jounce · 1 year
I rediscovered thejoys of l8stening to placebo
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learningathome · 7 years
Totally Blessed!  But Completely FUNNY!!!
The first 30 minutes of my morning: (Harley Quinn not sleeping well as we transition out of the swaddle...boo...so Mad Scientist tried to let me sleep in...after I gave her a bottle, burped her and rocked her back to sleep at 7ish...at which point he and Munchkin were talking and woke  Harley Quinn back up.) Both Munchkin and Mad Scientist came in the bedroom turning lights on/off, opening drawers and such, one text message and a phone call (In my sister's defense it was 8:55 lol.).
Mad Scientist comes in the room at 9: I can't take it anymore.  Harley Quinn had a string on her toe. It was like Sea Rescue. Munchkin had to hold her down and put things in front of her face while I cut the string off. I was traumatizing...for me. THEN Munchkin leaned on the walker too much and made it collapse. She thought she fixed it but then she put  Harley Quinn in it and it collapsed again. I'm having issues fixing it. THEN Munchkin made a bowl of cereal and spilled it in the floor. Plus she hasn't cleaned up the living room like I asked. You have to get up.
Me: Ok...so normal morning. What do I need to do? Have you fed Harley Quinn her morning bottle? Has Munchkin cleaned up the cereal? Where did she spill it? She should have a towel down if she ate it in the living room. And have you checked on your mom and given her her morning meds, made sure she ate breakfast, checked the microwave, and turned on the tv for her?
Mad Scientist: What? This is a NORMAL morning???
Me: umm...yeah.
Mad Scientist: I fed Harley Quinn her bottle in bed before we got up.
Me: No. I fed that bottle. Have you fed one after the bottle in bed?
Mad Scientist: Ok, you fed her but I got the bottle. (lol...ok) No I haven't fed her again. Munchkin had the cereal in the living room but no towel. Why was she suppose to? No, I haven't been to Mom's yet.
Me: calls my sister back quickly, gets up, walks in the living room and steps on soggy cereal (Munchkin wiped up cereal with kitchen towels and tossed them to a different spot in the living room lol), gets towel and cleans up thrown cereal as Munchkin continues sopping up spilled milk, goes to get bottle for  Harley Quinn only to realize Munchkin, trying to help, has formula bag ready with formula too high in bottle and fix that, unload the formula bag bc Munchkin used her boo boo seal in the freezer to keep formula cold, have Mad Scientist start making formula bc we are running low, get him ready with meds for his mom and explain how to give them, help Munchkin clean up the living room, help get cereal finished cleaned up, help her get another breakfast, feed Harley Quin a bottle and work on getting her back to sleep while Mad Scientist comes back to the house and says he has to go into work to fix a machine.
Before he leaves I remind him how just the other day he was talking about my short fuse by the time he gets home. I told him next time he wants to complain about it remember this morning. Remember what happened. That conversation ended with a kiss and me being told I was a saint lol.
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thefuelhaus-blog · 9 years
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A normal morning at TFH with @atticusanonymous Have a kick ass thanksgiving. #tfh #thefuelhaus #ispyaninja #normalmornings #haveagoodone (at The Fuel Haus)
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th3h3r0 · 9 years
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How We celebrate Dads bday haha #Yesyes #arabthings #awesome #normalmornings #MAN
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