#not even in the yt thumbnails haha
wannadewar · 29 days
marner always finds matthews... or something along those lines...
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snapscube · 9 months
hi penny, just wanted to drop in to say your art is so cute! your sense of form and shape simplification is fantastic ^^ (i hadn't actually realized all the art on your yt channel was your own! somehow i assumed it was commissioned from other artists, which is a lil silly of me in hindsight)
sorry if this has been asked before (and feel free to redirect me if you have) but have you had any formal art training, or is it all self taught? and what would you say are your main inspo sources?
I do art yes, you can find much of it here on tumblr even, and there have been SOME of my own pieces features on my channel in thumbnails, and currently something I drew is the main channel's profile picture, but most OFFICIAL CHANNEL ASSETS nowadays are done by my friend Katy. She is credited in the description for every video either as thumbnail artist, end card artist, or both.
THIS is katy's art style so if the thumbnail penny looks like this PLS KNOW IT WAS KATY AND NOT ME
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as for your second question, i never like went to an art school or anything so my art journey has been mostly self guided in that way yes, but not necessarily self taught. and my inspirations are too many to count haha.
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sketchbloom · 6 years
i’m gonna ramble under a readmore so this isn’t long but morro is a good character and i love him very much
[copied from youtube]
FIRST OF ALL, check out The Family Crest! Here's the full song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywIgQ... They're a really cool band with a great style and approach to music and I wanna see some maps with their stuff asap, pronto, lol i dont post anything of quality for a year and the first thing i do is make a minute and a half long pmv for FECKING NINJAGO that took well over 4 months of consistent and hard work to make anyway yes this is lego ninjas screw you morro is an interesting character and he deserved more development that i could go on about for days but i’m not going to. justice for morro 2018 real talk if youre gonna watch anything related to ninjago watch season 5 or the movie those are the best this show gets YES ninjago is hot garbo but its FUN hot garbo don’t @ me i started the project in january and holy heck it's been a ride omg. i’ve never done something with this level of finish kept consistently and it was a pain but i think it really, really paid off. i’m super happy to have the focus to work on stuff like this again. last year was really tough for me and i almost completely lost my drive to work on anything until the end of the year. i just wasn’t inspired and now i’ve got my drive to work on things back and i’m doing so much better. apparently lego ninjas cure depression go figure BIG FREAKIN THANKS to the folks in brickscord/morro zone for putting up with my yelling about this ever since january and consistently supporting me and motivating me to finish this. i have no idea how i did  this but you guys had a lot to do with it and i love all of you huge nerds :HUeart: i hope this lives up to the hype also special thanks to aero (emnide on tumblr) for doing some thumbnail sketches for the yt thumbnail even though i didn’t directly use one they inspired the final one a lot so yeah so, morro huh for those who’ve stuck around despite my relative absence thank you so much. i’ve been feeling much better than i did last year and hopefully! HOPEFULLY i can keep that up in order to get back into the animation scene haha. i’ve got some ideas for projects and im GONNA BE PRODUCTIVE THSI YEAR I SWEAR also i just got my new computer and this took literally ten minutes to render whadda heck
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sasarie · 4 years
A while ago I discovered manga artist Shizuka Yamaguchi's blog where she listed 100 dreams she had for herself and her career. She updated and reflected on them over time and it was interesting to see her grow and score her dreams through her hard work. I'm doing that for myself so that I have some directions for myself, and also so I can look back in the future to see if my dreams and goals change with time.
I don't know if I have 100 career + personal goals and dreams, so I will just list them as they come. These dreams and goals are an accumulation of years of thinking and dreaming so they might be erratic.
Also, while I truly believe in the value of sharing your aspirations, I think there are some heart's desires that should stay inside yourself. They're the ones that light the brightest fires for you and the ones that it would crush you to hear someone criticise. For the longest time the dream of just being an artist was one of these types of 'heart's desire' for me. I was afraid to share that dream because I knew if I heard negativity around it I would probably listen to it and talk myself out of working towards my dream. So there are a few dreams that I will hold close to me and only share once they’ve been set into motion. :)
My Art & Career Dreams & Goals - 19.11.20
1.Participate in a fanzine for a fandom I love
2. Open a sticker shop online (like Red Bubble)
3. Make 100+ finished pieces
4. Be commissioned by someone who likes my work
5. Have my art used as a thumbnail/background for a music mix on YT (haha is this a corny dream?)
6. Be hired for freelance work
7. Build a portfolio website
8. Make a daily comic (funny, light-hearted, slice of life comic)
9. Publish that comic on Webtoon
10. Release a one-shot story driven webcomic to Webtoon to see if I like writing comics
11. Improve my traditional art to a level that I’m satisfied with
12. Sell 100 stickers
13. Start an art channel on Youtube
14. Sell an original piece of traditional art
15. Sell a print
16. Have some of my own stickers/physical products irl
17. Have a shirt or clothing with my art on it
18. Make a digital zine/pdf of my art or sketches and put it on Gumroad
19. Start a Ko-fi page so I can do mini sketch commissions or something
20. Film a sketchbook tour or maybe a digital sketchbook tour
21. Learn simple animation and make a simple gif
22. Learn how to paint backgrounds
23. Learn how to design fantasy weapons (because I am so bad at this….)
24. Collaborate or art trade with another artist
25. Release a printed book of my art and/or sketches
26. Make an online store that I maintain so I can personally package and ship things to people who enjoy my art
27. Publish some tutorials or mental perspective/motivation posts sharing things I’ve learnt about art making so far
28. Compete a 30 day traditional art challenge
29. Paint some kind of wall or mural piece
30. Publish an art travel journal thing
31. Illustrate for packaging of skin care/beauty products
32. People liking and become fans of my original characters and stories
33. Participate in a Q+A with people who follow my art
34. Be commissioned to illustrate Twitch emotes / banners
35. Be recognised by a game studio for my fan art
36. Approached by a client for freelance work (rather than find it myself)
37. Have my art displayed in a gallery
38. Make seamless patterns/surface design
39. Have a Patreon and people actually want to support me because they value my art
40. Sell my art at a convention
41. Frame and hang a piece of my own art in my home
42. Paint the cover art for a fantasy or magical realism novel
43. Buy a screen tablet with money I make from art
44. Be able to afford to buy from and support artists that inspire me whenever I want
45. Be able to afford to invest money into my own art education
46. Contribute art to a video game
47. Contribute art to a charity event/auction thing
48. My art is used as promotional splash art for tablet/program/art related product etc.
49. Take my Love on a holiday with money I earnt through art
50. Be genuinely proud in myself for making a career out of something I never thought I could do
Okay, I think this is enough dreams for now. Some seem pretty impossible, to be honest… But who knows. I will work towards everything listed and hopefully achieve even more. I feel embarrassed reading through this list but apparently that’s the way sharing your goals is supposed to be.
I’ll check back on this list sometime next year and see what has happened.
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xiil3gendary · 7 years
About the "spoilery thumbnails and titles on YouTube" - Tbh... I REALLY LOVE Valwin's idea. I wish that every person in DR Fandom would be like him (just about the non-spoilery things on yt). Anyway! Forgot to say - Thank you so much for everything you, and jinjojess are making. I can't say this thing to her because of the block ("Make an account to ask" etc.), but hope she will read it aswell! Have a nice week!
Hey anon,
I’m not entirely sure what other lets players are doing with the thumbnails. I’ve recently blocked a bunch of words on YouTube to avoid being spoiled by thumbnails. The block even manages to block some of our own videos from me, haha.
I understand why people put spoilers in their titles and thumbnails. If you’re treating youtube like a job then click bait and interesting pictures draw people in. That’s the basics of business…and it goes beyond games. Movie spoilers in titles/thumbnails, book spoilers, they’re all there.
It just isn’t for me. I want the blind experience. I want to be surprised. The blocking videos thing works well for me so I haven’t been too enraged on YouTube as of late, lol.
Thanks for the kind words as well. I know we aren’t going as fast as the other lets players but we are trying our best to provide an entertaining, relaxed, and unique experience. I’ll pass the message along to Jess as well.
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