#nor did he like ruin sam's life lmao he gave him outs 'you got out for a good reason' and 'you don't have to come with me'
autumnrory · 1 year
i do think sometimes need to remember when something is an issue in fanon and that canon is not necessarily Like That
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lovedsammy · 5 years
All right, ya’ll, I saw Endgame! Major spoilers will be under the cut so if you’re on mobile and it doesn’t work, SCROLL, SCROLL, SCROLL. Also, blacklist ‘a4 spoilers’ and ‘endgame spoilers’! 
Overall? I loved it. There are a few things that REALLY bothered me/disappointed me, which I’ll talk about. As a star rating, I’d say 9/10. 
First for the things that bothered me so I can get that out of the way... 
- Thor & Loki: It’s no surprise to some of you that Loki is my favorite character (with Tony in 2nd place), and I adore the Thor & Loki bond. So I wasn’t happy at ALL that Loki remained dead, nor the fact that the Loki and Thor bond was completely erased/forgotten. Thor didn’t mention him ONCE, and instead focused only on the bond with his mother, which was, admittedly, beautiful. But the fact that he didn’t think of his deceased brother at all really felt like a disservice. I think it was supposed to be inferred that that what’s Thor’s so depressed about during the film, but it wasn’t TALKED about and instead was played for laughs. Thor’s PAIN was made to be humorous because he let himself go and had a beer belly. And yeah, I can see how at first that can be slightly funny, but it’s really not, if you think about it. Thor was so consumed by depression that all he did was drink himself almost to death. He was a wreck during the whole film and was made to look like a drunken idiot, except for the ending. Making him gain weight just to make him ‘funny’ also rubbed me the wrong way. Being ‘fat’ is nothing to be ashamed of, or funny. Thor’s characterization this movie was a big minus for me, which was disappointing. Him leaving at the end with the GotG made some sense, though, and I’m hoping this will lead him on a path to maybe trying to find Loki, in the past or otherwise. Quill trying to find past!Gamora... maybe it was a hint. 
- Going back to Loki, he showed up in flashbacks from Avengers 2012 which really made my heart swell. Him rolling his eyes at the Avengers, waving ‘bye bye’ to the Hulk sarcastically when he had to take the stairs, taking the opportunity to snatch the Tesseract, not once but twice, and disappearing to God knows where? LOVED IT. It was so nice to see him again, no matter in what capacity. Though I still wish he’d come back for real, ESPECIALLY in that battle at the end. It wouldn’t have taken much more screen time, honestly. They could’ve just shown him arriving with the others at the return, have him fight side by side with Thor, and address Thanos. Maybe hint at some possible control, imprisonment, torture from Thanos? It could’ve paved way for the Loki series. Although, I guess this 2012!Loki disappearing with the Tesseract can achieve that, too, but it would erase all of the development Loki has achieved, and I loved the development. I loved his path to redemption. If they do this, I want a redeemed!Loki, who has a place among the Avengers, not a villain again. 
- Gamora not coming back. I mean, I loved seeing her as her past self, but again... she died by being killed by her abusive father. It leaves a bad taste. 
All right, on to everything else! 
Things that I loved: 
- Nebula and Tony’s friendship! I loved their dynamic a lot. Nebula taking care of Tony, and sitting him upright? My heart. <333
- Tony’s reunion with Steve. Omg their dynamic was FANTASTIC this movie. No leftover resentment from Civil War. It really made me love their friendship that much more. 
- Tony’s reunion with Pepper!
- “I lost the kid. I lost the kid.” The first part I got choked up, of many. 
- omg Scott coming home to see 5 years have passed and his daughter is a teen? omg I couldn’t even handle that. I loved older Cassie, though! 
- THOR GETTING TO KILL THANOS FOR REAL. OMG I CHEERED. It didn’t help his vendetta, though, and once the revenge was complete, he had nothing left, which makes sense. His hate for Thanos was what drove him in Infinity War. He fell into a huge depression once that was taken from him. And why I wish, again, that this hadn’t been used for laughs!
- TONY AND HIS DAUGHTER!!! omg dad!tony was the CUTEST AND SO WAS MORGAN. Tony’s my 2nd fave character in the mcu, so seeing him happy, living life with his wife and daughter? perfection. The “shit” scene was both hilarious and sweet. “Go to bed or I’ll sell or all your toys” and Morgan laughing because she knows he won’t. <3333333333 
- “I love you 3000″
- Clint and his family!
- Natasha saying that her family is the Avengers. 
- the time travel was well utilized, even if it makes my head spin a little. XD 
- “that is america’s ass” lmao
- steve saying ‘hail hydra’ and it WORKING
- tony and steve just KNOWING how each other thinks and using that to formulate the same plan, of going back to grab the tesseract? genius! 
- There was so much foreshadowing in this movie at the beginning and middle of how this was going to end. Tony was unwilling to help at first because he didn’t want to lose what he had gained, and Steve kept saying he was over Peggy but by looking at her in the past, it was clear that he wasn’t, and that was where he wanted to go. I’ll touch on both those things more later.
- Tony getting to talk to his father, and finally come to terms with that relationship, and understanding/loving him... ow my heart. That hug was amazing. 
- Thor getting to talk with his mother, getting that closure as well. This movie centered a lot on family. 
- Clint willing to die to get the soul stone, but Natasha also willing to, and fighting over it, who had the strongest will to sacrifice themselves for everyone else. Their dynamic is also one of my favorites, and even though Clint is happily married with a family, part of me still ships them, and I loved those final moments together. 
-”Let me go. It’s okay.” Natasha’s death was one of the first scenes that got me outright bawling. I adored her, and her death hit me hard because I was NOT expecting it. And for her to die as she did, willingly, with no restraint.... she wiped the red out of her ledger for sure. :( R.I.P Natasha. I’m so sad that they couldn’t even get her body to give her a proper burial. And everyone’s reactions after... devastating. 
- I didn’t think Bruce using the Gauntlet was going to work at first. But once Clint’s phone started ringing, I breathed a sigh of relief and just waited. Then past!Nebula had to ruin everything by getting Thanos to blow up the Avengers HQ.
- Touching on this, btw: Thanos really is the Avengers strongest opponent. He was too clever using the two Nebulas (UGH) as he did, and he almost won again without even breaking a sweat. 
- The. entire. fight. Literally, all of it. Thor using both of his weapons, Tony and Steve giving it their all... omg. 
- The second Steve used Mjolnir, my entire theater screamed, and same, tbh. Thor’s “I KNEW IT!!” was everyone. It was nice continuity with AoU when Thor’s expression hinted that Cap was worthy. YES. 
- It took me a minute to realize that Sam was back, and when it did, I sat there going “IS IT REALLY IS IT REALLY IST THIS HAPPENING OH SHIT”
- Everyone coming out of that portal, focusing on each of them. Omg the theater erupted. 
- “AVENGERS.... assemble.” cHILLS 
- WANDA GETTING BACK AT THANOS’S CRAZY ASS, HELL YES! “I don’t even know who you are.” “You will.” YES, QUEEN. 
- Tony and Peter. The hug! The shock from Tony that this boy that he looks at as his own son, the relief that he’s alive, okay.. hi i’m crying again. 
- The second Stephen raised that single finger, and Tony knew what it meant. And we all knew what it meant... 
- “I am inevitable.”  “I am... Iron... man.” 
- Tony’s death hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was sobbing before he’d even collapsed to the floor. Watching the color drain from his face, and his body become so badly damaged.... I knew it was over for him. 
- “We won, Mr. Stark. Come on, you did it, sir, you did. I’m sorry, Tony.” I CANT EVEN HANDLE THIS. PETER DIED IN FRONT OF TONY, AND NOW TONY DIES IN FRONT OF HIM. This surrogate father/son duo hurts me and I feel so much. 
- PEPPER AND TONY. THEY DESERVED BETTER, DAMN IT. THEY DESERVED TO BE HAPPY AND TONY DESERVED TO WATCH HIS DAUGHTER GROW UP. ;A; “We’re going to be okay. You can rest now.” Rip out my heart. Just rip it out. 
- As painful as Tony’s death was, it also felt.... perfect, in ways. He gave up his chance to keep things as they were to save everyone else. He did tHAT. He gave everyone else their families back. He died a hero, a true hero. I feel more at ease with Tony’s death, despite how unfair it was, because unlike Loki, Tony had achieved everything he meant to. He had a little girl who he loved so much and was an amazing father to. He had a son, who he taught to be a hero, too. He had a wife who will go on to keep Stark Enterprises alive. They’re Tony’s legacy. 
- The funeral was SO heartbreaking, I was a crying mess. Happy and Morgan... :( </3
- ok so I’m 50/50 on Steve’s ending. He goes to return the stones to their proper time, and then stays behind to have a life with Peggy. Which, I mean... I’m not opposed to, and I think Steve deserves his happy ending too, but... it also hurt because not only was he leaving Bucky behind, he also left his friends behind. Friends that were already hurting from losing Natasha and Tony. And then to leave them like he did.... it felt... I don’t know, not wrong, but insensitive, considering what had just happened. Everyone had lost enough, and then they had to lose Steve, too. Although, I see his frame of mind. He’d lost so much as well. He wanted to have something for once, something happy, and he took it. I can’t blame him for that. I just wish his timing had been better. 
-Bucky just knew that Steve wasn’t coming back as himself. He knows him so well. And his nod at Sam to let him take up the mantle... I knew it was going to happen, but I thought it’d be different. I’m fine with this, though. Steve’s retired. He can rest now. 
- Tony’s voice over at the end was beautiful and perfect. That is all. 
I loved this movie a lot, and can’t wait to see it again eventually! I had complaints and things I wish they’d done/fixed, but overall, the good outweighed the bad. 
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Aww man, Voltron S7. General SPOILERY observations under the cut:
- 13 EPISODES AAAAAAAAAA - I binged them all in one stretch and I’m not even sorry.
- Oh, Dreamworks. You were so close. But it still counts as Bury Your Gays if you kinda split them up before you kill one of them :’( Disappointed.
- Once I caught wind of that Shiro revelation I was really looking forward to a good feelsy reunion once they reached earth and it was totally denied. We don’t even get to know more about this relationship, or what Adam was like as a person, or how he felt after Shiro took off for that last time and then was reported dead. These missing holes are always so frustratiiiiing grrrrrrr!
- Please for the love of god now hook Shiro up with some cute garrison officer or resistance fighter between seasons. Let him rest, let him love.
- I enjoyed seeing the brotherhood between Shiro and Keith develop in ep 1, but the other revelation about Shiro being chronically ill (I feel you, bro) was really odd. I’m all for characters with chronic illnesses that they just gotta Deal With but this disease has literally never been mentioned or its impact seen ever again. Not throughout the entire season, nor ever referenced by Shiro and Keith in seasons prior. Did the galra cloning process eradicate it? Is it just gone now? All the physical stuff he’s done right up until the final episode, he still seems at pretty peak condition to me!
Of course, maybe he’s just a Chronic Illness Icon and extremely good at pretending to be abled. God knows the poor dude has got enough else going on visibly (PTSD, amputated arm . . .), maybe he just told his invisible illness to piss off and deals with it without mentioning it ever (life goals right there).
Whatever, it’s weird. Chronic illnesses are called that for a reason - pls don’t drop ‘em in and then forget they exist.
- I think that intro threw me off ‘cause the season intro felt slow to me, without providing the meaningful post-S6 character moments I think we all wanted (or I wanted?). I wanted Shiro team hugs, to hear his feelings about Kuron beyond that, granted, hilarious one liner about his evil clone, to see if HE WAS OKAY MENTALLY but, as Romelle kindly points out, we all just move on again. There were 13 eps this season, there was room for this important shit!
- Okay, I laughed a lot at the obligatory comedy episode this season. Parody!Lotor made me piss myself and I never want to see blushing Haggar again.
- Zethrid/Ezor shippers, do your thing. I was glad to see Lotor’s generals get some much needed time for their characters to shine.
- Feels latched onto me from the lost in space ep and never really let me go from there. Until that point I was feeling like I could maybe watch this season in a few sittings. But team bonding is my jive, and . . .
- POST-APOCALYPSE EARTH IS ALSO MY SUPER JIVE OH SHIT. It’s like they knew what was in my heart. Everyone who knows me knows that I live for this crap and I never get tired or stop feeling emotions at the sight of our civilisation in ruins and brave desperate human factions trying to correct that :’D
- At first I thought the world’s reaction to Sam’s global broadcast was so simplistically naive. Like, based on today’s situation I’m pretty sure nations would immediately accuse each other of a) lying, b) developing superweapons to bolster their own power and take over the other nations, and c) start world war 3. But Veronica later says that WW3 has already happened on this Earth, and the garrison seems to be just one site for an international military organisation, so I’m gonna assume we’re at the point of worldwide peace, an enlightened human race and international alliance, and let it slide.
- Speaking of, SO MANY GREAT MINOR CHARACTERS WTF?! The cute MFE cadets! Veronica! Resistance fighters! And the usual effortless unspoken Voltron diversity in the garrison troops and the resistance fighters is so refreshing and fills my heart with joy. Women and PoC are just allowed to exist in the Voltron world without having to justify their presence or be a plot point or serve the white dudes of the series. They can be good, bad or nothing special in between and why isn’t this the basic standard of entertainment oh my god. It makes it doubly frustrating that they didn’t give Adam his due, gdi.
- I just really enjoyed watching Earth fall to the galra and the level of detail lavished on establishing that was, for once, just right. To the point that I didn’t even realise we’d gone a few eps without seeing a single Paladin. Sam Holt’s a good egg.
- The Hunk focus was welcome. The Hunk/Keith hug gave me life. Aw, Keith. You should do the emotional support thing more often. You’re getting better at it, honey.
- In general the Paladins w/family thing was super cute and cathartic after they’ve been away from home for so long.
- Like, I know there are a couple of ‘problems’ (arguably charming characteristics) of Voltron writing, that some people can’t stand. Like overengineered space problems for the protags to overcome (it took 2 Lions like, 30 seconds to take out one cannon in the end, WHY DICK ABOUT WITH THE REFLECTOR THINGIES AT ALL), or the deus ex machina (Coran you literally FORGOT you had an all-powerful crystal hanging from your damn neck and the base got exposed for NO REASON), or extremely delayed realisations of how a problem can be overcome while the audience is literally screaming at the screen (CALL YOUR DAMN LIONS IN THE CELLS GUYS DO IT DO IT NAO).
But I can’t lie - the way these scenes always get presented on screen in this series, with that incredible soundtrack making your heart race and the constant sense of urgency and danger, it really gets my blood going. I will defend its silly space antics until the day I die.
- I’m really glad Admiral Sanda got to redeem herself. She wasn’t a bad person, just had too much pride and bad solutions to an admittedly shitty problem. 
- Man I really hope not too many garrison peeps got crushed by moving sections when the Atlas transformed, lmao
- Damn, the Atlas mecha is THICC
- Voltron needs a serious upgrade. It can’t keep scraping through fights like this and needing loads of help, surely.
- I’m so incredibly glad they didn’t end on a cliffhanger. There were moments toward the end where I couldn’t remember how many eps I had left and I kept thinking they were gonna leave us in the lurch. Thanks, Dreamworks.
- All in all, not as great as S6, but as usual I had a good time and lots of feelings and I feel good about how it ended.
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