#not me telling cyn my idea
letstrywritingmaybe · 7 months
The October prompts call for a sports team AU and of course on this first day, it’s a sad day for me sports wise. *sigh being a Steelers fan is pain
Look I know the sports AU should be soccer, I understand this, but I also don’t know shit about this sport. I lean towards a football AU, but I also feel like hockey would be so interesting. Baseball would make more sense though. I’m just kinda not sure what position he should play? Cause I have my biases and I just don’t know if it fits… I just also don’t think he would actually be good at any of the sports I love
Update: I am so excited for the AU you have no idea. I love when my fandoms collide! This is going to be so self indulgent (as if everything I write isn’t already)
Addition- I have a lot of insane ideas that never make it on docs. They’re just daydreams that I keep continuing in my head. Usually because I’m too lazy and don’t want to add another idea when I’m trying to catch up with my WIPs. But also because… I don’t enjoy getting yelled at for being “controversial” there’s so much we don’t explore with this fandom and I’m aware sometimes it’s just that I’m too American. But other times I’m like there are some very real issues that canon just ignores, which I get cause it’s like not that serious and it’s like a cartoon/anime. But sometimes I can’t stop thinking about the potential of it being darker, or if maybe we would just address this specific problem. But also, at my core I’m just a girlie who goes nuts over devotion. Loyalty is so important to me, and it’s a good trait that I often look for, but Omm when it gets to be too much I’m like yes! This! This is what I’m talking about. Being so insane and breaking all of your morals because you just love this person so much? Too much? Spiraling and the only cure is them? But it’s not healthy and maybe quitting cold turkey is the way to go, but it leaves you hollow and drives you even more crazy. Devotion to the point of insanity, whatever you ask I will do it as long as it means I get to keep you. There are no bounds for where I will go for you, it’s my duty, the reason why I’m alive. And now I’m thinking about the medieval verse *sigh
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l3monlem0n · 30 days
Some Murder Drones Episode 7 screenshots I thought were interesting and my thoughts on them :>
SPOILER WARNING!!!! is spoilering
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Nori, despite being a middle aged woman with a child, appears to be an Otaku or otherwise likes "edgy" and "scene" stuff, as well as listening to nightcore, very much like her daughter. Good for her tbh you're never too old to have fun
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She also has a photo of Khan and what I can only assume is baby Uzi, though it appears to have blue eyes, but maybe it's just the lighting. Still very cute she has a pic of her husband
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As well as all the previously mentioned Otaku stuff, she also drew herself as an anime character. She has a skinsona. Phenomenal (pos)
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Nothing much here, just Uzi coughing up blood. Girl got the goop (gore) inside of her already
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Lab Space. Apparently the Church was just down there and not even the humans know why. The canonicity of this is questionable; it could just be a joke
OT, as per google, stands for "Occupational Therapy". Makes sense for the context, and makes the bottom text funnier
"Fun Time To Universe Big Crunch: 87". The Big Crunch is a hypothetical way the Universe could end, where the universe folds on itself and shrinks into a single point. 87 "what" I don't know. If it's months, that 7 years and 3 months
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Honestly the Murder Drones lore is super confusing. I think what this is trying to say is that every other Zombie Drone is doing poorly, (Except for Yeva), they are trying to reactivate 002 (Nori) via the USB. I'm not sure what this means. Maybe they only got the results they wanted from the two of them, and are trying again with Nori since she was the only other one that worked (also why they got Yeva when she failed; this may all be referring to how the episode opened up) Also, the date says SER. As revealed in the episode Cabin Fever, Copper-9 has months that Earth does not. SER most likely stands for Seramorris, the month revealed in that episode
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Looks like the "bad event" wasn't the first one. Certainly was the last one though lol
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Just a good pic of ghost/hologram V with the scary stuff. Might use this as a wallpaper
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You can literally see the hole in his neck where N bit him in...
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...And it's to the point his HEAD FALLS OFF. (including because I didn't notice the first time around)
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Yup, the idea that Uzi became the Admin for N and V is completely true. I wonder what would've happened if she didn't, since Cyn didn't react whatsoever
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friggin bug (very pos)
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You would not believe how difficult it was to get a good pic of this (I'm using snipping tool lmao). Always a pleasure to see Uzi's doodles. Things her gun can do (upper right):
NOT judge her
Forced prom date (?)
Allows her to say she had friends before she frickin murdered them with sci-fi machinery
The cut off text at the bottom: Plan B: Normal gun + Shoot really fast
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This is while Tessa is looking for something in the lockers. Claws, chains, magnets, Wings, and scribbled "HELP". Looks like the lockers were all specifically to hold the infected worker drones. Oof
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We are in the future now baby. We have rererererereCAPTCHA. Funnily enough, it still couldn't stop a robot
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There is a message board where someone who doesn't like robots is talking. They also are scared. Also no one else is using this system, which is unsurprising. "Ur aight ;)" Wait is the winky face intentional foreshadowing? Or unintentional?
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We get the names of a bunch of other Worker Drones. Unfortunately for all 029 fans, her name was not visible. (also can someone tell me what "JWEB" could be short for?) And Yeva is said to have a patch. That may be the crucible thing idk
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Cyn (which I will be calling this version Skyn [Skin + Cyn]) apparently took of the space suit just to give Doll the Withered Foxy jumpscare. Honestly really terrifying. If this photo was teased before release I think the fandom would've exploded
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Just N being a good boy :3
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The MDs, Cyn's pets. Nori refers to them as "Nerfed" so the "Entity" can ensure control, and says they were made to destroy other hosts. I don't know why Cyn would want them dead, but I'm not the loremaster here. YouTube line is there because I couldn't be bothered after the Railgun image
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Probably already confirmed, but doubly confirmed that a symptom of the Solver is giving Drones organic insides. A Worker Drone body with a rib cage and guts. I wonder what would happen if the infection continued uninterrupted (also R.I.P. Doll I loved you :frown:)
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I'm sure everyone noticed, but when Uzi tried to manipulate Tessa, the ERROR noticed appeared. Already hinting Tessa is not all she says she is
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Apparently the Solver can create Black Hole Saws. Interesting development (Blackhole Blitz)
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I know most people (I think) see this as a joke and N just being a bit of goofball. But honestly, I think he did it intentionally to shock Cynuzi and give Nori a chance. In the Pilot, he licked V's sword to surprise her too, which means he isn't unfamiliar with doing something weird and surprising for the advantage
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Skyn eating Doll's core. R.I.P. Doll again. Seriously, was that Doll in Core Form like Nori was? Or was Nori a fringe case because she was "Exorcised" and this is just a regular core? Questions, questions. Also yeah the Solver also gives you a Core. Fun
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This tag makes me think that this body is Cyn's actual body. Not longer a hologram, but her actual body from the mansion. The reason Tessa gave N, J, and V their names was because that was the first letter of their Serial Designation (she's very uncreative). However, Cyn's tag was slightly faded, which meant her SD couldn't be seen, so Tessa gave her the name "Cyn" after her P/N, even though the other 3 already have the same P/N as Cyn (Tessa, again, is very uncreative)...
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...and for some reason, Cyn or the Solver, which ever theory you subscribe to, decided to wear Tessa as a skin suit for some twisted reason. It did help her with the Captcha. Also scary because this doesn't have the right proportions for an adult (unless Cyn really forced that skin on), which leads me to believe that this is a Younger Tessa, and she faked having an older voice. Maybe I shouldn't call her my wife... I'm sure Eldritch J is still available :^)
(Seriously, the eyes are burnt out, leaving two eye holes over the visor, so she gives herself two X eyes so it looks better. Also yeah we found out what that thing on the "It Came From Copper-9" poster came from. It really was Cyn or Skyn)
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Just a frame of the final...frame... for coolness. I'm probably also going to use this for a background. Also, this is definitely Copper-9. You can see the ring and ringless moon together on the right. Uzi somehow got sent to orbit after falling in the meat hole
Well that was all for now. This series has consumed me entirely, body and soul, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Goodbye and goodnight
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maranescence · 17 days
Felt impulsy and fan service-y, so I drew a few more screenshot redraws of MD Episode 7 but with @lumineary-arts ‘s Murder Drones Swap AU, since it’s a lot of fun! However, I mainly went along with what we know about her AU so far, tho, so I didn’t include other details like Swap!N and Swap!Cyn’s other parent (who would take canon Nori’s place). I’d leave it to the AU’s creator.
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I HIGHLY doubt Nate/Swap!N would tell Z/Swap! Uzi to “die mad”, I feel like he would apologize and genuinely feel guilty for sacrificing himself in front of her after she witnessed T/Swap!Thad do the same thing. Also I honestly loved how the solver symbol turned out! It isn’t perfect, but it sure looks great tbh! Also as some of you might know, backgrounds aren’t my strongest suit 😂
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This one was pretty simple, but I am SHOOK at how in-canon this turned out to look. If you zoom out really far, it almost looks like a photo from the actual show! This particular screenshot probably isn’t highly significant in the plot, but I thought that Maid V’s appearance in the episode was an excuse to draw Butler Thad (since V and Thad switch places), who of course is just a mere hallucination produced by the Solver here (unfortunately). Since the artist stated that the solver was Russian-speaking in this AU, I guess that it would imply that Butler Thad in this episode would speak the same language!
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Finally (my favorite one so far), the girl bosses ever! I’m kinda proud of how this turned out but HOLY HELL drawing the school bus was hard for me. I kinda got a little lazy and mostly blocked the majority of it with clouds 😂 I originally planned on having Swap!Tessa stand alongside Swap!J and Swap!V with a weapon in hand to reflect on her leaderlike personality, but I decided to put her up on the bus to make her look like the lady in charge. I kinda feel like I made her look a bit too intimidating, but I wanted her to have a “girlboss” expression. Look out, SD-L!
I wish I could draw a few more, but I ran out of ideas 😅 Also reminder: I tried to stay as in canon as possible, so PLEASE don’t hesitate to correct me if I made any mistakes!
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the-mighty-e · 29 days
Okay new theory while I make both my drawings and another analysis!
To make it easier for everyone, I'll just call Cynessa "Tessa" for this post
Okay so, we know that N, V and J have clones, main source of information was J with this line
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But, of course, Cyn too with these two lines, that were more specifically about N
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So yeah, we know J has clones, N has clones, so V probably has clones too. Where am I going with this? I actually have no idea.
I think that V is way more important than she seems. She was the first to get experimented on by the solver, the first to become possessed (not turned into a host) yada yada.
Tessa always specified that they're gonna save V, both in ep 6 and in this new episode. But here she sounds way more pissed
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With even the after being italic. V must be really important.
This is actually the first time we've seen Tessa being so "pissed". She probably wasn't expecting V, the one that should hate anything related to the solver the most, sacrifice herself for Uzi. As I said in my Vuzi post, she entrusted her whole life to her.
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That's why Tessa was so pressed about V at the start, and used that fake sweet tone with Uzi, telling her to sit, saying that "Robots like boxes" that's definitely out of charactet for Tessa, someone who loves robots.
It's possible that Tessa didn't want to lose V because she knew she couldn't get a clone immediately. As far as she knows, as I said in another post, N still has a crush on V.
She probably wanted to use V as a way to "calm him down" or, idk, basically telling him "oh yeah, your friend is dead, but you have your crush!"
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She even tried to use V to lower N's guard. She really thought that V was important.
Now tell me, if V was there with them, would the Solver had to create a worker V illusion? She would've just went with Cyn, or something else. But it chose V, because she's gone. So that would've made N vulnerable.
And later on it found out N's real weakness: Uzi. But that's already discussed.
Long story short: Tessa NEEDED V there, was pissed by her sacrifice because she couldn't get a clone and her plan was forcibly changed.
Thank you for coming to my kooky ramblings :)
Next analysis will be on Thad and Lizzy per request
ALSO very random but my spider senses (I'm a joke to humanity) told me that ep 8 will release on july 17th, so if I'm actually right then I'll ascend to godhood
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bigtittiecomitte · 4 months
Episode 7 predictions since it’s 2024
1. N and Uzi kiss scene
This one’s pretty simple, I really want to see them kiss, you want to see them kiss, everyone wants to see them kiss
2. Nori and Yeva flashback scene
I really do think that teaser that Glitch posted is a flashback with Nori and Yeva trying to find the cure too, it would make sense for them too especially with their connection to the Absolute Solver and the camp
The theories are nice but I don’t think that Nori and Yeva would just show up out of the blue randomly especially when they’re supposed to be dead, it made sort of sense with Doll but doesn’t make sense with those two cause why the hell did it take that long to come back, just seems like a flashback to me, also this would be good for some content on what not only were they like but also hopefully mention of Khan and Uzi from Nori’s mouth cause we still have no idea if Nori is even a good guy
3. Separation
It seems like from the trailer that N, Uzi and Tessa are going to be seperated. This would be good for some good sweet character development and how they handle things alone, Tessa might be looking at the dorms? Lockers? Idk what they are but of the patients especially Nori’s and hers might have something deeply puzzling Tessa because she full on slammed the door lol
4. Nuzi confession scene
Should’ve probably put this in first but I’m HOPING that N and Uzi confess their feelings, especially with the fact that they might die I’d be happy if they at least confessed before Episode 8 (the last episode) so we can see them being happy with each other before the angst
5. N shirtless
6. More Tessa scenes
I know girlie is really suspicious at the moment and I absolutely despise her for the whole kill Uzi thing but I actually really like Tessa she’s so quirky and so unaware of things it’s kinda funny
I love you Australian woman I still hate you for the kill Uzi thing tho
7. Fluff moments
As you know I hate angst, it makes me sad ☹️
8. Merch
I hope there’s more merch of characters that never got the chance to have some merch, as much as I love the N and Uzi merch there is not a lot of merch with the other characters like J, Tessa, Cyn, etc
Even V, I don’t want her to be in the episode but I think that she’s gotten at least 5 pieces of merch? Can’t really tell but I hope that J fans do get that plushie
I hope they make more keychains and stickers too, posters would be nice as well or even mats. Just some new pieces of merch instead of plushies, pins and Animatez (as much as I love them, I do hope that’s not all of it)
9. The absolute solver fucks off
I hate the absolute solver my girl could die because of it grrrraahhhhhh 😡🤬
That’s it, like share and subscribe for more content 😎
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midchelle · 7 months
how would you rank the different beatles couples wedding looks?
Now this looks like a job for me
9. John and Cyn (1962)
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I feel a little bad ranking them this low because the four of them had about two shillings to rub together between themselves, but this was just not a great effort. John appears to be wearing A Suit. Perhaps with a tie of some sort. Paul and George's fits look kind of similar, which makes me think he got married in his Beatles suit. I guess that was an appropriate start to their marriage.
Cynthia's having a classic Cher Horowitz faux Chanel suit moment. It's not a bad look, but it's literally something you would see in Zara. There's a pneumatic drill in the background. Cyn nearly got married to George instead. What a world that would be.
8. Paul and Heather (2002)
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Did you know this was one of the most expensive weddings in history? It cost 3.6 million. They rented a castle in Co. Monaghan. There were fireworks. Did you know that Heather Mills wore the most 1980s wedding dress known to man in 1989? These are the things I was forced to find out while researching this look.
I originally had this a bit higher. I didn't want to rank it low just Because Heather. But the more I look at this dress, the more I hate it. She's doing the Kate Midleton lace sleeves -- which, in fairness, was pretty forward-thinking in 2002 -- but then the lace just goes over the whole outfit, which has the effect of making everything look very same-y. Barbie in A Christmas Carol executed this idea way better.
I don't have many objections to Paul's outfit. He wore a vest. That's effort. And he matched his tie to the flowers. Like job done, basically. My only real issue here is the lack of vision. If I was Paul McCartney in 2002 and a knight of the British Empire or whatever, and I'm getting married in a castle -- I'd have a sassy little sword with me. Perhaps even just to cut the cake. Come on.
7. Paul and Linda (1969)
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Don't let the cuteness of the pictures distract you from the fact that they're both dressed like they have a meeting with Harry from accounting in an hour. Paul appears to have shown the barber a picture of the guy from The Peep Show. She married him when his hair looked like that. That's love.
It's possible that Linda is wearing a non-business casual outfit under the trench. We'll never know. The problem is that these people refused to get married any time outside of the cold months. It's weird how this is the one Indian thing they all adopted.
The kid is a fun accessory. I enjoy how she and Linda appear to be matching trenches.
6. Maureen and Ringo (1965)
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I enjoy how Cyn, John, and George seem to be haunting the proceedings in the second picture.
Originally, I had this lower, but you know what? I like Maureen's little Jackie O suit with the Peter Pan collar, and I love that hair accessory she has over her bun with the bow. Ringo is fine, even if he does look like he's wearing his Dad's jacket. I really don't think it's supposed to fit like that. You're Ringo Starr and this is your wedding, you couldn't get it tailored? Or just buy one that fits better?
And once again: she married him when his hair looked like that.
5. [ERROR] (1978)
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I saw a lot of sources saying the first pic is George and Olivia. It is not. The man looks a bit like George, but the woman looks nothing like Olivia. The second picture, I think, is from George and Olivia's wedding, and yes, that is the best quality I could find. I think George has the same '70s open-collar suit thing as the man in the fake picture, but that's about all I can tell. Olivia could literally be wearing a rug for all I can see about her outfit. Since this is Schroedinger's Beatle wedding look -- neither good nor bad since I Literally Can't See It -- it goes right in the middle.
I can't believe they wanted to have a small personal wedding. It's like they weren't even thinking about all the Tumblrinas.
4. Paul and Nancy (2011)
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Nancy Shevall's royal wedding dress ft. Paul doing a classic Paul pose.
Nancy's wearing a Stella McCartney dress -- cute -- inspired by Wallis Simpson of all people, which is kind of wild as royal wedding inspiration goes, but I like it. It's tasteful while still being unconventional.
Paul also looks great. The longer hair suits him much better. Nancy Shevall is a businesswoman, and it shows. She did not marry a man with bad hair.
3. George and Pattie (1966)
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Mary Quant herself personally designed George's coat. That's how serious this is.
It's a strange occurrence because this is one of the few times that `I feel more let down by the woman than the man. Don't get me wrong, Pattie looks great. Her hair's great. Makeup: great. The tights? The coat? Fantastic. But the dress itself does look like something I wore to my friend's birthday party when I was eight. Do better.
Not featured: Paul McCartney being out of his gourd during the proceedings. Sorry, Paul. This ain't about him.
2. Ringo and Barbara (1981)
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Unghhh they look so good. Sorry there's no joke.
Barbara's dress is so lovely and romantic -- I think it might be a top and a skirt, actually? Anyway, love the neckline, love the sleeves, love the bell skirt. The flowers tucked in at the waist? The lace? That's how you do lace, Heather! And Ringo. He got his hair cut by someone who actually likes him this time, and he's wearing a jacket that fits! That's how you know he was serious about it, and it shows -- forty-two years later. Very fond of the star pin on his lapel.
What really puts this look over a lot of the others is I do feel like they coordinated, her in all white and him in all black. And they one-upped both John and Paul by having not just one, but two kids. Beat that, McLennon.
John and Yoko (1969)
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You might've had a cute wedding look, a great wedding look, even, but did your wedding create enduring pop-cultural tropes? Don't think so.
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stvrlight-nyx · 15 days
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THIS SWITCH UP WAS CRAZYYYYY. I really can’t tell if this is the solver trying to kiss up to N or Cyn seeping through trying to overtake the solver using her
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The way Tessa is combined with Cyn is crazy it’s really cool I won’t lie. BUT HOW TF DOES THIS EVEN WORK LIKE. Solver speak to me tell me how this even works.
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LITERAL COOLEST THING EVER. I this Uzi is such a cool character, she has this strong independence and it’s just so girlboss. And having her catchphrase ‘Bite me’ IS SO COOL. She so eughhhh I love you /p .
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The space idea is so cool. Like is it a void? Is it a new planet? Is she gonna have to find a way to get back to N? Is she dead?
Personal I think it’s a void that represents absolute solver and it’s endlessness is it even possible to defeat or destroy it without destroying those infected with the solver, and/or Tessa and Cyn
Anyway thanks for reading my silly little analysis and theories see ya around
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monoc1ca · 1 month
Murder Drones Theories/Observations !!!
I'm sure any Murder Drones fans(myself included) are excited for the final episodes to be released soon! But, I've made some observations from the currently existing episodes that I'm not sure if anyone has brought up yet. Here are my points!
(Brace yourself, this may get lengthy)
Let's get into the longer stuff first. In episode 5, we are taken into N's memories and see what life was like for them while they worked for Tessa's rich family. I think it's worth noting that the disassembly drones that we know in the present time have yellow eyes. However, in these past memories, they have white eyes.
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Pay attention to the glow of the eyes, since it can get difficult to tell sometimes. Even if the yellow appears white sometimes, you can see the blurred yellow glow if you look closely. Here's a better comparison with past CYN and N:
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Maybe they(N, J, and V) haven't become disassembly drones yet? Honestly I don't think we even know what a disassembly drone is. Actually wait, N actually says exactly that: "Aren't you worried we have no idea what we even are?!" (from episode 3, time 4:22)
On the subject of eyes, I see people commonly confusing some colours with others. Doll has orange eyes, and Alice's eye colour sits somewhere in between Doll's colour and the disassembly drone colour.
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Idk it's like a copper?? Or they're the same and Doll's eyes are just dimmer than Alice's. The point is, they don't have yellow eyes. I'm mentioning this because the only drones we've seen associated with the colour yellow are the disassembly drones. Moving on!
At the end of episode 1, the last shot we see is this:
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You can probably see that this resembles the symbol of the absolute solver. Of course, I don't know what these devices are - satellites, cannons, or even landing pods or whatever - but this makes me think that the solver originates from off the planet and operates remotely. Additionally, it's been said that the Absolute Solver "took CYN as a host". So CYN and the Solver are not the same; they are separate entities. Or at least, they were. (We don't see CYN acting as a normal drone at any point, only as taken over by Solver.)
+ Other small details I noticed!
1- The lace headpiece that J, V, and CYN wear in episode 5 all have eyeball patterns on them. (resembling the Solver's signature tubular eye cameras)
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2- The binary code around the window says "01101110 1110101 1101100 1101100". Using a conversion site translates it to "null"
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3- The Copper system appears to be the furthest from Earth(based on what is shown), and at least 2 colonized planets excluding Copper 9 have been taken over by Solver. Earth has also been taken over/destroyed by the Solver.
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(the distance shown is not accurate to distance between planets, these are merely how I put the separate frames next to each other)
4- V is a zombie drone? Her eye screen displayed a 'Fatal Error' message earlier in episode 5 like other drones in the library, after which she ends up sporting the same wings and crazed state that Uzi had in episode 4.
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Adding onto this, while she is in her zombie mode her lights are yellow. After Uzi hacks into the Solver's body and lets go of V, her eyes are back to white and her behaviour is normal. - This is visible from a little before 18:00 mins. into episode 5 and the seconds that follow.
5- Tessa and CYN have the same hairstyle.
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I don't personally think this holds deeper meaning, since it's said that Tessa gives her favourite drones their hair. Oh I just noticed, CYN has the bow too!
6- The doll that CYN disassembles.
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I don't understand why this was shown in great focus in episode 5. The only thing I can possibly think of is that it implies that the Solver can take control of biological beings, like humans? I'm not really convinced on this, but this and my previous observation about CYN and Tessa could add on to the theory that's been going around that Tessa is being controlled by the Solver. Maybe if we saw present Tessa with her helmet off we could se what colour her eyes are?
lol jk I know the humans being silhouettes is a stylistic choice.
And that's the end! Feel free to correct me or add on to anything I've theorized about here.
Thanks for reading!
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oogaboogaspookyman · 4 months
Dayum i had a Murder Drones dream bruh
I'll tell ya the clips i remember from it, if any
Soooo there's a point where N is inside a school and he's looking around for sumthin' idfk and he stumbles upon a little girl drone with white eyes and i think jet black hair?? And she's obviously a fun lover that doesn't wanna be here but she recognizes it's a necessity so she rolls with it and does her stuff as told– okay so apparently she's gotta finish some homework about animals, what they are and what they do, the sort, and she's like- talking a lot about her home and how her family has to pay for wifi or sumthin' etc etc and N just goes "oh is that homework? Do you have to describe animals? I can help!"
And then the girl drone (who i'm calling Leni) just goes "yeah it's homework, boring but i gotta do it- it's something about animals, what they do and all- i sortaaaaa didn't finish it because i was bored out of my mind..." And N just spots a Sonic figurine on a shelf somewhere and goes "hey, what if you talked about that guy over there?" He means the Sonic figurine on the shelf, "what does a hedgehog do? Does it like anything? You could describe a hedgehog, it's an animal!" And Leni is just. "Heh, thanks dude!" And my lordy the smile N gives it kills me oughhhh yes baby boy you did a help a girl with homework!!! Uzi is lucky to have you ough
Another clip! There's the typical big dumb creepy guy that puts kids in detention trope! Yeah he just scruffs one like a cat and tosses them onto a hook, hanged like cloth (NOT HURT THOUGH! ALIVE AND HEALTHY!) And they're just "hey dude what did i do?! Get me off this thing!!" And the big creepy guy just. Giggles at 'em as he walks away. Idfk what else happened after that- but it has to do with N???? Did he fuck up????? He's a good boy who did no wrong wtf he stopped killing a long time ago!!! The Uzi simp allegations are exaggerrated!!!!!! Leave him alone bitch!!!!!!!!
So apparently the detention drone is just like. Roaming around the school, and N is just staying out of it's sight at all times– keeping Leni safe from it too because they're buddies now and he's a good boy– and at some point taps his foot on the floor lightly to make a sound to test if it can hear and... It does not. It's big stupid AND probably deaf. Or they're just lucky idk lol
Also Cyn is there too. There's a moment after the whole detention drone shebang where Cyn pops up behind some doors and is accompanied by like- another girl drone with ponytails and black hair that is also Solver infected, and she's already gotten the eldritch claws for hands too so she's probably been infected before even like- Camp Fever, to give you an idea of the time frame, and Cyn is just. "You said "shit" now you're getting punished" and apparently getting taken out of the school is a punishment??? They're just. Grabbed and Cyn fuckin' flies away with them both, leaving them with the rest of the gæng in a like- place with two random drop pods like the ones from episode 1 and 3, and fun fact! V and Uzi are there! They're alive and well! And yes N hugs Uzi first thing, ig Leni gets to meet the rest of the bunch now lol.
Oh yeah there's also Tessa i guess lmfao idk what she's lookin' for now
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veryloovy · 1 year
The "Uzi is Cyn/the unknown mansion drone" Theory Masterpost because I have been driven insane by stuff I've noticed.
Choosing to believe I was right in my post-episode 2 theories in that the unknown drone in the mansion and Uzi were connected, but specifically because of these screencaps.
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N, J, and V had white eyes in the flashback (if you level adjust the colors), unknown drone girl clearly has yellow eyes. Uzi's color briefly turns yellow in the pilot when Absolute Solver becomes enabled on her. Unknown girl's introduction glitches her eyes a few times in a purple tint.
So now I'm returning to this observation after episode 4 where this goldmine was dropped:
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This goldmine, whatever it means.
This goes in one of two ways. One, Cyn is a disembodied AI/horror that can possess drones with Absolute Solver enabled. Cyn possessed the body of the drone from the mansion before. Or...
Or: It's MUCH more fun to consider that Cyn is the drone from the mansion... and is Uzi's previous identity. Or at least is part of Uzi's psyche somehow. Before I get into this idea, let me talk about N's reboot message from the pilot. It's "STRING "ABSOLUTE SOLVER" BLOCKED BY ADMINISTRATION "CYN"" and I wanna point out that it doesn't actually refer to Cyn as an administrator. It's "Administration" and Cyn is placed into quotes, perhaps as a codeword? We know now from episode 4 the mansion drone did something terrible using Absolute Solver, so her name may have become the name of a failsafe placed on N, J, and V.
So, where is evidence for Uzi and Cyn being the same drone? I wanna point out something from the season 1 teaser:
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Wow, that looks a lot like the mansion from N's flashbacks!
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Same record player, wall lights, maybe same window even? It's very similar. So why's Uzi in this place she's supposedly never been in? Perhaps "Uzi" never lived there, but her life as Cyn did. If this theory is right, then the killed drones on the floor below her may represent J and V, whom she saw as competition to N's attention.
And also consider this:
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Uzi sees this figure while investigating the campgrounds. This figure looks a lot like Tessa. That, or it's Cyn (with black hair for some reason?). They both wear bows so that's no help lol. It'd be very strange for her to see either of these characters in this sort of hallocination way because she should have never seen either of them before. Perhaps it's old memories resurfacing? There's also a hand she sees peeking from the side, which is exactly what Cyn does when she first introduces herself to N, V, and J.
On a weird note, it'd been pointed out to me that if you brush Cyn's hair down and cut her longer locks shorter, it would pretty closely resemble Uzi's hair style. I only find that interesting because Cyn's bangs are so weird there's gotta be some reason for them looking that way. Idk take a look.
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Also while I'm at it, potential other clue to this theory or something AS-specific. When Uzi turns the arrow to flesh, her AS ability turns yellow. It turns red when it actually overheats later in the cabin (one wonders how this works on Doll). Every time we've seen AS and flesh it's yellow? Note Cyn showing off the tasty human hand in her mouth while her naturally yellow AS is activated. Uzi turns yellow when she decides to kill humans and later again when she turns the arrow to flesh. It was at the arrow scene where V became convinced that Uzi was Cyn. Yeah, this is all mighty suspcious lol.
Let's get into some weird stuff. Solver Drones have this zombie theme going on and Uzi does Fatal Error during this episode, so she's technically dead. Whether or not she's only dead now or has been for a while is debatable. See my last theory post on if she's even a Worker (anymore?) for additional doubt into our understanding of Uzi because we have never seen her Worker symbol at all for some bizarre reason.
On a related note, Eldritch J telling Uzi that "it hurts our feelings you don't remember us" is curious. It proceeds to show her an image of her and Nori. Nori's the key to whatever this is, this theory or not. Considering the "Uzi is dead" flags, perhaps the original Uzi died and whatever happened at Cabin Fever Labs led to Cyn becoming Uzi, who is only now beginning to remember this other past she had. The old Uzi being "reborn", so to speak, would provide an actual explanation for Khan thinking she had a totally different personality during the talk with the teacher and her classmates forgetting who she is. Might be a reach, but hey that's how it be when you talk about Liam's stuff.
Also wanna point out that Eldritch J's VA has been liking tweets about Cyn/mansion drone, most of which are theories like this where Cyn is the mansion drone. I can see that as only a confirm on her being Cyn's VA, but maybe a point for this theory.
Alternatively, this was all a huge red herring and Cyn is something entirely different. I am merely trying to read into this specific theory and see what connects.
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flare-the-freak · 7 months
Hey so idk if you remember my "wrath of a kind soul" theory, (basically how I think V's death will affect N) but in it I suggested the idea of N snapping at Cyn, saying how she ruined everything for him.
That's probably my favorite part of it. The idea of N snapping at Cyn, yelling how she took away his good life, she took V away from him, she took Tessa away, how Cyn isn't N's brother. Just a monster
Okay absolutely NO offense nor malice towards you at all, but that is NOT anything N would do. Let me get into this
Spoilers for series overall!
So in my "N should go batshit insane post" I said yeah N deserves to get angry, take back what he lost- but an overall theme in the fandom I've noticed is they ignore important parts of his characters. N literally has no enemies, like bro was giving tips to Beau while he sliced him open 💀 He is a no enemies type guy.
Sorta. We see by episode 4 he's FINALLY not taking shit, he's getting a backbone, he's not being mean, he's standing up for himself.
Going into him being angry and snapping at Cyn, he defiantly wouldn't. We know he sees her as a little sister and is willing to risk death for her (He literally knows how Tessa's parents are and instead of backing down like J and Tessa, he jumps in immediately to defend Cyn and lies for her sake.) Not only this but he learns Absolute Solver controls Cyn, who is helpless against it's control. (Note: I don't think Cyn is helpless herself by any means, she's clearly sadistic to a point since she only gets fully taken over by AS and goes spooky crab snake mode. But before this we can guess this is Cyn, as why would AS need to form bonds? That's defiantly Cyn forming those, but she's also mutilating bugs and dolls, combining them and from what we can tell even dragging other Worker Drones into the basement to experiment on- She's sadistic and not helpless overall but ONLY helpless against AS' control.)
He feels the need to protect Cyn, the need to help her, and is well aware Cyn and Absolute Solver are two different creatures. (It seems AS holds a sort of empathy and allows for hosts freedoms, but it heavily depends obviously.) Even Tessa points out they're two different ones.
I think N will get mad at Tessa, not Cyn, Cyn is gone, and Tessa yes was robbed of her childhood, but is now possibly lying to N. And people say blaming Cyn for V's death, or even Uzi (which who is LEAST at fault here, she was in severe pain and fighting of AS, and also lost a whole ass arm, she couldn't do anything if she wanted- some people seem to think she's at fault????) Cyn didn't do anything, neither did AS. Doll was at fault, Doll wasn't controlled by any means, she wasn't forced to release the Sentinels, she chose to. She chose to go after V.
And here's the other thing. V chose to stay behind, V chose to fight the Sentinels on her own and let the others go ahead. Anyways that's my rant lol, went on longer than I expected.
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revie-genette · 10 months
An analysis of the blurred concept art shown in the Murder Drones season 1 teaser
(part of it was also posted on Glitch's twitter account back in like March 2022 or something, but it wasn't the full image so I compiled both images together)
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It could be concept art for episode 2, but the background doesn't look like the cryosleep chamber there, it looks more like a facility.
I don't see any pigtails on the eldritch solver creature either, I don't think this is J.
My personal take on this concept art is that this is Uzi in Cabin Fever Labs, the facility briefly mentioned by the green roach in episode 4.
Some people have theorized the solver creature in the image to be N, or the solver itself or Cyn, but to me I think it's too blurry to tell, but I wouldn't surprised if it ends up being one of the candidates I mentioned.
or maybe this whole piece of concept art is just a random thing Liam drew to give him ideas for writing the series, but who knows?
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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It’s the morning after Felina’s birthday disaster and the bozo bros are interrupted on their way to work-
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-BY TWO SEPARATE THUNDER FIRES. HOLY HELL. Xander, I get that undying loyalty is the dog unique selling point, but could you please stop following these morons as they run towards the fire??
-Oh wow bro, that was a close one! -I cant’ believe none of us has died in a fire yet with how many of them we’re getting! -Tell me about it! It’s like something is trying to kill us!
Um ya, your own stupidity?? Just go to work. 
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-Look at us, Servilia, two old ladies and still so limber, huhu!🌸 
Ok Cyn I’m starting to worry with all your wholesome pet interactions, don’t you wanna hook up with at least iVan?? I mean he’s right there!
-I don’t know, what’s the point of romantic interactions without Don here to catch me cheating?😔💗
Aw Cyn, so loyal, up there with Xander!
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20K?!? FFS SANDY, at this point it’s literally costing us money to keep your dumb zombie ass employed.
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-̵B̴U̶T I̷ G̵O̴T P̴R̴O̵M̵O̶T̷E̷D A̴N̸Y̵W̸A̷Y🧟‍♀️
Ya and made 3k total, so you still owe me 17k!
-̵A̸N̵D̷ Y̴O̶U O̷W̵E̴ M̷E̴ M̸Y L̴I̷F̴E🧟‍♀️
Ok well, we’ll call it even!
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Look who finally managed to get an A+ now that he didn’t opt out of school.
-One day was all it took me, IN YOUR FACE, FAILINA
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-Uncle Sugar look, I finally bested Failina! 
Felina always had good grades, what you did was finally REACH her.
-Great job, buddy! Now go take your nap and Uncle Sugar will be here to train you tomorrow for your big birthday fight!
Your big what?
-Failina is obviously going to counterattack and ruin MY upcoming birthday, idiot, so we’re training for it and I’M GONNA DESTROY HER. MUAHAHAHA. Now if you’ll excuse me it’s time for my nap-nap time with gram-gram.
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Barth how can you be so wholesome and such a demon at the same time, I can’t. 
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-Ah, nothing better than just standing here, getting drunk in this open space while it’s raining!
Sounds good to me, time to leave you unattended for even a second and go wash the dogs with Sophie-
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-um, Sugar, why is your portrait missing from our family panel??
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-With my last breath.. I’m gonna use this death animation as aesthetically as possible.. and slide down the bathroom wall..
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-Ok can you people take this somewhere else, I’m trying to admire myself here. 
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-WAAAAH first my husband and now my nephew noooooo🌸
CYN PLEASE NOT NOW. Bro literally HOW did Sugar die, I feel he was struck by lighting or something and then made it to the bathroom and crawled up to die there?? I mean what the-
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-Hello :)
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-Well all the fires weren’t working so I had to get creative!
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-Great job, grandpa Jojo! Let me just clean all the death stink from in here..
-Grandma Sophie helped too, why do you think she rolled the want to wash the dogs?
OH MY GODDDD YOU ARE ALL PSYCHOS. Well whatever cause you know what?? Where others see a problem.. 
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..I see a romantic opportunity! 
-Please don’t do this, we have suffered enough.
You really haven’t, now get dialing!
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-̶I̵'̵M A̶L̷I̸V̵E̵!!!🧟
You got that about right!
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-W̵H̴Y̴ A̴M ̵I̵ G̷R̸E̸Y. ̸O̵H̸ N̶O.F̴U̶C̴K̷ Y̶O̴U̴, A̷U̸N̴T̵ S̶H̸A̶J🧟
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Welp.. You look great! 
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Real talk, I STILL don’t know how Sugar died, he doesn’t have a memory of seeing a ghost OR being hit by lighting! Spontaneous combustion?? Wtf
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-H̶E̸Y̴ ̵S̵A̷N̴D̸Y̶, N̸O̷T̴I̷C̴E A̵N̶Y̸T̴H̸I̶N̴G̵ D̴I̶F̷F̷E̶R̵E̸N̴T🧟 -I̴ ̸D̵O̵N̸'̴T̷, I̵ A̸L̸W̴A̷Y̵S H̶A̵V̵E T̸H̴I̶S S̵H̸O̵C̷K̴E̵D̵ A̴N̸D̴ A̷P̵P̵A̵L̶L̶E̷D̵ E̶X̸P̸R̶E̵S̸S̴I̷O̴N̷ ̶O̶N̴ M̴Y̸ F̴A̸C̷E🧟‍♀️
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-Y̴O̷U̴'̶R̴E̸ E̵V̷E̷N̸ H̴O̵T̷T̴E̴R̵ N̷O̴W̶, Y̵O̵U̸ ̷B̴I̸G̶ ̵R̶O̷T̸T̴I̵N̴G H̴U̵N̶K🧟‍♀️
OH THANK GOD. Let’s take you crazy zombie kids out on a proper date!!!
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-̴H̸E̶R̴E̶'̵S̴ T̷O̵ U̸S̴ A̴N̵D̵ A̸ ̵C̸L̴A̵S̷S̸Y̴ ̶R̶O̶M̵A̴N̵T̵I̵C E̶V̸E̶N̵I̷N̶G̵🧟 -C̸L̷I̷N̷K̴ ̷C̸L̴I̸N̵K̴🧟‍♀️
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-N̶O̸M̷ ̴N̶O̶M̴🧟‍♀️   -G̶O̶O̴D B̸R̷A̵I̵N̸S̵ T̶O̶N̶I̶G̷H̷T🧟
Ya ok I officially ship it.
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-̴I̷ L̶O̴V̴E̸ Y̷O̷U S̷A̶N̵D̶Y̵, W̸E̵ H̶A̴D̸ T̸O̷ D̴I̷E̵ S̶O̵ W̴E̵ C̷O̸U̷L̶D ̵B̸E̸ T̷O̴G̵E̵T̷H̷E̵R🧟 -W̴E̷L̵L I̸ D̵I̸D̸N̴'̷T H̴A̷V̷E̷ T̸O D̴I̵E T̸W̴I̸C̵E🧟‍♀️ -B̷O̵T̸H̴ Y̴O̶U̷R̸ D̵E̴A̸T̴H̴S̴ W̴E̸R̴E G̴R̷A̶N̷D̶P̴A̵ J̵O̶J̵O̷'̷S̴ F̷A̵U̸L̸T̴ A̸N̶D N̴O̸W̷ H̴E̷ ̷K̶I̷L̸L̸E̴D̴ M̶E T̸O̵O🧟 -Y̶O̷U̶'̵R̸E R̷I̵G̶H̸T̴,W̴E̵ ̵O̶W̷E̸ O̴U̸R̸ H̶A̸P̵P̸I̸N̷E̸S̵S̶ T̸O H̵I̵M🧟‍♀️ -I̶ W̷A̸S A̵L̸W̷A̴Y̴S H̴I̸S F̷A̷V̸O̶R̵I̶T̸E🧟
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fallenstep · 2 months
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I guess I'd call this short story A Lesson of tenderness ❤
I can't tell enough how much I loved drawing this comic about @m3k-fhr 's Cyn and my Luke. I just love them both so so much, my heart bursts with joy looking at this completed comic. ❤❤❤
I found this pic on pinterest and I knew that I want to draw them friendly sharing Luke's jacket. ^^
I don't know what kind of spell Cyn and Luke related ideas have on me, but I just can't draw single picture, it HAS to turn into whole comic. I just love picturing their lovely awkwardness and tenderness toward each other in multiple frames, so yeah, I guess that's why. :D
Luke and Cyn are two each other adoring friends, and Cyn is definitely special girl to Luke, as he is usually very reserved and would show this caring and gentle side to very few people he cherish. Luke is so not used to feel like this and he just doesn't know how to deal with such feelings and it makes him blush uncontrollably. I love seeing him this gentle, vulnerable and genuinely happy when he's with Cyn, completely forgetting his worries and doubts and being completely caught in the moment. :') ❤
Luke's phone lock screen with Ryder's (who belongs to my dear friend @westealtoys ❤) face, I just had to do this :'D
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harrisongslimited · 30 days
George Chapter of the Day
Chapter 13
Trigger Warnings: adult situations, swearing, drinking, sexual situations, slow burn romance,
**18+ only** Please.
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Chapter 13
It was 10am California time when Annie Magnum heard the phone ring. Although she was deeply invested in the letter she just received from her best friend, Joie, Annie jumped up to answer it.
They had been corresponding by letter, airmail with special paper to write on...blue and thin as tissue paper, but with her emotions in turmoil, Joie needed desperately to talk to her. No one knew Joie better than Annie.
"Oh my God...Joie!" Annie exclaimed. "you have no idea how happy I am to hear from you. It's been ages."
"I know. I just needed to hear your voice," Joie explained.
"I know what you mean and have I got a story for you! But I'm quite impressed by your travel schedule. Letters from all over the world....postcards from Paris and Germany. Girl, you've been everywhere. I've managed to get to work and the Santa Monica Promenade over the last couple of months. I've done nothing compared to you."
"Annie, I want to come home so badly. It's just been a nightmare." Joie proceeded to tell Annie about Brian and the incident where she picked him up from a bar. "He's been so rude. George told me that he's just protective of the boys, but it's more than that. He just hates me."
"Whoa, sweetie pie!" Annie announced. "What the fuck is all this about? Your letters are so perky...if it's been hell, you should have told me."
"I know. I know. It was just so hard to throw in the towel and give up. That's not my style. I actually haven't been in the office. I quit. That's what I called to tell you. For right now, I'm living in George's coach house on his property."
There was dead silence until Annie squeaked out, "What the fuck???"
"I know how it sounds, but the coach house is completely separate from his house. He can come and go and I'd never know it."
"Joie, does your dad know?"
"Yes. I talked to him the other day. I wanted to give you the address so you can write me here. George actually brought all my stuff from Freda's the other day after the Brian incident, as it will be known by from now on."
"Ok....almost living together. What gives? What, exactly, do you need to tell me? You and George? Come on, give it to me straight, you wonton hussy. Do not tell me that George Harrison popped your cherry??"
They both burst out in laughter.
"No, you dirty-minded, red-haired tart."
"All true. I'll admit it," Annie giggled. "Now give it to me straight, Batgirl, what the fuck is happening?"
Joie took a breath. "I don't know, Annie. George...he's been so good to me. He really looks after me, you know? I mean I know I was hired as an assistant to all of them, but..."
"But what?" Annie prodded.
"I don't know. Being here with George has been wonderful. He's just been wonderful." Joie admitted.
"What about Paul...John...Ringo?"
"It's just been different with George. I don't know how to explain it. Cyn, John's wife, says he's smitten."
"Well, use Charlie as a reference...."Annie offered. "Do you think he likes you?"
"Charlie was a nightmare. All he wanted to do was have sex. He couldn't have cared less if we had a conversation. George actually listens to me. We talked all night the night he left for this last tour. And he'll be gone for 3 weeks."
"And it doesn't hurt that he's hot as fuck, right?"
"Could this just be your body wanting you to have sex?"
"You mean I'm sexually starving?" Joie asked, then burst into laughter. "What about you? We were rowing in the same boat, if I remember correctly. You have something to tell me, missy?"
There was silence for a moment, then Annie spoke softly. "I met someone..."
"Yay!" Joie cheered. "Do I know him? Tell me everything immediately..."
"I'll spill in a minute. I'm not done with you yet," Annie told her. "Now what are you going to be doing while he's gone? Going into the office?"
"I don't know. The Brian Incident has put the fear in me, you know? But the office is crazy. The mail is unbelievable. Thousands by the day. Thousands. So I help Freda and answer the phone and just sort the tons of mail. We have 2 other girls now to help and Freda has been talking to Brian about opening an office in New York to handle the mail from the states alone. We'd handle just the European/Asian mail and the NY office would handle the American mail."
"Sounds like a whole lotta work, if you ask me. Now I want to ask you one question," Annie said to her. "Just one question."
"What's that?"
"How do you feel? How do you feel about George?"
Joie was silent a long time. "I miss him. I miss him a lot."
"Joie Armagh...," Annie brightened. "you're in love. You are actually in love with George Harrison."
"Am not," she answered in a blustery voice.
"You are too."
"I can't be."
"Why not?"
"I'm American. He's British," Joie stated as if that was a reason.
"What...is this the 1800's? We're allies now, you know."
Joie laughed. "Well, shit. It's just he's so... FAMOUS. I'm a California girl. Hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill after a day of beach volleyball."
"Joie, you are crazy. People fall in love all the time...for all the right reasons and sometimes for the wrong reasons. What do you say, girlfriend?"
"Well, he's not in love with me."
"Sounds to me like he's doing an awful lot to show you how he feels."
Joie thought she would change the subject. "So tell me about you. What have you been doing? Tell me about your mystery man."
"You're avoiding my questions...."
"I know."
Joie thought a long time about their conversation. No one knew her better than Annie. They had been friends since first grade. Was she falling in love with George? What would she do if she was? Well, perhaps a delightful heavy petting session...followed by...uh...what? Sex would be lovely but Joie knew she had literally no experience and George was more than likely a 5-Star General when it came to bedding a bird. Joie wouldn't be able to handle the humiliation of not knowing shit..
Well, it wouldn't matter anyway, because it takes 2.
"Well?" John tapped George's feet as they hung off the bed.
"Well what?" He looked up from the letter he was writing.
"C'mon, you horse's arse. Joie?? Have you told her how you feel?"
"Working on it," George gave him a sly smile.
" She, Cyn and Mo are getting to be inseparable."
"I'm glad. Really."
"So what's your stupid as shit idea?" Paul chimed in. "Like what's the plan?"
"No plan. Flying by the seat of my pants, actually," George explained. "I'm letting Joie have the reins. She's fairly shy. So I'm going to be patient."
"And while you're being patient, some doctor or lawyer or banker will sweep her away."
George shook his head. "Not Joie."
"You're daft," John and Paul echoed and left George to his letter.
Rolling over on his back, the pen tapping his chin, George thought about the girl with the lovely auburn hair. Touching her, kissing her was all he could think about. Her eyes were incredible...dark with golden flecks in her irises. She probably has no clue what he wanted to do with her.
As the days went by, Joie missed George more and more. One night she actually slept in his bed, the scent of his aftershave covering his pillowcase. She pulled the pillow to her body and began moving her fingers over her flushed body. She moved slowly, touching herself and envisioned George being there with her. It was all pretty simple to please yourself...but how the fuck do you please a guy?
Hand jobs, blow jobs, penetration and orgasm. She hoped there was more than just the mechanics. Maybe it comes naturally...she hoped so anyway.
The house was big and empty. She missed living with Freda. The kittens kept her company, and by now she had named them. Kit and Mouse. It seemed to fit.
But more and more, she missed home. She missed California, her dad and Jordan. She missed sunshine and hamburgers. She missed the beach. She missed Annie. She missed baseball and ice hockey. She even missed school. She had decided that when her visa was up in another 2 months, she would go home. Joie would be appreciative of everything, but she decided that California is where she belonged.
He was calling from somewhere in Sweden when he and Joie began discussing her going back home. George couldn't imagine losing her now. He wished she would stay on the basis of her feelings for him, but what those were, he couldn't tell. Was she just being a good assistant or was she attracted to him? He wasn't sure what else he could do to show her he wanted all of her and, as time went by, needed her too.
"I'm going to have to face Brian at some point and I want to be able to make him happy. I'll turn in my resignation," Joie told George. "I shouldn't even be telling you this. You are really the boss, after all!"
"I gave up being my own boss when I became a Beatle," he told her, fatigue evident in his voice. "I gave up a lot when I became a Beatle."
"But George, like John said, how long could it last?" Joie said. "Enjoy it for now and figure in 5 years you will more than likely have your life back."
"None of us will be doing this in 5 years," George answered. "It's making us old already. My nervous system is shot."
"I heard about the next movie...." Joie said softly. "That will give you a break."
"But who knows when that will happen?" George said. "I figure they want it started fairly quickly....strike while we're hot, so to speak."
"We just have to get through this now," Joie said. "And we will."
"Yes, we will," George answered. "So you won't run away before I get back?"
"No, of course not," Joie laughed. "Kit and Mouse need me."
Later that afternoon, a tearful Cynthia called. "I'm coming over with a bottle of wine. Julian is with my mom and I need some girl talk. John is 500 miles away and we had to get into a fight on the phone. I'm so upset...."
"C'mon over," Joie said. "I'm here."
Cyn showed up with 2 bottles of wine and 2 red, puffy eyes. She had been crying for a long time.
"He doesn't mean it half the time," Cyn said. "But he can be very cruel. Then I talked to George and he calmed me down. How things have changed since the days George followed me and John around. We've watched him grow up since he was 15."
"I know. He told me he used to tag along not understanding you and John probably wanted to be alone."
Cyn finally laughed. "I love him with my whole heart. He understands things very deeply now."
Joie exhaled a breath and nodded.
"So what are your feelings?" Cyn blurted out. "I hope you are not leading him on. He's too important to me to let him get hurt."
Joie blinked several times and shifted from her position on the floor. "Cyn, what are you talking about? I'm staying in the coach house. Nothing has happened."
"Really? It seems to me that you aren't seeing things as they really are," Cynthia said pointedly. "George is clearly crazy about you. How can you not see that?"
"What? What do you mean?"
Cyn tapped her forehead. "Don't tell me the British are more open with their feelings than the American's are...."
"Cyn, what are you saying?" Joie asked, a funny urgency building inside her.
"I'm saying everyone and their brother can see George is crazy about you. The only one who doesn't see it is you." She answered taking another sip of wine. "I mean from what I see anyway."
"George has been very good to me. I don't think he's 'crazy' about me," Joie replied with a shrug. "He's been a perfect gentleman."
"So you are saying that if he was trying to grab a feel that would prove he's interested in you?"
Joie blinked at Cyn. Tears began to well in her eyes. "No...of course not. Oh my God....."
Cyn pulled up to her knees. "Oh, don't cry. Or I'll start crying and we will never stop."
Joie's emotions were all jammed up. She was crying and laughing at the same time.
"I don't get it, Cyn...."
"He's in love with you. Is that so hard to understand?"
"Yeah. It is. I guess I'm just used to fighting off boys who just want to get a hand on you....or want your hand on them."
"Americans...."Cyn joked. "I think the key word is 'boys'. George isn't a boy. He's been through a lot and learned from it. He's a man....a man who is love with you."
"I don't really think that's true. I mean how do you know?"
"Would it matter if I told you? I mean, how do you feel?"
Joie thought for a long time and took a drink from her wine glass. "I miss him, Cyn. I miss him. I know that for sure. Nothing would make me happier than seeing him walk through that front door."
Cyn smiled brightly. "That sounds just a little like love to me."
Joie leaned forward. "I don't know what love is. I've never been in love."
"I think you know what it is. You've just never experienced it."
"When did you know that you loved John?"
Cyn looked at Joie. "When I missed him."
They sat on the floor and ate the meal Joie cooked for them. Cyn opened the other bottle of wine as they cleaned up the kitchen and talked about Julian and families and clothes....and George.
"I'm not as fashionable as some of these English birds," Joie told her. "California is pretty laid back when it comes to fashion. It's not like New York or London."
"I think George likes the fresh, clean look..." Cyn teased her.
Joie laughed. "He got that full in the face the night he brought me back from London after the incident with Brian. I took a shower and had no make up or anything. I must have looked like something the dog dragged in."
"I think George was very worried about you after that. None of us could believe Brian did that to you."
"Oh, it's ok now. George came to the rescue."
"My point exactly."
Joie looked at Cyn. "I think I'm beginning to understand...."
All of a sudden, the front door swung open and George stood there with Mal. "9 am Mal. Bright and early."
"George...." Joie exclaimed, running toward the door. "What are you doing here?"
He only smiled at her. He dropped a small bag on the floor and looked at Cyn. "You girls have a nice time?"
"Very nice," Cyn said collecting her things to leave. "My cue to go."
Joie looked from George to Cyn and back again. She didn't know what to think.
"Thanks, Cyn," George said to her, kissing her cheek as she exited.
"No problem," Cyn answered. "And I'll talk to you soon Joie..."
"Bye Cyn" Joie called after her.
George made sure Cyn got into her car safely and returned to Joie. They stood 10 feet apart, Joie just looking at him.
"But...but...you're on tour...." Joie said, confused. "How....why....? Did something go wrong?
"Yeah, something went beautifully wrong." he answered, watching her carefully. "I don't want you to go back to the states, Joie. I'd really love for you to stay."
Neither of them moved. Tears began to well in Joie's eyes. She blinked quickly. All of a sudden she ran to him and jumped into his open arms. Joie buried her face into his collar and held onto him. He smelled amazing. His arms held her tightly and his body seemed to curl into her somehow.
Neither of them could let go.
"Joie...." He said softly into her neck.
"George..." she responded. "What are you doing here?"
He shifted so he was able to frame her face in his hands. He kissed her on the lips very gently. Then held her again.
"Pack a bag," he whispered.
She leaned back to look at him. "Where are we going?"
"You're going. Not me. I've got to catch a plane back to Sweden before noon tomorrow."
Joie shook her head not understanding. "So what do I pack?"
"Enough clothes to last a week or so."
"Where am I going?"
"Just be ready in 15 minutes."
Joie reached up and kissed him back. "Ok."
And she raced off to the coach house to pack a bag.
She felt warm in the car for the 30 minute drive to George's parents' house. He held her hand in his lap, unwilling to let her go now that he had her.
"But George, I just can't park myself at your parents' house until you come back. It's such an intrusion..."
George shook his head. "I always thought American's busted into their neighbors houses all the time. Loose. Free. You are more worried about appearances than I thought."
"It's just that I don't know your parents....and it seems like a lot to ask. 'Oh, can a stranger come and stay for a couple of weeks'?"
"You are not a stranger. Besides, I thought you said you trusted me."
"I do...."
"Ok then," George told her. "Sit back and relax. We'll be there soon."
"But what about the cats?" she asked suddenly. "We can't leave them."
"Cyn's going to stop by."
"You planned this all out, didn't you?" she said, tilting her head at him.
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mimic-from-the-lab · 7 months
Doll, the weird issue is hard to ignore
A rant on story and character motivations, featuring Doll.
*Before Episode 7 so all my thoughts are based on that*
Before I go ahead, I love Doll. From aesthetic to personality.
But my gods, her place in the story. This hasn't been an issue till I started writing her into fics, till I realised rather quickly how her story and motivations just don't work.
I could ignore it if it was a crazy thing, except she isn't. She is meant to be a bot on a mission of revenge and wanting to be alive at the end.
Revenge; to kill the bots that killed her parents. Fair, solid. Would be fine if she hadn't failed, either the events of the prom fight impacted her so much that her eye has turned yellow or other internal weird things which quickly leads to.
Wanting to be alive; why would she be looking for a cure otherwise. Also very fine but she probably shouldn't have gone all power crazy in the first place cause where would she go afterwards.
Granted with bot logic of these people will forget what bad thing you did so you can come back and live with them.
Buuut, she still hasn't done point one, revenge. Which has to use her power to do so. And she made an indirect attempt in ep 6 for the dingos to do it.
My only thought on her plan for the later episodes is simply.
Find the source of the power to be able to continue to use it, so find Cyn and find out how to fix it to save her life.
She has no other path than that. And it isn't going to work out for her, not if Cyn values the others over a random drone with solver that she is trying to get rid of or assimilate. For whatever reasons. Well assimilation makes some sense...
Now on to some of the weird story choices in her own plans.
Point one
Her plan to get V into Prom. Murder other bots who would have family that missed them.
Weird, you could have just found her outside or added in some steps to make sure the other disassembly bot wouldn't be included. Or I don't know just used Lizzy to continue to befriend her and get her where you needed without involving everyone else.
But no, an over the top plan to kill a bunch of teens to then get your chance to get revenge. But it was meant to fit with Carrie/prom murder so a bit of a pass for style.
Point two
She didn't need to run ahead of the others at the lab unless she knew something and needed to be alone for it for some reason. Still weird hopefully we will find out about that real quick but I doubt Cyn is there so I have no idea why she wanted to get there besides the cure but again she could have taken Uzi to keep her promise. Buut she still hasn't done revenge. Unless she has given up on that, ehhh.
Point three
She promised to help Uzi when she found out about her having solver, how sweet and that should mean that she will team up with Uzi to find out everything. Right?
No, she leaves Uzi behind, for dead with the dingos to be killed with the others whiiile she was in the middle of the power freaking out. She tells her goodbye with a salute.
Something about this doesn't sit well for me, I very much doubt we will get an explanation considering we haven't so far with other things.
Again I like her, I don't like how she has been used in the story at least with so little.
I am just so confused with her, I would like to chuck that up to limited story time and I can't blame the show writers for that. I should be glad to have her at all. But writing a character is hard if you don't know what they want or what goals they got. There is a lot of that in the series with more characters then Doll.
With her having nothing as a part of the story, I can't imagine she will live for much longer. I imagine she will be used as a warning for Uzi about continuing down the path she has or about usage of solver. While giving Uzi a single clue to continue on, in whichever direction.
The fan writers out there can only guess a path and try to stick with it till something is revealed. Then cry and try again to rewrite it.
Anyone else out there that is worried about this, I say just make a version with your best guess. Still make whatever you want with some wiggle room..
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