of the time I feel like their role as actual gods is really null, they don't really advance the plot unless it's kwami related episode and their point as mentors suck.
It's why I prefer their PV selves, at least we can see how much they actually help. Plus, the whole reason they even enter the jewel makes me think "are all people who use Nooroo and Duusuu villains or something?"
So, I'd much rather prefer if they were this holographic animals (since I never understand why each one is considered that) over tech suits. Especially since they can't even offer advice when transformed.
(That's my opinion though, can be wrong)
Oh they really aren't. For the show, kwamis are an after thought. They're really just there to be the "anime mascot" and sell toys. They aren't included to be actual characters and powerful beings that have been around longer than humanity. Biggest show of this is that, we hardly have anything on the kwami-holder relationship outside the lead duo, and they just quickly default to "I like/love this human", and when there's multiple kwamis together, they default to a hive mentality and act like little kids.
You cut them out, you don't miss much. At most, you'll miss out on kwamis adding chaos and stress to Marinette's life, and you'd miss out on Plagg being with Adrien, which Plagg makes the most fun in the Adrien focused scenes. Take Plagg out, and Adrien just sits in his room. Though, that could be a plus cause if they want Adrien to be engaging, he'd have to DO something since there's no kwami to work off of.
Tikki and Plagg, who have the most attention for kwamis, aren't true characters either as their views and personality and actions will all come down to the whims of the writers and what they need kwamis to do for this specific episode. Like, take Tikki and her involvement in romance; some eps she will push the LS agenda or get invested in the romance, some eps she doesn't get it, or say she can't be involved as "kwamis don't feel romantic love". You got Plagg in some eps resisting the transformation cause he doesn't want to power the ring and just wants to laze around, but in another ep he'll be trying to get Adrien into action and be a hero.
So with all that, kwamis don't warrant existing in the show as they don't bring anything in or progress anything; and the bit of focus they get is often clashing with anything prior. Like, take Barkk who has 2 different personalities; you got a dutiful Barkk who is serious and diligent in Furious Fu, but then you get high on puppy energy Barkk in Strikeback. So, what's the true Barkk? Is Barkk a diligent and dutiful kwami? Is Barkk playful, warm, and energetic? Is Barkk a mixture of the two, knowing there's a time to play and a time to work?
They just don't care or prioritize the kwamis enough to establish character (though this does extend to a lot of ML characters who will have clashing actions and personalities).
I do find it to be a shame, cause I think the kwamis could've been the most fascinating aspect of ML. Cause these are beings who've been there as humanity grew and developed, and they did live through much of history and clearly have traveled all over the world and got to be involved in a variety of cultures. They should all be incredibly wise and have unique experiences to share. And given the animal motif, there could've been fun basing their personalities around animal stereotypes, and working off their symbolism and mythology.
Like, instead of no thoughts head empty, eager to be a servant Pollen, she should have been as sweet as honey, open minded, have strong values in diligence, duty, teamwork, communication, and nurturing others and all life. And if you actually successfully piss her off, she's going to be one of the scariest kwamis to face. Cause hey, bees will sting back, and in Hindu mythology, through the goddess Bhrami, bees and wasps are associated terminated evil/chaos; also actual bees will terminate a bad queen bee. So Chloe getting the Bee should have gone very differently. Could've also worked off Pollen being the only kwami to have a gender preference to what humans can use her power.
There's also a lot of potential in kwami relationships, as in mythology and fairy tales, many animals have complex relationships; some would be close friends, and some would be rivals if not enemies. Plagg and Mullo should be tense with each other and have a rivalry; Plagg and Barkk could frenemies, as well as Longg and Roaar. Plagg and Roaar could be tight as a loose nod to pair of Guardian Lions, Barkk and Orikko should be rivals with Trixx with the latter enjoying messing with Barkk and Orikko. Sass and Wayzz should be best friends, ect..
Another thing that could've been interesting, especially post Guardian Marinette, is that the kwamis all should have different views and opinions on what to do. And the chaos Marinette should have experienced is more too many cooks in the kitchen than dealing with floating toddlers. Like, take Marinette struggling whether to stay connected with her friends or cut ties to fully focus on being a hero, Barkk, Pollen, and Kaalki think she should continue to be friends with them, let them in. Ziggy, Sass, and Stompp though think she should cut ties to focus on her duty, embrace the independence. Trixx and Tikki think Marinette should try to do both, cause you need your friends, but you should also prioritize your duty. And Marinette is torn on who to listen to cause there's no easy answer.
So, should kwamis have not be included? Given the writers, yes. They don't care enough to really focus on the kwamis, and clearly can't handle all 19 kwamis that exist. But I do think they're a big missed opportunity cause they easily could've been the best part of the show given that many animals have a lot of myths, stories, and lore tied to them that could've been incorporated into the show and really make each kwami unique and fascinating.
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writing-in-sin · 1 year
Miraculous the Awakening HC: Kwamis
Considering that kwamis seemed to be inspired by the Japanese myths for kami, I'd like to delve into some HCs about them in the movieverse
The 7 kwamis of the Miracle Box are the Primordial Kwamis, with Tikki and Plagg being the first and eldest. Them being the eldest is kinda based on Ame-no-Minakanushi
Originally, Tikki and Plagg were 1 kwami known as Gimmi that had split into 2
Gimmi came to be within the Void
The split eventually triggered the birth of the other 5 kwamis
Besides Tikki and Plagg, the 5 kwamis are known differently from the show
Tikki: kwami of Creation
Plagg: kwami of Destruction
Trixx: kwami of Destiny
Wayzz: kwami of Time
Pollen: kwami of Space
Duusuu: kwami of Aether
Nooroo: kwami of Evolution
As seen in the movie, the Kwamis are the one to choose, judge and accept or reject their wielders
Before the kwamis accept them completely, their chosens have to pass their trials
Unlike other kwamis that came after them, the 7 Primordials cannot change wielders once they've been accepted as their powers are bonded to their souls. Those who tries will be exhausted or bedridden
The only kwamis that can swap between wielders are Tikki and Plagg as they were originally one kwami
The reason why the 7 Primordials are soulbound is because their powers are of the universe itself. Anything less than soulbound would be too overwhelming for the body and mind to handle
While extremely rare, out of the 7 wielders, only the wielders of Creation and Destruction are capable to ascend as Avatars. These chosens are the full embodiment of their kwamis' powers
Eventually, both Marinette and Adrien ascend as Avatars. While there are other factors of how they could ascend, the main factor is because of their unconditional love for each other
The ascension can only happen when the two wielders merge into one not unlike how Tikki and Plagg can become Gimmi
Basing on the Yaoyorozu, there are many kwamis to exist
Out of the 7, Tikki and Plagg are the strongest
Basing on Takamagahara and even that of Yomi, the kwamis have their own home realm
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vennyvenadito · 2 years
I am the only one who think the other Miraculous characters are just….boring or plain?
Is like, they don’t do that much in the series, if they do, is not really good or is just plain
The classmates for example
They don’t do to much in the series, the only thing they do right now is just be Adrinette shippers and only that
It’s not that is just one of them been akumatized or just appear as superhero’s
Speaking of superhero’s
They are just so bland, forget about the fact is some of them have a cool suit, they’re just boring
Even in their debuts doesn’t feel any special, is only “look this character! Is gonna be a new superhero! Aren’t you exited!?” I would if they were more interesting, but guess what?, they’re not
When they appeared I was just like “oh right, those guys exist, for what?”
Look Juleka, it was cool when she transform and her suit is awesome (one of my favorites but the way), but after that, she doesn’t really do that much, she is just another “yes man” to Ladybug
The only thing they do is just follow Ladybug’s orders, they don’t make their own decisions on battle or opinions about the situation, they just…there
Unironically THE only heroe that I feel ALOT of emotions and did have more going on was not other then CHLOE!
How ironic isn’t?
The mean character, the one the creator hates so much, the one a lot of people say she didn’t deserve be a heroe….was the most interesting character of all of them
You know when the mean character end up being the most interesting of all the other characters than the ones that are “we” supposed to root for, says ALOT
You know you did something wrong right there
And how funny how the only heroe I did care about is replaced with another character who like the others, she doesn’t really matter
I mean, c’mon, I need more than that
The other thing I hate about the characters is that fact, or they are only “good good” or “bad bad”
All of them are sickly nice or just pure evil
Like, morally grey people doesn’t exist in this series or what!?
I need a Neutral character please
If there’s one, please tell me! The only one a can think right now is probably Nathalie
I mean, Emilie could be perfect, she not been a perfect sweet angel but not really that bad
But nope! She is just another good sweetheart who did nothing wrong
The kwamis could be perfect for that too, like not evil or good, they’re neutrals creatures doin whatever their wilders do
But no, they just so sickly nice or just acting like babies…..um….how old are they again?
The only kwamis a I like and care about are Pollen, Trixx, Plagg, Nooroo, Duusuu, Wazzy and Sass
And kinda Tikki but like the others, she is just “Your the best, I love you!” “OMG new holder! 0w0”
Also, can the adults characters have more brain cells please! Why all of them are so freaking idiots!? Dang, that would explain the kids behavior in this show
What is wrong with the parents in this show!?
Like, Gabriel I can excuse him to been terrible, because he is the bad gay-I mean bad guy anyway, if is this his job? well, he does a good one (me no trying to ignore whatever happens in the leaks)
But like, Marinette parents are just those types of parents who let their kids whatever they want, sure, they’re not terrible people but they’re not perfect, but the series paint them as “The perfects parents”
Andre could be a perfect example of a father who fails to their kid but tries to better but doesn’t know how
But nooo, he throw his biological daughter like trash to her abusive mother and replace her with another kid?
What lesson is this?? Throw your kid like trash if they don’t behave like you want and blame them for that when you were the one who raise them!?
Fuck Andre, I hated you before and I despide you now, I hope you paid for this and get karma after that!
Ok thinks that’s all
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chocostrwberry · 3 months
Maybe if a miraculous is broken, you can still use the powers but the kwami is either trapped inside the miraculous or can't maintain their form properly and are either basically a ghost unable to be heard, seen, or interact with the world or their form is basically falling apart or ever shifting?
Like, visually that would be heartbreaking, like in Duusuu’s case, she spent so much of the series being basically invisible, even to Nooroo.
You need the kwami to transform. Like, they’re the ones who activate the miraculous, so it wouldn’t make sense for them to not be able to interact with anything or be seen, but you can still use it. I mean, it would make sense if they knew the phrase beforehand, but it was a Graham de Vanily family heirloom, so I’m assuming only Emelie and Amelie know the activation phrase.
You know what it means when I’m indecisive!!
IDK ITS JUST. With the whole “broken miraculous means trapped kwami” idea I really really like it but it’s hard to execute in a way that can fit the narrative, especially regarding Emelie’s coma.
I’ll also have to change my seasons events to retconning Mayura (? She could still use it to avoid unification but I feel like Lila would prefer to use it instead, IDK IDK) and end Season 1 on him fixing it instead of using the miraculous and switch around a few other events.
I just hope it doesn’t change my seasons list too much to not make it understandable anymore!!
But imagine,, it’s finally fixed and Duusuu bursts out and we see the peacock kwami for the first time and she cries out “I’m free!!” And it’s the first time Nooroo sees her after soooo long :,)
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eldritch-kwami-au · 1 year
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Powers and abilities (other than basic kwamis ones)
- Flight
- Super strength
- Can transform people into super hero’s based on strong emotions (though of course hes making super villains at the moment)
- Can jam radio signals temporarily using the radio on his chest (he can function as a regular radio as well), can also speak through other radios
- Can transmit thoughts to other peoples brains via his antenna, for example when nooroo gets a nightmare it is shared with gabriel or if he wants to tell Natalie something without gabriel knowing he can send his thoughts to her brain and then receive hers in return (only works in a close proximity to him)
- Can absorb/redirect electrical currents
Timid and anxious, “little” nooroo is the youngest of the kwamis by a large margin. Although he tries to be confident he cant seem to stop thinking about how anything and everything could go wrong at any time, giving him a tendency to fidget. Despite his timidness he is a sweetheart among sweet hearts, he has the most gentle soul of all the kwamis though he doesnt brag about it. However now that hes under the abusive control of gabriel he is in a constant state of fear and distrusts most everyone he sees.
Tikki and pollen- his “older sisters”, fiercely protective of him even if he is bigger than the both of them. Before his miraculous’s disappearance they would be practically inseparable, trying to help build his confidence but when his miraculous was lost they were the most devastated of all the kwamis
Gabriel - nooroo is terrified of him, gabriel has been nothing but cruel to poor nooroo in order to “keep him in his place”, had gabriel found any other miraculous he wouldnt have lasted a minute with how he treats him.
Duusuu - prior to the disappearances of their respective miraculous’s they were kind of a thing (romantically), though they never truly got to do true couple stuff before they separated
Natalie - initially wanted to befriend her but gabriels behavior made him distrust her by association, over time he starts to see that she means him no harm and starts trusting her a but more
Fun facts:
- he has always been the most timid and anxious of the kwamis, he is seen as a little sibling by most of them and they protected him as such, however his time with gabriel has greatly spiked his anxiety and timidness, as such to cope he has strings that he makes webs with and repeats the phrase “weave the web dont let it break” over and over to calm himself
- When overwhemled his voice gets staticky and sparky to the touch, when he hits his breaking point he releases a burst of electrical energy
- He is the reason the cryptid moth man exists, at one point someone found his miraculous in a pawn shop though they weren’t exactly expecting a giant moth to come out of it. Nooroo tried escaping into the woods with his miraculous and almost got hit by a car, to which the people inside were left terrified and started talking about seeing a “moth man”, he kept getting spotted (which spread his name of “the moth man”) before retreating into his miraculous that was once again taken and eventually brought back to france where it was being sold in another pawn shop.
- He sounds like jayden libran (collin from helluva boss)
- He absolutely loves flowers and is an expert flower crown weaver
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black--butterflies · 3 months
The legend of Empress...
Fanfic by me...
Part 1...
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The next day....
Nathalie resigned.
Gabriel tried to contact her, but she blocked him...he told adrien that she was not well and that she took the day off*
Nathalie blocked him...even adrien tried to contact her...but she didn't respond.
Gabriel wished he could go back in time...stop himself before he said anything wrong to nathalie....maybe he could even persuade himself to confess his feelings to nathalie... He should have told nathalie how he really felt about her.
Meanwhile, nathalie knew she should have gone to the police to tell them everything she knew about monarch, but she decided to sneak back into the agreste mansion.
Gabriel knew he was playing with fire, but he transformed into monarch and decided to use the bunny miraculous.
"Nooroo, dark wings,rise!"
Nothing happened.... Gabriel was confused.
He couldn't find the kwamis or their miraculous . He looked everywhere, and ne even asked for Mrs.Tsurugi's help, but all his efforts were futile.
Nathalie knew she was wrong, but she was only defending herself...she knew gabriel would kill her if she was caught,but still, she had enough courage to steal all the miraculous from him when gabriel was distracted. She even managed to sneak into felix's house get her miraculous back.
Nathalie drove back to her own house. She walked into her bedroom and pulled a lever on the wall, causing a door to open, reveling a secret hidden passage.
The passage led into a room full of weapons like rifles, pistols, axes, ninja stars, crossbows, swords, daggers, bombs, etc. She took a dagger, a pistol, and a grenade...and hid them in her jacket.
She took the kwamis out of the rings, or rather, the miraculous.
"P-please return us to t-the guardian." The kwamis were scared.
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"I'm sorry..I cannot do that. I need your help to take revenge on gabriel. I know he treated you all badly too..." nathalie explained. The kwamis seemed to agree with her. They were ready to help her.
She knew she would have to fight gabriel, but this time, she was stronger...
She was ready...
"Nooro, Duusuu, unify!"
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Part 2 coming soon
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kittysuicoffee · 1 year
Which one y’all wanna see fused?
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
crossbow au: it says nathalie took the butterfly miraculous but she talks to duusuu, don't you mean nooroo?
I made an error which I just fixed.
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nooroosbiggestfan · 1 year
Some Kwami headcanons for you!
Tikki: Is the oldest Kwami, and believes that makes her like the oldest sister, and she's always willing to help the others, however she has no one to lean on herself.
Doesn't admit it, but she wished it was still just her and Marinette, however she felt really guilty when her siblings where taken.
Disliked most of the other kwamis from the different miracle boxes, they where annoying and loud to her.
Plagg: His love of cheese came from one of his first holders, who was very rich, and gave him the poshest thing he could find lying around.
Loves Adrien, but doesn't admit it.
Nooroo: Is the youngest of the Kwamis, and is treated as such. The other Kwamis think him a lot more innocent than he actually is, and he often got away with murder because "He would never do a thing like that!"
Is spoiled rotten by both his siblings and Marinette, Marinette knows he wasn't well treated by Gabriel for a very long time, and goes out of her way to make sure he's happy. His siblings have just missed him, and want him to be happy.
Him and Duusuu where close because of better understanding, but Duusuu has many gaps in his memories because of his sickness and doesn't understand everything.
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