#not featured: me standing on multiple textbooks trying and failing to get my ridiculous lanky legs in the picture frame
cedarboots · 2 years
Another pair of 1840s trousers, because I liked the first ones so much!
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(Please excuse the weird lighting.) These are made of brown flannel; the first pair was black twill of some kind, which is sturdier but not as soft.
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I made the pockets and lined the waistband with scrap fabric from my striped shirt.
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Closer look at the fabric pattern, ft. prairie dog socks!
I had enough fabric to make them the right length this time; the other pair is just a little too short in the leg, and these seem to fit much better. Eventually I’ll get around to putting suspender buttons on them— for now it’s too hot to even think about wearing them, so that is a project for a few months from now.
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