#not gonna reveal her full name yet hehehehe
twistedapple · 1 year
Since my fic will start 10 years prior to the events of Baldur's Gate 3, in Calimport, I've been brushing on my lore to make sure everything makes sense, but man. I'm lowkey afraid lore nerds will get on my ass, even though I'll be working with what is known of Calimshan at the moment (which uh isn't too great omg it's gonna be a FUN place of PAIN and MISERY. I'm definitely not planning some priestly shenanigans with the Church of Azuth (who's been reclaimed by Asmodeus so I think that'd be a fun way to introduce some very good reasons why devils can leech on the place).
Will political bullshit happen? Yes, because this is what gives me life. Will I keep my OC, Nuria, in a good light? Come on, she's gonna start as one of Shahrokh's hands. I'm intending some Atomic Blonde level of shenanigans, but she's not gonna be an angel. One of the main reasons she occupies her current place in Calimshanite society as of late 15th DR is because she's an air genasi, so part of the slaver class rather than the enslaved, it comes with its own unpleasant baggage. Once I reach the events of BG3, there's gonna be some mega cultural shock between her and the other party members. However, from a meta perspective, it means I'll have to partially pull on 4e lore because 5e doesn't do a lot beyond basic information when it comes to Genasi. I am considering homebrewing the Mingle with the Wind ability as well to play more on Nuria's djinn ancestry and contribute to her mobility considering what she's gonna be in terms of class/narration.
So, while I think her association with Raphael will be particularly funny to work on, I do expect lore nerds to akshually my ass, even though I'm currently trying to balance everything, so it makes sense. And if I greatly enjoy mulling over this whole Hellfire Storm business, I certainly don't have the energy to deal with people yelling at me because they personally take offense about a detail in my content lol
Anyway, guess I'll share a first sample this weekend. We'll see how it goes.
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. CII
It was a love story from the very beginning.
The Bad Joke and The Scoobynatural
Hello there!!! This time I'm gonna talk about one of the most OOC episodes ever and one of our favs episodes Scoobynatural. I put them together bc one was so bad I needed some fresh air. Hehehehe.
Let's start!
So OOC that hurts...
Episode 13x15 "A Most Holly Man" was written by Dabb but also by Robert Singer.
This episode was odd, with easy bad jokes, and OOC. It also had Wincest subtext, and it was very messy.
If you rewatch the entire season, this episode seems to be out of context. If they've wouldn't put the search for the element they needed for the spell, it could have been passed as an episode from another show.
I could write more criticism, but let's just talk about little pieces of dialogue that worked as clues, I'm very sure it were put by Dabb (even if I dislike his writing) more than Singer.
The three elements the gangsters wanted to get were:
Incense: Is used by christian rituals to elevate prayers and gifts from the parishioners to God. This could be speaking of Chuck coming in the next season.
Chalice: The chalice represents sacrifice for christianity. The Holt Blood of Jesus Christ that have his life for humanity. So, is talking about a future huge sacrifice. It could be taken for Dean and his Mal'ak box or Castiel in 15x18.
Skull: it's related to death, and it could be speaking of Mary Winchester death in season 14.
Another little take from this episode was this little piece of dialogue:
MARGARET: Oh, don’t thank me yet. Greenstreet has all the trappings of a gentleman, but… I would advise caution.
Okay subtle, but not that much. The last name is a combination of two words GREEN and STREET, it's obviously related to Dean, and the quote after this 'has all the trappings is a gentleman, but... I would advise caution." It's obviously talking about AUMichael!Dean.
A brief comment about the Wincest subtext... We had Sam flirting with Margaret and Dean showing signs of jealousy, it could be taken as annoyance, but, because is Singer involved, I would say it was intentionally written to be Wincest subtext. And after this we had Dean flirting... Super out of character, with a brunette... With a lame excuse... Unnecessary. But it worked to make this time Sam the jealous one. Connecting the drops, my dears...
Dean has faith again and the distracting rubbing lips...
In this episode we can also rescue another good points as Dean declaring he has faith. Remember at the beginning of the season he was lost and faithless, I ask myself what could happen to make Dean to recover his faith???
Oh yes, Cas is back.
Then the rubbing lips... We had the same gesture from Cas in the previous episode, so, I wrote two entire metas about how Dabb team used the hands to show foreshadow. So I truly thought Dean and Cas would kiss... Hehehehe. It could fit perfectly, but nah.
This episode also talked about how a priest, a righteous, a saint man, was trying to get the most precious thing for his community.
Trying to get back the most important thing he had, willing to make any sacrifice for it, it's the same would lead Dean to say 'yes' to Michael. When Lucifer kidnaps Sam and Jack.
(This could be just nice because family, and because Dean raised Sam, so Sam represents a son and such, but, because is Singer... Wincest again.)
Another piece of dialogue I found is the following...
FATHER LUCCA: (...)And what your brother’s doing, it’s a good thing.
DEAN: Yeah, or a stupid thing.
FATHER LUCCA: Or both. Many times, they can be the same.
This is telling Castiel's name, Because Dean is always asking him not to do stupid things.
Another foreshadow was Father Lucca talking about Lying is wrong, is a sin. This was the preamble to one of the most revealing episode that will bring Chuck back. The episode in which Jack erase the ability of telling lies in the whole world population.
Dean's cave meaning and visual narrative.
Episode 13x16 was full of symbolism, and is one of my fav episodes.
At first, we had Dean fighting against a huge green dinosaur, practically a monster in green. Just like the Squirrel/Godzilla in one t-shirt we'll see in episode 14x04, is representing DEAN, his inner photography of himself. He sees himself as a monster.
Everytime we see SCOOBY-DOO in Supernatural, it's related to Dean's innocence and purity. Those qualities on him will be the key to release him from his emotional prison in season 14.
Visual Narrative in Dean's cave
Let's talk about the Dean's cave. When Dean says to Sam "Be like Elsa, let it be," he's referring here to the most deepest feelings and fears. Elsa released what she had tried to repress her entire life, her powers. And once she accepted what she really was, she was really free.
This will happen to Dean too, the process had just started. Now that he got Cas back, and now that deep inside he had accepted he can't live without the angel, he will slowly be able to embrace his bisexuality, to accept who he really is. The climax of this metamorphosis it's gonna be describer through the whole season 14. It's the birth of Healing!Dean.
Dean's cave represents that. First of all I want you to know that the Dean's cave had been made to watch movies with Castiel. It's subtextually displayed by the location of the two couches and the color of the lights in front of them: RED AND BLUE. Those are Dean and Castiel's places. That place had been built to share time with his angel.
Gif credit @out-in-the-open
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Fred and Daphne were Dean's bisexuality representation.
Mostly than Dean having a crush over the two characters (openly with Daphne and repressed over Fred) both characters were representing Dean's bisexuality (just like Pamela and himself in Rocky's bar and his friend and the waitress in 15x07).
When they had to team up (just like in 14x04) we had Sam and Vilma represented the insight, the intelligence. (Just like Sam and Sam). Castiel pairing up with Yaggy and Scooby, the innocence and the talking dog, the most precious thing for Dean. (Remember Dean would take a bullet for that dog, that's why Cas was compared several times in season 12 with a dog, and that's why Dean follows him anywhere to keep him safe after suffering his lost).
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Gif set credit @gentleman-demon
Finally, the bisexual team Dean with Fred and Daphne. In one opportunity Dean asks Daphne what does she sees in a man. Without mentioning she loves ascots, what this symbolically represents is Dean asking to his female side what she really likes to see in man. And we have Fred related to blue color, as a switch mirror with Castiel. Also because Daphne describes the perfect man as STRONG AND HONEST. Which are characteristics related to Castiel.
Castiel's entrance a la 4x01 and the dinosaur in love
Castiel enters in the mansion the same way he did in 4x01, stormy, mysteriously, and bright.
Immediately after his entrance, we had this weird dialogue...
DEAN: It's a book we're writing. Yeah, about...killer stuffed dinosaurs. It's called...
CASTIEL: "The Killer Stuffed Dinosaur in Love."
FRED: Huh. Great title.
SCOOBY: Yeah. Great title.
"It's a book we are writing " this is very meaningful Because, the book they're writing despite the one Chuck is writing, is Team Free Will, but... We are talking about DESTIEL. Dean and Cas are writing their own story... Why? Because when they mention the title of that book is... The KILLER (Do you remember REGARDING DEAN? another brief appearence of Scooby Doo and Dean's innocence? In which Rowena told him he was a killer? So yes, Dean sees himself as a killer, that's why the image of a monster, a green DINOSAUR, and huge Godzilla Squirrel... But this KILLER GREEN DINOSAUR has a very important characteristic HE IS IN LOVE. DEAN IS IN LOVE, as he confessed in 14x12.
Do I have to explain how writers connect d Castiel's first entrance in 4x01 with this book they're writing as they go? The book is named DESTIEL.
Jealous!Castiel and the little scared ghost boy
I loved the scene in which Daphne freshly confesses Dean grabbed the ghost by the thigh and immediately Cas shows his jealousy over that.
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Gif set credit @tearsofgrace
But There's another almost at the end of the episode in which Dean mentions his affair with the Cartwright Twins and Cas asks about that, and Dean's face is priceless. Because if CAS would just represent a friend to him, he were absolutely explaining to him what happened with those twins, but he didn't. Why? Because Castiel is not just a friend. Castiel is Dean's love interest. So... Better not to talk about it.
Gif set credit @sssssssim
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But let's jump over the symbolism of the trapped child ghost.
BOY: I'm not. I never wanted to hurt anyone. But the bad man, he makes me.
CASTIEL: The bad man?
BOY: His name is Jay.
I want to point here we are inside of Dean's head as you've noticed so far, so... Velma is Dean's intelligence and reason, and is linked with Sam (just like in episode 14x04 in which we had the scooby-doo box opening the locked door). Yaggy and Scooby are the innocence and love, part of Dean and linked to Castiel. And Daphne and Fred are Dean's bisexuality. But There's another huge character inside of him THE MONSTER. The monster, the one he has to defeat, is represented by JOHN WINCHESTER'S TOXIC HERITAGE AND AUMICHAEL, they're part of his toxicity, his rage, his violence. The little ghost here is all the good inside of Dean, his childhood, his innocence, but the bad man who obligates him to kill, it's his inner monster. So this is a war between TOXIC!DEAN and HEALING!DEAN as we will see in season 14.
BOY: When I died, my soul was tied to a pocketknife. My dad gave it to me. It meant everything. When Jay found me, he used me to...Sometimes, I get so angry I break things, hurt people.
John Winchester's toxic heritage implies the GUILT. So, Dean's soul is tied to that GUILT. Jay represents AUMichael here, when AUMichael finds this tool, the guilt, he uses it against Dean to control him. The boy says he gets angry, he breaks things and hurts people. He's describing perfectly Dean's toxicity. His violence. We will see it in this season but also, at the end of season 14.
To Conclude:
In episode 13x15 we had a very OOC bad episode, but with a few clues for foreshadows.
Episode 13x16 was a travel through Dean's innocence, inner thoughts and repressed feelings. It's a preamble to Healing!Dean season and how Dean will be able to break free from his emotional prison, defeating his inner monster.
Hope you liked this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you want to be added or removed from this list just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from season 13 here you have the links...
Buenos Aires, February 28 2020, 2:23 PM
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nekoandfriends · 4 years
The Corrupted Truth: Chapter 1 - Encounter the inner demon
Before you began reading chapter 1, this chapter is different comparing to the comics/arts you drew for me-which is cool and awesome-but I’ll mentioned the quotes base on your comics/arts for both this and the second chapter, so don’t you worry, ok? Furthermore, let’s read it and solved this truth! Hope you enjoy this!! ❤❤❤❤❤ >w<
After Hakucho went missing last night, Clem became worried and asked some of the residents in the hotel if they seen her. Sadly, they didn’t see her anywhere except the last time they saw her. So, the residents of the Last Resort Hotel volunteers to help Clem find her and they all meet up outside of the Last Resort Hotel.
As they all outside of the Last Resort Hotel, Clem steps in front of the group and announced to them in a calm-yet worried-toned voice:
Clem: Thank you all for volunteering to help me to find Hakucho. We all know she began to act strange since we last saw her before went missing. I have searched every floors and still no sign of my beloved swan, but the queen over there *pointing at Queenie who waves at the group* suggests that we should searched for her at the surrounding landscape, which is the dark forest that was in a far distance from this hotel. The forest is the one place we hope Hakucho is out there somewhere. So, let’s head to the forest and find Hakucho before any bad happens to her.
After that, Clem, Ranze, Kalika, Rachel, Minny, Jane, Irene, Tanya, Queenie, and Flare enters the dark forest while Sand Citrine, Bun bun, Val, Jazzy, Paloma, Coraline, Sidney, Keith, and the triplets (Nikki, Ginny, and Lindsey) follows them behind. Some calls Hakucho’s names while others look through the bushes and the trees to see if Hakucho is hiding there; But the more deeper they walked in the forest, the more darker it is as well as the fog that surrounds around them, which is more creepier than they excepted to be.
Sand Citrine: *got scared and holds Bun bun’s arm* Goodness....This place is giving me goosebumps...How are we gonna find her if the forest became more darker and scarier than the other scary movies?
Bun bun: *pats Sand’s head* Don’t worry, Sand. I’m sure we’ll find her...*gulped as he feeling frightened too*...if nothing scary creatures is gonna s-scared u-
Suddenly-before he could finished his sentence-Bun bun saw a screeching bat flew past him and Sand, which cause both of them to shriek in fear and hug each other after the bat flew into the mist. Once the bat is gone, Sand and Bun bun looks each other before letting go from the hug and look away from each other; Sand Citrine blush as she stares down at the ground while Bun bun blush and rubbed his arm.
Sand Citrine: *blushes as she began to look at Bun bun* W-well.....um...That bat scare us pretty good, huh?
Bun bun: *blushes still and looks at Sand* Yeah...heheheh.....
Coraline: *looks behind Sand Citrine and Bun bun* Come on you two. We don’t have time to goofing around. Hakucho is out there, acting so strange, and we need to find her.
Sand Citrine and Bun bun nodded in agreement and went ahead of them as they continue searching for her. Every areas they looked, the groups still see no sign of their swan friend.....until Minny noticed a kimono swept in the darkness as the figure walks past them, which could be Hakucho for sure. Minny calls out of them that Hakucho is over there, and they followed the same direction “Hakucho” went. As they follows the path, they finally found “Hakucho”, who is standing there away from them without a single move.
Minny: There she is! *pointed at Hakucho* Don’t worry guys, I know what I gonna say.
Mr. Goldy: Wait Minny, I don’t think you should do th-
Minny: *calls out to “Hakucho”* HEY HAKUCHO! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS WORRIED FOR YOU!! *pointed at Clem who blush*
But no respond from Hakucho after Minny calls her; just silent and moveless until the fogs began to faded slowly to reveal that person is not Hakucho anymore, but rather this is now...Kuroi Tsubasa herself. The groups gasped as they finally saw her after the fogs fades away. Clem is the first person to asked Kuroi in a worried and trembling toned voice.
Clem: Kuroi, where’s Hakucho? What did you do to her? I thought you’re our allies, our friend....
Still, no respond from Kuroi Tsubasa as she coldly glares at him before she finally speak up in a dark and grimly voice in which chills their spines down in fear.
Kuroi Tsubasa: Your allies? Your friend? Please, I only help the liars like you, because Hakucho told me so....I’m just her inner demon, not just a friend you thought I was; In fact, I don’t think you guys are not a friend of Hakucho...and me as well. It’s a shame that even love-including friendship-is a bunch of sham to her..both ”naive” life and afterlife, where the world is covered with loneliness and hatred from the likes from y-
Flare roars as her red aura becomes brighter while others backs away from her. She then transformed into her monstrous form and began to lunge at Kuroi Tsubasa, ready to strike her down. Paloma calls out to Flare in worried as she senses something bad that will occurring now.
Paloma: Esperar, Flare! Don’t attack h-
Before Flare could attack Kuroi while Paloma almost finished her sentence, Flare in her monstrous form was halted by Kuroi Tsubasa’s telekinesis as she growls as Kuroi in rage; Kuroi stares at her with a cold and menacing glare. 
Flare: *struggles to get free from the telekinesis* LET ME GO!!!
Kuroi Tsubasa: ….Let you go? I don’t think so......”demon”....Tell me, is your monstrous form with your fire powers can actually defeated me that easily? No. I’m Hakucho’s inner demon, and inner demon is stronger than a hellish demon like you....So....OUT OF MY WAY!!!!
Kuroi Tsubasa then telekinesis her in a cruelty way to the tree, causing Flare to yelped in pain as she wham onto the tree and transforming back to her normal form while feeling in severe injury. Sand, Bun bun, Paloma, Val, Jazzy, Minny, Sidney, and Keith went to aid her while the others stared at Kuroi in both upset and frighten; Kalika sneer in anger as she began to distrusted Kuroi Tsubasa as friend while Jin hissed. 
Kalika:  Why are you like this, Kuroi? We see you as friends when we first met you, but now you’re evil?? Tell us why you are controlling Hakucho? 
Kuroi Tsubasa stares at her before began to laugh in hysterically nonstop. Her evil laughs echos the dark forest as groups listens to her laugh in dismay; She then stops laughing as she wipes the tear away from her eye and gives them a scary look before responding with a horrific and dark toned voice.
Kuroi Tsubasa: You idiots don’t get it....Hakucho is no longer here for you...nor you know her....I keep her hidden from pathetic groups like you....Haven’t you heard what I said? I’m a inner demon of her, and I made a decision since your demonic friend tried to attack me.......You have no prove to be her friends as well as her true love...for I, Kuroi Tsubasa, shall punished you all for not knowing the sins....SHE COMMITTES!!!!!
Kuroi Tsubasa’s pine green auras began to glow brighter as she expand her long wing-like hair larger-like Yveltal-that blocks the moon’s light; As she does that, Kuroi Tsubasa menacing stares at them before roars in full wrath, which sounds like Yveltal. Queenie had no choice but to fight her by summoning her dark purple aura flames as Irene summoned her swords. After they summoned their powers, some of the groups-like Ranze, Tanya, Coraline, Mr. Goldy, Rachel, and Jane embraces for the impact battle while others protects both injured Flare and themselves as Clem stares at this moment in shocked.
Jane: Well...We’re f***.
============== To be continued for Chapter 2 ==============
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(Minny, Val, Jazzy, and Jane belongs to @nerdgirl113 , Mr. Goldy belongs to @danisha-tdh , Queenie belongs to @queenieboo22 , Rachel, Sidney, & Keith belongs to @just-here2draw ,Sand Citrine, Bun bun, & Flare belongs to @cheetahgem , Paloma belongs to @kokoronbain , Coraline, Kalika, Tanya, & Irene belongs to @hotelmist​ , Ranze belongs to @ranze​ , and Nikki, Ginny, Lindsey, and Clem belongs to Nintendo)
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maldito-arbol · 3 years
Ooooo the long awaited Info Consolidation conversation, oh how I’ve been waiting for you. It was quite satisfying and had a bunch of stuff I didn’t think about, like Anne talking about Hearts motives and the stuff they say and Marce mentioning Wit’s contradictory statements and how differently she treats Strength and Heart. I have a habit of just thinking about the facts (the greatest weaknesses thing, Heart being the strongest, the elements things, the fact that the dreamscapes are all connected) but those other bits were very good and important parts to include, I wouldn’t have even thought about them at all u r so good at giving all the characters such depth. good job :)
Listen listen sometimes I DO drop very important hints. I want you to know that almost EVERYTHING from chapters 1-4 of IBYBF that happened to line up with important reveals later was either entirely coincidence or i reread those chapters and decided to MAKE stuff important (you gotta work with what you have—you can get some great ideas just by looking at things you wrote on a whim) and it really wasn’t until Chapter 7 that i was just starting to think about the Gems’ arcs in the long term and what kind of backstories they might have. Heart wanting to destroy the box, Wit being afraid of Heart, Strength keeping Sprig safe…they’re the first hints at a picture that is much bigger than the girls are prepared for. Perhaps even than anyone in the audience is. You guys still have yet to see the darker sides of my writing. That old tpn X mp100 crossover fic that sits unfinished on my archive account has a chapter count of 36 because i actually have the entire story drafted and it gets FUCKED. really fast. But because i never posted all of it, those terrible terrible things I did in that one have yet to see the light of day. I’m absolutely taking some notes from it to write CMTO because two of the major themes I’m gonna have to explore are coping with loss and the cycle of abuse :)
But anyway I went on a TANGENT—i have come to understand that you my lovely readers are very intelligent and absolutely do pick up on a lot of the hints I accidentally drop everywhere, so it is the funniest feeling when I drop hints purposely that NOBODY mentions and i wonder if they picked them up at all or they’re in for a very rude awakening when the reveal hits. So what i do is I just. Keep bringing them up casually. The gems having a very specific access to the girls’ memories was one of them—i kind of had a vague idea of it floating around and decided to bring it up in ch 7 twice in Heart tormenting Sprig with how much they know about him because of how much Anne cares about him. But you can find little hints of it in prev chapters too— see: Heart knowing the full names of all the people in Anne’s life in chap 5 and Heart finding Marcy’s moment of weakness in chap 4. So I decided WHY NOT JUST ADDRESS IT PROPER. Another one of these is the perpetual bleeding in Marcy’s eye that i address every single time she’s in her dreamscape and especially VERY loudly in chap 8 im losing my mind over that one don’t worry we’ll talk about it Very Soon <3
Anyway I thank u for all the stuff you have already picked up on it makes me so excited. You got some of the foreshadowing from the party chapter but there’s more in there hehehehe oh my god i am SO excited for this finale.
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megamanxfanfics · 6 years
S.V - Ep 4: The Doomsday Clock
EXT. ABEL CITY – Teleport Tour Station – DAY
Caption: 4:30 PM.
Dynamo beams down to the Teleport Tour Station for the first time in three years with a mischievous grin on his face.  As the sun sets on Abel City, he takes a deep breath of foul air with a crooked smirk.
DYNAMO: Ahhhh! Home at last!!! Hehehehe!  Just look at all of this.  Little old me, caused all of this??
SIGMA: (o.s, filtered) Good job, Assassin.  Destroying Eurasia’s Anti-Gravity machine did just the trick.  Now it’ll come crashing down to Earth in about 15 hours!!
SIGMA: (o.s, filtered) Go ahead and admire your work. You’ve earned it.
He puts his hands at his hips as he walks through the panicked city, proud.
DYNAMO: Heheh. Thank you, Lord Sigma. Repliforce’s days are numbered. Do I get to play with the Hunters, now?
SIGMA: (o.s, filtered) Not yet. I’ll tell you when the time is right. For now, revel in your victory.  
DYNAMO: Where are they, anyway?
SIGMA: (o.s, filtered) Nevermind that.  I’ll send you to them when the time is right.
Dynamo twitches for a second, but then shakes it off.
DYNAMO: (amused) Hmhmhmhm. Sounds /promising!
He /clenches a fist as he makes a psychotic grin.
SIGMA: (o.s, filtered) Hee hee hee hee, yeeeees.  The Doomsday Clock has begun.
[Insert Title Card – The Doomsday Clock]
-cut to-
Zero looks above him to what seems like an inviting horizontal hallway and climbs the rocks using his advanced kick-jumping skills. With tricky corners, he tries a dashing kick-jump upward, which propels him to the higher level of terrain.
Before long, he finds a very interesting Armor Capsule, which catches his eye.
ZERO: Hey X, I found something that you might be interested in.
-cut to-
INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Surface Caverns - DAY
X contends with the back of the U-555 as it unleashes unrelenting homing missiles upon X.  He keeps dashing and dodging away, but they keep coming.  
X: Agh..  I’m kinda.. busy, here.
He charges up and blasts the bottom fin. Then the top fin.  For a moment, he has a reprieve, before the barrels can regenerate again.
ZERO: (o.s, filtered) Suit yourself. It’s an Armor Capsule…
X: (gasping) Wow, really?? Grizzly Slash found one and kept it from me???
(o.s, filtered) Hmph. It must’ve been after he left the Team.
X: Figures.
The missiles fire upon X once again, as he dashes ahead, drops down to a yellow rope, and grabs hold of it with his wire hook.
X: (sighing) Well, it’s just gonna have to wait. I’ve got my hands full with this Giant Submarine that came to life.
He charges up as he watches the U-555 come down to his level.
-cut to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. SECRET WAREHOUSE – Hidden Capsule Area – NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zero smirks as he admires the glow of the capsule.
ZERO: Roger. It’ll still be here when I’m done with Grizzly…
X: (o.s, filtered) Thanks, Zero. I can always count on you.
Zero lets out a short laugh, when suddenly the Light Capsule opens up before Zero to reveal Dr. Light, himself.
Zero gasps at the sight.
DR. LIGHT: You are... Zero, aren't you?
ZERO: Who... are you...?
DR. LIGHT: Thank you for supporting X... Please continue to take care of him...
ZERO: ........
DR. LIGHT: I'll give you a program for X's armor. Analyze and upload the data to X's main memory in a secure area. Then complete the Armor. For security reasons, the program is divided into 4 segments. Once you gather and upload all 4 parts, the armor will be complete. Nothing will happen, otherwise...
ZERO: (nodding) Alright.
DR. LIGHT: Ummm... Her name is Alia, isn't it...?
ZERO: Yeah.
DR. LIGHT: She can analyze the data and let you upload it...  Anyway, here is the program for the legs. With the leg part equipped, X can fly through the air, and become invincible while flying!
Zero’s eyes widen.
ZERO: Jeez!
DR. LIGHT: (animated, excited) Collide against the enemy to destroy them! I'm afraid that I know nothing about your body structure, therefore I can't enhance your power... I'm really sorry.
ZERO: I don't need any power-ups............... But, I have one thing I want to ask you...
DR. LIGHT: Very well.
ZERO: Sometimes unknown data emerges in my mind, and I can see a figure of an old professor... Do you know him by any chance?
Dr. Light gives Zero a strange look.
DR. LIGHT: I don't know... Perhaps, if I saw him... But the data must be a fragment created by some error... I wouldn't worry about it. Why don't you just forget about it?
ZERO: I don't worry about it, but when I saw you, I felt an urge to ask...
DR. LIGHT: I'm sorry I couldn't give you an answer to your question...
ZERO: Never mind. I didn't expect one. Anyway, I'll give X the Armor program.
DR. LIGHT: Thank you.
Dr. Light politely smiles and disappears.  For the first time ever, Zero jumps into one of X's capsules. He had always wondered what it would be like.
The capsule powers up and covers Zero’s body in rays of warm light. He feels a shower of power cover him, as a wave of peace and relief washes over him.  The light rays climactically swell up into a ball of power, which simply shines in his gem. The program has been downloaded into Zero’s mainframe and he is at once, hopeful for the future.
Zero shakes his head, in shock and joy.
ZERO: Wow! Does it always feel that way, when X gets an upgrade?  No wonder he loves these things.
He steps out of the capsule and clenches a fist.
ZERO: I feel so calm and resolute… I don’t even care about Sigma any more.  This isn’t even my armor and…
He jumps down to the bottom of the cave.
ZERO: I feel like we can take on ANYONE!!!!!
He dashes ahead, jumping over a short wall to take on a Mad Taxi mechaniloid.  Zero confidently hacks and slashes the mechaniloid to pieces, knocking out two missiles that it fired at him in the process.
Then he looks up with a determined glare. The same one that X always has.
-cut to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – SURFACE CAVERNS - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
With an irate face, X powers up his Charge Shot and aims his X-Buster at the bottom fin of the U-555.  The top fin has been destroyed.
X: Let’s FINISH THIS!!!!
He unleashes the Plasma shot, which overtakes the two homing missiles in his path and completely corrodes the bottom fin, at last.
With the back of the U-555 finally destroyed, it retreats once again, allowing X to explore new mysterious sights from the deep Pacific.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) What is this place...? Are you in an old sunken ship??
X: I guess so...
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) The U-555 is trying to escape. It went deep in this direction. Follow it!
-pan to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Sunken Ship - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
He climbs up a large wall, above the yellow rope and jumps out of the water, as part of the ship has remained dry.
X: Huh! Well this is fun.
He spots a bunch of small dejira mechaniloids, which he can effortlessly handle.
Blasting them away with small level two shots, X navigates the scope of the sunken ship, passing by a few spike traps along his path.
X: Hm.. whoever this ship belonged to, he must not have liked in intruders.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) I think that’s the Sigma virus, at work. A lot of places have been corrupted all around the world.
X grits his teeth.
X: Ahhh!!!!
He destroys another dejira and walks over to a full wall of spikes.  He can see that it leads up and below.  For now, it is safer to traverse below.
X: I can’t explore up there… At least not yet… It’s probably all spikes anyway.
ALIA: I can see a heart fragment above, but it’s too risky.  Better to recover it later.
X nods in agreement and drops down below, where it is safer.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Whoa, X. Can you see the capsule behind you???
He stirs with excitement and turns around to see an old cracked wall that does not quite reach the ground.  Small steps barely allow the visibility of the Capsule’s base, but he can definitely see that it is blocked off by some sort of device.
X: (disappointed) No!  It’s blocked by this wall.  Maybe I can break it.
He punches the wall and only hurts his hand.
X: Ah!
He charges up and blasts it with a full plasma shot.  Instead of affecting the petrified wood, his Charge Shot is mysteriously absorbed inside it.
X: What the-
ALIA: This wall has been fortified by the Sigma Virus.  If only you had a weapon that could crawl under those steps along the ground.
X: Damn it… I had a Ground Hunter that used to do the trick.
ALIA: …We could download the data, if you want.
X: (shocked) Really?
ALIA: Yeah, but it might take a while.
X: Hmm…  Well, see what you can do. In the meantime, I’ve gotta move on.
He turns around and ventures outside of the ship again, towards the water.  He swims up and out of the sunken ship, only to find that the U-555 is back.
-pan to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – U-555 Top - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Amidst the ocean caverns, the huge ship raises itself towards X’s position with four large turrets aimed at him.
X: What the Hell????
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) You have no choice, but to destroy the top of the ship. Quickly, before it crushes you!!
X nods, determined as he charges up and points his buster.
-cut to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. SECRET WAREHOUSE – Grizzly Slash’s Hideout - NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
With a fiery glare in his eyes, Zero dashes through the top gateway of the cave-like warehouse.
ZERO: (v.o, thinking) There he is. Right down there.. I can feel it!
He dashes and drops down into a hidden lair as a Warning Siren blares.
Once alerted to the trouble, Grizzly Slash drops down from within the ceiling. Before Zero, his large frame towers above Zero, even from a distance.  He slashes the air twice with a frightening paw, upon his gaze, not happy to see him.  Zero does not flinch.
GRIZZLY SLASH: Zero!  Seeing you re-opens old wounds…
EXT. X-HUNTER BASE – Runway Battle - NIGHT
An evil looking Zero draped in black armor menacingly takes out his saber, challenging Grizzly Slash to a duel.
GRIZZLY SLASH: Damn you, Zeroooo!!
Grizzly Slash runs after Zero with his drill buster out.
He lunges towards Zero and misses.
ZERO: Yaaah!!
Zero jumps up and gashes Grizzly Slash in the right eye, making him bleed out and lose an ocular piece.
GRIZZLY SLASH: Huwaaaaaah!!
He holds onto his face and collapses in pain.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. SECRET WAREHOUSE – Grizzly Slash’s Hideout - NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The red Zero closes his eyes with a smirk. Then he looks back at Grizzly Slash’s blind eye. It has a scar over it in the shape of his saber.
ZERO: You should have that looked after. I don’t have time for small talk.  Give me the Crystal Ball…
GRIZZLY SLASH: Why don’t you do what you usually do, and force me to? You used to be a Maverick, right? That’s what I remember.  And, you destroyed Sigma, didn’t you?
ZERO: What, that old story? If you dare to try and fight me, then I accept your challenge anytime, anywhere.
GRIZZLY SLASH: Hunters and Sigma are very similar.  Very aggressive and overconfident.
ZERO: What!? We’re nothing like that scum!
GRIZZLY SLASH: Oh yes you are… I’m just an arms dealer now, but you!! …You destroy anyone who stands against you.  Now I’m going to make you pay for what you did to me, Maverick Hunter!
ZERO: (grinning, hostile) Go ahead.
The two jump after each other.  Zero slashes a heavy saber at him, which clashes right against Grizzly Slash’s heavy arm claw.
The two stubbornly slash and claw at one another.  Grizzly Slash’s crescent shots peer out from his claw slashes, which catch Zero at the chest and cause him to back away.
ZERO: Agghhh.
GRIZZLY SLASH: (hurt) You’re good, Zero. But not good enough…
He jumps over him and creates a large threatening drill with his buster.
GRIZZLY SLASH: You ready for the pain???
ZERO: Bring it onnnn…
- cut to -
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – U-555 Top – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
X dodges many rocks as the U-555 slowly ascends and barrels through them.  The landscape of the caverns threaten to crush, X as he charges up again to destroy the returning holographic turrets.
X: /Yah! Man… Something’s got to give with this thing.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) I think that blue gem underneath the top fin is a power core.  See if you can destroy it. That might be your target.
X: (nodding) Right!
He continues to hover, and swerve around the many turret shots as they regenerate and fire upon him.  Then he fires at the blue core.
His blast causes the top of the ship to open its orange forcefield and unveil its true top core.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) That’s it, X! Go ahead and blast it!!
X: (smiling) Gotcha!
-cut to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. SECRET WAREHOUSE – Grizzly Slash’s Hideout - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Grizzly Slash dives out from the top of the ceiling to surprise Zero with a drill to the back.
ZERO: No way!!!
He dash-jumps away to narrowly evade the attack.
He burrows through the ground again. Then he breaks through the wall near Zero and grabs him.
ZERO: (surprised) Whughh-gghhh
GRIZZLY SLASH: Ahahah. I've got you now, Zero... ZERO: No!
He takes his saber and bats him in the face with it. Grizzly Slash retreats inside the wall and Zero dash-jumps away. Before long, Grizzly Slash peers out from the ground in front of Zero and punches him with his drill arm. ZERO: Akk!
He barely dodges Grizzly Slash's attack and slashes him in the shoulder and the head. Grizzly Slash retreats underground again and this time, bursts out from the far most wall.He steps out of the hole looking damaged and exasperated.
- cut to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – U-555 Top – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
X turns his buster towards the ruptured core of the U-555. The turrets have all been blown off and his opening is clear.  With a large blast, he overloads the U-555’s core circuitry and it ultimately explodes, sinking once and for all, defeated.
X: Finally!  Now I can meet with Tidal Whale, undisturbed.
ALIA: Good job, X. Remember, he doesn’t go by that name any more since he quit the Repliforce.
X enters a nearby gate with a nod.
X: Mm, I know. It’s the only thing that gives me hope for this mission.
X runs through the gate and drops down into Duff McWhalen’s dwelling.
- pan to –
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Duff’s Dwelling – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The cavernous room hosts a wall full of threatening spikes, which does not encourage X, at all.
Duff McWhalen swims over to him from a back-pile of wreckage, surprised to see him.
DUFF McWHALEN: (surprised) Oh…  Welcome, Captain X.
X respectfully salutes him, recalling the high rank he once held.
X: Captain McWhalen, I’d like you to let us use this ocean since it’s nearest to the Hunter Base.  We need to produce large amounts of Hydrogen.
DUFF McWHALEN: Do you intend it for Nuclear Fusion?
X nods with regret.
DUFF McWHALEN: So, then you are going to use the good-old Enigma.  I remember it well.
X: (admitting, guilty) Y…yes…  If you know that, then please cooperate with us.
Duff McWhalen takes a breath and lets out a deep sigh.
DUFF McWHALEN: X, I’m a man of the sea… …And I will not allow you to use my sea freely…  You might think it stupid, but if ye wish to use the sea, then you’ll have to fight with me.
X: (frowning) I understand.
He makes a resigned sigh and shakes his head.
X: I accept your challenge!!
-cut to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. SECRET WAREHOUSE – Grizzly Slash’s Hideout - NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Grizzly Slash looks at Zero, infuriated.
GRIZZLY SLASH: You are nothing but a thorn in my side, Hunter... That is why I left the team years ago. ZERO: Hah! I remember that... Do you remember what you said last time we met?
Zero had returned to base with X, the morning after severely injuring most of their ranks, while under the influence of Serges’ programming.  Despite X’s forgiveness, Zero’s presence met with much apprehension amongst the other Hunters.
Web Spider points to Zero.
WEB SPIDER: If he’s staying, then I’m leaving…
Grizzly Slash holds on to his new eyepatch; his fresh sore still throbbing.
GRIZZLY SLASH: Me too… I’ll be much better off in life without the Maverick Hunters! And Zero… if I ever see you again… you’d better watch your back.
Grizzly Slash clenches his huge fist.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. SECRET WAREHOUSE – Grizzly Slash’s Hideout - NIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Grizzly Slash scratches his head with wide eyes.
GRIZZLY SLASH: That’s right, I do remember…  I told you to watch your back..  ‘cause otherwise I'd KILL YOU!!!!
He takes a large swing at Zero with his arm claw.  The crescent slash is so large, it becomes an energy wave of it's own, as it spins toward Zero. ZERO: /Whoooaa!!!! He gets /knocked back by it, hard as blood spurts out from a gash in his armored plate. ZERO: (hurt, wounded) …Damn it!! I'm not done yet!!!
Zero powers through with a hop back up to his feet. He dash-jumps head on into Grizzly Slash without a care and thrusts his saber through his chest. ZERO: TAKE THIS!!!! GRIZZLY SLASH: Au-u-ughh. You... won...
Grizzly Slash huddles over in pain as his ruptured core explodes. Zero's saber glows yellow momentarily, as if absorbing some of Grizzly Slash's power.  He leans back on the ground, favoring his own wounds as he quizzically looks at his Z-saber.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, shocked) You got DNA data from Grizzly Slash! From this DNA data, his Crescent Sword technique has become yours! Use it wisely on your enemies.
ZERO: (hurt, victorious) Heheh.. I did it!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Every enemy has a weak point. Find the most effective weapon for each of them. You’d better grab his weapon chip too, for X, just in case.
ZERO: (nodding) Hm.
He gets up, in pain and walks over to the destroyed Grizzly Slash.  While he searches for the weapon chip, Alia debriefs him.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Grizzly Slash had the Crystal Ball! This should greatly increase the striking ability of the Enigma. I'll ask another Hunter to do the recovery operations so you can return to base.
He finds a weapon chip entitled C-Shot from within Grizzly Slash’s broken paw. Zero grabs it and makes a thumbs up.
ZERO: Good...! I could use a breather.
-cut to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Caption: 5:00 PM
ALIA: (smiling) Come home. You’ve earned it./
Suddenly Alia /gasps as the feed on the Main Monitor has been interrupted.  
ALIA: (gasping) Incoming message from… sources unknown.
A large image of a mysterious Bounty Hunter appears.
SIGNAS: (wondering) Who’s this? I’ve never seen him…
DYNAMO: (filtered) Nice to meet you, Maverick Hunters.   I have no hard feelings toward you, but this is my mission… Before long, I will attack the Hunter Base.
His cocky, matter-of-fact tone irks everyone in the room.
HECTOR: What the-
KIRK: How did he find us?
DYNAMO: (filtered, impish, mocking) Aw, are Mr. X and Mr. Zero there? Please play with me! I’m really bored…  
They look at each other confused.
DYNAMO: (filtered) Don’t worry! We’ll fight like true sportsmen, hee hee hee!! Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself!  I am Dynamo.  See you soon!!
SIGNAS: How dare he!? At a time like this?! Should we even attempt to fight against one so arrogant?
ZERO: (o.s) We might not have a choice… I’ll get him though…
Everyone turns to see that Zero has returned in pretty bad shape. They all gasp at the sight of him.
DOUGLAS: Whoa, Zero!  We need to get you patched up, buddy. Come on.
ZERO: (weak) O-okay…
SIGNAS: Alia, send Rho out for the Recovery Op. He’s in good shape.
ALIA: Yes, sir.
ZERO: Oh, hey… Give this to X next chance you see him.  He might need it…
Zero pulls out the C-shot chip and tosses it at Alia.
She /barely /manages to /catch it.
ALIA: /Ooh! /Uh /, thank you!  
She admires the chip with a hopeful smile.
ALIA: Great! We can upload this into his mainframe. That’ll certainly help him out.
- cut to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT, PACIFIC OCEAN – Duff’s Dwelling – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Duff McWhalen proceeds to create ice chunks from his mouth that he spits out at X in organized columns and steps. They are so structured, that it seems to be an obstacle course of it’s own that X must contend with, just to reach Duff McWhalen, as he charges up.
X: (jumping, struggling) Ah.. Duff…  I know, we agreed.. to battle..  But we’re wasting time!
DUFF McWHALEN: Ye can’t have my sea, X!! Not without a fight.
X sighs.
X: Oh, come on!
He blasts Duff McWhalen with another charge shot directly in the head.
He simply turns with the blast, taking it head on as he lets his ice-obstacle subsist in the sea, and slowly come back towards him.
X: (sighing) Not this, again.
DUFF McWHALEN: (amused) Yarharharhar!!! Have fun, X.  I’ll get ye yet.
X carefully jumps through the columns and avoids the icy spikes from the small obstacle McWhalen has created.
X: (v.o, thinking) This is too much! He’s toying with me…
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Hey, X. Good news.
X: (distracted) Hm??
Duff McWhalen fires a torpedo at X, which /catches him off-guard.
X: (hurt, then annoyed) /Ah!! What!?
ALIA: I was gonna tell you that Zero defeated Grizzly Slash and give you a new weapon, but not with that attitude…
X continues to dodge Duff McWhalen’s icy obstacle course as he holds on to his ear-piece.
X: Wha-… Wow! That’s great!  But.. how?
ALIA: I can download the chip directly into your mainframe.  You should be getting it in a few moments.
X: (surprised) Really!?
ALIA: Oh yeah.  This is called the C-Shot.  It might give you an edge against him.
X: Hm??
He looks at his body, confused as he suddenly senses a new aura of power swelling through him.  Instantly, the outline of his Force Armor turns from blue to brown, as he brings up his buster.
(curious) Alright, Duff. Let’s try this.
X shoots out the C-shot from his buster as small crescent slashes emit from the barrel of his cannon.
DUFF McWHALEN: (hurt) Oooooh.
Cuts and scrapes appear from his thick coat of armor.
Duff McWhalen spits out little waves that crawl down the steps.
X hovers with his thrusters and shoots some more C-shots at Duff McWhalen.
DUFF McWHALEN: (affected) /Ooh, /ah.. /ughh, /Gah!!
More gashes tear at his armor upon every hit. He even draws blood on the last /strike.
DUFF McWHALEN: That’s it!!  No more Mr. Nice Whale.  
He swiftly circles around X and spits out ice chunks that threaten to push him back into the spiked wall, behind him.
X: (fearful) What the-?  No!!
X carefully jumps from platform to platform as he fires his C-shots at him again, but they all miss.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Don’t forget, you can still charge up special weapons with the Force Armor.
X nods.
X: Good call!!
He charges up and sets off a powerful forcefield of slashes around his body.
X: (focused, resolute) Come on, McWhalen…
X guards himself as he fearlessly swims directly into Duff McWhalen
Duff McWhalen looks at him with wide eyes as the forcefield chips away at his armor, piece by piece.
DUFF McWHALEN: This is it! This be my ill-fated, destiny.  But I’m glad it’s you, X!!!  My Sea is yours. Use it well. Destroy the Sigma Virus! FOREEVEEERRRR!!!!!!!!!!
X gets so close to Duff McWhalen with his attack, that he embraces him in a hug, as the forcefield destroys his body.
X takes on the brunt of the explosion; his Force Armor only getting slightly scuffed, as his tears wash in the water.
X: (sniffling, upset) I���m so sorry it had to be this way… I promise, I won’t let you down…
He sadly accepts his prize as his body absorbs Duff McWhalen’s DNA Data.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, sad) You got DNA Data from Duff McWhalen! His Goo Shaver now belongs to you…
X powers down at once, reverting into his normal armor.
X: I didn’t want this… Why didn’t he just cooperate with us???
ALIA: (o.s, filtered)
He was too proud.  I guess he wanted to protect what’s left of the sea, while it was still in his control…
X turns back around and swims out of the gate.
-pan to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Caverns –DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
X: (bitter) After all we’ve been through with the Repliforce, everyone thinks we’re the enemy, now…
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) But we’re not!  And you know that!!  We can produce Hydrogen from this ocean, now. If only the Hunter Base worked... then we wouldn’t have to take water from the ocean... Now please return to the base... You have another mission to complete.
X: Not yet… There’s something I have to do, first.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) What??
X: You’ll see…
X swims lower and lower until he finds his way back to the wrecked ship.
-pan to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. SUNKEN SHIP – Hidden Capsule – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
X’s armor flashes into dark blue and orange, as he tries out his new Goo Shaver against step-like cracks underneath the impenetrable wall.  Sure enough, the Goo Shaver works, as it destroys the bomb device beyond his reach, which explodes the wall before him.
X: (defeated) Heh…
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Wow! You did it.
X: Sigma did this…  He knows how much I love these Armor Capsules. So he’s done anything in his power to hide them from me. He created these elaborate traps! This time, he made sure that I wouldn’t be able to get it, unless I killed Duff McWhalen.  That.. TYRANT!!!!!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Oh…  That’s really sad.
X steps into the forbidden room, where he stands before the capsule.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Um, X. Can I ask you something?
X: What is it, Alia?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) What is it about the capsules that you love so much?  Is it the power?? Because you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met.
X warms up from inside the sunken ship, not expecting such a compliment. He simply smiles, with a small blush.
X: It’s not the power that I’m addicted to… I just love the capsules, because… They’re the only time I get to see my Father.
Just then, Dr. Light reveals himself before X, with a heartwarming smile on his face. The smile swiftly becomes sullen and grim, however as the gravity of their situation is ever-apparent.
DR. LIGHT: X… We’re having serious trouble again…  It’s like a nightmare for Reploids, with the virus everywhere. It’s too dangerous to equip the parts for enhancement as soon as you find one. Therefore, I’ll give you a data program for each part.
X nods.
DR. LIGHT: Analyze and upload the data to your main memory in a secure area. Then complete the Armor. Alia will be able to help you upload this data. For security reasons, the program is divided into 4 segments. At this moment, I have already given one to Zero…
X: (surprised) Oh!
DR. LIGHT: Anyway, this is the program for the body part of the Falcon Armor. With the body part equipped, the damage you receive will be lessened. It will accumulate energy for a Giga Attack, but don’t overestimate the part, or you’ll regret it…
X: (discouraged) Oh… Alright, I’ll be careful.
DR. LIGHT: Since this armor is designed for flight, the body module is very light-weight, and therefore, it may not protect you as much as you’re accustomed to from previous armors in the past.
X: I understand. Thank you, father.
DR. LIGHT: You’re welcome.  Go get ‘em, son.
With that, Dr. Light disappears and X stands inside the capsule.
Just as he enters it, Signas com-links to everyone in a panic.
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered) Emergency! Dynamo is attacking the Hunter Base. Fight back immediately!
X: (shocked) Hm!??
The light beams lock X in place as he receives his upgrade.
-cut to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. NEW MHHQ – Enigma Cannon Dock – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Caption: 5:20 PM
A slightly patched up, but worn down Zero stands by Douglas, who is scared out of his wits at the sight of Dynamo.  The siren blares as Dynamo laughs.
DYNAMO: Heeheeheehaahaahaa!!!!
ZERO: (muttering) Go on, get outta here…
Douglas nods and runs away to safety.  The other Hunters stand by, ready to step in.
Zero puts his hand out.
ZERO: (prideful) Stay back!  This is my fight…
Dynamo nods at him with an impish grin.
DYNAMO: (amused) Nice to meet you. You are Zero, aren’t you..?  The famous and Persistent Hunter.
ZERO: What’s it to you?
DYNAMO: (carefree) Well, to stretch a point, I want to disturb what you are doing.  Oh, don’t worry.  I just want to disturb you. I don’t intend to kill you…  But you wish to fight to the death, don’t you?
At this moment, X teleports on to the scene.
X: No. We don’t!
DYNAMO: Well, well well… Look who decided to show…
X: Why don’t you just leave us alone!!
Zero puts a hand on X’s chest and steps in front of him.
ZERO: No, X. It’s alright.  This guy came for a fight. I’ll give him one…
DYNAMO: Well, if you fight me and die, then I’m sorry, ‘cause I’ll be fighting at less than my best.  Now… shall we let the battle begin…?
Zero scoffs at Dynamo’s arrogant nature, showing no signs of intimidation.
ZERO: …………………
DYNAMO: (nonchalant) You think you’re so cool…  You don’t care what I say.  In that case, have it your way!  I’ll fight you… until you die.
Dynamo makes the first move with a dashing jump towards him.
Zero reads his movements and jumps after him, ready to strike with his saber.
DYNAMO: Hah hah!
He surprises Zero with a downward blast from his buster.
ZERO: Huh? /Awh.
He gets struck down by the blast.
X: (reacting) Zero!
He gets up and puts a hand out, telling the others to stay back.
ZERO: It’s okay…  I’m fine.
Dynamo puts his hands on his hips, standing tall.
DYNAMO: (grinning) Hehehe. Are you??
ZERO: (smirking) Yeah..
He dashes after Dynamo and jumps with his saber out again.
Dynamo squints and pulls out his double-sided beam blade.  Anticipating every saber strike, he swiftly spins his hand around in circles, making the double-beam seem more like a shield.
ZERO: What the-
DYNAMO: (mocking) YAWN!!!
He /kicks Zero in the side, which causes him to favor his ribs. Then he twirls around into a back-handed lefty /swing against Zero’s cheek.
ZERO: /Ogh, /Agh!!
X and the other Hunters stare at Dynamo in awe.
FRENZY FOX: Look at him!  He’s toying with Zero. I can’t believe it.
FREEZE ALOPEX: I know… It’s like he’s.. dancing instead of fighting.
X’s eyes widen.
X: (v.o, thinking) He doesn’t care…  He’s just here to waste our time.  That’s literally it.
SIGMA: (o.s, v.o) Don’t hesitate to pull the trigger, X…
X: (spooked) What was that?
The other Hunters look at X, troubled.
X shakes it off as they continue to watch Zero struggle to land a hit on Dynamo.
DYNAMO: Come on, man!  Is this really it???  This is less-than my best, ya know…
ZERO: (frustrated) Hurrrgh!  THAT’S IT!!!
Zero jumps after him and lands a spinning saber swing with his new Crescent Sword slash.
He writhes in pain as he checks the side of his stomach to see a large tear in his armor.
ZERO: (dark, tired) I was only holding back, because you were…  But if you want to see me at my best, than you’ve GOT IT!!
X: (calling out) Zero! Don’t kill him!!
Zero jumps and cuts away at the hurt Dynamo with a Crescent spin, then he uses his double-jumping technique to lay another one into him.
DYNAMO: (writhing, hurting) Ouuuugh.  AAAAGHHH!!!!
X: Noooooo!!!!!!
Zero hacks and slashes at Dynamo with a swift three-hit combo, but Dynamo retaliates with a fancy blade cut of his own into Zero’s pelvis.
It brings Zero to his knees, giving Dynamo the chance to get back up, wounded.
He nods in pain and lets out an honest sigh.
Just as I thought… You are strong…  You never let up.  I’ll retreat with this result…  But I advise you to relax a little, or you’ll die from all the stress.
Zero gets up and favors his wound. He gives him a look of disapproval, staring him down in disdain.
DYNAMO: Well then.  Adios, amigo!
He offers a pleasant smile before teleporting away to his own safety.
ZERO: Hmph…
He collapses to the ground as the rest of the Hunters all run to his aid.
-Freeze Frame. Grainy effect.-
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) Zero has narrowly defeated our intruder, but it was at the cost of much time and energy.  I’m afraid he’s going to be out of commission for a while. Sub-tanks won’t cover it, this time.  It’s up to X and the others, for now.  There are two Reploids left with the parts that we need to build up the Enigma - Volt Kraken, and Dr. Izzy Glow.
-      cut to -
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
An image of the Reploid mugshots are on Signas’ main monitor.  Grizzly Slash and Duff McWhalen’s mugshots are in black and white, while Volt Kraken and Izzy Glow’s mugshots are highlighted.
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) Will X be able to make it in time?  And will they be willing to cooperate with us? I can only hope that they will respond with due diligence, and heed our call for help.   There are only 13 hours left…
-fade to black-
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