#normally they work out the alien bit first and the time travel 2nd i'm so glad we got a reversal!!!!
yesokayiknow · 4 months
i know we won't but GOD i hope he never tells her he's an alien i hope we have a whole series of ruby thinking he's just a time travelling human until he gets hurt and is like ohhhhhh ruby love can you check my pulses and she's like check your fucking what now
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doodleggoat · 3 years
You know what? I'm on the mood to tell you about the stories I'm working on, I've only mentioned them and drew some OCs but I never actually talked about it
So buckle up everybody because I think I'm gonna extend a lot while talking about every single one
The first one is "Central City" about Fredderick and Rudolph and their daughter Alexa getting stuck on a futuristic city called "Central city" trying to adapt to this place they eventually meet the "Laughter" band, the 2nd most known musical band in the world in the middle of a competition against the "Big Bear Baron Studio's" band, the 1st most known musical band in the whole world
And so the Laughter's have to climb their way to the top while they're constantly being sabotaged by the Big Bear Baron Studio's, while also learning to unite in harmony thanks to Alexa and her father's
The band members are Shannone, Monique Le Mousé, DJ Meg and Rat Queen
the Central City is a enormous boulevard with shops in every side and corner with the only transport being trains but those are found everywhere too looking more like a futuristic metro/underground city
Second one and probably the oldest one is "Shaun's Luck" and as the name implies it's about a girl called Shaun that lost her sister and basically everything, needing to escape into the woods and live alone she finds a cave, and having nothing to lose she goes in there and meets the bad luck spirit Vantablack, at first trying to kill her on purpose but as time passes Shaun gets to know about Vantablack and become friends but being friends with a bad luck spirit is the basic equivalent of hugging a cactus
Shaun's objective is to bring her sister back, and for that she needs to go to the antimatter dimension located at the bottom of the cave, a place where the rules of luck shift, her bad awful luck becomes a reasonable good luck and with a bad luck spirit at her side she feels capable of reaching her destination, but there's still that bit of bad luck in her that won't make things easy
The third one is "Seasons" a story involving various (and a LOT of) characters like Günter and Jimmy, Ellie and Lilea, even Marchel and Bug, in a series of events separated in 6 arc's
The introduction arc, the Marchel arc, the alien arc, the demon arc, the war arc and the final arc
This is probably the longest out of every other story I wrote so far
The fourth one is "Roler Complex" at first a joke one off that I made about a global virus outbreak that made people all across the globe act the exact opposite of their normal selfs, kinda like someone was using their bodies to roleplay (ence the name)
The protagonist is a cat boy called "Roy" the very first victim to get infected with the virus accidentally spreading it around until her girlfriend, a stickman enthusiast that goes by the "Stickgirl" name, with her martial arts mastery contains him and sends him to her sister "Natasha", an overpowered fennec that unfortunately didn't make things any better adding more layers and personalities to him AND split him up into 5 different entities, anger, sadness, happiness, Goodness and Villainousness
And so the have to hunt his other personalities and put him back together while also looking for a cure, by the way Natasha was infected and got nerfed, she can only summon cheese from thin air at this point
Now I'm going with the mini series even though I don't think they're mini, it's more of alternate universes/headcanons
First mini is "Betweeners" where Günter, Nia and Rat Queen get trapped in constant dimension travelling shenanigans, mostly it's based around different games, movies and series I like and them interacting with their environment, with the occasional alternate universe counterparts
For example Nia was first encountered on that one game of the "Sinking City" even though I never played it except for a song I heard for it
And Rat Queen was first encountered on an alternate timeline of her own story, just after she falls asleep on a scene of the original story
Second mini is Rat Queen's story or "Chapter RQ" is a prequel from before the events of Central City, where after forgetting she had to do a song for the next concert Shannone leaves her on her own on the massive hotel and falls asleep halfway to the room and when she wakes up a whole kingdom of rats are awaiting for their new Queen to rule them
After that all of the events happen on the basement of the hotel, from Monique's arrival to Aspser crush on Queen to the meeting of a famous rodent hero
Third mini is an amalgamation of all the main stories after a reset of the universe where all of the characters are kids again, the mains are Bug, Günter, Nia, Marcus and Rat Queen
It's a one off more than anything but I refuse not to write any of this in the future
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