#not 87 old those were already out a loooong while by the time I was born but yeah
turtleblogatlast · 6 months
i love reading your tmnt rambles so much!!!! they’re so fun, I love analyzing media! yippie!! i love yipping and yapping about tmnt. also love Leo too- i don’t really have a fav turtle but smthg about Leo makes me go crazy everytime I think about him 😭. Also also i was wondering, how did you initially get into tmnt?
Aww thank you so much!! Yeah Leo also makes me go crazy too haha
I’ve been a fan of tmnt for as long as I’ve been alive tbh! My first introduction to them was a few old scattered ‘87 episodes that my brothers and I would watch, and then the live action movies after that, but I couldn’t tell you much about either (other than I remember really loving them.) 2003 came out when I was still little so I couldn’t quite catch it while it was airing much, so I watched that a little later (and while I LOVE this series I don’t remember as much about it as I wish I did, so I definitely need to rewatch sometime.) The 2007 movie was a lot of fun, as was Bayverse, but for some reason I barely saw any episodes of 2012 at all despite being the prime demographic for it (I am slowly making my way through it now though and it’s really good too!) Finally, I heard about RotTMNT and immediately fell in love with the style, so here I am now.
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