#nornore herald of manwe
ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
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Little thing of Star-Bird family. Manwe, Varda, Eonwe and Ilmare, and in the middle another deleted character I’ve decided to put back in, Nornore. He was the original herald of the Valar, who I’ve put back in as a younger brother/aide to Eonwe.
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
My Tolkien Ocs/Cut Charater Rewrites
For fun and really no reason but wanting it handy somewhere/wanting to share a little bit of my yet-to-be-seen/lesser seen Tolkien ocs and some story ideas connected with them. So here they are, for your viewing pleasure/bewilderment
My Tolkien OCs
Also known as Omar. Originally the cut Valar of Song and brother to Salmar, in my rewrite he’s the younger brother of Melkor and Manwe, brought in near Dagor Dagorath to take Melkor’s empty spot and help defeat his evil brother when he breaks thru the Doors of Night
Originally cut Valar of Day,Month,Year. I’d rewrite them as the joint head maiar of the halls of Vaire the Weaver
The original Lt. of Melkor, cut and reworked into Sauron. In my rewrite he’d still be the og. Lt., a corrupted maia of Orome, but when Mairon turns he’s demoted and hates him for it ever after. It’s said that he goes on to corrupt some of the dwarves, and I kind of like the idea of him devolving/corrupting into a dragon. Not Smaug himself but maybe an ancestor?
Maia of Aule, one of the youngest, having only come from the Timeless Halls in the Fifth Age. Lover of Alvin. Is very interested in Arda Marred, wanting to actually get to see an experience of the creations she helped sing into being. Eventually does travel there near the coming of Dagor Dagorath, (without permission from the Valar) and becomes an ally of Alvin Lowdham, the reincarnated Herendil, helping him prepare the world of men against the return of Morgoth. (Her Valarian name is Ibrithir which is where my handle comes from)
Cut character that was the herald of Melkor. Very fond of @atane-is-here ‘s idea of him once being a Maia of Mandos so I’ve basically just headcanoned that. He gets his job as Herald back as well. 
Cut Valar of Battle, brother of Meassa. For my rewrite I’d make him originally a maiar of Tulkas. But, when I looked them up it said that the brother-sister pair was originally close to Melkor before he fell, so I had this thought to  actually make him the OG identity of Gothmog. To tie in the old idea of  the ogress Fluithulin being the “mother” of Kosomot, maybe she’s the one who lures him to Melkor’s side?
Originally cut Valar of Battle, sister of Makar. Similar to her brother I’d make a corrupted maiar of Tulkas, and I think I’d make her become Lungorthin, the white balrog, or maybe have her be Fluithulin herself? I can see a chaotic battle goddess Maia being all over Melkor. What do you guys think is more interesting?
Unofficial Chief Maia of Aule ( he stopped having official ones after the first two turned to evil). Younger sister of Curumo who came from the Timeless Halls after his fall in the Third Age. 
Originally conceived as a daughter of Orome and Vana, I’d make her the Chief Maia of Orome, overseer of his Hunt, who eventually becomes Chief Maiar of Vana as well after Melian leaves for Middle Earth.
Cut maia whose job was eventually replaced by Eonwe, he’s now Eonwe’s second in command.
Maia of Aule, wife of Urundil, said to be the loveliest of all of the maiar of Aule’s halls.
Cut Ainu who was charged with watering Telperion, was said to have been beloved by Irmo, so now he’s his Chief Maia.
Maia of Aule, husband of Olbain. He doesn’t have really any big distinguishing characteristics except that for some reason I think he’d be the only person to get close to figuring out what the heck Tom Bombadil is, but because it’s obvious to him he never thinks to tell anyone else about it.  
Chief Maia of Mandos--(ok this is literally just crack taken semi-seriously, as she’s literally just April from Parks and Rec and she and Mandos have the exact same relationship as her and Ron Swansen)
Better known by his nickname of Andavare “far-walker”, he is the son of Argon born after his rebirth in Aman, favorite cousin of Tanwen.
Wife of Curufin and mother of Celebrimbor. Originally an apprentice of Feanor. Stayed behind in Aman and helped to raise her niece:
Daughter of Maglor, wife of Elladan, mother of Tanwen. Born after Maglor left for Middle Earth without his knowledge of her existence. Raised in Tirion by her mother:
Niece of Anairë through one of her sisters, wife of Maglor. Raised her daughter with the help of her sister-in-law Antalitse. Is eventually reunited with Maglor in the Dagor Dagorath, when Tanwen returns with him after traveling  to Middle Earth.
The great-grandaughter of both Feanor and Earendil. Also happens to sort of be Feanor reincarnated due to Feanor figuring out how to kind of break out of Mandos by hitching a ride out into the world just as his newest kin’s fea was coming in. Lover of Urusilla. Eventually takes up the mantle of High King of the Noldor when Dagor Dagorath comes. Is the one to find and break the Silmarils, fulfilling the prophecy of Feanor doing so.
Teleri shipwright who lives on Tol Eressa, lover of Tawen.
Son of Lalwen and Ingwion, who met at the end of the War of Wrath and once Lalwen got over being mad at the Vanyar for taking so long they fell in love.
Daughter of Anarion. Was part of a radical cell of the Faithful who attempted a coup to overthrow Ar-Pharazon and the Zigur and restore Tar-Miriel to the throne. Was captured and sacrificed to Morgoth. Favorite niece/best friend of Herendil, who she was the closest in age to. Eventually reincarnated as Angelica Errol (after the Errol family in Tolkien’s time travel story idea), cousin of Alvin Lowdham, the reincarnated Herendil.
Daughter of Eldarion with his second wife, elder twin sister of Tercenor. Becomes entangled with the schemes of Herumor in the New Shadow storyline.
Second wife of Eldarion, of the line of Halbarad of the Rangers of Eriador. Mother of Anheryn and Tercenor. Her name “High Wife” was given to her due to portents at her birth that foretold an important destiny for her in the annals of Gondor.
Castamir III
Father of Lomiziran, a descendant of Angamaite, one of the Gondorian Lords who fled to Umbar during the Kingstrife. Aragorn killed his grand-father, the Captain of the Haven during his time as Thorongil. Castamir himself was killed in the new forays between Gondor and Umbar over Harondor in the early years of Aragorn’s reign.  
Name I’ve given to The Mouth of Sauron, taken as a child from the Temple of the Eye in Umbar into the service of the Dark Lord of Mordor
Eldest son of Eldarion, and only child between him and Lomiziran. Erthoril was his Gondorian name, referencing his role in reuniting the kingdoms of Gondor-Arnor and Umbar peacefully, Zairphazan his Umbarian name, and Moriaryon was a nickname he was called by some (not too kindly) referencing both his looks and referring to certain rumors that his mother may have taught him something of the magic arts. He comes to the kingship during the rising of the Dark Tree cult led by the mystic Herumor.
Princess of Dol Amroth, grandaughter of Aragorn. Is the Firiel mentioned in the poem “The Last Ship”.
Eldest daughter of Aragorn and Arwen, eventually marries Elboron, son of Faramir and Eowyn, and becomes the mother of Barahir
Deleted son of Elendil from Tolkien’s attempt to write a time-travel story, rewritten by me as his third, youngest son, who was one of the last sacrifices to Morgoth before the fall of Numenor, who’s death is too painful to talk about which is why he wasn’t mentioned in the Annuls. In the Tyelpe in Numenor timeline his is rescued by his Tyelpe and his brothers and helps to raise Valandil in Rivendell. In either timeline he is eventually reincarnated in the Last Age as Alvin Lowdham, (from the Lowdham family in Tolkien’s second take at a Numenor time-Travel Story) who has visions of the fall of Numenor and the coming return of Morgoth. (He uh, he also has a darker thing going on in the background connected to just what Sauron was trying to do with all those sacrifices to Morgoth...)
Wife of Castamir III, mother of Lomiziran. Becomes Queen-Regent after her husband and his brother’s death in battle (Umbar traditionally a duumvirate). Engineers Lomiziran’s marriage to Eldarion after capturing his strike force. She was a descendent of Sangahyando, kinsman of Angamaite, who married a princess of the Haradrim. 
Witch-Princess of Umbar, wife of Eldarion and eventually Queen of Gondor-Arnor. Mother of Ethoril. Trained in the magic arts by her grandmother, a devotee of the ancient Umbarian version of Varda, who’s worship had gone underground during Sauron’s occupation but was kept alive in secret. 
Second daughter and youngest child of Aragorn and Arwen. Marries into the line of Dol Amroth. Her daughter Firiel was offered a place on the last ship sailing to Valinor by her great uncles Elladan and Elrohir but refused. 
Mother of Lominzil, grandmother of Lomiziran. Dedicated her life to renewing the ancient religions of Umbar in secret after meeting the Blue Wizards as a teenager and becoming convinced of the true evil nature of Sauron. Trained Lomiziran in magic as taught to her by the Blue Wizards.
Second son and youngest child of Eldarion, becomes entangled with the schemes of Herumor in the New Shadow storyline.
Ring Babies
Malya-Personifed One Ring, youngest child of the Ring Babies
Nenya--Personifed Ring of Water, middle child and attendant to Galadriel.
Narya--Personified Ring of Fire . Eldest of the Ring Babies and heir of Eregion.
Vilya--Personifed Ring of Air youngest the Ring Babies, Master of Arms for Gil Galad.
Silm Triplets
Eabariel--Personified Silmaril, the one who's thrown into the sea by Maglor
Narewen --Personified Silamril, the one who's cast into the fire with Maedhros
Tellumian -- Personified Silmaril, the one who ends up sailing the sky with Earendil
Olindefinwe -- Son of Mairon and Maedhros in the Mai Squared AU
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