ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
@tolkienocweek Day 2! July 27th— Family Members
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Filling in some gaps with my Feanorian wives! Starting on the left we have Naeril, the wife of Maglor. She’s a niece of Anaire, and stays behind with her family when Maglor follows Feanor to Formos. They reunite again for a short time before Melkor steals the Silmarils, long enough for her to conceive their daughter Mirdaneth (being held) who was born after Maglor left Valinor, and never knew her father.
Seated on the right is Antalitse, the wife of Curufin. She was an apprentice of Feanor who began as a rival of Curufin until they finally ended up falling in love (there’s a joke in the family they only married to be able to more easily spy/on-up each other but they really did have love between them). She moved to Formos with the rest of the Feanorians, but ultimately refused to take the Oath and wanted Celebrimbor to stay in Valinor with her, but Curufin overrode her wishes and took him with him. Antalitse sought to heal the grief of her lost child by helping her sister-in-law raise Mirdaneth.
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ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
@tolkienocweek Day 5–July 30th — Worldbuilding
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I already did Naeril and Mirdaneth before, but I couldn’t help but do them again when I realized that Mirdaneth would be born into a Darkened Valinor, lit only by the light of fire and Feanorian lamps until the Sun and Moon are created. And I wondered what it would be like for Naeril to give birth and raise her daughter in a world that had suddenly, literally gotten darker. A paradise that had shown itself assailable and corruptible. Seeing her child growing up in a dark world with darkened eyes that had never seen the light of the trees, listening to Mirdaneth begin to discover her own talents in music and remembering Maglor who’s likely lost to her forever thanks to Mandos’s decree…just—dang.
Also I have to give credit to @navyinks for beautiful way they illustrate music 🎶
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
The Tale of Tanwen Part 3
Hello! Finally back to Tanwen after taking a detour into the Mai Squared stuff, but today we’re finally gonna catch up to our poorly reincarnated Heroine, who, when we last left off, had been swayed by Feanor’s influence/regained memories to renew the Oath to reclaim the Silmarils...
Thankfully, (depending on the point of view) it proves much harder for a young elleth not even come into full maturity, to gain hold of the most precious object in the Blessed Lands, than it perhaps would have for Feanor himself, in full possession of his cunning and ability. And despite her plans and plots, Tanwen does not suceed in regaining the last known Silmaril from the brow of her other great-grandfather. And now, the suspicions of her parents that something is not well with their child has been confirmed...
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As have the suspicions of the Valar. Many souls have passed thru Mandos’s Halls, and as wise and great as he is, he is not all-seeing, nor all-present. Long had he allowed the spirit of Feanor to dwell apart, locked in his own misery and anger, refusing all attempts to aid him in moving on from his own inner rage. But now, looking into the eyes of this child, wracked from within with a fury far older and deeper then one so young to the world ought to have, the Judge of the Dead questions for the first time if leaving the Spirit of Fire to his own devices for so long was wise. Something has gone amiss, and as Mandos and Vaire return to the Halls in search of Feanor, his youngest descendent is left in the care of Namo.
For the Lord of Dreams knows that much healing can be found in sleep, as well as much knowledge gained from thoughts freed to wander in dreams. If there is an answer to be found for the young elleth’s sudden state of imbalance, he is certain it can be found with the aid of the spells of sleep that are his to call upon. 
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And in enchanted slumber, the spirit of Tanwen Faelach wakes to a world between worlds, a place of mist and shadow, a world that those bound in the Halls of Mandos know well.  For as Sleep is the Brother of Death, so one who is caught between the two might easily find themselves walking those shrouded halls, even more so for one for whom part of their soul should , be rights, be residing there still...
There is no sound at first, nor any sight to be seen nor touch to be felt. And the spirit that names it self Faelach trembles to be so suddenly alone, void of all companionship but themselves. There is no way to tell time in this border place, no way to tell if they have wandered in this mist for hours, or days, or simply stood in one place for an eternity, as the mist rolls around them. Finally, tears that do not truly exist come to eyes that are no longer truly there to shed them, and a cry for their father comes from a throat that can no longer make sound--
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And that cry is answered.  In dreams, as in death, the eyes of the soul may look upon the face of one who would be utterly unknown to them in life and yet know them perfectly. And thus did the souls of Finwe and Faelach know eachother for what they were, though the soul of his son wore a different face, and the father of Tanwen Faelach sat beside her in the Gardens of Lorien, her still hand held in his. But for a moment, in the dream state in which they met, neither of these things mattered to two souls lost together in the mists between life and death.
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And that’s part three! There’s gonna be two more parts to this in total I think, so keep your eye out! Im so, so crazy glad that you all have liked my art and stories so much and I hope I can continue to make stuff you’ll all enjoy!
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
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Here’s a few more of my dolled up LOTR OCs. Today’s some more Feanorian ladies. From left to right we have Naeril, Maglor’s wife. They were estranged by the time he left for Middle Earth and she gave birth to their daughter, Mirdaneth (in the middle) without his knowledge, and raised her with the help of her sister-in-law Antalitse, the wife of Curufin and mother of Celebrimbor, who had also stayed behind after refuting the deeds of her husband.
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
My Tolkien Ocs/Cut Charater Rewrites
For fun and really no reason but wanting it handy somewhere/wanting to share a little bit of my yet-to-be-seen/lesser seen Tolkien ocs and some story ideas connected with them. So here they are, for your viewing pleasure/bewilderment
My Tolkien OCs
Also known as Omar. Originally the cut Valar of Song and brother to Salmar, in my rewrite he’s the younger brother of Melkor and Manwe, brought in near Dagor Dagorath to take Melkor’s empty spot and help defeat his evil brother when he breaks thru the Doors of Night
Originally cut Valar of Day,Month,Year. I’d rewrite them as the joint head maiar of the halls of Vaire the Weaver
The original Lt. of Melkor, cut and reworked into Sauron. In my rewrite he’d still be the og. Lt., a corrupted maia of Orome, but when Mairon turns he’s demoted and hates him for it ever after. It’s said that he goes on to corrupt some of the dwarves, and I kind of like the idea of him devolving/corrupting into a dragon. Not Smaug himself but maybe an ancestor?
Maia of Aule, one of the youngest, having only come from the Timeless Halls in the Fifth Age. Lover of Alvin. Is very interested in Arda Marred, wanting to actually get to see an experience of the creations she helped sing into being. Eventually does travel there near the coming of Dagor Dagorath, (without permission from the Valar) and becomes an ally of Alvin Lowdham, the reincarnated Herendil, helping him prepare the world of men against the return of Morgoth. (Her Valarian name is Ibrithir which is where my handle comes from)
Cut character that was the herald of Melkor. Very fond of @atane-is-here ‘s idea of him once being a Maia of Mandos so I’ve basically just headcanoned that. He gets his job as Herald back as well. 
Cut Valar of Battle, brother of Meassa. For my rewrite I’d make him originally a maiar of Tulkas. But, when I looked them up it said that the brother-sister pair was originally close to Melkor before he fell, so I had this thought to  actually make him the OG identity of Gothmog. To tie in the old idea of  the ogress Fluithulin being the “mother” of Kosomot, maybe she’s the one who lures him to Melkor’s side?
Originally cut Valar of Battle, sister of Makar. Similar to her brother I’d make a corrupted maiar of Tulkas, and I think I’d make her become Lungorthin, the white balrog, or maybe have her be Fluithulin herself? I can see a chaotic battle goddess Maia being all over Melkor. What do you guys think is more interesting?
Unofficial Chief Maia of Aule ( he stopped having official ones after the first two turned to evil). Younger sister of Curumo who came from the Timeless Halls after his fall in the Third Age. 
Originally conceived as a daughter of Orome and Vana, I’d make her the Chief Maia of Orome, overseer of his Hunt, who eventually becomes Chief Maiar of Vana as well after Melian leaves for Middle Earth.
Cut maia whose job was eventually replaced by Eonwe, he’s now Eonwe’s second in command.
Maia of Aule, wife of Urundil, said to be the loveliest of all of the maiar of Aule’s halls.
Cut Ainu who was charged with watering Telperion, was said to have been beloved by Irmo, so now he’s his Chief Maia.
Maia of Aule, husband of Olbain. He doesn’t have really any big distinguishing characteristics except that for some reason I think he’d be the only person to get close to figuring out what the heck Tom Bombadil is, but because it’s obvious to him he never thinks to tell anyone else about it.  
Chief Maia of Mandos--(ok this is literally just crack taken semi-seriously, as she’s literally just April from Parks and Rec and she and Mandos have the exact same relationship as her and Ron Swansen)
Better known by his nickname of Andavare “far-walker”, he is the son of Argon born after his rebirth in Aman, favorite cousin of Tanwen.
Wife of Curufin and mother of Celebrimbor. Originally an apprentice of Feanor. Stayed behind in Aman and helped to raise her niece:
Daughter of Maglor, wife of Elladan, mother of Tanwen. Born after Maglor left for Middle Earth without his knowledge of her existence. Raised in Tirion by her mother:
Niece of Anairë through one of her sisters, wife of Maglor. Raised her daughter with the help of her sister-in-law Antalitse. Is eventually reunited with Maglor in the Dagor Dagorath, when Tanwen returns with him after traveling  to Middle Earth.
The great-grandaughter of both Feanor and Earendil. Also happens to sort of be Feanor reincarnated due to Feanor figuring out how to kind of break out of Mandos by hitching a ride out into the world just as his newest kin’s fea was coming in. Lover of Urusilla. Eventually takes up the mantle of High King of the Noldor when Dagor Dagorath comes. Is the one to find and break the Silmarils, fulfilling the prophecy of Feanor doing so.
Teleri shipwright who lives on Tol Eressa, lover of Tawen.
Son of Lalwen and Ingwion, who met at the end of the War of Wrath and once Lalwen got over being mad at the Vanyar for taking so long they fell in love.
Daughter of Anarion. Was part of a radical cell of the Faithful who attempted a coup to overthrow Ar-Pharazon and the Zigur and restore Tar-Miriel to the throne. Was captured and sacrificed to Morgoth. Favorite niece/best friend of Herendil, who she was the closest in age to. Eventually reincarnated as Angelica Errol (after the Errol family in Tolkien’s time travel story idea), cousin of Alvin Lowdham, the reincarnated Herendil.
Daughter of Eldarion with his second wife, elder twin sister of Tercenor. Becomes entangled with the schemes of Herumor in the New Shadow storyline.
Second wife of Eldarion, of the line of Halbarad of the Rangers of Eriador. Mother of Anheryn and Tercenor. Her name “High Wife” was given to her due to portents at her birth that foretold an important destiny for her in the annals of Gondor.
Castamir III
Father of Lomiziran, a descendant of Angamaite, one of the Gondorian Lords who fled to Umbar during the Kingstrife. Aragorn killed his grand-father, the Captain of the Haven during his time as Thorongil. Castamir himself was killed in the new forays between Gondor and Umbar over Harondor in the early years of Aragorn’s reign.  
Name I’ve given to The Mouth of Sauron, taken as a child from the Temple of the Eye in Umbar into the service of the Dark Lord of Mordor
Eldest son of Eldarion, and only child between him and Lomiziran. Erthoril was his Gondorian name, referencing his role in reuniting the kingdoms of Gondor-Arnor and Umbar peacefully, Zairphazan his Umbarian name, and Moriaryon was a nickname he was called by some (not too kindly) referencing both his looks and referring to certain rumors that his mother may have taught him something of the magic arts. He comes to the kingship during the rising of the Dark Tree cult led by the mystic Herumor.
Princess of Dol Amroth, grandaughter of Aragorn. Is the Firiel mentioned in the poem “The Last Ship”.
Eldest daughter of Aragorn and Arwen, eventually marries Elboron, son of Faramir and Eowyn, and becomes the mother of Barahir
Deleted son of Elendil from Tolkien’s attempt to write a time-travel story, rewritten by me as his third, youngest son, who was one of the last sacrifices to Morgoth before the fall of Numenor, who’s death is too painful to talk about which is why he wasn’t mentioned in the Annuls. In the Tyelpe in Numenor timeline his is rescued by his Tyelpe and his brothers and helps to raise Valandil in Rivendell. In either timeline he is eventually reincarnated in the Last Age as Alvin Lowdham, (from the Lowdham family in Tolkien’s second take at a Numenor time-Travel Story) who has visions of the fall of Numenor and the coming return of Morgoth. (He uh, he also has a darker thing going on in the background connected to just what Sauron was trying to do with all those sacrifices to Morgoth...)
Wife of Castamir III, mother of Lomiziran. Becomes Queen-Regent after her husband and his brother’s death in battle (Umbar traditionally a duumvirate). Engineers Lomiziran’s marriage to Eldarion after capturing his strike force. She was a descendent of Sangahyando, kinsman of Angamaite, who married a princess of the Haradrim. 
Witch-Princess of Umbar, wife of Eldarion and eventually Queen of Gondor-Arnor. Mother of Ethoril. Trained in the magic arts by her grandmother, a devotee of the ancient Umbarian version of Varda, who’s worship had gone underground during Sauron’s occupation but was kept alive in secret. 
Second daughter and youngest child of Aragorn and Arwen. Marries into the line of Dol Amroth. Her daughter Firiel was offered a place on the last ship sailing to Valinor by her great uncles Elladan and Elrohir but refused. 
Mother of Lominzil, grandmother of Lomiziran. Dedicated her life to renewing the ancient religions of Umbar in secret after meeting the Blue Wizards as a teenager and becoming convinced of the true evil nature of Sauron. Trained Lomiziran in magic as taught to her by the Blue Wizards.
Second son and youngest child of Eldarion, becomes entangled with the schemes of Herumor in the New Shadow storyline.
Ring Babies
Malya-Personifed One Ring, youngest child of the Ring Babies
Nenya--Personifed Ring of Water, middle child and attendant to Galadriel.
Narya--Personified Ring of Fire . Eldest of the Ring Babies and heir of Eregion.
Vilya--Personifed Ring of Air youngest the Ring Babies, Master of Arms for Gil Galad.
Silm Triplets
Eabariel--Personified Silmaril, the one who's thrown into the sea by Maglor
Narewen --Personified Silamril, the one who's cast into the fire with Maedhros
Tellumian -- Personified Silmaril, the one who ends up sailing the sky with Earendil
Olindefinwe -- Son of Mairon and Maedhros in the Mai Squared AU
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
Continuing to clean out folders and found these Tale of Tanwen concept pieces
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
Wanted to give my Tolkien OCs some more love, so here’s half of them putting on the ritz, with a part two, maybe three, to come.
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For elf OCs we have Vanwe, the son of Ingwion and Lalwen (they had a whirlwind battlefield romance that started of with her screaming at him asking where the Vanyar had been all this time), then Tanwen, the reborn Feanor, daughter of Elladan and Mirdaneth (daughter of Maglor, she’ll be in the next part), and finally Andavare (Alcaringoldo), son of Argon.
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Only one Human OC this time, so I did Herendil third son of Elendil, in a more Victorian outfit, and then his modern day reincarnation Alvin Lowdham in a modern one.
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And finally some of my maiar of Aule OCs, who are the oldest Tolkien OCs I have. Left to right is Gilruin (Ibrithir), Nelldamma, the sister of Curumo, Olbain and her lover Urundil (who I think I’ve also listed by his nickname Rusdil before).
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
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“Let those that cursed my name curse me still”
Alright! The votes are in and the winner of my next Tolkien is Tanwen!
Tanwen is the daughter of Elladan, the son of Elrond, and Mirdaneth, the daughter of Maglor, born after his departure from Valinor. With pretty much the entire catalogue of famous elves in her ancestry from both sides Tanwen has always had a weighty legacy hanging over her, a legacy that she seemed somehow aware of even as a small child. Her grandfather Elrond, well versed in the saying of men, is fond of saying that she has “an old soul”—and he has no idea how accurate that may be.
Ages ago, in the beginnings of the world, it had been declared that Feanor’s spirit would be doomed to abide in the Halls of Mandos until the end of Arda Marred. But anyone who’s ever heard of Feanor knows that he’s not one to care for the pronouncements of the Valar, and if anyone was going to find a way out of the Halls of Mandos (without the help of a half Maiar elf maiden) it’d be him.
And after all, none of the Valar are /all/ knowing, not even Mandos. And with so many souls to keep track of, who’s to notice one soul slipping out into the world just at the same time another soul enters it?
So yeah! Looking forward to sharing my haunted girl with you all!
(Also for fun here’s her whole gamut of names/meanings cuz I stressed to much about them all to keep them to myself 😅)
Tanwen- “Craft Maiden” (a mix of both “tanwe =craft and “wen=maiden) a Sindarin equivalent of her Quenya Father-Name, Tamonissë (Craft Woman). Her father Elladan inherited something of his own fathers gift of foresight, and so named her accordingly. (The fact that “nissë” can also mean “in me” creating a perhaps rather disturbingly accurate second meaning of “a craft/crafter in me”)
Ilyëhína-her Quenya Mother-Name, meaning “All-Child” referencing how her heritage brings together all the lines of the sons of Finwe (and several other notable ones as well)
Faelach - “Spirit of leaping flame”. As one can imagine, tiny ten year old Tanwen popping that one out at her name choosing ceremony caused a bit of a stir :/
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
Hey! for questions about your OC Tanwen I would like to add 40, 37, 23, 14 & 7 :D
Awesome! Super happy to answer all of these!
7-Any markings/birthmarks/scars: Not really, I’ve always figured that elves don’t really scar from normal injuries unless they’re very traumatic, and so touch the fea in some way that then effects the hroa. So though Tanwen gets into more then her fair share of childhood scraps just due to being a rambunctious kid, she hasn’t got any scars yet at this point of her life. She is however rather jealous of her Feanorian family member’s freckles, and wishes she had some.
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14-Characters Father/Mother figures: Tanwen’s parents are Elladan, the eldest son of Elrond, and Mirdaneth, the only child of Maglor, born to his wife Naeril after he left for Middle Earth. Knowing that Elrond had been raised by her father, Mirdaneth began visiting him to learn more about Maglor, eventually becoming a regular guest in the household. After Elladan traveled to Valinor in the Fourth Age the two became friends, and eventually fell in love. (I figure that after the first century or two any age gap between elves really becomes a moot point, especially if you’re never going to age past your prime/die of old age).
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Tanwen is a daddy’s girl, (partially due to Feanor’s influence) and loves to hear about his adventures in Middle Earth. She loves Mirdaneth as well, though she harbors a secret guilt over how her birth drained her mother’s strength, that and the fact that Feanor had very complicated feelings around his own mother creates an odd sort of distance between them, but the family is still over all very close though as Tanwen grows up, and her parents try to understand and reach out to her even as she starts to draw more into herself as she grows older and begins to deal more and more with Feanor’s latent memories/feelings which begin to affect their relationships.
23–Who does the character surround themselves with: Mostly she interacts with Elrond’s household, since that’s who she lives with. Besides them, the Feanorians, and her cousin Andavare, she prefers her own company. It’s easier that way. The less people she has to worry and whisper around her the better.
37-OCs biggest dream— She wants to see the world she’s heard so much about from all the elves in Valinor who traveled to Middle Earth. She wants to see how much it’s changed and what might still remain from the days that her ancestors walked there, and she wants to find her grandfather Maglor and bring him home at last. She feels like if she could give her mother that it would make up for the fact that she can no longer walk or sing as powerfully as she once could.
40- How does your OC handle grief: Badly. At least, hypothetically she would. Tanwen has yet to experience any real grief herself, but the echoes she feels of Feanor’s when memories of his parents or anything else that he lost comes up are so strong that it can put her off balance for days. The fact that Feanor has been basically stuck in the anger stage of his own grief for literal ages doesn’t help at all. Whenever one of these episodes hits her Tanwen usually closes herself off from all other contact until it passes, as she can’t understand why she’s so angry and doesn’t want to accidentally take it out on anyone. She tries to pour the anger into whatever she’s working on, but it doesn’t always work, and sometimes she ends up running off until it passes.
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
The Tale of Tanwen Faelach--or how Feanor returned to life unbidden, and what followed after...
Part One
In the first age of the world, upon the rebellion of the Noldor, a Doom was placed upon Feanor, eldest and most dread of the sons of Finwë, that upon his death never would he leave the Halls of Mandos, until the final age of Arda Marred at last had come.
But Feanor was fey and cunning, even in death. Long ages he sought to find a way free of the Doom laid upon him, for he was ever unwilling to humble himself before the Valar. And at last, in the dawning of the Fifth Age, he devised a way to return once more to the lands of Aman.
Not even his father Finwë did he take into his council, for his plan was a dark one indeed, and he did not trust even his beloved father not to betray him to Mandos if he spoke of it.
And so, upon the night his only granddaughter, Mirdaneth, daughter of Maglor, gave birth to her first and only child--Feanor, with his will stronger then any other elf before or after him, forced through the doors of Mandos, unseen and unforseen, and once more breathed in Arda.
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Had it not been for the skill of her father-in-law Elrond, and the fortitude of her mother, Naeril, Mirdaneth could have most easily become a second Miriel, slipping away into an eternal sleep as the life of her child consumed her own. But she had aid that Miriel had not, both in the skill of her physician, and the knowledge to be aware of such a danger, and the consequences that could befall after it.
Even with this, she came perilously close to losing her own life. But her will to see her child born and raised was strong, and she held on to life even as her hair paled and her physcial strength was forever lessened.
But the child at last entered the world
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Ilyëhína-her mother called her, for in her ran together the lines of all the sons of Finwë, as well as that of Beren and Luthien, and Mirdaneth hoped in her heart, though she had not the strength for foresight, that greater unity amoung the long sundered kin would come through this child born to all of them.
The name chosen of her father was Tamonissë , or Tanwen, in the Sindarin of his youth. For Elladan had inherited something of his own fathers gift of foresight, and felt that great would be the craft she wrought, though he could not see what manner of craft that might yet be.
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Tanwen's early years were as happy and peaceful as any in the Blessed Land. She had a bright and eager mind, and loved both her parents as dearly as they loved her. None then could have guessed at what was about to unfold upon them all.
It was in her seventh year that the Doom unlooked for fell. Tanwen had been taken for the first time to visit the halls of Nerdanel, and it was there that she saw at last a likeness of Finwë, first of the Eldar ever slain in Aman, beloved father of Feanor.
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The child did not understand the memories and emotions that crowded in up in her young mind and heart. Nor could she find voice to explain to any who she might have turned to for answers. For it felt to her as though she had suddenly awakened from a long sleep, and could not yet tell dream from reality, nor which either should be.
In her child's heart she knew only one thing clearly, that she knew fear at last, and it was the fear of loss. She feared to lose her parents, though she knew not how that could be. And she felt an ache of mourning rise within her, as though she had lost both already.
From then on, she was never quite the same child again...
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And that's the end of Part 1! I feel like I have to give a shout out to @idahlrillion even though they're not active anymore really, since their amazing art really influenced a lot of my design takes here, you should all check them out if you haven't they've got some of the best Tolkien Art I've seen
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
Hi! First I love the story of Tanwen is amazing! Second I wanted to ask: does Tanwen know her family? Like, the other sons of Fëanor or even Maglor and Tyelpe? I kove your art💞
Hi! Thanks so much for the ask, and I'm real glad you're enjoying it! Your question actually covers some stuff I actually did a post on earlier that I'll post the link to below (I can't get it to be small sorry :/) I'll go into more depth here though, because it’s stuff I was going to talk about in Part 2, but since I’ve had two asks covering the same ground we’ll just make this Part 1.5 and I’ll ut the art for it here x)
The Tale of Tanwen Part 1.5
Tanwen doesn’t meet the Feanorians right away. She’s visited Nerdanel as a child, but since she broke down on seeing Finwe’s statue they haven’t been back. Mirdaneth may be Maglor’s daughter but since he and all the rest of them left Aman before she was born and weren’t reembodied until she was already and adult she doesn’t have a real connection to them. And while Elrond, (Tanwen’s paternal grandfather) was raised by Maglor and Maedhros, neither of them are in Valinor. Maedhros is still in the Halls of Mandos, and Maglor is still wandering Middle Earth somewhere. Since he never met the rest of the brothers, there’s not really a connection that way either.
Besides that, they’re very private people. There’s too much bad blood between them and basically everyone in the world for them to make/get a lot of social calls, so they mostly just all live together at Nerdanel’s trying to figure out how to be a family again.
Tanwen’s heard of them and they’ve heard of her, but they don’t meet until Tanwen’s probably about an elvish teenager. The older she grows, the more Feanorish tendencies she starts to exhibit, and the more she starts to worry those who realize that. None of them realize she’s holding that Feanor’s fea, not even she fully comprehends just what’s happening to her, but she realizes she’s making people uncomfortable, Ann’s starts to withdraw even more because of that.
Well Nerdanel gets wind of this, and decides it’s high time she properly met her great-granddaughter. She doesn’t see a worrying reoccurrence of Feanor, she just sees another talented and clever member of her family who’s getting a bad rap because of him. She wasn’t there to help Tyelpe when he was growing up facing the same thing, but she’s going to be here now.
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“You’ve got real talent. You paint The Trees as if you’d seen them yourself. Would you like to come by my studio one day? I’d love for you to do a portrait for me”
Tanwen isn’t too sure at first. The last time she visited Nerdanel’s home, that’s when the nightmares had started. Confusing whirls of darkness and fire, rage and desperation, a driving ache to regain something that was forever just ought of reach. And she’d been having them again lately, stronger then before,
But, maybe this could help somehow? Facing the place where whatever had happened to her all started? At the very least it would be distracting. Something new to keep her mind off the nightmares, off the worried glances from her parents and cousins, off the fact that she kept waking up to find her notebooks covered in the same three diamond shapes, with no memory of having drawn them.
So she goes with Nerdanel, to the halls of the Feanorians...
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And she has the oddest feeling of coming home.
She’s always loved her parents, and she’s never doubted their love for her. They’ve always encouraged her pursuits, at least the ones that don’t have a chance of setting something on fire. But there’s been this growing sense that they don’t quite Understand her. She’s never felt like she could fully, comfortablely be everything she is around them and her other family, not without getting those looks, those whispers. There’s a continual feeling of watching herself to make sure she doesn’t accidentally say something too clever, too sharp, something she apparently shouldn’t really have known about, but does somehow. Something that makes them look at her like they’re seeing someone else.
But here, here it’s different. All these people are just as brightly blazing inside as she is. She doesn’t stand out too much, she fits right in. They don’t just listen politely when she talks about an interest, they understand. They’re happy to help! They get her sense of humor, they flavor their foods the way she likes, they even pronounce things in the same way she does when she speaks Quenya.
None of the Feanorians bat an eye at the little bits of Feanor that show up in her—not that any of them realize why she has them— because they’ve all got bits of of him inside them too. The way they hold a hammer, a particular family in joke that’s so ingrained that none of them really question why she shouldn’t know it too. They’ve all grown up seeing bits of their father in themselves and one another that it just seems normal to them. Tanwen is partially Feanorian after all, so why shouldn’t she fit right in like she’s always been there?
Besides, it’s been literal ages since Tyelpe was this young, (and he’s more then happy to relinquish his spot as the family baby, having lived longer then several of his uncles), and since they completely missed out on Mirdaneth, they’ve got a lot of Uncle-ing to catch up on, and each one is determined to prove himself the Best one.
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And for the first time in months, maybe years, whatever is going on inside Tanwen feels lighter, more...balanced somehow. Like whatever the ache inside her that pushes her towards constant activity, that makes the nightmares, has been soothed somehow. There’s something about being here, where all the peices of her that usually don’t fit suddenly do, that brings the fire inside her which feels constantly on the edge of becoming dangerous, back down into something comfortable and warm and right where it’s supposed to be.
(Oh! And here’s the link to the other ask ;)
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ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
Hi! For the ask game - Naeril 🔪🍂🕊?
Hey! Thank you for your patience x) 
Naeril is my OC for Maglor’s wife, and mother of their daughter Mirdaneth
🔪Has your OC ever killed someone? Ever had to defend themselves against violence? How did this make them feel? Or, alternatively, has your OC ever attacked someone? Seen someone die?
Naeril has never killed anyone, and she was separated from Maglor by the time that the kinslaying at Alqualonde happened, so she’s never actually seen anyone die but she’s certainly felt the effects of death in her life in a way she never imagined she ever would. 
🍂What are their opinions on the different seasons? Which one do they hate and which one do they love and why?
I headcanon that Valinor doesn’t really have season as such. They might have different climes but overall the place is perpetually in mix of spring/summer. That being said I think that if she lived in Middle Earth Naeril would love Autumn, the way the leaves all change color, the smell of the earth and the harvest holidays are all things she’d be moved by.
🕊Would your OC ever get married or are they already wed? If they’re married, describe what their wedding was like! If not, describe their ideal wedding (or do this if you feel like it anyway!)
She and Maglor had an absolutely beautiful wedding, Feanor of course went all out in the preparations as Maglor was his first son to be married, Naeril’s mother actually almost got in a fight with him over who got to make her wedding dress. They held the ceremony out in a large clearing beneath flowering trees that had feanorian lanterns hanging off of them just as the light of the Trees was beginning its second mingling and everyone had a wonderful time.
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