#not included here is raphael and gabriel are watching all this and listening to washing machine heart on repeat. why not me etc
michaelectras · 1 year
listen okay i hate babies ever after as much as anyone i hate the heteroification of gay couples i hate the 'destiel are jack's dads' dynamic i hate it all. however. i do think midam are the exception and hear me out i think theyre the exception because staying home raising kids and general housewifing would be an IDEAL outcome for michael. and i've said it before like the whole 'he can basically do whatever he was doing in heaven but on a smaller less destructive scale and he has someone who actually loves and supports him while doing so' thing would probably be good for him but i also think he'd be absolutely thrilled at. 'hehehe adam will go out and have a little job and earn little paychecks and i'll be here in our little house making little meals for our little kids' it's like playing dolls for him like he could go out and do whatever but no he wants to colour code their daughters' linen cabinets instead and make hidden veggie pasta sauce. it's so low stakes compared to what he had to think about before but also similar enough in terms of micromanage-yness that it's theraputic. michael's happily ever after is becoming one of those 'packing lunch for my 12 kids' people on tiktok except there's no thinly-veiled burnout or resentment because he only really holds resentment towards his dad's kids (i.e. the other angels) for existing. not adam's! it's also great for everyone else because he's nerfed beyond all measure and won't destroy the world because child three has a cello recital on friday and it'd make her sad if he blew the universe up before then
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when tomorrow comes 🌳
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good gods i know it's ship day but this is solely a gen michael & lucifer & raphael & gabriel fic :')
Inspired by Sam & Dean's S.W & D.W carvings on Baby. Who's to say the Archangels weren't first in that idea?
Rating: G (Gen Archangels fic)
Special thank you to my beta!
Playlist & Fic available on AO3. (it's also under the cut, if you prefer that!)
Heaven's lush hills always seemed greener and livelier when all four archangels lay against them. A rarity the occasion was, a trivial shard of diamond in the cascading abyss. It always seemed that Heaven needed an archangel here, there, everywhere at once; It made familial bonding far more complicated than things used to be.
However, a special day plucked from each year never failed to offer the archangels plenty of time together. A day of thanks, a day where Heaven displayed gratitude for their eldest brothers—Michaelmas, the Feast of the Archangels.
Morning sun rays highlighted soft violets and dusk plums of aster flowers, a humble gift for the very firsts of their species. By nightfall, bright angel-made clusters of heat-producing hydrogen and helium littered the black sky in the name of each archangel. Fledglings flocked to watch the fiery protostars burn in the cosmos.
While Lucifer happily revelled in the praise, Michael hid his jittery hands by tucking them behind his back and flashed a polite, yet photogenic smile to his newest siblings. Raphael, seemingly indifferent to the holiday, remained by Michael's side, occasionally shooting their brother a subtly reassuring look. Jovial, yet also graciously wanting to include others, Gabriel mingled in the crowds with the fledglings to watch the protostars, enthusiastically explaining to Heaven's children how the young stars would eventually grow to become massive beacons in the night.
By the time the thick, yet routine night fog had clouded the view of the protostars, the flocks of angels had dissipated. It was their cue to leave; The archangel hideout awaited. Or, as Lucifer liked to call it: the Badass Lair.
The refreshing air genially accommodated them, the chilled wind carried their wings as they flew. There was always a sense of thrill around the Autumn Equinox, nearing Michaelmas—perhaps it was the comforting thought of familiarity, a high from nostalgia of sorts. Whatever the seed, it didn't matter; Focusing on the blossom of a sibling’s love and appreciation was much easier.
Raphael's garden always seemed to flourish increasingly with every rare gathering the four indulged in. Even midair, as they descended upon the immense greenery below, Michael had already begun to muse about how the banyan trees had expanded since his last visit. Raphael quietly, yet blithely soaked in the adoration from their archangelic brothers.
The softness of the grass, however, always remained the same. Lucifer was the first to land, being the quickest flier of the bunch. He cracked an astonished grin as he surveyed his younger sibling's growing garden, slightly pivoting to catch the vibrance of Raphael's indigo feathers amongst the blackness of the sky.
"Not bad, Raph!" The Morningstar loudly called out, adding more quietly with a snicker, "For a kid."
The thunderous sound of strong, flapping wings echoed behind him, prompting Lucifer's playful smirk to widen.
"I'm literally only four hundred years younger than you," Raphael's familiar voice remarked, and Lucifer turned once again to meet his sibling's deadpan expression.
"And despite the age difference, Raphael has created far better things than you have, brother," Michael offhandedly commented as he silently landed farther away from the pair. Lucifer's face contorted into a pout, and Raphael fought to contain their own appreciative smile at the eldest angel's words.
"Woooow, Mi! I'm hurt!" Lucifer faked offense.
The heavy fog of nightfall seemed to become almost pellucid at the very presence of Heaven's firsts. Peeks of sheer luminosity from the protostars of Michaelmas seeped from the impervious midnight clouds. Even the banyan trees seemed to lean into the comforting presence of archangelic grace.
Lucifer squinted into the elegant cloak of the night sky. "You think Gabe's gonna break his neck when he crashlands?"
Raphael turned their attention to the sky in search of the youngest archangel in question. "He's been getting better at landing. He'll do fine."
Lucifer hummed in response, brightening slightly when he caught sight of Gabriel nearing the garden. "Mn, doubt it. Wanna bet? Loser has to listen to Michael's fifty page manifesto on why ducklings are Pop's best creation."
Raphael blinked, looking over to Michael in bemusement. "Your-... your what?"
Michael's eyes darted to Lucifer to glare daggers at him, who only sniggered in response. A gust of wind washed over the trio, and frantic fluttering of golden wings broke Michael's glower. Beside him, Gabriel was close to landing—or rather, close to failing at landing. It was really more similar to falling, with his limbs flailing all about and eyes squeezed tightly shut in preparation for impact.
Michael sighed hopelessly at the sight, extending one of his grandiose fuschia wings low to catch his younger brother. Upon the soft sensation of Michael's velutinous feathers, Gabriel's eyes reopened in surprise.
"Hey, no fair! You interfered!” Lucifer huffed at Michael, who merely rolled his eyes and helped Gabriel to his feet.
“I almost made it, I was so close!” Gabriel whined, furrowing his brows as Michael thumbed a smudge of leftover party sweets that was stuck to his cheek.
“Next time, bug. You’ll get it next time,” Raphael reassured, and Gabriel’s grace seemed to relax at his older sibling’s encouragement.
Lucifer yawned, and the twinkle of the protostars above them began to reflect the dew on the grass. “M’kay, new bet. Last one to the tree has to listen to Michael’s manifesto.”
Gabriel perked up curiously and cocked his head at Michael. “What manifesto?”
Michael shook his head and stubbornly huffed. “I was two hundred years old, Lucifer. The duckling phase of my life is over.”
“Oh? So you’re saying ducklings aren’t the greatest living creatures?” Lucifer pried, exaggeratedly leaning his ear towards Michael to hear his response. Raphael and Gabriel eyed the two bickering brothers and exchanged amused glances.
Michael shifted uncomfortably in place in an attempt to keep in his passionate ramblings; He ultimately failed. “I never said that. Ducklings are the epitome of absolute goodness and commendable purity in the universe. The best traits of all of creation can be found in their small yet mighty little bodies. Not only do they bring togeth--”
“Blegh, no more lectures! Lulu, your bet’s on!” Gabriel groaned, spreading his sets of still-developing golden wings.
"'Atta boy," Lucifer impossibly brightened, his grin quickly returning. "On three! One... "
With one singular number down, Lucifer watched in incredulity as Gabriel mischievously laughed, a flash of golden feathers passing them all by. After the initial shock wore off, Lucifer briefly hummed, nodding in approval.
"Touché, little brother, touché," The Morningstar muttered to himself, before theatrically shrieking into the night, "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT, GABE!"
Gabriel's boisterous bursts of both elated and happily frightened screams in the distance elicited an endeared smile from all three of the older angels. With a whistling streak of vermillion wings, Lucifer chased after his youngest archangelic brother.
Michael and Raphael observed them in comfortable silence, the illumination from the protostars just bright enough to see the vivid colors of their wings against the midnight sky. As the breeze audibly raked through the trees, Raphael slightly swiveled to curiously peer at Michael.
"I'd actually like to hear about these ducklings," Raphael calmly stated, gesturing with their head towards the specific tree that Gabriel and Lucifer were headed for.
The blinding look of pleased excitement on Michael's face was enough to bring a smile to Raphael's lips.
In contrast to the vivacious growth of much of Raphael's garden, the Badass Lair retained all of its youthful glory.
The haphazardly-built abomination of a fort from sticks and logs stood distinctly adjacent to the veiny streams of the garden. Across from it dwelled a meager hill of lush grass and florid lilac petals of asters—A place where Michael taught all three fledglings to fly, a place where Lucifer created his first defective star, a place where Gabriel grew the lavender flowers as a gift to Raphael. It was their safe haven, a site of alleviation and bliss.
In the center of both dear venues settled a special banyan tree— their banyan tree.
Against the smooth, grooving bark of their tree, Michael’s ginger fingertips almost seemed to purr. The swaying aerial roots that veiled the intricate trunk wavered joyously over his head, and in a sense, their tree looked overjoyed to see Michael. Behind him, Raphael sincerely watched at the way their older brother’s fingers reverently traced the markings on their tree.
“You know… it’s not just gonna disappear, Mi,” Raphael’s voice was soft, a kind whisper carried by the midnight wind. Michael’s hand never halted against the tree bark, marginally turning his head to look at Raphael with a sad smile.
“That’s true,” Michael’s gaze fell back to the etchings on their tree. “It just seems like it was yesterday when… You three have grown too fast.”
Raphael sympathetically tilted their head, stepping forward to place a soothing hand on Michael’s shoulder. Up close, the carvings on their tree stood out boldly, a beloved memory held close to all of their hearts.
Under the then-small aerial roots of their banyan tree, each fledgling archangel had carved their names into the young bark. Something to hold onto, Michael had stated, a bittersweetness as Heaven had first begun to flourish; The eldest had an inkling that duty would steal time spent together—And he was right.
Raphael could still make out the places where Michael had once helpfully guided Raphael’s shaky hand, the spelling mistake in Lucifer’s name, the heart that Gabriel had drawn after his name, and Michael’s near-perfect handwriting, even in carving-form.
“Lusifer?” Gabriel, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, squinted as he approached the base of their tree. Both Michael and Raphael struggled to repress a thoughtful smile as Gabriel sounded it out again.
“That’s how my name should’ve been spelled!” Lucifer called out from above, and his siblings gazed upwards to catch him resting against an exposed branch. “Lucifer with a c… ridiculous! Looks like luck-i-fer.”
Michael’s rapture remained as he lightly shook his head. “Brother, you are just stating this because you lack efficiency in spelling.”
Lucifer playfully stuck his tongue out at his older brother. Michael scoffed in good nature, and Gabriel giggled at the sight. Raphael’s attention wandered outwards to the perched hill, a peaceful silence enveloping the archangelic siblings.
The argent light from the protostars shone divinely upon the lucid green and lilac of the hill, an invitation of sorts. The sifting breeze was cool, a grateful lullaby to its archangelic inhabitants. The night was the epitome of perfection, though not because of nature—rather, because of the familial love that radiated energetically from each of their graces. A comforting peace, a cherished silence of nostalgia lingered between the four… until Gabriel’s reticent, yet hopeful voice proposed a profound request.
“I wanna stay with you all forever,” His voice was dreary, a sweet innocence embedded into his tone. It prompted all eyes to shift to him. “Let’s stay together no matter what, okay?”
A beat of tranquility followed, their banyan tree leaned in to listen. Michael was the first to react, tugging Gabriel into a tight hug, a sentiment that few were blessed upon. Gabriel’s toothy beam was evident in his quiet giggles as Michael held him close, before the eldest pulled back with a gentle smile of his own.
“Of course,” Michael assured, crystal emotion brimming in his eyes.
A rapid flash of vermillion flared from the top of the tree, and both Gabriel and Michael’s squeaks of surprise induced a jump from Raphael. Lucifer, who had quite literally deliberately plummeted from the tree, now held both of his brothers in a deathgrip hug, a wide grin across his face.
“You’re a real dumbass if you think you’ll ever be able to get rid of me,” Lucifer sniggered lovingly, and Gabriel leaned into his brother’s embrace. Michael lightly elbowed Lucifer for the profanity, yet his delighted simper lingered on his face.
Raphael shuffled closer, eyeing their brothers with absolute admiration. Their hand moved to lightly ruffle Gabriel’s hair, who turned his cheery beam to his sibling. Raphael’s brothers observed them with a giddy sense of euphoria, the aura resonating a promising hopefulness in anticipation for their response.
“Without a doubt.”
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden’s Gate: Left Behind Chapter 10 - Water & Prayers
Warnings: Swearing, implied sex, mentions of spn angels.
Word count: 1.6k
Summary: John finds out about Kate witnessing the baptizing the night prior. Morgan gets a bad feeling about Kate’s situation with John. 
“So what did John want?!” Morgan asks, before taking a bite of her burger. 
“Well I went to go pickup our food, and while Mary May was packing it up, some drunk asshat at the bar thought it was a good idea to start an altercation with me.”
“Shit for real, what did you do?!?” she asks. 
“I called his ass out for calling me a stupid whore. When Mary gave me the food I left, the dickhead pulled my hair, and Haley attacked him, almost biting his arm off. Then John came out of nowhere and threatened him saying “if you go near her again I’ll kill you” and shit like that” she tells her, and takes a bite of her burger. 
“Shit, that’s a good girl Haley” she says to the dog, petting her head. 
“Then John gave you a ride back here” she says to her.
Kate nods her head, while taking a sip of her drink, “Yeah, he’s gonna pick me up later”.
Morgan furrows her eyebrows at her "For?!”.
“He wants to spend time together” she says. 
She rolls her eyes, and smirks “Uhh yeah its called sex!!. He clearly wants to have sex with you”.
Kate narrows her eyes at her “We don’t know that”.
She scoffs, “Yeah it's obvious. So much for breaking up with him, and going with Wheaty, huh?”. 
Kate shrugs, “Yeah, pretty much” laughs softly.
“Did you hear that Alissa, Sarah, Becky, Layla, Dylan, Ryan and Kevin are going on a camping trip?!” she asks.
“No when?!?” Kate asks.
“This weekend” she answers. “Did they invite you?!”.
Kate shakes her head, “No they didn’t”. 
“Yeah, me neither” she says, rolling her eyes. “They invited Wheaty but I don’t think he’ll go unless you go. But that’s just my guess”
They finish off their food, and chill for a while before John picks up Kate. 
A few hours later around 7:30pm, John’s car pulls up in front of the house.
The sound of the car door closing catches their attention.
Kate gets up, and sees John walking up the driveway.
“Shit John is here, and I haven’t changed clothes” she says almost in a panic.
“Go get ready I’ll stall him” Morgan says getting up from the couch. 
-knock knock knock-
Morgan goes to answer the door, “Hey John” she says.
“Hi, uh Megan?” he says, unsure. 
“Morgan” she corrects him.
“Right Morgan. Is Kate here?!” he asks.
“Yeah, she’s getting ready” she says, “Come in” opening the door wider, and stepping to the side.
He steps inside, and tries not to look disgusted by the cheap furniture, and decorations. 
“Want anything to drink?” Morgan asks, her arms crossed as if she sensed his judgement. 
“No, I’m fine” he responds. 
Kate comes out from her room, dressed nicer than she was before. 
She actually put on a little makeup to make herself more presentable. 
“Hey“ she says to John, with a smile.
His eyes immediately fall to her, “Hey, you” he says. 
“Are you ready to go?” he asks.
“Yeah” she responds, nodding her head. 
He takes her hand, “Let go my dear”, and they go outside to his car. 
Leaving Morgan alone with the dog.
She watches them drive off down the road, “I hope you’re careful” she whispers.
They pull into the giant driveway in front of the gigantic ranch house, getting out of the car, and walking up to the house. 
This was the 3rd time she’s been to his house, and they’ve only slept together once, but there was no sex included.
“So my dear, you’re probably wondering why I brought you here. Yes?” he asks, with his back to her. Putting some books away. 
She sighs, “Yeah pretty much. Does this have to do with that jackass that attacked me?”
He chuckles, “You need my protection. I can protect you, if you’re with me no one will hurt you”
“Unless you’re a demon” she mouths.
With his back still to her, “I know you were there last night”. 
Furrowing her eyebrows “I’m sorry what?!” she asks, confused. 
He turns around to face her, “I know you were by the river last night. I know you killed one of my men”.
The blank expression on his face sends chills throughout her body.
“I-I don’t under-” she stammers.
He sighs loudly, and approaches her. Moving her hair away from her face. His right hand firmly holding the back of her head. 
“Don’t lie to me darlin’. I know you were there with the dog” he says, looking into her brown eyes. 
“You saw what was going on?. You now know what I do, and now I ask” he says pulling her closer to him. Their bodies pressing together. 
“Do you say yes?!” he asks.
“To-to what?!” she asks, an unsure tone in her voice.
“To be cleansed, confess and atone!!” he says, his hands gripping her arms tighter. 
“What?!?” she exclaims, “Cleansed?!? Like baptized?!?. 
“Yes! You’ll be cleansed, all your sins will be washed away. You will emerge free of sin” he says, (sounding like his actual self from the game). “That is how we can be together!!. Are you a believer or a sinner?!. When you’re cleansed, and reach atonement. We can finally be together!!. We can march to Eden’s Gate together!!!. All you have to do is say Yes!!!”
She breaks herself out of John’s grasp. 
“I-I don’t understand. Are you using me?!? For your Cult?!” she says, raising her voice. 
“I’m not using you!!!” he yells, pushing a chair over. Catching her off guard. 
“You’re my other half!!!. We are meant to be together!!!. Joseph saw it. He saw you. You’re my other half. You’re gonna be my wife!!. God has a plan for us!!! All we have to do is follow through!!. Say yes, and we can get started!!!!". 
Kate backs up to a wall, she feels like she’s gonna throw up.
Why the fuck is John saying all this?!? It doesn't make any sense?!? 
He doesn’t even know her that well to be in love with her, let alone call her his wife. 
Tears start to form in her eyes, she feels completely helpless in this situation. She regrets moving to Hope County, she should’ve finished her time in Wyoming. 
Morgan, who playing games on her phone, is very invested in it. 
Stops all of a sudden. 
Dropping her phone onto the floor.
She stares down at it, zoning out, staring at the floor. 
She gets a bad feeling in her stomach.
Images of people drowning in that lake where she saved those innocent people.
Flashing in her mind.
She gets the feeling she should’ve done something to stop Kate from going with John.
But she shakes it off, grabbing her phone off the floor and going on with her day. 
“Say Yes darlin'!!!” John says, breaking the silence in Kate’s mind.  
Trying not to hyperventilate, keeping her breathing steady.
“I-I” is all she’s able to get out.
“Say Yes!!’ he says, walking closer to her.
“No, no, no I can’t. I-” she stutters. 
“Yes, you can. It’s just one word” he says, his hands on both sides of her head. 
Trapping her between him, and the wall.
After a couple hours of pleading with her to say yes, and trying to keep his patience.
Kate finally agreed to say yes.
Saying yes to be cleansed, saying yes to confess, and atone. 
John took her to the lake near his house. He had some of his men set up a private cleansing just for the two of them.
Thinking this all just a bad dream.
“None of this is real” she tells herself as she’s being escorted to the water. 
“This all just a dream. John’s eyes are gonna turn black like a demon,, he’s gonna drown me, and I'm gonna wake up in my bed” she tells herself again. 
Two peggies escort her towards the water where John is waiting for her.
This was all similar to the nightmare she had the night before. 
She closes her eyes and prays in her head.
Hoping Castiel will hear her crying for help. Anyone, Gabriel, Raphael, Zachariah. Any celestial being!!.
“Castiel, or any other angel that can hear my prayer. Please I am in danger, and need help. Please hear me”. 
She comes to a sudden stop and opens her eyes. 
Her eyes meet John’s blues. He presses his forehead against hers.
He motions his men to leave. Leaving them both in private. 
He guides her into the water. 
The water past her knees, freezing cold, sending shivers throughout her whole body.
“In the words of Father Joseph, let the water cleanse your soul. Let the water purify you, and you will be free of sin” he reads from the Book of Joseph. 
He tosses the book to the dry ground away from the water.
“Are you ready my love?!” he asks, placing his hands on her waist. 
Morgan laying in bed, listening to music. 
She gets the feeling that should’ve stopped Kate from going with John.
She got a bad feeling about him, beside him being a Herald of the Cult.
That feeling that something bad is gonna happen to her, or that John might force her to do something.
Unknown to what it was, she should’ve stopped Kate.
“Fuck!” she yells, hitting her mattress, she sits up looking out her window.
“I should’ve stopped her Hale” she says to the German Shepherd laying at the foot of her bed.
“Yes” Kate says softly, trying to hold back her tears. 
John places his left hand on her waist, and his right hand on the back of her head.
Pushing her down into the water for a few seconds. 
The water filling her lungs, making her unable to breath.
Bubbles float up to the surface every time she tries to speak, or scream. 
“Castiel, or any other angel please hear my cries for help” she prays in her head. 
He pulls her back up. Her vision is all fuzzy, her head dizzy. Her first time with the Bliss. 
“How do you feel?!” John asks, his voice distorted.
“I feel-I feel dizzy” Kate says, disoriented and seeing two John’s.
He kisses her forehead, “You are cleansed. You will now move on”.
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