#not at all ordinary in the SLIGHTEST manner hehe
domesticated-feral · 1 year
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Taking refuge from a stormy night in a worn down ranch, Scott wakes up the next morning to a man towering over him. Maybe that ranch wasn't abandoned like he had thought. The man helps him up. Seems to be around the same age as Scott is. He had blue eyes, dirty blond curls and the scent of fire wood and hay. He had a pistol tucked away on his right hip but Scott knew that he didn't need that at all. With their gazes remaining together, they knew that they were just as ordinary as each other.
for @scisaacweek 2023
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chisie12 · 5 years
Gency Week Day 3: Daffodils/Chivalry + New Beginnings
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19071907/chapters/45384892
Day 3: It Must End Before Beginning
She then traced another scar before continuing in a softer voice. “I always get this feeling that I knew you because your face always gave me this sense of… familiarity, like I’ve seen it before.”
“And you’d definitely not find another face like mine,” I joked, seemingly feeling much lighter than I did in the last three weeks. I was elated. Just, absolutely positively elated! If she remembered loving me, that meant Angela shared the same feelings as I did before. Didn’t that mean I had a chance still? I could make her fall in love with me all over again and we could always start anew!
She returned my smile and settled my hand back onto the table before putting some distance between us. She wasn’t sure before but seeing those scars brought upon an ache deep in her heart she hadn’t known she could feel. Each and every line, no matter how faint or deep, they drew her in like a moth to a flame. Why though? She was just an ordinary cafe owner, but the young man before her had told her otherwise. Dr. Angela Ziegler, the head of medical research for an organisation long fallen — Overwatch — before then being recruited into the Investigation Bureau as head of medical staff. Everything sounded so surreal. Her? With medicine? God no. The most ‘healing’ she could do was bandaging a knife cut!
She fiddled with her fingers while letting out a sigh. Her eyes met his and she held her gaze, all traces of her tenderness gone in a blink. Yes, she remembered the wisps of the love her heart used to have, the familiarity, the mere comfort his presence held, but —
That was not her. Not anymore.
Other than the gut of a feeling, she had nothing else to go by. No memories or even the slightest form of recollection. Nothing. The best part was that she felt nothing, nothing for him at all.
“Look, Genji. I don’t want us to have a misunderstanding and I feel like I need to get this straight.” Taking another deep breath, she took a step back but that small increase of distance pulled my heartstrings taut. A bad premonition washed over me and I met her steady gaze. Even her customer service smile faded away. “I may remember loving you, but that’s clearly in the past. Right now, I don’t really know you well and I don’t feel the same.”
‘Then why your tenderness? Why treat me so well? Why —’
My thoughts were interrupted when the door to the cafe opened. I opened my mouth to say something but Angela had instantly plastered on her customer service smile and greeted the newcomer, my presence seemingly vanishing into nothing. I watched in anguish, choking on air, as I vividly saw her eyes suddenly brightened and a beaming smile — bigger than any she ever gave him — upon realising who it was.
“Jacky! Jack!” she giggled and quickly circled the table to bound up before him. “My knight! Hehe.”
Jack chuckled at the bundle of joy rocking back and forth on her heels as his attention immediately focused onto her. He patted her cheek affectionately in case he soiled her spectacles with his fingerprints. “I told you not to call me that.”
“No way, sir. I can’t follow your orders,” she teased. With a grin, she led him to his usual table by the window and helplessly, he followed, knowing full well that she’d continue in her stubborn ways. Dusk was beginning to fall and it was already after work hours. People were making their way home or for dinner, to brave the traffic or wait it out, or people like him, visiting a cafe that was out of their way just to see someone.
Angela scanned the blond man, taking notice of the fine lines evident on his face and shadows beneath his eyes. Fatigue was clear from his slumped shoulders and slight scowl of his eyebrows. “Rough day at work?”
“Not really. It’s confidential but just,” Jack sighed. “We’ve just been trying to catch this guy but he’s too slippery and smart. We’ve already caught his right hand man but it seems like he’s willing to sacrifice a few key men to save his own hide.”
“Sounds difficult,” Angela tenderly rubbed the space between his eyebrows with her thumb. A small ministration, not in any way explicitly loving, but she was tender, soft and gentle as she cared. “But don’t think too much about it now. I’m sure you’ll catch him. Do you want your usual?”
“Yes, please Angie.” Jack smiled softly at her, the adoration so clear in his gaze. When she came back, she had in her hands a cup filled with soft green tea and a plate of food. “Mushroom, steak and cheese?” He asked upon seeing the pie.
“Yeap, saved the last one for you.”
“You’re an angel.”
“I know I am. Enjoy,” she sang.
He picked up his cup of Antibiotica and took a bite of his food as she left to tend to a few customers that were entering. The moment she left, his attention was solely on the food and drink at his mercy. He was famished, having to work more ever since Angela’s ‘resignation’, but as he ate, he felt the piercing stare boring holes into his skin. The hairs on his neck bristled, as if rebelling against being put under such pressure. With a sharp gaze and an alert mind, he lifted his head at the direction, only to have it fall away into shock and panic. Why was he here?
'No one was supposed to know. At least not yet.’
However, thanks to the years of war-hardened experience, as fast as the panic came, it left just as quick. Calm and steady like a rock in the river. He gave the other man a little wave and that was when the man stood up, the chair scraping against the floorboards suddenly exceptionally loud and clear, and made his way over.
I pursed my lips and fisted the ends of my scarf. I saw the way she looked at him, the way she tender lovingly cared for him, and it wasn’t hard for my enhanced senses to pick up the scent of the exact blend of Antibiotica in his cup. I stared and stared, but I wasn’t dreaming. That was definitely him; The same typical American blond man with blue eyes upon that chiselled face, muscular and tall, and a charm to his smile. It was a face I couldn’t forget and one I couldn’t be more familiar with as well. I inhaled. Deep breath in… before letting it all out through my nose. Yet, the flames didn’t calm. Instead, they were blazing in a level headed manner, like a calm ocean before the storm hit, and underneath the surface were gremlins fanning the fury, the confusion, the uncertainty. There was a myriad of questions buzzing in my mind, the next not more pleasant than the one before, but all of them revolved around one thing —
“How long have you known, commander?” I spat through gritted teeth when I stood right before his very eyes.
“Good evening to you too, Genji.” Commander Jack Morrison picked up his cup, lifted his chin and calmly sipped at his green tea. The smell of it caught my attention, a blend of leaves that’s become extremely familiar in the past three weeks before it was pulled away by his displeased tone. Crossing his legs and pursing his lips, he flatly replied, “That question of yours implies that I kept a secret from you. Although I disagree, I also possess no obligations to inform you of the affairs of my life.”
“But you knew!!” I growled with eyes narrowed. “YOU KNEW!”
Jack merely side eyed me after I slammed my hands on the table, ignoring the stares of the other customers and workers.
The stench of the green tea began to smell nauseating. The warm, calming aroma now wretched, and my anger reached a whole new peak just watching, watching him sip, sip without a care at his tea. My growls deepened and my fingers dup deep into the wood. “You fucking knew she was here! Why didn’t you tell us!”
Jack remained unfazed at my outburst, but it was that emotionless, unaffected expression that fuelled the fury that boiled in the pit of my stomach to overflow.
A hand shot out to grab Jack’s collar but the blond man sat there still unimpressed, but his muscles were tensed and his body slumped in a deceptively relaxed manner. His nonchalant expression further fuelled my fury, the rage stirring at the cyborg in me. Signals were blaring, metals overheating — not from overwork, no. It was from the sheer, utter control of not ripping his fucking American head off!
'Fuck his 'no obligations of not telling us’! Isn’t it fucking courtesy to inform? We’ve gone through bloodshed together! Wars together! Weren’t we a family? Or don’t you think her old teammates would have liked to know!? I fucking would!!’
“Genji!” A scream. “What are you doing!”
Just inches from Jack’s collar, a dainty hand latched onto my arm and I jerked to a stop midway. Her fair flesh, tinged with a slight pink, was a clear contrast to my cyborg one. My heart thumped as her fingers tightened their grip. She roughly pulled my arm down to the side and I let her without even a shred of resistance while my gaze was fixated on her hand. It was so small, the slender fingers barely gripping across my arm. As it tightened, nail digging into the metal, I felt the warm heat of her blood and I painfully craned my head up, only to flinch at the fire in her eyes, as if I’d accidentally touched a boiling pot. My shoulders fell, the energy sapping out of my body and into hers.
My eyes dropped, falling from her eyes and back to her hand. Of course, she’d protect Jack. Of course, I’m the bad guy. I’m no longer the same Genji in her heart — or in her memories.
“Just what were you doing!” Mercy seethed under her breath. “You can’t —”
“Of course I can’t!” I cut her off with a snap. This time she flinched back at the tone and I froze. Just what had I done? Yet, steeling myself, I summoned the remaining ounce of my anger, my courage, and continued. “Of course you’d be protective over your knight in shining armor. Isn’t he just the greatest?“ Yes, I definitely heard and remembered what she called him. My knight. Just great. Of course, every woman would want their knight in shining armor. No one loved those in the darkness, where we crept and hid, doing the dirty work for those in the light. And I regretted the words only a long time after. "The perfect American poster boy. Perfect for you.” Not like me. A cybernetic monster.
But I couldn’t hate her, even if she did create me into this monstrosity that I am — something that no one will ever love. Did they think I wouldn’t have noticed? The subtle mutterings under their breaths, the isolation, the fear? No one in the bureau liked me, with the exception of those from Overwatch. Even so, I’m still grateful; She still gave me another lease in life.
Her mouth hung open in shock before it twisted into an ugly scowl — yet why did it look beautiful to me still? Please, heart. Stop aching.
I watched silently, face set in stone. She was like a charging defibrillator, the pads held ready at bay, just biding its energy as sparks went off around her. But I’d let it hit me. Let it come before ending this. No need for anything more.
“You —”
Another hand, a larger and more calloused one gently draped over hers before prying her fingers away, slowly as though the glass would break. “Let me.” A deep, husky breath, and it sent shivers down my spine.
I’ve never seen the commander like this before. Soft and gentle, with the same tenderness that I knew all too well.
I used to look at her like that — I still do.
As the warmth of her fingers disappeared, I recomposed myself and faced Jack with a straight back, and spoke before he did. The air was becoming heavy, suffocating even. I breathed in a sharp inhale, the pressure curling around my heart but the smell of the green tea assaulted my senses, forcing me to choke and wheeze as the acid shot up my throat. I couldn’t. This was becoming way too much for me. Angela’s glare was sharp, like a dagger pierced through my heart and her dissatisfied scoff made the dagger dig in deeper with a good old wiggle too. An invisible force closed in, squeezing the organ further as it ached and bled.
I already hurt her. I don’t deserve her. And I can’t bear to be here anymore.
“I apologise for any offense earlier, commander. Have a nice meal. I’ll be taking my leave now.”
And thus, I turned on my heel without a single glance back. I seemed fine, that’s for sure. But my fingers shook, lips quivered and I felt a warmth in my eyes that I haven’t felt in years. Tugging the scarf higher, I took to the roofs with just the softest whimper and disappeared into the night, wishing so much: I could disappear forever.
Jack stared at the door swinging close, an indescribable feeling arising.
He reigned in his feelings and smiled at a worried Angela. He patted the hand on his arm. “I’m fine. Are you alright?”
She shook her head. “I should be asking you that. That was quite rude of him.”
“Think nothing of it.” Jack seated himself again and this time, she followed. “Does he come here often?”
With a nod of her head, she began to explain, “He normally comes in the morning when I first open the cafe. Sometimes he’ll be here with his two other friends, a Lena and Jesse?”
“Jesse like a cowboy looking man?” Jack warily smiled.
“Mhmm. That’s him.” Angela sighed and stared at the half eaten pie. “Wait. Are they your colleagues? Genji called you ‘commander’.”
He could only resign himself to fate and nod. “Let’s not talk about that anymore. I’m more worried about you. How are you holding up in the cafe?”
At the mention of her cafe, her worry transformed into joy, oblivious to the quick change in topics. Her eyes twinkled and she was beaming. “It’s going great! It doesn’t get too busy sometimes but I love it! I was planning to have daffodils for the next theme next week since it would be four months since the cafe was opened. “New Beginnings”. Fitting wouldn’t it?”
“Yeah, it would be.” Just as the words left his mouth, he couldn’t help but think, ‘Four months already? Had the time pass that fast?’
“I really don’t know what I’d do without you,” Angela continued. “I don’t remember much in my life since I woke up from the hospital but you’ve always been there for me. Thank you.”
A stifling sensation gripped at him when he forced out a smile. “You’re welcome. I was just lucky that I was there when I saw you unconscious and bleeding on the floor of your apartment.”
“Yeah, that was lucky. Must have been fate or something,” she pondered. He watched lovingly as her eyes looked up in thought and her head cocked to the side with a pout on her lips.
‘It wasn’t fate, Angie.’ He thought solemnly. ‘It really wasn’t.’
“But now you’ve helped me start this cafe! And it’s a dream come true. How’d you know I would have loved this?”
As she turned her head to him, he bitterly laughed in his heart. ‘I sure knew indeed. Way back when you were head of medical research, you mentioned you’d open one when you retire from the battlefield and healing.’
“Oh, I’m not sure. A lucky guess?”
“You sure are lucky, Jacky.” She didn’t pursue further into the topic and leaned back onto the chair. “It was a good new beginning for me. Thank you.”
“And you’re welcome.” Jack smiled and finally resumed his meal. “How’s Mei coming along? She working well?”
“Yeah, she is! She makes really good iced drinks, and her bubble tea is to die for! I personally love the passion fruit black tea one. Just amazing.”
“She’s earning money for her expedition right?” Jack swallowed a mouthful of pie but his eyes never left hers more than a second.
“To the Arctic I think.”
Jack hummed a little under his breath. It was good for her to have reliable colleagues to work with. There were few customers that were arriving at the cafe on a Friday night, with only a few university students appearing for an evening snack, though they were mostly eager for Mei’s bubble tea. Jack and Angela laughed as they chatted, a nice little bubble for themselves as she took her break.
“Mei, could I please have your daily special today?” A young university student asked sweetly.
The cheerful woman behind the counter laughed. “Of course! Anything for you!”
As Mei turned around to begin her magic, the door to the cafe slammed open with a loud bang as it hit the connecting wall and a loud, boisterous voice cried out, “What about me, snowflake!?” She stared at the doors, a furrow in her brows while her rounded tassel tinkled in her hair. She was not in the slightest bit surprised at the chaotic man before her. “Where’s my bobba!”
A resigned sigh escaped, but a smile played off her upturned lips. “You want some? Get in line.”
“But snowflaaaaaake, I travelled so far to come see you.” The man ambled to stand before her and the university student scooted away, a slight fear in her eyes. Mei looked up at him as she fought to keep her mind straight. He was tall, just standing there with that toothy grin, so sure that she’d give in.
She ignored the cheeky glint in his amber eyes with a roll of hers. “Go line up. I’ll make you your favourite if you do.”
“And if I don’t?”
“You can drink Angela’s coffee.”
“Noooooo,” he whined, but seeing as how Mei wouldn’t budge, he pouted and took a huge step back, the metallic stump thumping against the floorboard. “Fine. I’ll wait.”
Mei chuckled at his sinister little laugh as he rubbed his hands together before telling the student, “I’m sorry for making you wait. Your bubble tea will be ready soon.”
Jack stared at the man that just came in with a frown. ‘I know that man… but where?’ The man had blonde hair that was slightly singed and his hands were stuffed into the ragged cutoff shorts. The black tank top hung loosely on his lean body and he tapped his foot albeit impatiently. He clenched and unclenched his hands, one of flesh and one of metal.
Feeling a heavy stare on his back, Jamison Fawkes, or better known as Junkrat, tilted his head back with an arrogant scowl. Upon seeing a familiar face in the room sitting next to a pretty blonde lady, he grinned toothily at the agent. “Hello there, commander. What’cha doing nowadays? Definitely not catching me! Wahahaha!”
The voice snapped Jack out of his thoughts as it finally clicked. “You!” He stood up from his chair. “Aren’t you in prison?”
Junkrat giggled evilly and showed him two fingers held out as a ‘V’. “I’m out, mate! Have been for a week now! It’s a new beginning for me!” Jack gritted his teeth as he watched Junkrat wiggled his hips and mockingly grin. “Can’t do nothing about, mate! I ain’t doing anything wrong. Hehehe.”
“Behave yourself, Jamie. Or you’re still having that coffee,” berated Mei from behind the counter as she handed the student her drink.
“No —” Noticing that he’s next in line, Junkrat immediately hopped to stand innocently before the counter with a grin, the words of refusal swallowed back down. “I’m sorry. I’ll behave. Do I get my drink now, snowflake?”
Mei glanced at Jack whose face was as black as the pot’s bottom. She knew that there was nothing the commander could do because technically, an ex-convict buying bubble tea wasn’t really a crime.
“Snowflaaaake,” Junkrat whined. “Baby, my bobba.”
She turned her attention back to him with a serious look, but her eyes danced with mirth just hearing him say 'bobba’. He hasn’t stopped with that ever since she taught him that. “Get your ass thrown back in jail and no more bobba for you.”
“Nope!” He straightened himself like an upright man. “Definitely not! The juice they served in prison were gross. So fake. Blergh. Don’t ever want to drink that again.” As Mei served his iced passion fruit black tea, he leaned in close across the counter and winked. “And if I went to prison again, how am I supposed to see my good, sweet little snowflake?”
Mei scrunched up her nose. “Hmph. All you ever do is bully me.”
“Ya sure ‘bout that, snowflake?” his eyes curved like crescent moons as he grinned.
"Yes, now shoo. Go back to your Roadie. I got customers to attend to.”
Mei waved her hands at him as another customer arrived. Junkrat could only walk towards the door with the straw in his mouth and call out, “Roadhog! Come in ‘ere. There’s plenty of space by the windows.”
Jack Morrison watched on agitated. Angela’s gaze shifted from him and to Junkrat who was now accompanied by a tall, large man before sighing and returning back to work. “Go take a break, Mei. I’ll take over.”
“Alright, Angela!” Mei chirped before joining Junkrat and Roadhog.
The old commander watched the happenings in the cafe, swept his tired gaze around the cafe, before finally staring at the heliotropes sitting before him. Soft purple petals swayed with the breeze while its roots stayed firm in the potted soil.
‘New beginnings, eh?’
He reached out to caress a petal, the velvety sensation somehow calming on him worked up nerves. His other hand reached out to pick up the cup of unfinished green tea by the side and brought it to his lips.
He froze at the sound, the miniscule crevices clear beneath his fingertips. Lifting it higher to level with his eyes, he frowned at the crack lining the side of the cup, from the rim down to half the cup’s length, but the liquid stayed inside. For now.
‘That. Is not a good sign.’
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
MGA Chapter 1968
Chapter 1968 – Rank Two Martial Emperor The Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader was extremely famous. It was a weapon used by the Beast Emperor, the Black Dragon King, a weapon that had killed countless experts. Furthermore, according to legend, the Beast Emperor, the Black Dragon King, had used that Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader to slice apart another expert’s Imperial Armament. Furthermore, it just so happened that that expert had been someone from the Heavenly Law Palace. Thus, as an elder of the Heavenly Law Palace, although Zhao Yu had never seen the Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader before, he knew its appearance by heart. “That’s right. This is the Beast Emperor’s, the Black Dragon King’s Imperial Armament, Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader,” Chu Feng nodded. “Ever since the Beast Emperor disappeared from the world, the Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader had also disappeared. As of now, it has been several tens of thousands of years. So it was actually hidden here.” “Exactly what sort of place is this? Could it be… could it be that this is the Beast Emperor, the Black Dragon King’s place of burial?” Zhao Yu asked. “Your guess is only half correct. Although senior Black Dragon King’s treasures that he obtained throughout his life are all hidden here, he is not buried here.” As Chu Feng spoke, he grabbed that Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader and instilled his own aura into it. “Rumble~~~” Suddenly, a violent wind began to surge and many lightning strikes filled this relatively small space. “Roar~~~” In fact, many ear-piercing dragon roars could also be heard. At this moment, the seriously injured Zhao Yu was actually unable to withstand their might, and was blown away. He began to crawl on the ground, and was struck by many lightning bolts that left many wounds on his body and caused him to vomit mouthfuls of blood. His appearance was truly miserable. Feeling helpless, Zhao Yu shouted, “Stop, stop, quickly, stop. I’ll die if this is to continue,” However, Chu Feng completely ignored him. It was not that Chu Feng did not hear his shouting. Rather, Chu Feng was busy conquering the Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader, and did not have any time to be concerned about that old bastard’s fate. Finally, the surroundings calmed down. When Zhao Yu, who was ravaged by the scene, opened his weak eyes and looked to Chu Feng again, he was immediately shocked. Envy and jealousy filled his eyes. Success. Chu Feng had successfully subdued the legendary Imperial Armament, the Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader. “Absolute Submission. You actually managed to make such an Imperial Armament enter Absolute Submission?!” At this time when Zhao Yu was filled with envy and jealousy toward Chu Feng, he was also revealing an expression of disbelief all across his face. It was already a very remarkable task should one be able to subdue an Imperial Armament. As for making an Imperial Armament enter Absolute Submission, that was something that was practically never accomplished. However, Chu Feng had accomplished this feat. However, upon thinking about it, it was also reasonable for such a thing to happen. After all, Chu Feng was someone that possessed a heaven-defying battle power capable of surmounting five levels of cultivation. With merely that, Chu Feng was already someone that surpassed all ordinary people. Even if an Imperial Armament entered Absolute Submission toward him, it would not be too strange. However, even with that being the case, Zhao Yu still felt as if there were seas and rivers overturning in his heart. He was unable to calm himself in the slightest. The reason for that was because that Imperial Armament was not any ordinary Imperial Armament, but the legendary Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader. “Indeed, it has entered Absolute Submission. This Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader’s power is very strong. Unfortunately, it is still insufficient for me to reach a breakthrough,” Chu Feng said with his lips curled. “Not reach a breakthrough? How could that be? The domineering might of the scene earlier was definitely that of Absolute Submission. How did you not reach a breakthrough?” Zhao Yu possessed a face of confusion. When an Imperial Armament entered Absolute Submission, it would share a portion of its strength with its master. As for that portion, it was generally sufficient to allow one to reach a breakthrough. As Chu Feng was only a rank one Martial Emperor; even if he didn’t break through to rank three Martial Emperor directly, the power from that Imperial Armament should have been more than enough to allow him to break through to rank two Martial Emperor. As such, why was he still a rank one Martial Emperor? This was truly unreasonable. As for Chu Feng, he ignored Zhao Yu and turned his gaze to the cultivation resources and Natural Oddities that filled the ground. Even though the Furious Coiling Dragon Beheader had not managed to help him reach a breakthrough, Chu Feng felt that he would definitely be able to reach a breakthrough after refining all of the cultivation resources and Natural Oddities in this place. Thus, Chu Feng sat down in a cross-legged manner and opened his mouth wide. Right in front of Elder Zhao Yu, he began to refine the cultivation resources in this place. “Heavens! This guy?!!!” As Elder Zhao Yu saw Chu Feng eating those cultivation resources with an appearance akin to eating rice and with enormous speed, his aged expression began to change. He was stunned, because what Chu Feng was doing was practically impossible for ordinary people. “You, you… you, exactly what are you? Are you a monster?!!!!” Then, when he saw that Chu Feng was beginning to refine the Natural Oddities in this place in the same manner, he was completely stunned, and overwhelmed with fear. Natural Oddities were items that possessed very berserk energies. They were simply impossible to refine. If one were to forcibly refine them, one would end up dying. Yet, Chu Feng was refining them in the same manner as he had refined the ordinary cultivation resources. He was not affected by their berserk energies in the slightest. This was truly something that Elder Zhao Yu was unable to accept. At the moment before Chu Feng managed to completely refine all of the Natural Oddities, his aura suddenly started to rise sharply. He had reached a breakthrough. Finally, Chu Feng had reached a breakthrough from rank one Martial Emperor, and became a rank two Martial Emperor. “Breakthrough? Even after refining all that stuff, he only just reached a breakthrough?” “That guy, he refined all those Natural Oddities. Yet, not only did he not die, he even reached a breakthrough?” “He really refined those Natural Oddities and absorbed their Natural Energy,” At this moment, Elder Zhao Yu was overwhelmed with shock. As for Chu Feng, he did not care about what Elder Zhao Yu was feeling at all. Instead, with a spurt of energy, Chu Feng completely refined all of the Natural Oddities in this place. Even though those Natural Oddities were unable to help Chu Feng reach a breakthrough, they provided a very good foundation for his next breakthrough. The treasures left behind by the Beast Emperor had truly helped Chu Feng enormously. “Senior Beast Emperor is truly good to me. Eggy, you’ve also seen it right? We have obtained an enormous harvest this time around,” With a smile on his face, Chu Feng spoke to Eggy. Chu Feng knew that even though Eggy was unable to speak or respond to him, she was actually awake. He knew that she had seen all the things he had experienced thus far. Afterward, Chu Feng stood up and began to collect the treasures in this place without any restraint. There were truly a lot of treasures here. Even though there was only a single Imperial Armament, and all of the things that could be refined had already been refined, the things that remained were still mostly treasures. Furthermore, like Zhao Yu had said, many of the treasures here were extinct in the Holy Land of Martialism. They were priceless. Any one of these treasures would be able to cause a bloody scramble. “How was it? Jealous? Hehe…” As Chu Feng was collecting the treasures, he deliberately tried to enrage Zhao Yu. “Little friend Chu Feng, as the saying goes, when one finds things together, one should share half. I do not wish for half, but you should be able to spare me a bit, no?” This Zhao Yu was actually also a shameless fellow. He actually made this sort of request of Chu Feng. “Hehe, what do you think I’ll do?” Chu Feng laughed mischievously. Then, he continued to collect the treasures in this place. It was only after he had collected all of the treasures here that he turned to Zhao Yu with a smile on his face. He said, “I’m almost done collecting all of the treasures here. After that, I’ll be able to bring you away.” “Haven’t you already collected all of the treasures here?” Zhao Yu looked to the empty space before him and frowned. The only thing that Chu Feng had not collected was the air in this place. Other than that, not even a speck of hair remained. As such, what did he mean by ‘almost done?’ What else could he collect? “You’re wrong, there’s still more,” As Chu Feng spoke, he extended his hand and made a grabbing motion. Zhao Yu’s Cosmos Sack entered Chu Feng’s palm. Zhao Yu’s expression changed. Angrily, he shouted, “Chu Feng, that is mine! You are robbing me here!!!” This Zhao Yu was a famous miser. He was someone that had never given any of his treasures to others. Yet, at this moment, that Cosmos Sack that contained all the treasures he had gathered throughout his life was snatched away by Chu Feng. As such, how could he possibly tolerate that? Previous          Main menu           Next Click to Post
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