#not even sleeping makes things better. my muscle tone is sooo bad that i wake up w/ everything hurting even more!!! what!!!!!!!
hsslilly-blog · 1 month
being chronically ill fucking sucks man how am i supposed to live the rest of my life like this
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cloudysfluffs · 7 years
Wilford and Dr. Iplier
So, we all agree Wilford can be shipped with literally Everyone, so have some Wilford x Dr. Iplier! Maybe I’ll make it a thing to do more Wilford X someone stuff. Oh, and Sergam! (twas for u Serpent)
Wilford and Dr. Iplier started dating soon after Dr. Iplier started falling for the giggly goof that Wilford is. Wilford has always had a lil something for Doc, he just crushes so much, so when Dr. Iplier blurted out that he liked Wilford, Wilford hugged him really tight and said “I know, I’m so great~! … But you’re great too~”
They are a very cutesy couple. They call each other nicknames, like Doc gives Wilford names like “Candy cutie” “Sweetcheeks” “My sweet tooth” and basically anything as sweet sounding. Wilford calls Doc things like “Love gloves” “Dovey Doc” “Rubber Ducky” (after finding out he sometimes wheres his rubber gloves to the shower. Who does that?!) However, if one is teasing each other things change a little. Doc’s nicknames bare a more… Saucy tone. “Sweet ass~” “Sugar lips” and the classic “Sugar tits” Wilford’s nicknames get more taunting. “Touchy tips~” “Stethosnope!” (a play on Stethoscope) “Dr. Ip-liar!”
Dr. Ipler is an absolute Ler. It’s just fact! So when he finds out Wilford is an utter lee, he convinces him to come to check ups more often~ Now, instead of a reassuring pat on the back for getting a check up, Dr. Iplier give him tickles as a reward! Needless, to say, Wilford seems to be getting more and more check ups everyday, and not always in the office~
Wilford loves wearing Dr. Iplier’s coat and pretending to be a doctor. If he has a chance to swipe the coat, he will, and will go around the ego base telling people, while trying and failing to keep a straight face, that they’re dying. “Dark… Heh… Youre dying… Of Urine Constipation.” “Wilford… That’s not even a condition…“ “Yes it is, I’m a doctor” “Please give Dr. Iplier his coat back…” “NEVER!” Eventually Doc will find him and wreck him for taking it. Neither mind this, of course~
Doc loves to look after Wilford. If Wilford feels sore, massages are necessary (most likely with a few tickles here and there~), if Wilford feels tired, some gentle lulling and cuddles will be provided. If Wilford is upset he gets an instant shoulder to cry on, never ending cuddles and constant reassurance and advice. If Wilford wants attention, he’ll get it. Even if someone’s getting a check up, Dr. Iplier will let Wilford watch and pester him (He finds it quite endearing).
There’s even been times where Doc has fed Wilford food (Obviously healthy, like grapes and dark chocolate, which Wilford surprisingly loves. Who’d a thought he had a sour tooth too?) while they cuddled up together.
Wilford is very willing to do favours for Doc. If he needs something during checking up on someone, Wilford would happily fetch it for him. He does expect a kiss on the cheek for the hard work, though! Dr. Iplier once said his kisses could heal, because he’s a doctor. Ever since then, Wilford would say things like "My hand stings” and Doc would take his and kiss it. “No, the palm!” so, he kisses the palm. “Actually, it’s moved to my wrist…” in the end, Doc would kiss his way up to Wilford’s cheek before giving him a big ol kick on those sugar lips.
Also, and I’m Sorry, but: “Doc, my dick hurts.” “Listen, Wilford, you can’t do this in public.” “But it hurts. It needs a healing kiss, kiss my dick.” “I’m so wrecking you when we get home…” “That’s fine so long as you kiss my dick first~”
Dr. Iplier loves Wilford’s ass. He deems it perfect. In both a To look at sense and a Medical fitness sense. It’s a perfect ass.
Yes, he does occasionally squeeze or pinch it. He want to test it’s firmness, make sure Wilford is keeping up with them squats… Gotta,,, gotta make sure ur bf is healthy.
And I’m sorry again, but: “Ow! Stop pinching!” “Sorry, did that hurt?” “Yes! Now my butt hurts!” “Want me to kiss it better~?” “OH MY GOD-”
When going to bed, Wilford barely ever wears tops. Just some pink jimjam bottoms and that’s it. Doc LOVES watching Wilford take off his usual attire, he has a serious obsession with Wilford’s muscles and watching the way the move and tense and stretch as he pulls his shirt away. ( ;) ) sometimes he can’t help but go over and trace them once the shirt is off. Which, of course, tickles Wilford like hell. He ends up squeaking and backing up onto the bed, having to sit while Doc continues to following along his toned torso with fascination. He ends up sitting on Wilford’s thighs so he can’t squirm away, but with the sudden close proximity Wilford is able to distract him with a kiss if he feels he should.
Sleeping together is lovely too. Wilford is so warm Doc curls right up along him, being big spoon most of the time. If he isn’t, that’s just because Wilford has turned to bury his face into the doctor’s chest while he sleeps.
Doc is always the one to get Wilford out of bed. He’s a doctor afterall, He KNOWS oversleeping as bad for health! So, up, up up! Wilford is more reluctant for waking up, though, clinging to Doc while softly whining for him to stay and cuddle. This ends in two ways. Both are tickly:
1: Doc denies, getting up and pulling down the sheets. Wilford puts a pitiful act of curling up and whining. So, Doc walks around and either grabs an ankles to wiggle his fingers into Wilford’s soles, or he digs his thumbs straight into Wilford’s hips to vibrate them. Each drive him mad with sudden boisterous laughter, and Doc lets him scramble off the side of the bed after a few moments. Wilford would definitely be too awake and on alert to try to sleep again after that.
2: Doc gives in, cuddling up with Wilford for five minutes more. He’s warm afterall. But, once those five minutes are up, he begins to tickle and trace over Wil’s back. Wil will arch his back, wiggling and giggling hysterically. Doc will carry on for a while before skittering over his firm, firm buttock, Wil yelping and trying to roll away. Doc quickly rolls onto him, reaching under to continue kneading and squeezing him bum. Wilford is squealing and laughing so much he can barely plead for him to stop. He relents soon, asking what Wil wants for breakfast as if he didn’t just completely wreck him.
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fortunesrevolver · 7 years
Commission: Start Simple
Alternate Title: The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively... *shot* Series: Persona 5 Request: Ann and Ryuji bonding at the gym; much like a social link. Platonic. For: @lloyd-irving
This one... was tons of fun too. I love the Persona series to pieces, and this was a story where I got to write two characters I don’t write for that often. It’s only my second time writing either one of them, so I’m really hopeful that it turned out well. Still, I am proud of this one and it was a total blast to write. :)
Thank you again for the commission!
“So… why’re we here again?” Ryuji murmured as he made no effort to conceal a loud yawn and rubbed his eyes.
With a small growl, Ann tossed her towel and water bottle onto a nearby chair and turned, arms crossed. “I told you before! I was serious about wanting to slim down and tone up!”
“Mm… that’s great and all, but why the hell are we here so damn early? It’s like… the ass-crack of dawn.”
“We get up this early for school every day,” Ann pointed out, her jacket joining the pile next. “Besides, I’ve read like… three articles saying that the morning is the best time to train! It wakes up your body and gets you ready for the day.”
“...more like put you to sleep. The hell sort of articles have you been reading?”
“Good ones,” Ann chirped and waved her hand dismissively. “Does it matter? You said you’d help me out, sooo… Show me your secrets, oh guru gym master!”
“If I knew helping you meant getting up this early, I’d have just told you to find a trainer.” Despite his grumblings, Ryuji tossed his own belongings next to Ann’s and bend forward, releasing a low groan of satisfaction as his shoulders popped and his muscles warmed to the familiar movements.
“That’s just mean…” Ann huffed, “And gross. Get your butt outta my face.”
“I’m not showing you my ass, dummy.” Ryuji straightened, bending to the side. “I’m doing stretches. You need to do them before and after a workout.”
“Really…?” Ann blinked, moving closer to observe his movements and began to try and mimic them. “Does it help?”
“Helps if you don’t like cramps. It--what the hell are you doing?”
“Um,” Ann looked up from her twisted position. “Stretching?”
“Do you even pay attention in gym class?” Ryuji frowned, pausing mid-stretch.
“Of course I do!” Ann gasped, trying to force out as much of a scandalized tone as she could. Pay attention she might, but memorize she’d never bothered. They rarely started with more than one or two before they go to whatever the task of the day was. “Geez… even after getting hurt, you still make this look so easy.”
“I’m gonna assume that was a compliment.” Rolling his eyes, Ryuji straightened himself and moved over to Ann. “You’re just gonna hurt yourself twistin’ around like that.” That’s the last thing he needed. An injured girl -- let alone a friend -- in a nearly empty gym. He really didn’t want to have to deal with the assumptions that would follow him out the door. “Here, look, split your legs like this. Keep your legs straight and bend at your waist.” He placed his hands on her hips to guide her to the proper stance. “Bending your knees is just cheatin’. Don’t worry about reachin’ your toes. Ain’t important right now. You’ll get farther the more you stretch.”
“Wow, Ryuji,” Ann grinned, wiggling her fingers as they stopped just short of her toes. “If I didn’t know better, I’d almost call that a smooth move.”
“...no thanks,” he dead-panned. “I like my girls a little less… violent.”
“E-excuse me?!”
“I’ve seen you with a whip,” Ryuji shrugged. “I don’t need that in this world anymore than I need it in that one. Now do the other leg. I’ll count.”
By the end of stretching, Ann’s mood had taken a surprisingly steep upturn and Ryuji wondered if he should bother trying to get her to save energy. He had been just as bad the first time he’d gone to the gym -- confident, energetic, and ready to take on any machine he could get his hands on. Which had been a horrible mistake. At least he could keep Ann from having to spend a day covered in ice and heating pads.
“Alright!” Ann cheered and looked around the room. “What’s first? Weights? The… uh, bench push? Oooh, what about that one?” She pointed toward an elliptical. “That looks like it’d toughen me up.”
“Uh, no.” Ryuji shook his head. “No way. You’re gonna kill yourself if you just go runnin’ around half-cocked. We’re gonna start easy.”
“Whaaat? But that’s boring! I’ve gotten plenty of muscle from--”
“You ain’t got your persona here to help out,” Ryuji shook his head, “or… weird… fancy armor clothes. Start simple or don’t start at all.”
“...fine, fine. What’s first?”
“Treadmill.” Ryuji jerked his head to their right. “Come over here, walk for five minutes and then I’ll show you how to bump up to a jog.”
“...wow, when you said simple, you really meant simple.” Ann sighed, but complied as she climbed up onto the running platform. “Sooo, I just push this button here a couple of times?”
“Yeah, and then--shit! Ann, not that many--” It was too late. The machine burst into life. Startled, Ann yelped and tried to steady herself against the sudden fast-paced thrumming of the belt, but after only a few steps she’d lost her balance and careened backwards into Ryuji’s chest and sent them both to the floor.
“Shit… Dammit, Ann! This is why I said start easy. You’re gonna hurt yourself!”
With a frown, Ann pushed herself back up, rubbing her rear as she huffed at the still-running treadmill. “...geez, I didn’t think it would be this hard.” She turned, guilt tugging at her chest as Ryuji stumbled to his feet. “Um, are you--”
“...walking first,” Ryuji waved her off with a flick of his wrist. “Like this. I’ll tell you when to speed it up.”
“...right, okay. Walking. I can do that no problem.”
Not bothering to answer, he wasn’t about to intentionally set himself up for getting hit, he reset the machine and helped Ann up onto the belt, showing her the proper movement for switching her feet to the sidebars when she needed a break. “Now just… walk for a few minutes. I’ll be right next to you.”
True to her word, and Ryuji’s relief, Ann kept her pace slow and steady. Her face was drawn tight with focus and Ryuji had to admit, her motivation was admirable. Somewhat scary and possibly dangerous for anyone who got in her way, but admirable. It reminded him of when he’d first started track.
“Alright, now hit that button twice. It’ll take you to a jog.”
“Woohoo! Levelling up!”
“...sure,” Ryuji snorted, “just make sure you pay attention.”
“P’shaw, this is easy-peasy.”
“Yeah, say that to the chick who nearly knocked me out a few minutes ago.”
“...that’s just mean,” Ann pouted, but soon returned her focus to the treadmill as she speed reached its maximum speed for her setting.
Beside her, Ryuji was upped his own to a slow run. Jogging was an easy enough start, but if he wanted to keep getting better, he had to push himself at least a little bit. Ann had the right idea, wanting to improve so quickly. Mementos and all the Palaces they’d found helped a lot, but there was no way all that ‘crazy shit’ would last forever. He’d have to get better on his own terms if he wanted to pull his own weight.
How had so much happened in just a few months? It was like Akira arriving had been some sort of big boom that triggered more events Ryuji ever thought possible. Not to mention, now they had Yusuke and Makoto and things were getting even more crazy. Both in that world and in their own. What the hell was he going to do about the track team and--
“W-whoa, uh, hey, Ryuji…!”
Ryuji blinked, jerked out of his daze in time to realize he’d sped up his machine just a little too much and he was limping. Badly. His leg throbbed in protest and he stumbled, cursing in alarm as he pitched forward, barely managing to grab the arm rails to keep his face off spinning belt.
“Holy crap…!” Ann leapt forward, slapping her hands over the controls in a blind panic. The belt briefly sped up, making Ryuji shout again before she successfully hit the power button and the whole thing came to a slow stop.
“...shit,” Ryuji coughed, dropping to his knees. “Shit, ow, damn.”
“H-hey…” Ann frowned, concern evident on her face as she glanced around. “Here, I…”
He took her hand gratefully and stumbled his way over to the chair she’d cleared of their things. Maybe he was the one who needed to pay more attention to his own rules.
“Are you… okay?” Ann asked, holding out his bottle of water. “You weren’t answering me at all and your leg…”
“S’fine,” Ryuji slumped against the back of the chair. “Just got lost in my thoughts. Wasn’t payin’ attention.”
“Want me to go see if they’ve got ice?” Ann paused, then pointed to his leg. “You’re shaking.”
“...it’ll be fine,” Ryuji shook his head, a wry smile on his face. “Guess I was the one pushin’ a little too hard.”
“...I guess that means it still hurts, huh?” Ann stood up, grabbing her towel as she took the seat beside him. “I remember back in middle school… you used to be the fastest kid I knew. I was totally convinced you’d end up being some running star. Like in the olympics or…” she trailed off, wincing. “...sorry, I guess I’m not helping.”
Ryuji laughed. “I’m used to that.”
“Seriously though… I’m alright. Not a big deal. I’m usually here with Akira and he calls my ass out when I zone like that. So… thanks.”
“Sure…” Ann nodded, still worried. “Are you… going to join the team again?”
“Akira said you’ve been working really hard lately,” she motioned around the gym. “Here and at school. I was wondering if you wanted to join again.”
“Maybe before,” Ryuji shrugged and gulped down a swig of water. “Think I wanted to at some point, but… then I just decided I wanted to do it for myself. Don’t think I’ll ever join again. I just… wanted to prove to myself I could do it. Get back to somewhere close to where I was, you know? Not feel so…”
“Something like that.” He took another drink. “What about you? Why so serious about this all of a sudden? That agency of yours ain’t giving you shit for your weight, are they?”
“No, no…” Ann shook her head. “Surprisingly, I’ve never had trouble.”
“...damn, with all those sweets you eat, I kinda thought you were already a gym-nut.”
“Oh shut up. I’ve got awesome metabolism, that’s all.”
“That what it is? Here I thought you just burned it all on nagging.”
“Haha,” Ann rolled her eyes and tossed Ryuji’s towel at his face. “I guess… maybe it’s for modelling? I’m not sure. I think that’s part of it, but…” she trailed off, and Ryuji said nothing in response, waiting for her to continue. “I think… I want to get stronger for myself and you guys. And Shiho too. I just… after what happened, I felt so weak. And now we have that other world and… I don’t know. Maybe I felt like I wasn’t trying hard enough? Or just…”
“Like you wanted to do more?”
“Yeah…” Ann nodded. “Akira does so much for all of us. I mean, he’s our leader and all, but he takes care of us here too. I think… maybe I just want to help him carry all his weight. The same way he helps us.”
Ryuji nodded. Akira did seem to be a driving force for all of them. Even Makoto, an already determined and fighting spirit, seemed to have changed after meeting him. Or maybe it was just after accepting themselves and meeting their Persona that it had all changed, but that had come after Akira too. It was weird to think about it, all that motivation stoked by one person but spurred on by their own desires.
“I think you’ve been getting better,” Ryuji murmured. “Fighting, I mean. We all used to stumble around pretty bad, but… I’ve noticed when we fight in Mementos, you’re getting a little faster. And you, uh, whip harder… n’ stuff.”
“...wow,” Ann snorted. “For a moment there I actually thought you were going to say something sweet. But you’re just a mess as always.”
“You know what--”
“...but thanks,” she smiled, a softer look in her eyes. “Really. And for coming today.”
Ryuji shrugged. “No big deal. Helps me too. I’d be here alone anyway. Might as well go with a friend.”
“Sooo, if I said I wanted to come again tomorrow…?”
“Hell no,” shaking his head, Ryuji dabbed at his face. “Tomorrow is a day off. Don’t push yourself too hard or you’ll just collapse.”
“Wednesday,” he cut in. “We’ll come here twice a week while you get started. Once you’re used to it we’ll turn it up.”
“You’ll keep helping me?! Really?”
“Don’t see why not. I need the gym, you need it. Together we can make sure nothin’ goes wrong.”
“Woohoo! You’re the greatest!” Ann beamed. “This is great--we’re gonna celebrate. We’re gonna get cake on the way home! My treat.”
“Cake? Really? The hell sort of post workout food is that?” Ryuji shook his head. This girl really didn’t get it. Not yet, but she’d done well for her first day. A little treat couldn’t hurt. Probably. “I thought you wanted to slim down.”
“Oh, shut up. We’ll get something healthy. Like cheesecake with fruit! Fruit is healthy.”
“Uh, yeah, when it’s not on cake.”
“Shut uuuup,” Ann whined, “I’m offering you food. Just take it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ryuji stood up and tested his weight on his leg. It still hurt, but at least he wasn’t shaking anymore. “Set your stuff down. We gotta finish off with stretches.”
“More of those?”
“If you wanna cramp up--”
“Ugh, ew, no, fine, stretching.” Ann stood, looking hopeful. “...then cake?”
Ryuji smiled faintly. How Ann managed to have the same level of motivation for working out as she did for obtaining cake was wild. “Yeah, sure, then cake.” He bent down, reaching for his toes. “Hurry up and bend. I’ll count.”
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