#nora schell
pinksilvace · 3 months
What I remember from the show, feat. some official photos
This is all going off of my note-less memories so there may be some minor inaccuracies to these recollections.
Welcoming Remarks/Overture
The crowd was welcomed by the voice of Junior LaBeija, who encouraged us to google him before shutting our phones down.
We were encouraged to make noise at any and all parts of the performance
Filming, even during bows, was strictly prohibited
This show is LOUD. I wore ear plugs the entire time, and I don't consider myself to be particularly sensitive to noise. It makes sense, considering that the audience is meant to yell and the music has to be heard over them.
The theater space itself was relatively small. All seats were good seats.
Mr. Mistoffelees (Robert "Silk" Mason) could be seen dancing through the window set pieces above the back of the stage.
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
The cast began all around the theater, with spotlights illuminating them as they began to sing. They did not mount the stage until the "Mystical Divinity" portion of the song.
The crowd went WILD at the part that has had its choreography revealed already.
The Naming of Cats
The "Man over there" bit was done by Antwayn Hopper (Macavity). In general, he seemed to be having an absolute blast throughout the show.
During the parts where cats sharing the names in the poem were mentioned, spotlights illuminated them.
Munkustrap led this number and was the only one onstage for the duration of it.
The White Cat Solo
Compared to how this is presented in replica productions, the dance moves were very fast.
I am uncertain as to whether this part was meant to characterize Victoria, or if it was just a great chance for BABY (Victoria) to show off her incredible dancing skills.
The Old Gumbie Cat
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Jennyanydots (Xavier Reyes) began the number by pulling out a trophy, showing she'd won at balls in the past
During the day, it was implied (I think?) that Jennyanydots has lots of sex. Whether it's sex work, a sugar daddy situation, etc. was unclear. What I can say is that she did lots of bouncing - on other actors, on the edge of the stage, and on a chair.
At night, Jennyanydots is a very harried single Latina mother trying to keep her kids out of trouble.
Instead of Jenny competing in a category herself, Cassandra (Emma Sofia)(implied to be one of Jenny's children, either literally or metaphorically) competed while Jenny directed her choreography from the sidelines.
The Rum Tum Tugger
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VERY laid back. This is definitely Jason Derulo's version of Tugger, but done so incredibly right. He was honestly a bit too effortless for how easily he won categories.
It's not shown in this photo, but he wore a gold and black striped fur coat throughout most of the show, sort of like Munkustrap's grey and black one (shown above, with Jenny)
There wasn't very much choreography in this number, save for a bit at the very end where he was facing off "Pretty Boy vs. Thug"
Grizabella the Glamour Cat
Grizabella ("Temptress" Chastity Moore) approached the side of the stage and killed the mood. Everyone kind of just avoided her. Munkustrap tried to talk her into going away, but she refused. He then tried to pay her actual cash to leave, but she stood her ground.
Sillabub (Teddy Wilson Jr.) approached her curiously and backed off at a very subtle warning from Demeter (Bebe Nicole Simpson). (I have to add on that Sillabub wore an orange t-shirt, short pink overalls, and orange converse shoes with a crown of sunflowers on their head. They were easily my favorite character.)
Grizabella showed off a trophy she had won in a previous ball and implored the interim judges to let her compete. They refused.
This Grizabella was almost frighteningly determined.
Bustopher Jones
For the performance I saw, Garnet Williams filled in for Nora Schell, with Tara Lashan Clinkscales filling in for Bombalurina.
Bustopher was referred to with they/them pronouns.
A large portion of this number was spent with Bustopher walking around the theater. When they mounted the stage, they pulled open their shirt to reveal a bustier emblazoned with the English flag.
Bustopher competed and won in the "Body" category. They continued to remain present throughout the rest of the show.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
It is specified both in the program and during the number that these two are from Victoria Grove, New Jersey
Those New Jersey accents were aggressive
"one of the goyles suddenly misses her woolworth poyles"
Honestly, I wouldn't expect anything less from them
During the Macavity scare preceding this number, Macavity dropped off some trash bags filled with clothes for Bombalurina and Demeter. Mungojerrie (Jonathan Burke) and Rumpleteazer (Dava Huesca) attempted to steal these.
During the second verse, both changed costumes behind some costume racks on either side of the stage.
They competed in the "Tag Team" category against Victoria and Tumblebrutus (Primo) and lost. They then stole the trophy, which Victoria and Tumblebrutus stole back.
Anyway I just desperately need other US productions to give them New Jersey accents
Old Deuteronomy
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Munkustrap (Dudney Joseph Jr.) was the only one onstage for the first part of this
Tugger (Sydney James Harcourt) approached the side of the stage and grasped Munkustrap's arm at the "numerous progeny" line
The stage was left empty for Old Deuteronomy (André De Shields) to walk out on
Before he walked out, Sillabub threw flower petals all over it
Mr. Mistoffelees (Robert "Silk" Mason) pulled out Old Deuteronomy's chair for him
There was a VERY long pause for applause when Old Deuteronomy reached his throne at the far end of the catwalk. He turned in a very slow circle. We made eye contact.
Song of the Jellicles/The Jellicle Ball
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During the Macavity scare, Macavity strides up to Old Deuteronomy. Old Deuteronomy waves him back out of the room in a way that honestly looked like magic. (It's worth noting at this point that the Macavity in this production is a goofy role.)
Because of how the stage is set up, most parts of the dance number were done with only 2-5 actors onstage at a time. When there was a larger group, the dancing remained mostly sedentary.
No mating dance
Grizabella appeared on one of the high balconies. Sillabub waved enthusiastically at her. Everybody else just stared at her.
Many categories were competed in during this part. One of them was sort of an "anything goes" (I forget the exact name) category, in which Munkustrap came out in a golden ensemble with giant wings. Old Deuteronomy didn't like it. Munkustrap gave him sass.
Memory (part 1)
Old Deuteronomy walked out of the room along with everybody else (I THINK.) Grizabella approached the side of the stage, took off the scarf covering her hair, and draped it over one of the railings.
Grizabella caressed the stage as she sang.
Sillabub approached the other side of the stage, watched her for a bit, and departed. They returned near the end of the number with a glittery dress, which they offered to her. Grizabella ran away.
At the end of the number, Sillabub climbs onstage to grab the scarf and look out at the audience. Cut to black.
Moments of Happiness/Moonlight
This part took place entirely between Old Deuteronomy and Sillabub. Sillabub was still onstage, almost got scared away when Old Deuteronomy returned, and knelt in front of him.
As Old Deuteronomy sang about happiness through many generations, he tied the scarf around Sillabub's neck.
While all of this happened, old photos and reports about old balls were being projected on a large screen at the back of the stage. There was then a listing of old house mothers. Most of these were real. The final name listed was Grizabella's.
The rest of the cast joins in for Moonlight, stationed all around the theater. Bombalurina and Demeter were right next to me on the lower balcony. Bombalurina smiled at me.
Gus the Theater Cat
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Shereen Pimentel (Jellylorum) was AMAZING.
Gus (Junior LaBeija) was only present for this number and the bows. Most of his lines were performed like spoken word poetry rather than through song.
There was no show-within-a-show piece after this number, but Gus did say the "I once played Rumpus Cat" line. At the very end was Tumblebrutus (I THINK) re-enacting a young Gus a la Grizabella in Tecklenburg 2015.
Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat
AGGRESSIVELY a New Yorker in the same way Mungo and Rumple were from New Jersey. Queen of the subways.
Skimbleshanks' (Emma Sofia's) hair had tiger stripes!!!
Lyrics were both English and Spanish (?), especially during the "it was very pleasant" part
She lost her category against Rumpleteazer. They embraced and continued to dance together for the rest of the song.
Macavity the Mystery Cat/"The Fight"
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Macavity (with a comically evil cackle and some Hanna-Barbera-style running around) dropped off some more trash bags through one of the windows in the back, which Demeter unpacked. As it turned out, those bags were filled with designer products.
"Macavity wasn't there" was a line used to refer to the fact that Macavity was supposed to be competing but didn't show up on time
Oh yeah, Demeter and Bombalurina were members of the House of Macavity
After Macavity proved to Old Deuteronomy that all of the products were genuine, they all got dressed up and competed in "Labels". The House of Macavity won.
Members of the losing team found attached tags on the products, indicating that the items were shoplifted.
As police sirens blared and blue and white lights flew around the room, Old Deuteronomy ushered Macavity to leave the venue. The police officers entered, looked around the audience, and then looked on the stage, where Old Deuteronomy stood in front of the bags of stolen goods and gave himself up as the perpetrator of the crime.
Macavity returns looking downright distraught.
Magical Mr. Mistoffelees
It was much more believable to see everybody turning their backs on Tugger in this production than any other I've seen
Mr. Mistoffelees was referred to with he/him pronouns, so that's what I'm using here
Mr. Mistoffelees is introduced as a ballroom dancer who meets success, in part, by magic-ing his opponents into having wardrobe and performance malfunctions.
He also steals their stuff but I'm unsure whether that has to do with saving Old Deut or if it's just enriching for him
Old Deuteronomy was magicked into a box and stood very still when the curtain was pulled off. When Macavity approached, Old Deuteronomy jumpscared him.
After the song was done, Tugger and Mistoffelees kissed. They were not, as I have seen others say, eating each other's faces; it was very chaste and tender and lasted for just a handful of seconds. The audience went wild, of course.
Memory (part 2)
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Grizabella came out in the dress Sillabub had offered earlier
Maybe I was reading too much into it but it looked to me like Old Deuteronomy and Sillabub conspired together to make her reappearance happen
This song was sung in a lower key than usual to better suit Temptress' voice
She looked so uncertain the whole time
Journey to the Heaviside Layer
A big staircase hinged down to the stage, just like in replica productions
Grizabella left through a door at the top of the stairs. Through it, the sounds of New York City could be heard.
The Ad-dressing of Cats
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This song makes WAY MORE SENSE in this production in OG Cats, in my opinion. There, it sometimes feels like a bit of a slog. Here, it reinforced the core message of the show about accepting people as they are. To me, the context made it much more powerful.
These last few numbers were loud even through my ear plugs and I don't know why.
The ensemble (Frank Viveros and Shelby Griswold) brought the cast flutes of champagne
Munkustrap announced each member of the cast as they did individual dances down the stage. This was one of the only songs unrelated to Cats music.
Tugger did a striptease.
After all of the actors, the conductor came out vogueing down the stage.
Afterward, the cast began singing the "practical cats, dramatical cats" portion of Jellicle Songs. I sang enthusiastically along, catching Bustopher's eye. They blew me a kiss.
Other thoughts
Electra (Kendall Grayson Stroud) EASILY had my favorite costume: a holographic top and little black skirt with a huge ruffled rainbow coat over it
Victoria's costume changes made her much less noticeable than usual, especially as she mostly served as a member of the ensemble (I don't think anything in particular about this choice; I just found it interesting)
Despite all of the changes, this very much felt like a production of cats. Even though the actors were staged to be humans, they did nothing else to emphasize it. All of the lyrics were true to replica cats productions.
Where ballroom beats were implemented, they never distracted from the songs they were placed into. They actually enhanced the songs very nicely.
Almost all of the changes made to the original story make sense in the context of this production. I.e., Alonzo's absence makes sense because his role is no longer necessitated. Same with Coricopat and Tantomile.
I am in LOVE with this Sillabub. I really cannot emphasize that enough. They had so much youthful whimsy and KILLED those high notes. They should have been frolicking but instead they were at the club smh
Understated Tugger was an interesting look, and I think it worked well, considering that this Mistoffelees was definitely the most eye-catching member of the cast.
It was actually really cool to see a production where Macavity is accepted as one of the tribe. I fully believe that Mungojerrie learned a few pointers from this one. Again, I have to emphasize that it looked like Antwayn Hopper had the time of his life in this role.
Speaking of, there may have been some Deut bros (Tugger+Munkustrap+Macavity) staging, but I don't remember clearly enough to say for sure.
Most of the transfer of the story made sense... except for the stuff surrounding Grizabella. I've seen the directors talk about ageism in the ballroom community, but with how much emphasis this production put on respect for elders via Old Deuteronomy and Gus and the lack of general contempt from the cast, I honestly don't know why she would have been outcast to begin with. I also have no idea why she ran away from Sillabub.
I kind of wish there had been more extreme makeup, but most of the cast switched between their characters and ensemble roles frequently, so it makes sense. It didn't make the show any worse.
Overall, this was an incredible production that deserves the praise it is given. Yes, I think a number of Cats fans are casting too much judgement on the creative decisions. Yes, I think too many reporters have dunked on the original Cats staging more than is warranted in order to prop this production up. Regardless of those two factors, it was clear that the cast and creative team had a real love for both Cats and ballroom, and I think they married the two concepts beautifully.
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bestmusicalworldcup · 5 months
The drag-ball reimagining of Cats (officially titled Cats: The Jellicle Ball) now has its full cast with the following newly announced cast members: Xavier Reyes as Jennyanydots, Bebe Nicole Simpson as Demeter, and Dava Huesca as Rumpleteazer, along with understudy Shelby Griswold.
Previously announced cast members from the world of ballroom include Baby as Victoria, Dudney Joseph Jr. as Munkustrap, Capital Kaos as DJ, Junior LaBeija as Gus, Robert "Silk" Mason as Mistoffelees, "Tempress" Chasity Moore as Grizabella, and Primo as Tumblebrutus, along with understudies Dominique Lee and Kendall G. Stroud.
Previously announced musical theatre and dance names in the company include Jonathan Burke as Mungojerrie, Emma Sofia Caymares as Skimbleshanks, André De Shields as Old Deuteronomy, Sydney James Harcourt as Rum Tum Tugger, Antwayn Hopper as Macavity, Shereen Pimentel as Jellylorum, Nora Schell as Bustopher Jones, Garnet Williams as Bombalurina, and Teddy Wilson Jr. as Sillabub. Rounding out the company will be ensemble members Tara Lashan Clinkscales and Frank Viveros.
The production is directed by Zhailon Levingston and Bill Rauch.
Performances begin June 13 at the Perelman Performing Arts Center, with opening night set for June 20. Closing night is July 14.
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snixxxxxxxxxx · 6 months
really the lore itself has two paths: there's the nonbinary erasure of Jo (Lauren Patten's character) (making Jo into someone questioning their gender or just a gender nonconforming woman, but prior to the Broadway run they were explicitly nonbinary. Celia Rose Gooding (who played Frankie in the obc) left the production prior to its Broadway return and mentioned the pain the production had caused to trans and nonbinary individuals. Then the producers denied that fact about the character, saying that Jo was a woman from the beginning), but then there's the mistreatment of cast members by the production (production staff asked Nora Schell to delay a surgery for their PCOS). Nora Schell and iris menas (who did perform as Jo at some point during the Broadway run) (there may or may not be a video out there of the full show with them) (they were also Anybodys in 2021 West Side Story w/ Rachel Zegler) left the production together. the broadway production then hired diversity officers nad did try to put the work in but of course all this work came around Tony's season (the 74th tonys were such a... something. Aaron Tveit was the ONLY actor nominated for best performance by a leading actor in a musical for moulin rouge. so of course he won. but that's beside the point. lightning thief was not nominated. that upset people. this is all beside the point) (Lauren Patten [Jo] won supporting actress in a musical) (Celia Rose Gooding was nominated in the same category) (Antonio Cipriano was also in JLP and he's friends with Rachel Zegler. iirc Rachel and Celia are friends) (Celia Rose Gooding's mom is LaChanze which is also wild!) (LaChanze original Broadway Ti Moune and Celie, among many more credits) THEN there's the Australian production casting a nonbinary performer as Jo which caused some internet people to get in a fuss over the "erasure" of cis women who like to dress masc which ????
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somediyprojects · 1 year
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Mirabilia Designs #33: Touching the Autumn Sky conversion by Cassia Schell. Pattern designed by Nora Corbett.
“She’s finished .  Last week I was worried about her, she wasn’t going the way I wanted her to, but she came together in the last 24 hours; changed some things in the leaves, I redid her shoes, and reworked the beading twice.  Honestly, I’m exhausted and my next project I will be doing strictly according to pattern, no changes.”
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blackqueernotables · 2 years
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Nora Schell: Drama Desk, Drama League, and Clive Barnes Award nominee.
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
The Brothers Bloom are the best con men in the world, swindling millionaires with complex scenarios of lust and intrigue. Now they’ve decided to take on one last job – showing a beautiful and eccentric heiress the time of her life with a romantic adventure that takes them around the world. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Penelope Stamp: Rachel Weisz Bloom: Adrien Brody Stephen: Mark Ruffalo Bang Bang: Rinko Kikuchi Curator: Robbie Coltrane Diamond Dog: Maximilian Schell Narrator (voice): Ricky Jay Rose: Nora Zehetner Young Bloom: Zachary Gordon Young Stephen: Max Records Charleston: Andy Nyman The Duke: Noah Segan Himself: Ram Bergman Apple Cart Vendor: Craig Johnson Albino: Dubravko Jovanović Young Girl: Esme Tyler Young Boy: Jovan Vitas Charleston’s Wife: Ana Sofrenović Chief of Police: Vladimír Kulhavý Snack Car Attendant: Alek Rodic Oafish Foster Father: Josif Tatić Foster Dad: Slobodan Ćustić Foster Mom: Branka Pujić Excited Boy: George Bocchetti Excited Boy: Elis Derham Bar Patron: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Bar Patron: Lukas Haas German Bar Owner (uncredited): Stefan Kapicic Film Crew: Casting: Mary Vernieu Costume Design: Beatrix Aruna Pasztor Writer: Rian Johnson Production Design: Jim Clay Original Music Composer: Nathan Johnson Director of Photography: Steve Yedlin Producer: Ram Bergman Casting: Shannon Makhanian Executive Producer: Wendy Japhet Producer: James D. Stern Editor: Gabriel Wrye Executive Producer: Douglas Hansen Music Supervisor: Brian Reitzell Music Editor: Drew DeAscentis Stunt Coordinator: Glenn Marks Set Decoration: Sophie Newman Script Supervisor: Nada Pinter Co-Producer: Tom Karnowski Co-Producer: Matthew J. Birch Unit Production Manager: Elena Zokas Unit Production Manager: Richard Sharkey First Assistant Director: Sean Guest Second Assistant Director: James Andrew Haven Hair Designer: Graham Johnston Supervising Art Director: Paul Kirby Art Direction: Jasna Dragović Assistant Art Director: Branislav ‘Bane’ Stevanović Assistant Art Director: Mladen Lisavac Assistant Set Decoration: Dejan Anđelković Property Master: Dave Fisher Unit Publicist: Alisa Buckley Still Photographer: Slobodan Pikula Transportation Coordinator: Nenad Kokot Post Production Supervisor: Philip Harrelson Visual Effects Supervisor: Ron Simonson Sound Designer: Jonathan Miller Sound Recordist: Jason Gaya ADR Mixer: Andrew Morgado ADR Mixer: Judah Getz Foley Mixer: Zach Michaelis Foley Mixer: John B. Cormier Driver: Aleksandar Ilić Movie Reviews:
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lemagcinema · 10 months
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Sky Dome 2123 de Tibor Bánóczki ,Sarolta Szabó
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Un film de Tibor Bánóczki ,Sarolta Szabó Avec: Zsófia Szamosi, Tamás Keresztes, Géza D. Hegedűs, Judit Schell, István Znamenák, Zsolt Nagy, Márton Patkós, Olasz Renátó2123. Face à la diminution des ressources, la race humaine ne peut survivre que grâce à un compromis : à l’âge de 50 ans, chaque citoyen est progressivement transformé en arbre. Lorsque Stefan découvre que Nora, sa femme bien-aimée, a volontairement accepté de faire don de son corps avant l’heure, il entreprend un voyage aventureux pour la sauver à tout prix.
Retrouvez l'article complet ici https://lemagcinema.fr/microcritique/sky-dome-2123-de-tibor-banoczki-sarolta-szabo/
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judocritics · 2 years
GSL Baku (Aze): 3 van de 5 Belgen op het podium: proficiat Gaby, Malik, Matthias!
>> 2022 GSL Baku, Aze (results ijf.org)   
Dat Sophie Berger geen potten ging breken stond in de sterren geschreven, maar dat de 4 andere judoka’s allemaal het final block zouden vechten en er ook nog eens 3 op het podium zouden staan, dat mag best het Belgisch collectieve hoogtepunt anno 2022 worden genoemd.  Hierbij het korte overzicht, en hopelijk later meer details:
/-57kg  (20 dln)  
Mina Libeer (°97; /-57kg; 13° WRL; JS Merelbeke): 5° (2 own) 3rd seeded; een logische uitslag: wint haar poule, en verliest van de toppers; -- in 1/8-fin: mooie winst tegen Nekoda Smythe-Davis (°93; Gbr; 76° WRL), want dat is geen meeloper, ook al was die vóór Corona wel beter en lijkt ze over haar hoogtepunt heen (3°WK’17 & 2°WK’18; 15 WTour-medailles); >> video  -- in 1/4-fin: winst tegen Izaskun Ballesteros-Gonzalez (°98; Esp; 143° WRL); ieder 2 shido’s voor grip avoidance; uiteindelijk valt de beslissing in GS na 39″sec (waza-ari met een klassieker van Mina: sumi-gaeshi). >> video  -- in 1/2-fin: verlies tegen de bijna 37-jarige Telma Monteiro (°85; Por; 11° WRL): 5de confrontatie, 5de nederlaag; >> video : voetveeg, net voorbij halfweg; Monteiro zal de finale verliezen tegen Christa Deguchi, maar de Portugese met een onwaarschijnlijk palmares lijkt goed op weg naar haar 6de Olympische Spelen, als enige judoka ooit !  -- bronze: Mina verliest van Olympisch kampioene Nora Gjakova (°92; Kos; 9° WRL; 3°WK’21; 18 WTour-medailles): kranig verweer van Mina met een verlies op shido (00s2/00s3) na 5′48″min. >> video : het onvrijwillig “vastnemen” van de broek kostte Mina inderdaad een 3de shido. 
/-70kg  (34 dln)  
Gaby Willems (°97; /-70kg; 24° WRL; JC Andrimont): 2° (4 own) Gaby bouwt gestadig verder aan haar palmares; na eerste successen op GP’s in 2018 (3° The Hague & 2° Cancun) en een onverhoopte finale (2°) in Düsseldorf (2020), gritste ze ook vorig jaar weer een WTour-medaille mee (3° GSL Tbilisi), en pakt ze nu dus in 2 weken tijd al een 2de GSL-zilver: eerst Abu Dhabi, nu Baku. Daarvoor verslaat ze o.a.: -- in 1/4-fin Lara Cvjetko (°01; Cro; 6° WRL); vorig jaar 2°EK & 2°WK u21; en een maand geleden vice-wereldkampioene seniors geworden in een duel met landgenote Barbara Matic; >> video  -- in 1/2-fin Elisavet Teltsidou (°95; Gre; 21° WRL); lekkere revanche voor de finale-nederlaag in Abu Dhabi (ippon met tani-otoshi na 2′47″min) >> video  In finale is ze wel niet opgewassen tegen de sterke Sanne Van Dijke (°95; Ned; 2° WRL; 3°OG Tokyo; 2x 3°WK 2021/2022) >> video : ippon met ko-uchi na amper 1′12″min. 
/-73kg  (36 dln)  
Malik Umayev (°00; /-73kg; 92° WRL; JC Visé): 3° (4 own) na zijn brons op de GSL Antalya (toen nog /-81kg) en zijn 7°-plaats op de GP Zagreb deze zomer, nu zowaar een nog groter succes met opnieuw brons op de GSL Baku, want daarvoor moest hij eerst wel degelijk iemand als Rustam Orujov overtuigend (!) elimineren (°91; Aze; 16° WRL; 2°OG Rio; 5°OG Tokyo; 2x vice-wereldkampioen; 5x EK-medaille; 32 WTour-podia, ...) >> video, alvorens te sneuvelen tegen een andere Azerische grootheid Hidayat Heydarov (°97; Aze; 3° WRL; 3x 3°WK; huidig en tweevoudig Europees kampioen; 4x Europees kampioen bij de jeugd & 1°WK u21/-73kg) >> video 
/-78kg  (18 dln)  
Sophie Berger (°97; /-78kg; 53° WRL): out (0 own) verliest haar 1ste kamp in 1/16-fin tegen Aruna Jangeldina (°99; Kaz; 41° WRL), die zelf ook niet verder geraakt dan de 1/8-fin. >> video 
/-81kg  (31 dln)  
Matthias Casse (°97; /-81kg; 2° WRL; FY Boom/Schelle): 2° (3 own)   eerst 3 kampen tegen relatief laag gerankte judoka’s: -- 1/8-fin: Bolor-Ochir Gereltuya (°00; Mgl; 51° WRL) >> video  -- 1/4-fin: Catalin Marian (°99; Mda; 185° WRL; hier 5°) >> video  -- 1/2-fin: Giacomo Gamba (°99; Ita; 99° WRL; hier 5°) >> video  In finale zal Matthias het weliswaar moeten afleggen tegen de fysiek sterke “thuis”-judoka Saeid Mollaei (°92; Aze; 7° WRL); zijn story is algemeen gekend: Iraniër van oorsprong; mocht niet vechten tegen Israeli’s; gevlucht naar Duitsland; opgevangen door Mongolië, en nu vechtend voor Azerbaijan. >> video : sumi-gaeshi (w-a) halfweg en Mollaei was fysiek voldoende sterk om daarna alles af te blokken.
  >> verslag VJF
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everythngchanges · 3 years
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i strongly encourage everyone to read this. this is absolutely horrific that any performer would have to go through this.
Although I personally have enjoyed Jagged Little Pill in the past, I will no longer be supporting a show that will treat cast members like this
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dailylgbtmusicals · 2 years
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Nora Schell (they/them) as an alternate in Six the Musical
Name: Nora Schell
Credits: Jagged Little Pill (Ensemble), Spamiltion (lead female), Secondhand Lions (Ensemble)
Color of the rainbow with which they identify: Non-binary
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dailypocsix · 3 years
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Nora Schell as Anna Of Cleves
Name: Nora Marie Schell
DOB: June 20th 1994 (26)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African American
Credits: Jagged Little Pill (Ensemble, Frankie u/s), Spamilton (Woman), American Idiot (Whatsername)
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Dreamcasting Broadway: LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS
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“But whatever they offer you, don’t feed the plants!”
Dreamcasting Broadway: Little Shop of Horrors
Larry Owens as Seymour Krelborn
Alysha Umphress as Audrey
Lizzo as Voice of Audrey II
Adam Heller as Mr. Mushnik
Lucas Steele as Orin Scrivello, DDS/Bum/Customer/Radio Announcer/Mr. Bernstein/Mrs. Luce/Skip Snip/Patrick Martin
Adrianna Hicks as Crystal
Aisha Jackson as Chiffon
Nora Schell as Ronnette
Adam Grupper as Standby (Mr. Mushnik)
Candace Furbert as Standby (Voice of Audrey II, Crystal, Chiffon, Ronnette)
Kaleb Wells as Standby (Seymour, Orin/All Others)
Mallory Maedke as Standby (Audrey)
Veronica Otim as Standby (Crystal, Chiffon, Ronnette)
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weirdokidontheblock · 5 years
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Some highlights from the Cast Album Listening Party:)
Order: Hand In My Pocket; So Unsexy; Wake Up; Forgiven; You Oughta Know; Mary Jane; No; No again haha but slightly late in the song; You Learn.
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aaron-stahp-tveit · 7 years
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Sondheim & Company in the Berkshires (9/2/17)
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somediyprojects · 1 year
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Mirabilia Designs #102: Mediterranean Mermaid stitched by Cassia Schell. Pattern designed by Nora Corbett.
“A bad cold has caused me to cancel my plans for the weekend and I have FINALLY finished Mediterranean Mermaid.  Yayayay!!    32 count PTP Arctic. 
Changes:  hair, a lot of the beading, urn to a sea shell, her jewelry.  If anyone is interested in a detailed list of changes I can work that out on paper the next few days.  I’m also happy to share my sources for the charms (I love them!!) and can post my general outline for the sea shell.  Despite its frustrations, I really enjoyed stitching her and can’t wait to frame her.”
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lovable22 · 7 years
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Happy Closing Night Company!
Company Barrington Stage Company August 10, 2017 to September 10, 2017 3 Previews 31 Shows with the Extension 34 Shows Total
📸: Barrington FB
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