#I will say my puppy blues are not as bad as they were for kermit or bindi
wyrddogs · 1 year
One of the biggest reasons I really dislike infant puppies is so much time and energy is dedicated to making sure they get training, and socialization, and playtime, and physical and mental exercise. And you have to be on top of them 100% of the time to make sure they aren't harassing your other dogs or chewing power cords or inventing new ways to kill themselves.
Which means when the infant is down for a nap I have to do my chores or rest, which means that my adult dog and I are not getting the physical exercise we are used to/need. And I'm too tired to give my adult dog the mental exercise he's used to/needs.
So I'm playing with Zaku so he'll be tired enough to nap and Kermit stands a few feet to the side and just barks at me.
Things will get better once I can take this puppy for walks, but man, this first month is rough.
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“I’m sorry for making you work on a Saturday” I looked at my hands that were placed on my lap. “No, don’t be, I am sorry for canceling Tuesday, I feel bad for making you come all the way here” “I don’t mind, it’s one bus” I chuckled out of awkwardness before getting up, “Besides family comes first” Minato frowned slightly by my words. I wondered if I said anything wrong. “Naruto mentioned why I was absent?” He asked, knitting his eyebrows slightly “He said that it was due some family circumstances, something to do with a cousin” I answered honestly. “Alright, I thought you had some mind reading power” He stood up to see me out. His level of sarcasm sometimes were off the chart. “Dad!” Naruto wrapped his arms around his father’s arm the moment Minato opened his door. The baby blue eyes sparkled as they looked up at Minato’s.   “I’d appreciate it if you just get straight to the point and not try to butter me up first” Minato seemed to be onto Naruto’s game. “Will you drive me to the mall~” He asked with a childish tone to his voice. “Didn’t you promise a certain godfather to help him with gardening?” “I did! But I texted him because it turn out Gaara is in town because of a wedding bla bla bla~anyway! We were going to have fun day today; play tennis, watch a movie, have milkshakes-” “Wait, are you leaving?” Kushina stood in the hallway. “Dattebayo~!” Naruto had this annoyed teenage look in his eyes. “But what about our baking time?” Kushina’s eyes turned in the one look I knew all too well...disappointed mother eyes. “Next week, I promise, come on, I haven’t seen Gaara in months” He put on the puppy eyes. “Fine, dattebane!”  Kushina pouted slightly, though she tried hard not to let anybody notice it. “Sasuke, come too!” He said excitedly. I shook my head. “I pass” I said. How was I gently going to say that I was awkward and so was Gaara and that would lead to lots of awkward silences. “I can drive you home if you like?” Minato offered. “I will take the bus, I was planning on getting some lunch on my way, but thanks anyway” “I have some left-over onigiri, if you want I can wrap them up for you” Kushina offered and my eyes widened. Hell yeah, I would love some onigiri right now. “Yes~” I answered. I could even tell how pathetic my voice sounded at the mention of food. ‘You could literally see his face start glowing, dattebayo” Naruto muttered. “Then we will be going” Minato said and smiled at his wife. I guess he too was on to the fact Kushina was slightly hurt by Naruto not wanting to spend time with her, though it was part of growing up. She sighed as the door closed behind her husband. “One day they call you in the middle of the night because they are scared and then they throw you around like dirty underwear, dattebane” Kushina walked towards the kitchen and I followed her. I wasn’t sure I had to comment on it or not. “How did your mother do it with 6 boys?” She asked while she opened the fridge. “Hnn...hand them off to the next in line” I commented. “Ah...I only have one son, say Sasuke do you know how to make cookies?” She turned her head to me. “I can google it, I guess” “I have a special recipe for delicious cookies, my grandmother passed it down to my mother who passed down to me, it is an Uzumaki secret, dattebane!” She pressed her finger against her lips. “Last time I baked...I almost killed your son” I let my head hang. How was I supposed to know he was allergic to walnuts?! “You didn’t know he was allergic, this is different” She suddenly stood up and wrapped her arm around my neck, “It will be great! We will make it our day! Dattebane!” She was so excited, I couldn't help but to smile. Naruto really took after her. “Yeah, let’s do that” I said. “I will grab you an apron!” She said and quickly reached for a drawer and grabbed another green apron out of it. I put it on and tied it around me before washing my hands. ---------------------------------------- “So, Sasuke, you are seventeen now, right?” She asked while I was preheating the oven. “Aha” I confirmed. Getting up and grabbing my glass of juice from the counter to take a sip. “So are you in a relationship yet?” She suddenly asked, I spit my drink out and coughed a couple of times. “No, nooooo~” I said turning my head to her. She had this smirk on her face while her eyes were narrowed. “Aha, what is your type anyway? Come on, I am a mother who has connections with other mothers and can hook you up with their sons” She was so direct...just...like her son. “I don’t really have a type, I am just in that period of...uhm...loving yourself before loving someone else” “Naruto mentioned you tried to have sex with professor Sunray” “Why does he mention that to his mother?!” I couldn’t keep my voice steady. She laughed. “So you do have a type?” Damn...married to Minato really gave her some good interrogation skills. “Maybe...I do have a type” I swallowed. She turned around and held a spoon in her hand.   “Want to lick the spoon?” She asked with that motherly smile on her face. “I...I kinda wanna do that...yeah...” She handed me the spoon and I leaned against the counter. “What shape shall we make these cookies?” She asked, my first thought was ‘dick-shaped’ but then I realized I was practically talking to my imaginary mother-in-law. “Well?’ “Dinosaurs!” I said because I felt pressured. “That is a little too hard” “Heart…?” I said. She seemed to think deeply before looking back at me. “I sort of wanted to make dick-shaped ones, but then I thought it would be inappropriate to do that with a friend of my son’s” She looked at the dough. “Really? Because I was about to suggest dicks, but I thought it would be inappropriate” I said, “Dicks it is” “Great minds think alike” Kushina said. I nodded and took another sip from my drink. “Can I ask you something?” I put my glass down. “Birth feels nothing like constipation” She said. “I wasn’t going to ask that” I said, “I was wondering...how you met...Mr.Namikaze?” I cleared my throat, “Okay, let rephrase that...what made you fall in love with him?” “Sasuke, you want to hear my love story?” She smiled kindly when she looked at me. “I guess...I do…” I had no way to escape her look...her eyes had mine trapped. “Why do you want to know? I never took you for somebody who’s into romance” I wanted to laugh so hard. She totally had to read all my fanfictions. “When I was younger, I asked my mother how she met my father, she said I should ask him, I totally forgot about it...and before I could remember he was gone” I tried to guilt talk my way out. I was not going to tell Kushina that I am in love with her son; so them having a similar mind would mean that what Minato did to get her, I could do something alike with Naruto. “Aw, you poor little boy” She walked towards me and hugged me, then she suddenly pushed my head against her chest and stroked my cheek, “Precious must be protected” She would definitely fit well with my weird family. “Uhm...” I coughed slightly. She let go and apologised, scratching the back of her head. “I can get weird sometimes, I am sorry” She said going back to the dough. “I met Minato in high school” She began her story and I think I have never listened to any story more eagerly than I did this one. Before I even knew it I was sitting at the dining table with a cup of tea, eating dick shaped cookies and listening to her story. “Oh, look at the time, I must be boring you with all my jabbering-” “No, please go on” I said and I almost choked in the dick cookie, I was way too eager to hear the rest. “We are talking here about my love life, but what about yours?” “I am going to make this very fast, I am single and I am a virgin, now continue” I said and her expression changed before she chuckled. “You’re adorable, dattebane!” she said, “So what are you waiting on?” She had this smug look on her face. Was I just being questioned about my sex live by my future mother in law who doesn’t even know she is my future mom in law? I looked down at my cup of tea. “Honestly, I haven’t gotten...quite...around it” “You haven’t gotten around the dick, dattebane”  She laughed and I looked away feeling my cheeks heat up quite the bit. “I am sorry, was I too direct?” “I guess I am still waiting for the right person” I said. “Naruto told me what happened during Halloween” She sipped her tea like she was the Kermit the Frog meme. I looked Kushina dead in the eye. “I was hungry, tired and it was very late…” I bit down my lip, now this got embarrassing. “Ooh, don’t be like that, Sasuke, how many times do you think I got that wasted?” “You? I always imagine Mr Namikaze to be the light weight” I commented, she looked around her before nodding. “How many times do you think I carried my husband to bed, dattebane?” She said. “I found out that I am the horny drunk...I am not proud of it either” I sighed. “Maybe you are just more perverted than you think and it builds up until you lose control of it, with alcohol” She said. “I thought your husband was the therapist?” I asked. “What the difference between a mother and a therapist anyway, dattebane” She said and it was hard to take her words seriously when she was holding a dick shaped cookie. “For starters, therapy is a lot more expensive, ss for my mother...she did try to kill me...several times” I looked up at Kushina to try and read her expression. “Speaking of bad relationships” She whispered, “Dattebane” “But she also ended up in a mental facility and killed herself...so...she was clearly suffering” I sat back, looking at the mug that had “I hate Mondays”  written on it. “Before that, I was pretty invisible to her”  I sighed. “I guess that is one of the reasons why I was more of a daddy’s boy...that was until he got shot through the head and I saw pieces of his brain on the wall” “I am so sorry” She said and I waved her off. “It has been a long time ago, hey, what is that behind you? An album?” I asked. She looked behind her and smiled, grabbing what seemed like a photo album. “Ooh, these are just some of Naruto’s baby photos, dattebane” She put the album down, opening it to the first pictures. I swear it felt like golden light came from that album the moment my eyes were met the cutest image of my entire life, Naruto’s baby butt. I grabbed my chest, this was too adorable. I just wanted to bite him. “He is adorable” My voice was soft because I was holding up so much excitement. He was so adorable, just those chubby cheeks. “From those pictures you wouldn’t believe I almost died giving birth to him” Kushina said and I looked up. “Now you are the one ruining the mood” I said, “Can I please have a copy of this one?” I asked holding up a picture of Naruto’s first time on the potty. “His butt hasn’t changed a bit” I commented. “Ooohh somebody has been staring~”Kushina’s voice caused me to I gasp like I was caught doing something illegal. “It is not what you think!” “I always did wonder why your boxer briefs were in my son’s room, dattebane” Her words confused me. “What?” I asked  confused, but before she could even hear me there was something else that interrupted us. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~”  I swear Naruto was like one big yellow flash when he grabbed the album from the table and pressed it against his chest, “Mom! How could you betray me like that, dattebayo!” “Oh honey, we were just talking about your butt” Kushina waved it off like it wasn’t a big deal. Naruto gasped dramatically. “I can’t believe you are eating dick cookies with Sasuke! That is our thing!” “Don’t change the subject, maybe somebody just has to go to the potty” I turned the picture in my hand around and Naruto’s face turned pale. He reached for the picture, but I moved it away from him. “Don’t be so embarrassed, look how adorable you were” I pressed the picture against my chest, “I am keeping it” I smirked, seeing him narrow his eyes. “Don’t make me sneak in your house and steal the album of embarrassment, dattebayo!” He seemed slightly pissed. “Didn’t you say the lock in my house couldn’t be cracked open?” I asked, cocking my head slightly in confusion. “Uhm…right...I forgot…” He scratched the back of his head, “Just give the picture back, alright!” “Fight me” I said and I couldn’t surpass the enjoyment in my eyes seeing him actually consider it. “Ooee, Sasuke, destroy him” Kushina said way too eager for somebody talking about her son. “Mom!” Naruto shouted, “You should be on my side” “Why don’t you ask Gaara?” Kushina folded her arms. “Damn, mom! You salty witch”   “Cookies are a tiny bit salty” She said, examining the dick cookie with a serious expression. “Stop eating small dick cookies!” Naruto said, stealing his mother’s cookie. “Sorry, my dick cookies are so small, if you wanted to see a big dick then why don’t you look in the mirror, you’ll see the biggest of all” “I know you are just calling me dick, but I can’t help...thinking you are referring to something else-” “I am not” I turned the picture, my finger right under his baby dick. “HEY! IT GREW A LOT SINCE THEN, DATTEBAYO!” I never heard him raise his voice that loud. His face was red and I just lost it. I laughed so hard, he managed to quickly grab the picture. “Mom! I swear to God, I am burning them!” He grabbed the album and walked off. “Ooh, honey, don’t” “Don’t over-react, Naruto”  We could hear the door of his room shut loudly and I looked at Kushina. “Maybe he is having a bad day?” I suggested. “He is never like this” Kushina looked at me, “Maybe he is mad his cool image is gone” “Like he ever had to impress me” The moment I said those words, I wish I could take them back. I looked at Kushina who had a smug smile. “I had a gut feeling” She said. “I am going to check up on him!” I got up. “Give him your dick-” “What?! No! Perverted! Waaa!” I panicked. Kushina just shoved the plate with our dick shaped cookies towards me. “Your dick shaped cookies” She finished her sentence. I awkwardly lifted the plate. “...you have heard...nothing…” I whispered walking up the stairs and to Naruto’s room. I knocked out of courtesy. “No!” He shouted. Pfff...as if I was going to listen. I shoved the door open, feeling something heavy on the other side. “Naru-” I stuck my head in his room and I felt a imaginary brick fall on my head seeing a blanket fort with a sign saying “no adults allowed”. “I hate to break it to you...but you are sort of an adult in a few months” “Adult in training!” Naruto said from inside his pillow fort. I sighed and pushed the blanket away so I could see him sit in his fort. “How you holding up, champ?” I asked, holding the cookies in my other hand. “Pissed off, dattebayo” He said while I crawled next to him. “They are bit salty, but that matches you” I said, putting the plate of cookies on his lap, “You can’t really be mad at some stupid baby pictures?”   “I am” he said, “I am mad at more things” “Soo~ you are playing with a fidget spinner in a blanket fort? I am not a therapist...but doesn’t seem like a healthy way to deal with this” I said. “You are teaching me about healthy ways?” He looked up from the fidget spinner in his hand, “I am sorry if I am not taking mental health advice from you” “Fair enough” I said, “Guess you can choke on my dick” I grabbed a dick cookie and pushed it in his mouth. “Okay, I am sorry, dattebayo” Naruto chewed his cookie, “Salty” He muttered. “I fucked up, alright? Kushina said next time I will do better” I sighed. “Next time?” Naruto asked, he had this confused look in his eyes and it suddenly hit me. Naruto is a lone child...he was jealous when he saw his mom spend time with me instead of him. Just like a four years old not wanting to share his toy with his younger sibling. “Are you jealous?” I asked. “No, why would I be jealous? Pffff, of you? Why? No”  That was one “no’s” too many to sound convincing. I guess he caught on to that one too. He looked at me. “She is my mom…she is like my best friend and...I am just mommy’s little boy” He said that with such a cute look on his face. “I thought you were daddy’s little boy?” I questioned teasingly. “I can be both, dattebayo!” He said. I envied how loved he was. By his father, his mother...me. “Naruto, did I ever talk about my mother with you?” I asked him seriously. “She went to a mental facility and committed suicide” He said, taking another bite of the cookie while staring at the fidget spinner in his hand. “Well, before that” I said, my hand reached for his hair, tucking it behind his hair. It caused him to look up from the spinner in his hand to me. “I remember...one time I was so angry at Shisui...it was something silly, but I was young, and my mother...she gave me one of those juice packages and some animal biscuits, and she told me…Sasuke, swallow it up” “That doesn’t sound like good advice, dattebayo” “Well…I never said she was a good mother” I whispered, “But that next morning she made me a tomato sandwich and I went to school with a smile on my face...so yeah” “I am not sure what you are trying to say with this story, you are telling me to swallow everything?” I smiled at his words. “I am saying that my mother sucked and your mother is actually the closest I have felt to a good mother in a while...and I am sorry if you and your lonely child glory got a bit jelly” “Now you are making me sound like a four years old” Naruto said. “Well, you are hiding in a blanket fort” I commented. “I can call it the sexy bunk, hang some xmas lights, it will really create a mood” “Pff, somebody who has a sign saying ‘no adults allowed’, you really talk adult stuff here” I said. “I am just saying! Dattebayo” He put the plate of cookies down. “Say, uhm...how many pictures...have you seen?” His cheeks had a shade of pink. “A lot” I said with a proud smile on my face, “But...we can call it a tie” I grabbed my phone, opening to my gallery before turning it to Naruto. “This is me baby me” I said, swiping through some pictures,”This is baby me sucking on my dad’s expensive watch while being butt naked, oh, and this is me running around naked as a toddler, this is me in my scout uniform” Naruto grabbed my phone. “You were a scout!?” “No wait, Naruto-” He swiped the picture and he looked up to meet my eyes. “To whom do you even send these?” “It was really a prank to Itachi’s  “what are you wearing” …”   “Where did you even got tha-” I grabbed my phone back and put it back in my pocket, “Stop nosing around!” “You saw my baby pictures, dattebayo” “I showed you some of mine!” I pinched his cheek, “Stop being an ungrateful brat”  I pushed a cookie in his mouth ,”Eat dick, yours might grow from it” “I swear to God, I am going to prove to ya-” “Sorry, can’t hear you, you got too much dick in your mouth” I said, crawling out of the blanket fort. “Hnnff” He stopped talking and shoved the album towards me. “Really, it is an honour to look at your baby butt” I grabbed the album and I could see the regret on his face, but I already took off. “I hope Burrito has your butt!” He shouted after me. “I got the album” I said, sitting back down with Kushina. “Who is Burrito?” Kushina asked. “It is our imaginary future son” I said, “It is a long story” “I changed my mind!” Naruto ran back downstairs and tried to grab the album from me, but I kept him an arm length away.   “Uzumaki, I will fight you for it!” I threatened. “Mom!” “So, is Burrito’s name debatable for my future grandson?” She asked, Naruto stopped reaching for the album and looked at his mother with a “wtf”  look. “I am saying Sasuke is quite the guy and you will regret-” “MOM! YOU AREN’T CUPID!” Naruto shouted his face turning red “Bitch, I am Venus” Kushina snapped her finger. “Makes you Cupid, sort of” I looked at Naruto, who pushed me on my seat and grabbed the photo album, I put my leg behind his and he tripped and fell backwards, but I quickly grabbed him by his collar before he hit the ground.   “Thanks, cupid” I said, grabbing the album from him. Oxoxoxo special thanks to @failureoftheyear for editing oxooxx
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Survival of the Worthiest (3/12): Season Three
Spoilers: Up to season 5, with a brief mention of a season 8 character.
Read it on AO3
Victor Henriksen
            He made it out just before the blast.
            His bosses weren’t excited about the fact that the Winchesters were dead, but couldn’t exactly fault Victor for letting his prisoners get blown up.
            Victor was badly shaken, and he gratefully took the three months’ leave he’d saved up over the years. He spent the first month or so drinking, and the next two thinking. Thinking hard about the two men he’d nearly locked away for life.
            When he got back to work, he went through the cold case files. Some people laughed, called him obsessed. One of his old friends teased him for going ‘X-files’. Victor didn’t listen to them. He was searching for patterns in cases: missing persons, gruesome murders, sightings of creatures marked “WEIRDOS.”
            He did four years of careful research, planning and deep soul searching. He could just walk away. This was out of his jurisdiction for sure. But he respected people who dealt with the bad guys, and maybe these hunters could benefit from some law enforcement contacts.
He reached out through the FBI first, found other agents who knew he wasn’t crazy. Whenever they had a free moment between caseloads, they pooled their knowledge, talked about who to trust, what they could do to help.
Finally, when Victor thought they were ready, he reached out to the first name on his list.
            “This is Sheriff Mills.”
            “Hi Sheriff. My name’s Victor Henriksen. I’m with the FBI, and I was wondering if you knew Sam and Dean Winchester.”
            There was a pause. “What have those boys got into now?”
            “I…hunted with them once.”
            “You said Victor?”
            “My name’s Jody. I think we have a lot to talk about.”
            “I think so too.”  
Butterfly Effect: Victor and Jody begin integrating a police/fed group who know about hunters. They do this off the clock (of course), and some people even bring in lawyers and judges. When the Men of Letters starts up properly, Sam Winchester becomes the law liaison, and from that point on hunters have legal recourse and access to federal databases, which helps link a lot of cases. Dean refuses to stop calling Sam Scully for the rest of time.
  Nancy Fitzgerald
            She made it out before the blast, but everyone she’d worked with was dead, and the demons lay in smouldering piles. A weaker woman would have withered.
            Nancy Fitzgerald was strong.
            True to her word, she had sex the next week with the woman she loved. Amelia had almost given up on her, with her hesitance and internalized homophobia. In fact, Amelia was on a date with Don when Nancy burst in.
            “Amelia, I’m sorry. I was stupid.”
            “Thank goodness,” Amelia said.
            It hurt Nancy to have her mother stop returning her calls. It hurt to give up church, especially when she knew for sure that evil lurked in physical form on Earth. But being in love didn’t hurt, and neither did moving to Kermit with Amelia, and finding a beautiful puppy they named Grace. When Grace had a litter, they could only keep one, and they named it Riot.
Butterfly Effect: Sam does run into them after Dean and Cas go to Purgatory, but instead of being in love with Amelia, he’s taken care of for a little while. Nancy has become a psychiatrist, and she helps Sam to face some of his mental health issues; his depression, his anxiety and his PTSD. It’s only a start, but it’s enough for Sam to start feeling some hope, and he begins looking for Dean, Kevin and Meg again. He finds Kevin, and they’ve finally found a lead on Meg when Dean and Cas return. Nancy and Amelia go on the run with them, they pick up Meg and Linda Tran, and keep going. When they find the Bunker, Nancy and Amelia stay for a while, and they keep Grace and Riot of course. Dean also (after some major resistance) starts getting treated for his own mental health.
  Bela Talbot
            “What do I do?” Bela sobbed over the phone.
            “Bela, what do you expect us to do?!” She could hear the frustration in Dean’s voice, but there was an undercurrent of pity in it. They were facing the same gun. The difference was that Bela had about twenty minutes. Dean had more than twenty days.       
            “I…I don’t know.”
            “Listen, I…we can stay on the phone if you want.”
            An unexpected mercy, but one she couldn’t accept.
            “No. You don’t need a preview of—”
            A girl appeared in her room.
            “Who—who are you?!”
            “The name’s Ruby. Is your name Bela?”
            “Bela, who’s there?”
            “It’s—” Bela screamed when the woman’s eyes turned black.
            “Oh, keep it together,” the demon grumbled. “Is that one of the Winchesters on the phone?”
            Bela backed away.
            “I’m trying to help you, idiot.” The demon’s blond hair fell long on her shoulders. “Tell Sam it’s Ruby.”
            “Do you…does Sam know a Ruby?”
            She heard Dean groan. “Yeah, we do. Wait, is she there?”
            Ruby yanked the phone from her hand. “Dean, listen up, okay. I think I’ve found a loophole with Bela here.” She looked at Bela. “You sold your soul because your father molested you, right?”
            Bela flinched, remembering being Abbie. Being so alone and hurt, and the nice girl who said she would help.
            “And Lilith still won’t let you go even though you’ve tried to deal.”
            Ruby clapped her hands. “Then we’ve got it.”
            “Deals made to save a soul, not just sell it…those can be broken. With a spell. It just has to be a pure motive.”
            “Can freaks have pure motives?” Bela asked bitterly.
            Ruby actually looked sympathetic. “Yes, we can.” She yanked Bela to her feet. “Come on, we’ve only got fifteen minutes.” She turned her attention back to the phone. “I’ll call you in fifteen to tell you what happened. If it works…” she hung up.
            “Are you really going to help me?”
            “Yes, I am.” Ruby’s eyes turned black. “I want Lilith dead too.”
            It would be almost two years before Bela stood in the church at Sam’s side and realized that she’d misinterpreted the demon’s words. But it was too late, and Lucifer was rising.
 Butterfly Effect: Ruby fakes that Dean wasn’t ‘worthy’ to be saved, when in reality she just saved Bela to get Sam and Dean to stop looking for a solution. Bela and Sam have a bitter relationship for the three months Dean is in Hell (he gave in faster because it wasn’t Bela that they were trying to make him torture), but when Dean gets back they become romantically involved. Ruby’s role is more dealer than anything romantic, and when she’s dead Bela helps Sam through his recovery and through being a Vessel.
  Dean Winchester (technically takes place in season 2)
            Dean stood up, his offering buried, and waited at the crossroads.
            No one appeared.
            “Damn it, come on! I’ve got a soul up for grabs, doesn’t anyone want it?!”
            Maybe he wasn’t worth anything.
            “Hello Dean.”
            Dean whipped around.
            A man with dark hair and wearing a trench coat stood behind him. There was a woman next to him with bright red hair.
            “Alright, let’s do this,” Dean said, mouth suddenly dry. He’d never heard of two demons showing up to take someone’s soul. Would they duel?
            “We aren’t demons,” the woman said.
            “The hell you aren’t. What are you doing here, then?”
            “Killing the demon who was going to take your soul.” The man snapped his fingers, and a dead body appeared, its open eyes black.
            “Then what are you?”
            Both of their eyes glowed blue, and the stars were blotted out by…
            “No way,” Dean whispered. “You’re…”
            “My name is Castiel. I am an angel of the Lord.”
            “I’m Anna. Also an angel.”
            “Uh…what do you want?”
            The man drew a jar from inside his coat. Whatever was inside shone so brightly it hurt Dean’s eyes. “We want to return your brother. Hell’s plans for you both are not to the liking of our leader.”
            “Your leader? Like—like God?”
            “Not at the moment,” Anna replied. “There’s some trouble in Heaven. We don’t want any part in it, and we don’t want you and your brother mixed up in it either.”
            “My sister is being oblique purposefully,” Castiel said, glaring at the redhead. “We will return Sam regardless, but we are asking for your help, Dean Winchester.”
            “What do you need?”
            Castiel’s eyes glowed again. “We need you to say no.”
  Butterfly Effect/Explanation: Anna never fell, and because she didn’t she learned about the real Apocalypse plan. She decided to run, and ran into Gabriel. He recruited her, Castiel and Balthazar to stop the Apocalypse happening. They didn’t get there in time to stop Sam from dying, but they intercepted his soul. Dean, Sam, Bobby, Ellen and Jo join them in their quest to make sure none of the Apocalypse happens, and Destiel happens because of course it does. 
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