#not jbat rp
aough ough hWHAT
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character lore
filled out a character sheet for Jay (not to be confused with Jay from STT, mind you) - i lost the link to the op but if someone finds it i'm more than happy to add it.
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Notes: The "unknown" is just additional text, the amount of space the bar behind it takes up pretty accurately about as much space as would be by what is known of his power level. He doesn't really go around testing his abilities unless it's necessary.
His species, the Upright Kakapo, originates from the magical embodiment of reincarnated Kakapo spirits from our realm. Capable of flight and equipped with hands hidden under the feathers at the wrist of the wings, he's able to do more physically with his new body.
Some kakapo remember their past life, most don't. It's difficult to hold onto memories without words or symbols of some kind to stabilize them around. The thing that Jay remembers most is the taste of rimu fruit, and as such he has devoted himself to archiving plants of all kinds from every realm.
He does have a few magical artifacts: his staff, which he mostly wears around his back to ground and channel in case of emergencies, a small carving of his familiar's species (artistic rendition pending) that serves as a key to his 'tower' (which is a burrow that's basically an upside-down tower) and as a smaller-scale channeling tool, a porta-portal frame, and a sentient, hollow orb that he fills with bioluminescence from plants for light when he and others may need it (he does have dark vision but you need light to see color).
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I cast
Vaccine Against Divine Retribution
on myself!
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