#not having to manage the bindi/extremely tiny puppy dynamic is making this easier
wyrddogs · 1 year
One of the biggest reasons I really dislike infant puppies is so much time and energy is dedicated to making sure they get training, and socialization, and playtime, and physical and mental exercise. And you have to be on top of them 100% of the time to make sure they aren't harassing your other dogs or chewing power cords or inventing new ways to kill themselves.
Which means when the infant is down for a nap I have to do my chores or rest, which means that my adult dog and I are not getting the physical exercise we are used to/need. And I'm too tired to give my adult dog the mental exercise he's used to/needs.
So I'm playing with Zaku so he'll be tired enough to nap and Kermit stands a few feet to the side and just barks at me.
Things will get better once I can take this puppy for walks, but man, this first month is rough.
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