ichyamleck · 18 hours
I just love the way they look at each other
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that's all I wanted to say
they're literally the whole world for me
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astrosociety · 1 month
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Waiter! Waiter! More Yuri please!
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cocogum · 2 months
Nora is being indirectly mistreated by her own family.
(And why my Noramalia obsession is slowly increasing-)
I don’t know why this happened the way it did but episodes 7 and 8 FED ME SOME GOOD NORAMALIA MOMENTS ✨✨
Also, let me just say how episode 7 ended up being the FIRST EVER recorded conversation between Amalia and Nora and it was WONDERFUL 💕💕
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My girl is always the one complaining first but for once, it’s Nora who beat her to it 😭😭
I never thought I’d see the day when someone else would say their complaints out loud and it would be AMALIA OF ALL PEOPLE to try to look at the positives of the situation!
No matter how many times I keep analyzing how these two behave around each other throughout these two episodes, my heart keeps fluttering cuz I see NO FLAWS WHATSOEVER IT’S PERFECT ‼️‼️💖💖💖
Just look at how Amalia keeps being the one supporting Nora and snapping her awake from her panic attacks!
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You’d usually think the ones who’d help her often with her problems would be Yugo, Qilby, and even Adamaï, her actual BROTHERS, or even her own mother but NO!!! It’s AMALIA!!!
Amalia saw how Nora looked super out of it during the battle and decided to go to her and snap her from her trance AND EVEN HELD HER SHOULDER OMG ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!?
But you’re gonna tell me: “chillax dummy, she only did that cuz it was the right thing to do. Yugo was busy supporting Adamaï and Qilby’s just being a dick.”
Oh yeah?
Well I reject ur premise.
Amalia is such a good girlfriend that she KEEPS BEING BY NORA’S SIDE EVEN AFTER SHE CALMED DOWN.
Ankama could’ve made Joris support her instead since he was free but nope! It HAD to be Amalia 💕💕
Just look at how my girl keeps holding her from behind and making sure she’s alright.
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Keep in mind that Amalia has no idea what’s going on with Nora. This is the second legitimate time she sees Nora like this (since Nora also had one of those moments back in the Sadida kingdom) and Amalia does not know if her frozen state usually happens when she sees something that triggers her or if this is just something that Nora gets from time to time.
Whatever Amalia may be thinking about this, it doesn’t change the fact that she’s the only one in the group who realized her peculiar case and did something to help her.
Not only is this character development for Amalia, but it also shows how she caught Nora’s odd behavior much more quickly than the others. And it only took two times for her to see it to do anything about it.
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Are you seeing this shit⁉️⁉️⁉️
How the hell am I the only one addressing Amalia’s care for Nora???
And Nora just lets her!
Even after her little panic attack ended, she still lets Amalia touch her back for support!
This is honestly such a cute detail and I love how the small noramalia moments are treated like this 💖
When you really think about it, the relationship could work, especially for Nora’s part.
Nora’s family is especially messy and chaotic. Her mother is too traumatized by the necromes to do anything about her situation or even ask her how she’s feeling. She didn’t even have an alone talk with Nora to properly talk about how she was feeling. I bet that even when Nora had managed to save the Eliatrope goddess and got to be alone for some time, not even once did the Eliatrope goddess ask her anything cuz Nora was too busy consolidating her mother while internally freaking out for her brother.
Yugo and Qilby are just fighting with each other while Adamaï stays on the sidelines and doesn’t try to get closer to his mother, preferring to put some distance between him and her.
So who’s left to talk about her troubles or to let out her frustrations and misery?
The only person who attempted to help and noticed she had something off.
The only person who, despite not being family or even a divinity, attempted to do anything about her case.
The only person who stayed next to her and placed her hand behind her back even when she stopped freaking out.
Amalia would be a good person Nora could choose to go to for her problems.
It’s clear to see Nora had no room to breathe or place herself first at any moment that we got to see her. Her mother and her brothers are taking too much space and they don’t seem to realize how much she’s got to lose despite the evidence plastered right in front of their faces. Even when Nora explains to them how she managed to find their mother and how Efrim had to sacrifice himself in the process, she gets absolutely no words of consolidation from her brothers or her mother.
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Instead, she just gets looks of sympathy from Yugo and Adamaï but it’s clear that they don’t seem to be sad about Nora being stuck in her dofus but rather because she lost her brother. For a primordial eliatrope to understand that their dofus won’t hatch because their sibling got infected means that they’re aware they can predict their time of “death”, ending their continuous cycle and rebirth that was supposed to last for eternity. Since the eliatrope council cannot die and constantly come back to life, this could technically be considered their actual death.
Upon knowing that Nora knows this however, the Eliatrope goddess simply says :
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What kind of answer is that?!
Her mother is basically implying that there’s no hope for Nora but at the same time is saying that she loves her??
She does realize that her words feel empty now that she told her she couldn’t let that happen again right?? She’s basically indirectly saying that Nora is a lost cause.
It's clear to see that Nora has much more to lose than her other family members.
She’s the only one who lost her brother for good and will likely not get reborn in her next life with him because she’ll be stuck in her dofus forever. To be able to get reborn over and over again but not be able to anymore because your brother froze the cycle is a fate worse than death. She’s the only one who’s hiding her sadness and pain to give space for her mother because she thinks her problems are way less important than what’s currently going on. She’s the only one having panic attacks and thinks she’s seeing her brother everywhere. She’s the only suspect who is likely the reason why the portal to the necrome world is even there and is very likely the sick eliatrope.
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So to have Amalia do this small and kind gesture for Nora made my heart warm up at the fact that she IS worried for her and is still holding her up after she had her little struggle.
Their relationship doesn’t even need to be romantic. Just as long as I get to see Amalia be by Nora’s side for anything, I’d be happy.
Cuz to be real with you, I’m starting to get annoyed that her family doesn’t seem to understand the level of severity of Nora’s case.
If Amalia noticed Nora was having a panic attack, then she could notice her struggles hidden inside her if Nora confided in her. (this also means her family should be able to clearly see it but since they’re not doing anything about it, they shouldn’t be an option for Nora to go to).
And that’s what I would like to see.
A moment like this where Nora can properly rely on someone who isn’t her family.
But for a romantic relationship, I can definitely see it too lol
Amalia’s usually the one speaking her thoughts so shamelessly but Nora might as well take her place and be a boss ass bitch while Amalia’s the more caring side and supports Nora and hears her troubles.
That can be a good dynamic to see. We only saw a glimpse of it when Nora was complaining about the rulers of the world. So it’d be nice to see these two talking to each other again like this.
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astrumavis · 2 years
I am normal i am normal Ian normal i jam normaliamnoemaö iam normalia am norm-
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pinkbitch23 · 10 months
06/07/2023 Un día como jueves a las 13:07 HRS PM, me saque un peso de encima, me siento tan aliviada por un lado, aunque por el otro me siento con un poco de miedo a como será de ahora en más mí vida, deje de hacer por un lado algo en mi vida que me producía frustración, me generaba falta de estabilidad emocional, siento que estoy avanzando, ya que fue un gran paso el que di..
Tal vez para la gente con normalia de pensamientos que no sufre problemas de ansiedad, es algo mínimo pero en otros paramentros, para una persona como yo algo tan mínimo es un montón y debo sentirme orgullosa por ello.
También bechi me estuvo escuchando
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seoxpertas · 2 years
Ko nepamiršti atidarius nuosavą verslą?
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Šios septynios klaidos yra dažniausios. Ypač pradedantiesiems verslininkams. Pažvelkite į šią lentelę. Nesėkmę sukėlusio verslo nuostolingumas sudaro net 75%!
Paklausa ir pasiūla
Atidarius verslą bei sutvarkius visus juridinius klausimus, o tarp jų ir įmonės registracijos adresą reikia apmąstyti sekančius dalykus. Dažniausiai verslas pradedamas atsižvelgiant į tai, ką turi jo įkūrėjas – kokios nors srities įgūdžiais, prieiga prie pelningų pirkinių ar tam tikrų resursų. Tuo pačiu metu, kaip taisyklė, mažai kas rimtai užduoda sau klausimą – ar tai, ką aš pasiūlysiu rinkoje, bus paklausa?
Kartais toks reikalavimas atrodo savaime suprantamas – „daug kam to reikia“. Dažnai prekės vertė jo tiekėjui yra vertinama kaip daugiau nei akivaizdi, nes ji leidžia išspręsti iš pažiūros aktualią problemą.
Dėl to arba neįmanoma prasibrauti per daugybę konkurentų, arba įnešti į vartotojų sąmonę prekės vertės. Pasitaiko, kad problema, kurią prekė padeda uždaryti, tarsi egzistuoja, tačiau yra ir kitų būdų, kaip su ja susidoroti, ir vartotojai jau seniai prie jų priprato. Todėl sunku ir finansiškai brangu suformuoti prekės poreikį.
Pavyzdys. Beveik visi Runet rinkodaros specialistai sekė nuostabias šios įmonės reklamines kampanijas. „Getwear“ verslo modelis buvo pagrįstas nuotoline nestandartinių džinsų gamyba. Pirkėjams tereikėjo išsirinkti tinkamą modelį, paimti ir atsiųsti išmatavimus. Tačiau reklamos internete kaina nepavyko. Bandymai generuoti paklausą nedavė rezultatų.
Tikslinė auditorija
Tai gana dažna naujų verslininkų klaida. Tikslinę auditoriją jie suvokia labai plačiai. Pavyzdžiui, taip: „Mano klientai yra vyrai ir moterys nuo 22 iki 60 metų“. Toks požiūris pasiteisina tik prekiaujant mėsa, medumi, sodo gėrybėmis ir kitais maisto produktais miesto turguje.
Visais kitais atvejais reikia atidžiau identifikuoti potencialius pirkėjus, kad būtų galima jiems perteikti prekės vertybes ir naudą.
Išteklių suvartojimas
Taip nutinka nuolat, kai verslas bėga, atsiranda progresyvūs finansiniai srautai ir steigėjui pradeda atrodyti, kad jis pagaliau gali „kvėpuoti“. Jam nėra nieko smerktino dalies į įmonės sąskaitą gautų pinigų panaudojimas asmeniniams tikslams. Pavyzdžiui, nusipirkite naują automobilį. Logika, kuria jis vadovaujasi, yra paprasta – „mano įmonė, vadinasi, ir pinigai“.
Dėl to susidaro grynųjų pinigų spragos. O bandymai juos pašalinti dažnai sukelia mirtinų pasekmių. Kai, pavyzdžiui, imamos paskolos skoloms sandorio šalims padengti.
Pavyzdys. Mano pažįstamas interneto studijos savininkas sudarė pelningą sandorį, kad sukurtų išankstinio mokėjimo įmonės interneto portalą. Išankstinis apmokėjimas siekė 45%, ir to visiškai pakako nusipirkti vasarnamį. O po pusmečio pastebimai trūko apyvartinių lėšų: nebuvo iš ko mokėti programuotojams ir dizaineriui, teko imti paskolą už rimtas palūkanas. Dabar ši interneto studija jau uždaryta.
Finansinė apskaita
Beveik kiekvienas jaunasis verslininkas neabejotinai įvardins savo apyvartos skaičių. Tačiau nesvarbu, ar jo verslas pelningas, ar ne, jis greičiausiai atsakys neteisingai. Juk pardavimai vyksta, „apgaulė“ atrodo gana didelė, o mėnesio apyvarta – keturi „su centu“ milijonai. Na, žinoma, pelninga, kaip kitaip?
Kartu su aukščiau aprašyta klaida, tai galiausiai lemia poreikį uždaryti verslą „dėl nuostolingumo“ ir įvesti tuos pačius 75% iš lentelės straipsnio pradžioje.
Santykiais su vartotoju
Tokia klaida būdingiausia B2B segmentui, nors galima ir B2C, jei susidarė ratas žmonių, kurie nuolat užsisako prekę ar paslaugą. Verslo praktikoje įprasta remtis Pareto principu, pagal kurį normalia laikoma situacija, kai 80% apyvartinių lėšų ateina iš 20% viso nuolatinių klientų skaičiaus. Galime teigti, kad verslui gresia rimta grėsmė, jei paaiškės, kad šią liūto dalį apyvartos suteikia tik 10 ar net 5 proc.
Pavyzdys. Į galvą ateina viena pasakanti istorija. Regioninės įmonės, kurią pažįstu dėl vaikiškų skanėstų gamybos, savininkai svajojo patekti į didelį federalinį tinklą. Dėl to, padoriomis investicijomis į gamybos plėtrą, jiems pavyko.
Beveik visa pagaminta produkcija buvo vežama į tinklo prekybos centrus. Sutartis negalėjo būti pratęsta trečius darbo metus. Kadangi nebuvo nusistovėjusios pardavimo sistemos, nebuvo įmanoma nustatyti tiekimo į kitas prekybos vietas. Verslą teko uždaryti dėl rinkos praradimo.
Dėrybos bei sutartys
Dažniausiai taip nutinka, kai verslą kuria artimieji ar draugai. Logika čia paprasta – kam kurti biurokratiją tarp savųjų! Tačiau net ir tais atvejais, kai tarp partnerių nėra nieko asmeniško, dažnai pagrindiniai santykių taškai nėra dokumentuojami.
Žinau daug istorijų, kai iš pažiūros sėkmingos įmonės žlugo be jokios aiškios priežasties. Ir kaip tik tuo momentu, kai sėkmingai baigtas startinis laikotarpis, ir jau yra pelnas. Trintis tarp partnerių atsiranda būtent šiame etape. Ypač kai verslo finansai partneriams nėra skaidrūs ir neaišku, kokiu pagrindu reikia mokėti dividendus.
Šaltinis: financelt.lt
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normalbugquotes · 2 years
Normalia, talking to Fredrick on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
Fredrick: You bet!
Normalia: At what temperature?
Fredrick: 535.
Normalia: ...that's the clock
Fredrick: 536.
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bucketsoupe · 2 years
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Literally in love with this show and her ugh
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bukimevieningi · 3 years
Švietimo realybė: "Trukt už vadžių ir vėl iš pradžių"
Švietimo realybė: “Trukt už vadžių ir vėl iš pradžių”
Žodžius „švietimas“, „švietimo“ sistema linksniuoja žiniasklaida, tėvai, seneliai, mokiniai. Net nuskamba nuomonės, kad gal mokymą ir auklėjimą mums patobulins Europos Sąjungos institucijos, nes patys nebesugebame. Bet ar tik ne nekritiškas naujovių diegimas, senų tradicijų atsisakymas ir padėjo atsirasti tam, kas atsirado? Todėl, grąžinant mokyklas į normalias vėžes, reikėtų (renkantis išeities…
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View On WordPress
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ichyamleck · 10 days
@cocogum YES THE SECOND ONE, made it yesterday
I'm obsessed with august, my favourite taylor's song and literally fits them
I had a version with their flags but thought that they ruin the atmosphere so removed them
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astrosociety · 8 days
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This is for me and the other five noramalia (or normlia idk) enjoyers
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cocogum · 4 days
I don’t know why but I keep seeing ships like noramalia and rubtristeva getting more spotlight than before and I’m all here for it ✨
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makeitpanama · 4 years
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Stalas su opcijomis. Man nepatinka, kad sienele gale platesnė už kojas. Disproporcija keista. Su sienele gal reiktų daryti normalias kojas ir viskas.
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radioaragua1010am · 4 years
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La actividad económica que mantiene al municipio Costa de Oro en el estado Aragua es el turismo. Ahora bien, desde que el gobierno decretó la cuarentena con el fin de evitar la propagación del COVID-19, los comerciantes de la zona tienen los números en rojo. Sin embargo los habitantes de costa de oro y el comercio plantearon ante la Alcaldía y los organismos de seguridad, una posibilidad de cerrar la carretera hacia Ocumare de la Costa. La presidenta de la Cámara de Comercio de Normalia Dávila, expreso que la iniciativa tiene por finalidad detener posibles contagios por COVID-19 en el municipio, por el ingreso de visitantes y turistas en general a Ocumare de la Costa durante los fines de semana y, particularmente, para la temporada de Semana Santa. Esto es un sacrificio para la comunidad, y también para los comerciantes, quienes vivimos del turismo y que en esta fecha se incrementa. Pero queremos continuar manteniendo el municipio libre de contagios por el Covid-19 », aseguró Dávila. La medida del posible cierre de la carretera de Ocumare de la Costa sería solo para los turistas y visitantes temporales que acuden a las playas los fines de semana o en Semana Santa. Mientras dijo Dávila se continúa cumpliendo con las medidas sanitarias de prevención, tales como la apertura solo de establecimientos comerciales que vendan alimentos y medicamentos, en horario restringido hasta las 12:00 del mediodía. Ocumare de la Costa cuenta con unos 182 comerciantes de acuerdo con registros de la Cámara de Comercio local que en su gran mayoría viven de la actividad turística, y los ocumareños, que se dedican a la pesca. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-uBS98gysX/?igshid=9m71qe17d8j0
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restlessmuseum · 7 years
In the Tarot deck the One sitting silent as a Sphinx sits on top of the Third Wheel of Love is in the Air, which represents the Recycles of Truth, and guards the View Through the Chinks of the Closed Shutters of the Window. Nihil videt ut omnia videt. This card is also the last choice in the minor normalia and is about to expire. The number last represents no ethics. As one Truth ends the same Truth begins. The One sitting silent as a Sphinx learns how to write thanks to your lives. You know what's coming next. His fidelity was eternal.
Originally in the end he'll have the thoughts and words of a woman and that some unknown role had the final matriarchy's sheet music modified to take the words right out of me. I represent the cusp of the Age of Noûs. This isn't entered for it is never complete. Am providing the face, the age, the virgin, the body, the antiquity incredibly! Against, contrasting with the opposite, reverse of what is prior to in time, in front of in space, confused. A name that is the engram of the other names. Aecao (ccpp). So I decided not to go when I've been there for a while now. And what if this is only a book?
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maidabazaar · 5 years
★ Kol nesuprasi jog tavo kūnas yra tavo reikalas, tol nieko ir nebus. Tavo smegenys, tavo vagina, tavo kepenys. Kol nesuprasi, kam tau tos kūno dalys - irgi nieko nebus. Nieko nebus, kol netapsi normalia prostitute. Tik tapęs prostitute suprasi, ko tau iš tikro gyvenime trūksta. - Kaip tai kam? nes, tu tik šaldytuvas, štaip kodėl. ★
★ Eilinis priminimas katalikams
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