captaindibbzy · 2 years
Not reblogging the chain again cause I cba with talking and reading and really I don't have much more to say but someone replied to it that Finland has the same population size as Scotland and they're good.
Finland's main export is refined petroleum. Oil.
Followed by paper, cars and steel, and woodpulp.
Meanwhile Finland has lots of tech based jobs. Scotland does not.
They have infrastructure. Which is what I am saying about independent Scotland. They need infrastructure that doesn't just revolve around getting the North sea oil fields and making whiskey.
Scotland's current "main export" is petroleum and related products (£11billion) and Beverages comes in at £4billion but also it's linked to the union. And like with Brexit you can not guarantee that companies will stick around.
Like I said on that post I'm not against Independent Scotland. But I love the place and the people and I don't want them to make Brexit 2.0 cause Brexit 1.0 was garbage and what we did get out of it was dumb luck. You can't strong arm your neighbours in to giving you everything you want. Please what is your back up plan?!? What are you going to do about the boarder?!?
But everyone's stuck in this fantasy scenario where they are William Wallace facing the evil English in 1296 or whenever.
Plaid Cymru's plan for independent Wales revolves around, to borrow a government word, "leveling up" the country before going for it, improving infrastructure and education and job opportunities. You know, taking power out of London.
It's so fucking frustrating cause everyone is taking it in bad faith and wants to fight me like the holes in the plan are yours mate. Fill your fucking potholes before driving over them instead of pretending they're not there!
Anyway I won't be answering any questions about this, and I'm turning reblogs off because I can not be arsed, and I am not an expert and no one wants to answer my questions, they just want to eat me so I'm gonna go eat chocolate and read a book instead. >:(
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