soldierwatch · 5 years
hey jack, thanks for being a great gay role model & dad
ஃ  ➡ @norikiru
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                                                            “ —??? ”
                    he appreciates the praise, but was adding the ‘ GAY ’ part really necessary ??
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sendak’s new solution: throwing the bf who just happens to be holding the kid
@highcmdr @norikiru
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vagasbonds-moved · 6 years
mistletoe!! absolutely an accident. for elias, for whatever verse bc god knows we have enough to choose from lmao
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it’s ill surprising to see the rueful piece of foliage strung up above the door when they walk in the door. he almost rolls his when his eyes land on the mistletoe. but instead , he reaps the opportunity he’s been given –
an arm thrown around shiro’s shoulder ( though he must launch himself into the air first because SOMEONE’S tall ) , other hand cupped around his mouth. in slow motion almost , he yells , ❛ HAH – GAY ! ❜
—- and proceeds to place a messy smooch shiro’s face.
send me   ‘ mistletoe ’ for my muse’s response to being underneath mistletoe with your muse. specify whether it’s on accident or on purpose. / ACCEPTING !&& . @norikiru
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temettnosce · 5 years
"Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? It's fine, he woke up." ( from @atlaslived bc I can never resist dad jokes )
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               “Give it a rest, Shiro.”  Wait, no.  “I meant give it a break —–”                                                              Shit.  “———–  Stop it.”
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slingerscng-archive · 6 years
-Jesse’s mother owned an Andravida horse named Battle, that was Jesse’s companion much through his childhood. ( will have a headcannon about it later cause its always been a part of my Jesse )
-He hated getting the deadlock tattoo and actually insisted Ashe hold his hand through most of it. Deciding on the arm, he had scars covered up on left arm after being separated from his mom. Less to remember that way. 
-Jesse is bilingual; both of his parents insisted that he be able to speak Spanish seeing as it was his mother’s maiden tongue. Carmen taught Morgan how to speak Spanish who in turn taught Jesse. He does a lot of thinking in Spanish, and doesn’t primarily use it when speaking.
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doctorscrders · 6 years
█ ║►   ❝   they'll never break the shape we take  --- just let all their voices slip away.  ❞
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LYRIC - SLIP AWAY (PERFUME GENIUS.)           / /           @norikiru
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yukitscne · 6 years
@norikiru ・゚✧ continued from ★
     Seeing Luigi smile made him smile, too. Poor Luigi, always getting the short end of the stick. Getting left at home while his brother goes on adventures, winning mansions only to find out that it was all an elaborate ruse created by ghosts... It was hard not to feel bad for him.      He was going to prove that Luigi was the best character - well, the best Mario brother - in the whole game.     ‘Why not?’ Yuki pouts. ‘Don’t you want to see how happy he is after he becomes the superstar?’
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somnolentis-blog · 6 years
character questions: 33, 63, & 96
           100 character development questions
033. do they keep their promises?
d will certainly wholdeheartedly try to keep his promises, but that doesn’t always mean he’ll be successful. he does find it kind of touching when people even trust him enough to want him to make a promise in the first place, though, so he does try.
063. how well does your character handle difficult people?
lmao he doesn’t. he just stops talking to them and ghosts them.
when he’s working though, he does basically the same thing any other retail employee would do. just grin and bear it and do his job and no, sharon, sorry we don’t accept those coupons anymore, yes of course go ahead and ask the manager.
096. how do they move and carry themselves? what energy do they project?
in a word? lethargically. 
the way he speaks, moves, carries himself– he almost always seems totally exhausted, and probably looks it, too. there are dark bags under his eyes, he yawns all the time, he has the body language of a drowsy cat.
anything else (like confidence, happiness, etc) is basically overshadowed by how he generally looks like he could just pass out at a moment’s notice.
he kind of is tired all the time, but he actually has a lot of difficulty sleeping.
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mcka · 6 years
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  ❛  UGH ! 얼마나 바보 ! nobody wants to play any games with me ! and i ‘ m SUPER bored !  ❜   ||  @norikiru  [ sc ]
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pridewaited · 6 years
     he wasn’t overwatch material , not by a long shot. maybe at one point he was idealistic enough to believe that he could make a difference. the world had been too harsh for him to have hope in anything other than his own abilities. however he’d heard about the  RECALL  through his various sources and although he didn’t believe in the cause he did like having connections. so he showed up , invited himself in through the metaphorical door and got comfortable. or as comfortable as an assassin could be.
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     ❛ cool arm. pretty advanced tech it looks like. not as cool as mine but i’m sure you’re trying. ❜
° ★ 。☾   ❛  @norikiru     !
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soldierwatch · 5 years
💚 & 💙 i know for a fact that i don't need to send this in and i'm 90% that i have before anyway, but. dad.
ஃ  ➡ shipping meme. // @norikiru
💚 - friendship  💙 - kinship 
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disregard the crack-esque icon ;jack has unintentionally, UNWITTINGLY adopted all of the younger muses to be found. we have talked at not-near-enough length on this topic, & i will forever hold love for the dad-jack trope—not entirely done in, similar to the icon, a crack-esque manner, but just because he’s always been so damn SELFLESS & would give his LIFE to ensure the safety of those around him. 
i’m getting overwrought by emotion just THINKING about it—i cannot tell you HOW MANY TIMES jack has deliberately disobeyed his teammates SCREAMING at him to ‘GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE, MORRISON’ just to run head-first into saving someone ; the more DANGEROUS it is, the more his insistence later HE NEEDED TO DO IT. boy doesn’t THINK, he just GOES.
…i was supposed to be talking abt our muses relationship & now i’m just crying about my hero jack.
        JUST,,,YEAH. he’s gonna adopt everyone because he has this intrinsic characteristic that urges him to TAKE CARE of people. YOU BET YOUR ASS he’s gonna be looking out for shiro, given that shiro is, like, one of the few he connects well with—he may have been frustrated with starry-eyed boy-wonder in the beginning, but shiro has revealed himself to be a valuable friend ; a companion with advice & ideas that jack TRUSTS.
jack doesn’t like the idea of getting CLOSE with people much these days,but shiro & his counsel have become synonymous to SAFE for him. 
                            —but also i love ‘jack adopted shiro & shiro adopted jack,’ that always makes me laugh.
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@norikiru ha respondido: lmfao I’m still legitimately so mad @stolenbystars ha respondido: i hate voltron
what always really gets me is all the praise i had for v.ld just for them to completely shit the bed then try to point the finger back at queer people and go, “well, your standards are unrealistic!”
bruh i just wanted you to have shiro say “my fiancé” and have adam to breath for longer than a minute 
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vagasbonds-moved · 6 years
norikiru replied to your post: "i don't think your fists are like wet bagels. if...
“you’re right, not stale bagels either — BURNT bagels.”
❛ ... fine. i GUESS that’s better ... i thought you loved me , shit ro. ❜
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kumihoborn · 6 years
come get y’all random headcanons || accepting
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♡  as thankful as she is to get to have her cybernetics && that they basically saved her life – she’s terrified they might fail some day && every single time a malfunction happens her fears come alive && she nearly has a breakdown. she doesn’t like the pain that comes with calibrating her cybernetics since they make up her entire spine && are connected to her brain && nervous system. even if they can turn off the pain receptors she doesn’t like the feeling but she knows they keep her walking && keep her able to hear anything. she fears not being able to hear or walk one day because she’s made it hear life to dance && sing && without her career she’s not sure who she would be – she was raised on it && dreamed of being where she is now for so long she doesn’t know if she can be anything else
♡  she feels vaguely insecure about her prosthetics sometimes. it’s not because she’s ungrateful && it’s not because she doesn’t like them. she thinks they make her stand out nicely && make her more beautiful – but she’s had comments online && in person about how they make her less than human or that she’s no different than an omnic now && she should feel shame. it gets to her despite how much she’ll say it doesn’t or how she ignores all hateful comments but they get to her so much more than she lets on
♡  she loves greenery && takes care of flowers, plants && pretty succulents in her home. she thinks they’re pretty to look at but very fun to take care of && she’ll sing to them so they grow nice && strong
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lingzhcu-blog · 6 years
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❝  i know we haven ‘ t met yet ! 你好 ! it ‘ s nice to meet you !   ❞    @norikiru​ ​ [  ♡  ]
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grimesucker · 5 years
"hey, uh, dox?" question somewhat tentative, shiro fidgets with his hands for a moment before peeking up at dox. "i, uhm. i think I might... LIKE someone."
➤ 53ND M3 57UFF ➤ @norikiru
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INTRIGUE expressed by the arch of his brow, lifted in response to the call of his name. …interest further piqued by fifteen’s awkward stammering—dox has known the kid to be HESITANT about some of the shit in the UC, but he can’t recall a moment wherein he’s ever seen the boy NERVOUS ; not like this.
the look he wears implores fifteen to SPEAK UP, urging him to voice his troubles—& what comes is pretty… UNEXPECTED. 
                                                                      “ oh. ”
anticlimactic response, undoubtedly.the mender likely makes things WORSE by the PAUSE that follows, but… LOOK, he’s never had to REACT to something like this—EMOTIONS aren’t really something you go TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT down here.
                                              you just kinda—BURY THEM like the ADMINS did to the SLUMRATS.
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there’s a SLOW nod of his head, & dox guesses fifteen wants to… y’know, TALK about it, given that he’s BRINGING IT UP, & dox KNOWS he should be a little more GRATEFUL that the slumbrat TRUSTS HIM enough to DO SO, but—
                                                                  “ WHY ?”
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                                                                        —IT’S DOX.                                                                   what’d you EXPECT ?
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