#normally i'd assume that i'm overthinking but this is literally from the avatar of the web. so i dont think im cringe for this /lh
rsmrymnt-tea · 3 years
So maybe it's just me but whenever I read fics about the brothers being in the human realm or coming to meet your family n such and they have them (usually Satan specifically) change their name I get kinda ??? about it.
Like none of the cast has an name that would be insane to encounter in real life!! Like maybe you'd been like well that's unusual but you're not immediately going to assume holy shitballs this person's a literal demon.
Like unless your family is religious and particular about this sort of thing Satan can just say his parents are super edgy. The other brothers can just claim their parents were into demonology yknow.
And actually!! If my sibling brought home a date and then it turned out they were lying about the name and the name was Satan I'd probably be more inclined to believe that that's the actual Satan than if they were just like That's His Name.
(skdjs I think for fun I would just not tell my family his name I'd be like this is My Boyfriend My Darling The Light Of My Life and if they asked Satan he'd be like I'm [Name]'s Boyfriend Their Darling The Light Of Their Life I think it'd be super fun)
Ahsjshaa such a little shit move but very fun!! And like not like your family can do anything about it esp if their opinion of your relationship doesn’t really have any real weight to you lmfao
Honestly I’m torn because I do like the fun of trying to match a human name with each brothers but at the same time yeah… They can just say their parents were all into demonology. Plus half their names pass pretty fine—Beel, Belphie, and Asmo all sound like odd but acceptable enough human names and Levi is a normal name. A common enough name that’s often in the tags of many jeans and jean jackets wahaha~~~
The others are a little out there but Lucifer is a cool sounding ‘yeah we’re into demons and wanna name our child something cool’ name. Mammon and Satan are uh, a little odder and less cool sounding but yeah can be explained away with the edgy parents thing.
And I’ve met irl people with just as questionable names and nicknames. Went to uni with a guy who named himself Alpha (among others who had surprising names that I just can’t remember…), met little kids with keysmashes for names, and once came across a banner hung outside a house that said, “welcome home baby Naruto” with a legitimate picture of a baby on there ahsjsha
Not to mention my own younger brother was almost named ‘Rurik Adelbern.’ Yes, after the Guild Wars characters specifically. My dad was just as bad as I am about our fixations >.>
(Also my own birth name is fucking ridiculous, I’d kill to just be named after a demon. Like I like the name I chose for myself but imagine growing up named Astaroth or something)
Though considering that the sorcerers at the Sorcerer’s Society knew who Beel and Lucifer were, I have a feeling that their faces are actually out there somewhere, and a band of 7 brothers all named after the seven avatars of sin and looking and behaving a lot like them would attract attention from the wrong crowd? Idk it really depends on where you imagine MC living I guess but I do kinda see why the brothers themselves are worried about having their real names out.
And I mean. The natural inclination when meeting the parents is to overthink so I can kinda buy the fake human names being a thing. I’m just irked when they’re all very… White American names? What’s stopping you from giving Mammon a Hispanic name? Or Lucifer with an Eastern European one?
Also don’t underestimate just how harshly people will judge someone by their name because it says a Lot about the kind of background they have >.> I also have a feeling that a lot of the people who play OM have religious families too so… Yeah.
Personally I’m 50/50 on it. I have my own ‘demon bros in the human world’ ideas I wanna explore and I’m torn between using a fake name and not. The brothers themselves seem to care and it adds a layer of fun imo haha But I can def see why it’s not one of your yums when it comes to tropes with the brothers.
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